Mesotherapy or plasma therapy for hair care: which is better?

For problems with the scalp and hair, the use of subcutaneous or intradermal administration of biologically active compounds may be indicated. This technique is called mesotherapy of hair and scalp. It helps in solving a number of trichological and dermatological problems - eliminating dandruff, activating hair growth, treating baldness caused by various external influences. The technique is non-surgical and minimally invasive, suitable for any hair type, practically painless and highly effective.

Achieved effect

The effects of the manipulations performed during hair mesotherapy are achieved due to the fact that the administered biologically active cocktail directly penetrates the hair follicles, stimulating them to activity. On average, in order to obtain a relatively pronounced and noticeable effect, it is necessary to perform a series of injections every 2-3 weeks for at least three months. To obtain a sufficient and lasting effect, it is necessary to carry out successive courses of 5-10 procedures throughout the year.

Among the key effects that are achieved with hair mesotherapy in St. Petersburg:

  • stimulation of the activity of hair follicles that are in the sleep stage;
  • reducing the severity of hair loss due to alopecia;
  • restoring the balance of the hydrolipid film on the surface of the scalp, including dryness, flaking or dry seborrhea;
  • normalization of sebum separation processes, elimination of excessive oiliness in various skin pathologies;
  • reducing the risk of early gray hair;
  • prolongation of the period of active hair growth;
  • stimulation of blood circulation in the vessels of the skin, increased metabolism;
  • increase in strength, volume, thickness of hair;
  • structural hair improvements.

Causes of hair loss after coronavirus

Intense hair loss or telogen effluvium begins suddenly, 2-3 months after coronavirus.
Hair follicles fall out in large clumps most often during combing or after a shower. After Covid, hair falls out due to several reasons:

  • deficiency of nutrients in the body;
  • impaired blood supply to the scalp;
  • low levels of B vitamins;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • severe stress;
  • high body temperature and intoxication;
  • decrease in hemoglobin concentration in the blood;
  • violation of the detoxification function of the liver.

In addition, hair loss after COVID-19 is caused by side effects after long-term use of potent antibiotics and hormonal therapy.

What components are used in scalp mesotherapy?

For each person, the trichologist selects a complex of administered biologically active compounds strictly individually. They are selected taking into account the client’s wishes, expectations and indications, age and additional criteria. The basis of cocktails for mesotherapy is vitamin and mineral components. Peptide components in combination with copper and zinc are so-called inhibitors (substances that suppress activity) of alpha reductase. This enzyme depletes hair follicles. Cocktails with B-group vitamins have metabolic effects, amino acid cocktails stimulate the formation of keratin in the hair, strengthening the hair shaft and restoring the hair structure.

In some cases, stimulants for the formation of new capillaries, agents that improve microcirculation and nutrition of the epidermis are added to the cocktails. This is, for example, coenzyme Q10 or carnitine. To restore the skin, dexpanthenol is indicated. It has a calming, regenerating effect. For dry hair, hyaluronic acid is indicated.

How to treat alopecia: expert recommendations

To restore hair in the post-Covid period, it is important to follow several recommendations:

  1. Calm down and don't panic. Nervous stress will only accelerate hair loss.
  2. Increase the frequency of shampooing to maximize cleansing of the scalp. Excess sebum can worsen alopecia and cause inflammation of the epidermis.
  3. Balance your diet. Be sure to include seafood, offal, vegetables, herbs, eggs, cereals, dried fruits, nuts, berries and fruits in the menu.
  4. Start taking a multivitamin complex containing B vitamins, pantothenic acid, biotin, niacin, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.
  5. Minimize coloring, permanent styling, styling and hair drying.
  6. Use special anti-hair loss products. It is forbidden to independently heal hair follicles using folk recipes, using pepper masks and lotions due to the risk of chemical burns.

Also, you should not comb your hair immediately after washing; you should first pat your hair with a towel and dry it slightly.

Indications for mesotherapy for hair growth

A course of mesotherapy for hair growth can be recommended for various hair and skin problems. For example:

  • different types of alopecia (diffuse, focal, focal or androgenic);
  • fragility and excessive dryness of hair;
  • constant dandruff, unavoidable by other methods, itching of the scalp;
  • preparatory stage before hair transplant surgery;
  • premature graying;
  • signs of ringworm;
  • seborrheic eczema of the scalp;
  • hair problems after childbirth;
  • split ends;
  • hair damage, hair loss, weakening after frequent curling and dyeing, aggressive procedures.

A trichologist can also prescribe mesotherapy for other indications or for preventive purposes.

Gray hair treatment in Moscow

Today, the most effective method of preventing and treating gray hair is mesotherapy of the scalp. Preparations that contain large amounts of B vitamins, oligoelements, as well as precursors of the melanin pigment, which provide color, are injected into the scalp. Mesotherapy using nicotinic acid gives good results. In addition, mesotherapy improves blood flow in the scalp, which improves nutrition.

As a complement to mesotherapy, external agents with zinc, copper, and iron are also used. The selection of drugs for external use is made by the doctor at the appointment.

The principle of action of medicinal preparations is to saturate the hair and scalp with the missing microelements, vitamins, and precursors of the melanin pigment.

The therapeutic effect will appear only on growing (forming) hair. Hair that has already grown out cannot be changed; it can only be cut or dyed.

Treatment of gray hair is most effective if the cause of gray hair is metabolic disorders, external factors, lack of microelements, vitamins, and atherosclerosis.

Advantages of our clinic

  • The most modern methods of treating gray hair, short and effective diagnostics.
  • Short courses of treatment: 10 mesotherapy procedures are enough for gray hair to disappear or become noticeably smaller. Mesotherapy is carried out once a week. The treatment is easily tolerated by patients, the procedure is comfortable.

The clinic's doctors restore natural youth and health to hair. Hair not only regains its natural color, it becomes stronger and thicker. Patients who have undergone treatment do not need to dye their hair; their lost youth returns.

On video:

hair treatment with biorevitalizant Hair Filler. New generation drug

Contraindications to hair mesotherapy

Although the procedure is quite safe, there are a number of contraindications for its implementation that must be taken into account before starting the sessions. Intervention not indicated:

  • during menstruation;
  • at any three meters of pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • against the background of cholelithiasis;
  • when taking anticoagulant drugs or blood diseases;
  • if you are allergic to the components of cocktails;
  • against the background of infectious skin lesions at injection sites;
  • for any type of tumor.

Mesotherapy is also prohibited if mental disorders are detected, immunity is reduced or there are endocrine disorders.

How is this procedure carried out?

Like any mesotherapy, this procedure involves the introduction of a special complex of drugs into the skin, in this case, the scalp. With such an effect, it is important to introduce the drug into the middle layers of the skin, which is why the name of the therapy comes from - “meso” means “middle”. Patients come with different, sometimes opposing problems - for example, dry or oily hair, so there is no single method. The cosmetologist selects components for administration by injection individually, taking into account many factors, such as:

  • scalp problems;
  • presence of hereditary diseases;
  • the presence of contraindications to other treatment methods;
  • systemic diseases in the patient's history.

It is the individual approach and professionalism of the cosmetologist that guarantees the high effectiveness of the procedure in mesotherapy. Traditionally, the therapeutic complex is made up of ingredients such as organic acids, amino acids, vitamins and microelements; the use of collagen and elastin, as well as homeopathic medicines, hyaluronic acid, etc. is equally important.

Intradermal injections during treatment ensure the delivery of drugs directly to the affected area, which means the effect can be expected much faster than with other methods. Mesotherapy nourishes the hair roots and can even cure alopecia, although this is a rather lengthy process. At the moment, this is the most effective way to influence hair follicles, and therefore treat baldness and problems with hair nutrition.

How does the procedure work?

When carrying out mesotherapy of the scalp and hair, several variants of injection techniques are used:

  • multipuncture;
  • median nappage;
  • superficial;
  • papular.

The composition of biologically active components is administered subcutaneously - as close as possible to the follicle zone - in extremely small doses. Injections are carried out at a distance of up to 15 mm from each other. Several injections are given in the neck area to stimulate growth points. Before and after the procedure, the doctor will treat the injection sites with solutions of local antiseptics to prevent infection.

How to restore hair after Covid?

Hair loss after COVID-19 is a reversible condition; it is enough to contact the highly specialized specialists of our clinic in a timely manner.

Hair treatment after Covid in Moscow consists of the following procedures:

  • Fractional scalp mesotherapy is an injection technique aimed at restoring the health of hair roots through the administration of special medications;
  • scalp mesotherapy is a therapeutic procedure designed to strengthen follicles, accelerate hair growth, restore hair density and normalize the hydrolipid balance of the scalp;
  • plasma therapy for hair PRP - injection of your own plasma enriched with platelets into the skin.

After trichoscopic procedures, doctors will create an individual program for hair restoration and care.

You can sign up for consultations and procedures on the website or by phone. We will restore thickness, strength and health to your curls.

Limitations after head mesotherapy

The procedure can be performed at any time of the year, but if it is cold outside, it is recommended to wear a hat during the procedure. In the summer, it is important to protect your head from exposure to UV rays with a scarf or hat.

Immediately after the procedure, scratching is not recommended; for 4 hours you should not touch the skin on your head with your hands or scratch it. Applying any medications to the scalp after the procedure is permissible no earlier than 12 hours later. You should not wash your hair for 2 days, especially against the background of discomfort and redness at the injection sites. Active cosmetic procedures are postponed for a week, solarium or sauna - for 3 days.

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