Labia surgery | Reduction, correction and resection

Making the labia minora beautiful: removing the unnecessary, returning what was lost.

Labiaplasty is an intimate plastic surgery to remove excess skin of the labia minora (labia) in order to reduce their size, change their shape and resect the edges to eliminate their wrinkling and hyperpigmentation. Labia reduction is often performed for aesthetic reasons; less often, plastic surgery is required for medical reasons. Clinics began performing labiaplasty under local anesthesia in the 70s of the last century in the USA, in the Beverly Hills area of ​​Los Angeles, California, recognized as a trendsetter in the beauty industry.

Plastic surgery of the labia minora is now in great demand among modern girls. Correction of the external genitalia helps to give them an attractive appearance and eliminate cosmetic defects. Moreover, sexual sensitivity sometimes even becomes better - with labiaplasty, you can slightly expose the clitoris by removing the excess of its hood. Or, simultaneously with shortening the lips, excision of excess skin folds in this delicate area.

Our advantages:

  • 95% of patients say: “it was worth it”;
  • ₽ 30 - 45,000 average cost of the service;
  • confirmed by before and after photographs;
  • complex solutions in one operation;
  • the best labiaplasty clinic in Moscow;
  • 3-5 days of inactivity;
  • labiaplasty under local anesthesia,
  • online support for the patient after surgery;
  • best labiaplasty surgeon, head of department, kmn.

Why are the labia minora needed?

The labia minora (labia minora pudendi) is a pair of thin longitudinal mucocutaneous folds located in the genital cleft medially from the labia majora. The MPG surround the entrance to the vagina, connecting in front, forming the frenulum and clitoral hood, connecting at the back, forming the frenulum of the labia.

The labia minora are an erogenous zone; they cover the entrance to the vagina and the external opening of the urethra, protecting the vagina and urethra from infection, and direct the stream of urine away from the genitals.

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You need to be prepared for various kinds of unpleasant sensations after the procedure: pain, swelling, slight bleeding. A few days after the procedure, all of the above phenomena will decrease significantly. Thanks to good blood supply to the pelvic organs, recovery occurs quite quickly.

But for the first 3 weeks you should adhere to the following restrictions:

  1. Abstain from sexual activity
  2. Take prescribed medications
  3. Gentle hygiene without using soap
  4. Sitting less
  5. Wear comfortable cotton underwear

2-3 months after labiaplasty, you can fully evaluate the result!

WE ALSO ADVISE YOU TO READ: Read more about rehabilitation after labiaplasty

Where is the best place to have labiaplasty?

Call to make an appointment at the clinic with surgeon Vladimir Kosinets. At the consultation, the feasibility of performing surgery to change the labia will be determined, recommendations for preparation will be received - tests, checking the absence of contraindications.

Variants of the structure of the labia minora

The labia are an intimate (hidden) part of the body. There are no generally accepted canons of beauty in this area, and yet, the sexual attractiveness of this area is of great importance to many women and their partners.

From an aesthetic point of view, it is generally accepted that in a standing position, the labia should be visible, slightly protruding beyond the edge of the labia majora. The normal length of the MPG (from base to edge) should be no more than 4 cm.

From a medical point of view, hypertrophy, elongation and asymmetry of the labia minora are distinguished.

MPG hypertrophy

With hypertrophy, there is thickening of the walls, increased folding and elongation. The labia minora are enlarged evenly and symmetrically throughout.

MPG elongation

Elongation is lengthening without thickening; more often there is a lengthening of the middle part of the labia minora. Elongation can be congenital or acquired.

Reasons for MPG elongation

  • Heredity;
  • Prematurity (the labia majora do not cover the labia minora);
  • Masturbation;
  • Age-related atrophic changes;
  • Age-related atrophic changes;
  • Traumatization (childbirth, horse riding, cycling, masturbation);
  • Constitutional features (asthenic body type).

PGM asymmetry

Asymmetry of the labia minora can be congenital or acquired (trauma during childbirth, inflammatory changes, errors during plastic surgery). Asymmetry is considered to be both asymmetrical lengthening or shortening, as well as normal development of one labia and lengthening or underdevelopment of the opposite one. Asymmetry includes various types of post-traumatic deformities.

Traumatic deformation with the formation of a defect

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Performing labiaplasty

Reduction of the labia minora is carried out as follows:

  1. The patient is located in a gynecological chair. The doctor performs sanitation (disinfection) of the vulva and genital tract.
  2. Anesthesia is administered. First, the injection area is numbed with a gel or spray, then infiltration or conduction anesthesia (anesthetic injection) is performed.
  3. After the anesthetic takes effect, the doctor uses a scalpel to remove excess tissue, giving the lips the desired shape. Self-absorbing sutures are then applied.

The operation will take no more than 40 – 60 minutes. After the procedure, the woman will remain under observation for several hours. If she feels well, she will be able to go home.

Indications for labiaplasty

The operation is carried out for medical and aesthetic reasons (the woman’s desire).

Medical indications

Medical indications include situations when a woman complains of physical discomfort:

  • Asymmetry of the labia;
  • Congenital or acquired deformities of the labia;
  • Discomfort when wearing underwear and playing sports;
  • Pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • Psychological complexes - “Locker room syndrome”.

Aesthetic indications

For aesthetic reasons, the operation is performed for asymmetry, elongation and deformation of the labia minora, as well as if a woman wishes to correct their shape and size.

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The essence of the method

Plastic surgery on the labia can improve their shape, correct defects that have formed with age or as a result of childbirth, or unsuccessful anatomical features. This area is now actively developing - in addition to surgical methods, injection and hardware methods are used. with their help you can change the shape and volume of the external genitalia, adjust the size of the labia minora, narrow the vagina, “open” the clitoris, etc.

We are often contacted by women who recently became mothers. Natural childbirth greatly changes the anatomy of the vagina - its walls stretch, and the skin may sag. Episiotomy is used quite often - scars can form in the suture area over time, which reduce the quality of life and cause discomfort. All this can be fixed.

Cost of correction

from 38,000 rub.

Sign up for a consultation

In what cases is labiaplasty needed?


As we have already mentioned, the main candidates are postpartum women. Vaginal prolapse, scarring in the perineal area, stretching of the labia - all this affects sex life and overall comfort.


Another large group of patients are ladies of elegant age. The fact is that over time, soft tissues naturally lose their firmness and elasticity - the intimate area is no exception, it also ages. Basically, this group of women complains about the unaesthetic appearance of the labia - they seem flaccid, wrinkled, sagging, and lose their attractive youthful volume.

Anatomical features

It happens that the patient is not satisfied with something, even if there was no birth, and her age is young. For example, congenital features that affect the condition of the vagina: underdevelopment of the labia majora or too large size of the labia minora. Sometimes they interfere with a normal sex life or even create discomfort when walking and wearing underwear.

Contraindications to intimate plastic surgery

  1. Pregnancy and lactation;
  2. Oncological diseases;
  3. Mental illnesses;
  4. Diabetes;
  5. Decompensated chronic diseases of internal organs;
  6. Acute infectious diseases;
  7. Bleeding disorders, treatment with anticoagulants;
  8. Acute inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs and exacerbations of chronic ones;
  9. Minor age.

Labiaplasty for aesthetic reasons is not recommended for women planning childbirth. During childbirth, there is a high probability of ruptures in the area of ​​postoperative scars, and repeated plastic surgeries are complex and the expected effect is difficult to predict.

Absolute contraindications to labiaplasty for aesthetic reasons are conditions, diseases and genetic factors that prevent a positive result:

  1. Genetic predisposition to the formation of rough colloidal scars;
  2. Collagenoses are immunopathological processes characterized by systemic disorganization of connective tissue (Marfan syndrome, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, rheumatism).

Keloid scar on the skin

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Rehabilitation period

Labiaplasty is a minor operation, but it is still an operation. Therefore, after the intervention there may be some discomfort. Soreness, swelling, and slight bleeding are normal and nothing to worry about. After a few days, active healing will begin and discomfort will gradually decrease.

If the plastic surgery was performed through injections, the recovery will be faster, but there may still be slight pain at the puncture sites. In general, the blood supply to the pelvic organs is very active, as provided by nature. Therefore, rehabilitation is fast. After labiaplasty, it is important to follow the recommendations given by the doctor. In the first 3 weeks you need:

  • maintain sexual rest;
  • if necessary, take medications prescribed by the doctor (for example, this could be a short course of antibiotics to prevent infections);
  • carry out hygiene procedures carefully and accurately, without using soap;
  • wear loose underwear made of breathable fabrics, preferably cotton;
  • try to sit less, so as not to create stagnation of blood in the pelvis.

To clarify prices and sign up for labiaplasty in Moscow, call us or contact a consultant through the form on the clinic’s website.

Contouring of the labia minora

In addition to surgical methods, volume-forming methods are widely used - injection of dermal fillers (fillers), correcting the appearance (contour) of the labia, the so-called intimate contour plastic surgery. Fillers with hyaluronic acid, plasmagel, and own fat are used as fillers. The method is mainly used to increase volume.

Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers

The effect is achieved due to the hydrophilicity of hyaluronic acid. The HA molecule increases in volume 1000 times, binding up to 500 water molecules. HA is found in large quantities as a component of the extracellular matrix in connective tissue, skin, cartilage, fascia and ligaments.

In addition to cosmetic benefits, hyaluronic acid has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect, which is used to improve tissue nutrition during atrophic processes. Since hyaluronic acid is actively degraded by enzymes, the effect of the procedure is temporary; re-introduction of fillers is required after 8-12 months.

Contour plastic surgery with plasmogel

Plasmogel is made from the patient’s blood plasma and is an autologous coagulated protein. The method is a continuation of the intimate plasma lifting method

Blood plasma contains growth factors, proteins, enzymes and platelets. Plasma causes pronounced stimulation of blood supply and regeneration of connective tissue (biorevitalization) at the injection site, which is used to treat atrophic and degenerative changes. The effect is also temporary, but unlike HA, it is cumulative.

Labia augmentation points

Lipofilling and liposuction

Lipofilling is a method of enlarging the labia majora and labia minora using your own fat. Unlike hyaluronic acid, the effect is longer lasting.

Liposuction is the removal of fatty tissue from the labia majora in order to reduce their size. Lipofilling and liposuction are usually performed by plastic surgeons because they have the appropriate tools and equipment in their arsenal.

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Preparation for plastic surgery

  • The use of local anesthesia does not eliminate the need to carry out full preparation for contouring.
  • Before surgery on the intimate area, the patient must undergo a set of standard examinations (list of tests).
  • Labiaplasty is not performed during the menstrual cycle, so it is necessary to clarify the date of the intervention in advance.
  • Before female intimate plastic surgery, hair from the pubic area is shaved. The doctor applies markings. The patient is sent to the operating room.

After intimate plastic surgery

The procedure takes no more than an hour. After the intervention, the patient is sent to the ward.

After a few hours, if the early postoperative period is favorable, the patient goes home.

Examination and preparation before labiaplasty

At the first visit to the doctor, it is clarified whether there are indications for plastic surgery, whether there are associated problems in this area and contraindications to the operation. The patient's complaints and especially the wishes regarding the size and shape of the labia are clarified in detail.

A woman is advised to formulate her desires in advance, since most people find it difficult to explain what worries them and how they imagine the final result of the correction.

In order to evaluate the results of treatment, before and after surgery, photographs of the labia are taken in standing and supine positions.

After getting acquainted with the problem, an examination is performed on a gynecological chair, during which the method of correction is determined, an informed consent for surgical intervention is signed, and a preoperative examination is prescribed. Based on the results of the examination, a second consultation is held, at which the date of the operation is set.

Examination before intimate plastic surgery and expiration dates of tests

Valid for 6 months:
  • Fluorography.
Valid for 3 months:
  • Blood test for HIV (AIDS);
  • Blood test for RW (syphilis);
  • Blood test for hepatitis B and C viruses;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Cervical smear for oncocytology.
Valid for 1 month:
  • Blood group and Rh factor.
  • Clinical blood tests;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Biochemical blood tests (sugar);
  • ECG with consultation with a therapist.
Valid for 10 days:
  • A smear to determine the degree of vaginal cleanliness (if infections and inflammation are detected, treatment is indicated).

Based on the results of the preoperative examination, a second consultation is carried out, the date of the operation and preoperative preparation are set.

Preparation for labiaplasty

  1. Stop sexual intercourse two days before surgery.
  2. The day before the procedure, cut or shave the pubic hair, labia and perineum short.
  3. On the eve of the intervention, go to bed no later than 22:00. You can take a sedative: tinctures of motherwort, peony, valerian, etc., according to the instructions included with the medications.
  4. In the morning, on the day of surgery, empty your bowels, take a shower and thoroughly clean the external genitalia, and put on clean knitted underwear.
  5. Hunger – last meal three hours before surgery.
  6. Immediately before the procedure, empty your bladder.
  • Referral for surgery, examination results (ultrasound and tests).
  • A clean shirt (robe) and socks, sanitary pads, slippers. Leave jewelry (earrings, rings, etc.) at home.

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Labiaplasty surgery

The secret place between the legs, for a long time the realm of silence and embarrassment for many women, in the 21st century firmly occupies the first place among the priorities in intimate aesthetics, and our best proposals for its correction are the leading method of all vulva and vaginal rejuvenation options available today. The fact is that with the increasing availability of information about the possibilities of labiaplasty of the labia minora, people feel more open in their sexual desires and began to care about what they have “there”. This is natural for women who want to look good in all places and feel more confident with their husband or partner. And plastic surgery of the labia minora will be the right step towards perfection!


1. Dimensions and asymmetry. Elongation (lengthening) and asymmetry of the labia minora is the most common aesthetic problem in women and the reason for labiaplasty. An enlarged lip is considered to be one that, when stretched, exceeds 3-4 cm. These phenomena are, as a rule, congenital in nature. Stretching of the genitals can also be a consequence of certain chronic diseases, strong traction in this area, or the intake of androgens (male sex hormones). Hypertrophy (enlargement) of the external genitalia often becomes a serious stress factor for a woman, dooming her to the development of psychological complexes and even voluntary loneliness.

2. Acquired changes. Flabbiness and sagging can be caused by sudden weight loss or age-related changes, but can also be an individual feature. Meanwhile, the desire to look attractive from head to toe, including an impeccable bikini area, is inherent in a modern woman at any age. Most patients do not have medical indications for resection and shortening surgery, but have clear aesthetic wishes. Usually girls want that after labiaplasty the external genitalia do not protrude beyond the level of the genital slit (that is, their length should not exceed 1 - 2 cm).

3. Youth hypertrophy. Teenage girls can undergo labiaplasty of the labia, as well as any other medical intervention, until they reach the age of 15 only with the consent of their legal representative. The main indications for surgery to reduce the labia at 16-17-18 are, as a rule, post-traumatic deformities and congenital anomalies of the external genitalia that require surgical correction. Although, under the influence of modern trends, some girls want to undergo a correction called “Barbie labiaplasty,” but this issue requires a detailed discussion with a specialist. Usually, labia minora of significant size can act as an independent incentive for surgery, more often in older adolescence, after 16-17 years. If there are no serious indications for labiaplasty, experts recommend labiaplasty is best done from the age of 18.

Thus, the indications for this intervention are often not of a medical, but of an aesthetic nature, reflecting a woman’s ideas about how her genitals should look.

Contraindications to labiaplasty


  • hemophilia, anemia II-III degree,
  • pregnancy at any stage,
  • acute inflammation of the genital tract,
  • oncological diseases.


  • coronary heart disease grade 3-4,
  • expecting an unrealistic result
  • age under 15-16 years,
  • mental disorders.

How to do labiaplasty and where

When choosing a clinic where it is better to do labiaplasty, a surgeon, as well as its method, base it on the information received in reviews about intimate plastic surgery in Moscow and simply common sense. For example, in cases of aesthetic interventions on the female external genitalia, we adhere to an individual approach, which, ultimately, could best bring the patient closer to her ideal self-image. And just a short time after the procedure, both psychological discomfort and mechanical difficulties associated with asymmetry and excess length of the external genitalia disappear. The final results of labia correction can be assessed after 4-6 weeks.

Labiaplasty methods

Labiaplasty with a scalpel. Surgery is the main method for correcting the external genitalia. The first method involves linear resection of an excessively protruding part of the labia minora. During this manipulation, hyperpigmentation and increased folding characteristic of the edges disappear. Another intervention technique is reduction of V-shaped flaps on both sides. With this technique of plastic surgery of the labia, the length decreases within 1-4 cm, but folding and natural pigmentation are preserved. Recently, the latter type of labiaplasty is almost never performed by surgeons in Moscow.

Linear resection


Laser labiaplasty. Laser surgery on the labia is not performed in the clinic! In some cases, it is possible to use a radio wave scalpel, more often with combined correction with the capture of periclitoral skin folds. Why don’t we use laser technologies to shorten the labia - again, because of the ambiguity of the healing and rehabilitation process, as well as the controversial nature of their many claimed advantages. For those interested in the essence of this issue, we recommend typing in a search engine a query like “labiaplasty with a scalpel or laser - which is better?” and find out everything in detail

Our labiaplasty method involves removing “extra” tissue from the labia minora while preserving their sensory characteristics, natural color and contours within the physiological boundaries of normal female anatomy. 2-3 months after labiaplasty, no traces of the operation will remain!


  1. Consultation with a specialist. Make an appointment with a leading intimate surgeon and discuss with your doctor all the details of the operation (which type of labiaplasty is best in your case, the future scope of the intervention, features of care and terms of rehabilitation).
  2. Taking tests. The list of studies required before surgery on the labia in standard cases is small and includes the following items: • smear for flora, • blood for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C, • test for local anesthesia / anesthesia, • other tests (according to indications ).
  3. Date of operation. After passing the necessary tests for plastic labiaplasty, a day and time for a visit to the clinic is scheduled. You should not plan this during critical days - there should be at least 7-10 days or more before them. You should have products waiting for you at home to care for the postoperative area, collected according to the list written by your doctor (ice, peroxide, antiseptics, gauze wipes).

Labiaplasty surgery

  1. Anesthesia. We perform this manipulation under local anesthesia! We do not practice general or intravenous anesthesia, as well as epidural anesthesia (“injection in the back”) and categorically do not recommend them due to their unreasonableness for this type of intervention and the high number of possible complications. If you are interested, look at the reviews on the Internet. We guarantee 100% absence of pain during labiaplasty under local anesthesia.
  2. Labiaplasty of the labia. The correction is carried out in a gynecological chair, the specialist works alone or with an assistant. The duration of the operation is from 45-60 minutes (if only labiaplasty is performed) and up to 90 minutes (if correction of the clitoral area or reduction of the vaginal opening is simultaneously performed). The patient lies absolutely still, because She does not experience any painful sensations and can communicate on the phone or scroll through pages on the Internet at this time.
  3. Postoperative observation. At the end of the operation, the patient goes to the observation room. Ice is placed between the legs and, if necessary, a tablet of pre-prepared anesthetic is taken. After 3-5 hours, having made sure that there are no side effects, the patient can safely go home (by herself by car or by calling a taxi).
After labiaplasty surgery

In the coming days:

• Pain at the surgery site for 3-5 days; • Discomfort when moving for 7-10 days; • Moderate swelling of the lips for 5-10 days; • Minor bleeding for 2-4 days; • Full healing after 1.5 - 2 weeks; • Reduced sensitivity at the seams up to 30 days.

What we have as a result:

• Improves the appearance of the external genitalia; • Disappears discomfort and inconvenience during sex; • Restrictions on wearing clothes disappear; • Maintaining intimate hygiene is simplified; • Reduction in the size of the labia; • Facilitates medical examination; • Psychological stress goes away.

Rehabilitation after labiaplasty

Labiaplasty surgeries performed under local anesthesia are called “one-day” surgeries: a woman comes and leaves the clinic within a few hours. Work can be resumed after 3-5 days if you feel well. After this, no scars subsequently remain; the wound heals quickly due to the good blood supply to this area. But in order for everything to go well and after a couple of weeks you forget about the procedure, you must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period. The main ones are:

  • Stay at home for the first 2-3 days after surgery;
  • For the first 24-36 hours, keep ice between your legs;
  • Treatments along the line of correction of the labia with antiseptics up to 6-8 times a day;
  • Taking painkillers (if necessary).

# Swelling after labiaplasty. Swelling in the correction zone gradually increases, but from 4-5 days it begins to decline, but by 14-21 days it disappears almost completely. It is important to maintain good personal and intimate hygiene at all times, treat the sutures after labiaplasty, and eliminate the possibility of infection getting into them. The first day or two they bleed slightly, then the swelling decreases and the bleeding stops. On days 3-5, itching and tingling sensations appear, which disappear after the sutures are removed.

# Sutures after labiaplasty. Postoperative sutures are usually removed after 7 to 10 days, but no later than 14 days after surgery. Removing sutures before this time is fraught with wound dehiscence, and later - with threads growing into the tissue. It is for the latter reason that synthetic threads are preferred, but not self-absorbable material. There are other reasons, we won’t list them here, just trust the opinion of professionals.

If the sutures after labiaplasty have come apart or are healing poorly, they itch, itch, or bleed, you should contact the clinic for advice from the doctor who performed the operation. There may be several reasons for this, and only your doctor knows the nuances of your operation and can give the right recommendations. If the stitches itch, itch, or prick, this is a normal phenomenon after labiaplasty and does not indicate pathology. After they are removed, these symptoms disappear on the same day.

# Intimate relationships and sports after surgery. For 3 weeks, until everything heals completely, you must avoid sexual intercourse. Sex after labiaplasty, including oral sex, is possible no earlier than 5-7 days after the stitches are removed. This is during the standard course of the rehabilitation period. Also at this time you should avoid significant physical activity, visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools, and swimming in open water. It is not recommended to use vibrators for 3-4 weeks.


Is it possible to have plastic surgery of the labia minora on the same day of treatment? Yes, this issue can be resolved at a preliminary consultation with a specialist. If you do not have tests taken in advance, we can do all the necessary tests using the express method.

Is it possible to have labiaplasty before giving birth? The presence of children does not matter at all, and nulliparous girls can undergo labiaplasty with complete peace of mind.

I have not been sexually active, is this not a contraindication? Virgin girls, including older teenagers, can use this procedure. This operation does not pose any danger to the integrity of the hymen!

Recovery after labiaplasty - what to treat? All recommendations for care are given by the attending physician. The main means for treating the postoperative area are hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or miramistin, levomekol, baneocin powder. The order of application for better recovery after labiaplasty and treatment of sutures is determined by the doctor.

How long does it take to heal? On average, when performing labiaplasty of 1-2 categories of complexity, the wound heals completely in 2 weeks, everything will disappear without a trace in about 1.5 months. If the category of complexity is 3 or 3+, then the final closure of the postoperative field occurs in 15-20 days, traces of the operation will disappear after 2 months. In both the first and second cases, you can have sex and play sports after 13-15 days , because fully healed labiaplasty eliminates any restrictions on lifestyle and behavior.

When will the results of plastic surgery be visible? Labia reduction surgery can help women fully enjoy the pleasures and comfort of their bodies during exercise, normal daily activities, and intimacy. A preliminary assessment is possible within 1-15 days; the final appearance of the lips will take place within 2-3 months, so that even the gynecologist will not notice any traces of the manipulation. The results of plastic surgery are permanent, but keep in mind that the labia, like your body, will continue to change as you age. You can continue to have children, although keep in mind that pregnancy and childbirth can sometimes stretch the vulvar tissue or change its appearance.

Is this service covered by insurance (compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance policy)? It's safe to say that almost 100% of insurance companies will not cover lip labiaplasty because it is considered a cosmetic procedure.

Which public hospitals perform labiaplasty? This procedure is not carried out in any medical institutions of the state healthcare system (including compulsory medical insurance). Specialized hospitals with gynecology departments are focused on providing care in accordance with approved standards.

What else can be done within one operation? If there are indications for plastic surgery or your desire, then simultaneously with labiaplasty you can perform surgery on the clitoris (remove pronounced side folds, remove the hood), remove excess, hanging skin at the entrance to the vagina or reduce its entrance.

Unsuccessful labiaplasty... Unfortunately, we cannot show photos after unsuccessful labiaplasty, because... In almost 20 years of practicing this operation, we have not had such cases. The doctor excises as much tissue as necessary to achieve the desired cosmetic goal, leaving enough for proper function and to avoid the risk of fistula formation. We don’t see the idea of ​​reprinting photos from the Internet, and anyone can find them upon request in any search engine, incl. in English, for the query “unsuccessful labioplasty”.

“Barbie labiaplasty” - what is it and who does it? The Barbie technique usually refers to complete concealment in labia minora surgery. Girls who choose this correction technique need a smooth surface of the genitals, while the labia minora (inner lips) should not protrude beyond the labia majora (outer lips) as in teenage girls. This operation is therefore sometimes called Barbie labiaplasty because... these dolls have no obvious sexual characteristics.

Complications of labiaplasty

The anatomical norm and physiological function require that the labia minora cover the entrance to the vagina and the external opening of the urethra. Excessive resection of the lips leads to disruption of the barrier function, which in turn leads to negative consequences - chronic inflammation of the vaginal opening, chronic urethritis and cystitis. As a result, a woman experiences pain during intimacy, which is why she is forced to avoid sexual intercourse.

Changing the natural appearance of the external genitalia causes psycho-emotional discomfort in the woman and her partner. It is extremely difficult to correct this situation, since there is no supply of tissue for plastic surgery. To form the MPG, skin has to be cut out from the labia majora, and the final result is difficult to predict.

Gaping of the vaginal opening as a result of excessive resection

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Popular questions

I want to have labiaplasty (increase the size of the labia majora). But it’s a little embarrassing that I haven’t given birth yet. How will pregnancy and subsequent childbirth affect the outcome of the operation?

If you are worried that it may increase the risk of ruptures during childbirth, then in vain - this will not happen. Some problems may arise if resection was performed, that is, tissue volume reduction, and then very rarely. It is difficult to predict in advance how pregnancy will affect the condition of the genital organs. The vagina can change color under the influence of hormones, sometimes the size and shape of the labia changes - everything is very individual.

I would like to clarify - is surgery possible if I am diagnosed with HPV?

The human papillomavirus causes a number of changes in the skin and mucous membranes. Usually in the intimate area it manifests itself as tubercles, small painless growths. In some cases, it increases the risk of developing cancer. Intimate plastic surgery can be performed for this disease, but after a course of antiviral therapy. If HPV is detected but not active, surgery is possible.

Hello. I am very concerned about the question of how long I need to abstain from sex after plastic surgery. And one more thing: will anything change in sex? What will it feel like?

Three weeks is the average time required for complete healing. During this period, it is better to try to touch the genitals to a minimum - do not rub, comb, or squeeze with tight underwear (the seams can be damaged). And of course, sex is contraindicated at this time. Then - without restrictions.

Typically, sensations after labiaplasty become sharper and brighter. Besides. The positive effect is that a woman’s self-confidence increases.

Where to go, to whom to surrender?

This is truly a fateful question; I’ll take this opportunity to put in a word for my fellow gynecologists. In Krasnoyarsk, surgeries on the labia are performed by plastic surgeons, operating gynecologists, urologists, dentists, I even know one ophthalmologist, and there are probably representatives of other specialties. To be honest, everything is decided by experience, “golden hands” and trusting relationships.

Experience is the amount of things seen, studied, done. Regarding what we have seen and studied, practicing gynecologists are unrivaled. Regarding what has been done, we can say that each surgeon had his first patient, successes and failures.

Whoever you choose as a surgeon, to exclude diseases of the genital organs, clarify medical indications and contraindications, consult a gynecologist before the operation!

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from RUB 38,000*

Consultation with a MMN surgeon free of charge Postoperative support free of charge Removal of sutures free of charge Treatment in installments

*The cost of the operation depends on the selected drugs and other consumables. Everything is selected individually depending on the characteristics of the body; you can find out the exact cost at a free consultation with a specialist.

Labiaplasty (plasty of the intimate area) is a relatively new direction in aesthetic medicine. For quite a long time, self-care was mainly focused on the face, neck, and hands. However, now more and more women are of the opinion that everything in a person should be beautiful - not excluding the bikini area.

Why is this necessary? First of all, for psychological comfort and self-confidence. In addition, some types of interventions can significantly improve the quality of intimate life. In our clinic you can undergo labiaplasty for both medical and aesthetic reasons.

What determines the price of intimate plastic surgery?

The operation involves an operating team, and collective labor cannot be cheap. If we omit this component, the price of labiaplasty will be influenced by the following factors:

  • Type and method of intimate plastic surgery;
  • The degree of technical complexity of this clinical case;
  • Cost of consumables (suture material, fillers, surgical instruments), the better they are, the more expensive they are;
  • Type of anesthesia (anesthesia or local anesthesia);
  • Surgeon's qualifications;
  • Pricing policy of the clinic.

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How is the operation performed?

The operation, depending on the volume and area of ​​intervention, is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia and takes an average of 30–60 minutes. When several types of plastic surgery are combined, for example, when reducing the volume of the vagina simultaneously with labiaplasty, the operation can last several hours.

After the woman has lost sensation, the surgeon removes the tissue in accordance with the markings using one of the most optimal methods. The stitches are made with special self-absorbing threads that do not require removal and do not leave marks.

Immediately after the operation, the patient is given a drug that relieves pain for several hours. The woman can return home the same day.

Postoperative period and recommendations

To prevent early complications, immediately after surgery, bed rest is prescribed for 3–6 hours. After 3-6 hours, after examining the stitches, the doctor sends the patient home with the following instructions:

  • Take prescribed medications;
  • Appear for examination 7-10 days after surgery;
  • Avoid sexual intercourse, baths, saunas, and physical activity for 6-8 weeks;
  • Perform hygienic toileting twice a day;
  • If you have any complaints, consult a doctor immediately.

The result of the operation is assessed after four weeks. By this time, the swelling of the tissues subsides, the labia are leveled and acquire the expected shape and size.

The final healing of the labia minora is completed in 8-10 weeks, by which time restrictions are lifted, including exercise and sexual activity.
Make an appointment

How is rehabilitation carried out and how long does the period of restoration of tissues and functions last?

The most important stage of rehabilitation is self-care of the intimate area.

  • For the first 4–5 days after each urination, it is necessary to wash the operated area with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine or miramistin).
  • Long walks and sitting are not recommended for the first few days.
  • You cannot go to baths and saunas for 3 weeks; all water procedures must be hygienic only.
  • It is recommended to wear special underwear for a week.

During the rehabilitation period, which usually lasts up to two weeks, sexual and physical activity and sports are excluded

Painful sensations can remain for up to 5 days, but if they last longer, this is exactly the case when you need to contact the surgeon again.

Intimate operations

There are 2 main groups of such interventions in gynecology, which are performed for one reason or another.

1 group

Intimate plastic surgery of the first group is usually performed by girls for aesthetic reasons, i.e. It has no medical indications and is performed to improve the appearance of the external genitalia. This also includes a wide selection of intimate rejuvenation procedures.

2nd group

Intimate operations on the genital organs of the second group have, first of all, functional significance - they are performed when it is necessary to restore some function lost as a result of illness or age.

Let's start with the first group of interventions, which include operations to change the shape of the genital organs. These can be either surgical methods or non-surgical intimate plastic surgery with hyaluronic fillers. So…

As you know, most girls have outer labia that cover the inner ones. This helps, first of all, to reduce the risk of infection entering the vagina. It is important that they, together with pubic hair, maintain the temperature regime of the genitals, since to some extent they “cut off” the flow of cold air. Often our specialists are faced with both excessive length of the small lips and insufficient volume, “emptiness” of the large ones. What can modern intimate plastic surgery offer women?

Intimate labiaplasty

Enlargement of the external genitalia can have both an aesthetic and a functional purpose. It all depends on the wishes of women. Some people want the outer labia to simply cover the inner ones, others want them to look more voluminous and present a magnificent spectacle. As they say, there is no arguing about tastes. The non-surgical method of aesthetic plastic surgery in this case involves injecting a woman with synthetic gels under the skin in the right places. Preparations for this purpose are usually the best imported fillers with different concentrations of hyaluronic acid. When administered, the lost volume is replenished, tissue turgor increases, and the process of regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes begins:


How to enlarge the labia

Intimate plastic surgery of the labia minora

It is so arranged by nature that the external genitalia of girls are rarely completely symmetrical. In some women, one of the lips may be significantly longer than the other and constantly “pop” out. If the normal relationships are disturbed, the genitals not only look visually unattractive and hang wrinkled, but also cause discomfort when moving, wearing tight-fitting underwear, physical activity, etc. situations, because they become irritated by friction with each other.

Naturally, there is an intimate operation to correct these deficiencies. Plastic surgery allows you to give the labia visual appeal and get rid of defects, while ensuring sexual attractiveness. The procedure for reducing them is relatively technically simple and is performed by liposuction in case of excess fat deposits, or surgical resection in case of excessive development of skin folds, wrinkles or dark color of the edges.


How to reduce labia size

The second group of operations for female intimate plastic surgery includes interventions whose main goal is to change function.

For example, a girl cannot begin sexual activity because attempts at defloration are painful, or she is simply afraid of severe pain and blood. Or, on the contrary, having lost his hymen, he now wants it back. Women who have given birth stand separately. After childbirth, especially repeated ones, stretching of the perineum may occur. This zone is located between the lower point of convergence of the outer labia and the anus. Perineal ruptures during childbirth are not such a rare occurrence. Often, doctors, ahead of spontaneous rupture, cut this area themselves to avoid more severe consequences. In cases where muscle damage is very deep, more unpleasant phenomena may occur - prolapse of the vaginal walls, up to uterine prolapse, incontinence of gases and urine, pain during sexual intercourse. Sometimes postpartum anorgasmia occurs. The consequences of this usually progress with age...

Intimate vaginal plastic surgery

As a result of stretching of the perineum during the birth of a child, as well as various birth injuries, the vaginal opening increases in size. Men and women often stop enjoying vaginal intercourse. To eliminate this unpleasant condition, doctors resort to anterior and/or posterior colporrhaphy. After a small incision is made along the back wall, the tissue is tightened so that the vagina becomes smaller. After this, no scars remain on the outside, since all manipulations are carried out through the mucous membrane. As a possible alternative to surgery, there is a technique for non-surgical narrowing of the vaginal opening.


Vaginal plastic surgery after childbirth

Operational defloration

Defloration is an intimate plastic surgery aimed at removing the hymen. Quite often it happens that a girl’s sheath is so dense that a man is unable to break through it without causing severe pain or injury. In addition, after 25 years, its elasticity is lost, the hymen ages, thickens, and natural defloration becomes more complicated. In such cases, hymenotomy is also indicated, i.e. surgical deprivation of virginity by cutting it for medical reasons or at the patient’s own request.

There are separate cases when a woman is dissatisfied with the appearance of her vaginal opening, namely, with scraps of the hymen sticking out to varying degrees. This happens either due to the peculiarities of its structure, or after childbirth. In this case, cosmetic removal of the remnants of the hymen will come to the rescue, which our specialists will do for you.


Surgical defloration

Intimate plastic surgery of the hymen

Hymen surgery is a fairly specific procedure. It is often performed before a wedding or after a rape. Although there are many girls who want to “correct the mistakes” of their youth and marry “innocently,” either simply out of curiosity or wanting to surprise their permanent partner in such a unique way. This manipulation is relatively simple for our experienced specialist and is performed on an outpatient basis. If all recommendations are followed, hymen suturing provides the required effect and does not cause any complications.


Hymenoplasty operation

How and where to have intimate plastic surgery

Correction of the genital organs in girls is carried out after a preliminary examination by a doctor and passing the necessary tests. In most cases, if you so desire, these steps can be combined and surgery can be performed on the same day.


  1. Look on the website for information on the issue you are interested in;
  2. Check out the basic cost of services;
  3. Make an appointment with a specialist;
  4. At the appointment, discuss the problem and find out how to solve it;
  5. Take the necessary tests and set a date for surgery.



  • hemophilia, anemia II-III degree,
  • hemorrhagic syndromes,
  • use of anticoagulants (heparin),
  • pregnancy at any stage,
  • inflammation of the genitals in the acute stage,
  • renal, heart failure,
  • oncological diseases.


  • hypertonic disease,
  • IHD 2-4 degrees, angina pectoris,
  • breast-feeding,
  • uncertainty about the need for surgery,
  • expecting an unrealistic result
  • age under 16 years,
  • mental disorders.

Exploratory survey

Tests before intimate plastic surgery are carried out according to a specific list, it depends on the type of upcoming operation. The following laboratory tests are usually prescribed:

  • Microflora smear;
  • PCR tests for infections;
  • Clinical analysis of blood, urine;
  • Analysis for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B, C;
  • Blood clotting;
  • Determination of allergies to anesthesia.
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