Hudectomy – reduction of the clitoral hood

Clitoral plastic surgery

- an intimate operation during which defects associated with the structure and appearance of the clitoris are eliminated. As a result, sensitivity increases during intimate contacts, and pain during stimulation of the clitoris disappears. Sometimes only surgery can eliminate clitoral anorgasmia.

The main purpose of the clitoris is considered to be the “accumulation” of pleasant sensations until orgasm occurs. The shape of this organ resembles the letter Y. It consists of a head in the area of ​​closure of the labia minora, covering the head of the hood and paired cavernous bodies with legs going “deeper”.

The length of the clitoris can reach up to 10 cm, the average size of the head is 4-5 mm in length and up to 2 cm in diameter. The head contains many nerve endings and blood vessels; during sexual arousal, it swells with blood flow and increases in size so much that it begins to “peek out” from under the folds of the hood.

Main indications for clitoroplasty

  • The size of the clitoris is too small, which makes the orgasm dim or causes its absence
  • The size of the clitoris is too large (hypertrophy), which causes discomfort and pain during its stimulation and sexual intercourse
  • Difficulty exposing the head due to increased folding or “thick skin” of the hood, due to the presence of adhesions and scars
  • Features of the location of the clitoral head - at a remote distance from the entrance to the vagina, which causes difficulties with stimulation

By the way.

If there is clitoral hypertrophy, the gynecologist surgeon will recommend being examined by an endocrinologist and checking your hormonal levels. Sometimes, after normalization of hormonal levels, the problem resolves itself - the clitoris becomes smaller without surgical intervention.

Types of plastic surgery

Depending on the indications, the Clinic’s doctor will offer the following surgical options:

  1. Therapeutic correction of anatomical defects (surgical removal of the hood, organ transposition, intimate plastic surgery with laser to eliminate defects and scars);
  2. Aesthetic correction (change in size);
  3. Combined techniques (combination of clitoroplasty with various options for intimate operations).

It is possible to use standard interventions that involve cutting tissue in the intimate area, but non-invasive options for laser operations are more often used.

Types of clitoroplasty

Like other intimate operations, clitoroplasty can be:

  • aesthetic
    , aimed at reducing or increasing the size of the clitoris, bringing it to a conventional ideal;
  • functional
    , the purpose of which is to increase sensitivity by moving and/or exposing the head, eliminating adhesions and scars.

For clitoral plastic surgery, contact a professional!

Clitoral plastic surgery is truly a piece of jewelry that should only be trusted to a competent and trained surgeon. The slightest inaccuracy is fraught with serious consequences.

For example, a pronounced postoperative scar may appear, significantly reducing sensitivity. On the other hand, excessive exposure of the head (in a standing position it is not covered by the hood) leads to an acute reaction to any touch. Then even underwear or the presence of a pad can cause sensations “as if being shocked.”

Do you want the operation to bring the desired result? Contact the clinic “El. En."!


Professor S.V. Gagarina is perhaps the best specialist in intimate plastic surgery in Russia with extensive experience in successful operations on the labia minora and clitoris.

To make an appointment to discuss the planned reduction of the labia minora, please call +7 (916) 669-22-04

We advise you to find out more: • About the doctor - Professor Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Gagarina • The price of labiaplasty (see price list) • Intimate rejuvenation (read)

Examples of completed work

How to prepare for a hoodectomy

Preoperative preparation begins with a gynecological examination. The doctor examines the woman, finding out what kind of surgery she needs. Often, the patient requires not only a hoodectomy, but also plastic surgery of the labia – labiaplasty.

Smears are taken - for flora from the genital tract and urethra and from the cervix according to Papanicolaou for cancer and precancer. Such studies are necessary, since infectious and oncological processes are contraindications for intimate plastic surgery.

Before the operation, the woman undergoes a standard set of tests:

  • A general blood and urine test showing the general condition of the body.
  • Blood biochemistry (basic indicators) in the presence of any diseases. The study provides information about the function of a woman’s organs and systems. In case of exacerbation of chronic pathologies, hoodectomy is not performed.
  • Blood for clotting and duration of bleeding. A bleeding disorder is a contraindication to surgery.
  • Blood group and rhesus. It is given if the patient has never had such a test before and does not have supporting documents.
  • Blood for syphilis, HIV and viral hepatitis.

If necessary, the gynecologist surgeon prescribes additional studies to clarify the woman’s health status.

No special preparation is required for a hoodectomy. It is enough to remove hair in the intimate area by any method, for example, using hair removal, and carry out basic hygiene procedures.

Hudectomy is performed under local anesthesia, so you can have breakfast before the operation. But if a woman undergoes complex combined plastic surgery, including correction of the clitoral hood, she will need anesthesia. In this case, the intervention is carried out on an empty stomach.

How is clitoroplasty performed?

Clitoroplasty is performed in the first week after the end of menstruation. Its duration is about 30-40 minutes, both local and general anesthesia are used for pain relief.

When reducing the clitoris, the mucous membrane is dissected, after which part of the corpus cavernosum is removed. To expose the head, excess skin tissue (hood) above it is excised. Moving the clitoris is performed much less frequently and requires mobilization of not only the head, but also the legs, which carries a serious risk of loss of sensitivity.

We’ll tell you separately about head enlargement. In such cases, filler injections are performed:

  • when piercing the edge of the hood, an effect is achieved, much like with lips on the face; the head becomes more open for stimulation;
  • injection of filler into the prepuce area leads to an enlargement of the clitoris as a whole; at the same time, the prepuce protrudes more noticeably and looks glassy.

reduction of the labia minora. MAIN QUESTIONS

Labiaplasty is a small, but at the same time very delicate operation. The greatest risk is the inexperience of the surgeon. After all, if you make your lips too short, they will stop performing their “barrier” function. This can lead to vaginal dryness and increase the risk of infections. Correcting such a mistake is much more difficult than doing a flawless labiaplasty the first time.

Reduction of the labia minora. Local anesthesia or general anesthesia?

We perform it under general anesthesia not only to make you feel comfortable, but also because the introduction of local anesthesia into the surgical area interferes with the surgeon's work and makes the result less aesthetic.

Does it hurt after labiaplasty?

Contrary to all fears, rehabilitation after surgery is comfortable and almost painless. You will receive all care recommendations upon discharge.

What is the best method for reducing the labia minora?

There are two main labiaplasty techniques. The first is direct cutting off the edge of the labia. You can see what it looks like in the image below. During direct excision surgery, the entire outer edge of the labia minora is cut off and a cosmetic suture is applied.

The second technique is wedge resection of the labia minora. During this operation, wedge-shaped pieces of the labia minora are excised and sewn together. The locations of the cuts and seams can be seen in the figure below.

Which technique is right for you is decided during a consultation. The doctor selects the necessary technique individually. The choice depends on the aesthetic preferences of the patient and the anatomical features of the labia.

Is it possible to reduce the labia minora without surgery?

Alas, it is impossible to reduce the labia without surgery.

Postoperative care and rehabilitation

After surgery to reduce the labia minora, there are some rehabilitation limitations. You can return to intimate relationships after 3 weeks, and for 3 weeks it is also necessary to exclude physical activity, a bathhouse, a swimming pool and minimize friction in the intimate area. Compliance with all doctor’s recommendations is the key to quick rehabilitation.

Labiaplasty. When can I return to sex life?

You can return to sexual life after 3 weeks.

Sensitivity after surgery on the labia minora and clitoris.

Labiaplasty surgery does not affect the sensitivity of the labia. Rather, it awakens even greater sexuality in many women. After all, enlarged labia often give rise to complexes that prevent you from completely relaxing and enjoying yourself to the fullest.


Almost all of our patients are forced to take painkillers in the first days after clitoroplasty. Some experience involuntary urination, an expected effect that goes away quickly.

Within 2-3 weeks it is necessary to:

  • carefully observe intimate hygiene;
  • completely eliminate sexual intercourse and masturbation;
  • refuse to visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, bath, or physical activity;
  • ensure peace, reduce physical activity.

Contraindications for clitoroplasty

Most often, refusal of surgery is temporary. It is necessary to postpone clitoral plastic surgery if the following conditions and diseases are detected:

  • local inflammation (vulvovaginitis, colpitis, cervicitis);
  • exacerbation of chronic gynecological diseases (endometritis, adnexitis);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • course treatment of common diseases.

Intimate correction surgeries cannot be performed for the following diseases:

  • severe forms of cardiovascular pathology;
  • diseases of the blood coagulation system;
  • renal and hepatic failure;
  • malignant tumors of any location;
  • mental disorders.

The Clinic doctor will identify any contraindications for surgery during the preparation stage. After carrying out therapeutic measures and eliminating temporary obstacles for clitoroplasty, the specialist will determine the day of the operation.

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