What is the “triangle of death” and why can’t you squeeze acne on your nose?

Not every person who suffers from acne knows that acne is on the face.

This is not only an external imperfection, but also a signal of a disruption in the functioning of internal organs. Each part of the face is responsible for specific organs and their systems. An experienced therapist, looking at a patient, can easily determine what is wrong with his health.

The skin of the face carries information about the condition of the entire body, and the map of acne on the face is a direct reflection of the internal organs. This is what traditional Chinese medicine says.

The rash map looks like this:

  • forehead, temples and bridge of the nose,
  • nose area,
  • cheeks,
  • area around the lips,
  • chin and neck.

Pimples on the forehead and bridge of the nose

The central region of the forehead is responsible for the intestines, its upper part reflects the state of the large intestine, and the lower part reflects the state of the small intestine. Constant inflammation along hair growth indicates a malfunction of the gallbladder. Imperfections above the eyebrows indicate heart problems, and if pimples appear on the temples, the kidneys may be sick. Rashes between the eyebrows indicate liver problems.

In such cases, doctors recommend reviewing your diet, reducing the amount of spicy, fried, fatty foods, as well as sweets. It is necessary to cleanse the body.

Perioral dermatitis: symptoms

Symptoms of this disease are small round or oval-shaped papules located primarily around the mouth and on the chin. In some cases, papules, as mentioned above, can be found on the wings of the nose, on the bridge of the nose, on the temples and cheeks, as well as around the eyes. In some cases, papules may be filled with clear fluid.

The color of the papules, depending on the stage of the disease - exacerbation or remission - can vary from pale pink with a bluish tint to bright red. In some cases, papules are accompanied by hyperemia (general redness) of the skin, or may not cause a change in skin color. A distinctive feature of this type of dermatitis is considered to be a characteristic (light) strip of healthy skin around the mouth, which can be up to 4 mm wide. In turn, the localization of papules can be different - from single formations to groups of several pimples with clearly defined edges. In the case of a large number of papules located nearby, the skin becomes rough, which is felt well when touched.

Also, symptoms of perioral dermatitis, especially during an exacerbation of the disease, may include:

  • dryness and tightness of the skin;
  • skin itching;
  • burning.

However, in a large number of cases, patients do not observe or experience any additional concern with dermatitis.

The sooner you start treating oral dermatitis on the face, the easier and faster it will be cured. That is why, when you detect the first signs of a possible disease, you must seek advice from a dermatologist.


Initial appointment

An initial appointment with a specialist involves a thorough examination of the patient, as well as drawing up a preliminary medical history (recording complaints, symptoms, concomitant diseases), which allows making preliminary assumptions regarding the cause of the disease. Additionally, tests and other diagnostic measures may be prescribed to clarify the clinical picture and understand how to treat oral dermatitis on the face.


Diagnosis of this type of dermatitis is necessary as a way to differentiate from diseases with similar manifestations - eczema, herpes simplex, rosacea, etc.

Diagnostic measures in this case include:

  • dermatoscopy: allows you to assess the general condition of the skin, the degree of development of pathology through a thorough examination of neoplasms;
  • scrapings of skin material from the affected areas: bacterial culture of the test material makes it possible to determine the presence and type of infection (for example, candida);
  • Allergy tests for staphylococcus and streptococcus: also allow you to determine the sensitivity of the skin to these agents and identify their presence.

Treatment plan

If the tests confirm the initially suspected diagnosis of oral dermatitis, the treatment prescribed by a specialist will be comprehensive (using ointments and other medications, as well as diet) aimed at eliminating the manifestations of the disease on the face.

The impact on perioral dermatitis on the face when developing a treatment regimen involves two successive stages leading to the gradual disappearance of the rash:

  • At the first stage, it is necessary to completely abandon cosmetics (primarily decorative cosmetics) and ointments with corticosteroids. The latter are most often recommended to be discontinued gradually, reducing the dose and quantity, otherwise the so-called “withdrawal syndrome” may occur, which leads to an exacerbation of all existing symptoms - redness, swelling of the face, burning, itching. At this stage, it is most often assumed to use antihistamines (which relieve itching and burning), as well as herbal medications to relieve local inflammation. Additionally, reflexology can be used, which is an effect on active points on the skin of the face, either by simple pressure or with the help of special needles, to reduce the unpleasant manifestations of dermatitis.
  • Second stage: after the acute phase of the disease passes, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, which are designed to destroy the infection and are selected taking into account the infectious agent. Antibiotics are taken only under the supervision of a doctor, who has the ability to adjust their composition and dose taking into account the patient’s body’s reaction to them. Particular care should be taken when treating oral dermatitis during pregnancy: in this case, taking antibiotics is contraindicated, and full treatment is possible only after the birth of the child (normalization of hormonal levels is also important). During pregnancy, only partial relief of the symptoms of the disease - burning, itching, etc. - is possible with the use of medications that are safe for the fetus. The same applies to therapeutic measures for dermatitis in children: treatment in this case can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise it can harm the child’s health.

In addition to the described methods of influence, the patient may be recommended:

  • strengthen the immune system and take vitamins;
  • establish intestinal microflora;
  • adhere to a diet: a diet for this type of dermatitis involves avoiding fried, fatty and spicy foods, increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits consumed, and preferring boiled rather than fried foods. During the period of taking antibiotics, you must completely abstain from alcohol.

Treatment result

Most often, if you follow medical recommendations, it is possible to cure perioral dermatitis. In some cases, a course of treatment is assumed rather than a one-time treatment. In this case, taking antibiotics can usually last quite a long time (several weeks), and the overall course of treatment can last from several months to a couple of years.


Because dermatitis is a multifactorial disease with an unidentified underlying cause, preventive measures include the following:

  • careful use of cosmetics, primarily foundations, as well as ointments based on corticosteroids;
  • compliance with personal hygiene measures;
  • strengthening the immune system (taking vitamins, reducing psychophysical stress, etc.);
  • proper nutrition with plenty of fruits and vegetables;
  • monitoring the state of the digestive system;
  • control of hormone levels, especially during pregnancy.

When the first signs of the disease appear, you should not wait long, you must seek advice from a specialist, undergo an appropriate examination and begin therapy, since in order to achieve the best results, treatment of oral dermatitis must begin as early as possible - in this case it can be cured in a relatively short time .

You can make an appointment with a specialist at the Energo clinic either by phone or by using a special form for registering patients on the clinic’s website.

Take care of your beauty and health!

Pimples on cheeks

Persistent pimples on both cheeks combined with red capillaries may be a sign of lung problems. If the respiratory system is in order, a rash on the cheeks may indicate an oversaturation of proteins. Imperfections in this area also occur with excessive consumption of coffee and carbohydrates.

If there are more acne on the right cheek, this may indicate:

  • imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract,
  • excessive consumption of sweets,
  • food allergies,
  • problems with the respiratory system.

Possible causes of rashes on the left cheek include:

  • stomach and liver diseases,
  • binge eating,
  • chronic stress.

Helps remove acne at home in one day

  • You need to wash the raspberry leaves and pour boiling water over them. Squeeze the juice out of them. Mix the juice with butter until a cream forms. Apply the product to pimples and the spaces between them at night. Wash off in the morning. It will help reduce acne: apply juice from plantain leaves to the damaged areas. Repeat the procedure for several days.
  • If you repeat the procedure often, you can get rid of it in a day. At the same time, it is important not to leave the house all day. Pour 1 spoon of black elderberry flowers into a glass of boiling water. The product is infused for half an hour. Next, strain and lubricate the acne. In addition to folk remedies, there are those that can definitely help without even seeing a doctor. The funds are available and most people will probably have them at home.
  • Water helps remove inflammation from the face. It is important that the water is clean. Take more than a liter per day.
  • Green tea can help get rid of unwanted formations on the face. The tea should be poured into molds designed for ice and frozen. Wipe the affected areas (for example, along the bridge of the nose) with cubes as often as possible.

Why does pain occur with rhinitis (runny nose)?

Considered a safe temporary condition. However, this is not a completely safe condition. Even small changes in the physiological function of the nose cause a reaction throughout the body, since the nose is connected to other human systems and organs. Often, patients with rhinitis experience loss of appetite, discomfort from constant discharge (snot) from the nose, and unpleasant habits develop - for example, constantly sniffing. Due to abnormal breathing, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is disrupted, and intracranial and intraocular pressure changes.

READ ALSO: Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women - 10 causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

If the bridge of your nose hurts when you press it, figure out the cause and treat the underlying disease as quickly as possible.

Throughout life, each person may encounter various diseases, each of which may be accompanied by certain unpleasant symptoms. So, in some cases, men and women notice that the bridge of their nose hurts when pressed or constantly, regardless of the impact they experience.

Such an unpleasant sensation almost always indicates active inflammation in the nasal cavity and requires immediate attention to medical professionals. If you do not undergo the necessary examination in a timely manner, there is a very high probability that the disease will become chronic, in which case it will be incredibly difficult to get rid of it.


Even correctly identified causes of acne near the eyebrows and proper treatment are not able to provide the desired lifelong result.

Experts recommend using skincare products only according to your skin type and age.

To achieve a sustainable effect, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  • Regular thorough cleansing and use of quality facial skin care products.
  • It is necessary to observe the drinking regime and drink at least 1.5-2 liters daily.
  • Daily walks in the fresh air and a good night's sleep, at least 8 hours.
  • Healthy eating.

Compliance with the doctor’s recommendations and prevention rules will allow you to achieve the desired and sustainable result.

Simple helpers

  • Laundry soap will also help. You should use it if you no longer plan to leave the house. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime. After washing your face, apply soap to all areas of your face.
  • The toothpaste can be rubbed on the areas of inflammation and between them. In the morning, wash off any remaining paste if there is any left.
  • There are many ways, everyone can decide for themselves how to remove acne. Having figured out the method, anyone can use a folk remedy and get rid of acne for a while. However, it is best to visit a doctor or cosmetologist who will find the correct cause and prescribe treatment.


Many people believe that rhinitis does not require special attention: “Just think, a runny nose will go away on its own...” But this is a huge mistake. An untreated runny nose can be the beginning of a more complex disease - sinusitis. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses causes not just nasal congestion, but also general weakness, fatigue, and headaches. It is important to know that if the nose is stuffy for more than 7 days, then you need to contact an otolaryngologist and find out where to get an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses. Without x-rays, it is difficult for a doctor to diagnose this disease.

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