Why do experts not recommend lip augmentation before the age of 25?

The question arises: At what age can lip, cheekbone, and chin augmentation, as well as wrinkle correction procedures be performed?

Types of “beauty injections”


- introduction into the skin of cocktails containing: vitamins, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, peptides and other active substances. The procedure helps solve problems of uneven skin tone, pigmentation, dry skin and others.


are injections that use unstabilized hyaluronic acid. The procedure is aimed at correcting fine wrinkles, improving complexion, increasing skin tone, firmness, elasticity and turgor.

Botulinum therapy

– botulinum toxin is used, which relaxes muscles and eliminates facial wrinkles.


is a procedure in which the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma is injected into the skin.
It starts skin restoration processes: color and tone improve, fine wrinkles disappear. Contour plastic surgery
is the injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin. Injections are carried out to replenish the lost volume of internal tissues, fill folds and wrinkles, and correct problem areas. The procedure allows you to model and correct the cheekbone area, correct the shape of the nose, make lips plumper and more voluminous, and restore clarity to the oval without surgical intervention.

Age restrictions for injection procedures. Opinion of a cosmetologist

At what age can lip, cheekbone, and chin augmentation, as well as wrinkle correction procedures be performed?

Ekaterina Petrovna Pavlova, a cosmetologist at CLINIC21, answers:

“Cosmetology today has made many procedures very effective in terms of correcting appearance, practically painless and not requiring long-term rehabilitation. Officially, injection cosmetology procedures can be performed from the age of 18, from the age when a person is fully responsible for his life and health.

But do 18-year-old girls need such procedures? The answer to this question is quite simple - procedures can be carried out if indicated.

For example, methods of therapy and plasma lifting can be carried out from the age of 18 as part of complex therapy for the treatment of acne and post-acne. For aesthetic purposes, from the age of 18, modeling of facial features using fillers based on hyaluronic acid can be used: to increase the volume of the lips, model their contour, correct the cheekbones and chin, fill the nasolacrimal groove and other purposes.

Let's consider the issue of correcting wrinkles at a young age. One girl at the age of 18 has perfectly smooth skin; with facial activity, the skin is immediately restored. In another case, with the same facial expressions, small creases are observed, which remain at rest, but with good skin hydration, they immediately go away. And in the third, wrinkles are already observed at rest, even when the muscle relaxes.

That is, the appearance of facial wrinkles cannot always be explained only by age-related skin characteristics. Wrinkles are also present in young patients who have the habit of frowning, wrinkling their foreheads, and raising their eyebrows.

In the first and second cases, you can get by with preventive injections of botulinum toxin or mesopreparations, peelings or biorevitalization. And in the third case, you can add to this list the introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

Thus, we can conclude that all procedures are carried out from the age of 18 strictly according to indications and for preventive purposes.”


  • Only one procedure is required (in more complex cases, additional correction is possible);
  • The procedure lasts 30-60 minutes;
  • Can be done at any time of the year;
  • Painless;
  • Only certified drugs are used;
  • The procedure is performed by doctors with higher medical education;
  • Our clinic uses proprietary methods and an individual approach to each patient, so after the procedure you are guaranteed to become the owner of a harmonious and youthful oval;
  • The procedure is absolutely safe;
  • The effect lasts up to 1.5 years.

Question answer

What do you inject into your lips to increase volume?

At the Verbena Medical Cosmetology Center, when carrying out volumetric modeling procedures, the latest generation dermal fillers are used in different price ranges: Hiafilia, Yvoire, TEOSYAL, STYLAGE. These biocompatible drugs have “shape memory” and allow you to achieve the most predictable result.

How many ml do you need for lip augmentation?

The optimal amount of the drug used to enlarge the upper and lower lips is 1 ml. At the client's request, a larger or smaller volume can be used.

How long does the lip augmentation procedure take?

On average, the duration of the simulation is 30-40 minutes, taking into account anesthesia.

After the procedure

After administration of hyaluronic acid preparations, pain may persist in the lip area. As a rule, this lasts no more than a week. During the first 24 hours after the procedure, it is recommended to limit excessive facial activity, drink hot drinks, and avoid heavy physical activity. For 10-15 days after increasing lip volume, you should not sunbathe, visit a sauna or bathhouse, and also limit your alcohol intake.

The result of lip volume correction and rejuvenation of the area around the mouth is noticeable immediately after the procedure. During the first 2-3 days, swelling and bruising in the area of ​​manipulation is possible, which resolve within 1 week. The final effect of the correction is assessed after two weeks.


In our clinic, you can increase the volume of your lips with hyaluronic acid fillers, correct problems in the area around the mouth, and also moisturize and emphasize the contour of your lips with the following medications:

  • "Belotero Basic" (Germany);
  • "Teosyal RHA2, RHA3" (Switzerland);
  • “Juvederm Volbella;
  • Volift;
  • Ultra 3;
  • Ultra 4;
  • Smail" (France);
  • "Ivoir classic s" (Korea);
  • "Neauvia Intense Lips" (Italy);
  • "Viscoderm 2.0%" (Italy), etc.

Why choose us?

The Center for Medical Cosmetology "Verbena" in Kursk is:

  • many years of successful work experience and professional achievements;
  • personalized approach to solving aesthetic problems;
  • the use of effective innovative technologies, safe certified drugs and consumables;
  • specialists you can trust;
  • We select the shape of your lips to match the unique geometry of your face, achieving the effect of “natural, natural lips.”
  • affordable prices.

Those wishing to make an appointment with a cosmetologist can leave a request on the website or call the contact phone number. The cost of the procedure “Correction of shape and increase in volume of lips” is indicated in the “Prices” section.

Lip shape correction

In daily practice, a cosmetologist often encounters requests from patients to enlarge their lips. At the same time, the woman often looks very indecisive. And this is due to numerous forums on the Internet.

As a rule, it is mostly negative reviews that are most often posted on the Internet. A woman should share her dissatisfaction with as many people as possible, this makes her feel better. This is a well-known fact from female psychology. And those who got a good result live and enjoy life, not paying attention to the forums. Let's take a look at the most frequently asked questions about lip augmentation.

What drugs are available for lip augmentation?

Currently, hyaluronic acid preparations are mainly used for lip shape correction procedures. Previously, so-called permanent fillers were very popular: silicones, biogels, biopolymers.

Currently, their use has practically been abandoned, because Their only advantage is the lifelong result. But sometimes this becomes a disadvantage, for example, in the case of unsuccessful correction. In addition, all complications of the lip shape correction procedure are caused by permanent fillers:

  • Poor form;
  • Migration of the drug;
  • Compression of blood vessels.

All this can only be corrected surgically. Also, in the area where permanent filler is installed, all types of cosmetic procedures are prohibited.

As a result of all of the above, in modern cosmetology fillers based on hyaluronic acid are used for these purposes.

What is the difference between gel and hyaluronic acid?

This question is often asked on forums, but it is not entirely correct. Fillers are gels made from hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is the most commonly used substance in cosmetology. Depending on its chemical structure and purpose of use, it is different - mesotherapy, biorevitalization, contour plastic surgery. That is, gel is simply called hyaluronic acid with a dense texture.

Which drug would you recommend and why?

There are a huge variety of drugs on the cosmetic market now. Sometimes even experienced cosmetologists have never heard of some of them. It is best to choose a time-tested drug. The ESTELAB clinic uses drugs that have been proven for decades - Restylane and Juvederm.

Depending on what the patient wants, the choice falls on one drug or another. If you need a clear contour, shape correction, volume, then preference is given to the drug Restylane . If everything is in order with the shape, and you just want to increase the volume, give your lips a slight, sexy swelling, then this is Juvederm Volift.

How long will the results last?

The lip area is very well supplied with blood. Accordingly, of all the areas that can be subjected to contouring, the results on the lips last the least. After the first procedure it is 3-4 months. In the future, the drug will last longer, up to 6 months.

How long will it take for hyaluronic acid to dissolve?

Hyaluronic acid begins to dissolve immediately after injection. Since this is a substance native in chemical structure to the skin, the tissues contain a substance for its destruction - hyaluronidase.

The rate of destruction depends on several factors:

  • Structure of the drug;
  • Place of administration;
  • The rate of metabolism in the body.

That's why everyone's volume is different.

Will the volume flow out evenly? Will lumps appear? Will the skin sag?

All drugs are removed evenly, no lumps are formed. Sometimes, only if the insertion technique was violated, after correction there may be unevenness in the tissues, but it can be felt only if you properly palpate the lips. But more often than not, even this does not happen.

The skin does not sag after the volume has gone. On the contrary, with the help of hyaluronic acid, lip tissue is moisturized and rejuvenated.

What contraindications do the drugs have?

The drugs have no contraindications. There are contraindications for the lip contour correction procedure:

  1. Acute infectious diseases;
  2. Exacerbation of the herpes virus;
  3. Exacerbation of somatic diseases;
  4. Pregnancy and lactation;
  5. Epilepsy.

In any case, the question of the possibility of correction is resolved individually with a cosmetologist.

Is it possible to combine lip contouring with permanent makeup?

These two procedures can be combined, but not on the same day. Ideally, permanent lip makeup is done first, and then, after 2-3 weeks, contour correction is done.

These are the most common doubts. If you have any other questions, please come for a consultation at our clinic. Our specialists, together with you, will solve all the issues, select the drug and correction method, so that not a single admiring glance passes your lips!

Sign up for a consultation and procedure online at the ESTELAB clinic here

Indications and contraindications

Lip augmentation with fillers is recommended in the following situations:

  • excessive subtlety, inexpressive outlines;
  • purse-string wrinkles (small vertical folds located perpendicular to the contour of the mouth);
  • mild congenital or acquired asymmetry;
  • excessive dryness of the skin of the lips;
  • physiological or age-related drooping of the corners of the mouth;

The main advantage of hyaluronic acid is its safety for the human body. But, like any injection procedure, cosmetic augmentation has contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to filler components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • inflammatory reactions in the correction area;
  • presence of biopolymer gel in the lips.

The effect of the procedure. In just 40 minutes we can:

  • Restore the clarity of the contour during initial tissue ptosis;
  • Correct facial asymmetry;
  • Replenish the missing volumes in the temporomygomatic and nasobuccal areas;
  • Create expressive and attractive cheekbones;
  • Fill in deep wrinkles (glabellar fold, nasolabial fold, marionette lines) and make you 10 years younger;
  • Visually make the face slimmer (by changing the proportions of the face);
  • Make the chin more graceful;
  • Make the angles of the lower jaw clear and aristocratic (the second name of the “Jolie Profile” procedure).

Is lip augmentation right for you?

To answer this question, you must first ask yourself why you want to change your lips. You should not undergo this procedure unless you really want to change your appearance.

If you're considering lip augmentation to make someone happy or to try to create the perfect look, think twice.

It is also important to have realistic expectations about the outcome. Extended lips can make your lips look plump and full, but you'll still be yourself when you step out of the doctor's office.

Before undergoing lip augmentation surgery, you must be healthy and not smoke. You may not be a candidate for lip augmentation if you have:

  1. active infection, such as oral herpes;
  2. diabetes;
  3. lupus;
  4. problems with blood clotting.

What you need to know about increasing lip volume?

Lip augmentation with fillers is a non-surgical correction method used to fill the missing volume. The main component of “beauty injections” intended for modeling facial structures is hyaluronic acid. This compound is also produced in our body and is responsible for the active accumulation of moisture, maintaining water balance and stimulating collagen synthesis. Thus, when injected, it not only gives additional volume, but also eliminates signs of skin aging, moisturizing it.

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Once injected, the gel in the filler supports and shapes the lip tissue.

The benefits of using hyaluronic acid fillers include:

  • Control of lip volume. The amount of substance injected can be controlled so that the doctor can better control the volume of the lips.
  • Gradual pace of treatment. The injections can be given gradually over different appointments until the desired results are achieved.
  • Irregularities are easily dissolved. Any lumps or lumps created by moving your lips will easily dissolve.
  • Less bruising. There may be less bruising and swelling compared to other dermal fillers.
  • Quite stable results. The results are quite long lasting, but not permanent.
  • An allergic reaction is unlikely. Because hyaluronic acid fillers are made from substances similar to those found in the body, they are unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. But if you are allergic to lidocaine, tell your doctor before treatment.
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