Cleansing, exfoliation, weight loss and cooking. 20 ways to use citric acid

Chemical facial cleansing is one of the most popular types of such cosmetic procedures. It is highly valued for its ability to prevent acne even in the problematic adolescence, which is accompanied by hormonal changes.

The manipulation copes well with the first signs of aging, and also removes traces of inflammation. The measure even works in the long term, reducing the areas affected by skin imperfections, eliminating them almost completely over time.

Various recipes are aimed at deep cleansing contaminated skin. So that every patient can leave the beauty salon completely satisfied, doctors have developed several types of such chemical intervention. They are tailored to the needs of people of different ages and skin types. According to reviews, the first result can be seen immediately after completion of the procedure. The visual changes will please even those who have not previously sought professional cosmetology help.

Indications and contraindications

Not everyone is allowed to undergo peeling. The cosmetic procedure has a number of contraindications, which many do not take into account.

Indications for implementation:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • acne and its consequences;
  • decreased elasticity and tone of the skin;
  • hyperkeratosis.

Facial peeling, photos before and after of which show the effectiveness of the procedure in the fight against pigmentation, is necessary to increase the effectiveness of other cosmetic procedures.
It allows the beneficial components of the products used to penetrate deeper. Peeling is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • breast-feeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of internal organs in the acute stage;
  • colds with high fever;
  • skin diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature;
  • problems of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems;
  • the likelihood of keloid scars;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology.

Complications can occur even if there are no contraindications for use. The result depends entirely on the qualifications of the specialist who performs the procedure. It is he who chooses the type of peeling and the product for it, based on the individual characteristics of the client and the time of year.

When to give up

Acid peeling is a complex procedure. Therefore, before carrying out it, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. The procedure is prohibited:

  • in case of individual intolerance to any of the components of the composition;
  • for allergies;
  • with acute herpes;
  • in the presence of keloid scars;
  • during lactation and pregnancy.

Acid peeling should only be performed from November to March. In warm weather, such a procedure can cause the development of irreversible processes in the layers of the skin. Therefore, during active sun exposure, peeling using acidic compounds is strictly prohibited.

Benefits for the skin

You can get the maximum benefit from the procedure not only in cosmetology clinics and beauty salons, but also at home. The mechanism of action does not depend on the type of peeling, location or high cost of the product used. Its result leads to cleansing of the deep layers of the skin from dead epidermal cells.

Positive influence:

  • Cleansing. The active components of the cosmetic product contribute to a significant weakening of the connection between cells. This helps remove dead skin, subcutaneous fat and ducts. As a result, the face becomes smooth with an even tone.
  • Rejuvenation. Having gotten rid of dead cells, the skin begins to actively regenerate. This process leads to the formation of new cells. In addition, cellular fibrils of collagen and elastin are produced. The elasticity and firmness of the skin increases, folds and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Normalization of subcutaneous sebum production. This is especially important for those with oily skin types. Clogged pores become cleaner and narrower due to natural secretion. Carrying out the procedure in a course effectively fights acne and acne.
  • Getting rid of shortcomings. Exfoliating dead skin removes acne marks, acne scars, and scars. The active components of the products used stimulate the acceleration of melanin synthesis. Thanks to this, pigment spots become less noticeable.

Ultra Gentle Exfoliating Gel

Our list of the best acid peels for the face includes Ultra Gentle Exfoliating Gel.
It is produced by Ultraceuticals. Its cost is 5040 rubles. The gel itself is considered multifunctional. It can be used to tighten pores, cleanse them, and moisturize the skin. The gel contains salicylic and lactic acid. Moreover, the product does not contain abrasive particles. When applied, microspheres are felt that cleanse the skin without damaging the outer layer. The peeling does not dry out, but gently exfoliates.

It is worth noting that it contains glycerin, bisabolol, intended to relieve inflammation, and eucalyptus oil, which is excellent disarming. The gel is suitable for all skin types, especially those prone to inflammation and oily sheen. This composition can be used 1-4 times every 7 days, but experts recommend carrying out the procedure no more than 3 times a week.

Mechanism of action of acid peeling

Impact aimed at certain layers of the epidermis allows you to obtain the desired result through the use of aggressive acids of varying degrees. In response to the substance, the body activates recovery processes. Cells begin to quickly recover and divide.

The action of acids causes a slight chemical burn to the skin. Its depth is directly related to the type of substance chosen and its concentration, as well as to the individual characteristics of the person and exposure. The intensity and speed of recovery processes depend on the severity of the burn.

The skin becomes healthier not because of the peeling itself. The procedure only contributes to damage and stimulation of tissue restoration and protective processes. This leads to increased elasticity and tone of the skin, renewal of its layers.

How does a chemical peel work:

  1. Damage to the skin layer through a chemical burn.
  2. The body's response leads to the active synthesis of signaling molecules, inflammatory mediators, enzymes and growth factors.
  3. There is an increased renewal of basal cells.
  4. The synthesis of fibroblasts is enhanced. This process causes the production of new elastin, collagen, enzymes and glycosaminoglycans.
  5. The skin becomes thicker and denser, its layers are moisturized.

What it is

Many people have probably heard rave reviews about acid peeling for the face. But not everyone was interested in what this procedure was. What is it? Acid peeling is a cosmetic procedure that uses certain acids of varying concentrations. Here a lot depends on what effect will be on the skin. It varies not only in strength, but also in depth. After all, there are several types of acid peeling.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, experts recommend carrying out the procedure under the strict supervision of professional cosmetologists. After all, if you handle acids incorrectly, you can get burns. It is for this reason that you should not perform acid peeling for the face at home without consulting a specialist.

Types of acid peeling

Acid peeling is divided into several types. They depend on the mode of action and active components.


The peeling chemical formula contains a mixture of synthetic and natural components. Liquid glycerin is the main substance. In addition to it, the composition contains phenol, distilled water, and salicylic alcohol. The procedure fights pigmentation, dark circles around the eyes, acne and its consequences.

Phenol peeling is good for smoothing scars, burns, stretch marks and scars. Before carrying out it is important to carry out the preparatory stage. This will reduce the risk of complications after the procedure.

For preparation you need:

  • UV and laser protection;
  • refusal for several months from facial cleansing, hair removal and use of products containing retinol;
  • diagnostics of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, heart and excretory system;
  • taking medications with antioxidants 2 weeks before the procedure.

Phenol peeling leads to a slight tingling and burning sensation of the skin. This side effect goes away on its own after a few hours. The treated area swells and turns slightly red after the procedure. The skin returns to normal within a maximum of 3 weeks.


Fruit peeling does not injure the layers of the skin, because it acts superficially. When performed correctly, it is completely safe for health. The active component of the composition causes a slight burn. Thanks to this, dead cells exfoliate better, triggering renewal of the deep layers.

Before visiting a cosmetology clinic, you should avoid tanning and visiting a solarium 2 weeks before. For maximum effect, special gels with fruit acid are used 10 days before the procedure. They influence the dead layer, clearing the surface of it.

The frequency of fruit peeling and the duration of the procedure are determined individually depending on the skin type:

  1. Dry with signs of aging. The course consists of 6 sessions. Conducted once every 7 days.
  2. Fat. The course, which must be carried out twice a year, contains at least 10 procedures. Aging skin requires 20 sessions.


This acid has an antiseptic effect. It irritates the skin, narrowing pores and smoothing its surface. The use of the substance helps reduce pigmentation.

Facial peeling, photos before and after of which show the possibility of use by women of different age categories, lasts for 40 minutes. Its implementation is simple and can be done at home. This feature of the procedure makes it especially popular among girls.

Rules of execution that are important to follow when doing it yourself:

  1. Cleansing. Residues of cosmetics and dust particles are removed by washing using special mild products.
  2. Degreasing. This stage is extremely important, because the acid will not have time to reach the inner layers of the skin, reacting with subcutaneous fat. A lotion or tonic is suitable for this.
  3. Application. Less sensitive areas are treated with acid first. A tingling and burning sensation appears. Its strength depends on the concentration of the substance. If the reaction sharply intensifies, it is necessary to immediately wash off the composition.
  4. Washing off. The substance is left for several minutes and washed off with water. You can also neutralize salicylic acid with a special product.
  5. Hydration. The skin is soothed by applying a restorative mask or cream with anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

24 hours after the procedure, the skin begins to peel off severely. After 7 days, the layers are completely renewed. The surface becomes smooth and soft. During the recovery period, it is important to protect yourself from exposure to sunlight. Cosmetologists recommend performing salicylic peeling in early spring or late autumn.


The acid is considered a derivative of vitamin A. It is used for peeling for age-related changes and advanced forms of acne.

Impact of retinoic peeling:

  • activation of protein synthesis;
  • accelerating the recovery process;
  • bringing moisture back to normal;
  • relieving the inflammatory process;
  • providing a bactericidal effect.

It is not recommended to carry out retinoic peeling at home. The composition has features of use that an experienced cosmetologist knows.


Ideal for thick, oily skin.

Glycolic acid cleanses pores, softening sebaceous gland secretions. A special feature of glycolic peeling is its mild action and short recovery period. The concentration of the substance depends on the situation. If there is a strong separation of fat, use a weak solution. To get rid of more serious problems, a 70% substance is used.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin and apply a special mask, which promotes better penetration of the acid by loosening the epidermis. The composition is applied and left for 5 to 30 minutes. depending on the neglect. After removing the substance, the skin is treated with a moisturizer.


Mandelic acid enhances the production of collagen and elastin, has a bactericidal effect and tones muscles. After using the substance, the top layer of the skin peels off greatly. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend using products to moisturize and soften the skin for some time.

Features of the action are given in the table:

ActionWhat does it lead to?
Destruction of molecular connections between cellsAccelerates the natural regenerative process
Exfoliation of particles in the sebaceous gland areaEliminates blackheads and age spots, tightens and smoothes pores
Antiseptic effect fights bacteriaPrevents acne
Surface influenceMinimal trauma after the procedure
Slow penetration into layersIt is gentle on the skin, so it is suitable for those with sensitive and thin skin.


The procedure evens out and brightens the complexion and tones the skin. Peeling has a mild effect, so it is great for people suffering from allergies. Since lactic acid is produced in the body, it does not cause swelling or irritation. Milk peeling can be done at any time of the year, even at the height of the summer season.

The acid solution is applied to the surface using a cotton pad or a special brush. The instrument should be moistened generously, but should not drip from it. Contact of the substance with the eyes or skin of the lips causes a negative reaction in the body.

Application begins from top to bottom: first treat the forehead, then the cheeks. You need to move in the direction along the massage lines. The areas around the lips and eyes should not be touched.

Facial peeling with lactic acid allows you to tighten the skin and get rid of excess pigmentation. Photos before and after the procedure

The first procedure lasts no longer than a minute. In the process, it is important to listen to your body. A slight burning or tingling sensation is considered normal. In case of severe discomfort, the product should be washed off immediately. Otherwise, you may get a chemical burn or irritation. Over time, the duration of the procedure can be increased. The skin will get used to the effects of lactic acid.

Washing off such peeling has its own characteristics. Rinse off the product with strictly cold water in a large volume. Insufficient rinsing and using warm liquid will prolong the acid's effect on the skin. Next, gently blot the face with a terry towel. Finally, it is recommended to make a moisturizing mask with a soothing effect.

Preparation before the procedure

If you are going to see a specialist for a medium/deep peel or are planning to start a cleansing course at home, you should start preparing your skin in advance.

The preparation stage is very important and consists of daily use of acid products.

You need to start preparing the skin 1-2 weeks, or better yet, a month before the procedure, so that the skin gets used to the action of acids.

Due to improper preparation or lack of it, chemical peeling may not be carried out deeply enough or, on the contrary, it will be too painful and deep.

Holy Land pre-peeling solution

  • You can use cosmetics with a low acid content (from 6 to 12%) and a high pH level - soft pre-peelings, cleansers, creams, serums.
  • For BHA acids, the minimum effective indicators are 1-2% with pH = 3-4; for heavily contaminated skin with a large number of comedones, the indicators are up to 5% at a lower pH.
  • For AHA acids this is from 5 to 8 - 9% with a pH of 3-4.

Types of chemical peels by depth of effect

Facial peeling, photos before and after of which show the result, depending on the depth of penetration, is divided into superficial, deep and medium.

Superficial peeling

During the procedure, the effect occurs on the upper layer of the epidermis, so it is considered gentle and safer. For peeling, lactic, pyruvic, glycolic, phytic or azelaic acid is used in a concentration of 30-70%. In addition, retinoids and 10-15% trichloroacetic acid are used.

Superficial peeling is characterized by the absence of a recovery period. After it, serious irritation on the face with the formation of crusts never occurs.

Regular superficial procedures help solve a number of aesthetic problems. It evens out the skin, brightens it and smoothes out minor wrinkles. It also helps prepare the skin for deeper peeling.

Cosmetologists note that for the best result, the procedure should be carried out in courses, each of which consists of 4-6 procedures.

Medium peeling

Aimed at destroying living cells to form new ones. In parallel with this, the process of collagen and elastin production improves and accelerates in the deep layers of the skin. In addition, there is an increase in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. The effect also occurs on the epidermis and stratum corneum.

For carrying out use:

  • 30% salicylic acid;
  • 20-35% trichloroacetic acid;
  • a combination of 50-70% glycolic acid and TCA.

Facial peeling of this depth is highly popular due to its greater effectiveness compared to superficial peeling and less danger than deep peeling. It is considered a relatively safe species. The before and after photos show that it gives a pronounced rejuvenation effect. This happens due to an increase in the elasticity of the skin.

The effects of medium peeling include a keratoregulating effect, exfoliation of the epidermis and thickening of the layer of living cells. The course contains from 4 to 6 procedures. Skin restoration occurs after 2 weeks. This period is accompanied by swelling, redness and the appearance of a flaky crust.

Deep peeling

The procedure involves influencing all layers of the skin, including the papillary layer. In this case, the epidermis is completely destroyed. After peeling, the tissue structure begins to form anew, the stratum corneum is absent. The skin is completely renewed.

Deep peeling uses:

  • phenol derivatives;
  • 35-50% trichloroacetic acid.

It is highly effective and traumatic. Phenol burns the entire stratum corneum. As a result, the client receives a rejuvenation effect.

Skin laxity, keratosis, pigmentation, and deep wrinkles disappear, the skin brightens, the surface becomes smooth. The tissues are restored within 3 weeks.

Deep chemical peeling is performed under general anesthesia in the operating room as it is very painful. After completion, the patient is prescribed bed rest. After the procedure, there is a risk of infection, because phenol has a high degree of toxicity. It can only be done once in a lifetime.

The structure of the skin

To understand how acid peeling works, it is worth considering the structure of the skin. For what? Because each substance affects a specific layer of the skin. They act on tissues with different forces. So, the skin consists of three layers:

  1. Epidermis is the top layer. It is in it that the processes of renewal and development of epithelial cells take place. In addition, it protects tissues from the influence of external negative factors. The epidermis is affected by the active components of various creams and other cosmetic compositions intended for skin care.
  2. The dermis is the layer located below the epidermis. A basal dividing membrane is provided between them. The dermis consists of the reticular and papillary layers. The first of them contains most of the collagen fibers. The condition of the skin depends on the condition of the reticular layer of the dermis.
  3. Hypodermis is adipose tissue, or subcutaneous tissue. It is located under the dermis layer. The hypodermis takes part in the processes of thermoregulation of the whole organism. This is where nutrients and water accumulate.

As mentioned above, acid peeling affects certain layers of the skin. It all depends on the active components included in the product. Therefore, a cosmetologist should select medications for the procedure. In this case, much depends on the condition of the patient’s skin. At home, acid peeling for the face can be carried out using only those products that affect the outer layer - the epidermis.


In cosmetology, hardware resurfacing is used to even out the tone and structure of the skin after getting rid of acne and acne. Mechanical peeling gives good results in the fight against age-related changes.

For the technique, special products are used that contain abrasive microparticles and granules. They sand away dead cells like an eraser. After the procedure, lymph outflow occurs much faster.


Exposure to an ultrasound wave causes the breaking of weak bonds between molecules, exfoliation and loosening of dead skin. During the procedure, the effect of cavitation and reflection of ultrasound from the skin is applied. Quitation bubbles promote catalysis and depolarization of the skin, penetrating into the epidermal layer.

Peeling has a weak bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, defibrosing, hydrating and reparative effect, since ultrasonic waves are reflected from the skin without penetrating inside. Combining the inlay technique and ultrasonic peeling will enhance the effectiveness.


Depending on the degree of penetration, the mechanism of action of laser peeling is divided into: deep, superficial and surgical. When using the laser superficially, the basement membrane is not damaged. Peeling performs light grinding, the depth of which is 20-30 microns. After the procedure, the skin quickly recovers.

Read the popular article in the category: Black facial cleansing mask: how to make a black mask at home. Recipe, application, reviews.

Types of objectively possible complications

Exfoliation is a structurally complex cosmetic procedure, the coordinated course of which entirely depends on many objective and subjective determining factors. The thin skin is potentially vulnerable and exposed to various influences from the external environment, the impact of which often greatly increases the objective possibility of secondary complications.

  1. Relatively long-lasting redness of the skin caused in a particular patient by an individual ambiguous reaction to acid. The obvious reason may be the proximity of blood vessels or rosacea.
  2. Rash accompanied by unusually severe itching, which indicates an allergic reaction of the body to the acid.
  3. Extensive mottling of the affected skin, which can suddenly occur due to excessive chemical exposure to the skin and will directly lead to a significant reduction in melanocytes. The cause may also be the possible influence of ultraviolet rays from the sun.

    When peeling the face, a large number of spots may form on the body.

  4. Significant activation of subsequent secretions of the sebaceous glands. This may lead to an increase in acne.
  5. An individual manifestation of herpes that previously existed in the body, with a pronounced weakening of the immune system.

Jessner Peel

Facial peeling (photos before and after the session demonstrate its effectiveness) is a chemical type. The cosmetologist selects a special composition that removes the stratum corneum well and quickly. The components contained in the composition work in several directions at once. This allows you to get the best result that will last for a long time.

The following substances are used for this purpose:

  • lactic acid;
  • salicylic acid;
  • resorcinol.

You can do this peeling not only in a beauty salon, but also yourself at home.

Patient reviews

Marina, 24 years old I like acid peels, but after them my face peels off for about 3 days. I don’t know about wrinkles - I don’t need to fight them yet. The pores are noticeably smaller, the overall face looks fresher and the color improves.

Aliana, 36 years old Facial peeling with fruit acids evens out the color well, I’ve been convinced myself more than once. I went to the salon for 3 sessions, 2 weeks apart. There is an effect.

Daria, 41 years old I decided to buy an acidic glycolic peeling - it didn’t suit me. After 3 days, the skin began to peel off in scales. To complete the course, you need to do it 4 times with a break of 1.5-2 weeks. Those. You will have to forget about tanning and smooth skin for a long time. I'm not ready for such sacrifices. I didn’t notice any super effect. The rashes on the forehead and marks from old acne did not go away from the acid peeling. The pores narrowed a little, but then they returned. I won't repeat it again. Fraxel is better, although it is more expensive, it gives a guaranteed effect.

Diamond peeling

One of the popular procedures in beauty salons. Depending on the force of impact, diamond grinding can be superficial or medium. The rejuvenating effect occurs after several sessions.

Actions of a special hardware brush:

  • skin cleansing;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • cover restoration;
  • giving a healthy complexion.

The condition of the skin and its ability to regenerate determine the duration of the peeling course and its frequency. Most often, 5-8 procedures are performed in a row with a break of a month.

Price of the procedure

The cost of acid peeling in the salon is influenced by the concentration and brand of acid, post-peel care.

The level of the beauty salon and the professionalism of the performing specialist are also important.

  • The cost of one session ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles.
  • The price of a full course will average from 14,000 to 35,000 rubles.

If you want to transform your face with acid peeling, reviews of its clients and your friends will help you decide on a suitable beauty salon: it is better to choose a specialist with an impeccable reputation. He will also select the peeling intensity based on the needs of the skin.

Facial care after the procedure

No matter what type of peeling is used, the skin requires special care after the session. The result and duration of regeneration depends on the strict adherence to the cosmetologist’s recommendations.

Features of care during the recovery period:

  1. Cleansing. After peeling, you still need to cleanse the skin. After the procedure, damage remains on its surface, where infection can develop. It is important to use gentle products. They will soothe the skin and relieve inflammation.
  2. Hydration. Peeling, especially chemical peeling, disrupts the lipid balance in tissues. Therefore, 2 days after the procedure it is necessary to use moisturizers. Light fluids and gels are perfect. They will instantly fill the skin with moisture and do not need to be rubbed in, unlike creams. After 3 days, you can use richer products for sensitive skin - serums, creams and balms. To ensure that the cream is absorbed faster, it is recommended to treat the surface with micellar water before use.
  3. Protection. The skin becomes more vulnerable, it is important to protect it from sunlight. Exposure to ultraviolet light causes pigment spots and burns. Therefore, you should use products with SPF protection of 30 or more.

When deciding to undergo facial peeling, a girl should take into account that for a certain time she will have to adhere to certain restrictions.

Even if the procedure gives a good result, as evidenced by the before and after photos, in some cases it can be harmful. Therefore, before starting, it is important to make sure that the specialist is qualified and that there are no contraindications.

Author of the article: Pronina Marina

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Rehabilitation progress

Since each type of chemical exposure has its own rehabilitation period, which also varies significantly due to the characteristics of the patient’s skin, no one can name the exact recovery time.

The easiest way for healing to occur is by superficial cleansing of the dermis, which will take approximately three days. But recovery with the average technique can take almost a month.

To consolidate the results obtained, as well as to avoid possible complications such as a not very pleasant appearance in the first days, experts recommend adhering to medical recommendations. The cosmetologist will definitely recommend a suitable moisturizing or nourishing cream that can sufficiently saturate the damaged dermis with useful substances and moisture.

An excellent solution to the problem is to use thermal water. If you use it on a regular basis, you will be able to avoid swelling and provide sufficient hydration.

It is also worth refusing to independently remove manifestations of skin peeling, waiting for the natural completion of the process. You'll have to put off going to the solarium and tanning under the sun's rays. You will need to avoid saunas, baths and other rooms where an atmosphere of high humidity and high air temperature is maintained.

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