Oily roots - dry ends or combination hair type

Oily shine on the hair, sticky strands, untidy hairstyle, lack of volume and the feeling of an eternally dirty head - all these are signs of increased activity of the sebaceous glands. But oily hair is not a death sentence. Clean Line experts tell you how to properly care for oily hair so as not to dry out your scalp and deprive it of its vibrant shine.

How does oily shine form on hair?

Oily hair is a problem that appears due to increased oiliness of the scalp itself. The roots of the hair have sebaceous glands - they produce an oily substance called sebum or sebum. It is necessary to protect the hair and scalp from dryness, external factors and damage. Accordingly, the more sebum the glands produce, the better the skin and hair are protected. But this also has negative consequences: increased sebum production leads to hair looking dirty and requiring constant washing, and its mixture with horny scales and dirt can clog the pores of the scalp, which leads to dandruff.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Watch what products you use, they should be suitable for oily strands. Such cosmetics contain components that help regulate sebum production. Its use helps to have clean and fresh-looking curls much longer. I also advise you to go for a mesotherapy procedure on the scalp. With its help, you can not only improve the condition of your hair, but also enhance its growth.

Aisha Baron

Tip 1: Wash your hair properly

It sounds trivial, because everyone is sure that they properly care for their hair, but the health and beauty of your hair depends on how you wash your hair. It is especially important to pay attention to caring for oily hair.

  • Wash your hair with warm water . Hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands, and hair becomes greasy faster. We recommend performing the last rinse with cool water, as this helps to narrow the pores and reduce sebum secretion: the hair will be shiny and stay fresh longer;
  • Use shampoo that suits your hair type . To care for oily hair, choose a shampoo for oily hair; for brittle and dry hair, choose one for dry hair. An incorrectly chosen care product can either dry out your hair even more or increase its oiliness. If you have dry ends and oily roots, then it is better to divide washing your hair into two stages: wash the roots with shampoo for oily hair, and the ends - for dry hair. Also, when caring for oily hair, you don’t have to apply balm to the hair roots - this way they will look clean longer;
  • Do not rub the shampoo into the scalp , but apply it with massage movements to the roots and distribute along the entire length of the hair. A head massage is not only pleasant, but also useful: you stimulate blood circulation, and the beneficial components of the product used penetrate more actively into the hair follicle;
  • Don't wash your hair every day . Many who suffer from oily hair wash their hair every day - this is the main mistake they make. Frequent use of shampoo can cause dry scalp, and will also increase sebum production and make the scalp even more oily. In order to refresh your strands, you can use dry shampoo - it does not harm the hair roots and scalp and will help remove dirt and sebum accumulated on the hair.

Professional treatments

Ozone therapy

The principle of ozone therapy is the effect on the scalp of a three-dimensional hydrogen molecule with high oxidizing properties.

Technically it can be done in three ways:

  1. injection;
  2. using the Darsonval apparatus;
  3. using a special cap.

During ozone therapy, the scalp is saturated with oxygen, intracellular processes are accelerated and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is regulated. Due to the destruction of the fungal infection, the head stops itching, and the tissues heal faster .


Mesotherapy is the injection under the skin (or into the upper layers of the epidermis) of medications or dietary supplements using a syringe with a very thin needle. The procedure helps solve several problems of the scalp and hair shafts:

  • disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  • dropping out;
  • seborrhea (dry and oily);
  • early gray hair;
  • dryness and section along the length.


Another injection procedure, only this time it is not a medicine that is injected under the skin, but blood plasma enriched with platelets. Before performing plasma lifting, the doctor takes blood from the patient himself and loads it into a centrifuge to separate the plasma.

Plasma injected into the damaged area accelerates natural processes several times and improves immunity.


Cryotherapy is a physiotherapeutic procedure carried out using cold reagents. Aimed at improving the health of a specific area of ​​the body. In this case - on the scalp.

Under the influence of low temperatures, blood flow first slows down sharply, and then also starts abruptly. The body gives a signal to dilate blood vessels , which means that the absorption of nutrients improves several times.


The device for darsonvalization looks like a comb with sparse teeth. It produces weak electrical impulses that irritate blood vessels and stimulate the layers of the epidermis at the cellular level . The procedure helps to cope with problems such as oily and dry seborrhea, hair loss, dryness and fragility.

Note! You can purchase the Darsonval apparatus and carry out the darsonvalization procedure yourself.

Laser shower

A laser shower is a device that looks exactly the same as a regular shower head , with only one difference - it has a built-in device that creates laser radiation. 36 degrees passes through these rays , which washes the damaged area.

The procedure activates regeneration processes, normalizes sebum production and makes hair healthy and attractive in appearance.

Note! If you want to enhance the effect of cosmetic masks, do them after the laser shower procedure.

Tip 2: Use the right products for oily hair

Choosing the right product to care for oily hair is an important rule that will help reduce the amount of sebum produced. Using the wrong products can make your hair heavier. For example, a large amount of oils in the recipe not only helps to moisturize the scalp, but also increases its oil content, which makes the hair get dirty even faster.

The best advice is to use liquid clear shampoos. Shampoo and conditioner for oily hair Calendula Clean Line control the activity of the sebaceous glands - reduce sebum production and at the same time do not dry out the scalp, moisturizing the hair along the entire length1. Calendula is a necessary component in oily scalp care products. Thanks to the content of salicylic acid, calendula extract can tighten pores and reduce sebum production.

And the flavonoids and tannins in calendula extract will help reduce the number of free radicals and soothe the scalp.

Question answer

Yes this is true. Exposure to hot air increases the activity of the sebaceous glands, so the hair becomes oily faster. If possible, dry your hair naturally.

First of all, the body must receive the required amount of vitamins. Do not eat too fatty foods, avoid spices, sweets, and alcohol. Don't forget to consume dairy products, eggs, and fruits.

They lead to limited air flow, which makes the hair greasy faster. This does not mean that you should not wear hats, just use them for their intended purpose and not for beauty.

Caring for oily hair at home

properly care for oily hair at home: natural products guarantee gentle care for your scalp and hair. Among the most popular products are cucumber and lemon juices and apple cider vinegar.

Consumer properties were confirmed by testing the “shampoo + balm” complex, personal assessment of 100 women, min 72% agree, Russian Federation, 2016.

Lemon juice

Dilute the juice of one lemon with water and apply to your scalp and hair. Leave the product on for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo. Lemon juice has a gentle exfoliating effect on the scalp, helping to normalize sebum secretion and equalize pH levels. This citrus is rich in useful components: it contains vitamins A, C, and B vitamins, as well as nicotinic and citric acids.


If your hair is constantly oily, add the following foods to your menu :

  • milk and fermented milk products;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • oatmeal and bran.

will have to be excluded from the diet :

  • fatty meats;
  • foods fried in oil or deep-fried;
  • too spicy or salty dishes;
  • drinks and confectionery with a high sugar content.

Tip #3: Blow-dry, but properly

A lot of hair dryer and that's it, your hair will look like tow! But you can’t create a beautiful hairstyle without a hairdryer... Therefore, be sure to apply a heat protectant to your hair before drying. And we don’t dry our hair at the highest temperatures, even if we’re in a hurry.

  • Pay attention to the distance at which you hold the hair dryer; it is not advisable to reduce it by more than 20 centimeters.
  • To properly dry your hair, divide it into strands and dry each one in turn, moving from roots to ends.
  • After hot drying, apply a stream of cold air to your hair to make it more elastic.

How to refresh dirty hair at the roots without washing

Although regular, well-chosen anti-greasy masks help improve the condition of your strands, sometimes the problem needs to be addressed quickly. You can eliminate unsightly shine without washing in just a few minutes. Reviews from many girls have proven that with the help of available means you can quickly save the situation.

Dry shampoo

Dry shampoo is an effective product against oily hair, which should always be on hand for the owner of this type of strands. It is an aerosol with which you can restore your hair in just a few minutes.

The product should be applied in this way:

  1. Divide the entire volume into equal strands.
  2. Apply the spray to the roots that have become exposed due to parting.
  3. Wait 3-5 minutes (depending on the chosen product).
  4. Comb out the strands, preferably using a wooden comb.

Substances contained in dry shampoo bind fat, which is removed during subsequent combing . This is an effective way to reduce shine in just 5 minutes.


You can use a hair dryer as follows:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, apply the composition using a cotton pad to the strands located on top and dry thoroughly - they will become fresher.
  2. Use a styling gel, distribute it and dry the strands using a diffuser. The effect of wet hair will be achieved.

This is another effective method for reducing oily strands.


Using regular baby powder or talcum powder can improve the appearance of your hair. This method is suitable for blondes - on dark hair these products will be visible, which will only worsen the appearance.

The hair should be divided into zones and the roots should be carefully worked out. After this, the composition should be left for a few minutes, and then combed. You can lower your head down and carefully rub the strands - this will clean your hair.

Wooden comb

A clean wooden comb absorbs oil and sebum well. Thorough combing will refresh your hair. The method is suitable for both blondes and brunettes.

Hair fixation spray

Oily strands tend to become heavier, causing volume and lightness to be lost. This problem can be solved using regular varnish. To do this, you need to lower your head down and work the volume with varnish, lightly shaking the strands with your hands.

It’s worth being in the “upside down” position for at least about a minute. After this, return to the starting position and use a wide-toothed comb to give the desired shape and fix it with varnish.

Tip No. 4: a nutritious and balanced diet is the path to beautiful hair

We can talk a lot about the benefits of proper nutrition; it also plays an important role for the beauty of hair. Food rich in vitamins and microelements will serve as a good source of healthy hair and the whole body as a whole.

It is recommended to undergo tests once a year to assess whether your body is deficient in certain vitamins. You can also rely on products that have a good effect on the beauty of your hair. Carrots and cabbage are the best sources of keratins, which determine the thickness and strength of curls.


The main internal causes of oily roots:

  • lack of their nutrition;
  • dandruff not cured in time;
  • imbalance and metabolism in the body;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of vitamins.

Attention! Regular use of hormonal contraceptives can also cause oily hair, especially if the girl is prone to skin problems.

Inappropriate care for them can also cause excessive oiliness at the roots. The active work of sebaceous secretions is provoked by:

  • Combing too often (in addition to being greasy, curls and ends become brittle).
  • Stress and depression.
  • Frequent coloring, constant use of hair dryers, straighteners and corrugated curling irons.
  • Excessive use of balms, conditioners and masks.
  • Incomplete rinsing of hair from conditioner or mask.
  • Pressure headgear.

Most often, brunettes and brown-haired people have oily hair, while those with light hair colors (blonds, redheads) are much less likely to have this type of hair.

Tip #5: Less worry and stress

Hair loss and stress are closely related. You might think that hair is an antenna that perfectly senses your inner mood. In fact, stress affects hormonal levels. During periods of anxiety, cortisol is actively produced, and, unfortunately, it inhibits metabolic processes. Hair falls out rapidly, but new ones do not grow. Therefore, worry less and enjoy life more.

And if the condition of your hair worries you, trust its health to specialists, not dubious advice. It is better to approach the treatment of hair diseases immediately responsibly, so you can slow down the development of the disease before it takes active forms. At the AZALIA clinic you will always find professional help from experienced trichologists.

Pharmaceutical products for oily hair

Sulsena paste helps against oiliness and seborrheic dermatitis, which is often confused with dandruff. The composition is applied to the scalp once a week. For prevention purposes, 1% of the drug is enough; for treatment, a more concentrated composition is chosen.

Sometimes it is impossible to solve the problem of oily hair only with the help of topical products. To improve the activity of the sebaceous glands, you need to use appropriate medications that will help get rid of dandruff and oiliness.


Any pills for oily hair should only be prescribed by a doctor. Treatment is carried out after a thorough diagnosis to identify the causes of scalp disorders. Self-medication is unacceptable .


Well-selected vitamins for hair allow you to normalize the functioning of the body, and the beauty of your hair is the result of the well-functioning functioning of internal organs. For the beauty and health of your hair, you should take the following vitamin complexes:

  • Omega-3;
  • Undevit;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Vitrum;
  • Duovit.

Important! Every woman should have her own favorite vitamin complex that will suit her best. If adverse reactions occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Folk remedies for oily hair

Some girls have encountered a situation where the appearance of their strands leaves much to be desired. In this case, you can use one of the recipes below for fat content. Most products are available and found in every home.

You can prepare herbal infusions that will help cope with oiliness. It is necessary to use plants that have a drying effect - calendula, nettle. You can add oak bark. Infusions are used at the rinsing stage after washing. To do this, mix the components in advance, 1 tbsp each. l. and brew in 1 liter of water. Before rinsing, dilute the composition in 3-4 liters and wash the strands.

If you add a few drops of anti-greasy essential oil to the rinse composition, the quality of your hair will become even better. Citrus compositions, verbena oil, lavender, rosemary are well refreshing . By the way, you can find out how to stop washing your hair frequently here.


Clay is able to adsorb oil from the scalp and restore freshness to the strands. For the procedure, you need to mix white and green clay in equal proportions and rub in.

For medium-length hair, 5-6 tbsp is usually enough. l. composition. After a few minutes, the strands need to be subtracted and styled in the desired way.

Sea salt

You can refresh your hair with a sea salt spray. For oily hair, it is diluted in water - in the proportion of 1 tsp. for 500 ml. Spray on strands, comb through, dry slightly. This method also allows you to get rid of the unpleasant smell of cigarette smoke if the girl had to stay in such a room for some time.


You can refresh your hair without water using vodka. To do this, spray the composition from the bottle and let it dry.

Then comb with a comb with wooden teeth. The appearance of your hair will become noticeably cleaner.


Natural apple cider vinegar will help keep your hair clean for a long time. It is better to use this product immediately after washing - this way the strands will stay fresh longer.

If you apply a vinegar spray to dry hair and do not wash it afterwards, it will leave a strong smell that will be quite difficult to mask.

Tar shampoo

Using tar shampoo is an opportunity to correct the type of strands, making it less greasy. Regular use of the product normalizes sebum production.

You should not use the product more than once a week. You can alternate with other usual products, but preferably without sulfates in the composition.


The method is well suited for blondes. Apply the powder to the roots and lightly shake the strands with your hands.

Talc absorbs oil from the skin well, and the hairstyle will become visually cleaner and more voluminous.


The principle of action is similar to talc. Do not apply the product to dark hair. Although they will become less greasy, white marks will remain from the soda, which will be impossible to hide without routine washing.


Mustard for oily hair is a proven remedy. It suits women with dark or red hair. The powder should be distributed on the roots and lightly rubbed with your hands. After a few minutes, the strands should be combed out. The oily sheen will go away and there will be more volume.

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