Features of transgenderism: gender change from girl to man and other variations

A lot is already known about transgenderism (transsexualism). Transgender people are those who cannot accept their biological sex. Suffering in every possible way from the hated forms and behavior assigned to them by nature, they strive to change the situation by any means.
The ideal option for such aspirations is a transgender transition or transition, accompanied by the transformation of a girl into a man or transformation from a man into a woman.

The whole truth about female transsexualism

Modern medicine distinguishes between two forms of transsexualism: male and female. In the first case, we are talking about people who are male from birth, but feel like women. Female transsexualism is a diagnosis given to women who perceive themselves as men. Today, every transsexual has the opportunity to bring his body into alignment with the spiritual world. At the same time, changing gender from female to male is considered the most difficult and dangerous.

At least two surgical interventions are required for complete transformation. Often, 4-5 operations are performed to achieve a high-quality aesthetic result. Each patient, before being seen by a surgeon, must undergo a long course of hormone therapy. All this is quite dangerous even for an absolutely healthy person. The decision to change sex must be balanced and informed. Today in Russia and other developed countries of the world, such operations are performed only for clear medical indications.

Preparation period

It is important to understand that the process of gender reassignment is quite lengthy and normally takes several years. It is useful to start by studying this issue in detail and, if possible, communicating with like-minded people. How does gender change from female to male occur, where to start? The first step towards the desired goal is visiting a psychiatrist. The patient undergoes an examination and regularly visits this specialist.

After some time (usually a period of 6 months to 2 years), a person who considers himself transsexual is asked to undergo a medical examination. Experts experienced in this matter, based on the medical history and an interview with the patient, decide on the need for gender transformation. If transsexuality is confirmed, a corresponding certificate is issued. This document is necessary for carrying out operations.

What's happening?

Transsexualism first consciously manifests itself in a child at 3-5 years of age (in fact, from the moment behavioral sex differences arise). The child wants to dress in clothes of the opposite sex, calls himself by a different name, in a different gender. As a rule, it is difficult for such a child to find a common language with his peers, he withdraws into himself, and develops psychological problems. During puberty, he often develops hatred of his genitals; the teenager finally realizes the discrepancy between his internal sensations and the external manifestations of his gender. From this moment on, the transsexual begins to look for ways to change his gender.

Mastectomy and hysterectomy

The process of physiological transformation of the female body into a male one begins with hormonal therapy. Initially, a comprehensive diagnosis of the body is carried out. In the absence of categorical contraindications, specific drugs are prescribed based on the test results. One of the most important moments in the transformation of all men born in women's bodies is the first operation. Mastectomy, or removal of the mammary glands, is the first-line surgical procedure for transsexuality. Immediately after this operation, the figure takes on a male outline.

But what does a complete gender change from female to male consist of, what is such an intervention called? Hysterectomy – removal of the female genital organs. After this operation, the patient receives an appropriate certificate. Based on this medical document, in our country you can legally change your gender. But changing this line in the passport is often the goal of a transsexual. When the gender in the passport coincides with the actual psychological one, it is much easier to adapt to society. For many people with transsexuality, this is an opportunity to find their dream job, officially introduce themselves with a new name, and even get married.

Joint pain

Based on the nature of joint damage, there are two types of pain: inflammatory and non-inflammatory. The cause of the former is a reaction to an infection, an allergic or autoimmune process. Typically, such pain is accompanied by swelling of the joint, redness of the skin and increased body temperature. The absence of these signs, even in the presence of severe pain in the joint, indicates its non-inflammatory nature.

Joint pain can be divided into:

  • Night (stagnant) pain

    . Due to the lack of movement, stagnation of synovial fluid occurs in the joint, and its blood supply slows down. The muscles that support the normal position of the deformed head of the bones in the joint become relaxed, and the pain intensifies.

  • Mechanical pain

    . They usually get worse in the evening and go away in the morning. Caused by physical activity during the day.

  • Starting pains

    . They occur at the beginning of any movement, when the joint was previously at rest. When the joint warms up, the pain subsides or goes away completely.

  • Referred pain

    . Occurs with diseases of internal organs or after childbirth in women.

Phalloplasty - the final stage of transformation

Interesting fact: in approximately 30% of cases, gender reassignment from female to male is performed without phalloplasty. It turns out that only 70% of people with transsexuality obtain a body with neophalos through surgery. Modern medicine offers several options for phalloplasty.

Metoidioplasty is performed on patients who have achieved clitoral enlargement through hormonal therapy. The operation is relatively simple, after which the sensitivity of the erogenous zones is preserved. However, this type of plastic surgery allows you to create a penis no more than 6 centimeters long, which does not have penetrating ability.

Complete phalloplasty is an operation that takes place in several stages. The main goal of this surgery is to create a fully functioning penis of adequate size. In this case, changing gender from female to male can take a whole year. The results are definitely worth it. After rehabilitation, the penis looks aesthetically pleasing, and the patient can fully participate in traditional sexual intercourse.


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What awaits a transsexual after surgery?

Not for all people born out of their body, phalloplasty becomes the last plastic surgery in the process of transformation. Many transsexuals turn to surgeons more than once. The possibilities of aesthetic medicine today are great. Through surgery, you can make your facial features more masculine, remove excess fatty tissue, and shape the shape of your buttocks or calves. You should not expect dramatic changes in appearance immediately after changing gender from female to male.

Many physiological parameters will remain unchanged forever. This is, for example, the size of the hands and feet. You will also have to develop your voice, gait and demeanor yourself. The most important stage in the life of every transsexual is changing the gender in the passport. What is noteworthy is that after receiving new documents, many people who have undergone a complete transformation prefer to move to a new place and begin a full life in the desired body.

From beard to dress and back. Transgender people told why they regretted changing their sex (but too late)

Nearly 20 percent of all transgender people in the world regret changing their gender and struggle with the consequences of their decision. How life turned out for people who changed their minds, is there a way back after operations and hormonal therapy, and why the transition from a man to a woman sometimes does not help.

Every year in large cities of Russia at least a dozen people undergo hormonal therapy and sex reassignment surgery. Meanwhile, in the world, only 80 percent of transitions end without people regretting their choice.

In August 2022, the journal of psychiatry Bränström published a correction to the recent study. Scientists have found that even after changing gender, transgender people do not turn to psychiatrists less often. Transition is bad medicine, according to researchers.

This is confirmed by the cases of young people who realized too late that changing their body does not solve anything for them.

From man to woman and back

One of the first to speak about regret due to gender reassignment was Walt Heyer, a man who in 1983 decided from a caring family man and father of two children to turn into a happy and carefree woman.

Walt at his wedding before his gender transition

Heyer underwent hormone therapy, had breast implants installed, and also decided to undergo surgery to remove male genitalia. He didn’t even have his old name left - Walt became Laura Jensen.

Laura Jensen

In April 1983, I had sex reassignment surgery. At first, I wanted to start over, but hormones and genital surgery could not solve the underlying problems of my gender dysphoria,” Walt recalled.

Eight years later, Walt realized that his problems were not related to gender, but to mental trauma, and changed his gender again.

I gave up transitioning over 25 years ago. I learned the truth: Hormones and surgery can change your appearance, but nothing changes the immutable fact of your gender.

Walt has become a man again and is helping others who have regretted gender reassignment.
Since then, Heyer has remarried and has been helping transgender people whose lives have not been improved by gender reassignment for 20 years.

Brian Belovich from Brooklyn went through no less radical metamorphoses, having also been in the body of a woman and returned back.

Brian Belovich thought he looked feminine

Brian started thinking about hormone therapy at age 19. According to the man, he was often confused with a girl because of his rather feminine facial features and figure.

I felt so embarrassed about being an effeminate, chubby gay guy. So I decided that it would be easier for me to become a woman.

In the late 1970s, Belovich underwent surgery to install breast implants, and soon underwent a course of hormone therapy. Having become a woman, he began working in a club as a dancer.

Brian became Natalia Gervais

However, the party life of the 80s famously hit Brian’s physical and mental health - he began to suffer from alcohol and drug addictions. Belovich no longer wanted to be a woman and realized that the only solution to his problem was to become a man again.

After the second operation I felt relief. When I woke up, I cried not from pain, but from happiness. It felt like a huge burden had been lifted.

Brian is now happily married and loves his male body.

Stuck between woman and man

Girls are no less likely to regret their transition, and England's Charlie Evans is one of them. The British woman was experiencing psychological problems associated with gender dysphoria and decided to become a guy.

Charlie considered herself a man for ten years

Evans changed her gender and identified herself as a man for ten years. However, gender dysphoria never went away. Charlie then refused the transition and was surprised to learn how many people had been in a similar position.

I talk to people in their 20s who have had full gender reassignment surgery and wish it hadn't happened. Their dysphoria hasn't improved, they don't feel any better,” Charlie says. “Now they don’t know what to do.”

Now Charlie is helping those who made mistakes like her.
This response in the hearts of young people prompted Charlie to found the charitable project The Detransition Advocacy Network. TDAN seeks to expand medical and legal options for those who refuse to transition.

Keira Bell is a girl from London who is familiar with the Charlie Evans charity company firsthand. At the age of 16, Kira began to experience depression and problems with gender self-identification.

Kira in childhood

While still a teenager, Bell underwent hormone therapy to block the development of signs of puberty. Her voice broke, and a mustache and beard appeared on her face.

Only after surgical breast removal in 2022 did Kira realize that she had made a mistake. Now she considers herself neither a man nor a woman.

I live in a world in which I cannot call myself either a man or a woman. “I’m stuck between two genders,” the girl says.

After the operation, Kira quit hormone therapy and refused the transition. However, her body still looks more like a man's than a woman's - thanks to taking medications.

Kira dreams of becoming a girl, but her body is not recovering

Of course, not all stories about transition end so sadly. For example, a military man who changed his gender married the guy of his dreams, who used to be a girl. Actress Ellen Page also told fans without regret that she had become Eliot.

Regrets are profitable

Nearly 20 percent of the world's transgender people regret their transition, and surgeons have good reason to avoid giving these patients extra time to think about it. According to US research firm Global Market Insights, gender reassignment companies are making good money from impulsive clients and see good prospects for further development of the industry.

The global market for sex reassignment surgeries in 2022 amounted to more than 316 million US dollars (more than 23.248 billion rubles), and between 2020 and 2026 it will grow by 25.1 percent, explains American public health researcher Sumanth Ugalmungale.

The European sex reassignment market, which was valued at $15.9 million (RUB 1.2 billion) in 2022, is now dominated by Germany. The increase in the number of people choosing to transition is facilitated by the policy of awareness of such procedures in the States. It also stimulates the global market.

Meanwhile, American psychologist Andre Van Mol and his colleagues clarify that people who are thinking about changing their sex need to spend at least a decade with this idea in order not to make a mistake.

After 10 years of following a group of transgender people, we noticed that among them there were 12 times more completed suicides and almost three times more visits to inpatient mental health care than the general population of the world,” says Van Mol.

The best solution is to contact a specialist in advance. An expert will help rule out psychological problems that people confuse with gender dysphoria.

Cost of gender reassignment surgery

How much does it cost to transform from a woman to a man? Formally, operations in this category, performed for medical reasons, should be performed free of charge. In practice, the price of a mastectomy is at least 80,000 rubles. Phalloplasty costs from 350,000 rubles. At the same time, we must not forget that the cost of the operation may vary depending on the level of the clinic and the region in which gender reassignment from female to male is performed. How not to make a mistake when choosing a doctor? You should focus on the experience of a specialist directly in this field and positive reviews from real people.

Reviews of transformations

The overwhelming number of transsexuals who have successfully completed all stages of transformation prefer to disappear into the crowd. And only a few are happy to tell their own biography. It's all about the mixed reaction of the public. Is it really possible that such people can only be helped by changing their gender from female to male?

Reviews about the operation can be found very different and incredible. But for all transsexuals without exception, the operation is a ticket to a new and definitely better life. Many of them, after a complete transformation, get married, successfully engage in creativity and build a career.

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