Tsygankova Natalya Andreevna


In 1997, Natalia Andreevna graduated from the Moscow Russian State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine.
Has a specialization in “Dermatovenereology” (Moscow, Central Institute of Dermatovenereology) and “Surgery” (Moscow, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MMA named after I.M. Sechenov), completed professional retraining in “Plastic Surgery” (Moscow, Educational under the leadership of the President of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Milanov N.O.). In 2009 – advanced training in the specialty “Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Surgical cosmetology" under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences L.L. Pavlyuchenko.

Constantly improving her knowledge, Natalia Andreevna takes part in numerous training programs, master classes, Russian and international congresses and seminars. Here are just a few of them:

  • “II International Congress on Applied Aesthetics in Russia”, (1999);
  • “Modern methods for correcting cosmetic imperfections. "Laser Therapy" (1999);
  • “Drug Dysport – Botulinum toxin type A. Application in aesthetic medicine. Pharmacology. Mechanisms of action. Methods of introduction", (2000);
  • “Superficial and medium chemical peels”, (2001, 2006);
  • “Theoretical and practical training course on the use of chemical peels EASY PEEL (various protocols) ONLY TOUCH PEEL, EASY PHYTIC PEEL”, (2001);
  • “Use of materials for contour plastic surgery”, (2000, 2006, 2007);
  • “IV International Course on Plastic Surgery. Rejuvenating operations of the face and neck. Mammoplasty", (2006);
  • “X intensive course on plastic and reconstructive surgery: liposuction, lipofilling, liposhifting”, (2007);
  • “XI Intensive Course in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery”, (2007);
  • “V International Course on Plastic Surgery. Anti-aging facial surgery. Body contouring: reduction mammoplasty, abdominoplasty, liposuction, lipofilling” (2008);
  • “IX International Congress: Reconstructive, plastic and aesthetic surgery of the breast”, (2009);
  • “XIII International course on plastic reconstructive surgery: endoprosthetics of the mammary glands, mastopexy, reduction mammoplasty. Breast reconstruction. Complex treatment of obesity, abdominoplasty, body lifting, thigh lift, brachioplasty” (2009);
  • “Aesthetics of augmentation mammoplasty. Prognosis of endoprosthetics. Repeated operations and their reasons”; “IV Professional Forum: The Art of Plastic Surgery” (2010);
  • “VI International Course on Plastic Surgery: Facial and Body Rejuvenation Techniques”, (2010),
  • “Endoscopic methods of face and neck rejuvenation. Use of facial implants" (2010);
  • Course by Adam Rubinstein “Endoscopic technique in plastic surgery” (2010);
  • “Modern methods of reconstructive surgery for breast cancer”; Course by Mikhail Yaremchuk “Facial implants - aesthetic facial correction” (2010);
  • “I International School of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology” (2010);
  • “Intensive course on reconstructive surgery for breast cancer” (2011, N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center);
  • “International educational symposium: Aesthetic surgery and dermatocosmetology in facial and periorbital area rejuvenation” (2011);
  • Symposium “Cell Technologies in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery” (2011),
  • "The First Sino-European Congress on Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery", Beijing, China, China National Convention Center (2011).
  • simpozium-usa Internship at the 9th National Hospital in the department of reconstructive and plastic surgery. Head Professor Tong, Shanghai, China (2011)
  • “5th Annual Symposium on Reconstructive Surgery, QMP Publishing House”. Chicago (USA) (2011)
  • Areas of work of the specialist

Since 1998 worked at the Medical Radiological Research Center (Obninsk) in the department of surgical and conservative treatment of radiation injuries as a plastic surgeon.



As in one of the jokes - when the breasts were distributed, I apparently stood in line for the brains (although I can’t say that I didn’t get them defective :)))). As a result, complexes from the age of 16 and violent envy of busty girls in bikinis from music videos. I decided to have breast surgery when I was 25 years old, I saved up money and…. got married. And then there’s the wedding, the honeymoon, the search for housing and all that... In general, my operation was somehow postponed indefinitely. And to be honest, I really wanted a baby. I decided that I would do it after giving birth. She gave birth to a daughter. She completely ruined my breast, my darling. But after 3 months the milk went away, and six months later I was already having a consultation with a local surgeon. In general, there were many dilemmas. I was born in Obninsk (100 km from Moscow), but like many, I gradually moved to Moscow (work, partying, rented apartment, etc.). Which surgeon should you choose? What implants? Form? Size? Access? I started studying the information. Meticulously. There are 3 surgeons practicing in Obninsk, but there is no information about any of them on the Internet, let alone in Moscow. Our city is small, girls are probably embarrassed to share their impressions... But I’m not))) in case someone, like me, will look for these reviews. IN GENERAL, PROS AND MINUSES: Reviews (in Obninsk there are only 3 doctors and without reviews, in Moscow there are hundreds with reviews). Hospital (in Obninsk they keep you for at least 3 days at 2500 rubles per day, in Moscow usually 1 day); The price in Obninsk is significantly cheaper, judge for yourself: 90 thousand rubles. for an operation through the armpit + 13 thousand general anesthesia + 7.5 thousand for 3 days of hospital (very, very cool nurses, service, wards and food) + 43100 Mentor implants 300 ml medium profile and underwear + 6 thousand cost for tests and appointment with an anesthesiologist. TOTAL: 160 thousand rubles And in Moscow? How much will all this fun cost? Personally, I haven’t found it cheaper than 230 thousand, and this includes one day in the hospital and more economical implants. Although I may have looked poorly, so don’t eat me. Doctor. Of course this is the most important thing. He must instill confidence in his high professional level. They instilled in me (and by the way, I’m so incredulous))). So, Tsygankova Natalya Andreevna. She will not smile at you and try to win you over. If you like being licked, this is definitely not for her. She is serious, honest and specific (and also very beautiful and young). I came with pictures of what I wanted, but she quickly brought me back to reality and showed me what we could make of me. By the way, it turned out that almost half of our city had surgery here, judging by the number of names on the computer with photographs of the work, but not a single review on the Internet. ))) I was very surprised. No PR. Well, she also chose the implants taking into account my characteristics. The clinic uses only 2 companies: McGuns and Mentors. I wanted anatomical mcgans, but the doctor insisted on round mentors. Can you imagine what happened to me? None of my preparation or expectation came true. But I trusted the doctor because her arguments were extremely convincing. Firstly, macgans are softer, and secondly, anatomical with my method of access (through the armpit) is undesirable, because if the anatomy is turned upside down, it will be problematic to return it to its place, which will not be the case with round pieces. I repeat, I really wanted anatomy, but still gave in. We also need to say about the second doctor who practices in the same clinic. This is Yuri Efimovich Narusov. This is simply the most wonderful man: plump, kind, attentive and at the same time a very high-level specialist in surgery. I wanted to go to him too, but it turned out that they were operating together! I was very happy! In general, the choice was made, tests and payment, and collecting things. So, the day of the operation arrived. Light jitters (mild because I recently gave birth “fun”, it definitely won’t get any worse), a comfortable double room, a pleasant neighbor with a hernia repair and a tummy tuck and... surgery! She passed out quickly and with a smile (nervous, probably)). I recovered from anesthesia normally. This is the merit of the excellent anesthesiologist Sara Mustakhimovna. AFTER OPERATION. Day one: painful, but tolerable, thanks to constant pain relief on demand. Feelings: I feel like a dove..... that was run over by a dump truck)). In other words, 50 bricks were placed on your chest, and before that you pumped dumbbells on your chest for 10 hours without stopping. There are no pains, colics or anything else... Only what I wrote about: BRICKS!!! ))) On the second day they had to remove this torture bra for the first time so that I could see what happened. I was glad that both doctors came in separately and said that the result should be good. What didn’t make me happy was that I looked at my “two 300 ml each” and somehow doubted that they were big enough. Of course, maybe they were pressed down a lot, the poor things, but something that so far looked like the first size. Well, let's see, with my height of 158 cm and 52 kg, maybe it will be normal))). I looked at pictures of girls on forums with similar parameters and ml, they seem to look cool. Well, a little more about the staff: unusually attentive and polite girls looked after us. Red-haired Olya and brown-haired Lena. Both are simply lovely and very friendly. They even tied my pigtails)). I will remember them for a long time! On the third day of my stay I celebrated my birthday. So the mood is great, all the staff have already been treated to cakes. As for the operation, it went well. The sensations are certainly painful, but tolerable, especially with constant painkillers on demand. In my opinion, the boobs turned out so cute and natural. They didn’t show me the stitches, they just bandaged me and that’s it. And I wasn’t ready to watch yet, I’m too impressionable, I can disconnect from my own imagination))) for me, when they change the drainage, I close my eyes))). Unfortunately, I cannot evaluate whether this method is more painful or not, but the pain is really tolerable, and what is also important is that they kept me here for 3 days, and not 1, as in many Moscow clinics. This is important for me, because if they had discharged me earlier, it would have been a little difficult for me at home on my own. The feeling of the bricks did not go away, but they were definitely stolen during the night)) about 10 pieces, I think, were taken away)), so all this is quite bearable. And in some ways I’m even proud that my body structure fits this method (muscle method). It's not shown to everyone. And they didn’t give me straight seams, but s-shaped ones. My armpit turned out to have no folds at all (which is not very good for scars), and the Surgeon had just returned from a conference in Germany and studied there. According to her, such a seam is less noticeable, somehow stretches and is visually smeared. The master is really good, I am very grateful to her! After discharge I saw that one of the seams was leaking. I went to the clinic for a bandage. So they rushed me to an ultrasound, looked to see if there was any fluid, and coddled me like I was a little girl. God, how nice it is. Especially when there is something to compare with (free childbirth, for example). I went to the store today, iiiiiiiii……… My soul rushed over the bumps. I tried on hundreds of 2 busts, couldn’t return 8, I didn’t have enough willpower)).


Microsurgical operations: lymphovenous shunting, radical and partial dermatolipofasciectomy (Homans, Charles operation); brachioplasty; excision of ulcerative-necrotic defects followed by plastic surgery with local tissues, a displaced skin-fat flap, a split and rotation flap, plastic surgery based on flaps with axial blood supply - a musculocutaneous flap based on the latissimus dorsi muscle (TL flap), rectus abdominis muscle (TRAM) -flap), gluteus maximus muscle (VY plastic)

Reconstructive operations: restoration of the lost shape of the mammary gland for women who have undergone mastectomy, both using their own tissues (TRAM technique, reconstruction using a thoracodorsal flap), and through the use of the Becker implant-expander endoprosthetics technique, as well as combined reconstruction (musculocutaneous flap in combination with an implant).

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