Stars who decided to have lip surgery: successful and unsuccessful examples

Nicole Kidman, 51 years old

For a long time, Nicole was against anti-aging procedures, but then she gave in. She repeatedly performed augmentation of the lower third of the face - injections of fillers into the cheek-zygomatic area, chin area and lips. However, the actress did not limit herself to the injection method. Kidman has naturally quite thin lips, the shape of which has changed greatly for the better. And the reason here is most likely cheiloplasty, which Kidman apparently underwent in the early 2000s. The result of the intervention can be considered satisfactory - the actress’s lips became plump and seductive.

Is it possible to get rid of persistent herpes?

It is impossible to get rid of the virus - this has been proven by scientists and doctors. Permanent herpes is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission; it may not manifest itself for years or may constantly bother a person. But the patient has the opportunity, using medications and traditional methods, to reduce the number of exacerbations

Some recommendations help strengthen the immune system - this is important for long-term remissions of the disease. This is about:

  • playing sports - standard exercise, moderate physical activity and just an active lifestyle will be enough;
  • refusal to drink alcohol and smoke;
  • diet corrections;
  • compliance with the daily routine.

It is important to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, not to share the same towel and utensils with a sick person, to periodically undergo a course of vitamin therapy and, if necessary, full courses of treatment for various pathologies

Kylie Jenner, 21 years old

Kylie Jenner would hardly have become so popular if it were not for plastic surgery and cosmetology. Kylie grew up as an unremarkable teenager and had complexes about her lips. So the first thing their girlfriend did was cheat on them. Moreover, Kylie did not limit herself to banal injections of hyaluronic acid, but solved this problem once and for all - she underwent “bulhorn” - an operation that enlarges the lips by reducing the distance between the nose and upper lip.

Yulia Volkova

Yulia Volkova, photo:
The lead singer of the Tatu group, Yulia Volkova, became one of the first Russian celebrities to undergo lip augmentation. But the singer’s fans did not at all like the changes in the idol’s appearance.

Megan Fox, 33 years old

Even at the beginning of her stellar career, Megan relied on her appearance. The ideal that the girl strove for was Angelina Jolie, an actress who naturally boasts sexy lips. Megan's were not very plump, so the Transformers star resorted to plastic surgery. The volume was added due to filler injections. And after that, Megan immediately acquired the status of a sex symbol.

Natalia Andreichenko

Natalya Andreichenko, photo:
Star of the film “Mary Poppins, goodbye!” 65-year-old Natalya Andreichenko never tires of surprising fans with changes in appearance. The actress is actively fighting for eternal youth, and she has not missed the fashion for plump lips.

“I look at this absolutely positively and I think that there is nothing criminal in this. This is not the first time I’ve done this, I like it when a woman has plump lips,”

- admitted the star.

Donatella Versace, 64 years old

The famous designer is an example of aesthetic change gone wrong. The reason here is not a poorly performed plastic surgery, but the fact that Donatella performed the shape correction even when polymer gel was injected into her lips. Unlike modern preparations for lip augmentation, the biopolymer gel did not dissolve or biodegrade, but, on the contrary, remained in the lips forever and even changed their shape. Donatella Versace shows the consequences of biopolymer gel migration - lip deformation. There is only one way to get rid of it - to do cheiloplasty.

Why might you get an unsuccessful result?

The success of the volumizing procedure depends on many factors. Failed lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid can occur for several reasons:

  • Insufficient professionalism of the specialist or incorrect selection of procedure techniques. So, injections should be made at certain points on the lips. Incorrectly selected areas, too deep and, on the contrary, insufficient needle penetration - all this most directly affects the subsequent condition of the lips. The amount of acid introduced is also considered equally important.
  • Not all women are candidates for augmentation procedures. Thus, under no circumstances should hyaluronic acid be administered if the patient is hypersensitive to it. Infections in the body, especially if they appear on the lips, are also taboo for the procedure. Enlargement is also contraindicated for women with blood clotting problems. If the cosmetologist neglects all these tips, the result of the procedure may be disastrous.
  • Violation of sanitary rules. Absolutely all tools for the master’s work must be sterile. Failure to comply with this rule may result in infection in the client’s lips and, as a result, numerous complications.
  • Use of low-quality, uncertified injection products.

Of course, the condition of the patient’s tissues (age-related changes and other features) cannot be discounted. However, the human factor is considered to be the culprit for most unsuccessful enlargement attempts.

Alena Shishkova, 26 years old

Alena Shishkova pays a lot of attention to her appearance. The girl tries to keep up with the times: to change the shape of her lips, Alena had bullhorn surgery. The girl naturally had attractive lips, but the operation made them more sensual and sexy. After the intervention, Shishkova underwent a course of augmentation with fillers to make her lips fuller. And now this is the most noticeable part of the face. Was it worth making such an emphasis? It's hard to say for sure.

Melanie Griffith: “Antonio, at least one brace!”

Melanie Griffith, who once shone on Hollywood film sets, was one of the first at the “dream factory” to try Botox injections on herself. In recent years, the aging actress's visits to plastic surgery clinics have become alarmingly regular. First Botox, then eyelid surgery, lip correction - again and again... Griffith motivates his passion for plastic surgery with the desire to hide the age difference with his husband Antonio Banderas. But the results speak for themselves: a swollen face and a grimace instead of a smile visually add 5-8 extra years to the sufferer. The actress’s intentions to have another plastic surgery is the main topic of quarrels in the star family.

Masha Malinovskaya, 38 years old

The TV presenter began to change herself at the beginning of her career: she had rhinoplasty and enlarged her lips using a biopolymer gel. Like Donatella Versace, the gel migrated. Her lips took on an unnatural appearance, but the TV presenter still has not yet decided to undergo surgery to remove the biopolymer. Now the girl’s lips look much better - she was augmented with fillers based on hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite.

What problems can there be after an unsuccessful increase?

Affectionately called hyaluronic acid by the people, it is a rather capricious material. In order for it to serve its new owner for a long time and efficiently, the craftsman needs to try a lot. Unsuccessful lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid can cause the following complications:

  • Allergic manifestations. They are considered the body's response to materials of natural origin. The result is severe lip swelling, rash and itching, which can spread to the surrounding skin.
  • Infection in the labial tissues. This condition is considered extremely dangerous and can lead to the appearance of fistulas, as well as cavities filled with pus.
  • The appearance of irregularities and tubercles on the lips. The latter do not always dissolve, which gives the lips an unaesthetic appearance and causes physical discomfort.
  • Clogging of small vessels and capillaries. It is fraught with the occurrence of bruises and hematomas.
  • Rejection by the body of the injected material. This process sometimes does not depend on the quality of the cosmetic products used and is considered an individual feature of a particular woman.
  • Damage to nerve endings in the treated area. As a result, the lips may lose sensitivity and there will be a feeling of numbness.
  • An even more dangerous situation than the previous one is considered to be injuries to the nerve trunk. This can affect facial expressions, create lip asymmetry and drooping lips.
  • Severe painful sensations. Normally, the pain goes away after the procedure is completed, but in some cases it may continue for some time.
  • In some cases, injections may leave scars on the lips.

If you want to enlarge your lips and be satisfied with the result, we advise you to watch the video:

Sergey Zverev, 55 years old

Passion for aesthetic medicine and constant experiments in appearance have long turned Sergei Zverev into a shocking star of our stage. The man always cared about the shape of his lips: first he corrected it, like many other celebrities, with a biopolymer gel, then he removed it surgically, performed cheiloplasty and replenished the volume with fillers based on hyaluronic acid. As a result of the manipulations, Sergei’s lips are still far from the concept of “naturalness,” but this does not bother him.

Veteran of battles for beauty - Pugacheva

Alla Pugacheva invested a lot of effort and money into her beauty. The well-deserved title of Diva of the Russian stage obliges you to look “your best.” How much suffering the numerous interventions of plastic surgeons brought to Alla Borisovna is beyond words. After the doctors’ mistake in the mid-90s, only the lazy did not discuss the terrible grimace that the star’s face turned into. Allergic reactions to implants, aching pain and swelling, operations and corrections - this is how thorny the path to the beauty of our Diva is! But plastic surgery in 2006 rewarded Pugacheva for all her ordeals - the middle-aged star appeared to the world in the form of a magical fairy.

Polina Gagarina

The singer claims that she has never turned to surgeons and does not intend to do so in the future. Surgeons look at her childhood photos with skepticism. In their opinion, she corrected the oval of the face, narrowing the lower part and highlighting the cheekbones. Alas, such dramatic changes cannot be achieved only by losing weight and cosmetics. Some surgeons are convinced that Polina had “Bish’s lumps” removed, supposedly after this her cheeks became sunken.

But since now the procedure for removing lumps is considered outdated, it is most likely that Polina, like other stars with chiseled cheekbones, undergoes a lift with the finest silicone threads every 3-5 years. They are inserted under the skin through punctures, without incisions, lift the tissue upward and do not in any way affect facial expressions.

About the size of manhood

Not only women go to plastic surgeons. Many representatives of the stronger sex are puzzled by the size of their genitals. Some men are so unhappy with this option that they decide to enlarge their penis. All records were broken by German resident Misha Stunz. He enhanced his manhood with silicone injections for 20 years.

Today, a Berlin resident has the largest penis in the world. His penis is almost 23 cm long and weighs 3-4 kg! Misha is pleased with the result and is proud of his penis. He is a regular guest at numerous porn festivals. There he proudly demonstrates his peculiarity.

In everyday life, Stunz experiences a number of difficulties. It is almost impossible for him to choose underwear, and in order not to stand out from the crowd, he has to constantly wear a bandage. But that's not the main thing. Multiple silicone injections had a significant impact on sexual function. For the owner of the largest penis, an erection is impossible under any circumstances. So the sex life of the owner of such a huge manhood is a big question.

Misha Stunts photos before and after surgery.

Aging lips

If previously young girls came to cosmetologists for lip correction, now women aged 40+ are increasingly deciding to undergo the procedure. Usually there are several problems: thinning of the lips, the appearance of purse-string wrinkles and drooping corners caused by weakening of the muscular frame of the face.

If a lady does not set herself the goal of becoming the owner of plump girlish lips, then the lightest preparations, for example Regenyal Idea Lips, will suit her. The drug will give the effect of nourishment and moisturization of the lips.

Drugs can be injected along the red border, filling and smoothing the tissue without adding obvious volume. Lips look young again, which gives a woman a real chance to lose 7-10 years.

Big breasts - are they good?

Many women are unhappy with their breasts and dream of making them at least a little bigger. It is believed that a chic bust looks sexy and is the subject of admiration for the male half of humanity. For this reason, representatives of the fair sex are ready to go under the knife, although in fact most men like medium or small breasts.

Lolo Ferrari is considered the owner of the largest bust in the world. Most likely, she managed to gain her fame precisely thanks to the efforts of plastic surgeons. The dancer and porn actress decided to undergo as many as 28 operations, thanks to which she managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records.

Lolo managed to achieve fame, but was it worth it to abuse her body for the sake of it? Yes, she looked exotic and shocking, but most people are unlikely to find such a figure attractive. By the way, the celebrity did not live to see 40 years of age. Perhaps the reason for his death at such a young age was precisely numerous plastic surgeries.

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