Question: “How do you feel about the plasma-lift procedure?” Burning holes on the face and eyelids

I read the “cry from the heart” of a cosmetologist colleague about burning out eyelids with a portable plasma device (the “plasmalift” procedure) by the hands of people who have nothing to do with medicine, and applying colored patches to the face - I can’t help but support it. The shine and poverty of yet another advertising crap... Bonus: real prices for what they show you in the “Before and After” photo.

My clients also ask me about the “plasma lift” - burning holes on the eyelids and facial wrinkles for the purpose of supposedly “tightening” them.

  • Do not confuse “ plasmalift ” - burning the skin with plasma (more precisely, a discharge of ionized gas from a primitive electrical apparatus), with the “ plasmolifting ” procedure - the use of the patient’s own blood plasma on the skin.

Because advertisements for such procedures have flooded social networks, spectacular photos are posted and women demand prices and immediate registration for the procedure.

Allegedly, they are braces, because the photos of the “Before and After” procedure are someone else’s, taken from the Internet or from master classes, where they teach batches to everyone in a couple of hours. And there is no evidence of what was done and how, and whether a friend named Photoshop, who is very active on social networks, took part in this. The plasma lift procedure is performed by people without medical care. education - I don’t know, in a fit of sincere madness or a thoughtful and cynical thirst for quick profit. They teach this “methodology” to anyone, even a cleaning lady. The device is cheap. And voila! You can raise money.

My opinion: dear future victims, you have one face. And the argument “But it’s fast and cheap!” in cosmetology there are actually arguments against, not pros. It will take a long time to explain, just take my word for it. With complications (swelling, infection, non-healing ulcers, paresis, keloid scars) and the cry of “Save!” then don’t run to a cosmetologist - whoever burned you is responsible.

Coagulators, laser resurfacing, and medium/deep chemical peels with comparable levels of impact are, in principle, not allowed to be performed by people without higher medical education. And distributors of legal portable plasma devices emphasize that only a doctor . And, of course, these plasma pens are not capable of achieving the results shown in the “Before and After” photo - this is a complete and absolute lie, which any dermatologist, cosmetologist or plastic surgeon will confirm to you. But the fact of the matter is that an educated specialist will only laugh in response to advertising lies, while a person without education will believe it.

Advertising lies:

Yes, the results shown in the photo are real, but they are the result of persistent efforts of many months, or even years, of work by doctors of the highest qualifications, using the most modern (and very expensive ) professional equipment, which only a clinic, not a private master, can afford to have. . And if we are talking about removing significant excess skin, it is always only surgery. From the patient, in turn, this requires enormous discipline, daily work and care, and, of course, not three kopecks of money.

Who made Plasmajet

We present to your attention reviews of people who have experienced the effect of the Plasmajet derma device
Irina, 36 years old.

Most popular: Revi drug - a method for correcting age-related changes

Maria, 18 years old.

Good day to all. At the age of 15, like many teenagers, I developed acne. For two years I struggled with this problem, because I was very annoyed by my peers, and it was unpleasant for me. The rash was almost all over my face. My mother and I went to a cosmetology center to see a dermatologist, who recommended a course of plasma treatment. And it was worth it. For more than 6 months I have been walking around with clean skin on my face without using any cosmetics. I am very glad that I was cured. I had 7 sessions and that was it. There were no rashes.

Susanna, 45 years old.

Hello, a friend of mine has been suffering from second-degree diabetes mellitus for 15 years. And as a result, one of the complications began to appear ulcers on the legs. At first he endured it, but then the pain became unbearable. He began drinking alcohol in large quantities to numb the pain. Our mutual friends recommended the PlasmaJet device for his treatment. He agreed and did several procedures. As a result, the ulcers began to disappear without leaving scars. He still continues to do procedures to complete the course of treatment. But I’m glad that he went for this procedure and no longer experiences pain. The main thing is not to give up.

Sofia, 51 years old

Good afternoon. Girls, I wanted to talk about how I radically changed my life at 50 years old. I am no longer a young girl. Old age has caught up with me. And in addition to it, there are a lot of wrinkles on my face, which can’t help but worry me. Time flies so quickly, and I still want to catch the admiring glances of men on me. And so, I went to the Internet to regain at least some of my youth. Effective plasma rejuvenation was the first thing I saw, but I ignored it because I thought it was a hoax. I tried everything I could, but it didn’t even get to the point of surgery, I’m afraid to go under the knife. I decided to try my luck and signed up for a plasma rejuvenation session. I'm still in shock. I look 10-15 years younger, and I feel another 20 years younger. I have a loved one, and I have never been happier. If in a few long years old age catches up with me again, I know exactly what to do about it.

Does it hurt?

Type of non-surgical blepharoplasty: Is there any pain?
InjectionsMany patients note that this procedure is quite painful and unpleasant.
ThermoliftingThe procedure is painful and anesthesia is used.
ElectroblepharoplastyAbsolutely painless manipulation.
DROT therapyThe procedure is painful and anesthesia is used.
RaylifeThe procedure is painful and painkillers are used.
ThermageA painful procedure requiring local anesthesia.
Laser blepharoplastyPainful procedure.
Ultrasound blepharoplastyAbsolutely painless (a slight tingling and warmth is felt).

And now the whole truth about plasma lifting

Again, everything written above is an advertising ploy that attracts the attention of women who want to preserve their youth. Now I want to talk about those reviews, more or less truthful, that I was able to find on professional and lay forums dedicated to the effectiveness of plasma lifting

First, it’s worth dispelling the myth that plasma lifting is a super innovation. In medicine, something similar is called autohemotherapy, developed at the beginning of the last century! The purpose of the technique is to boost the body's defenses to fight infection, acne, chronic diseases, etc.

Autohemotherapy was used as an auxiliary treatment with excellent positive results: activation of healing processes after wounds, operations, rapid restoration of the skin after purulent-inflammatory processes, rapid recovery after severe or sluggish diseases.

Now about the reviews themselves. Yes, plasma lifting will help get rid of acne, as will blood transfusion, which has been used for this purpose for more than 50 years. The introduction of plasma gives an impetus to the renewal of skin cells, which will make it healthier and improve color.

Regarding wrinkles: the maximum effect is impossible and do not believe those who say otherwise. Perhaps small wrinkles will go away, but that’s not a fact!

As for lifting, that is, tightening the facial skin, definitely not! There may be some positive changes in the eye area and forehead due to the resulting volume. And the nasolabial lips, jowls, and cheeks can drop even lower due to the same volume of fluid.

How the plasma lifting procedure goes, watch the video:


Advantages of plasma facial rejuvenation using the Plasma-Liner device

Plasma facial rejuvenation is usually performed by a cosmetologist trained to use Plasma-Liner. To correct some imperfections, a specialist does not need medical education, but when removing scars, cicatrices, neoplasms and post-acne, medical qualifications are required. If you find a person with one, then the procedure will most likely only bring benefits.

The device used for this has 5 main advantages over manipulations with a similar effect:

  1. Plasma-Liner causes minimal damage to the skin, is suitable for working with sensitive areas and provides a short recovery period - an average of 7 days. Plasma facial rejuvenation is a non-invasive manipulation; the device does not touch the skin at all. Only plasma acts on the skin. With the correct technique, bruises do not remain.
  2. The procedure is sterile, the risk of infection is practically reduced. Although the needle of the pen does not directly interact with the skin, the consumables for the instrument are disposable and sterile.
  3. Allergic reactions are also not typical for the method.
  4. A large set of cosmetic problems that can be solved quickly and without much harm.
  5. Speed ​​of achieving results. One session, depending on the area being treated, will take from 10 to 60 minutes. The effect is noticeable immediately and becomes even stronger over time.

But the main disadvantage of the manipulation is that the final result is influenced by the cosmetologist’s ability to handle Plasma-liner. It’s better not to skimp on the salon, choose a specialist based on the work done and not trust too much in tempting promotions.

How does the procedure proceed?

The plasma lifting procedure does not require special preparation, laboratory tests or instrumental studies, as is the case with large-scale injection therapy and plastic surgery. All you need to do is tell the doctor about your allergy history, existing dermatological diseases, and negative reactions in response to other cosmetic procedures.

Facial treatment with a plasma liner is usually well tolerated and does not cause serious problems if the algorithm and technique are followed. Two weeks before visiting a cosmetologist, do not visit a solarium. If peeling or hardware skin resurfacing was performed earlier, then plasma facial rejuvenation is indicated only after 1-2 months.

Description of the procedure

Treatment of the skin of the face, neck and other anatomical areas with a plasmaliner is performed in accordance with the following sequential steps:

  • removal of makeup, impurities and sebum;
  • applying an anesthetic composition to minimize discomfort;
  • exposure of the necessary areas of the face or neck with a plasmaliner (each contact lasts 1-2 seconds);
  • applying a soothing cream or mask.

The total duration of the procedure is no more than 1-1.5 hours. After plasma exfoliation of the face, it is important to follow all medical recommendations in order to speed up the process of restoration of the dermis and eliminate the development of complications and defects:

  • avoid contact with water, direct sunlight (including ultraviolet radiation from solariums);
  • do not use alcohol-based cosmetics or decorative cosmetics until complete healing;
  • maintain natural peeling, do not tear off the receding epidermis;
  • after 7 days, apply sunscreen to avoid hyperpigmentation;
  • Wearing sunglasses if the area around the eyes has been treated.

In general, the recovery is successful, without negative consequences. It is important for patients to pay attention to the clinic or beauty salon, the professionalism of the cosmetologist, and read reviews from other clients.

Mechanism of action of the procedure

The mechanism of action of ionized plasma lifting is the complex effect of the device on the skin:

  • Light energy. It has a deep photo-rejuvenating effect, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and the production of hyaluronic acid. Despite the depth of impact, light energy does not injure the upper layer of the dermis.
  • Impact of temperature. During the procedure, a slight warmth is felt as the tip heats the composition to 40 degrees. Heat triggers rejuvenation processes, improves the penetration of the medicinal composition, and promotes hydration by preserving moisture in the intercellular structures.
  • Influence of ions. Their effect on the skin can be compared to the effect of a laser beam, however, the ions do not injure the skin and promote the gentle removal of dead cells.

During the entire procedure, the doctor directs a stream of plasma to the surface epithelial layer, which is heated by the tips. Depending on the skin type, the operating mode of the plasma liner device is selected.

Considering that Plasma-liner works on the basis of plasma current, the device warms up the skin, enhances the processes of restoration and natural rejuvenation, improves turgor, evens out the shade and relief.

Skin sublimation

Using a needle nozzle, a special mesh is applied, creating light burns. These burns facilitate the penetration of plasma under the skin, after which wrinkles are smoothed out and skin defects disappear.

After the procedure, brown crusts remain on the eyelids, which will disappear within a few days.

Plasma Pen

Cosmetology device Plazmopen for plasma blepharoplasty.
The average cost is 6,000 rubles. Country of origin: China. It is worth noting that Plasmopen for hardware cosmetology will not achieve a long-term effect. The procedure will need to be repeated regularly. Also, approximately 20% of users noticed that there was no visible effect the first time.

We invite you to watch a video about the Plasma Pen device:


This device allows you to perform cosmetic procedures non-surgically and without the use of painkillers.

Plexr allows you not only to tighten the skin and get rid of its defects, but also to remove tattoos and fight skin diseases.

The cost of procedures using the Plexr device starts from 500 rubles and reaches 20,000 rubles per session.

There is no way to choose one best device. Everyone has more positive reviews than negative ones. Please note that procedures using the devices described should only be carried out by qualified professionals.

We invite you to watch a video about the Plexr device:

Method of performing blepharoplasty using a plasma current device

Non-surgical blepharoplasty is performed using plasma equipment in several stages:

  1. Cleanses the skin of makeup and impurities.
  2. Applying anesthetic to the treated area, removing excess drug after 15-20 minutes.
  3. Carrying out cauterization of the skin using a Plasma Pen device with an attachment with a needle. The surface of the eyelids is treated with point movements. The deeper the wrinkles and the stronger the age-related signs of the skin, the closer to each other the plasma current ablation points should be (1 mm).
  4. Applying a healing cream with an anesthetic.

After the procedure, a crust forms on the skin, which peels off after 7-10 days. For a month after treatment with plasma current, you should avoid direct sunlight on your face.


Regardless of the chosen procedure, it is important to choose a good specialist - a cosmetologist with a higher medical education. The area to be treated near the eyelids is very delicate and requires good knowledge of anatomy

It is important that the doctor understands the drugs (if we are talking about an invasive technique) and the operating features of the device (hardware). Each method of non-surgical blepharoplasty has its own characteristics of the session.

Laser therapy

Non-surgical laser eyelid blepharoplasty is performed as follows:

  1. Before the session, an injection with an anesthetic is given or a special anesthetic gel (cream) is applied to the skin. Then wait until it begins to act (20–30 minutes).
  2. The patient's eyes are covered with protective lenses.
  3. The specialist uses a laser on problem areas around the eyes. During the procedure, the patient may feel warm.
  4. After laser treatment, a cold compress is applied to the face.

The session lasts about 15–20 minutes, excluding anesthesia.


Plasma lifting is created in this way:

  1. The patient's skin is cleansed.
  2. An anesthetic is applied. Exposure time is about 30 minutes. The procedure is not very painful and, if the patient wishes, no anesthetic may be used.
  3. Afterwards, the drug is removed and the skin is treated with an antiseptic.
  4. Then, in the designated areas, the master fires using a machine. Movements must be fast. You cannot keep the needle in one place for a long time, otherwise there will be a burn. Ablation points (intentional burns) are placed depending on the condition of the skin. The deeper the wrinkles, the smaller the distance between the points. Application technique: on both sides of the wrinkle at a distance of about 1 mm from each other or in the fold itself if the wrinkle is very deep. The patient should not experience discomfort at this time; a feeling of warmth is allowed. You can also smell burnt hair.
  5. Upon completion of the procedure, an antiseptic is applied to the treated surface. Afterwards - wound healing ointment.

The session lasts 30–60 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the treated area.


Injection blepharoplasty is performed as follows:

  1. The skin is cleansed.
  2. An anesthetic is applied. And wait until the anesthetic begins to act.
  3. Then the targeted areas are treated with an antiseptic.
  4. Injections are administered with the selected agent - peptides, hyaluronic acid and others. The composition is injected under the skin in small doses - up to 0.1 ml. Up to five injections are given in the lower eyelid, and no more than three in the upper eyelid. The injections should be painless, a slight tingling sensation is allowed.
  5. After the puncture sites, they are again treated with an antiseptic.
  6. A healing or enhancing effect of the drug can be applied to the skin.

The duration of injection blepharoplasty is about half an hour.

When choosing a hardware technique, it is better to make sure that the devices are certified and are a brand from a well-known manufacturer. And the staff has undergone appropriate training on how to operate the device.


First patented plasma

DC medical device in the world

New plasma discharge treatment technology

Only for specialists with higher medical education!


  1. A unique device for various fields of medicine (aesthetic medicine, dermatology, plastic surgery, ophthalmology, dentistry, gynecology, urology, otorhinolaryngology).
  2. Patented DC technology - precise penetration and impact.
  3. Patient grounding (additional safety!)
  4. Independent safety control - if the patient accidentally opens his eye, or if technical parameters are violated, the device turns off on its own!
  5. 1 device, 8 intensity levels, 5 replaceable attachments.
  6. Wide indications: from improving skin tone to non-surgical blepharoplasty, coagulation of blood vessels and removal of skin tumors.
  7. Small, light, portable.
  8. The warranty period is 1 year.
  9. Production: Czech Republic.
  10. Only for specialists with higher medical education!
  11. Medical CE certification (CE 1023)


Low device power (1 - 4):

  1. The device generates a spark discharge with the appearance of low-temperature plasma
  2. Plasma current, when exposed to biological tissue, triggers a mechanism of specific reactions, resulting in renewal and strengthening of tissues, increasing the elasticity and protective properties of the skin.
  3. Can be used with non-polarized or charged (-) serums to introduce active components into the skin (a negative charge is generated at the tip)
  4. Aesthetic effect – improved complexion, increased skin tone and elasticity
  5. Face and body lifting
  6. Revitalization
  7. Wrinkle correction
  8. Acne
  9. Cuperosis

Average power of the device (5 - 6):

  1. The thermal energy of a spark discharge is used - superficial destruction of skin cells
  2. Effective serum penetration
  3. Coagulation of small vessels, removal of pigmentation
  4. Correction of stretch marks and scars

High power of the device (6 – 8):

  1. The thermal energy of a spark discharge of maximum power is used
  2. Clearly localized (0.1 mm) effect on a selected area - irreversible cell destruction (fulguration, electrodesiccation, electrocoagulation)
  3. Removal of skin tumors
  4. Coagulation of blood vessels, stopping bleeding
  5. Non-surgical blepharoplasty


  1. pacemaker, Holter monitor
  2. other implanted electrical device
  3. epilepsy
  4. pregnancy
  5. presence of metal implants at the treatment site
  6. acute inflammatory disease
  7. oncological diseases


  1. Apparatus
  2. 5 applicators (cone applicator, flat applicator, 5mm applicator, 3mm applicator and gold applicator)
  3. ground cable
  4. adapter including extension
  5. 20 pcs electrodes
  6. manual


  1. Stands for the device: stainless steel or transparent plastic
  2. Case for transporting the device
  3. Isolated applicators (intracavitary)


  1. white
  2. black


  1. The Jett Plasma Lift Medical device should only be operated by a trained physician who is familiar with the generally accepted risks and benefits of using plasma discharge stimulation of the treated area.
  2. When purchasing a device, individual training is free!



Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts constantly say that it is better not to perform non-surgical blepharoplasty at home.

Thus, one cosmetologist focuses on the fact that later you will still have to see a doctor to treat the consequences of home hardware procedures

The topic of home skin rejuvenation using devices is discussed in more detail here

This review talks about the best products to use for injection blepharoplasty to correct the nasolacrimal groove and defects under the eyes. And about what is most important - choosing a good doctor, not a drug.

The topic of fillers for injection procedures in the eye area is discussed here

And, of course, doctors do not always advise resorting to non-surgical blepharoplasty. Depending on the problem, they may recommend other techniques. So, in this review, the specialist advocates a comprehensive solution to the problem and tells which procedures for correcting the eyelid area he prefers.

Doctors share their opinions about the procedure here

The essence of Plasma BT technology

The basis of the plasma blepharoplasty method is the sublimation method - the transition of a substance from a solid state to a gaseous state, bypassing the stage of the liquid state. Plasma consists of charged particles, electrons, neurons, ions, ozone and neutral atoms.

The method has a delicate effect on the skin, unlike surgical and hardware blepharoplasty. It is absolutely safe and very effective.

Plasma blepharoplasty is performed with a special Plasma BT device, consisting of a color touchscreen liquid crystal display and a surgical attachment. Charged particles act pointwise, completely eliminating the possibility of affecting surrounding tissues.

Plasma BT operates with a plasma arc. It can reduce skin area without surgery.

Indications for Plasma BT plasma blepharoplasty are:

  1. 1. Clinical signs of aging:
  • drooping eyebrows,
  • crow's feet,
  • dark circles around the eyes,
  • loss of eyelid crease,
  • excess skin
  • bags under the eyes.
  1. 2. Skin defects: papillomas, spots, acne.
  2. 3. Hernias of the eyelids.
  3. 4. Chronic edema associated with poor functioning of the heart and kidneys and causing sagging skin.
  4. 5. Bruises under the eyes.
  5. 6. Pigmentation of the skin around the eyes.

Plasma technologies in the Plasma BT device (Seoulin Medicare)

The latest scientific advances in the use of plasma were taken into account in the Plasma BT device (Seoulin Medicare, Korea), which is already presented on the Russian market (Fig. 2)

. This device works with high-temperature and low-temperature plasma.

The technology has received US 510(k) approval for the correction of body imperfections, superficial skin lesions, actinic keratoses, viral papillomatosis and seborrheic keratoses, dyschromia, loss of skin elasticity and post-acne.

Rice. 2.

Plasma BT device (Seoulin Medicare).

Rice. 3.

A nozzle with a needle-shaped tip and a needle in a special clamp.

“The most important difference from plasma devices of other generations and manufacturers is the patented tip with a lock, which provides the required distance between the skin and the tip of the needle.
This is the most important thing for this physical impact, since when the distance changes, the depth of the impact changes and it becomes uncontrollable; in the case of the PlasmaBT device, this situation is excluded.”

Laurent Maria Sergeevna, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, Virsheba clinic

The device comes complete with a “plasma shower” attachment, which improves the transdermal delivery of substances into the skin (for example, hyaluronidase), as well as a needle attachment for non-surgical lifting, which can significantly tighten the skin in the periorbital area, reducing the area of ​​skin flaps in the upper and lower eyelids , and improve skin density due to the synthesis of collagen and elastin (Fig. 3)

. The attachment also shows excellent results in the treatment of stretch marks and scars, including post-acne scars, as well as deep wrinkles.

The operation of the device is based on the use of F-DBD technology (floating dielectric barrier discharge), protected by four patents, which uses a natural method of producing plasma (from oxygen and nitrogen contained in the air) based on alternating current, creating a low-temperature plasma (temperature does not exceed 40 ° C).

The capabilities of the device allow it to be used in non-injection mesotherapy.

Thus, Dr. Beatriz Molina in 2022 described a case of circulatory problems during non-surgical rhinoplasty after the injection of hyaluronic acid filler into the tip of the nose, which was corrected by transdermal injection of hyaluronidase using a plasma shower head (Molina 2017) ( Fig. 4)


Rice. 4.

Transdermal administration of hyaluronidase using a plasma shower head: 1 - patient with discoloration and pustulation on the right side of the nose, 2 days after NSR treatment with HA dermal filler; 2 - immediately after the first procedure using Plasma Shower and 1200 units of hyaluronidase transdermally; 3 - immediately after using Plasma Shower with SSR HA and Dermalux for 30 minutes; 4 - immediately after the second Plasma Shower procedure with SSR HA and Dermalux for 30 minutes; 5 - immediately after the third Plasma Shower procedure with SSR HA and Dermalux for 30 minutes; 6 — patient 3 months after treatment.

In addition, the device allows you to remove excess skin in the folds of the eyelids that appear with age. The procedure is based on the method of sublimation - the transition of a substance from a solid state directly to a gaseous state, bypassing the liquid state. This method differs from ablative lasers, having a more delicate effect on the skin of the eyelids, since it does not have a damaging effect on skin cells, but only sublimates the surface of the skin, which leads to its reduction by creating many ablative craters in the form of a mesh (or lattice) on surface of the skin of the eyelids.

Rice. 5.

Damage generated using different modes of the Plasma Surgical Plasma BT handpiece. For each mode it is possible to change the energy, and therefore the depth and area of ​​influence.

Indications: superficial wrinkles, bags under the eyes, excess skin; crow's feet; drooping eyebrows; tear trough; lack of folds in the corners of the eyes; dark circles around the eyes.

“Analgesia during non-surgical eyelid lifting is necessary.
I usually use topical anesthetic cream. The procedure without anesthesia is quite sensitive, bordering on painful, although the rehabilitation period itself is much easier and shorter compared to laser treatment. Swelling is minimal or absent, with pinpoint crusts disappearing around the 5th day. The method is certainly good both on its own and in combination with others. In my practice, I use a combination of Plasma BT with mesotherapy, fillers and botulinum toxins. The choice depends, of course, on the individual patient and his anatomy. We have excellent experience with injectable drugs to correct pastosity and swelling. Usually one procedure is enough for the patient to be satisfied with the result of a non-surgical eyelid lift, but, as always, there are cases when a series of procedures is needed to achieve the desired aesthetic result. In this case, we repeat the procedure after 1.5–2 months.”

Laurent Maria Sergeevna, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, Virsheba clinic

Where can I have the procedure?

  1. "DOCTORPLASTIC". Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya 32, 1. Contacts: +7 (495) 154-45-62. The cost of procedures starts from 17,000 and reaches 116,000 rubles.
  2. Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology of Professor S.N. Blokhin and Dr. Wolf I.A. Moscow, metro station Prospekt Mira, st. Gilyarovsky, 55. call center. It all starts with a doctor’s appointment, which costs 1000 rubles.
  3. Beauty house "Virsheba". Address: Moscow, Zubovsky Boulevard, 16-20. Telephone. Email
  4. "American Medical Clinic". St. Petersburg, Moika River embankment, 78. Telephone. Cost of procedures: 20,000-60,000 rub.
  5. Clinic of Dr. Kulkov. The cost of the procedure is 27,000-60,000 rubles. You can make an appointment by phone: +7 (931) 390 72 11.

Now it is possible to look younger and more beautiful without surgery. Plasma blepharoplasty is popular all over the world due to the many advantages of the technology. Today, innovations are spreading throughout Russia.

Information for patients looking for “recipes for youth”

Since the potential clientele of all these “plasma lifts” are women 40+, 50+ , chaotically rushing about in convulsions to “immediately rejuvenate” , but at the same time having an extremely meager education and budget (and believing that cosmetologists, like all doctors in general, are hiding they offer cheap “miracle remedies”, and they try to make money by peddling expensive procedures and products, so you shouldn’t turn to them) - that is, the ignorant and greedy , the sweetest target audience of scammers - let me still try to explain what is what is in cosmetology, and how much does it cost ? You love spectacular “Before and After” photos.

Here are advertising photos on my social networks: the result of a real facial rejuvenation of a patient at a well-known plastic surgery and cosmetology clinic, more precisely, an example of the work of a specific female surgeon. I won’t write the name of the clinic, because I don’t get paid for advertising. See:

The clinic lists that the patient underwent: ⭐ endoscopic temporal lifting of the forehead and midface, ⭐ upper and lower fat-saving blepharoplasty, ⭐ bullhorn plasty, ⭐ DAO resection, ⭐ facial lipofilling (sub-eyebrow areas, nasolabial folds, skin part of the upper and lower lips , chin), ⭐ fractional laser rejuvenation of the face and neck. Low eyebrows, excess skin of the upper eyelids, “bags” under the eyes and sagging cheek skin made Alla’s face gloomy and tired. Thanks to the operations performed, the patient began to look younger, more attractive and brighter. Result 2 months after surgery.

Are the photos impressive? And how. The work was done expertly, the face looks natural and youthful, as if there were no interventions at all. At a minimum, minus 10 years is evident.

Now studio prices! After all, this is exactly what interests those who want to look at the enticing “Before and After” photos after 1.5 seconds.

We look at the price list on the clinic’s website (by the way, it is in St. Petersburg):

⭐Endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lift RUB 79,800. ⭐Upper and lower fat-saving blepharoplasty RUB 87,700. ⭐Bullhorn (reducing the distance between the upper lip and nose) RUB 51,000. ⭐Resection of DAO (depressor anguli oris muscle) RUB 43,700. ⭐Laser rejuvenation of face and neck RUB 34,000. ⭐Lipofilling (using the patient’s own fat to add volume to the face) of the entire face RUB 196,000. Instead of lipofilling (own fat), you can use fillers based on hyaluronic acid, then Juvederm Voluma (cheekbones, 3 ml.) RUB 54,000, and lips (1 ml.) RUB 18,000. ⭐Additionally: Local anesthesia RUB 4,500, or anesthesia during surgery RUB 29,000. 1 day in the ward on an outpatient basis (the patient arrives in the morning, stays in the ward for up to 6 hours) 6,000, inpatient 8,800 rubles. per day. After any operations, mandatory rehabilitation procedures are prescribed - cosmetic and/or physiotherapeutic, so that the face heals quickly and smoothly. Care and medicinal cosmetics are required. For the purity of calculating the “Before and After” amount, we will not take them into account.

That is, even taking into account the comprehensive discount for the volume of procedures, the price tag for the changes made will be around half a million rubles . And this, I emphasize, is in the hands of an experienced surgeon, in a clinical setting. And these changes do not negate the fact that the patient will need to continue facial care

In fact, half a million rubles (less than $10,000) is inexpensive, because medicine in Russia is cheap. In the USA, the same thing would cost an order of magnitude more.

You can take a smaller and more local scale. Here is another photo from my VK friend feed, the results of body work:

CO2 laser DOT therapy (fractional resurfacing), 1 procedure. The cost of the session is 35 thousand rubles.

Therefore, when you see an advertisement on social networks for some eyebrow artist/tattoo artist with no education advertising procedures such as “burning holes in the eyelids at home for 3,000 rubles” with “Before and After” photos comparable to those I brought from the clinic, laugh in her face. For outright deception and shameless fucking.

Healing period

Immediately after the procedure, redness may appear on the face, which usually disappears within an hour. Sometimes swelling occurs. You'll have to wait a couple of days until it disappears. In the area where the cosmetologist worked with a plasma liner, small dots appear - in those places where the specialist applied an impulse to the skin. They become covered with thin crusts, which fall off on their own after 5–10 days. The redness also goes away after a few days.

The first 3–5 days after plasma lifting you need to properly care for your skin:

  • do not wet the treated area with water or special wound healing products;
  • temporarily abandon decorative cosmetics;
  • avoid visiting a solarium, bathhouse, beach, swimming pool - anything associated with high humidity and elevated temperature;
  • after the crusts fall off, use sunscreen with filter 50+ for 3 months;
  • wear sunglasses if you have undergone plasma blepharoplasty or smooth out wrinkles around the eyes.

Depending on the complexity of the situation, 5–6 procedures may be required to eliminate defects. The break between them is usually 3 weeks. The first positive changes become noticeable after the first plasma lifting. A couple of weeks after the start of the procedures, the effect intensifies. The maximum result is observed after 3–4 months and lasts for 1–2 years.

Plasma skin rejuvenation Plasma Jet (plasmajet)

Plasma skin rejuvenation using the Plasma Jet device is a laser technology with quite a large and successful experience in the field of aesthetic correction. This method is used to solve a wide range of problems:

  • facial wrinkles in the face, neck, décolleté;
  • local pigmentation;
  • ptosis of the upper eyelid;
  • removal of neoplasms (warts, moles, papillomas);
  • removal of scars and scars.

Laser rejuvenation Plasma Jet has several modes and depends on the purpose of the procedure and the characteristics of the patient’s tissues. The manipulation is performed under topical anesthesia and is practically painless. Plasma energy is supplied through a thin point nozzle. The treatment is carried out on the surface layer, but the essence of the method is not only in solving external problems. Plasma enhances the body's production of its own collagen-elastin fibers. The effect of the procedure is cumulative. The skin in the laser area becomes denser, and additional tissue lifting occurs.

Due to the fact that the procedure is delicate and low-traumatic, peeling and crusts in the treatment area disappear after 7 days, do not cause any discomfort, but require the implementation of all doctor’s recommendations. It is important to use sunscreen with a high protection factor (this also applies to manipulations in the absence of solar activity). Plasma therapy is recommended to be carried out in autumn and winter, especially if it concerns open areas - face, eyelids, neck, removal of tumors.

This device is often used by cosmetologists to remove moles, papillomas and other benign tumors. The technique is also indicated for polishing scars and scars and is carried out separately or in combination with injection therapy. Plasma energy allows you to solve an aesthetic problem quickly, painlessly and does not leave visible unaesthetic marks. After the procedure, it is not recommended to wet the area or use aggressive or alcohol-containing treatments.

After any laser procedure, it is recommended to avoid any thermal procedures, do not injure the skin, playing sports depends on the degree of stress (it is important that sweat and dirt do not get on the treated area, do not provoke the occurrence of an inflammatory process). You should also avoid swimming in open water and public pools for 2 weeks.

Description of the procedure

Non-surgical plasma lifting technology is a new step in the development of cosmetology. You don't have to donate blood or overcome your fear of injections. Special devices painlessly affect the skin using plasma current, which starts the process of renewal of the dermis.

Externally, the devices resemble compact pens. Argon plasma is formed at their tips (as a result of a gas flash). Under the influence of high temperature, ionization of gaseous substances begins. Compounds that are safe for humans appear and penetrate deep into the dermis. In this case, the skin is not damaged, and the plasma works in several directions:

  • acts with light waves that contain a minimal amount of destructive ultraviolet radiation;
  • has a thermal effect, stimulating collagen production. Where plasma acts, the dermis instantly warms up to 40 °C. Its outer layer is not damaged, and the patient feels warm within a few seconds;
  • has a laser peeling effect.

Thus, plasma promotes the regeneration of the deep layers of the skin and smoothes the epidermis. Thanks to the versatile effects, the result is noticeable even after the first procedure. The skin looks more youthful and well-groomed.

What is plasma rejuvenation, description of the procedure

Plasma hardware rejuvenation is a spot treatment of the face with plasma energy, which is produced under the influence of the Plasmaliner device. The device resembles a regular ballpoint pen with a tip. The principle of operation is based on the release of argon plasma - the result of ignition of argon.

Under the influence of high temperature and electric current, gaseous substances are ionized. The device ensures deep penetration of plasma into the dermal structures without injury or damage. After the first procedure, the dermal layer is rejuvenated due to increased cell regeneration and increased muscle tone.

Under the influence of the plasmaliner, the upper layers of the epidermis are polished, the skin is renewed, and the problem of cosmetic and pathological facial defects is solved. In addition to the aesthetic effect, ions have an antibacterial and immunostimulating effect.

What is plasma-liner needed for?

The plasmaliner has a complex effect on the condition of the skin, which is expressed in the following actions:

  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • lifting effect, tightening;
  • reduction of external defects: scars, scars, acne marks;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • formation of cheekbones and chin;
  • improvement of complexion.

To correct larger defects, multiple procedures are required. The interval between sessions is at least 2-3 weeks. The effectiveness is already noticeable almost immediately, when redness and slight swelling go away.

The peculiarity lies in the delayed effectiveness of the cosmetological method. For minor defects in the dermis, 1-2 sessions are sufficient; for aging skin with significant changes, more than 5 procedures are required. The final results must be assessed only 1-2 months after completion of the course, it is then that the subcutaneous structures are completely renewed and natural rejuvenation begins.

Advantages of plasma facial rejuvenation using the plasma-liner device

The key advantage of lifting rejuvenation is its non-invasive effect and minimal trauma to the dermal layers. There is no need for thorough preparation, just an examination by a cosmetologist is enough. Other benefits are:

  • safety, low risks of side effects;
  • stimulation of the deep subcutaneous layers’ own resources for rejuvenation;
  • complete renewal of the surface epithelium;
  • rejuvenation.

The procedure is suitable for women for whom injection methods of rejuvenation, surgery, and some cosmetic procedures are contraindicated. Another advantage is the affordability even for a full course of plasmaliner treatment.

Side effects

Minor side effects include:

  • tearfulness - occurs when the tear ducts narrow and in such cases they may need to be widened using a special probe;
  • subcutaneous hematoma - if it does not go away on its own, pumping out the blood accumulated at the site of the hematoma is used;
  • allergic reaction - antihistamines are prescribed.

Any consequences of non-surgical blepharoplasty are a reason to consult a doctor. Delayed diagnosis can lead to more serious complications.

Severe side effects

They appear extremely rarely, as a rule, if the procedure was performed by an inexperienced doctor.

These include:

  • Sagging lower eyelid. It is treated either with massage or surgery.
  • Retrobulbar hematoma. It is a consequence of contusion of the orbit or eye tissue. The result is protrusion and limited mobility. If not treated promptly, vision may deteriorate.
  • Conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes. In such cases, special anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
  • Bifurcation of objects. Goes away without treatment within 2–3 weeks. But observation by an ophthalmologist is mandatory.

Plasmolifting - contraindications to the procedure

Non-invasiveness is characterized by a low traumatic factor for the epithelial layers, so no special preparation is required. Plasmaliner treatment is not carried out for the following diseases and conditions:

  • History of HIV infection, viral hepatitis;
  • purulent-inflammatory processes in the area of ​​influence;
  • psoriasis;
  • warts, papillomas and other benign neoplasms in the localization of treatment;
  • skin cancer, malignant tumors;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • systemic pathologies of blood and hematopoietic organs;
  • severe allergic reactions to any components of the drugs.

Rejuvenation is carried out with caution in persons with a complicated clinical history, with a sharp decrease in the function of internal organs and systems, as well as with autoimmune diseases. Plasmaliner is not indicated for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Plasma lifting using the plasma-liner device has not only a good healing effect, but also a regenerating, restorative effect. High therapeutic results are observed after a course of facial treatment.

Method for eliminating neoplasms on the stem (condylomas and papillomas)

The procedure for removing such neoplasms, which are supported by a stalk, occurs through the method of inserting a needle under its base. The part that protrudes above the surface is carefully picked up with tweezers and lifted. On the thinnest part of the leg, you need to treat the area with a plasma beam, carefully cutting the isthmus. The power of the device should be set at 70%. If the isthmus is thick enough, then the power can be increased to 90%. The crust that appears after removal must be treated with peroxide, chlorhexidine and potassium permanganate.

Removal of flat formations by plasma method

For this purpose, layer-by-layer elimination technology is used. At the initial stage, you need to set the power to 20% and use a needle or a special tip to treat the area until healthy skin appears. Each layer must be removed carefully, treating the area with chlorhexidine, peroxide and potassium permanganate. It is necessary to ensure that tissue destruction occurs layer by layer and that no excess tissue remains, contributing to the appearance of a defect.

Broken tissue should not stick to the tip, but if this happens, carefully remove it with tweezers.

Plasma current to eliminate warts

When removing warts, a layer-by-layer technique is used, but much deeper, until the root of the wart is eliminated. After this procedure, a defect in the form of a pit is formed on the surface of the skin, about which the patient should be warned before performing the manipulations. A cosmetologist will help remove the wart, but the scar cannot be avoided.

Cuperosis and plasma coagulation

To carry out the coagulation process of rosacea, a cone-shaped electrode or needle is used. The power of the device can be set at 70-90%. It is necessary to make point movements upon instant contact with the epidermis. The procedure should begin from the periphery, smoothly moving to the central part of the vessel, which is dilated at intervals of 2-3 seconds.

Local anesthesia can be used if pain occurs. To avoid serious cosmetic defects, formations no larger than 0.7 mm can be eliminated in open areas of the body and on the face. In other situations, the surgical method comes to the rescue.

If the tips are sterilized and disinfected in the broiler, they can be reused. The attachments undergo a sterilization process in the same way as other types of medical instruments, in addition to needles.

The list of indications for plasma coagulation includes:

  • papillomas;
  • nevi and warts;
  • keratomas and acne;
  • atheromas, scars and calluses;
  • need for tattoo removal.

Possible contraindications

  1. Diseases of blood vessels and heart (presence of an installed pacemaker).
  2. Colloidal scars.
  3. Presence of oncology.
  4. Hyperthermia.
  5. Problems with blood clotting.
  6. Allergy to anesthetics.

Important nuances for each client

  1. Before carrying out therapy, each patient should receive information that after completion of the technology, miniature burns will form on the surface of the skin. This can cause discomfort ranging from itching, swelling and mild soreness. It is impossible to avoid such manifestations, but after 3 days they will disappear on their own.
  2. To quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations, you can apply ice or dry cold, wrapped in a napkin or placed in a bag.
  3. Until the dry crusts fall off for the first few days after the procedure, it is forbidden to visit baths and saunas, solariums or simply wash your face.
  4. During the recovery stage, daily areas exposed to such effects should be treated with antiseptics and special wound-healing creams and ointments should be applied. This will quickly relieve the consequences of burns.
  5. To avoid even small scars, you should not remove the crusts yourself. Because of this, the rehabilitation period may increase.
  6. After the crusts have completely fallen off, healing ointments are applied for several more days. The process of restoring the natural color of the skin will occur gradually, which may take about 30 days.
  7. You can apply decorative cosmetics and wash your face after the crusts have completely fallen off.
  8. When going outside, wear sunglasses and apply sunscreen to your skin.
  9. A reduction in epidermal density will occur as all tissues heal.
  10. To perform an eyelid lift, you may need about 3-4 procedures with an interval of 2-3 weeks, but the first results will be noticeable after 7 days.

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Blepharoplasty Plasma BT

The essence of the effect of the “Plasma Surgical” attachment is to reduce the area of ​​eyelid skin. In this case, there is no direct surgical impact. The body itself tightens the skin.

Indications for non-surgical plasma blepharoplasty:

  1. Elimination of wrinkles around the eyes, upper and lower eyelids.
  2. Removal of skin defects: acne, papillomas, age spots.
  3. Skin tightening, removal of bags under the eyes.

During the procedure, an arc of plasma is formed between the needle and the surface of the skin, which resembles lightning. The plasma arc destroys unwanted formations on the skin and tightens the skin without damaging surrounding tissue. Wound healing occurs very quickly.

The thin tip of the device - a needle - acts precisely on the skin. It forms tiny points at a certain distance from each other. Skin sublimation occurs at every point. Plasma exposure does not cause bleeding or damage tissue. Under the tiny dots, the skin heals quickly while the skin contracts. Thus, the skin is tightened.

Small scales fall off on their own after a few days, usually 3-5. The effect of plasma blepharoplasty is noticeable after 2-3 weeks.

The plasma blepharoplasty procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Blepharoplasty with Plasma Pencil - an innovative procedure

Plasma blepharoplasty with the Plasma pen device is a non-surgical technology for microcauterization of the skin with plasma discharges. The plasma current created by the needle of the nozzle precisely burns the skin without heating or damaging nearby tissues. A controlled microburn improves the condition of the dermis, tightens and tightens it, and the healing process stimulated by the procedure increases the production of collagen and elastin in the dermis. Non-surgical blepharoplasty with the Plasma Pencil device allows you to achieve visible rejuvenation without surgery: tighten eyelids, eliminate wrinkles, reduce skin pigmentation, remove scars and benign tumors. Thanks to its affordable price, even novice cosmetologists who want to provide cosmetic services at a high European level can afford to purchase a Plasma Pencil plasma current device.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-surgical techniques compared to surgery

Non-surgical blepharoplasty has many advantages over procedures that require surgery.

  1. Anesthesia is not required during the procedure.
  2. There is no need to stay in the clinic for a long time.
  3. There are no visible or hidden incisions.
  4. The rehabilitation period is easier and shorter.
  5. There is no risk of bleeding.
  6. Price policy.

Among the shortcomings are the elimination of minor defects. Non-surgical blepharoplasty removes only small excess fat and smoothes out shallow wrinkles. Therefore, this procedure is not suitable for women over 50 years of age. In this case, it is more advisable to resort to surgical blepharoplasty.

How much does youthful skin in the eye area cost?

BB prices depend on:

  • region;
  • clinic and specific specialist;
  • drugs and equipment used;
  • the actual condition of the skin in the area around the eyes;
  • recommended number of sessions;
  • whether or not the cost of anesthesia is included in the cost of the procedure.

Cost of procedures:

  • Thermage treatment of the upper or lower eyelids can cost from 2 to 65 thousand rubles;
  • BB injection techniques cost from 8 to 95 thousand rubles;
  • prices for laser BB can reach 120 thousand rubles.

I have all the indications for non-surgical blepharoplasty: a) age-related changes in the area around the eyes, potentially amenable to correction using BB methods; b) the desire to look younger; c) some monetary savings. But, in addition to this, I have: 1. A categorical reluctance to destroy anything in oneself (even if it is only collagen fibers in the area around the eyes). 2. Contraindications to any type of massage (this happens if the body is predisposed to tumor formation).3. My best friend is a cosmetologist. Therefore, having thoughtfully studied Internet sources and having matured to injection blepharoplasty as the only available option, I went to my friend. I explained to her that biological destruction of cells using temperature was not my way, and she warmly agreed with me. I complained about the inability to use manual blepharoplasty, and she sympathized with me. Then I enthusiastically started talking about injectable BB, and suddenly my friend interrupted me. She asked if I knew that: a) any puncture of the skin represents an injury that subsequently triggers the recovery process, and this is what the so-called negative stimulation mechanism is based on; b) point fibrosis inevitably occurs at the puncture site - replacement of the skin with connective scar tissue , consisting of not very “correct” collagen. And doesn’t this newfound knowledge confuse me, an opponent of all kinds of biological destruction? But seriously, my cosmetologist friend should warn that any injured areas are always weakened areas. And there are no exceptions here. And yet, no one knows how in ten years these weakened areas will behave against the background of others aging in a normal way without any shocks. And she, a friend, advises me to sleep with this knowledge and thoughts about it. And I obeyed. And I thought for a long time. And as a result, I decided to continue to make do with used tea bags, ice cubes, creams, masks and gel patches. And then - so be it. At the end of the day, you need to age with dignity. How, by the way, do everything else.

Memories of significant events in our lives are very important. But it is equally important that they are kept in a family album and do not leave marks on our faces

So if you decide to erase the memory of past years, accumulated in wrinkles under the eyes and crow's feet, with the help of non-surgical blepharoplasty - go for it. Let your look always be young, radiant and open, and only your passport knows about your age, which you will not show to anyone.

Types of devices

The most popular models of devices for plasma manipulations:

Plasmajet Derma. A device produced by the English company Plasma Surgical heats the lower layers of the dermis to 50 °C. The patient does not feel pain, but a pleasant breeze of a light breeze. No anesthesia is required. Plasmajet m103 improves skin tone, improves its color and stimulates collagen production - this process actively continues for a year after the procedure. Ions destroy pathogens and have a beneficial effect on blood microcirculation. In addition to cosmetology, the device is used in surgery, dermatology, and gynecology.

PlasM. The German device makes the skin fresher and younger, removes the consequences of unsuccessful tattooing, tightens the lips, chin, cheeks, performs a mini-lift, and eliminates wrinkles. The buyer receives free training. The company provides service during the warranty period and after it.

JETT PLASMA LIFT or Jet plasma lift medical. The Czech device enhances the skin's immunity and strengthens it. Effective against expression lines and age wrinkles. Helps reduce stretch marks, scars, age spots, rosacea, acne. JET medical is used on the face, chest, hands. The effect of application is noticeable already on the 2nd day and increases over the course of six months. About a week should pass between procedures (between the 1st and 2nd - 3 days).

PLAXPOT. It has increased electrical safety and a color display that expands the viewing angle. Does not damage tissue and triggers skin renewal mechanism. Provides long-term results and fights wrinkles, freckles, acne, seborrheic warts and other blemishes. Removes tattoos and tightens eyelid skin. The device is assembled in Korea. It is considered multifunctional because it is also used in dentistry.

Plasma liner. One of the most popular devices for contactless rejuvenation using plasma. Manufactured in Germany and has certificates of conformity relevant for Europe and Russia. Unlike inexpensive devices, Plasma Liner does not burn the skin, but synthesizes collagen production. The result lasts about 2 years. When using, an anesthetic cream must be applied. The patient feels an instant surge of warmth in the place where the cosmetologist works with the plasma liner. The dermis is immediately cooled, so the device does not harm its deeper layers. The range of applications of the plasma liner is wide: from smoothing wrinkles and tightening the skin on the face, chest, and abdomen to eliminating papillomas and safe blepharoplasty.

You can purchase any plasma lifting device via the Internet on the official website of the distributor, as well as on online platforms that sell laboratory and medical equipment. The cost is clarified after submitting an application or calling the manager, often after registering for training. Not every person will be able to find out the amount of the plasma liner, but only a professional who has confirmed his qualifications.

Innovative Plasma Lift

09.04.2018 14:07

Plazma LIFT is a cosmetic procedure that allows you to solve the following problems: ✔ tighten the upper and lower eyelids, ✔ smooth out wrinkles, ✔ reduce sagging skin, ✔ correct the oval of the face, chin and neck; ✔ get rid of papillomas and age spots (small sizes); ✔ protruding scars and stretch marks (stretch marks).


Advanced hardware technology influences certain cells - fibroblasts, which are responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elasticity in the skin. Namely, about stimulating the contraction of skin fibers through a plasma flash. Such flashes are distributed in a special way, according to a grid pattern, which makes it possible to get an amazing effect! _______________________________

Plasma is a type of gas that forms an electrode and uses moisture from the skin without touching the surface. The name of plasma oxygen is due to the processing process: plasma molecules are ionized in the applicator by oxygen in the air, when the plasma is turned on, the subsequent contact of moisture causes the electrode. The electrode instantly creates a very time-limited microplasma light and attracts moisture to the skin, thereby evaporating the surface of the skin. A plasma pen is a device that is used for non-invasive treatment. Plasma oxygen is performed using a so-called plasma pen, which sends small, controlled light beams of plasma at a distance of 1 mm from the skin. The light thus gently strokes the surface of the skin and forms tiny brown soaked dots on the skin (dried skin), which subsequently heals within 3-5 days. The skin does not come into direct contact with the plasma pen (it should be 1mm away) and the skin is not exposed to heat. The skin itself is not damaged, since the plasma oxygen is very soft and only works on the upper layers, so the risk of scars is completely eliminated. The skin immediately shrinks and begins to strengthen. The tension effect that is triggered due to healing is what causes wrinkles to decrease. During the short healing period, dead skin cells are shed faster than normal and are replaced by new ones that form a new and fresh layer of skin.

There are various factors to consider before starting the procedure.

You cannot drink alcohol 48 hours before the procedure! In addition, two weeks before the procedure it is recommended to exclude

from the diet:

• Vitamin E • Vitamin B10 • Fish oil • Cod liver • Medicines for arthritis, as well as medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid

And also, as with all skin procedures, any type of exposure to ultraviolet rays is not recommended. It is also very important that you are completely healthy and rested before you decide to have a plasma lift. Contraindications to the Plasma Lift : • Diagnosed oncological diseases of any location.

  • The presence or suspicion of precancerous skin diseases in the affected area. Other benign neoplasms are not a contraindication for

    plasma rejuvenation.

  • ENT diseases in the acute stage (sinusitis and other forms of sinusitis, rhinitis, rhinosinusitis).
  • Pregnancy period. At the same time, the procedure has a fairly high safety profile, since it does not lead to systemic (general) changes and pronounced metabolic changes. And in medical publications there are reports of the successful use of plasma rejuvenation in women bearing a child. But we should not forget that physiological hormonal changes during pregnancy affect the condition of the skin and can change the effectiveness of the procedure.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Blood diseases, but at the same time the presence of mild iron deficiency anemia with satisfactory health, is usually not a reason for refusing a rejuvenation procedure.
  • Acute period of infectious diseases, presence of elevated body temperature.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, accompanied by local or diffuse hypertrophy of its tissues and/or hormonal changes.
  • Kidney and liver failure.
  • Cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation.

  • Systemic blood diseases.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Herpetic rashes.
  • Active dermatitis of various etymologies.
  • Epilepsy and other mental disorders.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • The presence of metal prostheses and pins in the treated area.
  • Presence of a pacemaker.
  • Individual intolerance to current.

Advantages of the Plasma Lift : • Extraordinarily effective skin rejuvenation and tightening • Wide range of applications

• Combined with other methods of rejuvenation • Recovery no more than 7 days • Does not leave burns, bruises • Visible and lasting results after the first procedure • The effect increases within six months • Time for the procedure is 10-30 minutes • No side effects • Excess skin can be removed flap • Can be used repeatedly to achieve the desired result • No risks for the visual organs and the body as a whole • Cheaper than plastic surgery

It is recommended to carry out at least 2 treatments to treat an area of ​​approximately 3 x 5 cm at a time during each treatment, thereby gradually expanding the entire treatment area and thus creating the greatest effect.

The essence of plasma exposure technology Plasma BT

Everyone knows that substances can exist in three states: solid, liquid, gaseous. All substances are made up of molecules and atoms. Plasma is the fourth state of aggregation. Under the influence of excess energy, the usual state of matter is destroyed. Plasma consists of charged particles, radicals, ions, electrons, neutral atoms and ozone.

Plasma energy has been used in medicine since the 60s of the twentieth century. At this time, the first plasma energy apparatus appeared. The modern Plasma BT device differs significantly from its predecessors in its capabilities and safety.

Plasma BT is:

  • Plasma energy;
  • Extreme precision;
  • Fine-tuning power;
  • No ablation;
  • High efficiency;
  • High security.

Plasma BT technology uses a method of air ionization, which results in the formation of plasma. Charged particles affect problem areas without heating surrounding tissues.

For the finest impact, a needle nozzle is used. It is used to apply a fine mesh, which burns the surface of the eyelid skin. Due to the effect, small scales appear on the skin, which disappear on their own within a few days.

The non-surgical blepharoplasty attachment uses only sterile needles for single use.

Possibilities of Plasma BT for blepharoplasty

Using a needle attachment, you can reduce the area of ​​the eyelids without surgery.

Indications for plasma non-ablative blepharoplasty:

  1. Elimination of wrinkles: lower eyelid, upper eyelid, around the eyes.
  2. Various skin defects: spots, papillomas, acne.
  3. Skin tightening (reduction of area).

The essence of the procedure is that an arc of plasma is created between the needle and the surface of the skin, resembling a small lightning bolt. This arc can destroy unwanted skin formations and tighten the skin

It is important that the surrounding tissues are not damaged. Healing occurs very quickly

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