Minus 20 years: 5 simple ways for women to look younger

From this article you will learn:
  1. Factors influencing youth after 40 years
  2. 5 rules for maintaining youthful skin after 40 years
  3. Essential ingredients in cosmetics to preserve youth
  4. Medical procedures to preserve youth after 40 years
  5. Nuances of hair and nail care after 40 years
  6. Useful tips for preserving youth
  7. Top 10 products for maintaining youth after 40 years
  8. Using hydrogen water to preserve youth after 40 years
  9. 5 skin care mistakes that accelerate skin aging

Knowledge of how to maintain youth after 40 is necessary for any woman, but understanding the numerous recommendations can be difficult. The fact that prices for cosmetic procedures are constantly rising does not add to the peace of mind. However, there are quite affordable methods that rejuvenate no worse than expensive masks and creams.

Of course, one should not discount the achievements of modern cosmetology and medicine. In our article we will tell you what procedures will help prevent aging and what is available to every woman to maintain youth at any age.

Factors influencing youth after 40 years

1. Genetic predisposition

Certain genes are responsible for youthful skin:

  • controlling metabolism;
  • responsible for the production of collagen, elastin and other active substances;
  • activating or inhibiting other genes;
  • responsible for the skin’s resistance to diseases, inflammation and stress.

2. Degree of wear

With age, the work of all internal organs and systems slows down, and the processes of aging and withering of the body begin. Similar processes occur in the skin. Waste products are excreted worse, essential substances arrive more slowly. This becomes very noticeable against the background of stress, exacerbation of chronic diseases or previous infections.

After turning 40, a decrease in hormonal activity becomes noticeable, and much less estrogen is produced. It is during this period that a woman begins to think about how to maintain her youth, because after 40 years, the signs of aging clearly appear.

3. Free radical activity

Under the influence of free radicals in the body, the structure of skin cells and its genetic composition changes. As a result, all layers of the epidermis undergo changes.

As we age, free radicals become more active. The changes are especially pronounced if the body receives few antioxidants aimed at neutralizing free radicals.

The effect of UV rays, weather conditions in the form of frost and cold wind, and polluted environment does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. The skin becomes sensitive, dry, prone to irritation and vulnerable.

After 40 years, a particular problem is dry skin due to intense loss of moisture, the amount of fatty tissue noticeably decreases, and the upper layer of the epidermis becomes thinner.

The interbrow and nasolabial folds become more pronounced, the interbrow ridge is noticeable, the number and depth of wrinkles increase, circles under the eyes stand out, the nasolacrimal groove becomes deeper, the eyes sink, so-called “crow’s feet” form, the upper eyelids begin to hang over the eyes.

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Muscle tone weakens. The corners of the mouth droop, folds appear around them, pulling the oval towards the chin. The cheeks begin to sag, and folds appear on the neck. The oval of the face “floats”, jowls form and a double chin becomes pronounced. Women at this age may notice the appearance of age spots and spider veins. This is due to impaired blood microcirculation.

At a young age, skin renewal occurred in 25-30 days. After 40, the appearance of new cells is possible only after 40 days.

Women who have crossed the threshold of 40 years note fine-wrinkled aging, a decrease in turgor and elasticity, a general loss of moisture and a decrease in barrier properties. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the form of large pores on the face and noticeable facial wrinkles even at rest.

Essential ingredients in cosmetics to preserve youth

Once a woman reaches 40-45 years of age, she should take more careful care of her skin. This will ensure elasticity and youth for many years. It is important not to miss any of the procedures and cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin every day. There are many anti-aging products on the market today. But, besides them, you can also use salon procedures in the form of mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid injections and botulinum therapy, etc.

The range of cosmetology services today is amazingly diverse. But not all anti-aging products work. Often they do not perform any functions at all. Moreover, they can cause the development of allergic reactions and skin diseases.

When choosing an anti-aging skin care product, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. It is better to give preference to well-known brands that value their reputation.

Taking care of youthful skin and thinking about its extension after 40 years, it is important to choose the right skincare products according to their composition. Products for women of this age should contain the following components:

If your cream or other skin care product does not contain vitamins, you can add them yourself. For example, squeeze the contents of a vitamin Aevit capsule into a small amount of skin care product and apply to the face for 30 minutes before bedtime. Vitamin “Aevit” can also be used in its pure form.

Compresses for facial rejuvenation

To make the face look young longer, women are recommended to use hot and contrasting compresses. When used, the skin becomes more hydrated, toned and fresh. It is best to apply compresses in the evening before bed, after the makeup has been removed. For the base, use a flannel or terry towel.

For a contrast compress, cosmetologists recommend using a mixture prepared from one ampoule of vitamin E, two teaspoons of jojoba oil, the same amount of aloe juice, 100 grams of mineral water. Aloe juice should be poured into a glass container and mixed with water in equal proportions. After this, you need to heat the jojoba oil in a water bath.

Vitamin E is poured into the mixture heated to 40 degrees. All ingredients are mixed until smooth. After this, the napkin is moistened and applied to the face for five minutes. Then the compress is removed and repeated for another five minutes. It should be warm. The second napkin is moistened in aloe juice. This compress should be cold. It is applied for five minutes.

In winter, only hot compresses are used. When preparing, use two teaspoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of almonds and the same amount of shea butter. All ingredients are mixed together and heated in a water bath. After this, the mixture is applied to the face. A film and a towel are placed on top of it. The fabric is soaked in hot water. After the compress has cooled, the fabric is wetted again in hot water. Duration of the procedure: 20 minutes.

For oily skin, you need to use a compress with the addition of half a spoon of flaxseed, peach oil and glycerin. Add three drops of sandalwood. Glycerin soothes the skin, makes it moist, and eliminates mechanical damage.

It is recommended to heat all the ingredients in a water bath and add glycerin. After this, the mixture should be applied to the skin and covered with a film. Then the face is wrapped in a scarf. Duration of the procedure: 30 minutes. The remaining applied composition is blotted with a napkin.

Medical procedures to preserve youth after 40 years

We are already accustomed to celebrities who do not age with age. The fact is that they are not limited in funds and can afford the most advanced products for the care and maintenance of youthful skin. In addition, the best specialists in their field work with them, they are the first to receive information about innovative technologies in cosmetology and medicine to preserve youth.

For women in Europe and America, the use of hormone replacement therapy is no longer new. But in Russia there is a distrustful attitude towards hormones. We do not have complete information about their effect on the body and at the same time we are afraid of hormones. Although in Sweden, for example, 87 percent of patients receive hormonal therapy.

Science has proven that if you use hormone replacement therapy before the age of 60, a woman reduces the risk of developing diseases by 30-60%.

Of course, if you are considering hormone replacement therapy as a way to maintain youth after 40 years, select treatment options only with a gynecologist. He preliminarily prescribes a series of examinations to exclude contraindications and select the appropriate course.

Therefore, it is important for a woman over 40 years old who notices that her body is preparing for the last menstruation to go for a consultation on time. How can you notice this? After 40 years, the period between menstruation can be more than 40 days, up to several months. Or, on the contrary, the menstrual cycle becomes shorter than 25 days, the duration of menstruation is reduced. In addition, other unpleasant phenomena occur: urinary incontinence, hot flashes, hair loss or alopecia, brittle nails, excess weight.

It is important to consult a gynecologist not after menstruation stops completely, but in advance to prevent a drop in hormone levels.

The doctor must order a number of studies to assess women's health:

  • FSH;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands or mammography after 40 years;
  • taking a smear for oncocytology;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Sometimes this list can be supplemented with 2-3 more types of studies, depending on the general health of the woman. This may be a lipoprotein study, a coagulogram, functional tests of the liver and pancreas.

HRT is justified in 2 cases: a history of malignant tumors in the breast or uterus. Other situations require individual research and analysis. The point is one thing - all manipulations must be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Nuances of hair and nail care after 40 years

All women who are interested in how to maintain youth after 40 should take care of their hair and nails to keep them in good condition into adulthood. It is important to make nail baths with herbs, paraffin and other beneficial ingredients. To improve the condition of the nail plate, special cosmetics have been developed that are applied to the surface before bed.

You need to do a manicure 3-4 times a month. This can be a traditional edged or hardware type of manicure. It is better to refuse extensions.

Hair care involves using masks after each wash. You can use professional products or homemade ones made by yourself. There are a lot of recipes, and each girl has her own secrets for making cosmetics.

It is important to color the hair roots. To keep your curls looking well-groomed, you need to cover gray hair and regularly wash and style your hair.

To add additional volume, there are different techniques and techniques. A professional will help maintain the health and beauty of your hair.

Home daily care for colored hair involves applying oils to the ends. This will help avoid overdrying.

You can also use ampoules to restore and prevent hair loss.

The simplest thing you can do to improve blood circulation and stimulate the growth of new hairs is a daily scalp massage.

Tip No. 7. Give stress not only to the muscles of the body, but also to the muscles of the face.

No matter how slender the figure is, and how fit a woman looks from the back, the skin of the face and neck is what reveals her true age. In modern circles, effective exercises for preserving the youth of the face by working with its muscular frame are called fashionable words: face building, face fitness, and facial gymnastics.

More than a dozen muscles work on our face, which can be divided into two types: chewing and facial muscles. They, as their names suggest, help us not only cope with solid food, but also express emotions. And also to “keep” the skin on ourselves, which we so actively nourish with serums and creams.

You can “pump” the muscles of your face and neck by doing certain exercises day after day. However, do not overdo it: some muscles on the anatomical map, on the contrary, should be relaxed (for example, a tucked chin or a frowning forehead). Facial gymnastics techniques will also help you cope with hypertonicity. Disciplined women are promised that after daily exercise, Botox will not be needed!

Useful tips for preserving youth

  • Regular exercise

Physical activity not only allows you to keep your body in good shape, but also to feel several years younger and maintain a positive attitude towards life. According to recent studies, the body of people who regularly exercise has cells that are 9 years younger than those of those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. You don't have to do hard sports at the gym. You can organize physical activity for yourself in the form of walking, jogging in the park or cycling. One of the easiest ways to increase activity is to get a dog.

  • Grapefruit aroma

This may seem surprising, but the general condition of a person is influenced by surrounding odors. According to an independent study, people who constantly carried a grapefruit-scented object with them looked about 5 years younger than their peers. Well, the fruit itself is very healthy, containing a large amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

  • Yoga

In India, regular meditation and yoga are considered the best ways to preserve and prolong youth, strengthen the body and spirit. These are ancient practices aimed at maintaining proper breathing and postures that help reduce stress and calm the nerves. All this together reduces the aging process and helps maintain youthfulness of the body and soul. To get results, it is important to exercise regularly, or better yet, every day. This will not only increase the flexibility of the body, but also give confidence, teach you how to control emotions and conserve energy.

  • Time in nature

In addition to regular fitness, it is important to spend more time in nature, such as hiking. Outside the stuffy walls, the body is enriched with oxygen, a person is temporarily distracted from daily problems. According to experts, it helps improve overall well-being, add energy and slow down the aging process. If you don't have time or desire to exercise at the gym, regular hiking or walks in the park can be a great alternative.

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“How to keep your skin youthful” Read more

  • Smile and positive attitude

Another accessible method of maintaining youth after 40 years is smiling. Back in 2016, a study was conducted, according to the results of which scientists concluded that smiling and optimistic people look several years younger than gloomy ones. Laughter therapy has been gaining popularity lately. With its help, people cope with stress, calm down and keep their body in good shape. And you shouldn’t think that laughter provokes the appearance of new wrinkles - this is a myth.

  • Exercises with heavy weights

According to scientists, both men and women after 40 years of age benefit from lifting weights. To do this, you should keep dumbbells, barbells or strength training equipment at home. The fact is that after 40 years, muscles weaken. It is important to provide them with daily exercise so that their muscles become stronger, their energy reserves and overall endurance increase. When the body is strong and trained, it is easier to fight old age. Even just carrying heavy bags from the store is useful - this is a good muscle workout.

  • Avoiding sweets

Sugar is harmful to the body. Not only for teeth, but also for all organs and systems. Reducing your sugar intake reduces your risk of obesity, high blood pressure, skin problems and signs of aging. In general, the body resists age-related diseases more easily, feels better and looks younger.

  • Proper nutrition

In adulthood, diet is critical. A balanced diet increases the chances that age-related diseases will bypass you. Healthy foods will fill the body not only with useful microelements, but also give energy.

  • Vitamin complexes

The diet can be balanced and the nutrition exceptionally correct, but this does not exclude the development of deficiencies in the body. After 40 years, what a person gets from food is no longer enough. It is useful for women to ensure a regular supply of vitamins A and E, as well as calcium. Men benefit from vitamin B. But it is important to choose the right complex vitamins; it is better to do this together with your doctor.

  • Body care

After 40 years, a person’s skin becomes more vulnerable due to hormonal imbalance. It is important to pay special attention to care. It is better to focus on natural products with a minimum content of chemicals, allergens, parabens and aggressive components. The fact is that the skin begins to age first in the area of ​​the face, neck, arms and décolleté. It is these areas that need to be looked after most carefully.

  • Correct haircut

Having a beautiful hairstyle and well-groomed hair helps you look younger than your age. Some hairstyles treacherously add age. It's better to avoid these. However, there is no need to strive for overly anti-aging haircuts or coloring. It looks ridiculous. It is better to contact an experienced stylist to make the right choice and look younger with a beautiful haircut and hair color.

  • Full sleep

After 40 years, you should definitely give up night walks and active life at the expense of sleep. However, many often violate their daily routine: they watch TV at night, communicate on social networks, and work on the computer. In the fight against aging, adequate sleep is crucial. With a lack of sleep, the body ages faster than expected. This affects the condition of the skin, memory, functioning of the nervous system, and the ability to concentrate. The person seems to be losing energy. Normal sleep is an indispensable condition if you want to maintain youth after 40 years.

  • Friendly communication

A person ages faster if he avoids friendly communication. This conclusion was made by British scientists who observed thousands of people. It is important to find time for loved ones and friends even in a busy work schedule. It is strong friendship that helps prolong youth. Thus, according to the study, the friendliest Britons had lower cholesterol levels, fewer problems with obesity and blood pressure.

Tip #5. To maintain good skin condition, it is recommended to maintain approximately the same weight!

Weight fluctuations can lead to early wrinkles and sagging skin.

You need to lose weight at any age under the supervision of a nutritionist, because sudden and unhealthy weight loss can cause no less harm than extra pounds. Losing no more than 1 kg of body weight per week is considered normal.

Preserving youth is unthinkable without physical activity - lying on the couch or spending the whole day in an office chair will not be possible. Exercising regularly, taking walks or daily jogging, doing exercises, doing Pilates or yoga - it is important to choose what you are comfortable with. The main thing is to maintain physical activity!

Top 10 products for maintaining youth after 40 years

1. Watercress

Neutralizes free radicals, prevents the formation of the first wrinkles. This is an excellent source of calcium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, K.

2. Red pepper

An excellent product to combat the onset of aging. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is beneficial for collagen production. Sweet peppers contain carotenoids, which are powerful antioxidants.

3. Papaya

Papaya contains antioxidants that help fight free radicals. In addition to them, it contains many vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins A, C, K, E, group B;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus.

4. Blueberries

This berry contains vitamins A and C in large quantities.

5. Broccoli

This product contains a lot of:

  • vitamins C and K;
  • various antioxidants;
  • plant fibers;
  • folates;
  • lutein;
  • calcium.

Vitamin C is necessary for the body to produce collagen, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

6. Spinach

This product is simply loaded with antioxidants. It provides the body with oxygen, helps replenish the body’s reserves of vitamins and microelements:

  • vitamins A, C, E and K;
  • magnesium;
  • heme iron;
  • lutein.

7. Almonds

Nuts, namely almonds, are a source of vitamin E. It restores skin tissue, protects against UV rays, and retains moisture. Walnuts are also useful for preserving youth. They contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, which act on:

  • strengthening skin cell membranes;
  • protection from solar radiation;
  • preserves the natural complexion and gives the skin a beautiful glow.

8. Avocado

Contains a large amount of nutrients and fatty acids that prevent the aging process. This:

  • vitamins K, C, E and A;
  • B vitamins;
  • potassium.

Avocado contains large amounts of vitamin A, which helps get rid of dead skin cells. The skin becomes radiant and smooth. Carotenoids in the product block the effects of toxins and harmful solar radiation, and fight the development of cancer cells.

9. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A. In addition, the product is rich in vitamins C and E, which protect the skin from free radicals and maintain complexion, radiance and elasticity.

10. Pomegranate

This product contains punicalagins, which preserve collagen and slow down the aging process.

Using hydrogen water to preserve youth after 40 years

Cosmetologists know how to maintain youth after 40 years, and have long been using ionized water to treat the skin. This is possible due to its high biological activity. Ionized water helps:

  • improve the quality of cell nutrition functions;
  • improve blood flow;
  • eliminate contamination;
  • get rid of sebum;

One of the most effective ways to prolong youth, which works both at the level of the whole body and at the level of skin cells, is hydrogen water, a powerful antioxidant weapon against the destructive processes that occur in our cells under the influence of free radicals.

If we talk specifically about the skin, then here it gives a truly comprehensive effect:

  • protects against ultraviolet radiation and relieves irritation and redness after sunburn;
  • prevents the appearance of pigmentation in the skin, fights post-acne, brightens and evens out skin color;
  • Helps significantly smooth out wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones;
  • relieves swelling, removes bruises and bags under the eyes;
  • heals inflammation, tightens pores and reduces acne;
  • moisturizes 6 times more effectively than ordinary or thermal water, and also restores the pH balance in skin cells.

How to achieve such a complex effect?

  • replace regular water and drinks with hydrogen antioxidant water;
  • use hydrogen water to wash your face;
  • make hydrogen masks and activate water-based creams, emulsions and facial gels.

Skin care products often contain alcohol. It dries out the skin, leaving it feeling dry and tight. Organic cosmetics may be inaccessible to the majority of the population due to their high cost.

In this case, ionized water is an excellent alternative to creams and lotions. It has such useful qualities as:

  • relieving irritations;
  • calming effect;
  • restoring natural balance.

Regular use of ionized water normalizes the functions of skin tissue, making it firm and elastic.

You can also use ionized water to relieve irritation after shaving. For cuts, apply a swab soaked in a beneficial liquid to the damaged skin.

Contraindications for the use of anti-aging products

Despite the general benefits of salon and home remedies for rejuvenating facial skin at the age of 40, there are a number of contraindications to the use of these procedures. Masks for home lifting and massages should not be performed if you have the following problems:

  • inflammatory manifestations on the skin;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • microtraumas of the skin and vascular diseases;
  • allergy to any of the components of the cosmetic product;
  • age up to 30 years.

All skin care cosmetics and anti-aging procedures should be selected taking into account the age-related characteristics of the skin in order to eliminate characteristic imperfections and have a positive effect. Cosmetics chosen inappropriately for your age can not only be ineffective, but also cause harm. The needs for hydration, nutrition, and saturation with collagen in the skin of a 30-year-old woman and a 40-year-old woman are different. Selection of cosmetics according to skin type is also important. Products for dry sensitive skin and skin prone to oiliness and rashes will also be different. To achieve the best effect using homemade masks and peelings, it is better to first consult an experienced cosmetologist. And if you have obvious skin problems, consult a dermatologist or endocrinologist, since many age-related changes can be caused by hormonal imbalances.

Date of publication: May 7, 2019

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