Alexandra Zakharova after plastic surgery: Photo and Biography

Alexandra Zakharova, despite all the gossip, is an amazing actress, the daughter of her father, the great director Mark Zakharov.
There were different things in her life, but unfortunately, Alexandra was never able to realize herself 100%. It seems that the life of such a person should have been cloudless, but not everything is so simple.

In her personal relationships, she was haunted by failure after failure, while theater and cinema bowed before her.

Not long ago, the actress decided to prolong her charming youth and turned to plastic surgery.

Brief biography and personal life

Alexandra Zakharova (photos of the actress before and after plastic surgery are shown below in the article) was born in mid-June 1962 in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals, in the family of the permanent head of Lenkom. From an early age, the girl’s fate was closely connected with the theater, behind the scenes of which young Alexandra waited for her parents during performances.

The parents' constant employment did not allow them to fully participate in their daughter's life, as well as monitor her school performance, which Sasha happily took advantage of when she started skipping school.

From the age of 13, the girl became seriously interested in reading, choosing in favor of the works of A. Solzhenitsyn, N. Berdyaev and V. Solovyov, and considered the regular school curriculum completely uninteresting and not worthy of attention.

After finishing school, Alexandra entered the Shchukin School, where, upon receiving her diploma, she received an invitation from 5 capital theaters , but none of them, according to the future star, could compare with her native Lenkom.

Fearing accusations of bias, Mark Zakharov held a secret vote, according to the results of which he accepted his daughter into his troupe, but even after that, for a long time, the young actress was forced to only appear in the crowd.

A breakthrough in Alexandra’s career happened with the arrival of Gleb Panfilov to the troupe, who staged “Hamlet” and entrusted the talented young actress with the difficult role of Ophelia. The daughter’s heartfelt performance finally melted the father’s heart, who allowed Alexandra to appear in “Funeral Prayer,” “The Seagull,” “Balakirev the Jester” and “The Marriage of Figaro.”

In 2004, Alexandra appeared on stage in “Va-Bank”, in 2007 in “Marriage”, where she played the role of the bride, and 2 years later she embodied the image of Lyubov Ranevskaya in “The Cherry Orchard”. In 2011, Alexandra played the role of the main character’s mother in Peer Gynt, and then appeared in Jumper and several plays by Venedikt Erofeev.

The actress’s cinematic career also began with her father’s films, and her most successful early work was Fimka from “Formula of Love . In 1988, with the release of “Criminal Talent,” Alexandra Markovna gained all-Russian fame, after which the actress began to be recognized on the streets.

In the following years, the actress acted a lot in films, appearing in such films as “Kill the Dragon”, “The Bride from Paris”, “Hostage”, “Grey Wolves”, “Another Life”, “The Little Thing” and “The Master and Margarita”, and in 2022, after the passing of her father, she completed his last production, “The Trap.”

The actress’s personal life, unlike her career, was not so rosy.

Even while studying at the Shchukin School, Eduard Toman was in love with Alexandra, but the then unknown young man, distinguished by his modesty, did not dare to tell his beloved about his feelings. Subsequently, having already become famous, Edward made a new attempt, which was also unsuccessful.

The actress was in a romantic relationship with Sergei Ashkenazi and Andrei Sokolov. There are also rumors about her affair with Alexander Abdulov, seemingly even approved by Mark Zakharov himself, but the actors themselves never confirmed the gossip, saying that they were connected only by a strong and long-term friendship.

Alexandra’s only husband was Fyodor Steklov, whose marriage lasted about 9 years. In recent years, rumors have appeared about Zakharova’s new romance with a person far from acting circles, but Alexandra herself has not confirmed them in any way.

A little about the biography of Alexandra Zakharova

Like many children of famous parents, Alexandra’s childhood was not easy. Her father is director and artistic director of Lenkom Mark Zakharov. Therefore, no one took the girl’s talent seriously. If she achieved success, they said she was lucky, but for any mistake she was condemned “to the fullest extent.”

When Alexandra became a student at the Shchukin School, few people believed that this was an independent step. The majority considered this to be the merit of the famous pope. And when Alexandra was studying, they said that there was nothing interesting about her, and that the teachers were simply “pulling her out.”

Things didn’t work out for the girl either. Some were simply openly jealous of her, while others were afraid that it would look like sycophancy to the director. Behind her back, Alexandra was given the nickname “princess”; people constantly gossiped about her and spread various rumors.

Figure parameters and appearance

Alexandra Zakharova (photos of the actress before and after plastic surgery have become clear evidence of the dangers of using aesthetic treatment methods) has an outstanding appearance, but the actress has never been considered a classic beauty.

The distinctive features of the movie star have always been bright, blond hair and large facial features, which gave the actress a special charm and prettiness , as well as incredible charisma, instantly distinguishing Alexandra from a crowd of even the most recognized beauties.

Figure parameters:

Height168 cm
Weight61 kg
Hair colorLight
Eye colorBlue
Appearance typeEuropean

The actress always carefully hid her figure measurements, but it is known for certain that the charming and funny Fimka, at 57 years old, was able to maintain a youthful figure without adding a single extra centimeter to her waist.

Film career

  • The House That Swift Built;
  • Love Formula;
  • Kill the dragon;
  • Criminal talent;
  • Hostage;
  • Gray wolves;
  • Master and Margarita;
  • Thin little thing;
  • Another life.

The list mentions the most significant films in which the actress showed herself to the fullest, the roles are all completely unforgettable and outstanding. In fact, this list could stretch to a whole page. Here are the courtyard wench Fimka and Gella, a female vampire from Woland’s retinue, and many more characters well known to the general public.

I ask you, whoever has the opportunity, go to the theater! Enjoy the performance of the national artist, despite all the ups and downs of life, she has not lost her charm and is able to surprise you. Don’t listen to envious people, there were always a lot of them around her, drive these “well-wishers” away from you.

Plastic and how it has changed over time

Alexandra Zakharova (before and after plastic surgery, photographs of the actress repeatedly appeared in magazines) for quite a long time successfully retained youthful freshness and enthusiasm, and even seemed to have discovered the secret of “eternal youth”, which consisted in timely access to a good cosmetologist.

Having started regularly performing biorevitalization and hardware lifting sessions at about 35 years old, the actress was able to significantly slow down the aging process , preventing the active appearance of facial wrinkles. A little later, Alexandra also performed contouring with hyaluronic fillers, making the oval of the face clearer, as well as highlighting the areas of the lips and cheekbones.

After 50 years, simple cosmetic care was not enough for the actress, and she underwent a circular facelift, which ended very unsuccessfully. Due to the incorrect actions of the surgeon, Alexandra’s naturally deep-set eyes “spread” even further from each other, turning into small slits.

The procedure also had a negative impact on the actress’s naturally rather large nose, making it even more massive against the background of her narrowed eyes. Alexandra’s eyebrows also changed position, unnaturally “going” up and drawing attention to the actress’s swollen forehead.

The failed plastic surgery completely changed the movie star's appearance, making her completely unrecognizable, and also damaging Alexandra's expressive facial expressions, which were considered her main asset.

The actress herself reacted to the changes in appearance quite calmly, noting only that absolutely everyone should not like her. According to Alexandra Markovna, each person decides for himself how to remake himself and should not judge anyone.

Alexandra Zakharova before and after plastic surgery

The actress is confident that you shouldn’t chase the passing youth and you need to find the strength to meet your mature age with dignity.

What has changed in the actress’s life after plastic surgery?

There is no information that plastic surgery really happened. Zakharova is not the kind of person who will be frank about herself and post photos of every minute of her life on the Internet. In this sense, you will have to figure it out yourself.

Experts agree that for some time now the actress’s facial expressions have changed, wrinkles have disappeared from the upper part of her face, folds have smoothed out, and in general Alexandra has clearly looked younger. This effect is manifested with a circular lift and the use of Botox to smooth out age-related changes on the face. Unfortunately, it is impossible to assess the result of a surgeon’s intervention in advance; to some extent, plastic surgery is associated with the risk of ending up with an irrevocably damaged appearance.

What has changed with Alexandra, what is wrong? This question haunts me and many other fans of her talent. The charm of youth was gone, the face seemed petrified and hardened, as if it had been worked on not by a doctor, but by a sculptor. The eyes narrowed and turned into small slits. This is the price for rejuvenation.

But not everything is lost, her smile remained, the outlines of her face did not change, she did not lose her appearance. Let's hope that the consequences of Botox injections are temporary and Zakharova will still appear before the viewer as she has always been loved.

After all, by and large, she always surprised and amazed us. This unpredictability is why they love her. The fact that now her face is not so mobile and is not able to fully express emotions cannot be avoided. We'll have to live with this. Plastic surgery cannot work miracles; how many years Zakharova lost with its help is still a big question.

Beauty secrets

Alexandra Zakharova (before and after plastic surgery, the actress actively led a public life, not ashamed to show off her greatly changed face) has always been very attentive to her appearance, although, in her own words, she also has a lot of laziness, which prevents her from fully caring for her facial skin and with your figure.

Alexandra Markovna is sure that the secret of an ideal appearance is hidden deep inside, and in order to look good, you just need to keep your soul pure and not allow envy and anger into it, which is reflected on the skin in the form of wrinkles.

Skin care

The actress calmly admits that she is too lazy to often visit a cosmetologist and regularly carry out anti-aging procedures.

Alexandra Markovna agrees with the words of Annie Girardot, who notes that every wrinkle on her face was given so dearly to her that she would be completely unable to give it up, and those age-related changes that appeared as a result of pain or suffering only made her appearance more interesting.

Since the age of 35, the actress regularly conducts biorevitalization sessions, rejuvenating masks and anti-aging face lifting, and also does skin-cleansing peelings and cleansing.

Alexandra Markovna does not use expensive modern creams, trying to give preference to natural cosmetics , as well as folk remedies, including masks made from heavy cream and milk, nourishing tissues or wiping the face with frozen ice cubes with chamomile infusion.

Distinguished by a special laziness that leaves the actress only in the theater, Alexandra Markovna tries to sleep at least 9 hours a day and never changes her habits to visit the pool or sports club.


The actress calls the main recipe for her slimness a small amount of food consumed daily . In her interviews, Alexandra Markovna notes that over the years she has gone through many new-fangled diets, including dietary restrictions based on blood type, and believes that any diet should be treated very carefully.

According to the movie star, if you strictly adhere to food restrictions, then the diet will literally “take over” and make you dependent, so if you really want to enjoy a chocolate bar or donut, then you just need to do it without thinking about the consequences.

In Germany, one doctor gave Alexandra very wise advice that she should eat everything, but only half the portion. This is how the actress tries to eat, and she has also given up meat forever.

The actress explains her refusal to eat meat not by vegetarianism, which is fashionable in the modern world, but by the fact that her body has recently simply stopped accepting previously beloved meat products and after each such feast she becomes very ill. Having given up beef, veal, pork and lamb, Alexandra Zakharova kept fish and poultry in her diet.

The actress herself is very unpretentious when it comes to food and notes that she considers spaghetti to be her favorite dish. The movie star also never minds drinking a glass of beer, especially when she learned that it has no effect on women.


Alexandra Zakharova does not engage in sports due to natural laziness, which prevents her from leaving bed earlier than usual and going to the gym . The actress notes that she constantly vows to start working out, but always puts off the idea.

Alexandra sincerely admires people who adhere to proper nutrition and regularly visit the pool, but her swims always ended with a runny nose. According to the star, her natural laziness leaves her only in the theater, where she can rehearse for hours without thinking about food or fatigue.

Zakharova today

After unsuccessful plastic surgery, the actress almost does not participate in filming, practically does not appear in TV shows, and does not go to “star” parties. Zakharova devoted herself entirely to working in the theater. After her dad died, she staged the play herself at Lenkom.

The results of the not very successful plastic surgery are still visible, however, Zakharova is not upset about this. She says that it is impossible to look like a 20-year-old girl at the age of 45. Alexandra also emphasizes that youth and well-groomed are completely different things, and it’s all about how you feel. Zakharova does not intend to repeat plastic surgery yet.

And, although the actress’s appearance is spoiled, she managed to preserve what helps her to be a favorite actress among more than one million people - talent and charisma.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

Achievements and interesting facts

Alexandra Zakharova - Honored and People's Artist of the Russian Federation, who worked for more than 30 years at the Lenkom Theater and starred in 25 films, was awarded:

  • State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of theatrical art;
  • Order of Honor;
  • awards of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture;
  • for his great contribution to the development of theatrical art with the orders “For Merit to the Fatherland”, IV degree and “Alexander Nevsky”,
  • Prize named after Stanislavsky and Crystal Turandot;
  • Diploma of the International Theater Foundation named after. Evgenia Leonova;
  • Prize named after Oleg Yankovsky and the annual theater festival “Norwegian Play and Norwegians on the Moscow Stage”.

Interesting Facts:

  • The actress's mother dreamed of Alexandra becoming a famous scientist and even sent her to a school with in-depth study of biology. Unfortunately, the future actress did not like her studies at all and, taking advantage of her parents’ constant employment, she began to quietly skip school. It got to the point that they simply refused to enroll the girl in the 9th grade, persistently advising her parents to send the future star to a vocational school.
  • Alexandra was allowed to finish school only after urgent requests from actresses Tatyana Peltzer and Olga Aroseva, who persuaded the teachers to allow the girl to study in the 9th grade and advised her to subsequently enter a theater institute.
  • Alexandra was forced to prepare for admission to university with her mother after Mark Zakharov discovered with horror that his daughter, who had decided to become an actress, was rather sluggishly reciting “Tatyana’s Dream” from Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin.”
  • All her life, Alexandra tried to earn the approval of her father, in whose theater she dreamed of working. Unfortunately, Mark Zakharov was very afraid of reproaches for wanting to “take care of his loved one” and accepted his daughter only after a secret vote. The decisive voice in this matter was the opinion of actress Ekaterina Fadeeva, who stated that if Mark Anatolyevich did not take his wife to the theater, then he was simply obliged to accept his daughter.
  • For more than 10 years, Alexandra appeared on stage only as an extra, until Gleb Panfilov recognized her talent and entrusted her with the role in his “Hamlet.”

  • Alexandra Markovna’s first love was actor and classmate Igor Shavlak, with whom the girl fell in love while studying at the institute. Unfortunately, Igor did not share Zakharova’s feelings at all and preferred a completely different girl.
  • For many years, Edward Tomlin was unrequitedly in love with Alexandra. While still a student, he dedicated poems and songs to the girl, and when he became the head of the Estonian People's Theater, he recalled that he still remembers Alexandra Markovna's phone number.
  • After breaking up with her husband, Fyodor Steklov, the actress for a long time tried to find in herself the reasons for her failed personal life, and her favorite job, caring for her father and her dogs finally helped her not to fall into depression.
  • The main thing in Alexandra Markovna’s life is the theater, filming and rehearsals in which do not leave the actress time for anything else.
  • The actress does not know how to cook at all, unlike her mother, who loved to host dinner parties.

Rumors of alcohol addiction

In recent years, Alexandra Zakharova began to appear in public very rarely, and in 2022 she experienced a serious shock associated with the death of her beloved father. The press was quick to accuse the actress, who was grieving the tragedy, of alcohol addiction.

The basis for such a statement was the alleged revelations of a doctor at a drug treatment clinic, Dmitry Mashkin, who told reporters that the name of Alexandra Zakharova was in a special database of Russian stars suffering from alcoholism.

The actress herself did not react to the scandal in any way, but Lenkom actors came to her defense, declaring that the article was an ordered lie aimed at discrediting the reputation of the famous actress. The widow of Nikolai Karachentsov even suggested that Alexandra Markovna sue, accusing the popular publication of libel, and Dmitry Pevtsov recorded a video in support of the actress.

Rumors about Alexandra Zakharova’s commitment to alcohol appeared before, but were never confirmed, and the actress herself was used to reacting to any accusations calmly, as before, devoting all her strength to her favorite theater.

Alexandra Zakharova is a People’s Artist of Russia and a permanent actress of Lenkom, who dedicated more than 30 years to her father’s theater.

Since childhood, the blond beauty, who dreamed of going on stage, has changed greatly in the photographs before and after plastic surgery, for 10 long years persistently tried to earn her father’s recognition, and considers the theater to be her only passion, where she is able to spend all days and nights at long rehearsals.

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