Where is the G-spot in women and men, and how to stimulate it

It's hard to believe that there can be so much confusion, doubt and misinformation about the erogenous spot on a woman's body. Although we've always known about the G-spot, it's only recently that "science" has confirmed the enormous sexual potential of this mysterious collection of nerves. And now that we know more about it, there are a variety of G-spot vibrators coming into the market that you can use.

G-spot vibrators differ from other vibrators in one specific way: their curved tip. To get in touch with her highly erotic zone, you need to use a vibrator with a curved end. Because so little has been known or reviewed about the G-spot (named after Dr. Ernst Gräfenberg, who discovered it in much the same way that Columbus discovered America), many don't even know where to find this special area. G-spot vibrators are a great way for women to discover their G-spot or teach others.

What is the G-spot

In the middle of the last century, gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg made a unique discovery. It has significantly improved the sex lives of millions of women. The doctor found a special area in the vagina, the stimulation of which allows the fair sex to receive special pleasure.

With the light hand of the media, this area was named after the first letter of Gräfenberg’s surname - point G. Subsequently, this name was officially adopted. Now all people know this part of the female body by this term.

We-Vibe Nova

A toy with two ends, each of which has its own powerful motor. The main shaft is for penetrative sex and G-spot stimulation. The short tip is for the clitoris, it is very flexible, so it can easily adapt to your anatomy.

A nice bonus of Nova is that the device synchronizes with your smartphone. The We-Connect app has 10 vibration modes. In addition, you can invent a mode: draw the desired rhythm with your finger on the smartphone screen and set your own sexual pace.

Order the We-Vibe Nova vibrator

Where is the G-spot located?

Dr. Gräfenberg said that this area, especially sensitive to intimate caresses, is located in a woman’s vagina at a depth of approximately 2.5-7.6 cm from the side of the pubic bone. But you can find and awaken the G-spot only when the lady is in an excited state. It is at this moment that the G-spot becomes convex and can be felt. Otherwise, you won’t be able to find the coveted site.

This explains the failure of other doctors to search for the G-spot in gynecological offices, where sexual arousal of the girls being tested was out of the question.

Lack of erogenous zone or incorrect stimulation technique?4

There are cases when a girl does not receive any pleasant sensations, no matter how much her partner searches for the desired erogenous zone. As a rule, such women give up on themselves and join the ranks of the frigid.

Interesting fact! Only 5% of women are officially diagnosed with frigidity. As a rule, others experience hormonal imbalance, which can be corrected by taking certain medications.

Unfortunately, such cases occur quite often. The surest way out of this situation is to contact a specialist. As a rule, gynecologists and sex therapists deal with such issues. The first ones will conduct an examination that will show whether there are any malfunctions in the body’s functioning. If any, treatment will be carried out. Most often, a problem is discovered that can be solved by taking hormonal medications.

Sex therapists look for the key to the problem in the psychological state of the patient. As a rule, most problems come from childhood, since the child’s psyche is unstable. Identifying the real problem speeds up the recovery process. Many girls note that after several sessions with a sex therapist, they begin to look at their intimate life differently. Some people get their first orgasm in their lives.

How to Find the G Spot

Every woman has an analogue of the male prostate - Skene's gland. Like the male body, they cover the female urethra. If the blood supply to the pelvic organs increases, which is typical for sexual arousal, the glands begin to produce a unique liquid - a viscous transparent secretion. Like the prostate, this organ gives women vivid sexual sensations when it contracts and produces secretions.

Of course, the female gonads are different from the male prostate. At rest, they cannot be identified tactilely - they are too thin and flat to be felt with your fingers. The female reproductive glands are enveloped in tissue that contains the inner part of the most sexually excitable organ - the clitoris. Therefore, the G-spot is often called the “clitoral root”, because soft, gentle stimulation of this area will certainly increase the sensitivity of the other.

During sexual arousal, Skene's glands swell and increase significantly in size. At this point they can be easily felt.

Woman's feelings

When the G-spot is stimulated, a woman feels pleasant pleasure. It can be achieved both through finger massage and during sexual intercourse itself.

It is believed that all women have different sensations. This, of course, depends on the number of glands located underneath the area. The fewer there are, the less pronounced the feeling of pleasure the lady experiences.

In addition, certain physiological characteristics play a role. Some women note that during stimulation they seem to begin to want to go to the toilet more strongly.

Others, on the contrary, report that they experience a feeling of pleasure or peace.

Still others receive true pleasure and are shaken by several orgasms in a row. Everything is very individual.

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G-spot massage

To give his partner maximum pleasure, a man should perfectly master the technique of massaging (augmentation) of this area. Due to the fact that the female reproductive glands are closely connected to the urethra, in the process of stimulating the G-spot, the desire to evacuate first arises. Therefore, before starting an intimate massage, you need to go to the toilet, otherwise you will not achieve the desired sensations.

A woman can find and awaken her G point on her own. Special massagers and stimulators will help satisfy sexual needs, stimulate the sex glands and achieve orgasm.

Massage with finger and tongue

In order to properly excite his chosen one, a man sometimes only needs these simple parts of the body. It is recommended to start foreplay from the top, gradually moving down. Having reached the vagina, you should make sure that the woman is already aroused. This is indicated by the presence of lubrication and a swollen clitoris. It is from this organ that intimate stimulation should begin. You can gently massage it with your tongue or fingers.

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Then you need to insert one or two fingers into the vagina, centimeter by centimeter, examining the front wall in search of the G-spot. Having found the desired area, it is important not to overdo it: light pressure and smooth movements will bring more effect than sudden pressure. If all manipulations are performed correctly, this will be indicated by a small stream of female ejaculate. There is not much of it, but you won’t be able to miss it.

Tips for more pleasure

Sexologists and sex coaches give several tips that will allow you to experience more pleasure.

Before you and your partner look for the G-spot and influence it, you need to independently study your own body.

  1. Don’t forget about hygiene measures and ask your partner about them, even if sexual games are in full swing.
  2. Don’t be afraid to tell your partner which movements you like and which ones, on the contrary, bring unpleasant sensations. Frankness in bed is a necessary thing.
  3. You need to trust your regular partner to look for the g-spot, or at least the person you trust. Thanks to this, you can relax and experience real pleasure.
  4. Alcohol dulls the feeling, so there is a high chance that you will not be able to fully experience a g-spot orgasm.
  5. Even if you don't experience pleasure the first time after stimulation, don't be discouraged. G is a muscle that tends to train. And with frequent exposure, you will finally be able to achieve results.

An amazing world of pleasures and magical sensations is open to you. They are so easy to try for yourself, especially if you are not afraid of experiments, and most importantly, you are in good hands.

There are a huge number of legends and myths about the G-spot. But only you have the right to decide what is true and what is not, based on personal experience. We hope you find it positive.

Positions for G-spot stimulation

After a man has managed to find out where his partner’s G-spot is located, he can safely begin stimulating this area during sexual intercourse. The main task is to change the angle of contact of the head of the penis with the walls of the vagina in such a way as to maximize G-spot stimulation. We will tell you in what positions this is best achieved.

Missionary with pillows

It differs from the classic position in that the female pelvis is raised with the help of pillows placed under it, and the male knees are located near the buttocks of the partner. To understand whether the penis is inserted correctly, you need to pay attention to the angle of penetration. Starting from the very entrance, it will rub against the front wall of the vagina.


The man is behind and enters the partner. After this, the woman needs to take a position as close as possible to vertical.

Doggy style

There is only one change - the man does not kneel, but bends them, supporting his weight on his feet.

After the procedure

No special rehabilitation is required. After increasing the volume of the G spot, it is not recommended to have sex for 2-3 days. It is also undesirable to visit the sauna or take a hot bath. In order not to disturb the sterility of the injection site, you should refrain from swimming in a pool or open water during the healing period (from 2 to 5 days). Precautionary measures are also needed to ensure that the inserted filler does not move.

The effect of manipulation lasts on average from 4 months to six months. To consolidate and maintain the result, it is recommended to repeat the procedure every 6 months.

G-spot toys

Currently, manufacturers offer a lot of devices that will help diversify your intimate life and add new bright colors to it. A characteristic feature of this group of products is their curved shape, which provides effective stimulation of the anterior vaginal wall. These can be various vibrators or dildos, squirting machines. There are even toys that allow you to simultaneously stimulate the G-spot and the clitoris, vagina and anus. Therefore, we do not recommend delaying your visit to the nearest intimate goods store.

We-Vibe Rave Purple

The Rave Purple vibrator is one smooth line. The minimalistic design does not prevent it from being functional: the device has 10 vibration and pulsation modes. Thanks to its delicate shape and powerful motor, the toy is suitable for any erogenous zones - G-spot, clitoris, nipples and other sensitive parts of the body. With him you will have gentle foreplay and a bright orgasm.

Like all We-Vibe devices, it syncs with your smartphone via the We-Connect app.

Order the We-Vibe Rave Purple vibrator

Where is the G spot in men?

Few people know, but men also have the G-spot. There is a strong opinion in society that representatives of the stronger sex can experience pleasure exclusively from stimulation of the penis. But this stereotype is not true.

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Men have an erogenous gland - the prostate. Its stimulation can give a man an orgasm, similar to a vaginal orgasm in women. To obtain it, you need to find the G-spot in men. This is not difficult to do, but not every representative of the stronger sex will agree to such manipulations.

The fact is that stimulation of the male G-spot is carried out through the anus. To feel it, the partner needs to insert a finger into the partner's anus. The G-spot in men is located on the front wall of the anus, at a depth of approximately 3-5 cm. It is felt like a tubercle, during stimulation of which a man experiences strong sexual arousal and, as a result, a vivid orgasm.

The G-spot in women and men is an area that hides a lot of new, unforgettable sensations. If you still have questions, this video will help explain where exactly the G-spot is:

Contraindications to the procedure

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not the best time to interfere with the body. It is advisable to carry out the manipulation after the completion of childbirth and the lactation period.

If a woman has signs of inflammation or genital infections are detected, then this will also be a contraindication for manipulation.

The doctor will definitely evaluate the general condition of the patient: the presence of chronic diseases (especially in exacerbation), increased body temperature will also become an obstacle to the procedure for increasing the sensitivity of the G point.

Of course, intolerance to the drug is a serious contraindication that completely cancels the procedure.

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