Cream L'Oreal REVITALIFT Filler: description and effect of use 

We are all different. And not only externally. And first of all, it is our inner world that determines how the skin will age. This is not about temperament or kept secrets, although these factors have their impact as stress factors. The nature of age-related changes depends on heredity, skin type, hormonal levels and, finally, facial structure. Lifestyle, ecology and quality of care, in turn, influence late or, on the contrary, early aging of the skin. As a result of a whole complex of factors, some women begin to be bothered early on by lines of wrinkles, thinning of the skin, its unevenness and dullness. Others are more worried about the “blurring” and drooping of facial features, disruption of the oval, and loss of skin tone. Professional cosmetology has found radical ways to correct these problems, some of which today are laser and contouring with hyaluronic acid. However, not everyone can decide or simply afford these expensive procedures. Inspired by developments in professional cosmetology, L'Oreal Paris scientists were able to find effective solutions for correcting age-related skin changes. After years of research, two product lines were created: Revitalift Filler [ha]* for those concerned about loss of firmness and volume in the face, and Revitalift Laser x3, which smoothes wrinkles and firms the skin. Everyone ages differently, which means that each of us should have our own rejuvenation technique.

Time ago

Laser techniques have long proven their effectiveness in the fight against wrinkles. And today they have become one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in beauty clinics. The principle of operation of the fractional CO2 laser, which is popular today, is to stimulate collagen synthesis through a uniform effect on the deep layers of the skin. It becomes more elastic, toned, wrinkles are smoothed out, the tone is evened out. True, there are a number of difficulties: the long period required for healing and the time spent on rehabilitation.


The Revitalift Laser x3 line from L'Oreal Paris challenges the laser technique. Its products solve the same problems as fractional CO2 laser, but at lower costs and without health risks.* The very appearance of this line in 2013 became a sensation.

Proven result

The cream, serum and eye care from the Revitalift Laser x3 range work a real miracle. Before the launch, an experiment was conducted: 50 women were divided into two groups - 25 underwent one laser wrinkle correction procedure, and the remaining 25 used Revitalift Laser x3 treatment for 8 weeks. The results turned out to be impressive: in terms of the effectiveness of wrinkle correction, Revitalift Laser x3 treatment was only 2–4% inferior to fractional CO2 laser rejuvenation.** The success of the line in wide sales confirmed the test results and the assurances of scientists. In Russia in 2015, almost 100 units of Revitalift Laser x3 were sold every hour.

Injections of youth

With age, the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases, which means that skin density decreases, dehydration appears, fibers lose mobility, become fragile, tone and elasticity decrease. Finally, the face, as cosmetologists say, “slides”: deep creases appear at the nose, corners of the mouth and eyes, and the oval of the face is disrupted. Injections of hyaluronic acid correct these changes both locally, filling deep folds, and differentially, restoring reserves of this substance throughout the face. Hyaluronic acid has an immediate effect, moisturizing the skin, straightening wrinkles and restoring volume and texture to the face.


Many people are hesitant to get injections either because they are afraid of injections or because they cannot afford it financially. In order not to deprive us of the opportunity to regain and preserve youth, the laboratories of L'Oreal Paris have developed the innovative line Revitalift Filler [ha]. “We do not oppose creams to aesthetic interventions,” says cosmetologist Joël Ciocco, guest expert at L'Oreal Paris. — Revitalift Filler [ha] products postpone the need to inject hyaluronic acid for a long time, and after you have used the “beauty injections”, treatments prolong their effect, because these drugs not only provide instant hydration, but also trigger the production of hyaluronic acid with collagen in the skin."

Negative reviews about Revitalift

Elena, 40 years old, Omsk:

After using Revitalift Filler several times, the skin turned red and the face became slightly swollen and swollen. I didn’t see any positive effect, except that the skin became a little softer and more tender, but perhaps this is an allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid.

Katya, 38 years old, Perm:

I came across Revitalift Filler in a sample when purchasing products for Ozone. Enough for three uses. At first I felt a tingling sensation, but later there was no such feeling. But the skin began to peel and dry. After the cream is applied, within 15 minutes you want to apply something again. Because it tightens the skin terribly, like after a shower. I'm not going to buy this product.

Nastya, 48 years old, Rostov-on-Don:

I was not impressed with the cream. It whitens the face a little, it won’t go well with foundation or powder - it creases a lot! Basically, any touch and that’s it, pellets. Horror.

Star cast

After regular use of the range for 28 days, 72% of women (51 Russian women took part in the study) preferred Revitalift Filler [ha] products to injections. Before using serums and creams, Joel Siocco recommends a massage to increase their effectiveness. Then you need to apply a microportion of the serum to the crow's feet, forehead, nasolabial folds, rub in in a circular motion and lightly pat with your fingertips. Distribute the cream from the center of the face to the periphery without pressure. Tests have proven that after four weeks of using this duo, elasticity increases by 27%. There was also a restoration of volume in the cheekbone area by 8%, smoothing of the nasolabial fold by 15%, and wrinkles under the eyes by 20%. Thus, thanks to the work of the L'Oreal Paris laboratories, we have the opportunity to slow down the aging process. And this is the best gift for any woman!


What effect does the manufacturer promise?

If you believe the L'Oreal advertising campaign and the results of the research:

  1. A few minutes after using Revitalift anti-aging products, the skin becomes even, matte and radiant. After 4 hours, skin tone increases by 25% and skin density increases by 14%.
  2. A single application guarantees hydration for 48 hours.
  3. After 8 weeks of regular use, the depth of wrinkles on the forehead, in the area around the eyes and nasolabial folds is reduced by 10-20%.
  4. Dark circles and puffiness become less noticeable after just a few applications of filler.

Revitalift has a dense structure, is quickly absorbed, without leaving a film feeling on the skin. The serum has a delicate creamy texture, is easy to apply and instantly penetrates the dermis. The composition is low-allergenic, suitable for all skin types, not only the face, but also the neck and décolleté.

Revitalift Filler L'Oreal - reviews and the whole truth about the line (5 products)

Revitalift Filler from L'Oreal is a series of anti-aging products from the famous brand.

An innovative formula based on hyaluronic acid effectively fights the signs of aging. The product line includes night and day cream, serum, eye care and mask.

The collection of anti-aging cosmetics Revitalift Filler L'Oreal, judging by consumer reviews, is a range of modern products designed to combat the signs of aging.

General information about cosmetics

REVITALIFT Filler from L'Oréal is a unique series of modern anti-aging creams and masks with a worldwide reputation. The line uses a truly innovative biological and physical formula. Created on the basis of essential hyaluronic acid. Face creams and serums fight the beginning and advanced signs of aging.

REVITALIFT Filler series from L'Oréal

The kit contains:

  • day and night cream;
  • preparation for skin care in the eye area;
  • rejuvenation serum;
  • mask.

Women are advised to purchase all 5 products. Those who follow this rule leave rave reviews online. Having studied them, you can understand that these are the most modern and effective products. Aimed at combating collagen loss.

Signs of age-related changes

Negative manifestations include wrinkles, loss of facial volume, and loss of elasticity. Sometimes they bother women at a fairly young age.

Proper care will help avoid premature aging and improve the appearance of your skin.


The first noticeable age-related changes are small facial wrinkles, which form by the age of 25.

They appear on the surface of the skin at the outer corners of the eyes - these are “crow’s feet”. Due to facial expressions, horizontal wrinkles appear on the forehead, which become more pronounced over time.

When we frown our eyebrows, vertical creases are created above the bridge of our nose. The deepest folds appear in the nasolabial area.

Loss of volume

Age-related changes are associated not only with the formation of wrinkles, but also with the loss of volume on the face.

It is difficult to track the process; it develops gradually, manifests itself in different ways: the skin loses its elasticity, sag, as if “deflated.” Volume is lost in the area of ​​the cheekbones and cheeks.

Loss of elasticity

Over the years, the natural formation of collagen fibers slows down, which provokes the formation of wrinkles and a decrease in elasticity.

The situation is aggravated by the negative impact of external factors that lead to the destruction of the structure of the collagen network.

Damaged fibers become stiff, lose elasticity and are no longer able to support the tissue. As a result, the skin loses elasticity and becomes flabby.

Reviews of Revitalift Filler L'Oreal indicate that prices for cosmetics are affordable. Any woman should provide her skin with suitable care and prevent premature aging.

Answers on questions

Is there an age limit for using Revitalift Filler?

Revitalift products are aimed at ages 50+, this value is quite approximate. When choosing, they rely more on the condition of the skin and its basic care needs. It is believed that from the age of 24 the skin begins to age. But visible changes occur only at the age of 33. The optimal age for using fillers is 35-65 years.

Cost of funds and where to buy them?

The price of Revitalift products ranges from 600 to 1100 rubles. It largely depends on the place of purchase. The products are sold both online and in regular cosmetic stores, for example, the Letual chain.

How long does the resulting effect last?

Obvious skin changes do not occur instantly. But after regular use, after about 1-3 months, a lasting effect occurs. It can last from 6 to 12 months.

Features of L'Oreal cosmetics

The history of the L'Oréal Paris brand began in the 70s of the last century. The famous slogan “After all, I deserve it” helped women express themselves and find a way for self-expression.

The company sought to democratize beauty, actively replenishing its staff with young fashion designers who bring a touch of originality to the beauty industry, skillfully combining the features of Parisian fashion and popular trends.

The new anti-aging series Revitalift Filler Lorear, as reviews indicate, is designed to effectively eliminate the signs of aging.

Innovative cosmetics smooth out wrinkles, replenish missing volume in the cheekbones and cheeks, and increase the clarity of contours.

Often, representatives of the fair sex who want to prolong their youth resort to injections with hyaluronic acid precisely because of the missing tissue volume.

L'Oreal specialists, who studied the amazing results of injections, were able to develop a unique formula with an increased concentration of hyaluronate.

This substance is necessary for water retention, active renewal of epidermal cells, which leads to smoothing of the skin texture and replenishment of volume.

With regular use of modern cosmetics, the skin becomes more toned and smooth every day. Contours become more pronounced and clear, cheekbones and cheeks gain natural volume.

Features of filler in the fight against age-related changes

Over the years, the body's cells renew themselves more slowly; the skin of the face, unfortunately, also does not escape this fate. After 30 years, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases, which leads to the formation of pits and tubercles, the upper eyelid droops, the corners of the lips droop, and expression and age wrinkles quickly deepen.

Revitalift face cream has an excellent composition, including all the necessary components to restore lost volume, activate regenerative processes in the dermis and anti-aging care: fibroxyl and fragmented hyaluronic acid. These elements penetrate deep into the tissue and promote skin renewal, restoring the production of elastin and collagen.

Despite the large number of components, L'Oreal Filler has a pleasant light texture. It restores water balance, provides reliable protection against negative factors and does not clog skin pores.



“I saw a lot of positive reviews online about Revitalift Filler Loreal face creams.

I decided to order and try night and day care. I've only been using it for a couple of weeks. It really feels like the skin has become more elastic, does not flake, and is toned.

The wrinkles also seem to have become smaller, but the effect is not too noticeable yet. Let's see what happens in a month."


“I have been using Revitalift Filler L'Oreal serum for quite some time. Reviews about it are positive, the price is affordable. I recommend it to all my girlfriends, there really is a result.”

Positive customer reviews about Revitalift Filler

Lara, 35 years old, Kazan:

First, I came across a sample of Revitalift Filler. Immediately after application I was completely delighted. In general, it was love at first sight. As a result, I purchased the entire line of cosmetics. I really like how the products are packaged - convenient and looks beautiful.

The first signs of aging are already clearly visible, but I think it’s too early to do hyaluronic injections. So L'Oreal cream has become a worthy replacement for injections for me. The products are easy to apply, do not leave a filmy feeling, are wonderfully moisturizing, and there is no tightness. Excellent as a base for decorative cosmetics.

Tatyana, 59 years old, Novosibirsk:

Received a wonderful birthday present from a friend. The Revitalift Filler series is excellent. I've been using it for 2 weeks. Of course, the wrinkles did not smooth out, but they became less clear. But now I am not afraid of either fatigue or sleepless nights; in any situation I look quite decent.

Many reviews write that the cream rolls off and makes it impossible to apply makeup. Read the instructions carefully. It should be used until completely absorbed, approximately 30-50 minutes after application.

Don't expect the “20-year-old girl effect”. But at 35-40 years old, I think lifting will be guaranteed. I did not observe any peeling, rashes or other possible side effects. I recommend.

Olga, 44 years old, Voronezh:

At my age you can't believe in miracles. Therefore, without thinking too much, I grabbed the first product I came across from the shelf, especially since it was on sale at a discount. And I didn’t regret it! Revitalift night filler has a dense texture, but spreads easily and evenly over the face. The non-greasy consistency does not provoke increased formation of sebum on the T-zone.

I have been using it regularly for a month. The skin became soft, tender and even the color evened out and acquired a pleasant shade. The tightening effect definitely exists. I really like the smell, I would buy this perfume for myself. Economical. The only thing I'm missing is hydration.

Expert opinion

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Of course, professional cosmetics have a positive effect on the skin. But she is not able to significantly rejuvenate her face. I would advise, in addition to such means, to pay attention to contour plastic surgery, biorevitalization, and mesotherapy. They really help rejuvenate your face.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

To look beautiful and young at 50, you should take care of your face at an early age. Every day you need to remember to cleanse it, moisturize it, and nourish it. L'Oreal products have proven themselves well in the market. For the best effect, go to a cosmetologist for various procedures. But after 50 years, you can think about plastic surgery.

Proper use of L'Oreal cosmetics can significantly improve your appearance. In one course, wrinkles in the forehead, nasolabial triangle, and eyes are noticeably reduced.

Facial contours become clearer, skin tightens, and lost volume returns. The epidermis, receiving adequate nutrition and hydration, becomes denser and tone increases.

It is clear that money cannot buy youth. But you can effectively invest money in anti-aging cosmetics that will prolong it. The costs will be small, within 1000 rubles per product, if you pay attention to the products of one of the most famous French brands.

  • L'Oréal Paris anti-aging cosmetics
  • L'Oréal Paris anti-aging products review

L'Oréal Paris anti-aging cosmetics

One of the most popular brands in Russia and the world offers four lines of anti-aging products:

"Revitalift Laser x3";

L'Oreal Paris anti-aging cosmetics contain hyaluronic acid and proretinol A. © iStock

Their production is based on the achievements of anti-aging cosmetology. As the name implies, the main task of Revitalift Filler is intensive hydration and filling of wrinkles with hyaluronic acid. And “Revitalift Laser x3” will help restore the skin and activate collagen synthesis similar to laser procedures.

The developers of the line compared the results of regular use of Revitalift Laser x3 products (for two months) with the effects of a fractional laser.

The creators of the “Age Expert” range meticulously studied the aging process and created formulas for four age categories:

L'Oreal Paris laboratories develop innovative ingredients and formulas for anti-aging care. © iStock

The restriction for the use of anti-age cosmetics is considered to be age under 35 years (and then indirectly, because passport data does not always coincide with biological data), as well as individual intolerance to the components. Before use, study the composition indicated on the label and perform an allergy test on the crook of your elbow. Well, don’t forget about the expiration date: don’t buy anti-aging creams “for growth.”

Reviews from cosmetologists

Natalya, 39 years old, Chelyabinsk:

I have been working in the beauty industry for several years and I believe that non-injection fillers can replace hyaluronic acid injections only up to 40-45 years of age. In the future, the cream maintains skin tone and improves its appearance. But only by combining it with salon procedures can you achieve the absence of deep wrinkles and creases.

Lyudmila, 40 years old, Moscow:

I myself use the entire series of Revitalift products from L'Oreal. Of course, it will not replace beauty treatments in a salon, but I would recommend this series for home care. Quite an effective composition for the anti-age line. A reputable manufacturer and cost are clear advantages, in my opinion.

Vika, 31 years old, Yaroslavl:

Creams are an excellent alternative for those for whom hyaluronic acid injections are contraindicated. For example, with a predisposition to the formation of colloidal scars. In addition, L'Oreal products are more affordable than injections, so many patients are inclined towards this option for rejuvenation.

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