Facial peeling cream - review and rules of use

When drawing up an individual facial care program, any cosmetologist will include peeling in the list of necessary procedures, which helps in creating an attractive, well-groomed image that every woman dreams of. Beauty salon professionals have long used peeling to renew and smooth facial skin. After the first sessions, the effect becomes visually noticeable, so peeling should be carried out regularly, without overusing its frequency. It’s great that in order to maintain your appearance in decent condition, you don’t have to spend whole days in beauty salons. Thanks to professional products, rejuvenation and care procedures can be performed at home by choosing cosmetics that suit your individual characteristics. In particular, any woman must have a peeling cream in her arsenal; you can learn how to use it from our recommendations.

Main advantage

In my personal arsenal of cosmetics there is always a high-quality facial peeling cream. Of course, I use it after a series of professional treatments to enhance and prolong the results. And this is important to understand - a trip to a cosmetologist will not replace even the most expensive product - it works much slower and weaker.
But it has an important advantage - softness of action. Accordingly, some types of facial cleansing creams can be used for medicinal purposes on problematic skin, including those with purulent rashes and severely inflamed pimples, in which all other types of peeling are strictly prohibited.

Skin care rules before and after peeling

Regardless of what type of peeling you used, there are a few simple rules for caring for your skin after peeling.

The main rule: do not exfoliate the skin yourself after the procedure. It will peel and itch, but it is important to allow new cells to form without damaging the structure.

Avoid exposure to the sun. When going outside, use sunscreen with SPF 50 or 50+. Skin lacking a natural protective barrier can become severely damaged even by low UV exposure.

If you want to learn more about how to choose the best sunscreen with SPF protection, we bring to your attention the article: Best SPF creams for face and body 2021

Eliminate physical activity

going to the sauna or bathhouse.
Irritated skin needs rest, and high temperatures do not promote the regeneration of damaged tissue.

To prevent inflammation, it is important to carefully observe hygiene: do not touch your face with unwashed hands.

Replace cream with fluid or gel

: light, weightless textures of such products do not need to be rubbed in; they are easily absorbed into the skin. This way you will avoid unnecessary mechanical irritation.

Use gentle products for sensitive skin in your care. Products for recovery after peeling should promote regeneration, moisturize well, and strengthen the hydrolipid barrier of the skin.

Operating principle

The principle of action of any of the peels is to loosen and exfoliate dead cells tightly adjacent to each other, forming a scaly protective layer on the surface of the skin. But the cream, unlike gel or conventional chemical peels, is oil-based rather than water-based and contains various additional ingredients. Thus, it simultaneously nourishes the skin and not only cleanses it.

Various types of acids most often act as exfoliants:

  • Glycolic – gives an excellent anti-aging effect, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Dairy - almost never causes allergies, deeply moisturizes the epidermis.
  • Salicylic acid – slightly dries the skin and tightens pores, helps get rid of acne and traces of them.
  • Almond – has a mild effect, eliminates the first signs of aging, suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Kojeva is one of the best remedies against pigmentation, regulates the production of melanin.
  • Fruit acids are organic acids that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

For mechanical cleansing, various solid particles can be added to the cream, which I will talk about in more detail a little later.

To soften the aggressive effects, natural oils and plant extracts are added to good creams. Well-known brands prefer to use essential compositions as flavoring agents.

Buy the best post-peeling cream

On the DAVIANI Shop you can buy the best after-peeling product.

To do this, in the Product Catalog, select “Face” -> “Facial Care” . On this page, select the necessary filters: “Restoration”, “Regeneration”, “Moisturizing”, “Relieves irritation” and “Soothes the skin” .

More than 150 products from famous brands for your choice: Ultraceuticals SPF cream, Thalion products, RHEA mask and other products with proven effectiveness.


I categorically do not recommend using peeling creams until the age of 30 unless absolutely necessary. It's another matter if you need to get rid of skin problems. But then it is better to choose the product not on your own or on the advice of friends, but after consultation with a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

I recommend starting regular use of peeling creams when the first signs of skin aging appear:

  • shallow pigmentation;
  • multiple small wrinkles;
  • crow's feet and forehead folds;
  • noticeable decrease in turgor;
  • loss of its firmness and elasticity;
  • uneven facial tone;
  • loss of clarity of its contours.

Before this, you need to use moisturizers and preventatives. It is also useful to apply a cream once to soften the epidermis before ultrasonic facial cleansing.

At what age can it be used?

Peeling cream is indicated for use after 25 years, when the first signs of aging appear. At this age, tissues do not yet require active restoration, but the skin renews itself more slowly and resists pollution less effectively. Therefore, exfoliants containing low-concentrated keratolytics and hard abrasives are used.

After 40 years:

  • skin loses tone and elasticity;
  • deep wrinkles appear;
  • the face collapses.

Here the main task is no longer exfoliation and moisturizing, but activation of intracellular processes. Active formulations with a high concentration of acids come to the rescue.

The optimal age for exfoliant peeling is 30 years. The cream should not be used on young skin, especially under 18 years of age. After 50 years of age, use is possible on the recommendation of a cosmetologist.

How to choose

There is such a variety of peeling creams on the modern cosmetic market that it is easy for the average person to get lost in it. Remember one important thing: if you do a chemical peel in a salon, ask the cosmetologist to sell a cream from the same manufacturer for home use.

Almost all well-known brands have lines for post-peeling care, the use of which significantly prolongs the result. In other cases, you can independently choose a product from the mass market.

Types of creams

Depending on what is included in the peeling creams, they can be roughly divided into several categories:

Stone fruitsThey have a strong scrubbing effect, as it contains crushed fruit seeds or berry seeds. When purchasing creams, pay attention to the fact that if they have not been laser polished, they may have sharp edges that will scratch the skin. For oily and combination skin types, this is not scary and even useful - this further stimulates the regeneration process. But on thin and sensitive skin it can provoke prolonged redness and even the formation of ulcers.
SaltSalt, especially sea salt, has a powerful antibacterial effect and is very useful for problem skin. It also perfectly absorbs excess oil and slightly tightens pores. Creams with cane sugar can also be included in this category. But I don’t really like them, because if you don’t wash off such a product thoroughly, it is an excellent breeding ground for germs.
With granulesThe light scrubbing effect is achieved due to the presence of round granules. This can be beeswax, shea butter or proprietary capsules that later dissolve under your hands. Ideal for dry, thin, sensitive skin. It is not damaged, but at the same time it is deeply and thoroughly cleaned.
AcidicMost often used to get rid of age spots, acne marks and shallow scars as quickly as possible. When used regularly in courses, they provide excellent anti-aging and lifting effects. The concentration of acids in them is lower than in gel peels, so they can be used even after 55-60 years.

When purchasing a product, you must carefully study its composition. Often creams are difficult to classify into any of these categories since they can contain a variety of ingredients.

People's rating

As a specialist, I cannot give a clear answer as to which peeling cream is better. Due to the above-listed features of this product, you will have to select it individually, often by trial and error.

In the national ranking, the first places are usually occupied by:

Lactolan Peeling from Holy LandLactic acid-based peeling cream that deeply cleanses pores and well moisturizes the epidermis. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which helps smooth out wrinkles. It removes pigmentation well and significantly improves skin condition thanks to multivitamin supplements.
Gentle Refiner by ClarinsCombined peeling cream with two types of granules: high-tech artificial polymers and cellulose. Cleanses the epidermis gently, but very efficiently. Cellulose has an adsorbing effect and perfectly absorbs excess fat. Suitable for any skin type. Plant extracts have anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effects. I can recommend it for aging skin.
Microdermabrasion by Dr. BrandtAs the name suggests, it works quite harshly and has hard salt crystals. More suitable for oily, combination and problem skin. Promotes the healing of wounds and microcracks, tightens pores, evens out the relief. Its aggressive effects are somewhat softened by lactic acid and plant extracts.
Cream Peeling by MagrussA delicate product with a gel-like structure, but in fact it is a cream, as it has an oil base. Contains polysaccharides that restore cell membranes, proteins and mineral complexes. Suitable even for very thin and sensitive skin. Does not cause severe exfoliation. But it does not cope with pigmentation.
Purete Termal by Exfoliant VichyA whole line of light creams based on thermal water, designed for different skin types. There are products with and without abrasive particles. It is better to choose with the help of a consultant. The multivitamin complex perfectly nourishes the skin and slows down the aging process.

The means listed above cannot be considered cheap, but they are guaranteed to give good results. But if you really want to, you can look for more affordable options on the shelves of cosmetic stores.

It’s definitely not worth buying acidic ones there, since the concentration of active substances in them is very low. But granular and stone creams are quite good.

Features of application

Peeling creams have special properties and differ from ordinary creams. Although they are used in a similar way, there are a number of recommendations that need to be taken into account.

The products are applied to clean or steamed skin - after a bath or warm compress, which will open the pores for more effective cleansing.

You must follow the manufacturer's recommendations , as there are often important instructions for a particular drug.

It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening . This will help cleanse the skin of everything that has accumulated on it during the day, and any redness that may occur will disappear overnight.

Apply the product in the same way as a regular cream, avoiding the area around the eyes or lips. Movements should be circular and gentle. No need to stretch the skin.

After finishing the procedure, rinse off the product with a small amount of water, as if foaming it. Then wash your face and use a nourishing cream.

The regularity of using creams is determined by the condition of the skin and its characteristics. If the peelings are strong, it is enough to use them 2-3 times in 10-15 days. More gentle formulations can be used every day.

For those who use peelings and want to always look beautiful and young, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with additional information on the following topics:

  • Effective cleaning recipes.
  • Cleansers for all skin types.
  • Instructions for using calcium chloride for peeling.
  • Is it possible to do dry cleaning at home?
  • Rules for the use of bleaching compounds.

Application rules

It would seem that cream peeling is an ordinary cosmetic product that does not require special skills in its use. This common misconception leads to the fact that many do not even bother to read the instructions on the package. And then they wonder why the result obtained is far from expected and, instead of smoothing out wrinkles, new pigmented or unsightly red spots appeared on the face.

I never tire of repeating to my clients that every cosmetic product requires a reasonable attitude and must be used correctly. In particular, peeling creams have their own characteristics:

  • An allergy test is required before the first application;
  • they can be used no more than 1-2 times a week;
  • Apply the product only to clean, dry skin;
  • to enhance the effect, it can be lightly steamed beforehand;
  • Massage your face in a circular motion for up to 2-3 minutes;
  • to enhance the effect, it is permissible to leave the cream for up to 5 minutes;
  • rinse it thoroughly with lukewarm water and gel or foam;
  • Gently pat your face dry with a paper towel or napkin;
  • Apply moisturizing or lifting cream.

And I would like to draw your attention to the most common mistakes. Do not rub the peeling cream into the skin, especially the stone peeling cream! This way you will not enhance its effect, and it is easy to scratch your face and cause severe irritation.

Do not exfoliate daily, even if it does not have any particulate matter. In my experience this is the most common problem. Everyone wants to get results faster and thus heavily degreases the skin. It is deprived of natural protection and often acne and pigmentation become a response. Trying to restore the hydrolipid balance, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively and an unpleasant oily sheen appears on the face.

Effect of the procedure

The result of mechanical peeling with cream depends on the degree of cell contamination, age and general condition of the epidermis. When undergoing a full cycle of procedures, the following positive effects are noted:

  • cell pores are deeply cleansed;
  • the amount of oily shine decreases, a natural glow appears;
  • the volume of acne decreases, small pimples disappear;
  • skin tone is evened out;
  • The relief and contour of the face improves, small facial wrinkles are smoothed out.

Peeling effect. Photos before and after.

The effect is noticeable after the first course of procedures. With each subsequent use, the result will be less noticeable, since deeper and better cleaning is required.

The result after use on oily skin types is most noticeable. After 2-3 procedures, shine significantly decreases and dullness appears.


Despite their delicacy, peeling creams are also not suitable for everyone. First of all, it is necessary to take into account individual intolerance to one or more of its ingredients. I do not recommend using acidic ones during pregnancy or for people with unstable hormonal levels - they can cause severe pigmentation.

Peeling creams are not used:

  • immediately after sunbathing;
  • on irritated skin;
  • in the presence of wounds and damage;
  • with exacerbation of skin diseases.

After injection procedures or manual cleaning, at least a few days should pass. After plastic surgery – at least 3-4 months.

Skin after peeling

It is normal that after the procedure you will feel dry skin, it will feel tight and may be slightly itchy .

redness and swelling may persist for 1-3 days - this is a sign that new tissues are replacing old tissues.

Pigmentation may become more pronounced. In fact, it just gets to the top layers of the skin before peeling off.

If after peeling you experience rashes, herpes or other inflammations, it is important to consult a doctor.

An acute reaction may occur due to an infection or allergy, so tests must be done before the procedure.

To minimize the consequences of a serious cosmetic procedure, we’ll figure out what harmful advice you definitely shouldn’t follow.

Summing up

According to reviews from my clients, a properly chosen high-quality peeling cream is an excellent remedy for maintaining a healthy skin tone and good condition at home. The price of branded creams is high, but their consumption is very moderate. On average, a jar or tube lasts about six months.

It is important not to abuse them and follow at least the rules of use listed above. And also remember that this does not replace the need for regular visits to a cosmetologist. After 30 years, it is useful to visit him at least once a season to make additional adjustments to your home care and assess the condition of your skin. This will allow you to resort to more radical methods of rejuvenation much later and less often.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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