Application of Contractubex gel against wrinkles on the face

Will Contractubex help with wrinkles?

The medicine is in the form of a gel, which is available in metal tubes. The required effect is ensured by the active and auxiliary components included in the composition. Contractubex is effective against scars and scars. The product can also be used in the fight against stretch marks.

The composition of Contractubex allows you to stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid. This substance, produced in sufficient quantities, maintains the freshness and youth of the skin.

The drug is indicated for the removal of scars, as well as the removal of scars. It is known that many women use the gel due to its anti-aging properties. This is due to the ability of the drug to smooth out wrinkles.

Important! Contractubex anti-wrinkle gel is used by women of different age groups.

Where to buy and how to store?

This drug can be bought without a prescription in any city at a pharmacy or ordered in an online store. There are gels on sale in tubes of 50, 20 and 10 g. The drug must be stored in a place away from children, at room temperature away from sunlight. The product can be used for 4 years from the date of its production.

On average, the cost of a gel package is 500-900 rubles lei, which will depend on the volume of the tube. A 10 g tube will be enough for the first time. If we consider analogues of the drug with similar compositions, then these include: Veniatin Forte, Lidaza, Strataderm gel.

Beneficial properties of Contractubex against wrinkles on the face

The beneficial effect of the gel on the skin of the face and the elimination of wrinkles is due to the composition of the drug:

  1. Heparin. The substance can smooth out wrinkles and eliminate bags under the eyes. Heparin helps strengthen blood vessels and also actively moisturizes the skin, while increasing its elasticity. The product improves the skin's ability to absorb nutrients. The skin becomes moisturized by eliminating flaking.
  2. Allantoin. The component ensures skin regeneration and normalization of blood circulation in the densest areas. Allantoin can soften even old scar tissue. The substance prevents the appearance of pigmentation and rashes, returns the natural color to the face.
  3. Extract based on Serae onion. The product has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, improves collagen synthesis. The component produces a resolving effect.

The components act in combination, complementing and enhancing each other’s effects.

Important! Experts say the most effective component is onion extract, which activates collagen production. Without this action, maintaining a youthful face is not possible.

In accordance with the instructions, Contractubex is used in the following cases:

  • hypertrophic or keloid scars observed after burns, operations or injuries;
  • prevention of scar tissue formation after surgery or injury;
  • joint and tendon contractures;
  • stretch marks after childbirth.

Contractubex is used in cosmetology and against wrinkles. The rejuvenating effect is due to regeneration that occurs at the cellular level. The use of Contractubex against wrinkles around the eyes is possible due to the following effects:

  • antithrombic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • keratolytic.

The gel smoothes out old scars and folds. The effect is achieved through moisturizing, nutrition and preventing stagnation.

Important! During research, it was proven that the product is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin in 4 hours. In this case, the gel does not spread throughout the body.

When is it necessary to apply the gel?

The medication is used to eliminate:

  • keloid, hypertrophic scars that occur after injuries, surgical interventions;
  • skin deformations caused by severe burns;
  • stretch marks associated with pregnancy in women;
  • post-traumatic tendon contractures;
  • trophic scars formed after incorrect treatment of furunculosis or acne.

The drug provides effective prevention of the appearance of scars and Dupuytren's contracture, which develops against the background of chronic alcoholic hepatitis.

Rules for using Contractubex for wrinkles

The product was originally developed to eliminate scar tissue. The instructions for use of the drug do not contain information about the effectiveness of using the drug against wrinkles.

Attention! Before applying the product, experts recommend carefully reading the instructions for use of Contractubex.

When using the gel, you need to focus on the following steps:

  1. Cleansing. The skin of the face should be thoroughly cleaned of dead cells using a scrub. Before applying the medication, the face should be rinsed with water.
  2. Steaming. The skin is steamed to open its pores to increase the effectiveness of the anti-wrinkle drug. Cosmetologists recommend using decoctions of medicinal herbs. You can also apply a hot towel to your face for steaming.
  3. Application of the product. The gel is applied with light rubbing movements to problem areas.

To eliminate wrinkles, the gel is used daily for 2 months. The course can be repeated after a break.

Attention! Please note that Contractubex is not intended to remove wrinkles. This explains the lack of effect in the presence of individual skin characteristics.

Indications for use in cosmetology

Contratubeks provides effective assistance in the presence of a wide variety of cosmetic problems:

  • increased skin dryness;
  • deep expression wrinkles;
  • premature aging of the epidermis;
  • age spots;
  • scars that appeared after squeezing out acne;
  • allergic reactions leading to severe irritation.

The product is perfectly absorbed without leaving any traces, and can fully replace anti-aging creams. The ointment also effectively relieves inflammation that occurs after peeling, tattoo removal, and poor-quality laser operations.

Possible side effects

Adverse reactions during the use of the gel are detected quite rarely, which indicates the safety of the drug. In case of hypersensitivity to individual components of Contractubex, allergic local reactions may occur:

  • rash;
  • redness of the affected area;
  • skin itching and swelling.

Attention! To avoid the appearance of signs of allergy on the face, it is advisable to perform a sensitivity test to the drug before the first use.

A small amount of the product is applied to the elbow or wrist and the reaction of the skin is observed. In the absence of allergy symptoms, the gel can be applied to the face against wrinkles.

Is Contratubes effective for rejuvenation?

Many cosmetologists confirm that the gel has anti-aging properties and allow its use for anti-aging purposes. The components contained in the medication activate the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and promote its retention in cells. Thanks to these properties, Contratubex helps to effectively resist the withering of the epidermis, the appearance of facial and age wrinkles, bruises, swelling, and “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes.

With the use of the gel, the skin becomes well hydrated, more elastic and firm. The onion extract contained in the preparation prevents blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the face acquires an attractive smoothness and even tone.

Doctors' opinion

The opinions of doctors regarding the possibility of using Contractubex against wrinkles are ambiguous.

Violetta Semyonovna Belasina, 29 years old, Krasnodar

I do not recommend using Contractubex for wrinkles on your own without consulting a specialist. The drug contains 3 potent ingredients that may cause unexpected reactions.

Svetlana Gennadievna Nichiporuk, 47 years old, Murmansk

Contractubex for wrinkles under the eyes should be used with caution. Do not allow the product to come into contact with your eyes. The cosmetics industry produces many products specifically designed to eliminate wrinkles. It is advisable to purchase products designed specifically for aging facial skin.


The peculiarity of this remedy is that it has almost no contraindications. Women of any age can use it to get rid of facial wrinkles. Persons who are prone to allergic reactions should exercise increased caution. If, after applying the gel, redness and a burning sensation appear, then you should stop using the drug and consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist. *Contractubex anti-wrinkle* can be combined with other systemic drugs. A cosmetologist who knows about your body characteristics and problems will tell you whether it can be used with other creams and cosmetics.

Precautionary measures

Contratubex is for topical use only. During its distribution over the skin, it is important to avoid contact with mucous membranes. When treating the area around the eyes, it is necessary to completely prevent the gel from entering the organs of vision.

Immediately after the procedure with Contratubes, it is recommended to avoid exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays and low temperatures. Also, cosmetologists do not recommend performing massage on areas treated with the drug.

Manufacturers of Contratubex exclude the possibility of an overdose of the drug product. Despite this, the gel should be used in small quantities (a single dose is only 0.5 cm).

Using Contractubex against stretch marks

Why does Contractubex help with stretch marks? The answer is simple. These formations are scars that occur in areas where layers of skin are torn. These spaces are instantly filled with connective tissue, so the stretch marks differ in color from the main cover.

Contractubex makes even keloid scars paler, so the product can easily cope with more inconspicuous formations. This especially applies to newly developed stretch marks.

Stretch marks are white or pinkish stripes that can and should be dealt with

Rules for using Contractubex against stretch marks

To quickly and effectively get rid of stretch marks using the drug, you must follow the rules:

  • You should not apply the product to your skin every hour. Twice a day for fresh stretch marks and four for old ones is enough. Just lubricate problem areas with a thin layer of gel;

    For an effective effect, it is enough to apply Contractubex to problem areas of the skin several times a day.

  • Treatment with Contractubex usually does not last long. Newly developed stretch marks become invisible after a month, but pronounced ones need to be treated for six months;
  • In addition to normal use, you can make a compress based on Contractubex. The area where stretch marks have appeared is lubricated with gel and massaged. Knead the skin until the product is completely absorbed. After this, cover the affected area with cling film and leave the compress overnight. Before the procedure, you can steam the skin in a sauna or hot tub;

    Massage using Contractubex can be performed independently, or you can contact a specialist

  • When treating stretch marks with Contractubex, you should not sunbathe or expose the skin to excessive cooling. Also, do not scrub problem areas, especially with rough means.
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