Foreign doctor Sandra Lee: milia, comedones, wen (video)

Dermatovenereologist (cosmetologist)


Marua Azretovna

21 years of experience

Dermatologist (cosmetologist)

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The constant process of skin renewal can cause blockage of the sebaceous glands and follicles. Getting into microscopic holes, excess sebum and dead cells of the exfoliated epidermis lead to the appearance of blackheads or pimples. Experts have united them under the name “comedones”. The situation is aggravated by the lack of proper skin care, exposure to unfavorable sanitary conditions, as well as the intense production of sebum, the excess of which clogs the ducts and hair follicles.

The vast majority of cases of comedones are observed on oily facial skin: on the nose, forehead and cheeks. According to most medical specialists, such a pathology is true evidence of hormonal imbalances, hidden dermatological problems and malfunctions of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, patients who experience discomfort from their appearance are advised not to focus on the cosmetic problem, but to undergo a comprehensive examination to identify possible diseases of the internal organs.

Etiology of the disease

The opinion that comedones appear only in adolescents and young adults is not entirely true. They occur in up to 85% of patients under 25 years of age, after which sebum production decreases and the conditions for blockage of the glands disappear on their own. Also, women often suffer from the disease during pregnancy and at the onset of menopause, when the body experiences a significant hormonal load. The intensive development of the disease can be caused by unsanitary working or living conditions, lack of proper skin care, neglect of hygiene rules and other reasons due to which the adverse effects on the skin of the face acquire such unpleasant consequences. Refusal to treat comedones can cause the formation of scars and age spots at the site of the rash, which can only be eliminated using plastic surgery methods.

Possible consequences of mechanical removal of comedones

You can squeeze out a blackhead without the risk of complications if you follow the rules. The main danger of removal is pustules that appear as a result of infection. After examination by a dermatologist, treatment methods are determined.

It is difficult to squeeze out a closed comedon on your own: the surface above the formation is dense and requires a lot of mechanical force. After manipulation, skin damage may remain with the formation of scars; it is recommended to get rid of pimples with exfoliants - peeling rolls, scrubs, masks with fruit acids.

Violating the integrity of the attribute can damage small blood vessels and provoke skin hyperemia, which can be removed with an ice compress.

Reasons for the formation of comedones

A black dot or raised white spot on the surface of the skin is excess sebum that is stuck in the sebaceous duct or inside the follicle. The resulting plug disrupts the functioning of the glands and forms a closed environment, ideal for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Their vital activity “enriches” the plug with toxins, which causes a local inflammatory process and its subsequent spread to healthy areas of the skin.

Among the reasons causing the appearance of multiple comedones on the face, ears or back, experts call:

  • hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands;
  • use of low-grade cosmetics;
  • lack of proper facial care, as a result of which excess sebum and epidermal cells remain on the skin;
  • refusal to remove traces of cosmetics before bedtime;
  • smoking;
  • living or working in an environment characterized by the presence of dust and small particles of dirt in the air;
  • unbalanced diet, dominated by fatty, smoked and spicy foods, sweets and flour products;
  • deficiency of microelements and vitamins.

A comprehensive examination of the body of a patient complaining of open and closed comedones often reveals hidden pathologies of the following nature:

  • liver and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hypothyroidism, gonadal dysfunction, other hormonal disorders;
  • genetic predisposition of the skin to inflammation;
  • intensity of production of certain hormones, their imbalance in the body;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs;
  • frequent stress, sleep disturbances, insomnia.

Complete removal of an external skin defect is only possible if the internal causes listed above are eliminated.

Treatment of open comedones

This type is white pimples formed for the same reasons as closed comedones. You can get rid of a cosmetic defect using the methods described above.

But unlike the previous type of pimples, these can be squeezed out yourself, just be sure to do it in sterile conditions with antibacterial skin treatment after the procedure.

Also, in order to get rid of the hated blackheads on the face and body, you should reconsider your diet - reduce the consumption of fatty, salty, sweet and spicy foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

More about procedures

Facial peeling

Fractional photothermolysis

Ultrasonic cleaning

Varieties and features

The skin is sensitive to lack of care and disruptions in the body. Among the symptoms that precede the appearance of subcutaneous comedones, most patients note:

  • a sharp increase in skin oiliness;
  • density and roughness of the skin;
  • change in natural skin color to an unattractive pale gray-green shade;
  • dense nodules, indicating blockage of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

There are open and closed comedones, which differ in appearance. Black spots on the surface of the cheeks, nose and chin, the so-called T-zone, are an open form of the disease. Noticeable white sebaceous plugs under the skin are a closed type of pathology. They often develop against the background of hidden inflammatory processes due to skin damage by a fungal infection, staphylococcus or pathogenic bacteria. Lack of proper treatment causes plugs of purulent acne to appear at the site, which leave behind scars and scars.

The localization area for closed white comedones on the face is the forehead, nose and chin, as well as the décolleté and upper back. The appearance of formations on the body is often associated with wearing synthetic underwear and clothing, which does not allow air to pass through and causes the skin to secrete sweat. Trying to fight comedones by squeezing in unsanitary conditions only aggravates the problem. The pustular infection spreads to nearby healthy areas of the skin, and the disease progresses rapidly. And in place of the squeezed out formations there remains a serous crust and an inconspicuous scar, indicating damage to the skin.

Open comedones, or blackheads, acquire an unpleasant appearance due to contamination of the sebaceous plug with dust or residues of cosmetics. When exposed to air, the contents of the sebaceous duct oxidize and darken, making it visible on the surface of the skin. Removing such comedones does not bring the expected effect. The empty gland duct soon becomes clogged with fat, and the disease again makes itself felt with an unpleasant cosmetic effect.

Professional cleaning of comedones

There are cosmetic procedures for grinding, peeling, and mechanically squeezing out pimples with a deep core. Diagnosis of pathology and determination of the degree of damage by comedones is carried out using a microscope.

When removing a formation, a specialist can use a Uno spoon, a metal cosmetology needle, or a Vidal loop - a stick with an elongated eye at the end. Before squeezing, the patient’s face is steamed, softened, and dirt is removed from the pores by pressing on the area with the comedone.

Types of hardware cleaning:

  • vacuum: the plug is sucked out from the skin with a device;
  • ultrasonic: short waves penetrate the epidermis, massaging the tissue, pushing out comedones;
  • galvanic: low voltage currents soften sebaceous plugs, squeezing the substance out of them.

You can remove the top layers of skin by extracting the formation using chemical peels: Jessner, salicylic, trichloroacetic, fruit, glycolic. The procedures help eliminate wrinkles, scars, tighten the oval of the face, and remove pigmentation.

When to see a doctor

Experts recommend not delaying a visit to the doctor if symptoms of inflammation and blockage of the sebaceous glands appear. You should not put up with an unpleasant cosmetic effect or try to cope with it using home methods, at the risk of intensifying the pathological process. Moreover, modern medicine has at its disposal many effective methods of combating the disease, depending on the type and general condition of the skin.

Are you experiencing symptoms of comedones?

Only a doctor can accurately diagnose the disease. Don't delay your consultation - call


For an experienced dermatologist, an external examination of the patient’s skin is enough to immediately make the correct diagnosis. Specialized laboratory research methods allow us to clarify the mechanism of development of the disease and the presence of pathologies of internal organs: blood tests for hormonal balance and internal infections, tomography of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. It is possible to prescribe additional measures as part of a standard examination if the patient has a history of serious diseases of the internal organs.


You can cope with the appearance of a limited number of pimples and comedones of any type with the help of careful skin care. In case of intense shedding, consultation with a dermatologist is required. He will select a remedy for comedones and a suitable list of procedures to free the ducts (so-called extraction) and reduce the volume of sebum production.

In most cases, the following treatment methods are used:

  • mechanical cleansing of the face - carried out after thorough cleaning and warming of the skin using the fingers, a Uno spoon or a Vidal needle. After cleaning, the skin is treated with alcohol. Provided the contents of the duct are completely removed, the risk of infection is reduced to zero, and there are no signs of hyperemia or inflammation on the face. During the day, it is strictly forbidden to use cosmetics so that its particles do not clog the open duct;
  • enzymatic peeling using exotic fruit extracts. Loosening the stratum corneum of the skin allows comedones to come out naturally or through brosage - a cleaning procedure with soft brushes. Peeling is contraindicated in the presence of ulcers, exposure to which can cause skin infection;
  • disincrustation is a hardware technique for removing comedones under the influence of a weak electric current. This method is used relatively rarely due to multiple contraindications;
  • peelings - chemical, acidic, film or sheet, the effect of which softens the skin and frees the ducts from impurities. At the same time, the substances contained in the peeling preparation relieve the inflammatory process and soothe the skin;
  • ultrasonic facial cleansing – treatment using ultrasonic waves, the “impact” of which gently “knocks out” plugs. At the same time, the procedure has a pronounced cosmetic effect - it removes wrinkles, refreshes the complexion, tightens the skin;
  • Vacuum skin cleansing – gentle removal of plugs from the ducts, leaving no noticeable marks. The procedure is contraindicated for patients with rosacea, because there is a risk of injury to small vessels.

Please note: squeezing comedones and using dubious home remedies can worsen your skin condition. It is also not recommended to select medications at the pharmacy on your own, relying on commercials and advice from friends. Treatment should be prescribed only by an experienced specialist who has studied the results of diagnostic studies.

Getting rid of comedones

Comedones are cysts that appear as a result of blockage of pores with a plug of sebum and dead cells. There are two types:

  • open comedones - blackheads, which rarely become inflamed;
  • Closed comedones are whitish papules that rise above the level of the face by one or two millimeters and stretch the skin. They often become inflamed, which can lead to the formation of ulcers, and when squeezed out, to the appearance of scars and scars.


  • Genetic predisposition. The tendency to develop comedones is inherited (as is skin type), usually through the female line.
  • Hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, high testosterone levels. At risk are adolescents in adolescence, women during menopause and pregnancy, and people regularly taking hormonal medications.
  • Improper skin care. Comedones can be caused by either too aggressive products that disrupt the natural balance, or incorrectly selected hygiene products (not appropriate for your skin type). Insufficient cleansing, excessive sweating, abuse of decorative cosmetics, and living in an environmentally unfavorable area also contribute to the appearance of this dermatological problem.
  • Another reason may be stress , which inevitably leads to decreased immunity and changes in hormonal levels. And also an unhealthy diet, replete with carbohydrates and fats.

Possible inconvenience and risk

Open comedones are not dangerous to life and health; they are purely a cosmetic problem. However, doctors at the medical network remind that closed comedones can become inflamed, causing extensive damage to the facial skin. This happens especially often when trying to remove (squeeze out) the contents of papules on your own.

Methods for eliminating comedones

  • Drug therapy – for problem skin and the appearance of comedones on the face, the cosmetologist will recommend to the patient effective and modern pharmaceutical preparations that are used for cleansing the skin, seasonal treatment and prevention of acne.
  • Atraumatic cleansing Holy Land and exclusive home care Holy Land from the best specialists in Israel in the medical network - a complex of unique preparations for working with problematic facial skin, which simultaneously cleanses, relieves inflammation and provides protection.
  • Hydromechanical peeling Dermalfusion – vacuum massage, laser cleansing and resurfacing, deep hydration and nutrition. The complex effect helps not only remove comedones, but also restore smoothness, beauty, and radiance to the skin.
  • Chemical peelings - a course of procedures aimed at erasing traces of post-acne and smoothing out the skin of the face.
  • Phototherapy IPL Quantum - deep heating of the epidermis completely destroys the bacterial cause of comedones, heals wounds and helps narrow pores.
  • Resurfacing with an erbium laser (Laser erbium rejuvenation) - using this method allows you to simultaneously clear the skin of acne and rejuvenate, without experiencing any discomfort during the procedure.
  • A course of plasma therapy – unique injections of a drug created on the basis of the patient’s blood plasma smooth out scars and activate protective processes, causing the skin to clear comedones and recover.

If you have any questions, you can contact a specialist.

Prices for procedures to get rid of comedones

Plasma therapy
More about the procedure


Plasma therapy 1 zone + hands as a gift (face, neck, décolleté to choose from)Old price: 7900 rublesCost: 5490 rubles
Plasma therapy Treatment of problem skin (1 zone)Cost: 6900 rubles
Plasma therapy. Hair treatment Old price: 6900 rublesCost: 4990 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
Superficial anesthesia Emla 2.5 g, fixed priceCost: 490 rubles
When purchasing a course of 4 procedures, get a 15% discount (for a one-time payment). When drawing up an individual program of 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment)

Double rejuvenation

up to 6,000 rubles as a gift

Plasmatherapy + Photorejuvenation face TOTALOld price: 16980 rublesCost: 12990 rubles
Photorejuvenation+Biorevitalization Belotero Hydro faceOld price: 20890 rublesCost: 14990 rubles
This technique combines the two most effective ways to combat aging: laser and injection. These methods together give a more pronounced result that lasts a year or more. At the first stage, a laser or photorejuvenation procedure is carried out, which evens out the complexion and triggers the process of collagen and elastin production in the body. After 2 weeks, a plasma therapy procedure is carried out, which enhances and prolongs the effect of regeneration and renewal, which was launched in the first stage.

Program “Comprehensive rejuvenation” Face + Neck

discount up to 43%

2 procedures Photorejuvenation face TOTAL + 2 plasma therapy proceduresOld price: 52100 rublesCost: 29900 rubles
4 visits. The duration of completion cannot exceed 3 months. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will expire

All prices: Plasma therapy

Facial photorejuvenation

More about the procedure


Photorejuvenation of the wings of the noseOld price: 4000 rublesCost: 1990 rubles
Photorejuvenation of the cheek areaOld price: 6000 rublesCost: 2990 rubles
Photorejuvenation LIGHT face up to 65 flashesOld price: 5990 rublesCost: 4799 rubles
TOTAL photorejuvenation of the entire face (including removal of the vascular network)Old price: 8990 rublesCost: 7299 rubles
Photorejuvenation price per flash 1×3 cmCost: 350 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
When purchasing 4 or more procedures, get a 15% discount (for a one-time payment). When drawing up an individual program of 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment). The duration of completion cannot exceed 3 months. Unused procedures will be lost.

Double rejuvenation

up to 6000 rubles as a gift

Photorejuvenation IPL Quantum face TOTAL + plasmatherapyOld price: 16890 rublesCost: 12990 rubles
Photorejuvenation IPL Quantum face TOTAL + Biorevitalization Belotero HydroOld price: 20890 rublesCost: 14990 rubles
This technique combines the two most effective ways to combat aging: laser and injection. These methods together give a more pronounced result that lasts a year or more. At the first stage, a laser rejuvenation procedure is carried out, which starts the process of producing collagen and elastin in the body. After 2 weeks, a plasma lifting or biorevitalization procedure is carried out, which enhance and prolong the effect of regeneration and renewal that was launched in the first stage.

All prices: Facial photorejuvenation IPL Quantum

Laser rejuvenation

More about the procedure

Double rejuvenation

up to 6,000 rubles as a gift

This technique combines the two most effective ways to combat aging: laser and injection. These methods together give a more pronounced result that lasts a year or more. At the first stage, a laser rejuvenation procedure is carried out, which starts the process of producing collagen and elastin in the body. After 2 weeks, a plasma lifting or biorevitalization procedure is carried out, which enhance and prolong the effect of regeneration and renewal that was launched in the first stage.


Superficial anesthesia Emla 2.5 g, fixed priceCost: 490 rubles
Consultation with a laser therapist-dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a laser therapist-dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
When purchasing 4 or more procedures, get a 15% discount (for a one-time payment). When drawing up an individual program of 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment)

All prices: Laser rejuvenation

Holy land - atraumatic cleansing and facial treatments

More about the procedure


Atraumatic cleaning Holy LandCost: 3500 rubles
A-nox for problem skinCost: 3500 rubles
Express lifting Holy LandCost: 1990 rubles
Holy Land Moisturizing MaskCost: 700 rubles
Nourishing mask Holy LandCost: 700 rubles
Alginate maskCost: 700 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free


4 atraumatic facial cleansing procedures Holy LandCost: the price of 3 procedures
Valid for one-time payment. The duration of completion cannot exceed 9 months. Unused procedures will expire

All prices: HOLY LAND cosmetics

Chemical peels

More about the procedure


Chemical peel TCA (15%) faceCost: 5100 rubles
Chemical peel TCA (15%) face+neckCost: 5500 rubles
Chemical peeling TCA (15%) face+neck+décolletéCost: 7500 rubles
Chemical peel TCA (25%) face+neckCost: 6900 rubles
Medium chemical peel ABR faceCost: 3790 rubles
Medium chemical peeling ABR face + neckCost: 4990 rubles
Chemical glycolic peeling (25%) faceCost: 1800 rubles
Chemical glycolic peeling (70%) faceCost: 2700 rubles
Chemical glycolic peeling (70%) face+neck+décolletéCost: 3500 rubles
Chemical peeling “Yellow peel” face + neckCost: 8900 rubles
Chemical peeling “Yellow peel” face + neck + décolletéCost: 10900 rubles
Almond peeling gelCost: 2590 rubles
Glycolic milk peeling gelCost: 2590 rubles
Multi-acid peeling gelCost: 2590 rubles
Peeling PRX-T33Cost: 5500 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
When purchasing 4 or more procedures, get a 15% discount (for a one-time payment). When drawing up an individual program of 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment)

All prices: Chemical peels

Programs and courses

Program "Comprehensive rejuvenation"

Program "Comprehensive rejuvenation"

4 visits, 8 weeks

2 plasma therapy proceduresOld price: 22400 rublesCost: 13,000 rubles
2 procedures Photorejuvenation Total face + neckOld price: 29,700 rublesCost: 16900 rubles
Total cost of the program:Old price: 52100 rublesCost: 29900 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 43% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

“Beauty Day” program

“Beauty Day” program

1 visit

Algae wrapOld price: 3500 rublesCost: 2510 rubles
Lifting procedure using the SKINTONIC/LIFT-6 deviceOld price: 2400 rublesCost: 1400 rubles
Skin care procedure Holy landOld price: 3500 rublesCost: 1990 rubles
Total cost of the program:Old price: 9400 rublesCost: 5900 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 43% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

How to make an appointment with a dermatologist at JSC “Medicine” (clinic of academician Roitberg) in Moscow

You can make an appointment with the specialists of JSC "Medicine" (clinic of Academician Roitberg) on ​​the website - the interactive form allows you to select a doctor by specialization or search for an employee of any department by name and surname. Each doctor’s schedule contains information about visiting days and hours available for patient visits.

Clinic administrators are ready to accept requests for an appointment or call a doctor at home by calling +7 (495) 775-73-60.

Convenient location on the territory of the central administrative district of Moscow (CAO) - 2nd Tverskoy-Yamskaya lane, building 10 - allows you to quickly reach the clinic from the Mayakovskaya, Novoslobodskaya, Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya and Belorusskaya metro stations .

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