The SM-Cosmetology doctor spoke about methods for removing papillomas on the face

Just like pimples and acne, papillomas spoil the appearance of the skin, but unlike inflammations, they do not go away on their own. They need to be removed. Find out how to get rid of papillomas on your face.

The appearance of any neoplasms on the face is an unpleasant thing. Moreover, they will not disappear on their own, and all cosmetics are powerless against them. You will have to look for a different approach to papillomas.

What do they really look like?

Very often, patients who come to see me ask to remove a papilloma or several of them and indicate a pigmented nevus, fibropapilloma or wart. Once I was offered a tick to remove a papilloma (I’m not kidding):

I consider it necessary to clearly define what papilloma is and how it differs from other skin neoplasms. Most often this is a small, 1-3 mm skin formation on a thin stalk. There are three main differences between papilloma and other skin formations. First, the leg is always thinner than the top. Secondly, the consistency of papilloma is always softer than the surrounding skin. Third, the size of the papilloma is usually small - no more than 5 mm. The photo below shows a typical papilloma.

What are papillomas

The formation of skin papillomas is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).
“More than 30% of the world’s population has HPV, but many people don’t even know about it, since the pathogen may not manifest itself in any way,” says Anna Torosyan, a dermatovenereologist at the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia. — The papilloma virus circulates in the human body, but the protective functions of the immune system suppress pathogenic cells. Benign skin formations can occur in both older people and children, while acrochordas (thread-like papillomas) occur in approximately 50% of pensioners (papillomas in the armpits, groin, neck and around the eyes). There are three ways of transmission of the virus - sexual, household contact (through microtraumas of the skin) and perinatal (from mother to child). As a rule, formations occur in people at a time when the immune system is especially weakened, for example, after suffering from influenza and other infectious diseases. Pregnant women and people with bad habits are also susceptible to the formation of papillomas. Promiscuous sexual intercourse, as well as sexual contact with a person who is a carrier of the virus, is also a risk factor for the occurrence of papillomas.” To date, more than 200 types of such viruses are known. “They can be both oncogenic (that is, causing cancerous tumors) and non-oncogenic,” says Maria Istomina, a dermatovenerologist at the SM-Cosmetology clinic. — Most often, formations on the face occur due to the non-oncogenic human papillomavirus. Papilloma is not difficult to distinguish from other skin problems. Most often this is a pale pink formation protruding above the skin. Sometimes it can rise on a small stalk above the surface of the skin. The size of papillomas varies from 0.2 cm to 0.5 cm. Sometimes their size can reach 1 cm in diameter. Such formations, as a rule, do not fester. Papillomas, once formed, no longer change and do not go away on their own.” To get rid of tumors on the skin of the face, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

How to get rid of papillomas?

There are only two main methods of treating papillomas

  1. The simplest and most effective method of treatment is the removal of papillomas using various methods ( laser, radio wave surgery, electrocoagulation
    , etc.). In most cases, a one-time complete removal of papillomas from the entire body is sufficient. I will tell you in more detail about how papillomas are removed using radio wave surgery in our clinic below.
  2. Removing papillomas at home
    has recently become a very popular method . Most often, this happens with the help of two types of drugs - acid solutions with names like “Super Celandine” and a mixture of dimethyl ether and propane (the popular drug “Cryopharma”). I can’t say anything about the effectiveness of these two methods, because... I have never removed papillomas this way.


Please do not diagnose yourself with papilloma based on research on the Internet. Before using the above drugs, you should always see an oncologist and make sure that what you are going to remove at home is really a papilloma. If the diagnosis is made incorrectly and any of these liquids are applied to the pigmented nevus, the consequences can be extremely sad.

How to treat warts and papillomas?

There are destructive methods, therapeutic interventions and traditional methods. Since warts are considered neoplasms, they can be removed artificially. The technology is radical, but fail-safe. There are several types of operations to remove papillomas:

  1. Cryotherapy
  2. Electrotherapy
  3. Laser removal
  4. Surgery
  5. Electroradiosurgery
  6. Chemical method

Therapy depends on many factors, which are studied in detail by a dermatologist. The negative side of destructive intervention is the elimination of external manifestations of the disease. Warts usually appear due to the action of a virus, so cosmetic solutions will not relieve you of the pathology, but may lead to a relapse.

As for drug therapy, all immune drugs are divided into two categories - systemic and local. The idea is to boost immunity - the body itself will cope with the problem that has arisen. There are also known drugs belonging to the group of interferons (proteins with anti-infective characteristics). Occasionally, apoptosis inducers are prescribed, the purpose of which is to program the destruction of HPV cells that have undergone a viral attack. Of the folk remedies, onion and garlic juices, as well as alcohol tinctures based on celandine, are considered the most effective.

How is papillomas removed?

In our clinic, papillomas are removed using radio wave surgery. Just watch this short video and many questions will disappear by themselves.

The papilloma is fixed with special tweezers, after which a loop-shaped instrument is cut off from the skin at the base. At the moment of contact with the skin, a high-frequency radio wave is concentrated at the end of the instrument, which evaporates papilloma cells and at the same time “glues” blood vessels together. As a rule, anesthesia is not required for this procedure - the pain is comparable to epilation with tweezers. In rare cases, pain relief is performed with EMLA cream.

Top 10 drugs against papillomas and warts

The presented review concerns primarily vulgar warts covering the legs and arms of patients. Sometimes it is necessary to treat flat and senile warts, as well as condylomas. It is difficult to independently diagnose the type of neoplasm. If papillomas appear on your face, you will have to go to a dermatocosmetologist. The top presented below is for informational purposes only; it is compiled based on the opinions of professionals and customer reviews.



A universal Russian drug intended for both external and internal use. The complex includes only natural ingredients and boasts a budget price. The effectiveness is average - after getting rid of one papilloma, new ones may form. It is not the symptoms that are eliminated, but the disease itself - this happens thanks to a three-phase formula, including biogenic concentrates, diatoms and active vegetable oils.

An important point is that the active components fight directly against viral strains. To completely get rid of warts, you will need to take several courses. This will prevent re-infection of the skin. Of the minuses, we note the need to purchase several bottles, which will hit your wallet.


  • Natural ingredients
  • Effect on papillomavirus
  • Universal application


  • High consumption

9 Antipapillomas


This Russian gel has a rather primitive composition and low cost, but don’t let that fool you. Formula includes potassium hydroxide, distilled water and gelling agent. The drug is characterized by a mild exfoliating effect and is intended for spot treatment of disease-affected areas. There are no contraindications, but it is better not to treat healthy skin and face with the substance.

Users call Antipapill an effective and cheap medicine, but indicate unpleasant tingling in the treatment area. The sensation is short-term, and the gel itself copes with the problem in a short time. The wart turns black, gradually deflates and soon falls off. The process takes several days. To avoid burns, it is recommended to apply a rich cream to adjacent (healthy) areas of the skin.


  • Low price
  • Quick effect
  • Complete disappearance of neoplasms
  • No contraindications


  • Burning healthy skin
  • The need to combine with cosmetic cream
  • Long-term healing of wounds

8 Solcoderm


The main disadvantage of this product is its high cost. This “hellish cocktail” is 100% effective - after its use, all papillomas and warts disappear. The formula includes copper nitrate, oxalic, nitric, lactic and acetic acids. The solution instantly mummifies pathological growths, which shrink and fall off after a few days.

Important: use the liquid carefully, as there is a risk of burns to healthy skin and mucous membranes. It is strictly forbidden to treat the eye area with Solcoderm. Property (chair, sofa) will also suffer if even one drop falls on it. Read the instructions carefully and strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. New growths have zero chance of survival.


  • Impact speed
  • Unsurpassed results
  • Complete burning of problem areas
  • Swiss quality


  • High price
  • Side effects (soreness and redness of the skin)
  • Chance of burns

7 Lapis pencil

lapis pencil

A budget-friendly and convenient remedy belonging to the group of cauterizing medications. The active ingredient is silver nitrate. Initially, lapis was used in jewelry, but then doctors discovered that warts could be treated with cauterization. The main advantages are anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. The pencil necrotizes the epidermis and prevents warts from fully developing.

Before using the pencil, wet its edge in cold water and then treat the tumor. The procedure is repeated twice a day. In the package you will find detailed instructions, based on which you can independently calculate the course of therapy. Lapis pencils are produced domestically, based in Manturovo.


  • Cheapness
  • Rapid destruction of vulgar wart pathologies
  • Ease of use
  • Time-tested reliability.


  • Hypersensitivity to silver may be a contraindication
  • Potential harm to mucous membranes
  • The likelihood of a chemical burn to a healthy epidermis

6 Mountain celandine

Mountain celandine

The balm copes with warts, papillomas and dry calluses. The basis of the drug is Baikal herbs - golden rhododendron, fresh celandine juice and lance-shaped poop. The liquid not only decomposes the cellular structure of pathologies, but also eliminates the infectious pathogen.

Apply the substance to the wart using a match or a plastic stick. If the affected area is large, it is recommended to wrap a little cotton wool around a match. When the balm dries, the stick is re-wetted. The average duration of a session for the body is 12 minutes, the face is treated for 10 minutes. Usually the course fits into a three-day period. Before the sessions begin, dead skin is steamed and removed. One procedure per day is enough.


  • Natural ingredients
  • Unique composition
  • Cheapness
  • Getting rid of infection


  • Difficulty in use
  • Strong smell
  • Danger to mucous membranes

5 Kondilin


The solution is produced by a Japanese pharmaceutical company. The main focus is genital warts. The active substance is podophyllotoxin, which has mummifying and cauterizing properties. An important advantage is the antimitotic effect. This means that the drug interferes with the division of parasitic cells and is not limited to chemical destruction. Therefore, there are no relapses.

Condilin does not treat ordinary warts; it should only be purchased to destroy genital warts. Inside the package you will find a bottle of solution and special applicator rings. The instrument is placed on the condyloma, completely covering the affected area with the medicine. The course lasts three days, the time distance between sessions is 12 hours.


  • Powerful effect
  • No relapses
  • Convenient application mechanism
  • Japanese quality


  • Expensive
  • Narrow specialization (condylomas)
  • Allergies
  • Extensive side effects (swelling, inflammation, soreness, itching)

4 Dermavit


The gel is intended exclusively for external use and is sold in special bottles. Thanks to its unique composition, the skin is cleansed of tumors without leaving a trace. The formula includes sodium tetraborate, distilled water, xanthan gum, glycerin and other active ingredients. The only contraindication is individual intolerance. The package contains a pipette with which you will have to apply the gel. Before the procedure, it is necessary to protect healthy skin - Vaseline, greasy cream or a patch are suitable for this.

The product is not rubbed in or washed off—a drop should land on the tip of the wart. The course lasts at least a week, and sometimes reaches 10 days. Among the side effects, patients note a burning sensation in the treated area. It is prohibited to treat the groin, nipples, armpits and face. All mucous membranes are in danger.


  • Relatively reasonable price
  • Long lasting healing effect
  • Guaranteed removal of pathological growths
  • Minimal side effects
  • Balanced composition


  • Long course of treatment
  • Probability of solution spreading
  • Inconvenient application

3 Collomak


The medicine is produced in Germany and is prescribed by a doctor when diagnosing warts, corns and dry calluses. Active ingredients: lauromacrogol, salicylic and lactic acids. Keratolytic action allows you to quickly get rid of keratinized growths. The skin is treated with the solution spot-on twice a day.

Acids can cause mild side effects - redness and local irritation. Users did not report any other painful sensations. With regular treatment, the papilloma turns black and falls off. Dry calluses also peel off quickly, and fluid consumption is economical. A special applicator is designed for applying Collomak. Remember that it is forbidden to remove the scab - you will get rid of it naturally.


  • Reasonable price
  • German quality
  • High efficiency
  • Minimal side effects
  • Long shelf life
  • Versatility


  • Long-term therapeutic course
  • Unpleasant smell

2 Super clean

Super clean

A cheap Russian preparation that includes sodium hydroxide and several plant extracts (tea tree, celandine, thyme and cedar). The main component of the solution is alkali. Thanks to this substance, the damaged tissue is destroyed and the wart disappears. Sometimes one treatment is enough, in advanced cases five procedures will be required. It all depends on the severity of the pathology.

Despite its low cost, the medicine is highly effective, which is confirmed by positive customer reviews. A few days will be enough for you to completely get rid of the growths. The obvious disadvantage of the solution is pain during application. This is due to the aggressive formula of the drug. If you are ready to endure the pain, feel free to purchase the product, as it quickly solves the problem.


  • Performance
  • Guaranteed elimination of tumors
  • Ridiculous price (35-40 rubles)
  • Herbal Ingredients


  • Aggressive action
  • Soreness
  • Potential harm to mucous membranes

1 Verrucacid


The best remedy for warts and papillomas according to the site is Verrukacid. The solution is designed exclusively for external treatment and is a powerful cauterizing agent. Verrukacid is produced in Russia. The active ingredients are metacresol and phenol. The solution has an antiseptic and coagulating effect. Verrukacid copes even with dry calluses, but it cannot be used against moles. It is not recommended to apply the solution to your face - you risk causing harm to the mucous membranes.

Painlessness and low cost make the product incredibly popular among the population. For application, it is better to use a wooden or plastic stick, avoiding in every possible way the solution coming into contact with healthy epidermis. Strictly follow the included instructions - and the tumors will disappear without a trace. Typically the course consists of 3-4 applications. For warts located on your feet and hands, 7-10 procedures will be required. The scab will fall off on its own and should not be touched.


  • Low price
  • Public availability
  • Ease of use
  • No unpleasant side effects


  • Rough action
  • The need to take several courses
  • Age contraindications (not suitable for children under 7 years old)

Briefly about the main thing:

If you decide to get rid of papillomas, there are 2 ways: The first is to remove papillomas in the clinic, preferably from an oncologist. The advantages of this method are obvious - maximum efficiency and safety. The second method is removal at home using drugs that can be bought in pharmacies. The advantage of this method is its low cost, however, for safe removal, I recommend first consulting with an oncologist. If treatment of papillomas with none of the above methods is effective, it is worth checking your immunity. To do this, it is better to consult an immunologist.

Have you decided to part with your papillomas? This can be done at addresses in St. Petersburg (Asafieva 7/1)

Skin care after the procedure

Upon completion of the manipulation, an inflammatory border is noted and slight swelling around the area of ​​influence is possible. These phenomena disappear within one to two hours. The next day after the procedure, the treated lesion mummifies (a dry scab appears), decreases in size and acquires a dark brown color. No special processing is required. The scab is rejected on its own 2-3 weeks after healing. It is advisable not to tear off the crust, as this can lead to infection and scar formation.

After the procedure, showering without mechanical impact is allowed. For a month after the procedure, you should not expose the manipulation site to sunlight, as persistent, unsightly hyperpigmentation may form. After the wound has healed, photoprotective agents with SPF 50 should be used for another 6 months, since young skin is more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

Pregnancy and condylomas

Condylomas are an alarming signal for pregnant women. HPV in the body of the expectant mother does not have a harmful effect on the fetus, but such a lady must be under the supervision of the attending physician at all times. You can resort to removing growths only at the 28th week of pregnancy, not earlier. If the formations have settled on the genitals, then there is a high probability that the baby will acquire HPV while passing through the birth canal. If the infection is not treated, then the unpleasant moments associated with thrush increase in pregnant women. The best option is a thorough examination before pregnancy for HPV and, if it is detected, mandatory and complete treatment.

Trichloroacetic acid for cauterization of papillomas

Trichloroacetic acid is a liquid for cauterizing papillomas.

Stops the development of infected cells and prevents their further reproduction.

Trichloroacetic acid is applied by a doctor with a cotton swab to warts, papillomas/condylomas.

This treatment method is suitable for small, soft genital warts in the mucous membrane area (in the vagina).

Among the disadvantages of the method, it is worth noting burning and pain after applying the solution.

The advantage is the elimination of formations without tissue scarring.

Acid can only be used in very small quantities.

Excessive use requires neutralization with sodium bicarbonate.

Due to the potentially high risk of misuse, trichloroacetic acid should only be used by a physician in an outpatient setting.

Today, this method of therapy is rarely used; it has been replaced by more modern and gentle therapeutic methods.

An analogue of trichloroacetic acid is Solkovagin, which is also used to cauterize papillomas and warts.

The second, more expensive drug is Solcoderm, which can cauterize papillomas in intimate places.


Human papillomavirus infection (genital warts) is diagnosed in different ways, from visual examination of women and men to the most advanced examinations. CM "Global Clinic" has in its arsenal the latest techniques for determining the nature of condylomas. Diagnostic methods used by doctors:

  • Clinical examination. Some types of diseases in women and men can be masked, taking the form of genital warts, so you need to have sufficient qualifications to differentiate different problems.
  • Colposcopy is recommended for women, and urethroscopy for men.
  • A smear will tell a lot about condylomas in women and their nature; this cytotest will also help to exclude cervical dysplasia.
  • Histology.
  • Diagnostics-PCR. This examination not only detects the presence of human papillomavirus, but also determines its type.
  • Immunological research. It is used to detect antibodies to HPV in the blood.

All women and men affected by genital warts must be tested for infectious diseases of the genital area (syphilis, HIV, etc.)


Condylomas and HPV require a systematic approach to treatment.


To combat condylomas in women and men, doctors act in three directions:

  • against viruses;
  • in order to increase immunity;
  • for fortification of the patient.

Cycloferon and inosiplex act against HPV activation and its reproduction. Inferon and allokin-alpha stop viruses and help restore the immune system. To improve the general health of women and men, Immunal, Amixin, Poludan, etc. are prescribed. A complex of vitamins and minerals is also an essential component of treatment for condylomas.


Condylomas are successfully treated using ointments and sprays of antiviral action (epigen-intim, condylen, etc.). Women and men will not have to think about condylomas if they are treated with inquimod, podophyllotoxin. For pregnant women, you can use trichloroacetic and nitric acids. Women need to fight condylomas in stages: first remove them, and then, or in parallel, act to reduce the number of viruses. Often (in every third woman) condylomas enter the stage of relapse (especially if preventive measures are not followed and the recommendations of the attending physician are ignored).


Methods for removing condylomas in modern medicine are varied:

  • Electric coagulation. This method has disadvantages - many contraindications, painful procedure and long recovery.
  • Cryotherapy. Condylomas are removed using liquid nitrogen. The positive aspects of this technique are the absence of scars, painless effects, and the absence of anesthesia.
  • Surgical method. The growths are removed during surgery, and stitches are placed at the site of the wounds. Doctors use local anesthesia.
  • Use of chemicals. This method is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Laser therapy. Condylomas are removed with a laser beam; this is a treatment that does not affect healthy cells and leaves virtually no scars.
  • Radiosurgical method. The use of a special device helps remove condylomas without contact with the body. Removal of growths is accompanied by simultaneous sealing of blood vessels. This technique is one of the most modern and in demand.

Where can a plantar wart be removed in Moscow?

We can definitely say that spines need to be removed in a clinical setting; the intervention should be carried out by a qualified surgeon who has extensive experience in treating such pathology. In Moscow, this can be done by Dr. Igor Vitalievich Elshansky. He will remove the formation using the optimal radio wave method. The intervention is painless, performed under local anesthesia, and after the manipulation the patient can immediately go home. The clinic has all the conditions for qualified removal.

Don’t expect the wart to “go away” on its own, don’t try to remove it yourself, contact a professional!

Topical antiviral drugs for the treatment of HPV (papillomavirus)

Some topical antiviral drugs active against papillomaviruses, in contrast to a number of drugs that help against the herpes virus, have a strong evidence base and are used throughout the world to treat manifestations of HPV - in particular, condylomas.


An immune response modifier that does not have an antiviral effect. It exhibits activity due to the ability to induce the production of interferon-alpha and other cytokines. Indicated for the treatment of genital warts in the urogenital area [5].

Release: by prescription.


Solid evidence base. The drug definitely reduces the viral load. The use of imiquimod cream 5% 3 times a week at night for 16 weeks has been proven to be effective and safe for the treatment of condylomas. The relapse rate is estimated to be low [8]. Imiquimod is recommended for the treatment of genital warts by the authoritative American regulator FDA [8].


When applying imiquimod, itching and pain are observed in more than 10% of cases [5], which the buyer should be warned about.


The main manifestation of growths is their unpleasant and repulsive appearance. But women will also be reminded of condylomas by other unpleasant moments. The time elapsed from the first contact-infection to the moment when condylomas become clearly visible can be completely different. Sometimes a week or a month is enough for condylomas to appear; in other situations, years may pass. The incubation period depends on the general health of the woman or man, their immunity, lifestyle, etc. Condylomas in women and men cause itching and burning in the genital area and near the anus. This occurs during the period of germination of condylomas; in the future, such symptoms may disappear. An increase in the amount of whitish discharge, sometimes mixed with blood and an unpleasant odor, provokes condylomas in women, which are localized on the vaginal mucosa or cervix. When condylomas are found in the anus, the passage of feces can injure them and cause ichor.

Preventing HPV infection

Condylomas must be prevented by preventive measures:

  • use of contraceptives during sexual relations;
  • increasing immunity;
  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • taking vitamins;
  • compliance with hygiene standards;
  • fight against bad habits;
  • increasing stress resistance.

Regular visits to the doctor are a good preventative measure. The use of antiviral ointments, as well as vaccination against HPV, is prevention that will make people’s lives full.

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