Using sunflower (vegetable) oil for facial skin care

There is no point in telling you what sunflower is and what sunflower oil is. But did you know that sunflower oil is not only a food product, but also a very effective cosmetic product, in no way inferior to oils traditionally used in cosmetology? It took marketers very little time to push one of the most useful and affordable products into the background, and now, when it comes to moisturizing your skin, you go to the online store for some exotic. And the remedy you need is just to extend your hand.

Sunflower cultivation began in South America. The Aztecs and Incas treated snake bites with sunflower infusion, and the oil extracted from the entire plant was used as a hair conditioner.

Spanish conquistadors brought sunflowers to Europe, and it took two centuries to learn how to extract the oil from the seeds. The healing properties of sunflower oil were quickly discovered. In Russia, for example, abscesses, skin ulcers, bronchitis and even rheumatism were successfully treated with oil and infusion of leaves.

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Modern medicine knows the healing properties of sunflower. Sunflower oil lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, it is useful for asthma, arthritis, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. But in addition, it is good for the skin. And here is an important feature that many other base oils do not have: sunflower oil also works when taken orally, as a food product. You are unlikely to eat shea or argan, or many other oils. If only because it is too expensive and the taste properties are questionable. And sunflower oil is an everyday component of your diet.

In cosmetology, sunflower oil is used as a base oil, on its own or in combination with other base oils for a greater synergistic effect.

Sunny flower

The sunflower got its name for a reason - the flower, similar to a huge daisy with yellow petals, inside of which oil-filled seeds ripen, gradually turns its head during the day behind the sun's disk.
There are many types of sunflower oil. It is usually obtained by cold pressing and then refined (refined) or left in its natural form (unrefined). Naturally, the latter is more effective, since during the process of cleaning and freezing the oil still loses some of its beneficial properties. It becomes almost transparent, with a subtle odor.

Description of vegetable sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is obtained from sunflower seeds, which are considered to be native to North and South America. The name of the flower is translated from Latin as “flower of the sun.”

Unrefined, cold-pressed sunflower oil is used as a cosmetic product . It is believed that all vitamins and beneficial properties are preserved in it. Unrefined oil has a special smell and taste, and when stored for a long time, sediment forms in it.

Currently, many brands of professional cosmetics produce care products with the addition of sunflower oil: nourishing emulsions and creams, scrubs and shampoos. The oil is also included in some dry oils.


Did you know that sunflower oil contains a large amount of antioxidants and, when consumed regularly, can actually slow down the aging process? Maybe our ancestors looked good to a very old age because most days of the year, according to the requirements of fasting, they seasoned their food not with animal oil, but with vegetable oil, which was called lean.

In addition, it contains:

  • Triglycerides are glycerol derivatives that perfectly moisturize the skin and retain water molecules for a long time.
  • Fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, stearic, etc.) - they soften the skin, protect it from negative external influences, and stimulate collagen production.
  • Inulin also perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin, promotes the formation of a thin protective film on it.
  • Phytin is a biologically active substance that stimulates the process of skin regeneration and promotes skin rejuvenation.
  • Minerals and trace elements regulate metabolic processes and serve as building materials for the skin.
  • Vitamins (mainly A, D, E) - improve the condition of the skin, smooth it, prevent the formation of new wrinkles, and reduce pigmentation.

By the way, in terms of vitamin E content, sunflower oil leaves far behind the famous olive oil, which is most often used in home cosmetology.

Do it yourself: rejuvenation at home

Let's talk about anti-age philosophy? Every woman dreams of preserving her youth and beauty, but, alas, nature is inexorable and age always takes its toll. It is impossible to deceive the insidious aging process, but you can slow it down - that's one thing - and reduce the visibility of its manifestations - that's two things.

Rejuvenation of the body, as well as the face and body, is possible in beauty salons. This is effective, but very expensive, and in some cases it does not bring the desired result, only disappointment. Many women prefer to carry out anti-age facial treatments at home.

What should you know when deciding to take this step, what products and means will you need, as well as what besides them, and what authorities should you rely on?


Like any other oil, sunflower oil contains a lot of fatty acids. Most of them have a large molecular structure, so the product is poorly absorbed and leaves a greasy film on the skin. This is why many people do not like to use it for cosmetic procedures.

But perhaps, having learned about its beneficial properties and effect on the skin, you will change your attitude towards such a familiar product. When used correctly and regularly, it:

  • improves cellular nutrition;
  • stimulates subcutaneous blood circulation;
  • increases immunity and protective properties of the skin;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • prevents their early formation;
  • regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • tightens enlarged pores;
  • eliminates dryness and flaking;
  • refreshes and evens out the complexion.

Applied before going outside, sunflower oil for the face can become a reliable natural protection against wind, cold and burning sun rays. It is often used instead of expensive tanning products. The skin turns out nicely golden without burning too quickly.

How to choose

For those who decide to try how sunflower oil really works on the skin, it is important to know how to choose a quality product. And this is exactly the case when you can and should go to the market to get it. It is there that it is easier to buy fresh oil that is as rich in vitamins as possible.

Here's how to choose it:

  • Unrefined oil is usually bright yellow or light amber in color.
  • A small sediment is allowed to form at the bottom of the container, but the liquid itself should not be cloudy or have foreign inclusions.
  • It has a characteristic, distinct smell of seeds.
  • Fried oil has a stronger aroma and a much darker color, while refined oil is pale and almost odorless.
  • If you try high-quality oil, it does not taste bitter and leaves a pleasant aftertaste.

It is advisable to buy fresh product, but in winter it is quite difficult. Remember that the shelf life of unrefined oil is short - only 3-4 months. And you need to keep it in a cool place, protected from sunlight. If the color has changed significantly, the oil has become cloudy or has acquired a rancid odor, it cannot be used even for cosmetic purposes.

Rules for selection and storage

Unrefined oil may have a slight sediment. The taste should not be bitter. It is better to store in a glass bottle. After opening, store only in the refrigerator.

Recommendations for use

It is better to start using oil for cosmetology once a week. An allergy test should be done before use. If you have doubts about the quality of a particular oil or other ingredient in the mask, you should refuse the procedure.

It is better to start using oil for cosmetology once a week.

Important Rules

Sunflower seed oil primarily works on the surface of the skin, as its large molecular structure makes it difficult for it to penetrate deeper layers. Many therefore doubt whether it is even possible to smear the face with sunflower oil. A little later I will tell you why this product is ideal in its pure form. In the meantime, here are important general rules for its use:

  1. The oil works better and is absorbed faster if it is heated to 40-45°C in a water bath before use.
  2. Allergies to sunflower oil are very rare, but if you mix it with other ingredients, be aware of possible intolerances.
  3. Before applying it to oily skin, it is better to use a light peeling (for example, enzyme) or a scrub that does not injure the epidermis (salt, sugar, etc.).
  4. To help the oil and mixtures based on it be absorbed, light patting movements can be used to treat the entire skin after application.
  5. You can leave it on your face (depending on the composition of the mask or mixture) from fifteen minutes to an hour. But before going to bed, I strongly recommend washing everything off!
  6. You can remove residual oil faster and easier with warm water acidified with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

A course of intensive therapy with masks or mixtures of sunflower oil for rejuvenating and refreshing the face is 1-2 procedures per week and lasts no more than one month. Then a break is necessary, during which ready-made creams or other care products are used. Afterwards, you can use the same compositions for maintenance and preventive purposes 3-4 times a month.

Masks for any skin

Various masks made from sunflower oil have become widely used. When caring for mature and aging skin, you can add the following ingredients to it:

  • Honey.
  • Cream.
  • Yeast.
  • Lemon oil.

First add yeast to the heated cream, and then all the other ingredients, whisking the resulting mixture with a whisk. The mask is applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté area. This gives the skin nutrition and hydration, the epithelium softens, small wrinkles smooth out, and facial color improves.

For those with dry or depleted skin, recipes may include various ingredients. For example, butter can be mixed with cottage cheese, egg yolk, and a solution of tocopherol (vitamin E) can be added to the mixture. In order for normal skin to acquire tone and elasticity, it is recommended to make a mask of butter with the addition of oatmeal, honey and milk.

If your face is too oily and for acne, you can recommend another remedy. In addition to the main component, this mask contains wheat flour, lemon juice and sea salt. It removes sebaceous plugs well, tightens pores and reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction.

Methods of application

And now let’s learn more about how to use sunflower oil in home cosmetics as effectively as possible. You will be surprised, but there are quite a lot of them, and masks are far from the only option, although they are the most common.


It is easy to prepare a wonderful lotion based on sunflower oil that quickly improves the condition of problem skin. It has excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, significantly reduces the number of rashes, but can dry out the epidermis. Therefore, it is important to immediately purchase a high-quality moisturizer or apply lotion to the spot.

To prepare it, mix 100 ml of sunflower oil with 30 ml of vodka, two teaspoons of calendula alcohol tincture, essential oils (three drops each of eucalyptus, tea tree, geranium).

It should be stored in a tightly closed bottle, preferably made of dark glass, in a cool place protected from direct sunlight. Apply to problem areas 2-3 times a day. Shake slightly before use.

Anti-wrinkle cream mask

You can prepare a high-quality anti-wrinkle cream based on sunflower oil. Completely natural, it perfectly nourishes and stimulates the skin, accelerates metabolic processes, and moisturizes well.

To prepare, you will need to grind two teaspoons of dried or fresh dandelion flowers in a coffee grinder and grind a medium white onion (peeled from the husk) in a blender. Mix the ingredients in a small enamel saucepan and add 100 ml of sunflower oil. Cook over very low heat for 10-15 minutes, without bringing to a boil.

Remove from heat, add a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of rosemary or patchouli essential oil. Cool and transfer to a pre-sterilized jar for storage. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 weeks. Apply 1-2 times a day. 15-20 minutes after application, be sure to remove the residue with a napkin.

Some are afraid that after using it a sharp onion smell will remain, but this does not happen - when the mixture is boiled, it quickly evaporates.

Eye compress

An oil compress on a fabric basis is a great help for wrinkles, bruises around the eyes and crow's feet. It can be cut from several layers of gauze, cotton or linen towel. For very dry skin, you can prepare a mask for the entire face. It is useful to pamper the décolleté and neck area with this procedure from time to time.

Sunflower oil is heated to a temperature of 45-50°C. You can add a few drops of essential oil to it, depending on your skin type and condition. The universal ones are mint, lavender, rose, bitter orange, ylang-ylang. We wet the compress base prepared in advance, squeeze it out and apply it to the face. The top can be covered with cellophane and insulated with a terry towel. Lie quietly for 15-20 minutes, blot the residue with napkins and rinse with warm acidified water. Do it no more than 3-4 times a month.


And, of course, everyone’s favorite folk masks. How could we do without them - this is the most convenient and safe way to quickly refresh and smooth the skin, and with regular use, even significantly rejuvenate it. Here are some of the simplest and most effective recipes.

Nourishing for wrinkles

I recommend it for tired, aging skin that has lost its tone and color. It is rich in vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances. Egg white gives a slight lifting effect. But because of this, it is better not to use this mask if there are ulcers or lesions on the skin.

Shake a fresh quail egg with a tablespoon of homemade cream and a teaspoon of honey. Pour in two teaspoons of sunflower oil. If the mixture drips, thicken it to the desired consistency with corn or potato starch. Distribute evenly over skin and leave for 20-30 minutes. Remove the residue with a napkin, wash and apply a good lifting cream.

Refreshing with kelp

This mask gives the fastest visible effect on freshly tanned skin. It almost instantly relieves redness, prevents flaking and evens out color. It is suitable for any age, but is especially useful after 40, as it promotes collagen production and improves skin tone.

Pour a tablespoon of powdered dry kelp with a small amount of strong green tea or herbal decoction (chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot) and leave for 30-40 minutes to swell. Add the contents of one ampoule of aloe extract and a teaspoon of sunflower oil to the resulting pulp. Apply to the skin, leave for up to 30 minutes, remove with a tissue and rinse your face with clean water.

Detox for problem skin

This composition is absolutely not suitable for dry, thin and sensitive skin. But for combination, oily and problematic skin, it often becomes a real salvation, as it can deeply cleanse pores, relieve inflammation, remove acne and rashes.

Grate the fresh cucumber along with the skin onto a fine grater. Crush three tablets of activated carbon and two tablets of aspirin. Mix everything, add a teaspoon of sunflower oil, spread on a gauze napkin and apply to the face. Keep for no more than 15 minutes. Remove, wash, apply moisturizer or soothing cream.

Possible harm

But if sunflower oil really helps against wrinkles and is beneficial, then why is it not widely used in home recipes and professional cosmetology? And why do some complain that acne and comedones appear after it, and the number of acne only increases.

Due to the fairly dense film formed on the surface of the skin, an ideal environment is created for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, when using on problem skin, it is better to make masks that contain antibacterial components.

Under this film, the pores continue to secrete oil and toxins. If there are too many of them, and the skin is not promptly subjected to additional cleansing (peeling, scrub, ultrasound), then the sebaceous ducts become clogged and blackheads and comedones form. But if you do everything correctly, then nothing like this happens.

Summing up

According to reviews from my patients, sunflower oil is an almost ideal product for caring for the delicate skin of the eyelids. It is only important not to apply it later than two hours before bedtime, so as not to provoke swelling. The methods listed above also help to improve the condition of the skin quite quickly. But you shouldn’t add oil to finished cosmetics.

It is often used for massage. But it is better if it becomes a base to which other vegetable or essential oils are added. Their competent selection can regulate the properties and direction of action of the mixture. And sunflower, due to its neutrality, goes well with almost any ingredient.

If you have any questions, write them in the comments.

Anti-aging cream

This product with dandelion can be used instead of your favorite anti-aging cream daily, applying it to cleansed and slightly steamed skin. You will need:

  • small onion;
  • 10 grams of dry dandelions;
  • 100 ml oil.

Peel the onion and grind it in a blender. Mix the resulting pulp with oil, add dandelion and place the mixture on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Make sure that the mixture does not boil. Cool the broth and pour into a glass bottle.

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