Beauticians' Choice: 50 Legendary Skin Care Products

Hardware rejuvenation techniques

There are many techniques to rejuvenate your skin. In most cases, clients resort to these procedures to make the skin of the eyelids, neck, and face more fresh and youthful. If you study all the methods of hardware cosmetology, they are divided into two main groups:

  • ablative. Here the integrity of the skin is compromised;
  • non-ablative. The skin remains intact during the procedure.

Methods that belong to the second group are considered more gentle. But sometimes more effectiveness can be achieved only with the help of ablative methods of hardware cosmetology. To understand which method is suitable for a particular patient, you need to consult a specialist.

Professional face creams

The difference between professional creams and ordinary ones lies in the following nuances:

  1. Compound. It includes extracts, plant extracts, high molecular weight drugs that penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  2. Limited quantity of products. You can buy professional products from the manufacturer in pharmacies, specialized stores, and from an official dealer.
  3. Safety. They do not contain aggressive chemicals, the base is hypoallergenic.
  4. Price. To develop formulas, a team of dermatologists, chemists, biologists, and cosmetologists is involved. A number of studies are being carried out. The process of creating a professional cream is quite expensive.

Note! The basis of professional skincare cosmetics is natural ingredients. The amount of dyes, flavors, and preservatives is minimal.

Go to the catalog of face creams

Popular facial rejuvenation procedures

To carry out hardware procedures, special modern equipment is used. Most of them are considered multifunctional and can perform many different manipulations. It is necessary to examine in more detail the features of each procedure that can rejuvenate facial skin.

RF lifting

This technology has demonstrated high effectiveness in the fight against skin aging. RF lifting can tighten the oval of the face and correct it.

Radio waves are used here, they affect the deep layers of the dermis and also warm them up. As a result of heating, the tissues shrink and the fibers contract. After the procedure, the lifting effect is clearly visible and the skin tone increases. In addition, due to high temperature, elastin and collagen begin to be produced. New fibers appear and a framework is created.

RF lifting not only removes sagging and tightens the face, it slows down the process of wrinkles appearing in the future. The results obtained last for up to 3 years.

SMAS lifting

This skin rejuvenation technique does not cause pain and does not involve surgery. As women age, their muscles stretch, causing the skin to sag and wrinkles to appear.

During the SMAS procedure, the device creates ultrasound pulses that affect the deep layers of the skin. That is, these impulses reach the muscles of the frame, tightening them. The result is freshness and youthfulness of the skin.

ELOS rejuvenation

This solution helps combat skin changes that occur as a result of age. ELOS equipment creates two energies (light, electrical), which act in parallel. These energies contribute to the production of elastin and collagen. It is these substances that help make the skin more elastic and keep it toned. Due to age, the skin loses elastin and collagen, the skin sags, becomes thinner, and wrinkles appear.

ELOS technology allows you to launch natural processes that restore the skin. That is, the synthesis of elastin and collagen is stimulated. Those processes that occur with age occur more slowly, pigment spots disappear, scars, rosacea, wrinkles smooth out.


Today, hardware facial rejuvenation does not necessarily have to be done with injections. It is possible to deliver the necessary nutritional and moisturizing substances deep into the skin using modern equipment.

Non-injection mesotherapy allows you to remove some aesthetic problems:

  • Enlarged pores;
  • Earthy skin tone;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Hyperpigmentation;
  • Skin laxity;
  • Wrinkles.


This method is also called diamond resurfacing, which allows you to cleanse the skin of dead cells. That is, deep peeling is performed. During the procedure, a diamond nozzle is used, onto which crumbs are applied. The latter may differ in its graininess.

Thanks to skin resurfacing, you can even out the relief, start the process of tissue renewal, and rejuvenate your face. It also ensures skin elasticity, smooths out wrinkles, tightens pores, and improves color. The first microdermabrasion procedure allows you to renew your skin. And if you complete the whole course, the woman gets rid of scars that appear as a result of hyperpigmentation and acne.

Microdermabrasion does not require anesthesia, does not require a recovery period and does not cause pain. As for the intensity and time of exposure to the device, all these points are discussed exclusively on an individual basis with a specialist. After all, the characteristics of human skin must be taken into account here.

Skin care

In pursuit of beauty and youth, women are increasingly resorting to innovative methods. After all, it is precisely such procedures that very quickly give a noticeable positive effect. But don’t forget about classic skin care options that help maintain your results.

Well-chosen care is a set of therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at maintaining skin health, as well as correcting cosmetic deficiencies.

Basic facial skin care includes:

  • Cleansing - removing decorative cosmetics, sebum and impurities from the surface of the skin;
  • Moisturizing - replenishing the lack of moisture in the skin;
  • Nutrition - saturating the skin with vitamins and nutrients that it does not receive in sufficient quantities;
  • Protection - procedures that protect the skin from aggressive environmental factors.

Skin care treatments can be:

  • Preventative;
  • Medicinal;
  • Corrective;
  • Supportive;
  • Restorative.

Each type of skin requires a special attitude and special knowledge about proper skin care. Firstly, in order to know how to take care of your skin at home. Secondly, to learn to understand when and in what volumes your skin needs the help of a cosmetologist.

Depending on the client’s age, type and condition of his skin, specialists at the Giovane Youth and Beauty Center select an individual cosmetic care program.

Usually in cosmetology the following care regimens are followed depending on the type of skin:

Care for normal skin

Normal skin type is the ultimate dream. This type of leather does not require special care. But you still need to try to keep her young and healthy. This is clean, elastic skin, without visible pores, without inflammation.

But even she needs care, as with age and weather conditions she can become dry or dehydrated. Care, to a greater extent, consists of preventive measures.

Cleanse the skin morning and evening with cosmetics for normal skin types. Wash your face with cool water and use tonics for your face.

In order for such skin to remain young and healthy for a long time, it is necessary to carry out prevention. Once a month, it is advisable to carry out deep cleaning by a cosmetologist using gommage, superficial peelings and refreshing masks of professional cosmetics, and combine cleansing procedures with facial massage.

Giovane specialists also recommend using a procedure such as the “Oxygen-stimulating program” from the French brand Academie, the procedure reduces the harmful effects of the environment and enhances the natural protection of the skin, stimulates cell respiration and at the same time removes toxins. Add to your daily care the use of active ampoules and serums that will maintain optimal moisture levels in the skin, as well as tone.

Depending on your age, use hardware (for example, LPG facial massage) and injection cosmetology; by the way, you don’t have to go far for a wonderful meso-cocktail; you can use your own blood for this in the PRP-plasmolifting procedure, which effectively enriches the skin with biologically active protein compounds that stimulate processes cell division and tissue restoration, due to this process, skin lifting, elasticity, wrinkle reduction, acne and rosacea treatment occur.

Oily skin care

Oily skin is characterized by excess sebum production and enlarged, clogged pores. It often becomes inflamed and acne appears. Such skin is a real problem for its owners and requires close attention.

But, oily skin will not cause any special problems if you take care of it correctly and regularly! Moreover, with proper care, such skin retains a youthful and fresh appearance much longer than dry skin, since age-related wrinkles appear later.

Effective and gentle care for oily skin requires daily care aimed at proper cleansing and moisturizing, as well as deep and therapeutic cleansing procedures, which are recommended once or twice a week.

It is recommended to choose professional care after consultation with an experienced cosmetologist, who will advise the most effective method based on the individual characteristics of the skin.

This can be mechanical or hardware facial cleansing using Cosmedix medicinal cosmetics, which contain the highest possible content of active substances that have an exclusively therapeutic effect without causing allergic reactions.

Peels are also prescribed, both medium and superficial; they are also selected individually. You can use Jacquet massage in an integrated approach to enhance lymph and blood circulation and Darsonvalization to obtain an anti-inflammatory effect.

Our cosmetologists can offer professional care for oily skin from such well-known brands as Academie (France) and low-molecular cosmetics Forlled (Japan).

Among the hardware methods for treating oily skin, the procedure using the Secret RF device with gold microneedles in the attachment is perfect; after this procedure, the pores are significantly reduced. LDM (local dynamic tissue massage) which gives a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Injections include PRP therapy and cleansing meso-cocktails.

Dry skin care

It is tight, thin, and often inflamed areas appear on it in the form of irritation and peeling. On dry skin, a small network of wrinkles appears early. The neck and areas around the eyes show signs of aging especially quickly.

But if you choose the right care, this process can be significantly slowed down. The firmness, elasticity and microrelief of your skin depend on moisturizing your facial skin. Thinned and brittle, the stratum corneum of the epidermis cannot cope with its protective function, and the skin is exposed to aggressive environmental influences.

Such skin needs thorough cleansing and deep hydration and nutrition. Softening, tonic care products. All kinds of massage techniques combined with intensive care treatments.

For example, such as “Optimal nutrition” for dry, dull, stressed skin. “Optimal hydration” for thin skin prone to flaking, from the French brand Academie, these procedures already include 2 massage sessions, which turns skin care into relief from stress.

A very popular care today from the Japanese brand Forlled “Restoring program for very dry and dehydrated skin” with low molecular weight substances and hyaluronic acid in its composition, all substances of this brand penetrate the dermal layer without damaging the skin.

Of the hardware techniques, “Gas-liquid peeling” is excellent; it will not only cleanse the skin, but also deeply moisturize, protonize, and saturate the skin with oxygen. And LPG facial massage will perfectly stimulate the cells of the dermal layer - fibroblasts (responsible for the youth and beauty of the skin).

After this procedure, you will receive a visible lifting effect, elasticity, fresh and rested appearance of the skin in general. It is recommended to add therapeutic ampoules, nanoserums, low molecular weight serums, masks: alginate, oxygen, cream, etc. to hardware methods to consolidate the effect.

Combination skin care

This is a mixed skin type, when in the T-zone it is oily and enlarged pores are visible, and on the rest of the face it is normal or dry. With proper care, there are usually no problems with such skin, but if the care is chosen incorrectly, then redness and peeling appear. Caring for combination skin combines techniques for caring for two skin types - dry and oily, so it makes sense to visit a professional cosmetologist so as not to harm yourself.

Daily care in the form of cleansing, toning and protection should be supplemented with weekly intensive care using professional cosmetics and hardware techniques. These could be procedures such as, for example, gas-liquid peeling using active ampoules, this immediately kills two birds with one stone - cleansing and moisturizing. Cleansing your face with professional cosmetics will be the right decision.

Add to this the intensive “Oxygen-stimulating program” from Academie, thereby stimulating cellular respiration and improving microcirculation, your skin will be grateful. The best treatments are Cosmedix (USA) and low-molecular cosmetics Forlled (Japan), each ingredient of which works on the skin problem.

They not only cleanse the skin efficiently, normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands, but also perfectly moisturize it, protecting dry areas of the skin from flaking for a long time.

With proper home care and regular professional care, signs of age-related changes on combination skin appear much later than on dry skin!!!

Care for aging skin

To ensure that your skin does not lose its freshness and elasticity over the years, you need to take care of its beauty every day. Then, even in adulthood, you will have a reason to be proud of your reflection in the mirror.

The skin ages simultaneously with the age of the whole body. Outwardly, this is manifested by loss of brightness and dehydration. Metabolism decreases, nutrition deteriorates, the layer of subcutaneous fat becomes thinner, as a result of which the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, and the functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands weaken.

After the age of 45, the sebaceous glands secrete three times less fat than in youth; all layers of the skin become thinner. Wrinkles deepen.

Modern cosmetology offers a huge range of hardware and injection methods for correcting age-related skin changes. These are procedures that require rehabilitation to one degree or another:

  • laser methods of rejuvenation;
  • ultrasonic facelift;
  • radio wave microneedling restoration of facial contours;
  • contour plastic;
  • introduction of hyaluronic acid and liquid collagen into the dermal layers;
  • PRP therapy (introduction of platelet-rich plasma).

Peels, botulinum toxins.

And for those who are not yet ready for such skin rejuvenation, our specialists can offer a huge selection of skin care procedures that do not require a rehabilitation period

The hardware method of rejuvenating and maintaining facial skin in ideal condition is the most popular procedure. Its implementation stimulates and awakens the production of natural collagen in the skin, activates the activity of fibroblasts, while activating the body’s own resources. After the procedure, facial skin becomes elastic, radiant, well-groomed, and its implementation is comfortable and safe.

The peculiarities of the procedure are to do it in courses, because... it stimulates collagen little by little, therefore, the effect will be prolonged. For example, LPG facial massage, IR thermolifting, RF lifting, myostimulation on the modern Futura PRO device.

All these hardware procedures are easily and effectively combined with professional care procedures from well-known cosmetic brands Academie, Exuviance, Forlled, Nano Asia, etc. After such procedures, which bring only pleasure, the skin begins to live a new life, as intensive procedures improve turgor, have a lifting effect, and contribute to the renewal and restoration of the skin.

The high concentration of active ingredients in such procedures is aimed at intensive skin regeneration and prevents the appearance of deep and fine wrinkles. Prevents the destruction of collagen and elastin fibers. As a result, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic, its natural functions are restored and the complexion improves. She looks young, rested, hydrated, protected and radiant without damaging the skin. For those who prefer massage, the Sculptural-Buccal Facial Massage is perfect.

And do not forget that careful attention to your lifestyle is the best help for the appearance of your skin; a nutritious, balanced diet plays a special role in preventing the aging process of the skin. Excessive sun exposure leads to increased dry skin and provokes the appearance of wrinkles, and therefore it is necessary to use special sunscreens. Stress, worries and anxiety, smoking and alcohol also negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Today, when science has been able to understand and explain many processes associated with aging, we can confidently say that competent and timely use of cosmetic care techniques in combination with a healthy lifestyle can, if not stop the process of biological aging of the skin, then at least make it manifestations are less pronounced.

All cosmetic procedures can be performed in our center by highly qualified cosmetologists.

Professional facial skin care will provide you with:

  • correct selection of cosmetic procedures;
  • the use of fresh developments and skin care products that can effectively combat sagging,
  • elimination of existing skin problems;
  • proper and timely deep cleaning and moisturizing;
  • liberation from useless spending on unnecessary cosmetics;
  • maintaining youthful and healthy skin for a long time.

Don’t put off seeking the services of professional cosmetologists. With their help, you can choose only the procedure and cosmetics that suit you. They will provide you with competent advice, select individual care, and advise you on how to care for your skin at home. Be beautiful and healthy!!!

The best face creams

Professional products have a number of advantages along with conventional ones. Therefore, it is better to make a choice in their favor. The cost is not much higher, but the quality is much better. The best universal face creams:

  1. Mizon Black Snail All In One Cream. Multifunctional product with black snail extract. Whitens the face, smoothes the surface of the skin. Restores firmness, elasticity, has a protective effect.
  2. Holy Land Vitalise Overnight Moisturizer Cream. Nourishing cream based on hyaluronic acid, essential oils, vitamins. Saturates the skin with beneficial substances.
  3. Christina Chateau De Beaute Vino Sheen Restoring Cream. Aimed at combating age-related changes. Prevents the appearance of deep wrinkles and inflammation.
  4. La Sultane De Saba Argan Anti-Aging Face Cream. Nourishing product with the addition of argan oil and orange blossom. Copes with dryness in the cold season and in the heat.
  5. La Ric Hand And Face Cream Homme. Universal emulsion for face and hand skin care. Absorbs quickly and provides deep hydration.

Rating of good face creams

Let's look at the best creams depending on skin type and age.

The best drugs for dry skin

  1. Sothys Light Hydra Youth Cream. A product with a light emulsion consistency for daily use. Nourishes and protects the face throughout the day.
  2. Beauty Style Hydro Active 30 H Rich Moisturizing Cream. Intensely moisturizes and saturates with hyaluronic acid. As a result, the skin becomes elastic and restores its protective functions.
  3. Avajar Blue LED Hydrating Cream. A product for deep hydration. Aquaparin in the composition normalizes hydrobalance and prevents moisture evaporation.

The best drugs for oily skin

  1. Dr.Ceuracle 5 Alfa Control Clearing Cream. A product with a gel texture that moisturizes oily and problematic skin. Controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Holy Land Calm Derm Redness Relief. The drug normalizes sebum production and has a mattifying effect. Strengthens protective functions.
  3. A'pieu Mintcho Sebum Free Sponge Cream. Absorbs excess sebum. Has a mattifying effect throughout the day.

The best drugs for sensitive skin

  1. Belnatur Radiance Cream. Evens out tone and provides gentle care. Protects from the influence of negative factors.
  2. Janssen Inspira Absolue Detoxifying Day Cream Regular. Cream with detoxifying effect. Normalizes the natural functions of the epidermis. Soothes, removes toxins and other harmful substances.
  3. Health & Beauty Multi Vitamin Cream SPF-20. A preparation with multivitamins that protects against ultraviolet rays. Restores hydrobalance, saturates with useful substances.

The best drugs for combination skin

  1. GIGI Cosmetic Labs Bioplasma Moist Supreme SPF 20. A universal product for deep hydration and nutrition. Protects from the harmful effects of sunlight. Has an antioxidant, rejuvenating effect.
  2. Holy Land Calm Derm Sebo Relief. The drug restores water balance and improves the condition of the epidermis. Tightens pores, prevents dehydration.
  3. Bioline-JaTo De-Sense Hydro Nourishing Cream Pentapeptide. Contains peptides that have a powerful calming and regenerating effect.

The best products for normal skin

  1. La Biosthetique Botanique Balancing Cream. Maintains natural water balance. Soothes and nourishes the skin. The composition contains microelements. coral algae extract, which stimulates metabolic processes.
  2. Missha Super Aqua Cell Renew Snail Cream Single Unit. Prevents age-related changes, improves complexion. Snail extract in the composition fights redness and fatigue.
  3. Algologie Emollient Cream. Fills in missing elements. Light, delicate texture is quickly absorbed. Suitable for daytime use.

The best products under 25 years old

  1. Eyenlip Salmon Oil Recovery Gel Cream. A preparation based on salmon oil and peptides. Carefully cares for young skin and prevents the appearance of the first signs of aging.
  2. La Biosthetique Douceur Sensitive Hydratante. Contains valuable vegetable oils for complete care at a young age. Normalizes water balance and is gentle on sensitive skin.
  3. GamARde Atopic Creme Reconfort. Gives a feeling of comfort in adverse weather conditions. Contains nutritional elements that inhibit the aging process.

Best products 35+

  1. Lioele Rizette Magic Whitening Cream Plus. Anti-aging product with whitening effect. Eliminates age spots and unhealthy yellowness. Has a slight tightening effect.
  2. Skin&Lab Dr.Vita Clinic A Plus Lifting. Nourishing cream with a lifting effect. Improves regeneration at the cellular level.
  3. Health & Beauty Cream Olive Oil & Honey. A preparation based on olive oil and honey. Softens and moisturizes the skin, strengthens its protective properties. Smoothes out shallow wrinkles.

The best products 45+

  1. D'beaucer Royal De Caviar Capsule Cream. A product with a capsule texture based on black caviar extract. Has a powerful regenerating and tightening effect.
  2. Labiotte Truffle Revital Cream. The drug is enriched with truffle, ivy, black yeast, cocoa extract. Improves metabolism, accelerates regeneration. Has a lifting effect.
  3. Mizon Ultra Repair Wonder Cream. Suitable for skin care during the cold season. Refreshes color and evens out the surface of the skin.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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