Center for Plastic Surgery “SM-Plastic” (multiple central center “Koptevo”)

Dreams of an ideal body can become a reality thanks to the possibilities of plastic surgery. The experience and knowledge of our specialists allow us to perform operations of any level of complexity, using both traditional, time-tested technologies and the most advanced techniques.

In addition to aesthetics, we have the opportunity to deal with reconstructive plastic surgery, as well as eliminating the consequences of previously unsuccessful operations and poor-quality scarring. In addition, our own cosmetology base allows us to offer an alternative solution, especially in the presence of major contraindications to plastic surgery.

All our plastic surgeons are candidates of medical sciences, have a fundamental medical education and have completed one of the best surgical schools - the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

“SM-Cosmetology” is part of the multidisciplinary medical holding “SM-Clinic”, therefore here, in the clinic building on Kosmonavta Volkova Street, 9/2, only initial consultations on plastic surgery are carried out, and the operations themselves are performed in specially equipped surgical centers on Klara Street Tsetkin, 33, bldg. 28 (Voikovskaya metro station) and Yaroslavskaya street, 4, bldg. 2 (VDNKh or Alekseevskaya metro stations).

Main activities

The team of plastic surgeons at our center performs various types of plastic surgery on the body:

  1. Breast surgery. All types of aesthetics and reconstruction of the mammary glands: augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty), reduction (reduction mammoplasty), lift (mastopexy) and lift with implant, restoration of the breast after removal (mastectomy), correction or reconstruction of the nipple-areolar complex, breast lipofilling.
  2. Body plastic surgery. Correction of the shape and volume of various areas, taking into account the individual wishes of the patient: tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, body lifting (torsoplasty), shoulder lift (brachioplasty), thigh lift (femoroplasty), navel correction (umbilicoplasty), buttock plastic surgery (gluteoplasty), augmentation shins (cruroplasty), gynecomastia, lipofilling.
  3. Elimination of soft tissue defects. Reducing the severity of scars and the consequences of skin trauma, giving scars a more aesthetic shape, removing benign neoplasms (lipomas, atheromas, nevi, warts, papillomas, etc.).

The best clinic for otoplasty

Protruding, broken, inexpressive ears greatly spoil the appearance. The best otoplasty clinic of Dr. Alexander Markushin will quickly and effectively eliminate a defect that is congenital or acquired after sports or domestic injuries. Modern possibilities of plastic surgery look like real magic, instantly changing a person’s appearance for the better.

Dr. Alexander Alexandrovich, who has good professional training and extensive practical experience, can easily correct the position and reduce the angle of inclination between the head and the auricle.

In the best otoplasty center, Dr. Markushin performs plastic surgeries of any complexity, brings the shape and configuration of the ear to aesthetically impeccable standards, reconstructs missing tissues, recreating the ears in whole or in part.

Types of otoplasty used in the medical center

Regardless of the problem, the main goal of otoplasty is to effectively and quickly correct the appearance of the ears. Aesthetics always comes first.

Aesthetic otoplasty

This type of otoplasty is aimed at eliminating external imperfections that spoil a person’s appearance. A plastic surgeon transforms protruding, large, small, asymmetrical ears in one session. During the examination, the specialist records how much the real appearance differs from the generally accepted norm.

Criteria to be used when prescribing otoplasty:
  • the lowest points of the earlobes are not at the same level as the tip of the nose;
  • the top points of the ears and the outer corners of the eyes will not be connected by one horizontal line;
  • the length of the earlobe is significantly more or less than 2 cm;
  • the angle between the skull and the plane of the auricle is more than 30 degrees;
  • The conchomastoid angle is significantly greater than 90 degrees.

Alexander Alexandrovich works with each patient individually, carefully listening to all his wishes.

Alexander Aleksandrovich Markushin, together with the patient, works on a three-dimensional 3D model to select the ideal proportions that correspond to the optimal parameters of the appearance.

Painstaking, delicate work requires not just skill, but jewelry precision.

  • Underdevelopment of the antihelix is ​​corrected.
  • The projection of the ear cartilage decreases.
  • The protrusion of the lobe is removed.
  • The size is adjusted if the ears are excessively large or small.
  • Any type of protruding ears is eliminated.

Dr. Markushin, a specialist at the best otoplasty center, will correct any aesthetic defect in a child or adult. Innovative techniques make it possible to perform operations of any complexity safely, quickly and effectively.

Reconstructive otoplasty

This type of otoplasty provides complete restoration of the ears to patients suffering from any type of injury.

For medical reasons, patients wish to correct the shape of the ear (macrotia, microtia, pathological deformations of the lobes or curls).

Indications for otoplasty

Approximately 80 percent of patients who come to the clinic for otoplasty have aesthetic indications. Women predominate in this group of patients because they are sensitive to their appearance.

Operation is required if:

  • there is a pronounced protruding ear, which makes the person’s appearance unattractive;
  • the huge size of the ears falls outside the generally accepted norms;
  • large lobes make the face asymmetrical;
  • it is necessary to reduce the ears of an elderly person;
  • the presence of scars on the ears that spoil the appearance;
  • complete or partial absence of the ears due to injury or birth defects.

If there are problems with shape, size, symmetry, you need to wait until the ear cartilage is fully formed. This happens at 6-7 years of age. Then, using a minimally invasive technique, the necessary correction can be carried out. It is better to correct aesthetic defects before the child goes to school, since children are more susceptible to psychological trauma at an early age.

Contraindications to otoplasty

Any surgical intervention requires good health of the patient, which will reduce possible risks and deviations to a minimum.

When can a doctor refuse surgery for a patient?

  • in the presence of any oncological diseases, regardless of their location in the body;
  • influenza, ARVI, herpes in the acute stage with high fever;
  • HIV infection, syphilis, hepatitis of any type;
  • any types of diabetes;
  • pronounced mental disorders, accompanied by attacks of aggression;
  • ear diseases in the acute stage;
  • blood diseases affecting clotting;
  • For women, otoplasty cannot be done if their menstrual periods have arrived, during any period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart in remission;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity.

Techniques used in otoplasty

Otoplasty uses several techniques to correct existing defects.

  • Classical otoplasty
  • Laser otoplasty


Modern equipment gives the surgeon a tool that makes it possible to quickly cut tissue throughout its entire depth, while simultaneously cauterizing the capillaries, thus minimizing blood loss. The beam instantly softens the cartilage, allowing any manipulation with it. The cutting line goes smoothly, exactly along the marking lines. Thanks to the instant cauterization of the vessels, rehabilitation is significantly reduced, and complications are unlikely.

  • Radio wave otoplasty

The innovative technique has not yet been studied enough. The cost of the operation is determined by the uniqueness of the equipment and the high level of professional training of the plastic surgeon working according to the new rules. Ideal cuts no larger than a human hair leave virtually no traces, tissue regeneration proceeds without complications in a short period of time.


Children can undergo correction using minimally invasive techniques from the age of 6-7 years, if there are pronounced deviations in the development of the auricles.

There are more than two hundred ways to correct or restore the ears. Each doctor works as his personal experience tells him, adopting the best practices of his colleagues. In mass practice, three main methods are used, named after the names of the developers.

Moreover, each surgeon can make any additions during the operation if he sees that they will benefit the patient.

  • Furnas method

The operation begins with the removal of a small portion of skin along the back of the ear. After this, the cartilage is pulled to the temporal bone and fixed with sutures. Thus, the ear is pressed closer to the skull, which eliminates protruding ears. In its pure form, this technique is rarely used. Most often this is part of a general surgical procedure.

  • Otoplasty according to Mustarde

It is used by specialists to form an antihelix, which is often absent in severe protruding ears. The back surface of the ear cartilage is incised, after which it is excised. The antihelix folds are formed using several sutures on thinned cartilage. A very delicate jewelry operation that requires excellent professional training, extensive experience, and patience. Any mistake leads to the cartilage turning out and the ear losing its symmetry.

  • Otoplasty according to Etenstrom-Stenstrom

The back of the ear is slightly cut. After this, the dorsal surface of the cartilage becomes thinner. Several miniature sutures are made through small holes to form a new configuration of the auricle.

When planning an operation, the plastic surgeon selects in advance the methods he will use to achieve the desired result. However, during work, circumstances may arise that require a radical change in the chosen method of ear correction. Otoplasty is one of the most complex, labor-intensive and responsible plastic surgeries. It is more reminiscent of the work of a jeweler creating a work of art.

Stages of otoplasty

  • Before starting the operation, a consultation is held, and together with the patient, the surgeon selects the future transformation on a 3D model. It demonstrates how the appearance will change after completion of otoplasty and rehabilitation.
  • Then the patient undergoes laboratory and instrumental examination. If necessary, consultations with specialized specialists are held.
  • Having collected an anamnesis, the plastic surgeon sets the time for the operation, having previously given recommendations on how to properly prepare so that there are no complications.
  • For children under 10 years of age, otoplasty is performed under general anesthesia to avoid psychological harm. For adults, some operations can be performed under local anesthesia if minor corrections are required.
  • The surgeon chooses a tool; it can be a regular or laser scalpel. The surgical field is treated with a special solution to disinfect the skin.
  • The adjacent areas are covered with sterile linen. A small incision is made to remove the desired piece of skin.
  • Working with cartilage tissue, the doctor makes incisions, holes are made, and sutures are applied to give the auricle an aesthetically attractive shape.
  • After creating the desired configuration, the cartilage is sutured to another part of the cartilaginous skeleton of the auricle.
  • Having given the ear the desired shape, angle, and size, all incisions are sutured with self-absorbable threads. They will hold the tissue for up to four weeks, after which they will disappear without a trace.
  • After completing the work, the surgeon puts on a fixing bandage, which will be worn for five days.

Possible complications

On a note!!!

The percentage of complications after otoplasty does not exceed 0.5 percent. However, there is some possibility of problems occurring if the patient does not comply with the orders of the attending physician.

  • The appearance of dense, bluish keloid scars. For correction, hydrocarbon injections and silicone patches are used.
  • The appearance of severe swelling or hematomas due to subcutaneous bleeding. The blood clot will need to be removed and the vessel cauterized.
  • Progressive pain syndrome. An examination by the attending physician, loosening of the fixing bandage, and prescription of analgesics will be required.
  • Rejection of implants used in reconstruction. In this case, new plastic surgery will be required.

Sometimes the patient remains dissatisfied with the result after the recovery period. However, this may be a purely subjective opinion if otoplasty is performed exactly according to the chosen technique.

Recovery after ear surgery

It is important to understand that after surgery it will take several weeks for the tissue to return to its normal appearance. The first day there will be unsightly swelling and cyanosis from bruises. It will take several days to fully restore sensitivity after anesthesia.

At the same time, unpleasant sensations appear. On the first day, the doctor prescribes a complex of antibiotics and painkillers to minimize postoperative shock to the body. For a month after plastic surgery, you should refrain from active sports and homework that involves bending your head. The result of a plastic surgeon’s work can be fully assessed after six months, when all the tissues have been restored.

The best clinic for otoplasty, Dr. Alexander Markushin, guarantees excellent results, provides full or partial restoration of the ears, and corrects any congenital or acquired defects.

Photos of the portfolio show what the patient looked like before and after otoplasty.

Many positive reviews on the site confirm the excellent professional level of the doctor.

Advantages of plastic surgery at SM-Cosmetology

The versatility of the SM-Clinic holding allows our patients to guarantee not only high-quality and high-tech performance of the plastic surgery itself, but also a full range of services for preliminary diagnosis and postoperative rehabilitation:

  • operations are carried out in compliance with all requirements stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • surgeons and anesthesiologists have many years of experience performing plastic surgery;
  • operating units are equipped according to all modern requirements;
  • High-tech equipment and modern surgical techniques are used;
  • has its own comfortable hospital;
  • has its own laboratory to conduct the necessary research;
  • a full-fledged cosmetology and physiotherapeutic base allows you to speed up and improve the rehabilitation process after operations.

Make an appointment with plastic surgeons by calling +7 (499) 705-55-65.


Good afternoon everyone. Almost 8 months have passed. I'll leave this here. After my second child, I still decided that I could not live with the breasts that I had after feeding two children, although I fed them for 4 months each, my breasts changed noticeably. They were always beautiful and curvy, size 3.5, after 1 child, she was slightly changed, i.e. everything remained quite acceptable, but after my daughter. In general, for 8 years I waited for this impressive “YES” within myself, when everyone around me told me not to, everything is fine with you, why take risks, etc. Only girls who have always had breasts will understand me. And in the fall of 2022, I began searching for “my” doctor. I heard a lot of recommendations from friends, 3 friends had already done it at the same doctor’s recommendation, another friend had it done at a well-known clinic in the center, but it seemed like there weren’t enough recommendations for me. Initially, I was determined that it would be a non-Russian doctor; they are the ones I give my preference in medicine. My husband and I were driving in the car and I saw an advertisement for SM Clinic on a billboard. I go to the site. Doctors, plastic surgery, breasts, WOW!!! Really, yes, yes, yes!!! I like her work, reviews, I like her. I found her Eka Yurievna - a gorgeous and smiling brunette, looking at me from the photograph. I made an appointment with her the second time, I got to see her in October! I walked into the office and then I realized that this was fate... The photograph did not distort my impression at all. Chic, beautiful, calm, balanced, with a core inside, kind, sympathetic, energetic - she completely dispelled all my doubts. I left to collect documents, tests, thoughts together and think that very soon I will have not a 2nd hanging one, but a 4th and standing one. TITS, BREASTS, NEW LIFE! The operation was scheduled for February 9 because it was convenient for me, but it definitely had to be before the new summer! And this is the day. My husband brought me, left me for a day (room, linen, 3 meals a day all inclusive) - I was shaking all over, I was worried, the tests were normal. They took me into the room and here’s a bonus: I’m in a separate room, I’m alone with a beautiful view of the park. I haven’t eaten or drank anything since 6 am, the operation is at 2 pm I changed into “chic, shapeless clothes, convenient for the operation - this is a set of disposable underwear. And now I’m already on the operating table, lights, doctors, mask - 4 hours of sleep, like 5 minutes, I woke up in the ward, in a corset, and what? And of course my new beautiful BREASTS!!! After lying down for a while, I realized that I could get up. The first thing I did was phone and my conversations began, the doctors came in and asked how I was feeling, but I wanted to tell the whole world how happy I was. And yes, I really wanted to eat, of course everything was arranged hot. My first night was, to put it mildly, terrible. Sleeping on your back out of habit is hell. But you get used to it after 3 days! My husband came to pick me up the next day. Eka Yuryevna gave a number of recommendations on the treatment of seams, on removing the corset, on the sleeping position, on the load, and we went home happy. Every day dressings and washing stitches, every night - sleeping on my back, bruises, swelling - we survived everything, my husband is my support - he helped me in everything unquestioningly. At the same time, I constantly came to see my doctor for dressings, I saw this charming smile and calmness with confidence, in the look of my doctor, who told me that everything would be fine. In turn, I would like to note that after visiting Eka Yuryevna, I infected my friend with my zeal, who also had her breasts done by our doctor in the winter. Girls, don’t be afraid, go towards your goal, this is a new life, confidence, the looks of men that raise our self-esteem. Eka Yuryevna You are a DOCTOR with a capital D. May God grant you responsive and grateful clients, growth and good luck. Thank you very much for making the right choice.

SMAS lifting, Moscow

SMAS facelift in Moscow with Dr. Kudinova is the world level of plastic surgery and the best price-quality ratio.

All photos

The result of the SMAS lifting operation (SMAS face and neck lift) by plastic surgeon E.S. Kudinova in the Before and After photo.

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