A delicate question: the most effective tips for caring for the décolleté area

This delicate area is always the center of attention. Let's look at the most effective ways to prevent wrinkles and creases in this area and tell you how to care for the décolleté area.

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We pay a lot of attention to facial care: we make masks, undergo miraculous procedures in salons, buy expensive cosmetics. But we don’t always take care of our necks. And we completely forget about the delicate skin of the décolleté. And in vain: it’s not for nothing that this zone is called a woman’s second face.

We’ll talk about how to care for the skin of your neck another time. Today we’ll look at several ways to prevent and smooth out wrinkles in the décolleté area.

"Beauty injections"

How to care for the décolleté area.
Photo: @perfecthilo Why does the skin of the décolleté age? Dr. Bashar Bizra, founder of the Beyond Med Center aesthetic and plastic surgery clinic in Kensington, London, answers this question in an interview with DailyMail:

“It's all about the production of collagen and elastin, which are the scaffolding of your skin, giving it shine and radiance. The bad news is that as we age, we produce less and less of these substances. Their production is also negatively affected by external factors, such as exposure to the sun, smoking or stress.”

Hyaluronic acid injections, which we treat the face with, are also effective in this area. Dr. Bizra advises using a course of “beauty injections” after a summer vacation, when the skin of the décolleté is fairly dried out by sea water and prolonged exposure to the sun. But not everyone likes (or can afford) such products. It doesn’t matter - the specialist shares other tips with us.

Masks with kelp for the décolleté area. The benefits of masks with kelp

Kelp or brown algae are often included in cosmetics. They deserve such love thanks to the unique composition of vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Among this list are vitamins of groups A, B and E, as well as organic iodine. It is not necessary to sign up for a beauty salon to experience the healing properties of kelp. You can make a seaweed mask at home. To do this, you should buy powder from dry kelp leaves at your nearest pharmacy, or grind the leaves yourself.

Basic recipe

  • 1 tablespoon seaweed
  • half a glass of non-hot water (room temperature is fine)
  • leave for 1-2 hours until the mixture swells

You can use the mask already in this form. To enhance the effect, you can diversify the composition of the mask with the following components:

  • honey
  • yolk
  • glycerol
  • olive, sea buckthorn

You can combine them and try different combinations. All ingredients will have a positive effect on dry décolleté skin. Laminaria masks will eliminate the first signs of skin aging, give it elasticity, and increase the protective functions of thin skin in the neck and chest area.

IMPORTANT: You should not make algae masks during pregnancy and lactation, as well as if you are individually sensitive to iodine.

Silicone patches

Wrinkles in the décolleté area form not only with age, but after a sharp weight loss, and also as a result of a harmful sleeping position: on the side. Especially in order to smooth the skin and fix it in the correct position, silicone patches for the neck and décolleté have appeared on sale. In addition, when silicone is applied to the skin, it creates an ideal moist environment. It is useful to sleep with such patches. No creases form overnight, and the skin receives additional hydration.

Firming masks and nourishing creams - what to choose at 40 years old

Lemon mask. Perfectly moisturizes the décolleté area. We will need: half a lemon, one chicken egg, a teaspoon of vodka and 100 grams of sour cream. Mix the egg and sour cream, add the juice of half a lemon and vodka. We wipe the neck and décolleté area with the resulting mixture every day, rinse off after 15 minutes with warm water, rinse with cold water, and store the mask in the refrigerator.

Oil mixture . For preparation you will need a mixture of various oils. Take your favorites: castor, olive, coconut, jojoba and rosewood oils. Apply the mask to the neck and décolleté at night. Does not require rinsing.

Fruit mask for the décolleté area. Take one ripe banana and grind it into puree (it’s convenient to do this with a fork), add two tablespoons of milk. Apply the resulting mass to problem areas for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with water. Apply nourishing cream.

Yeast mask . We will need: one tablespoon of yeast (baker's), two tablespoons of milk, one tablespoon of honey and olive oil. Heat the milk and pour in the yeast, add honey. Leave the composition for 20-30 minutes in a warm place for fermentation. Then add olive oil, mix thoroughly and apply to the neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes. As soon as the mask dries, carefully rinse with water.

Pumpkin mask . Pumpkin is a vegetable rich in vitamins that can restore the tone of thinned skin. We will need: half a glass of fresh pumpkin puree and 1 tablespoon of starch. It is highly recommended to make the puree yourself: boil or bake the pumpkin, and then grind it in a blender. Add starch to the pumpkin puree and mix gently. Apply the mask to problem areas for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Coffee mask-scrub . Perfectly smoothes and cleanses the skin. We will need: one tablespoon of coffee grounds and full-fat sour cream. Mix all the ingredients and apply a thick layer to the area of ​​special attention. Keep the mask on for 35-40 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water using massaging movements. No additional moisturizing is required. Read the best scrubs here...

Gelatin mask . Gelatin is a natural source of collagen, which is so necessary for aging skin. We will need: one tablespoon of gelatin and full-fat sour cream, half a glass of milk. Dissolve the gelatin in cold milk and leave to swell according to the instructions (usually this takes 40-60 minutes). Add sour cream to the resulting jelly and apply it to the neck and décolleté with a spatula. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes. We wash off the composition using a wet cloth, which must be applied to the face and left for 3-4 minutes so that the mask softens. how to properly dilute gelatin and the best masks here...

Night bras

Sleeping in a bra is strictly not recommended. But only if we are talking about a regular bust with underwire (and even more so with a push-up). However, some manufacturers have special sleep bras that, in a sense, also take care of the décolleté area. These models carefully “separate” the breasts, preventing the skin of the neckline from gathering into folds. And the soft fixation prevents sprains and sagging of the bust.

What can cause aging in this area?

  • Age. With age, all processes in the body slow down - metabolism, collagen production, elastin synthesis and many others. All this negatively affects the general condition and color of the skin, but the most sensitive and unprotected areas are the first to be hit.
  • Load. The neck is a fairly mobile part of the body. After all, we constantly turn our heads in different directions, nod, tilt it, and make various movements. The neck muscles are rarely at rest, which is why the skin begins to lose elasticity and stretch.
  • Loss of tone. It is impossible to imagine modern life without gadgets. At the same time, it has been repeatedly proven what a destructive effect their uncontrolled use has on the body. In particular, due to constant use of a smartphone and being in one position behind a computer screen, the cervical spine is overstrained. In addition to affecting the joints and causing pain, this affects the appearance of wrinkles, which are subsequently quite difficult to get rid of.
  • Favorite position. We all love to sit or stand in one favorite position. Meanwhile, it, like the constant use of gadgets, can lead to the appearance of wrinkles in those parts of the body where creases constantly appear.

Sunscreen and care products

If you like to walk around in the sun in a low-cut top, be prepared to constantly use SPF cream. Without it, full care of the décolleté area is impossible. Otherwise, something irreparable may happen. Ultraviolet radiation leads to the formation of harmful free radicals. And they not only impair the elasticity of the skin, but (what is much worse) contribute to cancer diseases such as melanoma.

More on the topic

10 Amazing Facts About Skin You Never Knew

Apply sunscreen to your face, neck, décolleté and all exposed skin at least 15 minutes before leaving home. And in the evening, use a serum or cream containing retinol. Reninol, also known as vitamin A, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, thereby preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

How to keep your neck skin youthful: 12 simple rules

While caring for their face every day, women often forget about proper care of the skin of their neck and décolleté. These are those areas of the body by which it is easy to determine a woman’s age and faces that age much earlier. After all, the thin sensitive skin of the neck does not have a good fat layer for protection, so it stretches and loses moisture. Stretch marks or the so-called “rings of Venus” appear on the neck of those who like to read lying down, spend a lot of time sitting at the computer, sleep on a pillow that is too high, and for some they are inherited. A double chin appears due to poor posture. One way or another, every woman can prevent the appearance of wrinkles on her neck or delay their appearance for many years. Care should begin at the age of 23; at 45, serious changes occur that require special attention.

How to keep your neck youthful? The care program is very simple and consists of 12 points.

#1 Daily cleansing and toning

In your daily morning hygiene procedures, do not forget to include rinsing the neck and chest area with cold water; by the way, the back of the neck also requires cleansing. After this, wipe the indicated areas with a cotton pad soaked in cosmetic milk. The next step is toning with alcohol-free lotion. And don't forget about exfoliating twice or thrice a week. Peeling or gommage are those means that guarantee moisturizing access to the deep layers of the dermis.

#2 Keep your neck hydrated and protected

After moisturizing and cleansing, apply cream to damp skin. In the morning – moisturizer with SPF 30 or higher, retinol, vegetable oils, vitamins E and A. Because ultraviolet rays can quickly destroy your own collagen and accelerate photoaging.

In the evening, nourish your neck using a liquid emulsion/gel cream. When applying the product, use circular movements from the collarbones to the chin.

#3 Do light gymnastic exercises even at work

  • Every thirty minutes, while sitting at the computer, throw your head back a couple of seconds;
  • Every hour, perform five circular movements with your head in different directions;
  • In the morning, be sure to stretch your neck muscles;
  • “Place” your chin on your chest and tilt your head toward your left and right shoulders alternately:
  • Freeze for ten seconds with your chin forward and bring it back - repeat twenty times.

#4 Smoothing and pinching - how to prevent wrinkles

Spend at least three minutes smoothing your neck skin twice a week. The main thing is to do it correctly. Do not stretch the skin, but act only on areas where folds may appear. Before you start smoothing, moisturize your skin well, for example with cosmetic oil. Even at home while watching a movie, you can perform these simple movements. Pinching should be done on dry skin with both hands from the middle of the fold to the edges. Knead the folds, grasping them with slightly pressing pinches. Movements should be small, short and jerky from the bottom of the neck to the contour of the face. You will feel a pleasant sensation and your skin will turn slightly red.

#5 Use a contrast rinse

Rinse your neck and face with either cold or warm water to improve blood circulation. Cold water can be replaced with pieces of ice from decoctions of medicinal herbs.

#6 In winter – oil (nourishing) compresses, in summer – moisturizing

In winter, woolen items dry out and degrease the skin of the neck, so it should be nourished with special compresses. For example, 2 tbsp. Heat jojoba/sesame/almond oil in a water bath and apply to the surface of the neck, apply a layer of cotton wool or a warm towel on top, leaving for thirty minutes.

In the summer, prepare this compress: pour cold water with ice into one bath, and moderately hot water into the second. Soak the towel in cold water, apply it to your neck for half a minute, then do the same, only in hot water. Such alternations should be repeated at least ten times. At the final stage, after a cold compress, apply a moisturizer with a lifting effect. Dr.G Actifirm Real Lifting Neck Cream is ideal for this, containing a stem cell activator, an elastic component, argireline and natural ingredients that stimulate the interpenetration of intercellular substances, prevent rapid muscle contraction, blocking the nerve impulse, which dramatically reduces the number of wrinkles.

#7 Sleep on your back

This pose does not strain weak neck muscles, so you will have the best rest and will always look beautiful after sleep. Sleeping on your back is also good for your spine. For comfort, place a bolster pillow under your knees. The position of sleeping on your stomach does not allow you to relax at all, it pinches your face, strains your neck muscles, as a result of which you will have a rumpled appearance. Sleeping on your side deforms the skin on one side; after 35 years, wrinkles will be especially noticeable, and it will become much harder to fight them.

#8 Avoid the high pillow

Favorite large pillow is one of the reasons for premature aging of the neck skin. Of course, the position is comfortable for you, but your neck will begin to age ahead of time. Choose a thin orthopedic pillow that molds to the shape of your head to keep your neck looking youthful. Take an even position; sometimes you can abandon the pillow altogether. After a week, your body will get used to this position and it will become comfortable for you.

#9 Nutrition and care with masks

The minimum you can do is apply your usual skincare cream to both the neck and décolleté areas. For example, an anti-aging cream with snail mucin is perfect, it effectively smoothes out existing wrinkles and also prevents the formation of new ones thanks to its mucin-rich composition (92%).

You can postpone going to the cosmetologist and not resort to injection therapy when using anti-aging snake cream from Mizon. It contains the amazing tripeptide SYN-AKE, which is a safe, cheaper and milder replacement for Botox. It recreates the effect of the Temple Viper venom peptide, reducing the activity of muscle contractions, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and reducing old ones.

When you're in a hurry to a meeting and want to look perfect, don't be lazy to spend fifteen minutes applying fast-acting hydrogel patches Petitfee "Hydrogel Angel Wings" Gold Neck Pack. The secret of such products lies in the hydrogel, which fits more tightly to the neck and delivers active substances to the skin of the neck faster, compared to fabric masks. An interesting design in the shape of angel wings fits perfectly on the neck and does not move. And the extract of gold, honey and aloe, mucin, collagen, avocado oil will nourish the skin - the neck will look like after a professional spa procedure.

#10 Keep your head up, shoulders down, chest forward - your neck will be elastic

With ideal posture, the skin straightens, folds and wrinkles on the neck are smoothed out. Sign up for swimming or ballet classes - this is a workout primarily for your neck.

#11 You should say a firm “no” to wrinkles

Wrinkles on your face can be hidden with good makeup, but your neck will be the first to reveal your age. It is better to think about quality anti-aging care as early as possible. You can use the usual European multi-functional products, the purpose of which is to reduce the number of products used. There will definitely be fewer tubes in your cosmetic bag, and there will be fewer different jars of products on your table. However, we have a lot to learn from Korean beauties with porcelain perfect skin. After all, they know that relying on universal products means denying themselves pleasant, natural and effective care, which includes products for solving specific problems. There are many products from famous Korean brands that are aimed at providing quality neck care. By choosing a product such as The Skin House Ap-II Professional Ex Restore Neck Cream, you are guaranteed confidence in the naturalness of the ingredients and their effectiveness. Acai berries and a variety of acids in camu camu fruits prevent aging of neck cells, smooth out wrinkles and folds on it, and strengthen the connection between collagen fibers.

And from the “circles of Venus”, which most often appear with age, Petitfee Gold Intensive Neck Cream with a special formula NXNE-2011, which dampens muscle activity, adenosine, colloidal gold, which increase the elasticity of the neck surface, improve skeletal connections, stimulate the production of elastin, will help and collagen by the body.

#12 Beautiful scarves and tunics are both stylish and good for your neck

You should not constantly show your neck to others in the heat, because first of all you are exposing the sensitive skin of your neck and upper chest to the rays of the sun, which will not spare it. Yielding to fashion trends, women forget about the dangers of UV exposure. The price will be rapid fading of the neck surface and premature rapid aging of the décolleté area. Watch instructional videos, choose for yourself several suitable ways to tie a scarf beautifully and, finally, do it. You'll look chic while protecting your neck from the sun. Wear tunics made from natural fabrics that cover the décolleté area from scorching rays. None of this is difficult, you just have to start.

Let neck care become mandatory and enjoyable for you!


Dermarolling (or mesorolling) is a cosmetic procedure that is performed using a roller with thin needles. The roller causes many microtraumas to the skin, which renews the dermal matrix and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston rave about this procedure.

Mesoscooters for home use are now on sale. Cosmetologists do not recommend undergoing this procedure on your own, as there is a risk of infection and long-term scarring. But if you are sure that you will strictly follow all the rules - from disinfection of the roller to execution technique - you can try. On the décolleté, mesotherapy will have the same effect of “rejuvenating apples” as on the face: it will make the skin elastic, eliminate wrinkles and have a peeling effect.

Anti-wrinkle oils: neck and décolleté

Oils: basic and essential provide an excellent effect in care.

Important: Before use, you need to do a test to check for an allergic reaction - apply a little product to the skin of the elbow on the bend. Wait 15 minutes. and see if there are skin reactions in the form of redness, itching, and so on. If there is a reaction, do not use the oil!

For ½ tsp. base oil, add 1 drop of essential oil and apply with massage movements from bottom to top. Movements should be gentle, not stretching the skin, from the décolleté area up the neck. Remove excess with a dry cloth.

As base oils, you can use apricot kernel oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil, coconut oil, and almond oil.

Of the essential ones, the following are excellent:

  • Carrot seed oil – smoothes wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin.
  • Lemon – regenerates and restores cells, removes toxins.
  • Using sage oil, you can strengthen the skin and tighten it.

"Vampire Therapy"

This is what the West calls plasmolifting procedures, or PRP, injections of one’s own blood. More and more women in European and American clinics are choosing this method of skin rejuvenation - not only of the face, but also of the neck, décolleté and hands. It is even used against hair loss on the scalp.

Briefly, plasmolifting of the neckline looks like this: blood is taken from your vein (the same as in the treatment room of the clinic) and a test tube with it is placed in a centrifuge. There, platelets, which are the main value in this procedure, are separated from red blood cells. Platelet-rich plasma is injected into the skin of a selected area of ​​the body. As a result, sagging disappears, the décolleté looks 5 years younger, fine wrinkles and “Venus rings” on the neck disappear. This, of course, is a strange way to care for the décolleté area, but, as experts say, it is very effective.

Prevention of skin aging

  1. Firstly, you should forever get rid of habits that are harmful to preserving youth and beauty. For example, in order for the décolleté area to retain its youthful appearance for a long time, we stop sleeping on our sides and ignore high pillows. Otherwise, noticeable folds will form on the neck.
  2. Next, we develop a slender posture. Not only does a woman look much more impressive this way, but from the habit of slouching, this area loses tone, becomes flabby and wrinkled. You need to keep your head straight, your shoulders should be straightened. The neck should be slightly extended while walking and the chin raised. By the way, professional photographers pay attention to this circumstance during the shooting process, often lifting the client’s chin with their hand.

Ice cubes

How to care for the décolleté area.
Photo: pixabay.com This recipe is familiar to every fan of natural cosmetics and homemade face masks. The product costs a penny, but your skin will definitely thank you. Make ice from plain or mineral water, green tea or chamomile infusion. And wipe the skin of your neck, décolleté and bust with it every morning. This is not a very pleasant procedure, but if done regularly it will provide you with elasticity and tone of the skin.

How to care for your neck and décolleté

In order to reduce signs of aging, remove wrinkles, and increase elasticity, systematic proper care is necessary. It includes daily cleansing, toning, nutrition, and muscle exercises. Read how to do these exercises here.

You can prepare anti-aging products yourself at home. The advantages of such products over store-bought ones are obvious: they do not contain preservatives, are budget-friendly, and are prepared from natural ingredients. These products include masks, peeling, wraps, compresses, creams and tonics.


How to care for the décolleté area.
Photo: pixabay.com Any creams, serums and masks will be useless, no matter how much they cost, if there is not enough hydration “from the inside”. Doctors recommend drinking about 8 glasses of water daily. This is beneficial not only for the skin, but also for the body as a whole.

If the air in your apartment is hot and dry (a common situation during the heating season), invest in an air humidifier. Otherwise, there is a high risk that you will have to wake up with a dull complexion, peeling and new wrinkles.

Olga Volkova

chest neckline skin care

Problem areas - peeling at home

Peeling is done to remove dead skin particles and renew it. You need to do it once every 3-4 days. Apply peeling like a massage, along massage lines, do it slowly. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm chamomile decoction.

  • 1 tsp. Mix sea salt with 3 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  • Oatmeal 1 tbsp. l., 2 tbsp. l. cream, 1 tsp. almond oil and beaten egg white.
  • Grate the apple and mix with 1 tsp. granulated sugar.
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp. l. and coconut flakes 1 tbsp. l.

How to remove sagging skin on the stomach after losing weight

Depending on the number of kilograms lost, correction methods will differ. For small excess skin, we recommend the Ultraformer ultrasonic skin lifting procedure. It produces focused ultrasonic waves and, due to targeted heating of certain layers of the skin to 60–70 degrees, stimulates the production of new collagen fibers and active skin regeneration. As a result, we see a long-term effect of skin reduction and tightening, which is formed gradually over two months.

If tens of kilograms have been lost as a result of weight loss, then our clinic performs abdominoplasty - a plastic surgery aimed at excision of excess skin and restoration of the aesthetic proportions of the abdomen.

How to take baths correctly to maintain a beautiful décolleté area?

As mentioned above, to prevent skin aging, increase its tone, and strengthen blood vessels, it is recommended to practice a contrast shower.

If you like to soak in the bath, there are a few tips for keeping your décolleté looking great:

  • Do not lie in too hot water (no higher than 37 degrees)
  • To soften hard water, add a little sea salt
  • rinse the bath foam off your body well
  • be sure to moisturize your skin after a bath
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