How to get rid of bags under the eyes: causes of their appearance and treatment

Malar fats are located in the infraorbital and zygomatic areas. They arise as a result of degenerative changes in the tissues of the periorbital zone and the middle third of the face and create a cosmetic defect that requires correction. The most pronounced result in removing lip fat can be achieved during surgery - the look becomes more open, wrinkles, swelling and bruises under the eyes disappear, which gave the face a tired, haggard look, “adding” years.


The main reasons that contribute to the appearance of paint oils include the following:

  • age-related (gravitational) ptosis of soft tissues (including fatty tissues);
  • eye diseases affecting the condition of the facial skin;
  • stagnation (fluid stagnation leads to the formation of persistent edema);
  • constant lack of sleep and chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • alcohol abuse.

In some cases, malar fat, which made itself felt in childhood or adolescence, is a manifestation of a genetic predisposition.

Cosmetological methods for removing sufs

  • ultrasound therapy – if the paint bags are very pronounced, to achieve a noticeable result it is necessary to carry out a course of 4 – 6 procedures;
  • radio wave procedures - radio frequency exposure does not completely eliminate fatty bags - their base is located quite deep under the skin, so this method is not suitable for everyone;
  • Contour plastic surgery is the most common cosmetic method of camouflaging “painters” using fillers.

Thus, cosmetic methods can make the problem less noticeable. To eliminate paint bags completely, you need to seek help from a plastic surgeon. There are 2 main methods of surgical removal of sufas.

About the operation

To be allowed to undergo surgery, you must obtain a report from our anesthesiologist. In addition, you need to undergo an examination and take blood tests (biochemical, general, Rh factor, group, coagulability, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis and other sexually transmitted diseases) and urine. Electrocardiography is mandatory (to monitor the work of the heart and prevent complications associated with pain relief), ultrasound examination of the lower extremities, and X-rays or fluorography are also performed. Additionally, you may need to consult a therapist and other specialists.

Removal of malar fat can be carried out as an independent operation or as a stage of circumferential blepharoplasty. In the latter case, the surgeon additionally removes ptosis of the upper and hernia in the lower eyelids, making the look more open. The incision is made in the natural fold of the eyelid (the scars become completely invisible over time) or in a transconjunctival manner (on the conjunctiva of the eye).

Sergei Nikolaevich Blokhin

comments on the features of using the technique

Malar lipolysis can also be performed during endoscopic lifting of the middle third of the face, which involves lifting the cheek-zygomatic areas, eliminating the nasolacrimal groove and correcting the jowls.

Results of work

All works

Painting bags on the cheekbones or sufas on the face.

Paint bags on the cheekbones or sufas on the face - noticeable swelling in the cheekbone area.

Few people have managed to escape age and genetics. Despite regular, high-quality facial care, age-related changes make themselves felt, as do the anatomical features inherent from birth.

Paint bags or sufas can appear even at a young age, but are usually clearly visible on the face from the age of 30-40.

First of all, the appearance of a zygomatic sac is a pathology. Malar edema typically appears as double circles under the eyes, which give the face a tired appearance.

reasons for this , here are the most common ones:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • disordered lifestyle;
  • kidney and cardiovascular diseases;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • eating a lot of salt;
  • drinking plenty of fluids before bed;
  • consumption of fatty, smoked, over-salted foods;
  • age-related hormonal changes;
  • lack of sleep;
  • decreased immunity and infectious diseases;
  • hypochondria and depression;
  • allergic diseases;
  • inflammation in the maxillary sinuses, throat, nasopharynx;
  • in children under 2 years of age, sufas may appear during teething or viral infections;

In women, swelling may occur before critical days; also, as a result of age-related changes, the zygomatic tissue droops from the adipose tissue - lip bags . Sometimes the appearance of bags under the eyes is temporary, only during illness or lifestyle changes. Swelling of the eyelids and skin around the eyes often occurs in people who sit in front of a computer monitor for a long time.

How to get rid of suf on your face?

A guaranteed method of getting rid of paint bags is plastic surgery .

Current methods of surgical intervention performed in the patient’s eye area and cheekbones:

blepharoplasty on the lower eyelid. Occurs under local anesthesia, the surgeon removes excess skin and fatty tissue.

Within 3–4 weeks after surgery, the face is completely restored;

check-lifting with endotins . This is one of the most effective facelift technologies. Modeling of the cheekbones is carried out by moving tissues and fixing them in the desired position using special microplates made of biodegradable materials.

Cosmetology procedures:

  • Contour plastic surgery is the application of fillers of a certain density, made on the basis of hyaluronic acid, into the nasolacrimal groove. This is a fold of skin that runs from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner, then down.
  • Lipofilling - the patient’s fat, cleared of impurities, is injected into problem areas and removed from his abdomen or thighs. As a result, cheekbones are raised and bags under the eyes become less noticeable.
  • Softlifting is a new 3D injection procedure. Injection of dense hyaluronic acid filler to a precisely defined depth, depending on the structure of the patient’s face.
  • Liposuction – fat deposits in the cheekbone area are reduced, swelling under the eyes is reduced, and fluid accumulation is reduced.
  • Liporeduction is a low-traumatic procedure aimed at removing excess fat tissue in small volumes in the area of ​​the cheeks, jowls and chin. Injection lipolytic mesotherapy restores microcirculation in tissues, promotes the removal of toxins and effectively combats local deposition of subcutaneous fat. Liporeduction of the jowls and chin can be accompanied by the installation of lifting threads.
  • Lymphatic drainage – using microcurrent therapy, it stimulates the removal of fluid from the paint bags that causes swelling.
  • Radio wave lifting is a high-frequency effect on the suf area. The effect is divided into ablative and non-ablative forms. The procedure is suitable for removing pronounced sores and small swellings.
  • "Diprospan" - this drug must be injected exactly into the fatty sac to avoid tissue atrophy. The procedure is performed only by an experienced cosmetologist or surgeon.
  • Mesothreads - Introducing polydiaxanone threads under the skin can slightly correct the situation. But this procedure will not give a pronounced effect. It is usually used for preventive purposes to prevent the process from getting worse.
  • Lipolitics is a method of non-surgical liposuction.

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After surgical removal of painter's fat, you are allowed to leave the clinic on the second day. The patient spends the first day in a comfortable room in our hospital, where 24-hour monitoring of his health is provided.

The intensity of the pain syndrome is determined by the type and volume of the intervention performed. If the pain is too severe, it can be relieved with analgesics (the operating surgeon will tell you which ones). Swelling and bruising will regress on their own as the tissue heals. The attending physician will also inform you about the number and necessity of dressings, the day of suture removal and other important points.

Radiomagnetic therapy

For us, this is Venus Freeze; for the purity of the experiment, we used single procedures.

  • Pros: beautiful, safe
  • Cons: at least 3 procedures, the effect lasts up to six months


The selection of patients for removal of painter's fat occurs at the preparation stage, taking into account examination data. Absolute contraindications will be blood diseases associated with impaired coagulation processes, serious pathologies of the heart and vascular system, kidneys, and respiratory system. The operation is also not performed on pregnant and lactating women, patients with severe nervous diseases and mental disorders, or recurrent infectious lesions in the intervention area. Age restrictions: 18+.

Ablative Fractional Radiofrequency

In our clinic it is Venus Viva.

  • Pros: It works. Ablation helps us achieve the desired results.
  • Cons: The patient must be prepared for the rehabilitation period. From 5 to 7 days. You can carry out the procedure without complicated rehabilitation, but if you want results, you will have to endure it for a couple of days.

Contour plastic of the middle third

This is the perfect camouflage. For example, my mother, a doctor of science and head of the department, always chooses camouflage with hyaluronic acid over and over again. Why? You should always be socially active. The doctor of our clinic, Anna Aleksandrovna Dyukhova, for the purity of the experiment, provided the results of her work, where there is no other correction except for the middle third, and masking of malar edema (festoons) was done.

We are fighting to ensure that photographs of patients are taken not immediately after the procedure, when there is injection swelling, but after a couple of weeks. In these photographs this principle is preserved.

  • Pros: Beautiful. General rejuvenating effect.
  • Cons: Valid for 6-8 months. If the filler and injection layer are chosen incorrectly, it can aggravate the malar edema.
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