Electrolysis and the results of this cosmetic procedure

In modern cosmetology, so many effective and varied tactics have appeared to combat unwanted hair on the face and body that the desire to use the electrolysis service seems something mysterious and comical. But one cannot help but admit that conservative patients are still “hunting” for it, ignoring doctors’ advice to try alternative types of professional and high-quality hair removal.

“I swear I will endure the pain from the electrodes! I promise to bravely not bother the cosmetologist for the entire 2-3 hours while the procedure is going on!” — this is approximately the oath patients take when agreeing to undergo electrolysis. Yes, we understand that the most reliable remedy is a proven remedy. If you epilate your hair with electricity, you have many questions about other types. So let's find the answers to them.

According to official statistics, persistent side effects after electrolysis are observed in 45% of cases. First of all, this concerns microscars and age spots in the affected area.

Electrolysis is one of the oldest hair removal methods, used since the 40s of the last century. It is quite harmful in terms of delayed consequences.

The principle of the effect of electrolysis on skin and hair

At its core, hair removal using AC devices is a cosmetic procedure aimed at effectively removing unwanted hair. Many modern women note that this procedure is one of the most effective of its kind, however, at the same time, it is also the most painful (when compared with photoepilation and other hardware methods of hair removal).

The procedure itself is as follows: a specialist, using an electroepilation device, inserts a very thin electrode in the form of a needle under the skin and, placing it at the root of the hair, delivers an electric discharge to it. When the electric current reaches the hair follicle, it damages not only it, but also the soft subcutaneous tissue adjacent to it, which is responsible for stimulating hair growth. These tissues, as a rule, contain the smallest nerve endings and capillaries that nourish the hair.

All this leads to a decrease or negation of the viability of the follicle. Accordingly, if you carry out such a cosmetic procedure regularly, you can finally get rid of unwanted hairs on any part of the body.

Proper skin care

One of the reasons for the worsening of the skin healing process is improper care. Remember simple rules:

  1. Wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics that will not come into contact with the epilation site.
  2. Try to ensure minimal contact of the skin with dirt.
  3. The first day, or better yet three, avoid hot baths and saunas. It's worth giving up the gym.
  4. Any cosmetics or perfume should not come into contact with the skin during the first day.
  5. For two weeks, avoid exposing your skin to direct sunlight, ultraviolet radiation, self-tanning, or anything that can affect skin pigment.

Do not use creams or lotions. Replace them with olive oil and aloe juice. Do this regularly. Three days is the optimal period for the appearance of red spots or swelling . Afterwards, you will only be left with dots, which should also go away safely if you continue to take care of your skin. This period will take from 7 to 14 days.

What do leading cosmetologists and patients think about electrolysis?

On this issue, the opinions of patients and professional cosmetologists agree that such an effect on hair is one of the most effective in modern practice. In some cases, only through electric hair removal can you completely remove annoying hairs on the body and face.

However, some patients also experience negative consequences of the procedures performed, which most often worsens the aesthetic condition of the areas treated with electric current.

In this regard, it would be logical to consider separately the advantages and disadvantages of this method in order to understand whether it is really suitable for you or your patient.

Causes of increased facial hair

Causes of excess facial hair include:

  • endocrine system disruption;
  • heredity;
  • long-term use of anabolic steroids or male hormones;
  • carrying out cosmetic procedures at elevated temperatures, for example, sunbathing;
  • use of biostimulating creams;
  • against the background of a hormonal surge, for example, during pregnancy.

Did you know?
Hair covers 95% of the human body. They are only absent on the palms and feet.

Advantages of this method

First of all, it is worth saying that this method is suitable for removing hair of any type and for any skin type. This is one of the main differences from laser hair removal, the effectiveness of which largely depends on the amount of pigment in the hair shaft and the darkness of the skin. The ideal option for photo or laser hair removal is snow-white skin and dark hairs on it. Otherwise, the results of this cosmetic procedure will be an order of magnitude worse than when using electroepilation methods.

Next, we should talk about the duration of the effect of electric hair removal and its overall effectiveness in comparison with other types of hair removal procedures. To date, there is no depilation method that would help get rid of unwanted hair on the body as effectively and for the same long period as the electric hair removal method.

Electric hair removal can treat a wide variety of body parts, including the cheeks, eyebrows, chest, armpits, legs, back, and bikini area.


This type of hair removal has many contraindications that cannot be ignored:

  • inflammation of the skin surface, ulcers, fungal or viral;
  • people after stroke and heart attack;
  • the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy or lactation period;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • tumors of any kind;
  • intolerance to the metals from which needles are made.

This is interesting! Device needles can be made:

  • made of medical alloy - for normal skin;
  • made of chromium and nickel with Teflon insulation - for people with a low sensitivity threshold;
  • made of gold for those who suffer from allergies and cannot tolerate other metals.
  • Teflon coating protects the skin from burns.

Also, to carry out the procedure on the legs, the presence of varicose veins is unacceptable. Moles and birthmarks should not be exposed to the needle . Epilation of the bikini area is prohibited for certain gynecological diseases. Therefore, you must first consult a gynecologist.

The main disadvantages of electrolysis

Naturally, like other cosmetic methods of hair removal, this method also has a number of disadvantages. One of the main ones is that this method may not work effectively provided that the patient has previously undergone other hair removal procedures, such as sugaring or waxing.

With such exposure, the follicles could be subject to deformation at the root and bent in a certain way, which makes their subsequent removal by electrical action quite problematic. For the most part, this is due to the difficulties that arise in connection with inserting a needle under the skin to the hair root.

The second obvious disadvantage is that permanent hair removal using this method may require a large number of procedures. On average, experts talk about fifteen to thirty sessions in order to completely remove hair from one treated area.

For the most part, this is due to the fact that under the skin, in addition to active follicles, there are dormant hairs that awaken over time. In this case, you will have to destroy the hair by electrical action until there are no dormant or active follicles left under the skin.

Another disadvantage is that this procedure can take quite a long time.


The first procedure seemed very painful to me and I even doubted whether or not to go for the second one, but I went anyway, and then I got used to these sensations. I went once every three weeks, of course I need to go more often, but my salary is paid once a month))). I went 11 times in total. The number of minutes for the procedure was reduced to 15 minutes. Growing hairs can only be cut! No shaving or tugging! Three years have passed since my last electrolysis, I gave birth, experienced a hormonal imbalance, and still no hair!!! Electrolysis is very painful, but it's worth it! Choose a specialist carefully, because your health depends on him!



This method is really effective and safe. Time-tested, it has been used since the beginning of the 20th century! This means that all complications and long-term side effects have been studied. That is, there are no terrible long-term consequences. Think about it. Unlike a laser, which is high-energy light radiation, and what long-term consequences there may be are unknown and have not yet been studied. How will surrounding healthy cells perceive such an impact? Will it provoke cancer? Of course, in the hands of incompetent people there can be complications with any method. These are, first of all, electrical burns of the skin with the ensuing consequences in the form of necrosis, and then scarring, hyperpigmentation of the skin; of course, some kind of infection can occur, because the method is, in principle, traumatic, they use a needle to penetrate the skin. I recommend only in a trusted salon. I don’t know what about other parts of the body, but for the face it’s just the thing. The main thing is to find a good master. Go only to trusted people with recommendations!



Epilation on the chin is painful, above the lip on the sides it is very painful, and right under the nose it is unbearable. For this reason, I remove hair from the sides, but barely touch under the nose, because I can’t stand this terrible pain. But everyone’s pain threshold is different... We go for hair removal with a friend, but it doesn’t hurt her at all on the sides. It doesn't hurt to such an extent that she almost falls asleep during the procedure.



The procedure took me half an hour, the cost was 1300 rubles, the calculation is based on minutes. They gave me this needle with me for the next time. Electrolysis killed the hair roots, but some hairs sprouted nearby a month later. So in any case, several procedures are needed. Afterwards, care is necessary, I have two small reddish dots left, I will have to remove it with peeling, well, it’s my own fault, I had to apply the ointment that the cosmetologist told me to buy. The next day there was swelling; of course, you can’t wear makeup for at least a day. I was satisfied with everything, so I’ll go again later.



I spent 2 years of my life, a lot of money, endured hellish pain, I had to walk around with swelling and crusts on my face after the procedure... I left the office wet from head to toe, and also with a face swollen from tears. Result? The few hairs that were there at the beginning have disappeared. For a while. And then they returned. And they brought new ones with them. For me personally, this “wonderful” procedure activated the neighboring bulbs and now instead of several hairs I have a “clearing”. I'm not afraid to say that electrolysis ruined my life. And so - think... maybe it will help you...



The procedure itself was a little painful, but tolerable. But the consequences... It took a very long time to heal, at first the swelling did not go away, it subsided after a week. Then the wounds did not heal for a very long time. Only after two months did they heal. But in their place there are terrible scars that cannot be masked by anything (((Naturally, one procedure is not enough to remove hairs, but now it’s scary to even think about a second visit. Therefore, if in doubt, it’s better not to...



I decided to do electrolysis on my face because I have vellus hair, which in the summer in the sun fades and turns white. It looks terrible! I have already undergone 3 procedures, the hair has become SIGNIFICANTLY less. The cost per minute is 12 rubles. Time 60 minutes. The procedure is very painful. I smear my face with Emla cream an hour before. But that doesn't help. Hurt! After the procedure, the face is very red, that is, many, many red dots. After a day, these dots become crusty. In general, it takes 5–7 days to walk like this “beauty.” At the same time, the hair continues to grow. But after the 3rd procedure there were almost none left. I think that I will have to go 2 more times. Unfortunately, such a cruel method of removing FUNNY hair is the only one; there is no other way to get rid of it.



Despite the painfulness of the procedure, the need to repeat it to completely destroy the hair, the inconvenience associated with the preparation and rehabilitation period, the most purposeful, patient and courageous young ladies continue to place high hopes on electrolysis and are in no hurry to give in to stubborn nature.

  • Author: woman
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Frequently asked questions from patients

Can electrolysis get rid of unwanted hairs forever?

Currently, this method is considered the only option that allows you to permanently remove hair from the face and body. But in this case, as mentioned above, you should be patient and count on a large number of sessions, which will ultimately help you permanently remove hair from the desired area.

How many sessions may be required?

Again, as mentioned above, to achieve the desired result you will have to visit a beauty salon more than once, or even more than a dozen times. But with each subsequent procedure, you will notice that the hairs growing back become thinner and smaller, their number is reduced, and growth slows down significantly.


Before treatment, ask your doctor about possible contraindications and what painkiller you will need to apply.

After consulting with your doctor, start preparing for electrolysis yourself. Remember that two weeks before hair removal it is not recommended to visit the sauna, bathhouse, or solarium. The day before the event, it is advisable to do a deep facial peeling to exfoliate dead skin cells. This will help the cosmetologist reach all hair follicles. There is no need to make any restrictions on food, but physical activity should be slightly reduced, and it is advisable not to overstrain the body muscles before hair removal.

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