How to shrink pores: 10 ways that will definitely work

Let's start with the main thing: it is technically impossible to reduce pores. Their size is largely determined by Sijia Wang's genetics. Understudied Skin Characteristics Awaiting Genetic Breakthroughs/Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings. Some people have brown eyes, some have blue ones - just like one person has small pores, while another has large ones. And nothing can be done about it, it is your innate feature.

However, just as eye color can be easily changed with lenses, large pores can be disguised. That is, make them less deep and noticeable.

Keep your skin clean

Those pores that appear to be the largest and most irritating are actually the ones that play an important role in skin health. Through them, natural lubricant is released - the so-called sebum (sebum). He helps Evgenia Makrantonaki, Ruta Ganceviciene, and Christos Zouboulis. An update on the role of the sebaceous gland in the pathogenesis of acne / Dermato‑Endocrinology retains moisture and prevents the epidermis from drying out. In addition, fat provides some protection from ultraviolet radiation, resists attacks from pathogenic bacteria and fungi, and can reduce inflammation.

We're talking about healthy sebum, naturally. But there is one caveat.

Sebum is a rather sticky thing. Dirt, particles of dead skin, and salt from beads of sweat settle on it. All this accumulates in the pores and begins to stretch their walls. Therefore, visually the pores become deeper and larger.

To prevent this, it is necessary to remove contamination in a timely manner. That is, it’s trivial to wash your face. Experts at the American Academy of Dermatology recommend Face Washing/AAD to be done by following a few key rules.

  • Be sure to wash your face in the morning and evening.
  • Wash your face every time you exercise or sweat heavily.
  • Use a mild detergent (soap, gel) that does not contain alcohol.
  • Wet your face with warm water and apply the cleanser with your fingertips. Do not use a sponge, washcloth, sponge or other equipment as this may cause skin irritation.
  • Don't rub your skin.
  • Rinse off the soap with warm water and pat your face dry with a towel.
  • Be sure to apply moisturizer if your skin feels tight, dry, or itchy.

What do enlarged pores look like?

It's simple: if small holes are visible on the skin of your face, that's what they are. Enlarged pores themselves are not dangerous. But they can cause acne, blackheads, and in general such skin does not look its best. So it's worth making some effort to get your pores in order, although the struggle will be long and difficult.

First of all, proper skin hygiene and gentle care are necessary. Do not use aggressive means. Some often advertised products can give a quick visible result, but only for a short time, and the result will be additional dehydration of the skin, deterioration of its condition - and inevitable acne. Therefore, do not rush and do not trust every commercial that promises a miraculous solution to your problems in one day. At best, such “miracle products” simply fill enlarged pores with silicone, but after the next cleansing of the skin, everything returns to normal. Some of these products simply irritate the skin and cause it to swell a little, thereby shrinking the pores for a while. Naturally, there is no talk of benefits for skin health.

Avoid cosmetics that contain fats and oils

Most often, enlarged pores are a sign of Sang Ju Lee, Joon Seok, Se Yeong Jeong, Kui Young Park, Kapsok Li, Seong Jun Seo. Facial Pores: Definition, Causes, and Treatment Options / Dermatologic Surgery for oily skin. That is, one that produces excess sebum. The connection is simple: fat accumulates in the pores and stretches their walls.

Thick nourishing creams that contain petroleum jelly and various oils (coconut, shea, others) increase fat content. Because of this, pores become clogged How to control oily skin / AAD faster. This means they are expanding more actively.

Homemade masks

From clay

Cosmetologists use cosmetic clay in their sessions to deeply cleanse and dry the top layer of skin. Clay is an absorbent, so it absorbs excess secretions of sebum and sweat glands. Depending on the type, clay relieves redness, dries the skin, and cleanses.

Masks with it are suitable for any skin type.

In addition, its recipe is simple - 1-2 tsp. clay is diluted with water to a thick sour cream and applied to the face until completely dry. The mask should be free of lumps; to enhance the properties of the clay, add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil if desired.

It is worth remembering that the mass should not get on the areas around the eyes and lips - it will stretch and dry out the skin. In pharmaceutical masks, clay is added to enhance the bactericidal effect of excipients.

From vegetables and fruits

Fructose and acids contained in vegetables and fruits allow you to “erase” freckles, age spots and even wrinkles from a woman’s face. Vegetables and fruits in masks are a great way to heal cells and saturate them with useful microelements, vitamins and glucose.

You can use mono masks consisting of one product, or a mixture of different ones. In a small deep plate, soft fruits (vegetables) are kneaded into porridge and distributed over the face. Hard fruits (vegetables) are grated and mixed with a thick mass (sour cream, butter). The mask should be washed off with warm water.

From starch

A course of a starch mask of 30 procedures reduces existing facial wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones, the tone becomes even and uniform. Signs of dry skin such as flaking, tightness and dryness will disappear.

To avoid a feeling of tightness after removing the mask from the face, it is advisable to initially add 1 tsp. any base oil (jojoba, peach, apricot) to starch and slightly dilute the mixture with boiled water to a creamy consistency. Starch compositions, unlike others, do not need to be kept for a long time; 5-10 minutes will be enough.

Starch is a catalyst and enhances the positive properties of additional substances in the mask, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis. Women with oily skin after a course of procedures in the mirror observe smooth and soft skin without a greasy sheen and wide pores.

From honey

The effect of narrow pores and face lift at home is achieved by using some kind of honey mask. Depending on the desired result, certain components are added to the mask.

This product is not suitable for many as a mask, since frequent allergic reactions are observed. Proper use involves heating honey to a temperature of 40-45 degrees and spreading it in a thin layer over the skin of the face for half an hour. It is recommended to wash off this mask with cold water.

Honey is a product that easily retains moisture in skin cells. Scientists have proven that the first cause of skin aging is dehydration. Flabbiness and dullness of the skin, the formation of wrinkles, dryness are its signs. Sugar in honey contains elements that bind liquid. Thanks to this, honey masks prevent drying of the skin.

From black bread

The composition of black bread, rich in useful substances, is considered an excellent basis for making cosmetic face masks. They are, on the one hand, budgetary, and, on the other, profitable.

At minimal cost, a mask is created that can nourish, cleanse and tighten the skin of the face. It is easy to use: bread crumb cut into cubes is soaked in warm water and distributed evenly on the skin, and washed off after half an hour.

From linden flowers

Sluggish, sagging skin needs increased firmness and elasticity. This is facilitated by masks made from linden flowers. A handful of flowers is brought to a boil over low heat and strained. The resulting mucus serves as a nutritious product and is applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes. Remove after time with dry cotton swabs.

The composition includes hormones similar in structure to female sex hormones (estrogen). So linden masks can give a rejuvenating effect. Leading gynecologists and endocrinologists in the world recommend that after 30 years of age, women take linden decoctions. Linden face masks relieve swelling, fatigue and give elasticity to the skin.

Egg masks

When preparing a homemade egg mask, a whole egg is rarely used; in classic recipes it is divided into white and yolk. In dermatology and cosmetology, this approach is considered the most correct. White and yolk separately will solve the problem better than together, since their composition is different, they also solve skin problems differently.

Protein has a tightening property and is used in the care of oily skin. It is whipped into foam and applied to a clean surface with a cotton pad; as soon as the layer dries, the next one is applied, and so on until the entire mass is on the face. Then rinse off with warm water.

And the yolk contains more fatty components that fully nourish dry skin. The principle is the same as with protein. The yolk is applied layer by layer and washed off with warm water after the mask has dried.

From plantain

Applying plantain masks at home has a tonic effect on both the upper layers of facial skin and the inner layers. The unique composition of the mask allows the product to heal wounds, tighten pores, and restore damage to the skin at the cellular level.

Porridge made from plantain leaves ground in a meat grinder is suitable for every skin type. Regular rubbing with a liquid mask tightens pores and tightens minor damage, and heals acne marks. In addition, adding plantain juice will ensure youthfulness and cleansing of the skin, and will also speed up the healing of boils and inflammation after insect bites.

Oil masks

In medicine, oils are used to regenerate mucous membranes or skin, and in cosmetology - to nourish and moisturize the skin. The simplest and most effective option is to apply the oil evenly in a thin layer and leave for 30-60 minutes, then blot off the residue with a napkin. There are recipes in which the oil remains on the skin overnight.

But they should not be followed, since the sebaceous glands are activated at night and the oil prevents the enrichment of the dermis with oxygen and, as a result, sebaceous plugs and acne form. It should be noted that oils nourish more than moisturize. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve the latter with their help.

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Use sunscreen

Before every exit to the street. This is important The 5 Best Ways to Shrink Your Pores, According to Dermatologists/Prevention.

Mona Gohara

Associate Professor of Clinical Dermatology at Yale Medical School. In a comment to the online publication Prevention.

Ultraviolet light breaks down the collagen fibers in your skin. The less collagen, the more the skin sags. Because of this, pores may become wider.

Remember how a hole in your stockings gets bigger when you pull the fabric around it. Exactly the same mechanism applies to the skin.

Apply retinol cream at night

Retinol and other retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A.

Megan Feeley

Doctor of Medicine, dermatologist. In a comment to the online publication Prevention.

Retinoids dissolve sebum and dead skin cells. This way they clean out the pores and make them smaller.

In one study, Anne Bouloc, Andre Luiz Vergnanini, Maria Claudia Issa A double-blind randomized study comparing the association of Retinol and LR2412 with tretinoin 0.025% in photoaged skin / Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, women used a retinol night cream for three months in a row. After completing the experiment, they noted that the pores on their face became less noticeable.

Why do blackheads appear?

Blackheads are small plugs of sebum naturally produced by the skin. When exposed to air, sebum oxidizes, acquiring a black or grayish tint. They are especially noticeable on fair skin. Blackheads are always accompanied by enlarged pores, and it is sebum that fills them. Sebum fills the enlarged pores, resulting in blackheads. And that means we will solve the problem comprehensively!

Enlarged pores and blackheads are most often located on the nose and chin, but can also be found near the lips and around the nose. They are often mistakenly associated with oily, combination or “young” skin. In fact, one of the reasons for their appearance may be skin dehydration: with a lack of hydration, the skin produces a large amount of sebum to nourish itself. And as a result, the skin becomes uneven, rough in appearance and touch, and looks tired and stale.

Use acid-based peels regularly

Such products allow you to remove dead cells and fat. As a result, the skin surface becomes smoother and pores become less noticeable.

A good choice is a cleansing peel based on salicylic acid. The 5 Best Ways to Shrink Your Pores, According to Dermatologists / Prevention.

Megan Feeley

Doctor of Medicine, dermatologist. In a comment to the online publication Prevention.

This is a beta-hydroxy acid that effectively interacts with sebum and deeply cleanses pores.

Acid peels and cleansing gels can be bought at any supermarket or pharmacy. But keep in mind that products for home use contain a small amount of acids - usually 2-10%. If your pores are very large, you should try peels with a higher concentration of active ingredients. For these, you should contact a professional dermatologist or cosmetologist.

First of all: is it possible to shrink pores permanently?

Pores are channels through which sebum is removed to the surface of the skin. The size of skin pores directly depends on several reasons: on the intensity of sebum production - first of all. In addition, the number of pores is determined genetically, and this number remains unchanged throughout life.

We have two main options available to us:

  • achieve temporary narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • Avoid contamination and clogging of pores with sebum, which results in the formation of blackheads that stretch the skin pores. Timely cleansing of the skin will save you from the possibility of enlarged pores on the skin of the face.

In addition, the condition of the pores directly depends on the collagen in the skin. Damaged collagen means weakened skin tone. What causes damage and weakening of collagen, read the article on anti-aging care.

Apply primer under makeup

Primer is a base, a basis for decorative cosmetics. Typically, such products are made on the basis of silicone, which fills pores and makes the skin smooth. When you apply foundation or powder on top, your face looks smooth and your pores almost disappear.

Of course, primer is only a temporary solution. As soon as you wash your face, there will be no trace left of the effect. But as an express option for beautiful skin - for example, before a date or an important meeting - the base works great.

Herbal decoctions


Herbal medicine makes an invaluable contribution to cosmetology, and chamomile can improve the appearance of the skin, lighten freckles, and cure many diseases. Preparing a decoction is not difficult; just pour boiling water over the flowers of the plant, let it brew and strain.

There are several ways to use:

  1. use instead of tonic, wiping your face with a fresh decoction and activating all processes in the cells.
  2. wash your face with a cool decoction in the morning.

Systematic use of chamomile decoction in facial skin care will give it a fresh, healthy and beautiful look. This is an excellent matting tonic, enriched with organic acids, vitamins and microelements.


Using a decoction of coltsfoot at a deep cellular level cleanses the ducts of the sebaceous glands, removes toxins and soothes the skin after negative effects. If you experiment a little with the composition of the coltsfoot broth, you can create a unique product for daily washing or removing makeup.

As a regular homemade tonic, you can boil 1 tbsp. l. herbs and wipe the skin daily. It can both treat acne and acne, and improve microcirculation, cleanse and soothe the skin. Since the product has medicinal properties, it is able to strengthen the skin’s immunity and prepare it for sudden temperature changes.


The anti-inflammatory properties of lavender provide relief from irritation and flaking of facial skin. A decoction of lavender flowers is used in the care of sensitive and problem skin. Accelerates cell restoration, which makes the acne healing process painless and without leaving a trace.

Lavender decoction cleanses the skin, activates blood circulation and enriches cells with oxygen. It is prepared in cosmetology in a weakly concentrated form (1 tsp of flowers for 1 cup of water). It should be used 1-2 times a day as a replacement for tonic. During an experiment, English scientists found that in half of the women tested, fine wrinkles were smoothed out during regular use of products with lavender.


A decoction made from fresh thyme leaves is considered a real antioxidant. You can prepare it in 15 minutes. To do this, boil part of the herb with water over medium heat for 10 minutes and filter. The liquid can be placed in a special container with a dispenser and stored in the refrigerator.

Regularly rubbing the face helps soothe skin irritations, dry out inflammation, relieve swelling, and restore blood circulation at the intracellular level. An alternative to freshly picked leaves is dried herbs purchased from a pharmacy.


Nettle can provide the daily requirement of many vitamins and microelements. Its composition exceeds the norms of useful substances of other products and herbs by more than 10 times. The decoction is prepared from five fresh crushed leaves, which are boiled over medium heat for 5 minutes and filtered.

To use, you will need both a decoction for wiping and leaves for a disposable mask. Homemade cosmetics made from nettle relieve acne, skin diseases, pimples and inflammation.

Oily skin can be cured with the help of decoctions and infusions that remove excess fat while moisturizing. Along with plantain, nettle heals minor scratches and skin lesions.

Rosehip decoction for dry skin

Dry skin needs constant hydration and protection from heat. Rosehip is an indispensable aid for the skin in this situation. A decoction from which gently cleanses and at the same time retains moisture in the skin. The result is soft, fresh and nourished skin.

This decoction cannot be prepared and used immediately. To do this, you need to pour a handful of dry berries into 0.5 liters. Water and boil for 10 minutes. Then the liquid is left to infuse in a warm place for 6-8 hours. The decoction is used instead of a tonic and serves to wipe clean facial skin.

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