How to grow your hair: 14 simple tips that will definitely help

As you know, the desire to get a bob haircut and grow hair to the waist coexists perfectly in a woman’s soul. And as soon as you make a choice in favor of one of them, the second immediately begins to prevail! If you are at that very stage when you want your braid to grow to your waist, you will definitely need the tips from this article. We have selected only those recommendations that work flawlessly.

5 essential oils for hair growth that work wonders

Don't wash your hair every day

With shampoo we wash away not only dirt and styling products, but also sebum, which moisturizes and protects the skin and hair.
Therefore, due to frequent washing, the hair loses its natural shine, becomes weaker and more susceptible to aggressive external factors. Anastasia Voroshilova


In addition, hair gets dirty very quickly. After all, it turns out that every day we wash off our protective layer and the skin goes into a stressful state. Because of this, sebum begins to be produced in excess. This is how we drive ourselves into a vicious circle.

Experts recommend gradually increasing the intervals between procedures. Ideally, you should wash your hair 2-3 times a week, but by no means every day.

Nutritional Features

A lot has been written about how to properly grow beautiful long hair, but all this concerned only external factors. Pay special attention to internal aspects, because the intensity of growth and health of the strands depends on them.

It is important to always maintain normal amounts of essential minerals and vitamins. To do this, it is worth developing a balanced diet. The foods you eat should not only be healthy, but also varied. Eat enough protein, as it is the main building block for curls.

If we talk about minerals and vitamins, the following are important:

  1. Group B – they respond to thickness and shine. Eggs, milk and various legumes can be used as a source of these vitamins.
  2. D – necessary for normalizing the functioning of the hair follicle. It is found in mushrooms, fatty fish, and liver.
  3. You can't do without iron. It allows you to provide oxygen access to the strands, which accelerates their growth. Foods such as spinach, beans, apples or egg yolks are rich in this element.
  4. Zinc – if you actively work out in the gym or are regularly exposed to high physical activity, then replenishing the amount of this element in the body is extremely important. Turkey meat, chocolate and pumpkin seeds will help with this.

Diets are not the only way to solve the problem. The use of special vitamin complexes is also effective.

Before you start taking any drug, it would be helpful to consult your doctor. It’s better not to take risks, because an excess of any elements can lead to excessive hair loss and other negative consequences.

Use sulfate-free shampoos

Such a product should not contain SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) and SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulfate). Instead of sulfates, which create foam, sulfate-free shampoo contains natural ingredients. That is why it cleanses more gently than usual and does not wash out sebum as much.

True, such shampoos have a drawback. They don't foam well. But after a few uses you will get used to it.

Whatever shampoo you choose, remember: apply it only to the roots. For the remaining length, the amount of product that drains with water will be sufficient.


A nourishing mask with aloe not only activates hair growth, but also moisturizes curls and nourishes the scalp.

For the mask you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. aloe juice;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 tsp cognac;
  • 1 tbsp. onion juice.

All ingredients should be mixed and applied to hair. Then put your hair under a warm hood for an hour.

Nourish and moisturize your hair with masks

Photo: plprod / Shutterstock
Hair masks should be used regularly, about a couple of times a week. But if the ends are dry and split, then you can carry out an intensive recovery course and use the mask more often.

How to choose a store-bought hair mask

Choose a mask whose packaging says “nutrition,” “moisturizing,” or “recovery.” Don't rely on products that promise "irresistible shine" and "incredible shine."

As for the composition, it should contain as many natural ingredients as possible, primarily oils. Moreover, the order of listing on the label is very important. If you see oil, but it is at the very end of the list, it means that the mask contains negligible amounts of this component.

Apply the mask first to the ends, and then distribute along the length of the hair, stepping back about 10 cm from the roots. You should not rub the mask into the roots: they do not need such strong moisturizing.

A mask from a cosmetic store usually needs to be left on for up to 30 minutes. Therefore, follow the instructions and take your time to wash it off: let the beneficial components absorb into your hair.

How to make homemade hair masks

You can make the mask yourself. It is better to use recipes tested by mothers and grandmothers. For example, a kefir mask is suitable for smooth hair. You will need 1 glass of slightly warmed low-fat kefir. It needs to be rubbed into the roots and distributed over the entire length of the hair. To enhance the effect, you can wear a cap. Leave the kefir on your head for 30–40 minutes, and then rinse it off with slightly warm water. If desired, you can wash your hair with shampoo.

Another proven method is a honey mask. Mix egg yolk, 1 spoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to clean hair and rinse after an hour.

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