Lip masks: homemade mask recipes for moisturizing, nourishing and plumping lips

Below are recipes for lip masks at home: moisturizing and nourishing, for dry lips and delicious honey.

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the lips are a powerful weapon of seduction that requires special care to help avoid misfires when hitting the target. Every day, lips are put to the test: passionate kisses, cosmetics, weather conditions and ultraviolet radiation, nervous biting. The skin dries out and is prone to cracks in winter, which is not only unesthetically pleasing, but also simply painful.

It’s good that we have recipes for lip masks that can be easily reproduced at home . Their moisturizing and nourishing properties will help keep your lips soft, attractive and as seductive as possible!


  • Lip care
  • How to make sponges soft and tender
  • What is good and bad for the skin of the lips
  • The effectiveness of homemade lip masks
  • Cooking tips
  • How to properly apply lip masks
  • Lip masks for cracks and peeling
  • Curd mask
  • Honey mask recipes
  • Wound healing masks
  • Protective lip masks
  • Moisturizing lip mask
  • Gelatin mask
  • Sour cream mask
  • Nourishing lip masks
  • Apple mask
  • Mask with honey
  • Cranberry mask
  • Scrubs, creams and lip balms
  • Nourishing lip cream
  • Cream for chapped lips
  • Lip enlargement mask
  • Glycerin mask
  • Spice mask
  • What do manufacturers offer?
  • Collagen lip mask


Massage for delicate skin

What can you do to make your lips soft and moisturized? This will require an integrated approach. In addition to applying masks, scrubs and balms, you need to carry out a procedure such as massage.

A terry towel or toothbrush is suitable for massaging your lips. You can also perform a massage without the use of additional devices. It is enough just to massage them with the pads of your fingers. As for time, the duration of such a procedure should be about 5-10 minutes.

You can use ice cubes to massage your lips. After the procedure, lips will become softer and brighter. You need to massage not only your lips, but also the area around them.

How to make sponges soft and tender

To ensure that your lips always remain attractive, soft and tender, follow these simple rules:

  1. Avoid prolonged exposure to frost, wind, and ultraviolet rays. These factors lead to cracks and rapid aging of the lip skin.
  2. Regularly apply hygienic or cosmetic lipstick to clean sponges.
  3. Use homemade lip masks and peelings 1-2 times a week; in winter, lip cosmetic procedures can be performed every day. This will help clear the skin of dead cells and prevent the development of infection.
  4. Minimize the use of long-lasting lipsticks, which dry out the skin of the lips, causing cracks and discomfort. If you still need it, use hygienic or moisturizing lipstick before applying.
  5. Don't lick your lips.
  6. Eat right, drink plenty of clean water and get outdoors often. A proper lifestyle contributes to better nutrition of the skin of the lips, which will help maintain their youth and elasticity.
  7. At night, use moisturizing or nourishing lip products.

Reasons for loss of attractiveness

We all know that the dermatological tissues of the mouth are very thin and delicate, so they can be easily injured. Most often, we begin to do various cosmetic procedures only after the defects become very noticeable.

We apply masks, balms and special creams and our lips become beautiful and sensual again. But it would be much better if we tried to prevent the occurrence of skin defects.

Reasons that affect the condition of the lips:

• Bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol have a negative effect on the human body. Once inside, they interfere with the normal functioning of internal organs, and this immediately affects well-being and appearance • Constant stress. Some women, when nervous, begin to bite their nails. By doing this, they injure the skin unnoticed. Microcracks appear on the surface of the mouth, which can become inflamed over time • Constant licking of lips. When outdoors, try to lick your skin as little as possible. This can cause peeling and cracking. It will be better if before going out you lubricate the epidermis with hygienic lipstick • Environmental impact. Sharp temperature fluctuations, strong winds, rain and snow make the skin very dry. This means that it may begin to peel and crack. Nourishing creams or, for example, natural honey will help to avoid such problems.

What is good and bad for the skin of the lips

To keep your skin looking healthy and attractive, avoid fried, smoked, salted, canned foods, and coffee. These foods disrupt metabolic processes in the body - lip nutrition deteriorates.

It is also worth thinking about bad habits that slow down metabolism and accelerate the aging process of the skin. Do you need it?

To reduce the impact of negative factors, ensure a sufficient supply of nutrients from food and cosmetics. The most beneficial for the skin of the lips are:

  1. Peptides – increase skin firmness and elasticity, nourish and moisturize.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil – relieves inflammation, irritation, has a wound healing effect.
  3. Cocoa butter – has a tonic and nourishing effect.
  4. Aloe extract – relieves inflammation and moisturizes.
  5. Vitamin A - slows down the aging process, participates in metabolic processes, promotes cell renewal.
  6. Vitamin C is responsible for the production of collagen, which makes the skin elastic and youthful.
  7. Vitamin E – preserves youth and protects lips from the aggressive effects of sunlight.

Choosing lipstick

Since you can’t do without lipstick and other aesthetic cosmetic products that are needed virtually every day, you need to approach the choice of these products responsibly. Low-quality cosmetics can cause a lot of problems and lead to dry skin of the lips, the appearance of cracks and inflammation, as well as various types of irritation.

In addition to the type, color, texture and texture of the lipstick, when choosing it, you should pay attention to the composition and expiration date. A quality product will most likely contain components beneficial to the skin of the lips:

  • natural beeswax - gives lipstick the desired consistency
  • natural oils - they will take care of moisturizing the skin and prevent it from drying out. Quality brands mainly contain castor, olive, coconut and other vegetable oils. Cheap lipsticks use lanolin, petroleum jelly or mineral oil made from petroleum products.
  • vitamins A, E, F, C - promote the healing of wounds and cracks on the lips
  • solar filters (usually SPF5, 10, 15) - will protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. For the summer period this is a mandatory component.
  • natural medicinal herbs - will prevent skin inflammation and provide it with microelements

It is worth paying attention to the appearance of the lipstick. The lipstick pencil should have a uniform consistency and be free of drips, droplets of liquid, cracks and dents.

The lipstick should have a pleasant scent or no scent at all. An unpleasant odor indicates the expiration date or the use of low-quality and hazardous ingredients.

The effectiveness of homemade lip masks

The advantage of such products is the natural composition, long-lasting effect and self-production. You really know what it consists of, because... We prepared everything ourselves and from fresh ingredients.

Remember, the shorter the product’s shelf life, the more effective it is, because it preserves all the most useful substances that we need so much.

Benefits of natural lip masks:

  • moisturize;
  • soften;
  • make the skin soft and tender;
  • nourish;
  • increase the volume and make the lips attractive;
  • protect from frost, sun, wind;
  • make lips more pronounced and bright.

Despite the huge number of benefits, homemade lip care products have contraindications:

  1. Do not use if there is bleeding, large cracks, or herpes.
  2. Eliminate ingredients to which you are allergic.

How to cook at home

Nowadays you can easily purchase any ready-made product in a store, but often the composition leaves much to be desired and can even cause harm. Therefore, it is best to make a lip scrub at home, so you will know what it consists of and what result to expect. In addition, you will be able to save a lot of money, since you will probably have everything you need at home.

Ingredients and their properties

The scrub is based on two ingredients - a softening component (honey) and an abrasive (sugar), which, in fact, helps cleanse the skin. This is the simplest and most delicious recipe in every sense.

Honey is an active nutritional component and has a number of beneficial properties:

  • promotes renewal of the epidermis;
  • saturates the skin with vitamins;
  • eliminates irritation;
  • stimulates the healing of cracks and wounds, if any, since it is an antiseptic.

Sugar in this case acts as an exfoliating ingredient, allowing you to get rid of dead skin particles and restore smoothness to your lips. It also increases blood circulation.

What do you need besides honey and sugar?

In addition to the main ingredients (sugar and honey), it is recommended to add a little olive oil for moisturizing. You will also need a container for the mixture and a spoon or spatula for mixing (not metal). Please note that you should not cook in advance, because the scrub is not recommended to be stored for a long time.

Cooking tips

Homemade lip masks need to be prepared correctly to get the maximum effect. Here are a few simple rules:

  1. For cooking, use dishes made of glass, ceramics or clay. The metal has a negative effect on products, which will make them ineffective, and some even toxic.
  2. The products that will be included in the mask must be fresh.
  3. Before application, test for allergic reactions.
  4. Minimize the use of cucumber, lemon juice and glycerin when resisting masks. These products are designed to eliminate oiliness and can cause dry skin.
  5. To enhance effectiveness, if desired, add vitamins A, C and E to your homemade masks.


Needless to say, store-bought products are more convenient to use, have a pleasant texture, and an appetizing smell. All these features are difficult to reproduce at home.

Expert dermatologist Garner Marina Kamanina

“Homemade masks have a right to exist if there is an urgent need to help the skin, but there are no readily available medications. Artificial elements do not always have optimal characteristics. In contrast to the complex but effective ingredients of ready-made masks.”

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How to properly apply lip masks

So, having understood the technology for preparing lip masks, it is important to know how to use them. Indeed, if applied incorrectly and without preparation, the effectiveness of such products is reduced to nothing. It is worth noting that when carrying out cosmetic procedures for the lips, do not forget about the face. It would be great if there was also a mask around the lips.

  • Step 1. Prepare the skin of the face and lips: remove makeup, steam using chamomile decoction, which has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect.
  • Step 2. Take a horizontal position. This will prevent the mask from spreading.
  • Step 3. Apply the product to your lips and leave on for 2 to 30 minutes. The time depends on the composition of the mask.
  • Step 4. Remove the lip mask using a tissue or rinse with water.
  • Step 5: Apply Vaseline, chapstick, or lip balm to your lips.

Let's note the importance of care

A lip mask is not a simple treatment. The skin on the lips itself has a fairly thin structure, with almost no sebaceous glands underneath. Accordingly, full protection from strong external factors will not be obtained. This is the main reason why frost, wind and sun can instantly cause irritation, peeling, and deterioration of such delicate skin. As a result, it is possible that inflammation will appear, which is difficult to combat.

In this place, the skin begins to age first, the amount of collagen produced in it decreases, and the lips will not look the same as they originally did in their youth. The result of aging will be a loss of clear contour and shape.

Noticeable changes will be noted if the girl does not eat properly, drinks little fluid, cracks appear on her lips, in which microbes and bacteria constantly develop.

We recommend reading: Lip contouring, what is it?

Lip masks for cracks and peeling

One of the recipes below will help you cope with such a nuisance as cracked lips.

Curd mask

To prepare you will need:

  • fat cottage cheese and pumpkin or carrot juice, in a ratio of 1:2;
  • 4 drops of wheat germ oil.

Mix all the ingredients and apply the application to the lips for 20 minutes.

Honey mask recipes

A honey mask is the most popular skin care product. Honey has a huge amount of beneficial substances that can cope with inflammation, relieve dryness and irritation, moisturize and nourish lips. Honey masks can be used daily and within a week you will feel and see how your lips have changed.

  • Recipe 1. To get a miraculous mask, mix honey and butter in equal proportions. Apply to sponges for 15-30 minutes.
  • Recipe 2. Mix honey, aloe juice and quail or chicken egg yolk in equal proportions. Apply to sponges for 15 minutes.
  • Recipe 3. Mix 10 g of honey with 30 ml of sage decoction. Apply this product to your lips every day for 20 minutes, and you will forget what cracks are. To prepare a sage decoction, take the flowers of the plant (1 tsp) and pour 1 tbsp. water, after boiling, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, cool to room temperature.

Scrub recipes

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To prepare scrubs at home, you will need affordable products that help remove dead particles and nourish your lips with beneficial substances. Before applying the scrub to your lips, you need to soak a cotton pad in warm water, squeeze it out and apply it to your lips for at least 5 minutes. This procedure helps soften the skin, so the scrub will cope with the task more effectively.

Wound healing masks

If it happens that your lips are severely cracked, resulting in wounds, you can use one of the recipes below.

  • Recipe 1 . Pour 100 ml of water into 10 g of eucalyptus leaves, bring to a boil and boil for another 7 minutes. When the broth reaches room temperature, soak gauze or cotton pads in the broth and apply this compress for 20 minutes. It is recommended to use such compresses every day until the wounds disappear completely.
  • Recipe 2: Heat hazelnut oil and apply to a clean cloth. Apply the compress to your lips for 20 minutes.

Protective lip masks

The problem of flaky and chapped lips can be combated before unpleasant symptoms appear with the help of protective masks. To do this, use one of the recipes.

  • Recipe 1. You will need cosmetic paraffin enriched with vitamins A, E, cocoa butter, and eucalyptus. You can buy it at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. - Melt 10 g of paraffin in a water bath. - Lubricate your sponges with cosmetic oil, nourishing or moisturizing cream and apply paraffin with a brush for 10 minutes and cover your face with a terry towel for a thermal effect. — Remove the paraffin film with a napkin.
  • Recipe 2. Pour 1 tbsp flax or fennel seeds over 1 tbsp. water and put on fire. After boiling, simmer over low heat until a glue-like mass forms. Cool to an acceptable temperature and apply the product to your lips for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with water.

Additional recommendations

How to make lips soft? Certain rules must be followed:

  • To remove lipstick, use cosmetic milk.
  • Drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean water daily.
  • Introduce into the menu foods that are rich in vitamins A, E, B.
  • Take vitamin complexes that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Apply moisturizers to your lips regularly.

Moisturizing lip mask

Moisturizing lip masks are not inferior in effectiveness to salon lip care products.

Gelatin mask

The most popular mask with gelatin, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • gelatin – 1 part;
  • water - 4 parts;
  • kefir – 2 parts;
  • oatmeal – 1 part;
  • cream.

Dissolve gelatin in water. After it swells and all the liquid has disappeared, melt it in a water bath or in the microwave. Mix gelatin, kefir and oatmeal. The mask is ready. Before applying the product, lubricate your lips with cream. Once completely dry, remove the product from your lips.

Sour cream mask

Thanks to sour cream, your lips will always be moisturized, young and attractive. To prepare a sour cream mask you need to mix:

  • 5 g of fatty and thick sour cream;
  • 3 drops of citrus juice;
  • 5 drops of any cosmetic oil.

Apply the product to your lips for 20 minutes.

Nourishing lip masks

These masks are designed to enrich the skin with vitamins, micro and macroelements that are included in the product. Help restore skin elasticity, eliminate dryness and sagging.

Apple mask

The nutrients and vitamins contained in the apple will help cope with flaking and chapped lips. To prepare, chop 1 small apple and boil in half a glass of milk. Cool the boiled apples and chop them using a blender. Apply the resulting paste onto a cloth and apply the application to the lips and the skin around them for 30 minutes.

Mask with honey

Due to its rich composition, honey is widely used not only for preparing moisturizing, but also nourishing masks. Here is one mask recipe:

  • half a banana;
  • 5 g honey;
  • 5 ml milk.

Grind the banana until smooth using a fork or blender. Add honey and milk to the resulting slurry. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous paste. Apply the mask to the sponges and the area around them for 20 minutes.

To get the best effect, you can add vitamins A and E to honey, 1 capsule each, and cosmetic oils of olive, cocoa, castor oil. Apply the mask to your lips and rinse with water.

Cranberry mask

  • 30 g cranberry juice;
  • 20 g starch.

To obtain juice, take cranberries and chop them with a spoon, place them in cheesecloth and squeeze out the required amount of juice. Mix with starch and apply to lips. After 20 minutes, rinse with water.

Daily lip care

Although all kinds of masks, scrubs, balms and lotions are quite effective in eliminating skin problems, it would be better if you did everything to ensure that they did not appear at all. After all, if you pay attention to your lips every day, it is likely that they will always be in excellent shape.

Care rules: • Be sure to remove decorative cosmetics at night • Give a massage • Use protective balms • Make softening and nourishing masks

Scrubs, creams and lip balms

To get the best effect, you need to properly prepare your sponges for applying the mask. A sugar scrub or lip massage is suitable for this purpose.

We advise you to read: How to make a lip scrub at home

  1. To carry out the massage, purchase a soft toothbrush and steam it thoroughly so that the bristles are soft.
  2. Melt butter or honey in a water bath and apply to lips. Massage your lips with a brush for a minute.
  3. After applying the mask, you need to consolidate the result, which will help with homemade balms and creams. The natural composition will help consolidate the result and prolong the effect.

Nourishing lip cream

To prepare a nourishing lip cream you will need 20 g of honey and 1 tbsp. l pork fat. Melt all ingredients in a water bath and mix thoroughly. Store the cream in the refrigerator.

At home, to obtain pork fat, you can melt lard over a fire, drain the resulting fat and use it to prepare cosmetics and food.

Cream for chapped lips

A night mask or lip balm will help to consolidate the effect of the mask against peeling and cracks that have arisen as a result of aggressive exposure to wind and low temperatures. To do this, take:

  • beeswax - 1 part;
  • 2 parts of any cosmetic oil;
  • Vaseline – 1 part;
  • 2 parts chamomile decoction.

To prepare the mask, melt the beeswax in a water bath or in the microwave. To prepare a chamomile decoction, pour 1 tsp of chamomile flowers into 1 tbsp. water and boil for 5 minutes, then let sit until cool.

When all the ingredients are ready, mix them until smooth. Apply to lips after a mask or use during severe dryness and flaking of the skin.

Top 10 rating according to KP

Spivak Lip Scrub Bergamot

Natural strawberry seeds serve as scrubbing particles. Thanks to them, the product from Spivak actively affects peeling, eliminating them. Orange and bergamot oils help heal cracks. In general, the scrub stimulates collagen production (increases skin elasticity) and is suitable for budget anti-age care.

Product in a transparent plastic jar. Pros - you can always see the balance. Disadvantages: picking up the mixture with your fingers is unhygienic. Buyers warn in reviews that they will have to tinker: the mixture is not easy to wash off, you will need special products. The attitude towards the smell is ambiguous, the “masculine” notes of bergamot confuse me - but some people like such richness.

Advantages and disadvantages

budget care option; essential oils in nutritional compositions; fine abrasive; the remainder is always visible thanks to the transparent packaging.

the jar is inconvenient to use; Not everyone likes the smell; “capricious” composition, which often causes allergies.

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Cafe mimi Lip Scrub Sugar

Cafe mimi is a young, dynamically developing Russian brand; focuses on the natural composition of cosmetics. The lip scrub contains no alcohol or parabens, but a whole range of nutrients: cocoa butter, almond butter, Shea butter. They remove flaking while vitamin E and lanolin “work” on dryness. Thanks to the fine sugar abrasive, it does not hurt your lips.

But there is a catch here: powdered sugar, if it enters the blood of a diabetic, can cause deterioration. If you have health problems, discuss with your doctor even such minor cosmetics as a scrub.

The product is in a convenient tube - no application with fingers, you can even use it in the office. Smells delicious thanks to fragrances and oils. Buyers recommend in reviews, stating the softness of the lips after the 1st application. The tube contains 15 ml, enough for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages

inexpensive price; many natural ingredients in the composition; fine abrasive; easy-to-use tube; nice smell.

individual reaction.

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Zeitun Lip Scrub Mask Oat grains & honey

Zeitun, a line of natural Arab cosmetics from Syria, includes a scrub with the properties of a lip mask. It contains valuable olive oil that penetrates to deep levels. Vitamin E moisturizes the skin, and small particles of oats remove flaking. Contains no alcohol, parabens or artificial substances; But honey is not suitable for everyone - take this into account.

The product is in a beautiful jar, although in practice it is inconvenient to use - you can’t scoop it up with your finger in the office. Suitable for at-home spa rituals. Cinnamon may sting, so it is best to treat your lips before applying. The very dense texture does not suit everyone. But it lasts a long time, because for good scrubbing you only need one drop!

Advantages and disadvantages

contains many natural substances; fine abrasive; the optimal choice for an at-home spa.

Not everyone likes the thick texture; oriental scent of spices; The jar is inconvenient to use.

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Mixit lip scrub All About Lips Scrub

Mixit offers a lip scrub based on cane sugar - it can't be compared to homemade ones. Thanks to a drop of Shea butter (karite) nutrition at a deep level, vitamin E maintains hydrobalance. In addition to them, the composition contains beeswax; it requires a special wash, but only brings health benefits.

The manufacturer claims versatility for all skin types.

If the reviews for a lip scrub are good, that's a reason to buy it. The only inconvenience of the product is that it comes in a jar (applying with your finger is unhygienic), but otherwise it smells delicious and makes your lips soft and healthy. Be careful if you have problems with sugar; there is a lot of it here, you may need to consult a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

acceptable price; no parabens or alcohol in the composition; fine abrasive does not spoil lips; delicious smell.

inconvenient to apply; Individual reaction is possible.

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Sephora Collection Dragon Fruit Lip Scrub Balm

Shea butter (karite) and almonds, particles of rice and corn, an exotic addition of dragon fruit (or pitaya) - this is a lip scrub from Sephora. It contains no alcohol or parabens and can be safely applied to very dry skin. The abrasive is fine, there is no risk of scratching your lips. Vitamin E is useful for restoring hydrobalance.

This product is good to use on vacation, when sea salt and sun dry out the skin.

The product comes in a convenient stick, although it is paper-based. But the reviews write that the packaging is strong - it can withstand being carried in a bag or on the road. The volume is enough for 5-6 months. After application, massage your lips for 1 minute, then remove the abrasive and enjoy the nourishing base. The very tasty smell will not leave anyone with a sweet tooth indifferent.

Advantages and disadvantages

natural composition; fine abrasive; Suitable for all skin types; easy to apply stick; the volume lasts a long time; nice smell.

storage in the bathroom is questionable (due to the paper base of the stick).

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CATRICE Lip Scrub-Balm Sugar

By releasing good lipstick, CATRICE also takes care of skin health. There is a sugar scrub for this: apply it once a week, and you will not have problems with peeling and cracks. Alas, there are a lot of chemicals in the composition - the first lines are occupied by synthetics and derivatives - but there are also oils (apricot and jojoba).

Requires rinsing, otherwise it feels like a film on the lips. No pure fructose was found; it can be used if you have allergies.

The product comes in a convenient stick and can be applied at any time of the day. Due to the properties of the balm, it is suitable as a base for matte lipstick. Does not have a bright shade. Only 4 grams - if you do makeup every day, the consumption will be heavy. It smells sweet, but does not overpower the smell of perfume and daily care.

Advantages and disadvantages

2in1 product, can be used as a base for makeup; suitable for sensitive skin; convenient application with a stick; unobtrusive smell.

There is a lot of “chemistry” in the composition.

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The Saem Lip Scrub Saemmul honey

The combination of honey and apricot is delicious, warm and can warm you up in bad weather! The skin of the lips constantly needs hydration and nutrition. A scrub with oils and ground fruit seeds will give you what you need. Be careful if you have allergies; consult a doctor or cosmetologist before purchasing.

Koreans love concentrated substances, so it's worth checking in advance.

Product in a small jar 7 grams. Applying with your finger is not suitable for the office - so give yourself a spa at home! Be sure to rinse off, at least with water. Customers are delighted with the smell and even taste, confirming the softness of their lips after use.

Advantages and disadvantages

natural abrasive - ground apricot kernels; delicious smell; moisturizing and care from the 1st use.

individual reaction to honey; The jar is not convenient for everyone to use.

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A'PIEU Coffee lip scrub Amelipcano

The A'PIEU scrub has the original name Amelipcano. This is how the purpose (for lips) and composition (coffee abrasive) are played out. Almond oil, castor oil and vitamin E to nourish/moisturize the skin. Koreans could not do without a unique additive - here its role is given to babassu.

Unlike coconut, it is absorbed faster, contains more unsaturated acids and is suitable for any skin type. Light antimicrobial effect.

The scrub in stick form is very convenient to apply. Although it requires washing off due to coffee particles. It combines amazingly with other cosmetics and will appeal to coffee fans. Despite the dark shade, it does not stain the skin. For use once a week. Reviews indicate delight in the soft abrasive, effect and aroma.

Advantages and disadvantages

very nutritious composition, no alcohol and parabens; babassu oil with a disinfecting effect; easy to apply using a stick; delicious smell.

requires washing.

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Christian Dior Lip Scrub Lip Sugar

What is good about Christian Dior lip scrub, besides the legendary name? It smells sweet, does not require special rinsing (dissolves) and gently exfoliates the skin. The merits stop there; The composition contains alcohol-containing additives, which are not suitable for everyone. Of the nutritious oils, only mango.

Of the nutritious oils, only mango. Vitamin E for hydration, but not enough (in the middle of the composition). We consider the product closer to decorative cosmetics.

The product comes in a convenient stick, easy to apply on the road, in the office, or in the car. There are 2 shades to choose from, they even appear on the lips (according to reviews). A sugar additive can be a problem, but if the doctor allows it, even diabetics can please themselves with such an exquisite purchase!

Advantages and disadvantages

vitamin E included; convenient application due to the stick; 2 colors to choose from; pleasant sweet smell; does not require rinsing.

high price; Individual reaction is possible.

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MAC Lip Scrubtious

The most expensive lip scrub in our selection from MAC - is it worth the money? We can confidently say that it contains no harmful substances (alcohol and parabens, they dry out the lips). But there are caring oils, and there are many of them: jojoba, Shea (karite), baobab, rosemary, sunflower.

Valuable grape seed extract has also been noticed - it not only effectively nourishes the lips, but also gives a refined aroma. The abrasive is fine (rice particles), suitable for any skin type. Hypoallergenic.

Unfortunately, the manufacturer somehow didn’t think about the packaging - applying the product from a jar with your finger is unhygienic. But 15 ml lasts a long time; does not require special rinsing. Customers are delighted with the reviews, calling this gommage “the best find of winter.” There are 5 flavors to choose from, from berry to vanilla.

Advantages and disadvantages

natural composition; vitamin E for hydration; suitable for sensitive skin; fine abrasive; 5 types to choose from; subtle aroma of luxury cosmetics.

high price; Not everyone is comfortable using a jar.

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Lip enlargement mask

Every woman should have at least one recipe in her arsenal that will help make her lips plump, attractive and sexy. Homemade lip enlargement masks will help to visually enlarge them for several hours due to increased blood flow.

Glycerin mask

Although glycerin is not recommended for making masks, it is sometimes possible to give sponges a slight swelling. The main thing is not to overuse the product and do not forget about nourishing and moisturizing care.


  • Vaseline - 1 part;
  • honey - 1 part;
  • juice of any citrus fruit - 1 part;
  • sugar or powdered sugar - 1 part;
  • glycerin - 2 parts.

Melt all ingredients in the microwave or in a water bath and cool. Apply to sponges for 20 minutes.

Spice mask

This recipe is very simple, as it consists of only two components, but very effective. To prepare the mask, mix Vaseline and oil of mint, cinnamon, pepper or other hot spices. Apply to lips for 5 minutes. If there is severe tingling, you can remove the mask earlier using warm water.

Here's another hot recipe:

  • 5 g Kenyan pepper;
  • 1 tsp Vaseline;
  • 8 tablets of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP).

To prepare, grind vitamin PP tablets to a powder, then mix everything and apply to sponges for 2 minutes, rinse with water. Nicotinic acid can be purchased at a pharmacy.


Lina, 17 years old: “I did lip peeling at home, I was pleased with the result - they seemed to be soft. Now any lipstick fits perfectly.”

Katya, 24 years old: “I didn’t even suspect that lips also needed scrubbing, I always ignored this point. But I tried this recipe and really liked it.”

Valentina, 31 years old: “A friend advised me to make a lip scrub, I took her advice and was delighted. Cheap, but most importantly – effective. I don’t remember when my lips were so soft and tender.”

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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