What Corrects Eyebrow Tattoo Correction (Is It Really Necessary)?

Date of publication: 06/15/2021 1415
The procedure for permanent eyebrow makeup can be divided into two important stages: primary pigmentation and correction. The peculiarities of healing become the reason that after the first injection of pigment, defects in color or shape are sure to appear, which the master corrects during the second session. Only correct modification allows you to achieve flawless outlines and shades, get rid of imperfections and ensure long-lasting wear of the dye.

Why might it be necessary?

Applying permanent makeup to the eyebrows is associated with certain risks: allergies, incorrectly chosen tone, low professionalism of the artist. Most can be avoided with a responsible approach to the procedure:

  • careful selection of a clinic, cosmetologist,
  • following the specialist’s recommendations when preparing for the procedure,
  • conducting an allergy test,
  • numerous “trying on” of the future image.

However, there are a number of consequences that cannot be prevented. Only correct it using a procedure such as eyebrow tattoo correction.

Such unsatisfactory results may include loss of contour clarity, significant fading of the pigment, or a change in its tonality. Red instead of noble dark brown, the appearance of a blue or red undertone can significantly ruin the image. Just like the blurry outlines of the tail or the head of the eyebrow, which can be seen in the before and after photos.

“bald spots” and uneven loss of shade intensity

The reasons that nullify the positive result are the following:

  1. A defensive response to the injected pigment: the body perceives the invasion of the dye as a threat, triggering a cleansing and regeneration mechanism aimed at getting rid of the foreign substance. In rare cases, such a response is so successful that only 30% of the permanent remains.
  2. Violation of recommended aftercare procedures after tattooing. The skin needs not only gentle cleansing and disinfection, but also moisturizing. In an effort to prevent infection, it is easy to dry out the sensitive skin, which can lead to cracks. In their place, colorless zones and bald spots form.
  3. Neglect of means that accelerate wound healing. As a result, crusts of larger diameter and depth are formed. It’s easier to accidentally tear them off (with basic facial expressions). In their place, pigment may also be absent.
  4. Individual skin characteristics. Those with an oily type require eyebrow correction after tattooing more often, since the pigment does not adhere well and is smeared due to the hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands.

What happens if you don't make a correction?

Ignoring tattoo correction can lead to:

  • to rapid lightening of the coloring composition;
  • blurred eyebrow shape;
  • change in shade;
  • repetition of tattooing, which is longer and more painful than correction. And also more expensive in price.

In rare cases, no more than 1%, makeup adjustments are not required and eyebrows retain the desired shape and color for up to 5 years.

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What problems does eyebrow tattoo correction solve?

According to cosmetologists: “a corrective procedure is not a correction, but only bringing the work to perfection.” Masters insist on the need to correct eyebrow tattoos, citing the following reasons:

  • Filling of “empty” zones formed in place of fallen crusts as a result of natural regeneration.
  • Color correction (if needed). Hormonal imbalance, taking medications, and physiological characteristics of the body may not have the best effect on the shade of the permanent. In this case, the master changes the composition of the pigment, restoring the original tone.

Correcting red tattoo tint

  • Adding saturation to the shade. To avoid negative consequences (allergies, for example), the cosmetologist introduces the pigment carefully, leaving the regulation of saturation for subsequent correction.

Restoring tattoo saturation

  • Creating the effect of “transparency” and natural color by applying dye in layers.
  • Changing the contour geometry or restoring its clarity. Regenerative processes in the skin can cause the contour to “float” and become less pronounced.

Restoring a clear contour

  • Fixation of the shade: the permanent becomes more durable. The time interval before updating increases.

It is necessary to have time to make the correction within three months after applying the tattoo, since irreversible processes then occur in the skin and fixation of the pigment will become impossible.

How long does it take to correct?

We found out that correction is nothing more than a repeated permanent makeup procedure. It is carried out using the same technique, using identical tools and materials. The pigment is consumed in the same quantity. The master does not work only with voids on the eyebrows or eyelids, he completely covers the entire area.

There are several types of tattoo correction - primary, refresh or update, correction.


Primary correction is recommended for all women who turned to a specialist for the first time for a permanent makeup procedure. The area where the tattoo is performed does not matter. Any zone needs to be updated and improved.

Primary correction of eyebrows, wings or lips is carried out no earlier than after 4 weeks and no later than after 3 months (otherwise this is a refresh). The ideal time for primary correction is 5-6 weeks after the first procedure.

Why can't the correction be made earlier?

Some women, after 7-10 days, are ready to go to the specialist for corrections, because they see minor flaws and want to correct them as soon as possible. However, this is a rash decision. A competent specialist should not agree to correction earlier than after 4 weeks, since this is the period that the skin needs to recover. Before this, the wound is considered not yet healed and repeated injection of pigment is fraught with the formation of scars.

What if to another master?

Not all women are happy with the result; there are even those who are not ready to go to the same specialist for correction.

When deciding to undergo primary correction with another specialist, it is important to wait the required 4 weeks. This time is necessary for the skin to heal and the pigment to appear, which gradually becomes brighter. After the scabs come off, the eyebrows look light, but after a couple of weeks the shade returns.

Refresh or color update

Permanent makeup is not forever. Over time, the pigment is removed from the body. The duration depends on age, immune system, skin type and other factors. Girls 20-25 years old will need a refresh in a year and a half, older ladies after 2-3 years.

Refresh is a full-fledged permanent makeup procedure to update color. The master does not change the shape of the eyebrows or the arrow.


Permanent makeup is not always of high quality. There are smudges, irregular shape of eyebrows or arrows. Also, over time, permanent makeup can turn into an undesirable shade (this happens due to improper work of the artist or poor-quality pigments). All these are reasons to contact a specialist to correct your tattoo.

It is necessary to correct the tattoo or “interrupt” it if it no longer looks attractive. Many masters recommend first removing the old pigment with a laser or remover, and only then correcting the color and shape.

What should be the care after eyebrow tattoo correction?

The eyebrow skin after correction needs care in the same way as when the pigment was first applied. The recommendations remain the same:

  1. You should not wash your face with water and soap for the first three days; instead, use cotton pads and antibacterial wet wipes.
  2. No friction - the painful area can only be blotted as carefully as possible with a napkin moistened with a disinfectant solution, removing ichor and blood.
  3. It is necessary to use an antiseptic (preferably a spray), a cream to enhance regeneration (composition with panthenol).
  4. Decorative cosmetics are strictly prohibited during the recovery period, as they can provoke inflammation and infection.
  5. Sudden changes in temperature are also extremely undesirable, and therefore you should avoid long walks in frosty weather, trips to the solarium or to the beach.

As during the recovery period after tattooing, correction may be accompanied by inflammation, severe itching, and the formation of crusts. Scratching, removing on your own, or taking medications not approved by the cosmetologist is prohibited, otherwise this may negatively affect the result.

Methods for correcting and improving permanent eyebrow makeup

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup is performed in 3 directions, which are discussed below.


Immediately after tattooing, the color of the eyebrows may be unnaturally bright. This is due to the fact that some craftsmen deliberately introduce more dye, taking into account future fading. If the eyebrow tone after permanent makeup has the desired color, then after restoration it becomes pale and requires additional injection of pigment under the skin.

The procedure takes little time, and the eyebrows acquire the desired color.

It is more difficult to correct the appearance of an undesirable shade, which may appear as a result of using low-quality paint, the influence of hormonal levels, or due to skin color type. When using paint with black pigment, a blue tint is most often observed, and when using brown pigment, a pink tint may appear.

Therefore, these pigments are not recommended for use in eyebrow tattooing. To eliminate unnecessary shade, complete removal of the pigment from under the skin using a laser is required. The number of sessions depends on the type of shade. Cool colors appear faster than warm ones, since the pigment is located closer to the epidermis.

If you need to quickly eliminate an unwanted shade, you can use a procedure using a remover (a composition that neutralizes color pigments). The procedure is dangerous due to tissue damage with subsequent development of swelling, scars and impaired hair growth. Therefore it is used extremely rarely.

It is undesirable to cover an undesired shade with the use of other coloring pigments, since most often the procedure ends with the appearance of another, also undesirable shade. But in this case, it will be almost impossible to remove the pigment using a laser.

It is important that to perform permanent makeup, the master must use a specialized coloring composition. The use of paint for tattooing is unacceptable.

Coating evenness

Due to the unequal density of the skin, uneven distribution of fatty tissue, and also as a result of the formation of crusts, the coloring pigment may be unevenly distributed on the eyebrows. When carrying out correction, the master fills the resulting defects with paint.

The procedure is faster, since based on the results obtained, the specialist can determine the skin’s reaction to the pigment and the desired depth of punctures (therefore, it is recommended to carry out tattooing and correction by one specialist).

Eyebrow shape

Correcting the shape of the eyebrows is possible in 4 ways:

  • if the eyebrows turn out to be less narrow or short (when compared with the desired result), then the size is increased by additional injection of a dye subcutaneously;
  • if the eyebrows, on the contrary, turn out to be wider or longer, then the pigment is removed using a laser along the required contour;
  • if the desired bend is not observed or if there is asymmetry, it may be necessary to simultaneously introduce a coloring pigment and use a laser;
  • If you want to give the eyebrows a natural shape, without sharply defined boundaries, the shading method is used.

Therefore, when visiting the salon again for correction, you need to decide in advance what kind of eyebrow correction is required.

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Professional methods of tattoo removal

Home treatments can only make the pigment less intense, but will not completely remove a bad tattoo. How to remove permanent eyebrow makeup 100%?

Laser removal

Laser eyebrow tattoo removal will help you get rid of even a 10-year-old tattoo. Despite the fact that modern cosmetology offers several types of lasers - alexandrite, diode, etc., it is the modern neodymium laser that copes best with our task. You can get rid of the permanent in 5-7 sessions: without scars or scars.


Useful video

From this video you will learn how healing occurs and what to do if the crusts have come off and the color is not visible:

With proper care, scabs after eyebrow tattooing will not cause any discomfort and will disappear quickly.

There are no clear healing periods when applying a tattoo : for each person, depending on their physiological characteristics, regeneration occurs differently.

But if you follow all the recommendations of the master , do not wet your eyebrows and use healing ointments, the process will not take more than 10 days.

How to remove tattoo at home

Castor oil

How to remove eyebrow tattoo? Regular castor oil will help get rid of even many years of unsuccessful tattoos. Castor oil is one of the safest products for tattoo removal. But the effect will not be immediate: after a course of procedures, the tattoo will become lighter, but will not completely disappear.

Use castor oil with caution. The product may cause severe allergies. Do not rush to apply castor oil to the eyebrow area: do a quick test for intolerance. It's simple: just apply 1-2 drops of the product on the elbow and wait a few hours. If discomfort and redness have passed you by, castor oil can be safely used to remove tattoos.

How to remove tattoos at home
How to remove permanent makeup:

  1. It is advisable to carry out the procedure daily for 3-4 weeks. If the tattoo is very old, the course can be increased to 2 months.
  2. Lightly heat the castor oil in a water bath (ideally to room temperature) and gently spread over the eyebrows using a cotton swab. Of course, the make-up should be removed before this.

The product itself is best stored in the refrigerator. This way it will retain vitamins and all beneficial properties.

Castor oil is not only about removing an unsuccessful tattoo. Like any other cosmetic oil, the product contains an impressive amount of vitamins and fatty acids that activate hair growth. After an unsuccessful tattoo, your eyebrows began to fall out or bald spots appeared? Using castor oil, you will solve two problems at once. Remove unnecessary pigment and restore the natural thickness of the arches. Rest assured: your eyebrows will thank you.

Hydrogen peroxide

Using hydrogen peroxide, you can easily lighten not only dark hair, but also your skin. The product will allow you to “say goodbye” to an unsuccessful tattoo. In just a few procedures, the pigment will lighten by 1-3 tones.

We warn you right away - the method is quite risky. Remember that in large quantities the product can cause severe burns and hair loss. Therefore, we act carefully: you definitely shouldn’t get carried away with peroxide masks.

  • Peroxide, like any antiseptic, dries out the skin and hair. That is why remember this important rule. Before applying peroxide, the skin must be nourished and moisturized.
  • What products should I use? Any cream with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients will do. By the way, no one ruled out homemade masks either. For example, an aloe gel mask is very good at removing dryness and smoothing the skin.

If you have sensitive skin, dilute the peroxide solution with low-fat milk.

We have decided on the preparatory stage. How to remove eyebrow tattoo at home?

  1. Rinse off the cream and cleanse the skin.
  2. Apply a small amount of product to a cotton swab or pad.
  3. Standing in front of a mirror, carefully distribute the product in the eyebrow area. Try not to touch the skin located behind the contour of the tattoo.
  4. Don't forget about skin restoration. Upon completion of the procedure, reapply the cream.


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