Heavy artillery against facial rashes - review of mechanical facial cleansing

“I’m so tired of these pimples!” - many girls say this phrase in front of the mirror, especially in adolescence. I am 26 years old and, unfortunately, I still suffer from the problem of rashes. What I didn’t use: different creams, scrubs, and, most importantly, I hid the pimples under a layer of foundation every time.

I want to share my experience and tell you how I got rid of this problem and completely stopped using various types of “plaster”. We will talk about mechanical facial cleansing.

Review sent by Galina Beregovskaya

Instagram @small_muffin0

Salon treatments

The beauty industry offers many procedures that help women prolong their youth and attractiveness. Each client of the salon can choose an acceptable skin care program for herself.

You can often hear the question: “What will be better – ultrasonic or mechanical cleaning?” It is impossible to give a definite answer. Each of these methods has its own direct indications and contraindications. Yes, and the methods of carrying out are somewhat different.

But the main difference is that ultrasonic cleaning is only possible in a salon environment. Whereas mechanical, it may well be carried out at home.

Ultrasonic cleaning is a hardware procedure, while during mechanical cleaning all manipulations are carried out manually. Whether this is good or bad is up to you to judge. But both methods give very good results, especially if you follow all the specialist’s recommendations.

Features of ZO SKIN HEALTH cosmeceuticals

The cosmetic product line was developed and patented by the famous dermatologist Zane Obagi.
It was he who determined not just the treatment of existing concomitant pathologies, but also created the concept of competent daily skin care. The principle of operation of the drugs is based on a unique technology for supplying vitamin A (retinol) to the deep layers of the dermis. Cosmetics restore the cellular functioning of the epidermis, eliminate inflammatory processes and strengthen the protective properties of the skin.

Cosmeceuticals ZO SKIN HEALTH BY OBAGI offers various products for gently cleansing the skin without damage.

The use of ZO SKIN HEALTH cosmeceuticals helps to cope with the following aesthetic problems:

The use of ZO SKIN HEALTH cosmeceuticals helps to cope with the following aesthetic problems:

  • pigmentation;
  • pore expansion;
  • increased skin oiliness;
  • prevention of aging;
  • signs of acne and post-acne;
  • scars and rosacea;
  • UV damage to skin.

The high content of retinol provides an anti-aging effect in the form of smoothing wrinkles, eliminating aging and sagging skin.

Features of mechanical facial cleansing

What is mechanical facial cleansing and how is it done?

This is one of the most effective, but also the most drastic procedures compared to any other methods. It is more painful than ultrasound, but it is also most effective.

During the session, all dirt and sebaceous plugs are removed from the pores manually. Ultrasonic cleaning is done using a special device.

Not a single area of ​​your face will be left unattended during the manual procedure. It is this approach that guarantees complete cleansing and getting rid of cosmetic defects. Reviews most often testify in favor of this particular method.

How does facial cleansing work?

To begin with, the skin is completely cleansed of all impurities and absolutely all makeup is removed. Remove makeup and dirt using a special gel and antibacterial agents. Most often, anti-inflammatory drugs can be found in such gels. Therefore, from the moment of cleansing, deep care for your face begins.

After purification, hydrogenation is done. Hydrogenation is carried out using gel masks. With their help, the greenhouse effect occurs. This is necessary so that dead cells soften and are easily removed. Hydrogenation allows you to delicately soften the horn cells without burning the skin with hot steam. With the help of hydrogenation, pores are cleaned much easier, dead cells are easily removed. After the hydrogenation is done, the cosmetologist begins the cleaning itself. The skin is mechanically cleansed and acne is removed. The epidermis is effectively cleansed of impurities.

After mechanical cleaning, peelings are also used. With the help of peeling, the remaining keratinized cells are removed, pigment spots and post-acne are removed.

In order to soothe the skin after all these procedures, a mask is applied. With its help, the skin calms down and regeneration begins. After the mask, the results are secured with cream. The cream protects the delicate, cleansed dermis from external conditions.


There are several problems that you can see for yourself and conclude that it’s time to start fighting them:

  • Excessively enlarged facial pores.
  • Blackheads are comedones, not only in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.
  • Rapidly spreading acne.
  • Flabbiness and decreased tone of facial skin.
  • Vivid skin defects in the form of wen, milia and greasy wide pores.
  • Acne.
  • "Black" inflamed acne.

Such defects not only spoil the appearance, but at a certain stage cause physical discomfort and can provoke more serious problems. They need to be dealt with radically. If the problem is neglected, the skin of the face becomes rough and loses its healthy appearance.


Since the procedure involves intervention in the body, even at a superficial level, this can cause certain consequences that everyone suffers individually. The procedure is done taking into account the characteristics of the body.

Direct contraindications include:

  • history of herpetic infection;
  • eczema;
  • skin diseases of the scalp;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • acute dermatitis;
  • PMS and menstruation.

If you do not find anything from the above list, still consult a doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Some features and disadvantages of the procedure

This procedure is the deepest cleansing of the facial skin. Impurities are removed from the deepest layers of the epidermis, which cannot be said about peelings and other types of cleansing.

Even acne in a very advanced state can be treated and disappears completely after a regular series of procedures. The skin gets rid of unpleasant defects and becomes smooth and velvety. The tone is evened out and the facial contour is tightened. Problems disappear not only on the surface, but also in the deeper layers of the epidermis.

But there are still some unpleasant moments:

  • painful procedure caused by mechanical removal of defects with penetration into deep layers;
  • the recovery period after the procedure can be very long (depending on the characteristics of the body) and can last up to several days;
  • There is a risk of significant injury and subsequent scarring, which depends on the skill of the procedure.

If you carry out mechanical cleaning in a salon, choose a specialist very carefully, pay attention to the reviews of those who have already visited this place and had a similar procedure done by one or another specialist.

Contraindications to manual facial cleansing

Despite the fact that manual skin cleansing has proven itself to be a safe, painless procedure, it still has its limitations, which cannot be ignored. To identify contraindications, before manipulation, the cosmetologist conducts a thorough external examination, collects anamnesis, and asks about disturbing symptoms.

Manual cleaning is contraindicated for patients diagnosed with the following pathologies and disorders:

  • viral and chronic skin diseases;
  • profuse acne, accompanied by severe inflammation, suppuration, hyperemia;
  • thinned, very dry skin;
  • fragile vessels;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • chronic arterial hypertension;
  • rosacea;
  • demodicosis - damage to the skin by the microscopic Demodex mite;
  • allergic rashes;
  • critical days;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • acute cardiac, pulmonary, renal failure;
  • oncological neoplasms of any location;
  • severe mental disorders accompanied by uncontrollable attacks and seizures.

Stages of mechanical facial cleansing

The procedure is done according to strictly prescribed rules, this helps to achieve maximum effect and at the same time avoid unpleasant consequences.

Stages of the mechanical facial cleansing procedure:

  • Cleansing . This is done in order to remove decorative cosmetics and surface skin contaminants. Cosmetic milk or lotions are often used.
  • Toning . This stage involves removing the previous product from the surface of the skin and preparing for peeling.
  • Cleaning . All pustules, wen, comedones, and blackheads are removed manually. This is done using an Unna spoon, strainers and metal loops. All instruments must be sterile. A fairly large number of problem spots can be removed at one time. The entire cleaning procedure lasts from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the number of problems.
  • Applying an antibacterial mask . This is done in order to prevent bacteria from entering open wounds or wide pores. Compositions containing a disinfectant are often used.
  • Applying a cream with a soothing effect according to your skin type . This is done in order to soothe skin that has been subjected to quite aggressive effects.

Contrary to the belief that mechanical cleansing is a procedure that makes it possible to tidy up the skin and should be done regularly, resorting to it is often not recommended. Indeed, this is the most effective way to combat problems such as acne, acne, comedones, and wen. But under no circumstances should it be abused.

Manual facial cleansing is an effective classic of cosmetology

Facial cleansing by a cosmetologist is a procedure for deep cleansing the skin of external and internal impurities. It renews the vital potential of the skin, its protective functions and helps maintain the appearance of the face in excellent condition.

Modern cosmetology offers a wide variety of methods for cleansing facial skin, which can be found in the Barb.ua service catalog. In this article we will talk about the classic method - facial cleansing with the hands of a cosmetologist.

What is manual cleaning?

Mechanical facial cleansing is a classic cosmetic procedure for cleansing facial skin and clogged pores from superficial and deep impurities. This cleaning is done by hand (with your fingertips) using simple mechanical tools.

This method has its pros and cons. On the one hand, cleaning your face with your hands is effective, but on the other hand, it is unpleasant and quite painful.

So, what does this procedure do? The result of manual facial cleansing is clean, moisturized, elastic skin with closed pores and an even complexion.


One of the frequently asked questions in beauty salons: does this type of facial cleansing help clean deep pores? Answer: Yes! During the procedure, the specialist first cleanses the skin of surface impurities, and then carefully and thoroughly cleans the mouths of the sebaceous ducts. The purpose of such cleaning is to remove even the deepest-seated comedones, for which the cosmetologist can use special devices.

Mechanical facial cleansing is indicated in the following cases:

  • oily skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • comedones, including closed ones;
  • black dots;
  • acne;
  • wen;
  • milia.

In addition to the above-mentioned cosmetic problems, manual facial cleansing is indicated for problematic skin in adolescents with severe acne and for men with oily, porous facial skin prone to frequent inflammation.

It is also worth noting that, unlike ultrasonic and vacuum cleaning, such cleaning has no restrictions on the seasons of the year and can be performed both in winter and summer.

How often can the procedure be done? General recommendations for such cleaning are once a month or once every two months, depending on the speed of contamination. If the condition is advanced, specialists prescribe an intensive course consisting of 5-10 procedures, which are carried out every 7-14 days.


Cleaning the face with your hands in classical cosmetology is considered an effective method of cleansing the skin, however, it has its pros and cons.

This method serves as an alternative to chemical peels, or if hardware methods of influencing the skin are prohibited for one reason or another. Among the advantages is the possibility of using it as a reasonable option for facial cleansing during pregnancy. In this case, the expectant mother can rest assured that this procedure will not harm her baby.

The main disadvantages of this procedure are that it is traumatic, painful and there is a rehabilitation period during which you cannot sunbathe, go to the sauna, swimming pool, apply decorative cosmetics to the skin, tint eyebrows, or do eyelash extensions.

In general, mechanical facial cleansing has few contraindications, but the procedure cannot be done if:

  • herpes;
  • eczema;
  • acute forms of dermatitis;
  • allergies;
  • dry skin;
  • fragile vessels;
  • furunculosis.

Such phenomena as a tendency to inflammation, bronchial asthma, hypertension, blood diseases, menstruation and PMS are not complete contraindications, but if they exist, it is necessary to consult with a specialist regarding the possibility of carrying out the procedure.

Description of the procedure: methodology, steps, means

Mechanical facial cleansing usually lasts from 40 to 50 minutes. The exact time is determined by the protocol, which is drawn up by a cosmetologist taking into account the general condition of the skin and the possible use of additional cosmetic procedures.

The procedure has a clear algorithm of actions, consisting of three stages.

Stage I. Preliminary preparation

The skin is cleansed of decorative cosmetics and dust using cleansing cosmetics selected specifically for the type and characteristics of the skin. If the skin is excessively dirty, an additional cleansing mask is applied. Using a scrub or surface peeling, excess sebum and dead cells of the upper layer of skin are removed.

Next, a steaming procedure is carried out, which opens clogged pores and thereby facilitates the removal of deep impurities. The steaming technique involves treating the skin with moist warm steam or using a special thermogel, which makes the cleansing process more gentle and at the same time prevents dehydration of the skin.

Preparatory procedures are completed by wiping the skin with 3% hydrogen peroxide or lotion that does not contain alcohol components.

Stage II. Mechanical and manual processing

This step describes how to directly cleanse and remove the contents of the pores using tools and fingertips.

How is this procedure done in the salon? Armed with a special tool - a Vidal loop, the cosmetologist removes dead cells, shallow comedones and blackheads from the skin within 5-7 minutes, without affecting areas where there are inflamed and immature acne.

How is scraping done correctly? Manipulations are performed strictly against the course of the sebaceous gland ducts: on the forehead - from bottom to top, on the wings of the nose - from the base to the back, on the cheeks - from the edge to the center.

When passing along the processing line, the loop captures the plugs lodged in the pores and pulls them out. Contaminants that are not amenable to mechanical action are removed with light squeezing movements using fingertips wrapped in sterile napkins.

During cleaning, the instrument is periodically treated with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and the face is wiped with disinfectants.

Stage III. Final processing

A special mask is applied to cleansed skin, which tightens the pores, soothes and softens the skin, and the inflamed areas are treated with d'arsonval. At the end of the procedure, the face is covered with a layer of protective cream.

Cleaning your face with a spoon

In cases where the skin is very dirty and deep pores cannot be completely cleaned, cosmetologists treat the areas with a Uno spoon.

This cosmetic instrument is a metal device, the ends of which are made in the form of spoons. On the one hand, there is a spatula-sieve with small holes, designed to remove sebaceous secretions, on the other, there is a spoon with a hole for extracting comedones.

This video shows a step-by-step procedure for mechanical facial cleansing using a Uno spoon.

Post-procedure care

After the procedure, red spots and circles remain on the skin, slight swelling appears, and literally the next day the skin may begin to peel off. In this regard, the question often arises: how long does it take for a face to heal after manipulation?

As a rule, the reaction to mechanical and manual impact takes place within 2-3 days, complete healing lasts up to 5 days, after which the positive results of cleaning are visible to the naked eye.

However, if during the procedure the algorithm of actions was not followed or the specialist’s recommendations on how to care for the skin after cleansing were not followed, unpleasant consequences and even complications may occur. So, for example, the excessive zeal of a cosmetologist or neglect of contraindications leads to the formation of hematomas on the face, and failure to comply with the rules for processing the tools and hands of a specialist will cause acne and inflammation to appear on the face again.

What to do in such cases? Be sure to consult a specialist who will determine the degree of complication and recommend medications for treatment.

Basic skin care after cleansing consists of applying soothing products that accelerate cell regeneration to the skin three times a day. As a rule, for these purposes, the cosmetologist recommends using lotions that do not contain alcohol. You can also use soft antiseptics and medicinal clay masks, which perfectly dry the skin.

Photos before and after

Manual facial cleansing: comparison with other procedures

Mechanical action on the skin of the face is a simple and quite effective way of cleansing. It does not require the use of expensive devices and products and has a minimum of contraindications.

7.1 Hardware and manual cleaning: which is better?

Compared to the ultrasonic method, mechanical facial cleansing is more traumatic. But, at the same time, ultrasound does not remove deep comedones and blackheads, which can be removed manually.

Professional cosmetologists recommend combining these methods by exposing the skin to ultrasound either before or after manual cleansing. In the first case, the further process of cleaning the pores is facilitated, in the second, ultrasonic treatment consolidates the results of mechanical action. In addition, ultrasound promotes better penetration of nutrients contained in masks and creams into the skin.

7.2 Which cleaning is better: vacuum or manual

The absence of pain and a gentle effect are the main differences between vacuum facial cleansing. But with its help it is quite difficult to get rid of very deep comedones, which can be effectively treated with a Uno spoon and fingers. As with ultrasonic cleaning, this method can be used together with manual cleaning, which will give double results and a prolonged effect.

7.3 Peeling or manual cleaning?

Unlike manual cleaning, peelings are not able to remove deep impurities and closed comedones. Also, peeling is allowed only during the cold season, when UV rays are less aggressive. In addition, it has a number of other limitations that make the procedure impossible. In this case, mechanical cleaning helps.

If there are no contraindications to peeling, the cosmetologist will offer a comprehensive cleansing, while peeling will be used as a fixing procedure.


The cost of one manual cleaning procedure in beauty salons and centers in Kyiv ranges from 200-800 hryvnia. Such a wide price range is due to:

  • level of establishment;
  • category of cosmetic products used;
  • carrying out comprehensive programs of cleansing and subsequent restoration of the skin.

Thus, a standard manual cleaning procedure in a regular beauty salon costs 200-300 hryvnia.

Facial cleansing in a cosmetology center using professional cosmetics costs from 380 hryvnia and more.

In the case of complex cleansing using expensive products and devices, one session will cost at least 750 hryvnia.

The Barb.ua portal, in turn, recommends that this procedure be carried out only by professionals. Here you can find the best cosmetologists of Dnepr, Kyiv, Kharkov and other cities of Ukraine.

Larisa Eroshina

Mechanical facial cleansing at home

Mechanical facial cleansing at home is quite possible. But you definitely need to do everything so as not to cause harm. And for this you need to follow all precautions and follow all the steps, just like in the salon.

First of all, you need to stock up on the necessary supplies:

  • makeup remover milk;
  • tonic;
  • enzyme peeling agent (you can buy it at a specialty store);
  • devices for direct cleaning - a spatula, strainer or metal loops (these can also be found in the store);
  • antibacterial agents – masks purchased or homemade;
  • alginate mask – optional;
  • cream according to skin type with a calming effect.

Vaporization (steaming the skin) can be done with improvised means, using decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, string, St. John's wort).

To carry out this procedure, you need to take a hot broth, pour it into a pan and lean over it, covering your head with a towel so that a sauna effect is formed. But this must be done carefully to avoid burns.

If you do not have experience in carrying out such a procedure, it is better to use hot compresses from the same herbs.

Dip a soft cloth into the broth, squeeze lightly and apply to your face. Keep until cool. Repeat several times and proceed to further cleaning steps.

To prepare the skin, you can also use a special gel, which is sold in cosmetic departments of stores.

What is combined cleaning?

The procedure is recommended for people with normal, oily or mixed skin types. It allows you to eliminate acne, blackheads (comedones), as well as some other cosmetic problems in just one or several sessions. The first stage consists of mechanical cleaning, often called manual cleaning, since the master removes subcutaneous impurities using his hands and special tools. The second stage is hardware cleaning, also called ultrasonic, since it is performed using a special ultrasonic device in the salon. Combined cleaning will cost more than its individual components, but the achieved effect justifies the price.

Combined cleaning in the salon usually takes from one to two hours.

The main tools for mechanical cleaning are a Vidal needle and a Uno spoon. They are used to extract the deepest impurities from under the skin, including large and inflamed blackheads. Visible imperfections are squeezed out with your fingers. The skin is pre-steamed and disinfected. As for hardware cleaning, before performing it, the face is covered with a special gel, after which it is treated with ultrasonic waves, which facilitate the simple and painless removal of dead cells, sebaceous plugs and all kinds of impurities. The ultrasound power is adjusted by the cosmetologist.

Indications for undergoing combined cleaning are as follows:

  • acne;
  • keratosis;
  • deterioration of complexion;
  • excessive work of the sebaceous glands.

In addition, the procedure has a number of the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • severely inflamed skin;
  • allergies and dermatitis.

Post-procedure care

You need to take care of your facial skin after the session with special care so that the recovery process is as short as possible.

For several days after the procedure, pain or redness may persist in areas of particularly deep penetration into the layers of the skin.

It is necessary to treat the skin with creams that promote healing of wounds and soothe inflamed areas of the skin on the face. It is recommended to use Bepanten, Solcoseryl or other means of similar action.

It is better not to use decorative cosmetics, especially mattifying or foundation creams, for at least a day after the procedure, so that the pores do not become contaminated. You should also not use products containing alcohol.

Nourishing and moisturizing creams will be very helpful. Especially in the summer, it is better to use products that help protect against ultraviolet radiation. Avoid direct sunlight and do not sunbathe.

Between procedures, which are recommended to be carried out no more than once every 3-4 months, you can do peelings, massages or cleansing masks both in salons and at home.

Description of the mechanical cleaning procedure

Manual facial cleansing will help cleanse the skin of excess fat, keratinized epithelium, blackheads, acne and other impurities that spoil a person’s appearance. The procedure is carried out in a cosmetology office by a specially trained cosmetologist, who is obliged to strictly follow the technique of performing the manipulations.

For patients with oily skin, manual cleaning is recommended once every 7–10 days, and for normal skin types, no more than once a month. The total duration of the session is on average 1.5 – 2 hours. It all depends on the condition of the skin, the severity of cosmetic defects.

Immediately after the session, redness, slight swelling, and irritation may appear on the treated skin. These symptoms are considered normal and disappear after 12 to 24 hours without special treatment. If the dermis is thin, sensitive, and prone to inflammation, side effects in the form of hyperemia and swelling may persist for 2 to 3 days. During this period, it is important to strictly follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations regarding rehabilitation. After cleansing, it is forbidden to use decorative cosmetics for the first 3 to 5 days, and the skin of the face must be protected with individually selected care products.

Manual facial cleansing (Uno spoon) 4000 rub. Appointment with a cosmetologist, subject to the provision of services on the day of consultation 2,000 rubles.

All prices Make an appointment

A few days after the procedure, the surface layers of the epidermis begin to die and peel off. Outwardly, this manifests itself as slight peeling, which quickly disappears with regular use of moisturizing cosmetics. At the same time, natural processes of regeneration of dermal cells are launched, which contributes not only to cleansing, but also to effective rejuvenation of the skin.

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