Electrolysis of the bikini area: is it possible to get rid of unwanted hair forever?

Getting rid of excess hair in the bikini area forever is the dream of every representative of the fair sex. Daily shaving, irritation and redness of the skin, ingrown hairs - all this is very irritating and takes a lot of time to eliminate the consequences of inflammation. An effective method in this case is electrolysis of the bikini area, a procedure that permanently eliminates the problem of unaesthetic hair that does not allow you to wear a bikini or thong.

How is electrolysis performed?

With the help of electrolysis, you can completely remove excess vegetation in the intimate area using the action of electric current. This technique has a large number of varieties, characterized by some features. However, they have common features: electric current acts directly on the follicles and destroys them by increasing the temperature; the procedure eliminates hair of any color and thickness; to achieve 100% results, it is necessary to carry out several sessions of these manipulations; The hair length required for effective removal must be at least 3 mm.


The procedure has several ways of carrying out:

  • Thermolysis is the use of alternating high-frequency current. The heat generated is directed directly at the hair follicle using a needle, resulting in its destruction.
  • Electrolysis - a needle penetrates the hair follicle, a direct current acts - under its force, a sodium ion appears, which reacts with the fluid of the follicle tissue and destroys it.
  • Blend is a combination of thermolysis and electrolysis. The method requires less time and shows greater efficiency.
  • Sequential blend differs from the blend method only in the lower-frequency pulse of current amplitude, which reduces pain.
  • Tweezers method - each hair is fixed with an electrode in the form of tweezers, and an electric current is transmitted through it, like a wire.
  • Flash is an advanced thermolysis that uses direct current at very high frequencies to reduce pain.
  • Sequential flush - uses alternating high-frequency sinusoidal electric current. This adds maneuverability to the electrode, allows you to remove hair of varying thickness without reconfiguring and increases the rate of destruction of the hair follicle.

With electrolysis, all options for regular hair removal are available - you can remove hair along the edge of the area, under a swimsuit or underwear, make a Brazilian version (popularly known as a deep bikini), partial removal anywhere in the bikini area, or even create designs from the hair. However, it is worth remembering that the pattern cannot be changed, only the hair can be removed completely.

Electrolysis of the bikini area is not suitable for all clients. It is important to undergo an examination by a dermatologist before the procedure and, if there are no contraindications, take one trial session.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

Types of techniques

Various methods can be used for electrolysis of the intimate area. The simplest classification is based on the area of ​​influence:

  1. simple or classic bikini, which eliminates vegetation in the pubic area;
  2. deep or Brazilian bikini, when hair in the genital area is completely destroyed.

Electrolysis can be classified depending on the type of device.

Electrolysis can be carried out using:

tweezers-electrode (an effective method of removing hair from the bikini area, which is less painful than all others, but takes more time); an electrode needle that is inserted into the follicle. The needle has a small diameter and is made from different materials. The type of metal from which the needles are made is determined individually for each patient. Gold needles are used if the patient has delicate and hypersensitive skin prone to allergic reactions; the regular alloy is used in standard cases and is the most affordable.

The electrolysis procedure can be divided according to the type of current used. In accordance with this, there are 4 directions of electrolysis:


I will say right away that the master guided me for about a year (12 sessions once a month), since the hair moves from the sleeping phase to the growth phase, and until they all wake up, hair removal will not be completed. The hair that grows after the first session is not the hair that we killed, but new hair that has awakened!

  1. We started with the pubis. It took 4 hours to completely cover my pubic area. The master charges 20 rubles per minute + 100 rubles per ampoule of anesthesia. In total I got 3000 rubles. The next day I came to remove the rest of my hair in a deep bikini. Removed hair from lips. It took 4 hours and again 3000 rubles.
  2. In total, the second session took me 10 hours and 10,000 rubles. Hair is disappearing before our eyes!
  3. The next time, for 6 hours of work, I paid 6,600 rubles.
  4. I went to session 4. A month ago, out of my stupidity, I started taking Group B vitamins for hair growth, and, of course, my hair began to grow not only on my head. In the most important place where I struggle with hair, new soft hairs have also grown. Sensitivity decreases, so I lay for 6 hours without nerves, pain and tears on the first day, and 4 hours on the second day. Again I had to split the session into two times due to the growth of new hairs. The money came out to 10,000 rubles along with Ultracain ampoules.
  5. Fifth session. The break is long - 1.5 months. During this time, the hair grew noticeably less, mostly all thin, fluffy, but still dark. Therefore, they must be removed in any case. It took 5.5 hours to completely remove all the hair; I paid 5.5 thousand for this session.
  6. Sixth session. Coarse dark hair no longer grows, thin dark vellus hair grows. All hair was completely removed in 4.5 hours. Amount - 4.5 thousand rubles.
  7. Four and a half hours - 5 thousand rubles, since they injected Ubistezin.
  8. Eighth session. I'm tired. The hair is not going away, it seems to me that there is even more of it. In 4.5 hours I paid 5 thousand along with painkillers, just like last time.
  9. This time it took 4 hours to completely remove hair - 4,200 rubles including painkillers.
  10. It took 3 hours to completely remove hair - 3,300 rubles with painkillers.
  11. Complete removal of remaining hair - 2 hours. 2000 rubles.
  12. This time it took 1.5 hours and 1,500 rubles.
  13. Thirteenth session, 1.5 hours and 1500 rubles.
  14. 14th session, 1.5 hours and 1500 rubles. I took vitamins and thought it would be a good ride. But no. I'll never touch them again. I hope that these are at least the last hairs that have come out.

Hair disappears gradually, from procedure to procedure



I went for electrolysis several times, but I already have results. I was pleasantly surprised. The hair does not disappear all at once, but those that the master has removed will definitely not grow back. With each appearance of new hair, you must immediately go for procedures and remove it in order to ultimately have a flawless result. On average, I roughly calculated that to get rid of all hair forever on a specific area of ​​the body, it will take 3-5 procedures over a period of 8 to 12 months. It all depends on individual characteristics, but THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU NEED TO KNOW: no matter what kind of hair you have and no matter how much it is, electrolysis removes everything forever, the only question is time. It is important to take good care of your skin and not touch sores (crusts appear after the procedure), which dry out over time and disappear without a trace. Yes, it hurts, but it’s bearable). There are no unpleasant consequences, there is a great desire to complete the entire course and get rid of all the hair that is in the way). The most important thing is to have desire, patience and attitude, and, of course, find an experienced, proven master!!!



If you decide to make a deep bikini, then immediately be prepared that at first you will have to walk often. Since the area is large, it will have to be divided into sections. You will have to go 3-4 times to remove your hair at a time. And then at each site after 1.5–2 months. repeat. It took me 4 sessions of 2–2.5 hours (the hair removal itself takes about an hour + injection). At the last one, some of the hair that grew after the first session was already removed. Now I go at intervals of 2-4 weeks to remove it gradually again. Each time it takes less and less time for individual areas. Therefore, it turns out to make larger areas and you will need to walk less often. On the pubic area, after the first session, I don’t inject any painkillers, the skin is less sensitive, the hair grows a little, because they don’t grow at the same time, thereby saving time on injections. I won't say it doesn't hurt. It hurts, almost like a horsefly bites, you feel the prick of a needle and a burning sensation from the current. But we can bear it. The main thing is that if your hair doesn’t get smaller, change your hairdresser.

A nya


Video: video review of electrolysis (preparation, procedure, result)

When it comes to hardware methods of hair removal, and especially electrolysis, there are immediately skeptical people who do not believe that there are ways to get rid of unwanted hair forever. You can find both positive and negative reviews on this issue on the Internet. Both are absolutely true. The result of electrolysis largely depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist, as well as on the characteristics of the client’s body. Some will need to do five sessions, while others will not see the expected effect even after fifteen. Here you need to be patient and invest a lot of money, but often the first or second ends and the client, having almost reached the finish line, decides to give up on further procedures. There is another reason for not achieving results: in order to destroy the follicle, the cosmetologist must clearly hit it with a needle-electrode, and moreover, the hair follicle is not always destroyed the first time. In any case, if you work long and hard towards your goal, there will be results. Another question is that it requires a lot of time and money, and, most importantly, in most cases the hair does not disappear forever or only partially.

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How to prepare for the procedure?

Electrolysis is a simple procedure and does not require a long preparation stage. To obtain greater effectiveness, doctors recommend not taking hormonal drugs, visiting saunas, solariums, swimming pools, or sunbathing on the beach about a week before the procedure.

Do not shave your hair 3 days before the procedure. Before the procedure, the hair length must be no less than 3 mm. Sometimes, when hair grows slowly, it is necessary not to shave it 7 days before electrolysis. On the day of the procedure, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures and it is advisable to use a scrub with a special composition.

Further care

After hair removal using any method, irritation, red spots and other undesirable phenomena are possible. If you had the procedure done in a salon, and the specialist showed his best side, it is reasonable to ask him how best to deal with the negative consequences, but good advice can also be found on women’s forums.

Everyone agrees that the skin needs rest after hair removal, so the advice to wear loose underwear and loose clothing on the first day after hair removal seems obvious. Otherwise, each lady solves the problem in her own way - someone resorts to ordinary aftershave lotion, disinfects the skin with alcohol (even though it stings), and uses calendula ointment for red spots.

Main stages of the procedure

The entire process, regardless of the desired method of hair removal, hair removal can be divided into several stages:

Anesthesia . This is a required stage. It is possible to perform an injection or apply a special anesthetic composition. Customer reviews confirm strong pain during the procedure, which is more pronounced in the bikini area. To further reduce pain, the procedure is recommended to be performed after menstruation. Treatment . The patient takes a lying position that is most comfortable for him and the specialist who conducts the session. The technician inserts an electrode into the needle, creates a pulse, and then removes dead hair. For safety, the client is provided with a neutral electrode, which he holds in his hand until the end of the procedure.


After completing the procedure, the cosmetologist applies an antiseptic and a special gel designed to heal microtraumas of the skin.

Separately, it should be said regarding the frequency of repetition of sessions. Many people are interested in the question of how many procedures are needed to obtain the desired result. It is impossible to answer this unequivocally, because the number of visits can be determined after a course of procedures. Electrolysis of a deep bikini is repeated on average from 3 to 9 procedures with breaks of up to 8 weeks.

Recovery period

Despite the fact that the procedure is painful, the period of time required to restore the skin is minimal. To prolong the results obtained and reduce side effects, you must refrain from:

  1. taking hormonal medications;
  2. water procedures on the day of the procedure;
  3. sunbathing;
  4. visits to the solarium;
  5. swimming in the pool;
  6. scrubbing the treated area;
  7. intense physical exercise.

On average, the recovery period lasts 1 week. During this time, it is necessary to treat the skin with antiseptics. Wound healing agents are applied to the treated surface several times a day.

Possible consequences

Electrolysis rarely leads to any lasting negative consequences. It leaves no scars. Burns are possible only if the cosmetologist, when setting up the device, makes a serious mistake, or the skin turns out to be too sensitive. But even in this case, the damage will be pinpoint and, with proper treatment, will not leave marks.

Temporary consequences may be as follows:

  1. Painful sensations. They are observed for several days, after which they disappear.
  2. Redness and swelling. They are a completely natural reaction of the skin to traumatic factors and should go away in 2-3 days.
  3. Bruising where the needle was inserted. They will heal for about a week, gradually turning into crusts.
  4. Itching. A normal phenomenon characteristic of the skin restoration process. The main thing is not to comb it under any circumstances, otherwise you can not only interfere with healing, but also cause an infection.
  5. Inflammatory process. A serious and dangerous complication that occurs as a result of microbes entering unhealed wounds left from punctures with a needle-electrode. If the inflammation is serious or even more so suppuration appears, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

After completing the course of electrolysis, the skin in the bikini area will be absolutely smooth, without ingrown hairs or visible roots.

How to avoid the unpleasant consequences of electrolysis

First of all, the key to success and safety is choosing a good cosmetologist. It is he who, having correctly assessed the characteristics of hair and skin and selected the operating mode of the device, can protect the client from burns. Well, in order to avoid infection and the development of an inflammatory process during the healing process of the skin, the following rules must be followed:

  • During the week, you should avoid intense sports activities that lead to increased sweating, as well as swimming pools, saunas and baths;
  • until the skin is completely restored, scrubs, lotions, creams and other cosmetics should not be used in the bikini area;
  • At least 2-3 times a day you need to treat the skin with an antiseptic, which will be recommended by a cosmetologist.

Side effects

Electrolysis of the bikini area has some complications that begin during the session. Side effects persist for 4 days, then gradually disappear.

The most common manifestations are:

  • redness or pallor of the skin;
  • swelling;
  • pain, burning or itching;
  • inflammation;
  • the appearance of crusts on the skin;
  • disruption of the pigmentation process;
  • burns;
  • hematomas.

Contraindications to electrolysis

Unfortunately, the procedure has some limitations.

Cosmetologists recommend refusing a course of electrolysis if you have the following pathologies:

  1. vascular and heart diseases;
  2. blood diseases;
  3. malignant neoplasms;
  4. diabetes;
  5. hormonal disorders;
  6. hypertension;
  7. recent heart attack;
  8. presence of a pacemaker;
  9. skin hypersensitivity;

tendency to form keloid scars; pregnancy; lactation period; the presence of injuries and microtraumas of the skin; hyperthermia; infectious diseases.

In addition to the above conditions, a special contraindication for this procedure is the installed intrauterine device. The procedure is not performed during menstruation.


Due to its risk of injury, electrolysis has a number of contraindications for use. You can't resort to it:

  • in the presence of skin diseases, especially in acute form;
  • if the patient suffers from diabetes or cancer;
  • in the presence of hypertension and ischemic disease;
  • in case of epilepsy and mental disorder;
  • with damaged epidermis, presence of moles, tattoos;
  • if a woman has varicose veins;
  • with an implanted pacemaker;
  • if there is increased skin sensitivity;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If there are the above restrictions, this method of removing unwanted vegetation should be abandoned, since there is a high risk of harming your health.

What affects the cost?

The final cost of the procedure is influenced by the following factors: type of electrolysis; processing area; additional services - anesthesia, purchase of special needles, etc.; professionalism and qualifications of a specialist; amount of time spent.

Electrolysis of the bikini area is a method that allows you to completely remove excess hair in this area forever. The procedure is based on the action of different types of electric currents, which have a destructive effect on hair follicles. This manipulation is quite painful and may be accompanied by complications.

Epilation of the bikini area using laser: varieties

Before trying any manipulation on yourself, it is necessary to study in detail the information available about it. First of all, it is worth remembering that every person is individual, which means that the type of procedure is selected by a specialist, taking into account this important factor.

The color and shade of the hair is also always different - this applies to both the head and the bikini area. Accordingly, each type of laser hair removal meets the requirements and characteristics of each group of women. If the hair is dark, the specialist will recommend ruby ​​hair removal; as for alexandrite hair removal, it is suitable for a light brown shade.

In both cases, devices are used whose waves are well absorbed by the pigment responsible for coloring the hair. Their main difference is power. Alexandrite hair removal, unlike ruby ​​hair removal, involves the use of a more powerful type of laser, which makes it more effective.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the type of hair removal that is suitable for people with any type of hair - this is dioid hair removal. A distinctive advantage compared to the above types is that the waves generated by the device during dioid hair removal are completely absorbed by melanin.

There is also neodymium laser hair removal, but it is inferior to other types in terms of efficiency, so it is more often used in salons by masters specializing in tattoo removal. The waves generated by this device are not absorbed by melanin at all, which indicates the inappropriateness of its use in such a procedure.

Advantages of laser hair removal for deep bikini

Unlike traditional shaving or sugaring, the process takes virtually no time - 10 minutes and you're done! Already at the end of the first session, the skin is transformed, becomes smooth and velvety, which will undoubtedly cause you a storm of positive emotions. But your mood will become even better when you find out that the achieved result will last for three months.

Many women are familiar with the itching and burning sensation that occurs after using an ordinary razor. But these feelings are easy to avoid! Clients who used the laser hair removal service for the bikini area left reviews in which they noted a complete lack of discomfort.

Each person is beautiful in his own individuality, and it is in this that the answer to the question posed lies. Most men and women who complete a full course of deep bikini laser hair removal actually achieve the desired result. Some people may feel the need to take another course after a year. But we can say for sure that after laser hair removal of a deep bikini, the hair will lose its former rigidity, and light hairs will become less noticeable, which will definitely be good news for their owners.

Day X – how deep bikini area is epilated

Forewarned is forearmed. What stages does this procedure include? On the appointed day, at the appointed time, a woman comes to the cosmetologist’s office, where he asks her not only to sit on the couch, but to take the most comfortable position possible. Once a comfortable position is found, she is given special glasses. From this moment on, the woman’s main task becomes relaxation. The primary task of the doctor is to anesthetize the bikini area; preference is given to creams with an analgesic effect.

As soon as the skin of the treated area is completely prepared, the doctor begins epilation, which takes about 10 minutes. It is important to note that with the successful use of local anesthesia, the client’s only sensation during the procedure will be a feeling of warmth, which will undoubtedly leave positive memories of the manipulations performed.

When all hair has been removed and the procedure is complete, the doctor will treat the area with a protective anti-inflammatory cream.

Laser hair removal of deep bikini is over. It is enough to find out the date of the next procedure (the minimum course consists of 5 sessions - this allows you to achieve a truly impressive effect), and you can safely go home.

Of course, pain is always scary and unpleasant, and if you reinforce your inner fear with unconfirmed information about possible burns or irritation due to laser hair removal, an unreasonable desire arises to find an alternative, less painful procedure.

Of course, burns and other unpleasant consequences are possible, but the likelihood of complications and side effects exists with any medical technique. Do not forget that a clinic that values ​​clients and values ​​its reputation uses only new professional equipment, the use of which minimizes the likelihood of such consequences. Another secret is the combination of anesthetic cream with protection of the laser manipulator, which eliminates unpleasant sensations.

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