The effect of body peeling in a beauty salon, types and recommendations

Body peeling is considered one of the most popular and effective procedures in beauty salons. Thanks to the systematic use of exfoliating products, the natural renewal of the surface of the entire skin occurs much faster, smoothness and softness appear, and a fresh and healthy appearance is achieved.

Often, such manipulation is prescribed specifically as a preliminary preparation for further spas, which makes it possible to enhance the results obtained from them. Therefore, it is worth understanding modern variations of peeling, the algorithm for its implementation and the overall benefits of such a beauty session.

What's happened

To understand what kind of procedure this is - body peeling, you must first understand the structure of the skin. The fact is that the death of the upper layers of the epidermis occurs periodically, the peeling of keratinized cells is observed once every 30 days.

Due to age and the adverse effects of external factors, natural processes slow down, as a result of which the skin ceases to receive nutrients in the required quantity. That is why it is necessary to regularly carry out the whole body peeling procedure in order to start and speed up the regeneration process.

Mechanism of chemical peeling

Essentially, a chemical peel is a controlled burn of a specific area of ​​the skin. Such an effect is necessary to restore the protective properties of the skin, forcing cells to renew and produce active substances. As a rule, the procedure is performed on the face (chemical peeling of the face), but it is also possible to treat other parts of the body - neck, hands, décolleté.

The degree of burn depends on the concentration of acid in the composition. After exfoliation (removal of the upper layers of the dermis), the cells begin to actively renew themselves and produce growth factors. The skin actively produces hyaluronic acid, and new elastin and collagen molecules are produced. This helps to moisturize and tighten the skin, increasing its elasticity.

Along with the improvement of skin tone, its texture is evened out and small surface wrinkles are smoothed out. The procedure also helps to get rid of other skin defects (hyperpigmentation, post-acne, scars).

Summarizing the above, we can say that chemical peeling helps:

  • refresh and rejuvenate the face;
  • remove age spots;
  • cause activation of skin cells (due to anti-inflammatory effect);
  • stimulate the active production of hyaluronic acid (i.e. achieve skin hydration);
  • achieve restoration of density and elasticity of the epidermis;
  • achieve rejuvenation of the structure of the dermis;
  • restore the protective properties of the skin (restoration of the skin barrier).

1 Facial cleansing before peeling

2 Superficial chemical peeling procedure

3 Superficial chemical peeling procedure


The cosmetic procedure for eliminating dead cellular structures, depending on the method of exposure, is divided into several varieties.


To perform body polishing, the specialist uses special cosmetics that contain abrasive particles. This can be salt or sugar, microgranules of coffee, polyethylene, cherry and apricot pits and others.

This allows you to literally erase dead layers of skin.

Mechanical peeling involves the use of brushes, sponges and other devices during manipulation.

This category includes types of peeling such as coffee, salt, fish or bodyagi exfoliation.


During this type of procedure, compositions of acids, peptides and enzymes are used. The peeling prescribed for the face can also be used for the body.

Since the cost of most types of such cleansing is high, the procedure is not done on the entire surface, but only on individual areas in the form of applications. Hands, décolleté, feet, thighs, abdomen or back are treated.


The procedure is performed using a special device. This could be a laser, an ultrasound generator, a device that allows you to influence the treated area when exposed to low temperatures, exfoliation with oxygen or gas-liquid mixtures.

This type of cosmetic manipulation is rarely applied to the entire body. More often, individual areas that require specific correction are treated.

Based on the depth of impact, body peeling in the salon is divided into three groups.


It is considered one of the most common, which is used when polishing the body. It helps improve skin tone, color and appearance. Coffee and salt peelings are especially popular.


All layers of the epidermis are destroyed, which can provoke the development of certain complications. This procedure is performed exclusively in salons and specialized clinics. Manipulations are carried out on individual areas with visible defects.


Allows you to get rid of problems such as scars, scars, pigmentation. This category includes phenol, laser, cryopilling and exfoliation with trichloroacetic acid.

Royal SPA

Massage therapists from Thailand work hard for their clients. Various types of massage will cost you 7,000-9,000 tenge (royal - 15,000 tenge), wraps cost about the same, peelings - 10,000-15,000 tenge, and facial cleansing - 6,000 tenge. In addition, the salon has a small gym and a manicure and pedicure studio.

Location: King Hotel, 13th floor, Block A, st. Valikhanova, 7 Inquiries by phone: +7 7172 70 51 26


Experts usually recommend body peeling to people over 18 years of age. At the same time, it is recommended to perform the procedure only in accordance with certain indications, among which are:

  • decreased tone ;
  • the appearance of acne ;
  • pronounced age-related changes;
  • stretch marks.

In addition, a positive effect from manipulation is observed in patients with excess body weight.

SPA-salon “7 Boyau”

Another Thai salon with positive reviews, where real Thai masters work. An hour of dry massage is 6,000 tenge, and an hour of oil massage is 9,000 tenge. Spa programs are available, thanks to which you can enjoy the atmosphere of a Thai fairy tale.

Place: st. Zheltoksan, 24; st. Abylai Khan, 24 For information, call: , (Zheltoksan);,, (Abylay Khan)


To prevent the development of side effects, exfoliation should not be carried out under certain restrictions.

Peeling PRX-T33

Peeling PRX-T33 is a type of cosmetic procedure of a chemical type.

The procedure is contraindicated for such conditions and problems as:

  • open wounds on the body;
  • herpes;
  • mycosis;
  • heat ;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • oncological diseases;
  • individual intolerance to components.

Peeling should be avoided during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menstruation.

Renaissance Salon

Swimming pool, jacuzzi with hydromassage, oriental sauna (hamam), Finnish sauna, steam room, fitness room - all this is included in the visit costing 7,000 tenge (on weekends 8,000 tenge). Various procedures are also available, such as massage (whole body costs about 9,000-13,000 tenge/hour), as well as peelings, steaming, and chocolate wraps.

Place: st. Kazhymukan, 1 Inquiries by phone:

When using materials, indicate the source.


In order for the peeling to be as successful as possible and with minimal complications, you need to properly prepare for it.

First of all, you need to consult with a specialist, undergo a certain medical examination and pass the appropriate tests. This is necessary in order to identify possible contraindications for which the procedure is not recommended.

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In addition, it is important to do a preliminary test for an allergic reaction. If there is no redness or irritation, you can proceed directly to the exfoliation itself.

Experts recommend refraining from sunbathing and using abrasive products so as not to injure the skin.

If there is a need to take certain medications, then you need to inform the cosmetologist about this.

Execution steps

Each type of body peeling has its own characteristics in its implementation. However, there are general principles of the technique.

Peeling after facial cleansing

Smooth, delicate skin can be achieved at any age, but it requires proper care.

In general, the procedure consists of several sequential steps.

First, the cosmetologist cleans the treated area of ​​dirt, dust, residues of cosmetic care products and sebaceous secretions, after which he thoroughly degreases the surface.

Next, depending on the type of peeling chosen, the substance used is applied to the area. After the end of the exposure time, it is neutralized using a special composition.

If hardware exfoliation is performed, the time of exposure to rays is selected individually in each case, based on the existing problems and the expected result.

At the final stage, a moisturizing and soothing cream is applied to the surface of the skin.

Skin care after

To get the maximum effect, as well as prevent the development of unwanted side effects, it is important to know how to properly care for your body skin after peeling. According to most experts, it is proper care of the skin during the recovery period that allows 80 percent of the success of exfoliation.

To soothe the skin after aggressive exposure to chemicals or hardware devices, the use of special pharmaceutical creams is prescribed. This may be Panthenol, Bepanten or products containing vitamin A derivatives.

During the rehabilitation period, you should refrain from using other peeling substances. This is necessary in order not to further injure the already weakened epidermis, which has not yet had time to fully recover. In addition, after such actions, the formation of scars on the body cannot be ruled out.

Peeling in spring and summer

Facial peeling belongs to the category of aggressive procedures associated with some trauma to the epidermis.

Sunbathing is prohibited, not only in a solarium, but also in direct sunlight. If the exfoliation procedure was carried out in the summer, then before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen to the surface of the skin, which will prevent the appearance of age spots.

Until the skin is completely restored, it is recommended to avoid visiting bathhouses, saunas, swimming pools and open reservoirs.

Health Club & SPA Grand Prix

This is a unique beauty and health complex, which contains an aquazone, baths and saunas from all over the world, a modern fitness area, a clinic and a beauty salon. A separate floor is dedicated to the VIP-SPA, where there is a hydromassage RMS bath, infrared and Finnish saunas, a VIP hammam, a massage therapist’s office, a jacuzzi and a relaxation area. The center also offers a medical detox program, which is aimed at comprehensive cleansing of the body and improving well-being. You can evaluate the full range of services of the center by taking advantage of a one-time visit, the price of which includes access to the swimming pool, thermal area and fitness center. By purchasing an annual subscription, you receive a discount of up to 10% on all services of the complex. Place: st. Sarayshyk, 1 Inquiries by phone: +7 707 1 77 72 22, +7 7172 27 75 77


Regardless of the type of body exfoliation technique chosen, certain side effects may occur after the procedure. This often happens due to the specialist’s failure to follow the technique or if the patient ignored all the recommendations that should have been followed during the preparatory and rehabilitation periods.

The most common complications include the following.


Occurs at the site of exposure or throughout the body. The duration of the presence of such a symptom will be influenced by the depth of exposure and the aggressiveness of the method that was used in this case.

Most often, this reaction occurs in people whose body has dilated blood vessels.


In most cases, this sign begins to appear 2-3 days after the exfoliation procedure. The burn can persist for 7 days or more, after which it goes away on its own. A side effect is observed when using chemical peeling.


This complication is a normal condition, since this is how the skin is renewed. The keratinized particles of the epithelium are peeled off, which allows the regeneration process to start at the cellular level.

Peeling often appears immediately after the procedure. Under no circumstances should you peel off the crusts yourself. They go away on their own after a maximum of a week.

In cases where symptoms persist longer, cosmetologists recommend applying a moisturizer or wound-healing agents to the surface of the skin.

Darkening of the skin

This phenomenon is normal. It goes away after all the keratinized particles of the epidermis fall off.


Manifests itself in the form of pain to any mechanical impact or sunlight. Most often, this complication disappears no later than 14 days after resurfacing.

Sometimes the effect can be observed for several months or even years, which acts as the main limitation to subsequent exfoliation procedures.


If melanin is produced in large quantities, then the occurrence of such a side effect is no exception. This is how the body responds to a certain influence. In most cases, the problem appears after an acid or chemical peel.


A cosmetic body procedure has a positive effect and allows you to cope with many skin problems.

First of all, the removal of dead cells, cleansing of pores from impurities, rejuvenation and smoothing of the surface of the epidermis are noted.

In addition, peeling improves skin color, makes it firmer and more elastic, and evens out the texture.

The procedure allows you to improve the quality of penetration of nutrients into deeper layers along with the cosmetics used.

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