Cryotherapy in a beauty salon - transformation using cold

From this article you will learn:

  • What is cryotherapy
  • For what purposes is cryotherapy used in a beauty salon?
  • What is the effect of cryotherapy
  • What are the indications and contraindications for cryotherapy?
  • How to care for your skin after cryotherapy

Beauty is made up of many factors. This includes spiritual purity, graceful body shape, and hair condition. But all this will fade into the background if the face is not beautiful, if pimples, constant oily shine or wrinkles appear on it. Modern women are very lucky, because there are a lot of cosmetic methods that can restore the pristine beauty of the skin in the shortest possible time. One of them is cryotherapy in a beauty salon. What kind of procedure is this? Let's figure it out.

How it works?

Cryomassage is performed not only for the purpose of rejuvenation, but also for overall skin health. During the manipulation, liquid nitrogen is used. This substance, when used correctly, has an anti-inflammatory effect, so during a course of procedures, problems such as acne and acne can be solved. The healing and rejuvenating effect is achieved due to a sharp temperature change combined with a light massage. This trains the vessels of the face, which improves metabolic processes, significantly increases blood circulation, and ensures the delivery of nutrients and beneficial microelements deep into the cells of the dermis.

Cryotherapy for lupus erythematosus

In lupus erythematosus, cryotherapy is particularly useful in treating the discoid form (DLE). The method can be used several times, with an interval of 7-14 days, lasting 2-5 seconds. Freezing is carried out with solidified carbon dioxide in the form of sticks or a mixture with ether or gasoline.

Liquid nitrogen is used less frequently.

Double freezing using the spray or contact method for 15-60 seconds also gives good results. Freezing too shallow promotes relapses. In large lesions with active lesions along the periphery, it is preferable to freeze only the marginal part with a spray.

Cryotherapy for DVE may be an alternative to intralesional corticosteroid injections, reducing itching and leaving flat, discolored scars. In some patients, this may prevent the development of tumors in the lesions.

Other indications for the use of cryotherapy methods in dermatology include: Mibelli porokeratosis, lichen sclerosis and atrophic lichen, cirrhosis of the penis, Passini-Pierini atrophoderma. and etc.

Cryosurgery is also used for the removal of ingrown toenails, tattoo removal, some tropical mycoses, cutaneous leishmaniasis, larva migrans infections, psoriasis, and the treatment of purulent skin conditions such as boils, carpal furuncles, strokes, and abscesses.

Main advantages

Many years ago, the benefits of rubbing your face with ice cubes in the morning were proven. In cryomassage, liquid nitrogen is used to achieve the same effect. This substance acts on the deep layers of the skin, helping to preserve the results for a long time.

Cryomassage of the face is performed in many cosmetology clinics. The prevalence and accessibility of the technique is due to high consumer demand. Most clients of beauty salons prefer this method. Compared to other rejuvenating procedures, the “cold” massage technique has its advantages:

  • The technique is absolutely safe for the body;
  • Cryomassage of the face can be combined with other cosmetic procedures - cosmetologists assure that this procedure enhances the effect of other skincare procedures;
  • Despite the fact that a full course consists of 10-15 sessions, after the first procedure a positive effect can be noted;
  • One manipulation has an extended effect: cleansing the skin, nourishing, moisturizing;
  • A sharp drop in temperature has a positive effect on the condition of the skin;
  • Cryomassage of the face does not cause painful or unpleasant sensations;
  • This technique allows you to solve several facial skin problems at once.

Cryotherapy in a beauty salon: indications and contraindications

Cryotherapy will benefit all those who do not have compelling contraindications to this procedure, and will provide an excellent general strengthening and healing effect.

Cryotherapy in beauty salons and medical institutions is used for the following indications:

  • obesity;
  • cellulite;
  • skin pathologies resistant to other treatment methods;
  • gynecological and nervous diseases, ENT diseases;
  • recovery in the postoperative period;
  • treatment of injuries;
  • combating chronic fatigue, depression, nervous exhaustion and sleep disturbances;
  • age-related changes in the skin.

In beauty salons and dermatological centers, liquefied nitrogen is used to remove warts, moles, acne, scars, papillomas, and fight alopecia and seborrhea.

And this is not a complete list of indications for cryotherapy. It can be prescribed by the attending physician, who carefully monitors the course of the disease and the results of the procedures performed.

Main contraindications to cryotherapy:

  • allergy to low temperatures;
  • infectious diseases at any stage of their course;
  • heart attack and ischemia of the heart muscle;
  • stroke;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • patient age under 16 and after 60 years.

Read material on the topic: Microcurrent facial therapy

Indications for the procedure

A course of cryomassage is recommended in the following cases:

  • Spider veins on the face;
  • Too dry, or, conversely, oily facial skin. Cryomassage normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminates these deficiencies;
  • Skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis or even psoriasis;
  • Loss of elasticity and skin tone;
  • The appearance of wrinkles;
  • Ptosis (sagging skin);
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Uneven skin tone;
  • Acne, acne;
  • Welts or scars on the face;
  • Swelling of the face. "Bags" under the eyes.

Also, a cosmetologist may recommend a one-time cryomassage performed before other types of rejuvenating procedures, for example, before mesotherapy or biorevitalization. Sessions of the “cold” procedure are recommended to be carried out in the autumn or winter seasons, since after cryomassage the skin is very vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation.

How cryotherapy works in a beauty salon: the main stages of the procedure

Cryotherapy in beauty salons and beauty salons is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, the patient is required to undergo a comprehensive examination by a cosmetologist, the purpose of which is to exclude the presence of contraindications to the procedure. The specialist must also choose the type of cryotherapy and draw up a work plan.
  2. At the second stage, the skin is prepared for the main procedure.
  3. Next, the patient is given local anesthesia and waits for the effect of the drug to appear.
  4. When the anesthesia has taken effect, a special mixture is applied to the skin in a thick layer. It is hypoallergenic and has no contraindications, perfect for any skin type.
  5. Liquefied nitrogen is applied on top of this product using a specialized nozzle.
  6. After cryotherapy is completed, the skin is treated with moisturizing and caring creams.
  7. The specialist must assess the patient’s condition and give him the necessary instructions.

The cryotherapy procedure in a beauty salon lasts a maximum of 20 minutes, and its effect lasts for several years.

Most experts believe that rehabilitation is not necessary after cryotherapy. Therefore, patients are not given sick leave. Also, after the procedure there is no need for repeated visits to the beauty salon. It is only important to remember that for a whole week after cryotherapy, large amounts of decorative cosmetics and creams that will clog the pores should not be applied to the skin.

It is also not recommended to stay under the scorching sun for a long time, expose the body to excessive physical stress and visit the sauna. After skin restoration, patients can return to their normal lives. Rehabilitation after cryotherapy in beauty salons lasts differently for each patient: for some, 3 hours, for others, more than a week.

In what situations is the help of a cosmetologist needed?

As a rule, cryotherapy occurs without consequences and does not cause side effects. But there are still cases when you will have to seek the help of a specialist, and urgently:

  • The appearance of severe swelling on the face and dark blue circles under the eyes.
  • Uncomfortable sensations on the skin: itching, irritation and red spots.
  • Increased body temperature not associated with any disease.
  • Appearance of scars.
  • Excessive dryness of the skin.

In these cases, additional treatment will be required, which will be prescribed by a cosmetologist in a beauty salon.

Read material on the topic: Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and recommendations

Possible contraindications

Despite the wide range of indications and benefits, there are several limitations under which cryomassage is not performed. These include:

  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Presence of abrasions and wounds on the face;
  • Inflammatory and pustular formations on the skin;
  • The period of bearing a child;
  • Colds;
  • Herpes on the face;
  • Malignant neoplasms in the body;
  • Allergic reaction to cold.


  • Markevich T.: Indications for the use of cryotherapy, 1994;
  • Kanmerovsky M.: Cryosurgery for skin diseases, 1997.
  • Bembenek M., Zhaka M.: Cryosurgery in the palliative treatment of malignant melanoma, 1997;
  • Broniarczyk-Dila G., Janowski P.: Cryotherapy and its use in skin diseases, 1997;
  • Jakubiak A.: Use of cryotherapy in the treatment of certain skin diseases, 1990;
  • Kashuba A. et al. Cryotherapy with nitrous oxide in dermatological practice, 1995;
  • Lis A. et al.: The influence of cryo-application time using liquid nitrogen on the effectiveness of treatment of basocellular epithelioma, 1997;
  • Machonko T et al.: Treatment of alopecia areata with liquid nitrogen, 1981;
  • Shmurly V. et al.: Cryosurgery. Methods and Applications, 1989.


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How is the procedure performed?

When performing this cosmetic procedure, the facial skin is cleaned of impurities and the surface of the skin is treated with liquid nitrogen. To do this, use a special wooden stick on which a cotton swab is wrapped. It is placed in a container with nitrogen and massaged over the entire face.

This manipulation can only be entrusted to a true professional. The specialist must carry out this procedure as carefully as possible, carefully avoiding the area under the eyes and near the lips. Depending on the purpose of the manipulation, its duration ranges from 10 to 20 minutes. Cryomassage involves a light massage with nitrogen; it is never rubbed into the skin. Some patients feel only a slight burning sensation from the feeling of cold. At the end of the cosmetic procedure, the face is covered with moisturizing cream. You are allowed to go outside after 30-40 minutes.

At the end of the cryomassage, slight redness of the skin may be observed. There is no need to be scared, this is the norm. Literally within a day, this symptom goes away on its own.

Types of cryotherapy in a beauty salon

  1. A separate type of cryotherapy is a procedure for eliminating acne. Liquid nitrogen is applied to the affected skin using a special wooden spatula and kept on the skin for a certain time.
  2. If there are formations on the skin that are more serious and persistent than acne, then cryodermabrasion is used to remove them. This procedure is characterized by exposure to ultra-low temperatures and removal of the upper layers of the epidermis.
  3. Warts are removed in beauty salons and dermatological clinics by cryodestruction. The essence of the procedure is that a small area of ​​skin affected by warts is exposed to cold. The result is destruction of the treated integumentary tissue.
  4. Aerocryotherapy is a restorative procedure that involves blowing cold air onto the skin. It is usually prescribed after plastic surgery.
  5. Also in beauty salons, cryolipolysis is used - this is a procedure that removes deposits of adipose tissue.

Choosing the type of cryotherapy that is right for your skin is extremely difficult on your own. Before doing the procedure, be sure to consult with a specialist and diagnose the skin on your face. After this, the cosmetologist will tell you what type of cryotherapy in a beauty salon is best for you to use.

Recommendations after cryomassage

For 7 days after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight - it is for this reason that this manipulation is not recommended for summer. If you need to go outside, you need to wear a hat with a brim so that the skin of your face is in the shade. It is not recommended to use foundation during the week; you can only use moisturizers with SPF of at least 20.

Within 2-3 days after the procedure, slight peeling of the skin is possible; this is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to exposure to cold. After the specified time, all inconveniences disappear on their own.

How much does cryotherapy cost in a beauty salon?

A separate issue is the price of cryotherapy in a beauty salon. A standard cryomassage will cost from 700 to 1200 rubles. The cost of surgical intervention can exceed 3,500 rubles. The price largely depends on the region and class of the beauty salon or medical organization.

In conclusion, I would like to say once again that cryotherapy is a modern, effective procedure that can help in the fight against many diseases and skin defects. Thanks to this procedure, you can forever forget about warts, pimples, wrinkles and other problems in the shortest possible time.

After the procedure, you won’t have to hide your skin under a huge amount of foundation and buy the entire range of pharmaceutical products that can at least partially get rid of imperfections. Modern cosmetologists are convinced that cryotherapy is suitable and helps almost everyone.

In addition, these days you no longer have to spend a lot of time on this or perform complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment. There are two such centers in Moscow – near Timiryazevskaya metro station and Otradnoye metro station.

Will cryomassage help with acne?

Some perform cosmetic procedures to improve skin health. Most patients wonder if cold application in combination with light massage can treat acne? Cosmetologists say that this is quite possible. Cryomassage increases blood flow, which helps kill bacteria that cause pimples or blackheads. After manipulation with liquid nitrogen, acne becomes covered with a crust, which disappears after a few days. Cryomassage sessions are also carried out to get rid of scars and acne marks (scars, post-acne).

Beneficial properties of cryomassage: why it is prescribed

Cryomassage of the face, body, and head with liquid nitrogen has a strong therapeutic effect, while it is completely painless for the patient.

The effect of a cold source on the skin promotes gentle exfoliation of the upper layers of the dermis and stimulates the growth of new cells. There is also a slowdown in inflammatory processes and skin aging processes. Muscle tone increases and wrinkles become noticeably less pronounced.

For acne, cryomassage is also useful because it reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and for skin with excessive pigmentation - for its lightening properties.

In addition to providing a general therapeutic and strengthening effect, massage can serve as a stage of preparation for other cosmetic procedures, such as injections or wraps. Cryomassages are prescribed as rehabilitation measures after surgical interventions, after all types of hair removal and thermal effects on the skin.

Cryomassage of the scalp is recommended to enhance hair growth and generally improve its condition.

With rosacea, a cyst forms in the sebaceous glands, which causes the skin papule to harden. Cryomassage, by activating the process of cell regeneration, can reduce the manifestations of inflammation, which heal and go away faster than usual.

What effect should you expect?

If you complete a full course of cryomassage, you can achieve the following results:

  • The skin of the face is cleansed of dead cells, the skin of the face becomes smooth and even;
  • A healthy complexion and natural blush appear;
  • The functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • The intensity of skin inflammatory processes decreases;
  • Scars become less noticeable;
  • Acne is eliminated;
  • Expression wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out;
  • The skin becomes elastic and elastic;
  • The pores on the face narrow and become almost invisible.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to consult with a cosmetologist and make sure there are no contraindications.

Features of the use of liquid nitrogen in cosmetology

Liquid nitrogen is a colorless, transparent liquid with a boiling point of -195.75 °C. Due to its unique properties, the substance is used in various branches of medicine, including for the treatment of hair, skin, and the fight against imperfections in appearance. Only a qualified specialist should use liquid nitrogen, especially if removal of benign growths is required.

What devices and products are used for cleaning

The classic option is to treat tissues with swabs soaked in liquid nitrogen. Cosmetology parlors offer multifunctional cryotherapy machines.

There are also portable devices: Frotox is used to rejuvenate, give freshness, and reduce the number of wrinkles. The use of this device requires the use of anesthesia.

Attention! The choice of technique depends on the objectives of the procedure, as well as the qualifications of the doctor. Innovative technologies help to avoid complications when exposed to low temperatures.

Cryomassage of the face - reviews

Elena Ekimova

In the summer I always do this cosmetic procedure - Cryomassage of the face. It is carried out using liquid nitrogen. During the session, which lasts 10 minutes, you do not experience any discomfort. A slight tingling sensation and coolness are all, and the coolness lasts for several hours.

Procedure: you lie on your back on a couch with your face, neck and décolleté exposed. And a nice girl, a cosmetologist, runs a cotton swab (as in the photo) several times over open areas of the skin, previously soaked in a solution of liquid nitrogen.

There are many indications for the procedure: prevention and elimination of the first signs of skin aging, rosacea, elimination of puffiness and much more. In general, each age has its own Cryomassage and its own indications.

There is no special skin care after the procedure, they put sunscreen on me and that’s it. The procedure is the least expensive of all cosmetic treatments, in any salon I think around 100 rubles, it is better to do courses of 5-10 sessions. From personal experience: the skin tightens, becomes smooth and the complexion definitely improves. I recommend.

Evgenia Vlasova


Three years ago I started having terrible problems with my facial skin. The condition worsened every month and in the end everything became so bad that I had to wear a medical mask to work so as not to scare people.

Naturally, I turned to doctors. I took a lot of tests, received a lot of diagnoses (Demodex, rosacea, acne, etc.) and underwent more than one treatment, but my condition did not improve. Plus, I started to feel terrible depression, it’s clear why. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror and couldn’t understand why I was doing this and why. I, who never suffered from teenage acne or other skin problems, suddenly began to look like the most pimply girl in the world.

Naturally, I don’t have photographs, but I found similar ones on the Internet, the skin was the same and even worse. And one very good doctor Shamov B.A. God's doctor! from the department of the Institute of Tanning. The disease diagnosed me correctly, and most importantly, he selected a treatment that quickly and accurately brought my condition back to normal.

Along with medication and diet, the doctor prescribed me a course of 10-15 sessions of facial cryomassage with nitrogen or carbonic acid.

In Kazan, not far from home, at the KozhVen dispensary, I found cryomassage of the face with nitrogen. The procedure is, of course, paid, but believe me, 150-200 rubles for 1 session, which lasts from 5 to 10 minutes, for healthy facial skin is actually pennies.

My massage experience has always been the same. I signed up in advance, arrived at the appointed time, paid, and went into the office. I always had the same cosmetologist. She checked the payment, prepared the place, I put on a cap and made myself comfortable. The cosmetologist poured liquid nitrogen into a special cosmetic thermos, then wrapped cotton wool on what I think was a wooden stick, dipped it in the nitrogen in the thermos and began the massage. The massage is carried out on a clean face, using rolling movements along the massage lines, periodically wetting the cotton wool in nitrogen, and at the very end, patting it, slightly warming up the frozen face. On average it lasts 10 minutes.

Feel? Very cold. Sometimes it hurts. But at the same time it's nice. Sometimes you even feel like the hairs are sticking to the cotton wool. But the main thing is the result. I overcame a terrible illness and again began to admire myself in the mirror.

To everyone who is indicated for cryomassage, but you are wondering whether it is worth it or just go and rejuvenate a little, I recommend cryomassage of the face. The procedure is safe (only if performed by professionals) and very effective. There are a lot of indications, from oiliness, acne and swelling, to the treatment of mites, etc.

Beauty and health to everyone!


I do cryomassage regularly. I visit a beauty salon and undergo the procedure twice a year. I'm very pleased with the result.


I can say that my complexion is becoming more even. My skin has become lighter because the cold strengthens the blood vessels. There were small scars that have disappeared! The skin became smooth and even, the pores tightened. I'm very pleased, so don't hesitate. There is an effect!!!


But everything is very good for me and I repeat the procedure a couple of times a year. No discomfort during the session. The result will please you for a long time.


I repeat this massage every year during the winter season. The face after it is wonderful, smooth, clean. The only thing is that it peels off the first time after the sessions. But I can easily cope with this problem with a good nourishing cream.


I use this procedure in the fight against acne. For me it is the least uncomfortable and always goes away quite easily and without side effects. I definitely support her good reviews.



Cryomassage - massage with liquid nitrogen - was recommended to me by a cosmetologist as part of a complex treatment.

My skin is oily, with enlarged pores, and inflammation.

The procedure takes about 5 minutes. There are no unpleasant sensations - the cosmetologist simply moves a swab soaked in liquid nitrogen over the face.

The effect is noticeable immediately. The overall condition of the skin improves, pores and inflammation have decreased. And the best thing is that your complexion is gorgeous after this!!!

It's a pity that this procedure cannot be done often.

I did the course every other day, 10 procedures. In Irkutsk last year, 1 procedure cost 70-100 rubles (I can’t say for sure, because in addition to cryomassage I paid for other procedures). Very affordable. Cheap. Effective. And most importantly, it’s painless, unlike, for example, cleaning or peeling.


I really love this procedure. I only do it on my face. The effect is visible almost immediately (the oval of the face is tightened), and after some time the condition of the skin improves (less oiliness, pores are less noticeable).


I did a liquid nitrogen massage on the doctor’s recommendation to increase the skin’s resistance, because I often developed inflamed acne. I felt like I liked the procedure. The feeling of cold did not frighten me at all, it was even pleasant. Only the skin was red for 2 hours, probably after each session, but then the redness went away



A pleasant procedure with clear results


Ends quickly))

After pregnancy and childbirth, I started having problems with my face. As the popular saying goes, if your appearance deteriorates, it means you are pregnant with a girl, since the daughter takes away her mother’s beauty. In my case, all this happened. Naturally, after giving birth, the question arose about restoring her appearance. I went to a beauty salon and was recommended a cryomassage procedure. After a short introduction and a short lecture, I realized that facial cryomassage is a facial care procedure that uses liquid nitrogen. The word nitrogen confused me a little. But everything turned out to be very interesting and safe. The cosmetologist said that liquid nitrogen is an odorless and colorless liquid, the temperature of which reaches minus 195.8 degrees. Liquid nitrogen is a very common thing in cosmetology around the world, and interestingly, it is recommended not only for women, but also for men, and age does not matter.

I went into the office and saw in the corner a large pitcher, or thermos, if you can call it that. It was tightly closed. I lay down on a chair, and after treating my skin with special skin care products, after a long wait for liquid nitrogen, I saw how this happens in action. The cosmetologist took a long stick, well, 0.5 meters long, wrapped cotton wool on one end, opened the lid of this special thermos, from under which came out like steam, only, therefore, not steam, and began to treat the face with special movements along the massage lines of the face, the contour of the face. I felt a pleasant cold. It was so painless, and on the contrary, so pleasant that I didn’t want it to stop. Very relaxing, I just wanted to fall asleep. The procedure lasted about 10 minutes. On average, such cryomassage procedures last from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the problem. Apply this procedure when:

  • acne;
  • warts or papillomas;
  • eliminating fine wrinkles and aging skin;
  • to tighten the contours of the face, to eliminate any swelling or pigmentation, etc.

The cryomassage procedure helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps eliminate skin aging, and eliminate pimples and their marks. Using my own example, I can say that cryomassage helped eliminate red spots from pimples, even very old spots became several shades lighter and less noticeable. The number of blackheads has decreased, my facial contour has tightened up a little, small expression wrinkles have smoothed out, and in general, my skin has become more toned, healthy and, most importantly, fresher and more elastic. This procedure costs mere pennies compared to others - about 40 hryvnia. But the result is really noticeable after the first course, 10 sessions.

I decided for myself that I would definitely take another one. It’s not expensive and doesn’t take much time. With all the undressing and procedures, I was in the salon for no more than 45 minutes. I definitely recommend this procedure, even if there are no obvious skin problems. This is simply a pleasant and in any case useful procedure for any skin. You will definitely notice that your skin color will improve due to blood flow, and there will be no peeling or pimples. I definitely recommend the cryomassage procedure to everyone.



Aligns, brightens



After cleansing my face, I often do cryomassage of the face. The procedure is very comfortable and pleasant, no burns, a slight chill and tingling sensation. During the procedure, a stick and cotton wool wrapped around it are passed over the face, which is dipped into a thermos. By efficiency:

  1. after cleansing the face, the skin is injured and this helps to heal the wounds faster
  2. fights oily skin, evens out complexion, lightens post-acne spots
  3. It is better to do it in a course of 7-10 procedures, every other day
  4. the effect is not long-term, it lasts for a short time, but the result is noticeable after several sessions

I think the downside of the procedure is its price, it turns out to be about 1000 rubles, I highly recommend looking for it using the coupon



clear skin, affordable price


the result must be maintained constantly!

Hi all. I’ll tell you my instructive story about the fight against acne. At the age of 16, I sprinkled hypodermic all over my face, I didn’t sound the alarm, because I thought that age would pass. 2 years have passed... covered in acne. I ran to a cosmetologist and ended up burning my face with peelings. I lay with a chemical burn for about 3 weeks... I took hormonal pills (JES), but they didn’t help either. Due to life circumstances, she moved to the Moscow region. I came to the salon for cleaning and they told me about cryomassage. Do the procedure 10-15 times daily (350 rubles at a time). I can say this, not very pleasant, but tolerable. There were no results for the first three procedures, and then the acne began to go away, post-acne too) now we will cure the face this way, I go and maintain it with cryomassage once a week

Nimble hedgehog


price, tightens skin, improves complexion, reduces sensitivity threshold, does not require long-term recovery


there are contraindications

Hello, I found out about this procedure by chance, at an appointment with a cosmetologist. Since then I have done several courses (10 pieces) for hair, décolleté and face. The meaning of the procedure is that it is treated with nitrogen. First, dip a stick wrapped in cotton wool into a can (thermos), then take out the already smoking one and treat the desired surface. The effect is amazing. Tightens pores, evens out complexion, dries out formations and pimples on the face. It can be done as an addition to traumatic facial cleansing, or as an independent procedure. The result is justified, and so are the financial costs. As a result of the course of the procedure, the hairline was restored after a long illness, the oiliness of the scalp and face decreased, the skin tightened, and the sensitivity threshold decreased. I recommend it, you won’t regret it!



Clean and renewed skin, fight against skin imperfections, get rid of fine expression wrinkles, prevent skin aging.


If the skin is very delicate it may be painful, but compared to the result this is not significant.

This is where the expression “beauty requires sacrifice” comes in handy. I struggled with getting rid of acne for two years. Not just acne, not just blackheads, but natural pimples! Visiting a dermatologist, constantly taking vitamins and constantly using various ointments did not produce any results. For an 18-year-old man, this was complete despair. Because purulent lumps appeared on my face every now and then and there was simply no end to them. I remember I went to Thailand, thinking of undergoing a course of treatment there, but even there the leading cosmetologist said that the treatment would last for at least 3 months. You can’t imagine how upset I came back. I talked with my parents about this topic. My dad immediately found a place where “you will definitely be cured there.” The clinic dates back to Soviet times, where he himself treated skin at one time.

As a result, I was diagnosed with demodicosis, and in a very acute form. You could say there was no living space on his face. First of all, they prescribed a course of cryomassage (10 days, with a break of a day, that is, every other day, each procedure). Things went well. Next is a course of various therapeutic clay masks. But the basis was still cryomassage. As a result, within 20 days (!) of my treatment, my skin changed many times over. And subsequently I did this procedure once a month. To maintain the effect. As soon as I find “before” photos, I’ll be sure to post them in a review. But this procedure helped me significantly in improving the condition of my skin. For which I am incredibly grateful.

It is carried out within 10 minutes. A wooden stick with cotton wool wrapped around it is dipped into a container with liquid nitrogen. Next, use this stick to gently and very quickly massage your face; any delay is a thermal burn, so this procedure requires good skill from a specialist. Usually in 10 stages (about 2-3 weeks). Now I’m 22 - this procedure is no longer required (except perhaps to prevent small facial wrinkles in the future or to even out the tone, so as not to use different foundations in the future). I definitely recommend it to those who want to get rid of skin defects once and for all. The most important thing is to choose a good specialist!


Good afternoon

I was referred to a cryomassage course by my dermatologist. I am undergoing treatment for acne with her. The procedure was new to me, since I performed all the care and various manipulations on my face only at home. The doctor prescribed a course of 10 visits. I must say that in March this procedure is not so easy to find, calling a couple of salons and hearing: “We no longer do this procedure” or “We can put you on the waiting list, and as soon as the queue approaches, we will immediately call you.” I decided to contact the state dermatovenerological dispensary of the city of Minsk (KVD). One procedure there turned out to be not expensive at all; one session cost almost 6 Belarusian rubles, or about $3. I won’t talk about the fact that before each visit there it was necessary to conclude an agreement, go to the cashier and pay, since the topic is about the procedure itself, and not about the organizational issues of the KVD present at the state institution.


As soon as I entered the office, the doctor asked who referred me and offered to postpone these procedures and replace them with a short course of peelings, but I refused, since I still have my own doctor. She assured me of her experience and that it would be more correct, but I didn’t take any risks. Moreover, the doctor who prescribed me cryomassage had a lot of experience in positive work with clients and a bunch of positive reviews as well.

After talking with the doctor, I was sent to a separate place, where, in fact, the entire course of procedures took place.

It was not a doctor who did the procedure for me, but a nurse, I read reviews that this is normal, it’s like this almost everywhere, especially in government institutions. I sat on a chair throughout the procedure. The nurse prepared a special wooden stick and wrapped cotton wool around it. Then she poured nitrogen into a thermos from an iron can, put a stick of cotton wool in it and began to rub it over her face. Before the procedure, she asked to talk about any unpleasant sensations if any arise, as you can get burns in the form of blisters.

1 procedure

For the first time, you feel a pleasant chill on your face, an equally pleasant tingling sensation and that’s it. After finishing the procedure, the nurse warned that it is better to go outside after 10-15 minutes, and that the face may turn red during the day. That's how it was. And she also said that cryomassage now (it was March) is no longer very dangerous, since the sun appears and thanks to this cryomassage can provoke pigment spots. But fortunately I knew about this, and therefore I chose the day of the procedure when the weather was bad.

2 procedure

During the second procedure, it was not very pleasant. I don’t know what this was connected with. I felt strong tingling sensations. Many people have written about burns here, so I personally noticed that they can be caused when a wooden stick accidentally touches the face along with cotton wool, or when a nurse passes too often over the same place (you know, when you think about it, you can and forget that I just spent time here).

3 and 4 procedure

The third and fourth procedures went smoothly, I no longer felt a strong tingling sensation (like burns).

I didn’t complete the remaining 6 procedures only because the weather improved and I was afraid of getting pigment spots. I advise you to do this procedure in autumn/winter.

It is also worth noting that I went for procedures every other day, then three days later, then the next day. This was due to the fact that they did not perform cryomassage on Friday + the nitrogen quickly evaporated and it was necessary to wait for a new one.


What could I see in the 4th procedure, you ask?

Yes, everything so that later you want to do it again.

I went to the procedure with an ugly face, there was enough of everything (peeling, redness and a couple of rashes). So what did I notice? I didn’t have much of a problem with my forehead; it just didn’t want to heal after CD (critical days). Thanks to the massages, after 4 procedures my forehead was simply unrecognizable. Of course, not everything worked out, but things have clearly moved forward. After each procedure, soft peels formed on problem areas, which were easily removed with my hands; these peels meant that the problem areas began to heal.


I came to this conclusion after reading more than a dozen reviews. After reading information on the Internet about cryomassage, I have one question: WHY DO MANY STILL HAVE SUCH PROBLEMS WITH THEIR FACES IF THERE IS CRYOMASSAGE? After all, how much benefit does it bring? Cryomassage helped me and I am sure that only thanks to my comprehensive care prescribed by my doctor. After all, at its core, cryomassage acts from the outside (well, yes, it doesn’t penetrate much under the skin, but that’s all), and as you know, the problem needs to be looked for inside. At the moment, I am actively treating my skin and very soon I will describe in detail my care and how I got rid of problems with my face.


I can only advise this procedure to those who were advised to do it by a doctor, but after reading the reviews, for some reason they are afraid to do it. For the rest, I can only advise finding a good doctor, watching your diet and some rules of facial care.

Girls, I know that you all know these simple rules and you’ve probably tried them, but everything doesn’t happen as quickly as you want, so here are my tips:

  1. Don't touch your face with dirty hands.
  2. Do not press, do not pick, do not touch the rash.
  3. Be sure to wash off your makeup very thoroughly.
  4. Wash your face every day, morning and evening. This is very necessary for our skin.
  5. Wash your face with cool/summer water, forget about hot water, it will only worsen the situation.
  6. Don’t use regular towels (if you have a separate one from everyone else, then you can, but), it’s better to buy paper towels separately.
  7. Eliminate sugar from your life as soon as possible.

You know, I read these tips 1000 times and could never follow them, but now these tips are like brushing your teeth. They are mandatory in my life. Once I started using these tips, my skin improved many times over. Not immediately, I saw the first result only after 2-3 weeks. Believe me, it won't take long! I've been going towards this for 7 years. I haven’t completely removed sugar from my life, but I’ve gotten used to drinking tea without sugar somehow very quickly and simply. But before, I put 3 teaspoons.

One of the reasons why I followed this advice for so long was money. I personally didn’t want to strain my parents. And I found a way out. Probably not everyone, but most are given money for lunch, for a walk, or as a gift. And also, someone works, someone has a scholarship and other opportunities. It was in this way that I began to buy myself not an extra bracelet, which I will most likely wear once in my life, not an extra case when my phone already has other unnecessary things, but things for facial care. The right things.

I hope I helped you with some tips on how to become a little more beautiful.

Critic's opinion

Good day to everyone who decided to read my impressions of the procedure.

Girls, less than three months have passed since I completed a full course of facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen and realized one thing:

it all depends on the specialist who carries it out.

________________________***Background - I’ll try to be brief***_______________________

I had an unscheduled long vacation in November, so I decided to go to my friend in Kyiv. I must say that stressful situations and frantic

The festival pace at work did not pass without a trace, and my face was terribly crumbled. In our remote village it is simply impossible to find a normal dermatologist.. So I had to go in all my glory..

To say that my friend was surprised is to say nothing! She immediately sent me to the city dermatovenous dispensary, explaining that it was cheaper there, and they seemed to have more experience. Oh, how wrong she was!

  • The doctor examined me and directed me to do a scraping for Demodex, which was negative.
  • In general, I established the cause of inflammatory processes on the skin - seborrheic dermatitis. Yes, the name is very scary, but I was told that it is better than Demodex, which is very difficult to remove, as there is a possibility of re-infection.
  • In general, they advised me to take a course of facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen in order to cure all this.

________________________***First procedure in a government institution***_______________________

I was unsuccessful and the last one in this institution, despite moderate painful sensations, the specialist managed to give me a burn. I was even surprised, because it seemed to me that a government agency, like no one else, should be able to do such procedures, even automatically.

Yes, she did it “automatically,” but somehow everything was boundless, which sometimes even made me scared. I even imagined seeing cows go to slaughter, “one and the next,” where I had exactly the same sensations. She answered my questions reluctantly, did not explain anything, and in response to tangible painful sensations, she grimaced, saying, “Be patient here, I still have a whole day to wait for people like you.”

But my dissatisfaction grew when I came to my friend’s house all red, like boiled crayfish (well, it was still clear that it was nitrogen and all that), but when the next day I saw water blisters - that’s when I was completely “delighted.” I never went to the second procedure.

_____________________***And now the best part of my treatment***__________________

In general, I spat on this saving and started looking for salons in Kyiv.


Fortunately, I almost immediately ran into

Cosmetology website, I wrote down the address - Mechnikova, 9a and went to the appointment. (My impressions of the salon itself

read here)


Yes, the cost is a little more expensive than a government facility, but it's worth it.

I walked into the office, you should have seen the cosmetologist’s eyes when I told about my first experience. That day she didn’t do anything to me, but only set a time to come in 5 days so that all this beauty would heal, and suggested ointments that helped not leave scars after the burn.

__________________***Cryomassage procedure in the Cosmetology salon***____________________

I felt the difference immediately:

  1. There was practically no pain.
  2. She moved nitrogen over her face faster, but more carefully and paid attention to problem areas.
  3. Of course, my face was red (which again alarmed me), but after a couple of hours the redness went away.

So I went to her for the entire course and saw the result, which I am very pleased with!

The skin became soft, the signs of aging disappeared, and most importantly, the oiliness of the skin went away, the pores decreased and all inflammatory processes and acne disappeared.

You yourself could see my current face (part of it) in several photos from

reviews about cosmetics.

After that, I came to the conclusion that the failure of the procedures lies not in them, but in those who do them.

But it’s difficult to find good specialists (I was convinced of this in another

Russian beauty salon). I was lucky that I got to another country and found myself in good hands!

I was very pleased, I signed up for

other procedures in

the same salon, which was verified by personal experience.

Thank you for attention.

Restrictions on cryomassage of the head

Cryomassage, like any therapeutic procedure, has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Migraine;
  • The presence of affected areas of the skin;
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Mental disorders;
  • The presence of inflammatory and infectious processes in the active stage.

To avoid the adverse effects of cryomassage on the body and to detect the presence of possible contraindications, the patient undergoes a preliminary comprehensive examination (examination by a dermatologist, laboratory tests, general clinical examinations).

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