How quickly eyelashes grow - growth phases, after extensions or loss

How long does it take to grow

The life cycle of one eyelash lasts two hundred days, so you shouldn’t expect quick rehabilitation. Usually, with repeated use of the technique, the hairs are restored after two or three months, and then the procedure can be repeated.

However, if you do not take into account and follow the instructions for hair care, the time it takes for eyelashes to recover after extensions increases, so the client needs to wait the entire renewal period. And after 4 – 5 months you can repeat the provision of the service.

What are they made of?

Why do eyelash extensions fall off quickly?

There are more hairs on the upper eyelid than on the lower eyelid, and, in addition, they are 2-3 mm longer. Top – 150-200, bottom – 70-100 hairs.

The eyelash consists of the following parts:

  • root (the part hidden from the eye; its location is the hair follicle);
  • bulb (located under the skin);
  • rod (an element visible to the eye, protruding above the skin).

The health of the bulb is influenced not only by genetic factors, but also by external stimuli. For example, it is negatively affected by taking medications, as a result of which the hairs begin to grow slowly. How long do eyelashes grow when taking antibiotics and other drugs? Growth will resume after stopping their use.

What determines how long it will take to grow?

This parameter may depend on the girl’s health status, which is why it often varies.

How long eyelashes take to grow depends on the type of loss, how damaged they were after a cosmetic procedure or whether they fell out spontaneously:

  1. If the eyelash has completely fallen out with the hair follicle. Do eyelashes grow back after they fall out? Yes. However, you need to wait a fairly long period of time. First, a hair follicle forms within a week, and then the hair begins to grow. It takes about one and a half months until the eyelash is completely restored.
  2. If the hair has been damaged, but the root system remains in the same, healthy state, it recovers faster. Usually you need to wait a month for the eyelashes to grow.
  3. If the length of the hair is partially damaged or the ends break off, rehabilitation is even faster: about 2 weeks.

With a normal amount of microelements in the tissue and structure of the hair follicles, the time period is reduced. They can be accelerated artificially. For this, various useful means are used: masks, compresses, etc.

Other causes of hair loss

Factors that harm eyelashes can be divided into external and internal. They can be triggered by certain diseases, for example, dermatitis, demodicosis, vitamin deficiency, hormonal imbalances, decreased immunity, and diseases of internal organs. Frequent emotional shocks, poor lifestyle and even climatic conditions will not have the best effect on your appearance, in particular on the hairs around the eyes.

But even more often, women provoke the causes of eyelash loss without even realizing it, trying to make their eyes more attractive:

  • Excessively using decorative cosmetics (eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner);
  • Not removing makeup residues from eyelashes in a timely manner and not always thoroughly enough;
  • Using low-quality cosmetic products containing components that are aggressive to hair;
  • Decorating eyelashes with rhinestones;
  • Being keen on frequent extensions, especially bundles;
  • Curling eyelashes using a special machine and perm.

By creating artificial beauty, many girls, without thinking, destroy the natural beauty that nature gave them.

Eyelashes, unlike hair on the head, are more durable, but if damaged, they need more time to recover. Here, an important role is played by a person’s individual characteristics, genetics, health status and age. Yes, yes, as you approach 40 years of age, hairs become lighter and thinner, and their growth slows down.

Before you begin procedures to put your eyelashes in order, you should determine the cause that caused this problem and eliminate it. Treatment should be comprehensive: it is not enough to give up cosmetics for a while, you will have to reconsider your diet and go to the doctor. You may need a medical examination with tests or a visit to a cosmetologist - trichologist.

To make eyelashes grow faster, you need to lubricate them with oils: burdock, sea buckthorn, shea, almond, grape seed, peach, castor.

Using the same oils, massage your eyelids 1-2 times daily. Lightly tapping your eyelids with your fingertips activates blood flow to the hair follicles, and the oils nourish and moisturize them.

Growth phases

To control how quickly eyelashes grow after loss, it is worth considering the stages of eyelash growth. They are always standard, and their timing is approximately the same, so you will not miss the moment of regrowth and restoration of length.

In total, each hair on the human body has four growth phases:

Anagen(Active part of life)

Active hair growth lasts approximately 10-15 days. An eyelash grows approximately 0.12 mm per day.

Catagen (Neutral part of life)

Eyelashes are in the resting stage, the shortest period.

Telogen (Damping)

The stage when the hair begins to lose its nutritional properties and prepares to fall out. This cycle contains most of the eyelashes

Early Anagen(Update)

The time of birth of a new eyelash. The old eyelash falls out and gives way to its place.


Victoria Malina

Work experience 9 years. Author of training courses for masters

Eyelashes have a fairly short growth phase and a long resting period. As a result, one eyelash usually “lives” for 3-5 months, including all periods, and then falls out, making room for new hair follicles.

About eyelashes

Men have longer eyelashes than women

Unexpected and most interesting facts about eyelashes:

  • Contrary to popular belief, men have longer eyelashes than women. Another interesting thing is that blondes have thinner and shorter hair than brunettes.
  • Eyelash growth can stop as a result of taking some common medications: paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin.
  • The longest eyelashes in the world belong to the camel. Cats don't have them at all.
  • The longest eyelashes among people reach 47 mm and belong to a resident of India.
  • Even some birds have eyelashes; for example, artistic brushes are made from ostrich eyelashes.
  • In some wild tribes, women cut their eyelashes, since their absence is considered a manifestation of beauty.
  • The fastest muscle in the human body is responsible for blinking. A person can blink 5 times in a second.

Despite the important protective function that nature has endowed on eyelashes, they are considered a manifestation of female beauty. No one can resist their charm, airiness and mystery.

Features of growth

How often a person’s eyelashes are renewed, their appearance, health and structure depend on the characteristics of the person’s appearance. They usually cannot be controlled, but knowledge of these factors helps to accelerate the growth of hair follicles.

On a girl's eyelid, every day there are up to three hundred hairs on the upper eyelid and up to two hundred on the lower eyelid in different growth phases. They are distributed over different rows (up to four rows), creating density and volume.

Eyelashes grow differently, everything is individual:

  1. Taking antibiotics or aggressive periodic effects on the internal system of the body can lead to growth retardation.
  2. A child is immediately born with eyelashes, so all the features of the appearance of the eyelid are genetically inherent in the girl. The bend, shape, and location of the eyelashes on the sensitive surface of the eyelid depend on this.
  3. Due to the strong aggressive effect on the structure and health of the hair, there is a risk that it will stop growing. Eyelashes always grow, but severe damage to the hair follicles will lead to a temporary pause. It usually lasts up to a month, then the structure is restored and growth continues.

It is impossible to clearly characterize the structure of a girl’s hair; it depends on the genetic characteristics of the girl’s health. The care and speed of hair growth depends on this parameter, so it may not be possible to influence it immediately.

Can they grow again?

Throughout life, the bristles of the eyelid are constantly renewed. In one day a person loses up to 10 hairs. The old ones are replaced by the new ones. The eyelid does not remain bare; there are eyelashes that are at different stages of development. Their life cycle resembles the growth phases of eyebrows.

Anatomy represents four constituent elements: root, pith, cortex, cuticle. Each structure performs a specific function. The root is called a bulb. It receives nutrients from the bloodstream and is responsible for metabolism. The core synthesizes proteins, keratin, which are necessary for the life of the bristles. On top, the eyelash is protected by the cuticle from adverse environmental factors. The cortex contains dead cells.

Any damage to one of the components causes a number of problems: thinning, loss, slower growth.

How to accelerate growth

Eyelashes grow at approximately the same time, but this process can be accelerated artificially. To do this, you need to help recreate minerals and nutrients in the root system, restoring their health and structure.

To speed up length rehabilitation, various methods can be used. This way you will extend the life cycle of the hair, or speed up how quickly it grows. This will increase the natural thickness and volume of the hairs.


In cosmetic stores and pharmacies you can find serums, the use of which will lead to the regeneration of nutrients and beneficial bacteria in the hair follicles. However, be careful with their use; it is usually not recommended to combine drugs, but they should be used periodically.

It is necessary to rub cosmetic oils and vitamins along the eyelash growth line to add useful components to their structure.

Homemade compresses

Using available ingredients, you can make simple compresses and masks. Their application to the sensitive surface of the eye helps restore health and natural metabolism.

You can make different mixtures:

  1. Herbal mixture. You can use a brew of calendula, chamomile, brewed with natural black tea. Soak cotton pads in the solution and apply to eyelids to speed up hair growth.
  2. Vitamin composition. You can mix vitamins C and E. This will give your eyelashes shine, make them stronger and less susceptible to loss.
1Aloe compressMore details
2Fish fatMore details
3Parsley compressMore details


Aloe compress

The plant has restorative properties, which is why it is often used to accelerate eyelash growth.

To do this, mix aloe oil and chopped parsley in equal proportions. This mixture helps to quickly return your hair to its previous condition if you apply the compress daily before bed without rinsing it off. Before treating eyelashes after extensions, you need to do an allergy test. Even such a natural component as aloe can cause a negative reaction.


Fish fat

Fish oil mask has strong ingredients that promote growth. To enhance the effect, you should mix fish oil, vitamin A and E in equal proportions. The resulting solution cannot be stored for a long time, so make it at once.

Apply the composition with a cotton swab to the entire length of the eyelashes every evening before going to bed. There is no need to rinse it off, as the effect will last throughout the night. You can also mix a fish oil capsule with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. The mixture should be rubbed along the growth line daily. This will increase the rate at which the hairs grow.


Parsley compress

Parsley is a strong antioxidant, so you can use it to grow eyelashes. To enhance the effect, mix chopped parsley and olive oil. Apply the compress along the entire length of the hair to make the eyelashes shiny; this effect is ensured by olive oil.

Before strengthening the eyelashes after extensions, slightly heat the composition to a comfortable temperature. This way the components will be absorbed faster.

Different homemade compresses can be used several times a day, combining each other. They have no health restrictions and do not cause side effects.

Cosmetical tools

To grow eyelashes after extensions, you can use additional cosmetic products. This way you will significantly improve the internal and external health of your hair:

  1. Cosmetic oils

    Which oil is best for eyelash growth? It is often recommended to use castor, burdock, and peach oil to grow hair. They need to be applied to the hair follicles so that the beneficial solution penetrates into the hair follicles.

  2. Caring for eyelashes after eyelash extensions at home does not only involve the use of medicinal cosmetics. Gently massage the eyelid area to regenerate the flow of lymphatic fluid and speed up metabolism. This will allow your eyelashes to grow faster and more efficiently.

Eyelash extensions

How to quickly grow long and thick eyelashes?

More details

Use gels and other beneficial formulations on your eyes to achieve excellent results. However, it is advisable to first consult with a cosmetologist, since not all products are suitable for girls for recovery.

Factors influencing

Eyelashes and hair on the head have the same structure, so they require careful care, careful attention and, if necessary, moisturizing. But in fact, even care products selected by a cosmetologist do not guarantee the thickness and growth of eyelashes, since this is negatively affected by many factors:

  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • strong winds, high or low air temperatures, dry weather;
  • diseases of the eyes or skin around them;
  • bad habits;
  • eye rubbing;
  • use of low-quality or expired cosmetics;
  • frequent use of waterproof mascara.

In addition, the general condition of hair is also affected by various mechanical procedures with it - curling, dyeing and extensions.

Answers to popular questions

Let's look at popular answers and questions about them.

How fast do eyelashes grow?

The entire growth cycle takes approximately 200 days. If the hairs do not fall out from the roots, but only break off, then the recovery process will take about 2 weeks.

What determines the speed of eyelash growth?

First of all, on the girl’s health, her vitamin and mineral balance. The cause of the fall also affects the speed.

Is it possible to speed up eyelash growth?

Yes it is possible. To do this, use serums from the pharmacy, homemade compresses and cosmetics.

Does mascara have an effect and which one to choose?

Decorative cosmetics have a great influence on the growth and thickness of eyelashes, so it is important to purchase products after familiarizing yourself with the composition.

The following components found in mascara have a beneficial effect on eyelash growth:

  • proteins (most often product manufacturers add wheat germ proteins to the composition);
  • panthenol (strengthens hair follicles, which prevents hair loss);
  • melanin (protects against environmental influences);
  • keratin (strengthens eyelashes and prevents their fragility);
  • UV blockers (protect against ultraviolet radiation);
  • vitamins A, E, F, B5 (their function is nutrition, hydration, growth stimulation);
  • castor oil (strengthens and accelerates growth);
  • lanolin (strengthens the structure and moisturizes hairs).

Do not be upset if some substances are missing from a cosmetic product.
Almost all components can be purchased at the pharmacy yourself and added to mascara. For example, at a pharmacy you can buy vitamin A, vitamin E or castor oil and add 1-2 drops to the entire bottle of the product. Under no circumstances should you buy eyelash cosmetics that contain:

  • parabens;
  • thimerosal;
  • oil;
  • bronidox;
  • hydantoin;
  • bronopol.

These substances are harmful to the skin and eyelashes and can also cause eye irritation. Don’t risk your health and avoid cosmetics that contain the above ingredients.

General Tips

In addition to basic care, there are rules that should be followed for healthy eyelashes:

  1. Less makeup. The appearance with injured eyelashes deteriorates, but it is still worth minimizing the application of eye makeup. When it is removed, the hairs are injured to one degree or another. If there is no way out, then you need to avoid waterproof products - they dry out the eyelashes, preventing moisture from penetrating inside.
  2. Do not use curling irons. Even for healthy hairs, they are harmful, and damaged ones will be completely ruined. With regular use of a curler (especially after extensions), eyelashes grow slower and become weaker.
  3. Sleeping on your back. You should not sleep with your face in the pillow, because this will cause your eyelashes to break and bend, causing them to break off and look worse.

If you follow these tips, you can grow eyelashes faster. All the rules boil down to one thing - you need to touch them less so that they are free from industry problems. Also, eyelashes grow quickly with the help of esvicin. This product is applied to the length, without touching the ciliary edge and mucous membrane of the eye.

Tamara (

Natalya Posted 03/24/2017
Hello, Natalya! Normally, eyelashes should grow in 1-3 months (depending on what phase of growth you cut them in). But you underwent a course of treatment, and during such a period the body recovers a little longer, so healthy and new eyelashes can grow from 3 to 6 months. You can help them: pharmacies sell nutritional formulations specifically for restoring eyelash growth - apply according to the instructions, such nutrition will be beneficial.


Text \ Photo Ekaterina Posted 12/20/2015



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