Figure correction using modeling massage

Modeling facial and body massage

A modeling type of massage, unlike a simple one, helps improve blood circulation in the body, removes obvious signs of cellulite, and also accelerates blood metabolism and returns the skin to a healthy appearance.

After a course of corrective procedures, the skin significantly improves in appearance, acquiring a healthy color and elasticity, which cannot be achieved after a regular procedure. It also has a positive effect on the outline of the figure, changing the shape of problem areas (hips, back, abdomen) for the better.

Thanks to corrective work, you can change the shape of your face, giving it a clearer outline. A simple massage only slightly removes minor problems. A common problem for girls with weight is a double chin. A sculpting massage can help you get rid of this scourge, smoothing out the imperfections of aging and reducing the appearance of a double chin.

Indications and contraindications

Like any medical action, massage has a number of disadvantages and indications for use. The list of contraindications is small, but if you do not take it into account, you can seriously harm the body. Let's look at the positive aspects of the application:

  • Effective in combating signs of aging.
  • Removes all types of wrinkles on the face (shallow and deep facial wrinkles, purse string, nasolabial).
  • Relieves swelling.
  • Improves skin tone and elasticity.
  • Accelerates blood circulation, which makes thin lips appear plumper.
  • Combats sagging muscles.
  • Accelerates the breakdown of fat.
  • Removes orange peel.
  • Tightens problem areas (stomach, thighs, butt).

Contraindications include:

  • Chronic diseases during exacerbation.
  • Skin diseases (fungus, papillomas, lichen).
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Fever.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Postoperative period.

Before starting the course, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

What should you be wary of?

Excessive pain. In classical massage, pain is an indication to stop the procedure. Any massage therapist strives to make the process as comfortable and painless as possible. It is no coincidence that pain is called the watchdog of health, because it is a signal of trouble. Manual plastic surgery involves excessive pain, which cannot be considered normal from a doctor’s point of view. It is especially alarming when pain occurs when massaging the calf, back or front of the thighs. The procedure is contraindicated even in the initial form of varicose veins and in the presence of spider veins, and most women aged 30+ have them. Since massage, especially sculptural massage, is a commercial service, it is strongly recommended to undergo a consultation and, if necessary, examination with a doctor to identify possible contraindications.

Article on the topic

Shiatsu, Kobido, Revitonics. What massage makes you look younger?

Result from completing the course

Metabolic massage and its effect are often compared to plastic surgery and injections. For your figure, the procedure will be as beneficial as going to the gym for a month. Thanks to this, the skin is evened out, and excess fat is removed from the sides and waist.

But changes will become noticeable not only externally, but also internally. Due to deep muscle work, tension will be removed from the body, returning its former lightness. There will be no more swelling, because the course will improve blood circulation and drive away lymph. People whose work is constantly sedentary will immediately notice a positive outcome from the procedure. Your back will no longer hurt, and your sleep will be much better.

Accelerating blood circulation not only improves the appearance of the skin, but also increases protective functions and regeneration. Corrective massage also has a positive effect on the sebaceous glands, which do not work well in dry and oily skin. The result for the skin body will be noticeable after the first sessions. The skin will acquire a healthy tone and elasticity, the muscles will relax, and the swelling will disappear without a trace. The modeling effect appears after 5 sessions.

There are two methods for completing the procedure:

  • Massage every week without taking breaks.
  • Massage about 10 times at intervals of 1 day. After completion, it is better to take a break for two months, then take the course again.

Each method is effective in its own way. Experts advise going through the procedure in courses of 10-15 times.

Contraindications to body contouring procedures

  • Increased bleeding - correction is not carried out due to the risk of large bruises and bleeding.
  • The presence of pustules, herpetic blisters, ulcers, and rashes on the skin.
  • Poor health, fever, various infections.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. During remission - the absence of acute symptoms, you can visit a cosmetologist.
  • Pregnancy, regardless of duration.
  • Breastfeeding - care should be taken during procedures due to the risk of absorption of substances into milk and hypothermia of the mammary glands, which can lead to mastitis. Women should definitely consult a doctor before visiting the center.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Condition after operations, childbirth, abortion, traumatic medical procedures. You need to wait until the body has fully recovered.
  • Critical days - it is undesirable to carry out any procedures due to the risk of blood flow to the pelvis and the occurrence of heavy menstruation.

Types of massage

Corrective massage has many technologies. The goal does not change depending on the chosen option, but they all differ in techniques. These include:

  • Stone massage is a type of pressotherapy that uses additional equipment (cold and hot stones).
  • French - aimed at improving skin elasticity and reducing fat. Recommended for use by people with loose skin. Provides the same effect as lifting for tightening.
  • Cooling - accelerates the breakdown of fats using cold. An excellent option for those losing weight. Nitrogen and menthol are used as the main components of the procedure.
  • Spanish - there are several varieties of it. A popular type is the Spanish corrective anti-cellulite massage, which eliminates the orange peel and removes the blood network from the skin. For the face, a procedure is carried out using oil. Excellent for eliminating puffiness and facial wrinkles.
  • Honey - carried out using natural honey. The product has many beneficial properties and also contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Honey has a rejuvenating effect, but it is not recommended for allergy sufferers.
  • European - classified as a modeling massage, which provides a body-correcting session.
  • Vacuum massage is done using special cans. Improves blood circulation and lymph flow.

The massage procedure for correcting the figure and face is quite painless, often even relaxing.

Indications for figure correction

  • Fat deposits that cannot be removed using other methods.
  • Achievements in weight loss have a “plateau” effect, in which it is not possible to lose extra pounds.
  • Excess weight caused by age or hormonal problems. In this case, losing weight through diet and exercise is very difficult.
  • The desire to reduce volumes in a certain area.
  • The presence of cellulite - areas of the body that resemble “lemon peel”.
  • Flabbiness of muscles and skin. Modern cosmetic procedures allow you to tighten your figure without exhausting physical activity.
  • Swelling - cosmetic procedures will remove fluid, which is often the cause of extra centimeters and kilograms.

Modeling massage technique

Before the session, the specialist must clean the client’s skin. Various scrubs are used for this. After cleansing, additional massage products (lotion, cream, oil, etc.) are applied to the skin. These products ensure that your hands glide smoothly over your skin. Some of the drugs used also have medicinal properties.

During a modeling body massage, the specialist uses several types of techniques at once. The main massage is done in several stages:

  1. The specialist begins to smooth out the skin. This is done to ensure that the skin is saturated with oxygen and the functioning of capillaries is improved.
  2. The next stage is rubbing. This stage is done actively to warm up the skin and speed up the effect of the massage preparations that were used during the first stage.
  3. Next comes the main part of the procedure - kneading. With this step, the massage therapist deeply affects the fatty tissue. Kneading also helps improve the elasticity of the body’s skin and provides a corrective effect.
  4. To consolidate the result, the specialist uses lifting masks.

The approximate duration of one session is 1-2 hours. The amount of time depends on the scope of work.

Why are other methods needed for correction?

Deposits in the “female” areas are hormonal fat, which, due to its characteristics, cannot be removed by diets, exercise, or cosmetics. There is weight loss, but there is no ideal figure. In the end, even bewilderment arises as to why it is so difficult to achieve figure correction.

Yes, it is difficult, because the actions of conventional weight loss are aimed at the wrong reason, which violates the proportions of the body. At the cost of enormous effort, women only get rid of “calorie”, “liquid” fat, but not hormonal fat. In addition, regular fat returns easily. All you have to do is relax your diet or exercise. And again experiences and stress.

Many women spend their nerves in this unequal struggle for years and do not know that there is another way. To have a slim figure, you need to fight primarily not with “calorie” fat, but with hormonal fat. Formed as a result of a woman’s maturation in the period from 14 to 22 years, it remains forever, like her natural constitution. It is denser than the “calorie” one, over time it grows into fibrous tissue, cords and does not participate in the metabolic processes of the body. This means that the body cannot remove it on its own. We need to intervene and get rid of it in radical ways.

How to enhance the result

To make the effect much more noticeable, several steps must be taken before the procedure:

  • During breaks between sessions, it is recommended to use moisturizers. Such measures help keep skin tone normal, because dehydration is one of the main enemies of a beautiful appearance.
  • To increase the positive effects of the procedure, it is followed by a body wrap using masks for the skin of the body.
  • Before the session, it is advisable to cleanse the skin well. To get rid of dead particles, peelings and scrubs are used. This step will significantly improve the effect of the procedure.
  • Before the massage, take a shower or bath. There will also be a positive effect if you take a good steam in the bathhouse before the procedure. This will help you relax your muscles better.

Even in the absence of additional preparation, the session will bring noticeable results.

For those who want to get excellent skin and a beautiful figure, a modeling type of massage is well suited. It improves blood circulation and also helps get rid of unnecessary figure flaws. Every person should try this pleasure at least once and be convinced of the healing properties of this procedure.

What to remember when carrying out body contouring procedures

  • Changes come gradually - after the first session they may not exist. Therefore, if a woman plans to lose weight, for example, by summer, the procedures must be carried out in advance.
  • The positive effect after correction lasts for a long time - the volumes will decrease for some time after the end of the course.
  • The procedures can be combined, but in this case you should definitely consult a specialist. The same must be done if a woman plans to use any additional cosmetic corrective preparations at home.
  • If the procedures are prescribed as a course, it must be completed. Otherwise the result may be unsatisfactory. If you feel unwell, have a cold or have a critical period, you should temporarily interrupt your visits to the cosmetologist and continue them immediately as soon as possible.

Specialists at the Center for Aesthetic Medicine (St. Petersburg) are proficient in various methods of body correction. Here they will help a woman maintain slimness, fitness and model her appearance according to her desires.

Anya's story

Meet me

Anya: 24 years old, height 175 cm, weight 71 kg. There were complaints about the strongly pronounced “breeches”, which, even with such a fairly tall stature, shortened the length of the legs. Anya formed such a figure at the age of 16, Anya did not make any attempts to change her, she believed that it was useless.

How the problem was solved

It took 6 hours on each side for the “breeches” area. Anya was very impressed that the results became visible after the second session. Seeing that her dream was finally coming true, Anya was so inspired that she began to take care of herself. Watch your diet, sign up for training at the gym.

We were glad that Anya received such a positive attitude from us. Although no additional effort is needed for the results of armoplasty, we welcome everything that helps the health and beautiful shape of the body.


Weight 70 kg. The total weight remained practically the same, but the hip circumference in the photo decreased by 5 cm. The absence of riding breeches visually lengthened the legs. Anya was very pleased with the condition of her skin; after removing the volume, cellulite completely disappeared.

Side effects:

  • The first few days after the procedure it was painful to lie on that side. Tight jeans also caused pain. The symptoms lasted 4 days.
  • After the first session, the temperature rose to 38 degrees, accompanied by malaise, dizziness, and nausea. It all went away within a day.
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