External filler Fillerina: how it works

About the drug manufacturer

The owner of the brand is the Swiss trademark LABO Cosprophar Suisse. It was registered in 1989. The company considers its main mission to be investing in scientific research, as well as the development of qualitatively new cosmetic products.

LABO Cosprophar Suisse production sites are concentrated in Italy and Switzerland. The brand itself supplies its products to 40 countries, including Russia.

"Fillerina" is an innovative cosmetic brand of the trademark. Work on its creation began back in 2007. The line today includes non-invasive drugs designed to correct wrinkles in the neck and face, to increase the volume of lips, cheekbones and even breasts.

How does the product work?

In reviews of Fillerina, we can read that the product is literally instantly absorbed into the skin and smoothes out wrinkles in ten days. The skin becomes elastic and vibrant even in women of elegant age. The effect is strikingly similar to the use of injections.

What's the secret? Let's look at how the tool works:

  • Since the drug contains 6 molecules of hyaluronic acid of varying volume and weight, this composition ensures maximum penetration of the product.
  • The high and low mass of hyaluronic acid contained in the composition smoothes wrinkles from the inside, returning the skin to its former softness and elasticity.
  • Large acid molecules in the composition prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin. At this time, micromolecules penetrate into its deep layers, filling the tissue with themselves, increasing its volume.
  • Fillerina contains a special component called matrifull. This is a peptide that is a conductor of hyaluronic acid, providing the necessary transdermal effect.

Regenerating concentrate with vitamin C from Dr. Pierre Ricaud - mesotherapy effect

Price: from 1,690 rubles

Ascorbic acid stimulates the skin, causing it to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, and also has anti-inflammatory properties. In mesotherapy cocktails, which are administered by injection, it is vitamin C that plays the main role. Set from Dr. Pierre Ricaud promised an effect comparable to a salon procedure. The product is presented exclusively on ricaud.com.

The cool thing about this kit is that vitamin C comes separately. It comes in powder form, which must be mixed with the emulsion before use. This is justified by the fact that ascorbic acid, originally added to the product, quickly loses its properties after contact with oxygen. In dry form, it retains its effectiveness for a long time.

I open an ampoule with dry ascorbic acid powder (5%) and add it to the emulsion. At the same time, I feel like a real alchemist. I put the dispenser on, shake it - the product is ready for use. I used the emulsion without additional creams, since I have oily skin, and the product just dries out a little. But those with dry skin types will have to use the concentrate in combination with a moisturizing product.

My opinion: manufacturers promise results in three weeks, but I noticed the first improvements after just a week. Before using the product, I had minor inflammations on my chin - they disappeared. Small wrinkles smoothed out, complexion ceased to be dull.

Composition of the product

In reviews of Fillerina, we will read more than once that this is a unique product that contains not one, but six varieties of hyaluronic acid of various molecular weights and sizes. Is it so?

Let's turn to the official website of "Fillerina". Indeed, the manufacturer indicates the following composition of the product:

  • Hyaluronic acid 2 KDa.
  • Sodium hyaluronate 2000 KDa.
  • Hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid 50 kDa.
  • Sodium hyaluronate crosspolymer.
  • Hydrolyzed sodium hyaluronate 5 KDa.
  • Sodium hyaluronate 200 KDa.

Composition and features of the drug

The main component of Fillerina cosmetics, which serves as the basis for all brand products, is active hyaluronic acid with molecules of unequal sizes, presented in six or eight varieties, depending on the degree of concentration of a particular brand product.

In addition to hyaluronic acid and its derivatives, Fillerin’s products also contain a protein that activates the production of dermal matrix substances (collagen and elastin) - matrifull, and a substance with a hexapeptide structure that allows the skin to nourish and retain the required amount of moisture, and stimulates the production of membrane proteins, responsible for this.

How does Fillerina differ from other cosmetic products?

The authors of reviews of Fillerina distinguish this product from similar cosmetic products due to its higher efficiency. What is she provided with? Will it be harmful in the future?

In most cosmetic preparations, hyaluronic acid is contained in high-molecular compounds. The element settles on the surface of the skin, but due to the large size of the molecules, it cannot even penetrate into its upper layers.

"Fillerina" are low molecular weight compounds of hyaluronic acid. Due to their small size, they are able to penetrate inside the skin and smooth out wrinkles. These are the elements that are used in popular injections. A thin needle injects the drug into the deepest layer of the skin (dermis), the product fills wrinkles from the inside.

Anti-wrinkle and skin firming cream Serum Vegetal from Yves Rocher - biorevitalization effect

Price: from 1,149 rub.

I like the cosmetics of this French brand, and especially the ingredients they use in production. For anti-aging lines, these are rare plant species that can survive even in the most extreme conditions. Scientists grow all plant components (they are patented) in specially created greenhouses under certain conditions.

The highlight of this cream is a plant with an unpronounceable name “mesembryanthemum crystallinum” (sounds like a spell). In combination with acacia gum, it promises to smooth out all wrinkles, activate the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen, and add density to the skin.

My opinion: I used neck cream. The product quickly smoothes out small wrinkles and creases after sleep and also nourishes the skin well. But biorevitalization as such is unlikely to replace it.

Five levels of funds

In reviews of Fillerina (“Fillerina”) it is repeatedly stated that it is important to choose the right level of the drug for yourself. The effectiveness of correcting problems of mature skin of the neck and face depends on this.

Let us immediately note that the drug is divided into levels without reference to the client’s age. The choice of concentration depends only on the severity of the problems and the effect that the buyer seeks to achieve. The faster you want to see the results of using Fillerina, the higher the level you should purchase.

Reviews from cosmetologists about Fillerina do not always contain sufficient characteristics of the levels. Let's imagine it:

  • First. Reduces uneven skin texture and is used at the first signs of sagging skin (especially in the cheekbones and lips). Excellent prevention of facial wrinkles. Recommended use: for the first age-related changes in the skin.
  • Second. Reduces uneven skin microrelief and is used for obvious signs of skin sagging. Not only corrects, but also reduces the severity of facial wrinkles.
  • Third. Reduces pronounced uneven skin texture. It is used for obvious age-related changes. Corrects both facial and age wrinkles.
  • Fourth. Reduces pronounced unevenness of the skin texture. Corrects sagging, sagging facial skin. Fills very deep age wrinkles. Increases the volume of tissue in the lips and cheekbones. Fills and corrects very deep expression wrinkles. The level is indicated for achieving quick results.
  • Fifth. Correction of damaged and extremely uneven skin texture. Copes with very loose skin, sagging in the neck area. Suitable for deep lifting, filling and correction of very pronounced age and expression wrinkles. Excellently increases the volume of tissue in the cheekbones and lips. The level is great for achieving quick results.

Indications and contraindications

Developments from Fillerina laboratories fall into the category of hypoallergenic drugs, but are nevertheless contraindicated for those who are sensitive to hyaluronic acid.

For all other people, the drugs are absolutely not dangerous, but, on the contrary, are very useful. Fillerina cosmetics are especially indicated for those who suffer from age-related or facial wrinkles, sagging and impaired microrelief of the skin, or who need correction of facial contours, or increasing the volume of lips and cheekbones.

Clinical researches

It is important to note that the effectiveness of the drug is not an advertising feature or the impact of harmful components. Its effectiveness was confirmed by laboratory tests back in November 2012. In particular, the in vivo test FU.04 was carried out. C.SL-2012/1842.

As a result of the study, the following was established:

  • Reducing the depth of age and expression wrinkles by up to 55%.
  • Reducing the volume of facial and age wrinkles by up to 48%.
  • Lifting facial skin up to 2.9 mm.
  • Cheekbone lifting up to 3.7 mm.
  • Increase in lip volume by up to 45% (this is confirmed, by the way, by the authors of reviews of Fillerina for lips).

Catalog of funds

Of course, Fillerina's most famous product is a non-invasive filler. But, in addition to it, the following lines are also presented:

  • Fillers for lip augmentation. Reviews about Fillerina Lip Volum are no less common than opinions about the use of non-invasive fillers.
  • Means for increasing breast volume.
  • Products for strengthening and tightening breast skin.
  • Day and night creams with hyaluronic acid. There are not many reviews about Fillerina creams, but none of them contain any negative experiences of the author.
  • Eye and lip contour cream. Reviews of Fillerina for the eyes note that the product has a very gentle effect on the delicate area, which is very important.

Muscle relaxant cream “Impeccability without injections” from the House Calls line from Dr. Brandt - Botox effect

Price: from 7,085 rub.

It’s hard to believe that the cream can replace Botox injections. It doesn't have the same penetrating ability. However, the brand Dr. Brandt was once created by the Hollywood king of Botox, Dr. Brandt, so the technologists who used his developments managed to create a product comparable to the effect of injections.

The combination of adenosine, magnesium and neuropeptides in the cream really inhibits muscle activity.

My opinion: I applied the texture pointwise to the forehead. After use, it was difficult to move it for a full six hours (this is quite a long time for a product). I hope to “re-educate” my facial expressions.

Non-invasive fillers

Let's take a closer look at the brand's most popular product. Its mechanism of action is simple: filling with hyaluronic acid areas of skin depression - wrinkles. Its action is complemented by the following components:

  • Matrifull. This is a peptide that is transported by cyclodextrin. Promotes tropism of skin tissue (cell movement following an irritant). Naturally affects filling components to increase their volume.
  • Hexapeptide. Regulates the penetration of water into the skin, promotes its sufficient moisture.

This non-invasive filler sets the following apart from similar products:

  • It has no contraindications and does not contain hormones. The product does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Helps restore youthful skin without painful injections - you just need to accurately apply the product to the wrinkle using an applicator.
  • The effect of the drug is cumulative - 2 weeks of periodic use is enough. But the effect is not permanent. As the authors of reviews testify, the maximum is a few months. Therefore, 2 courses of admission are required per year.

Application of the product

Using filler is very simple. See for yourself:

  1. It is recommended to drink two glasses of water before the procedure.
  2. Then, using the applicator, the gel is applied directly to wrinkles and those areas of the skin that you want to smooth out.
  3. The product is left for 10 minutes. At this time, hyaluronic acid is absorbed deep into the skin, filling it from the inside.
  4. Using slapping movements, the gel is distributed over the entire facial skin.
  5. Then the nutritional film from the kit is applied. The product contains useful moisturizing substances, helps to achieve the most comfortable condition of the neck and face.

Customer reviews of fillers

Let's present the reader with an overview of real people's reviews of Fillerina:

  • Most of the reviewers did not have deeply expressed age-related wrinkles. A remedy was used to eliminate facial expressions. Here the effect is pronounced, it lasts up to 2 months. Which is comparable to a procedure at a cosmetologist.
  • Of course, you shouldn’t expect results after the first use. As is the case with any other drug. You must complete a minimum two-week course.
  • While using the filler complex, customers continued to use their favorite skin care products. This did not negatively affect the effect.
  • The products are great for both normal and combination skin. They do not make the skin fat or “weight it down”.
  • Hyaluronic acid copes with dry skin very quickly. The effect is especially visible on the lips - after the first procedure. During the course you can use pencils and long-lasting lipsticks. Decorative cosmetics do not affect the effect.
  • Despite the gel structure, the product does not clog skin pores. In winter, care cannot be limited to the use of fillers. You need to add nourishing creams, otherwise peeling cannot be avoided.
  • As the practice of the review authors shows, the product is still good for facial wrinkles and initial age-related changes. It can only slightly smooth out deep wrinkles, but not completely eliminate them.
  • The procedure is clearly not cheap: the cost of a set for one course is in the range of 9-10 thousand rubles.

Reviews from cosmetologists

It is equally important to find out doctors' reviews about Fillerina. Let's present an overview of authoritative opinions:

  • The product is considered unique due to its targeted effect on all layers of the skin - from the epidermis to the dermis.
  • As the manufacturer notes, this effect is possible due to the presence of six types of hyaluronic acid in the composition. Each of them penetrates to a certain depth.
  • The main advantage over other products with hyaluronic acid administered orally: the main element here reaches the skin in the largest volume. It is not distributed throughout the body and does not settle on articular surfaces.
  • An “honest” filler, perfect for home treatments. A painless alternative to going to a cosmetologist.

Non-invasive fillers Fillerina are a wonderful way to restore youthful skin at home, without painful procedures. Of course, the product will not be a panacea - it is not capable of smoothing out deep age wrinkles. But its effectiveness in other cases has been proven both clinically and by the experience of filler buyers.

Smoothing serum with Matrixyl peptide from Hello Beauty - Botox effect

Price: from 199 rub.

Korean brand with its own features. Hello Beauty promises to save us from many skin problems. I received a product with a Botox effect. This serum contains the peptide Matraxyl. It is assumed that it activates the resources of the matrix of our skin (forms the basis of connective tissue): it stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, all renewal processes, and at the same time blocks muscle activity.

My opinion: I did not get any effect from Botox. But after a while I noticed how the serum copes well with post-acne marks. An obvious plus. The serum can be found on the website pudra.ru.

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