How to remove swelling from the face quickly - only effective methods (doctor's advice)

Probably every woman, regardless of age, has had to experience such an unpleasant moment: you get up in the morning and see in the mirror a swollen face with narrow slits instead of eyes. Horrible! And what disgusting! We need to do something urgently! One of the remedies is a mask for swelling on the face.

Hello friends! Svetlana Moroozova is with you again. But where does this swelling come from? It seems that the person looking from the mirror has been drinking, walking all night and it is not clear what he was doing. But the man slept all night and didn’t do anything special the day before!

Friends, read the article further, there will be a lot of interesting things in it! And for those who want: “Find out the degree of slagging in your body” or “Find out what’s stopping you from losing weight?” Take Selection TEST

Why does the face swell?

The human body is permeated by a complex lymphatic system. A transparent liquid moves along it, which removes cell waste products, fungi, bacteria, toxins and even parasites. Our immunity also depends on its work.

The state of lymph is affected by:

  1. Food,
  2. Beverages,
  3. Bad habits,
  4. Physical activity.

After an alcoholic party, there will be swelling in the morning. Cigarettes, soda, fast food and other harmful substances negatively affect the movement of lymph. The same applies to physical activity - the muscles contract and the lymph moves, but if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then the fluid will be almost motionless. And motionless liquid holds harmful substances in one place, which leads not only to swelling, but also to acne, rashes, allergies and even diseases.

Edema can also appear for a number of other reasons:

  • inflammation that damages cells and tissues - symptoms include redness, itching, fever and pain;
  • injuries - accompanied by bruises and hematomas;
  • allergies - itching may occur;
  • kidney and thyroid diseases.

Potato face mask: against wrinkles, swelling, bruises

Constant puffiness, persistent dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles are the faithful companions of tired, sleep-deprived people who are very conscientious in their work. A cosmetic potato face mask is exactly the procedure that will provide invaluable assistance in the fight against the effects of lack of sleep and chronic fatigue.


The invaluable benefits of potatoes

Skin aging, unfortunately, is an irreversible process in the human body. Over the years, light facial wrinkles are added to deeper ones. In addition, the double chin is beginning to actively make itself known. Unhealthy swelling and dark circles appear on the lower eyelids. The skin becomes more flabby and dull. An unhealthy lifestyle will only worsen the aging process. Therefore, it is important to tone your facial skin in a timely and competent manner. A potato mask is one of the simplest and most affordable means in the fight for youthful and beautiful skin.

Potatoes are famous for their unique methods of affecting the skin:

Advantages and disadvantages

Recipes with ordinary potatoes can be easily used at home. The main active component will not cause irritation, and therefore can be used on any skin type.

Attention! It is not recommended to use a potato face mask for eczema and progressive dermatitis.

Indications for use:

How to properly use potatoes in masks?

Potato masks can be made from both raw and boiled vegetables. However, there will be some differences in their operation.

So, boiled potatoes can be used on any skin, regardless of its type. It will cope perfectly with bruises, bags, wrinkles, even on thin and extremely sensitive skin, where rashes appear every now and then or irritation occurs.

Raw potatoes have a more pronounced manifestation. So, it will cope perfectly with swelling and bruises, but only on oily skin.

Potato masks: recipes

The first wrinkles that appear are a sign of aging facial skin. You shouldn’t wait for them to grow and deepen further; you need to start taking action. Moreover, all available means are usually at hand.

They take raw potatoes, grate them on a fine grater and simply apply them to the face, neck and décolleté.

Some ladies are afraid to use a metal grater because they can ruin their manicure. However, there is a way out here too - just cut the vegetable into slices and apply it to your face. The recipe is so simple that it would be a shame not to use it. But for all its simplicity, it perfectly refreshes, nourishes and smoothes the skin. Small wrinkles disappear, but new ones do not appear for a long time.

Attention! Do not forget that the face must be thoroughly cleaned before a cosmetic procedure.

This mask can be supplemented with cucumber and lemon juice.

Finely chop the potatoes and cucumber, mix, apply on the face for 25 minutes. Rinse off the mixture with water and fresh lemon juice. Then you need to let your face dry and spread it with olive oil.

Take a couple of boiled potatoes (finely grated), add 1 raw egg, two small spoons of milk, a dessert spoon of olive oil, mix well. The consistency of the mixture should resemble sour cream. Then it is applied to the eyelids, and a cotton pad soaked in a decoction of chamomile is placed on top.

After half an hour, the composition is washed off with water at room temperature. Afterwards, apply a suitable moisturizer to the eyelids.

This potato mask will not only reduce the number of facial wrinkles, but will also perfectly remove puffiness on the lower eyelids.

Take one raw vegetable, an egg yolk, three large spoons of milk, a dessert spoon of glycerin, 6 drops of fat-soluble vitamin E. The thoroughly mixed composition is applied to problem areas and left for 20 minutes.

This mask perfectly fights wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes.

Take boiled potatoes (1 piece), mash them, adding water. You should get the most delicate puree. Then add egg yolk and all other ingredients to it. The consistency should be similar to thick sour cream.

This mask has a calming effect, relieves irritation, nourishes and revitalizes dry skin. It should be noted that it is best to do it in courses. Two treatments per week. Duration – 6 weeks.

The skin of the face will acquire a healthy tone and natural blush, and will also become noticeably younger - all very noticeable wrinkles will disappear.

Boiled potatoes in their jackets are mashed without peeling. Add three small spoons of aloe juice, two large spoons of sour cream. Mix everything and apply to problem areas for about half an hour.

It is better to use it a couple of times every three days (course – 12 sessions) shortly before bedtime. This way the skin will receive the nutrition it needs and become smooth and velvety. This version of the potato mask has a very strong tightening effect.

If dark circles under the eyes are caused by lack of sleep and overwork, then potato-based cosmetic masks will also come to the rescue. This vegetable will be an excellent aid to the path to beautiful skin if:

External causes of facial swelling after sleep

Even absolutely healthy people who do not have bad habits and exercise regularly experience swelling. Most often this happens in the morning due to some evening events.


Even if you cried over a movie before going to bed, in the morning you can see swollen eyelids and a slightly irregular face shape in the mirror. And if grief happens in life, then it’s better not to look in the mirror at all. Due to crying, the drainage function of tissues is disrupted and therefore swelling appears quickly and can last for quite a long time (in bad cases, even until the evening).

Insufficient water consumption

If you drink little clean water, your body experiences stress and tries to somehow make up for the deficiency by retaining liquid. Naturally, this is immediately visible.

Food too salty

Salt retains water in subcutaneous fat. There are 100 milliliters of water per 1 gram. If you overdo it with salty foods, you'll wake up swollen in the morning.


Cakes are deposited not only on the sides, but also on the face in the form of swelling. Yes, sugar also retains moisture, albeit in smaller quantities. But we also eat sugar in larger quantities than salt.


Not only do alcoholic drinks contain a lot of calories, they negatively affect the brain and the health of the entire body, and also dehydrate tissues. And if you drink a bottle of something strong at night, you will wake up in the morning with a terrible dry mouth and a swollen face. It is also worth considering that alcoholic beverages are usually drunk with some kind of food and most often it is far from healthy.


Stress negatively affects the general condition of the body. This is also why moisture is retained and swelling appears. This is why you may not look your best after a hard week. Drink chamomile tea, master meditation and learn to calm your mind and emotions.

Illiterate care before bedtime

Moisturizing masks and creams that you apply right at night can turn into swelling. Therefore, carry out skincare procedures at least an hour before going to bed.

Treatment with pharmaceuticals

You can get rid of the problem at home using various pharmaceutical products, which often allow you to solve the problem without the use of expensive salon procedures.

The most popular are ointments, gels, tablets and patches against swelling and bags under the eyes.


When the bags become a result of the accumulation of excess fluid in the body or a disorder of the vascular system, vascular and diuretic drugs are used, which help to get rid of the pathology in a short time. They can be used internally or externally as masks for the area around the eyes.

  • Furosemide. An inexpensive and effective remedy with a diuretic effect, which allows you to cope with puffiness and get rid of bags under the eyes in 1 day. Available in the form of tablets and solution for injection.
  • Aspirin. It is considered the most affordable remedy for eliminating dark circles and bags under the eyes. It is used as a mask. To do this, crush 3 tablets and mix with a small amount of water until a paste forms. Apply the finished product to problem areas and leave for 20 minutes. You should not overuse the recipe: the procedure can be performed no more than once a week.
  • Actovegin tablets. Used similarly to the previous recipe. The disadvantage of this product is its price and the high risk of complications after use, so it is not recommended to use it without consulting a doctor.

Such methods are strictly contraindicated for use to eliminate problems in infants, children and adolescents under 18 years of age, patients with a tendency to allergic reactions or damage to the eye area, and pregnant women.

Ointments and gels

Many pharmaceutical ointments and gels used to treat varicose veins and hemorrhoids have been used in cosmetology over the past few years as a remedy for bags and circles under the eyes.

  • Gel Lyoton. It has the ability to normalize lymph flow and strengthens blood vessels. Applying it in the evening for 7 days for 20 minutes helps get rid of the problem for a long time. It is not recommended to extend the course and duration of action of the medicine to avoid complications.
  • Proctonis ointment. It is prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids, but is also successfully used to eliminate puffiness under the eyes. Due to its natural composition, it softens the skin and improves its condition. Used similarly to the previous drug.
  • Heparin ointment. An affordable and effective remedy against dark circles and bags under the eyes. It acts due to the ability to strengthen the vascular wall and reduce its permeability due to the content of heparin. Use once every 2 days, apply for 15 minutes. The number of procedures is individual, but should not exceed 10 sessions.
  • Troxevasin. A popular remedy against varicose veins, which helps strengthen blood vessels and remove puffiness under the eyes. Used similarly to the previous product. Abuse of the drug is unacceptable.

Each of these remedies was not originally intended for the treatment of bags under the eyes, but many women and men, including people over 40 years of age, use them. It is worth noting that doctors are categorically against such experiments, and everyone must determine the appropriateness of use for themselves.

The use of drugs for the treatment of children, infants and pregnant women, as well as patients with an allergy to one of them is contraindicated.


On pharmacy shelves you can find a special patch for bags and dark circles under the eyes. The most popular product is called Extraplast Beauty.

The package contains 5 pairs of patches, which are suitable not only for the skin under the eyes, but also for the upper eyelids. They need to be applied for 15 minutes, so it is suitable when you urgently need to improve the condition of the skin. The manufacturer claims that this time is enough to easily and simply fix the problem. This product is suitable for women and men, as well as mature people over 40 and 50 years old.

You are allowed to use the product no more than 2 times a week. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect and worsen the condition of the epidermis. During pregnancy, the use of patches is not prohibited. They are not recommended for use by young girls under 18 years of age; prohibited for children.

Physiological causes of edema in women

Women have their own gender-specific causes of edema. Most often they are associated with changes in hormonal levels.

  • Critical days,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Menopause.

All these reasons are related to the work of progesterone. It becomes active after ovulation. Its goal is to maintain the pregnancy, even if it does not occur. During such periods, you need to carefully monitor your diet and mood to minimize swelling.

With age, the activity of estrogen decreases, which seems to oppose progesterone. Therefore, women over 45 years of age are more likely to experience edema. Moreover, not only the face suffers, but also the legs, which experience constant stress, and the hands.

Contraindications for use

Of course, we must remember that there are contraindications for use. However, this most likely refers to additional ingredients, as well as individual intolerance.

We draw conclusions:

Potatoes are our second bread, necessary for a complete diet of the entire body as a whole and each individual cell. The main thing is to rationally use its natural qualities and properties. It’s so nice to know that your personal beauty salon is always at your fingertips.


Swelling of the face due to illness

If you have gotten rid of all the visible causes, but your face continues to swell, then you should consult a therapist. Because such manifestations can be signs of serious illnesses.

  • Heart problems
    - developing hypertension and heart failure provoke fluid retention.
  • Kidney diseases
    - it is the kidneys that are responsible for cleansing the body and removing excess moisture from it. If they do not work well, then the person wakes up in the morning with terrible swelling of the face and neck, but over time almost the entire body will swell.
  • Allergy
    - it is with redness and swelling of the skin that an allergic reaction begins.
  • Problems of the digestive system
    - for example, when protein is difficult to digest, tissues retain fluid.

In general, in order to get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of various diseases, you need to take care of your health.

General approach to use

With proper use of masks, you can avoid various troubles in the form of allergic reactions (if the recommended dosage of components is increased) and achieve the maximum positive effect.

For people who prefer to make masks not in beauty salons, but at home, cosmetologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. When using masks of a very liquid consistency, it is advisable to make special pads from gauze or discs (patches).
  2. Products must be applied with gentle movements without rubbing the composition into the skin.
  3. When rinsing, it is also necessary to use gentle movements so as not to damage the sensitive skin around the eyes.
  4. All ingredients should be mixed only in the specified proportions to avoid the development of side effects and allergic reactions.
  5. If the components are mixed correctly, but after a few minutes you feel a strong burning sensation and itching, you should not wait until the end of the procedure. The mask must be washed off immediately and an alternative recipe must be chosen.

Important! To immediately determine whether allergic reactions will occur when applying the mask, you need to prepare a small amount of the product and apply it to the inner bend of the elbow.

The skin in this area is also highly sensitive, and if no symptoms of irritation appear in this area within 15 minutes, the product can also be used for facial skin.

Allergies as a cause of facial swelling

Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock and other outcomes of an allergic reaction, which are manifested by severe swelling. This is very dangerous and at the first symptoms, medical attention is needed.

Main causes of allergies:

  • The influence of antibiotics, vaccines, painkillers and other medications;
  • Bites from snakes, spiders and insects (most often wasps and bees);
  • Household chemicals;
  • Food (everyone has their own allergen);
  • A different climate zone (in the first days of travel, you may notice that your face does not look as good as always);
  • Plant pollen, poplar fluff (in spring, allergies worsen in many people precisely because of the flowering of plants);
  • Pets (most likely the problem is wool and feathers, but some cannot tolerate animal waste products);
  • Decorative and skincare cosmetics (therefore, it is important to test the product first on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the body, and then use it on the desired area).

A person first encounters allergies in childhood and adolescence, but some people learn about intolerance to certain foods in adulthood. It is in such situations that a person may get scared and not understand what is happening. How to help the victim?

If you are allergic to something, it is better to limit contact with a dangerous product. And when coming into contact with an allergen, you should remember several important points:

  1. Stay calm, even if swelling has already begun. Nervous tension can make the situation worse.
  2. Take any anti-allergy medication (they can make you drowsy. So don't drive).
  3. Call an ambulance. Even if the swelling has begun to subside, consulting a doctor is necessary.

Keep in mind that in such situations, speed and clarity in actions are important. That is why you should not be nervous and fuss.

A few more tips

In fact, there are a lot of such folk recipes, among them there is a miraculous mask for every woman to combat hated swelling and bruises. Before doing this, it is recommended to think about the true cause of this problem and start correcting it from the inside. After all, cosmetic masks will be effective only in combination with a healthy lifestyle:

  • proper nutrition;
  • good sleep;
  • playing sports;
  • quality cosmetics.

But when swelling is constant and is the result of a disease, you should seek the help of medical specialists and not do it yourself.

Should I take a diuretic for facial swelling?

Some specialists prescribe diuretics for edema. Yes, they can help, but you must remember the consequences:

  1. Failure of hormonal levels, which leads to impotence in men and irregular cycles in women;
  2. Possibility of developing diabetes mellitus;
  3. Greater fatigue due to leaching of calcium and other beneficial substances from the body;
  4. Salt deposits;
  5. Frequent urination, which leads to insomnia;
  6. Violation of metabolic processes.

Therefore, before using extreme measures, use safe methods first. For example, self-massage, compresses and cleansing the body can help you.

The effectiveness of masks for bags under the eyes

If the bags are purely a cosmetic defect, the effectiveness of masks against them is rated quite highly.

Know! If the development of swelling is caused by other pathologies, bags will still appear until the root cause is eliminated.

But for maximum effectiveness, the procedure must be performed regularly and in full accordance with the recipe.

At the same time, it is additionally worth reviewing your daily routine, devoting sufficient time to sleep, and adding to your diet foods rich in vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the epithelium of the facial skin.

Despite the large number of masks available, you should not use all of them.

It is important to test these options, but you only need to stop at one, or at most two or three, which will be most effective and will not lead to the development of allergic reactions. In these cases, the use of masks will be most effective

In these cases, the use of masks will be most effective.

How to quickly relieve facial swelling at home

Swelling can be removed using very simple methods at home.

Contrast wash

- alternately wash your face with cold and warm water. This procedure refreshes, tones and improves skin color. Be sure to try it! There's no need for any preparation or extra expenses - just open the tap and adjust the temperature.


- improves blood flow and lymph movement. You can even do a massage using your hands (hands are the best tool to always have with you). Watch the video and repeat simple exercises to get rid of swelling.

  1. Use your fists to walk along the side and back surfaces of the neck (do not touch the front surface of the neck), moving from top to bottom from the jaw to the collarbones.
  2. Press your chin from below with your fist, and lower your head to meet the fist.
  3. Use the back of your hand to rub your chin with pressure.
  4. Between two fingers folded into the Victoria sign, three ears up and down.
  5. Place your palms tightly with the edges towards your nose and press your thumbs to your chin. Slowly, without lifting the ribs from the skin, open your palms and, as it were, squeeze everything out of your face towards your ears.
  6. Using your fingertips, run over the area under your eyes. This will not only remove swelling, but also save you from unsightly bags.

As a result, the skin should turn red and burn a little.

How else can you help?

An integrated approach to solving the problem leads to a rapid improvement in skin condition. To reduce swelling, it is recommended:

  • Rub your face with cold ice cubes. 2 tbsp. l. medicinal plants - mountain ash, St. John's wort, calendula, oregano - boil in 250 ml of water for 3 minutes. The filtered broth is poured into ice molds and sent to the freezer. The skin is treated in the morning after water procedures for 10-14 days.
  • Take a contrast shower. In the morning after waking up, they alternately douse themselves with cold and hot water. This procedure leads to a sharp narrowing and dilation of blood vessels, as a result of which blood circulation in the skin accelerates and swelling decreases.
  • Apply compresses. Gauze folded in four is moistened in cooled green or black tea. Place it on your face for half an hour. Make compresses every evening 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Particular attention is paid to diet. For edema, reduce the consumption of salt, marinades, canned vegetables, etc. Additionally, lymphatic drainage massage is performed.

Cosmetic procedures against puffiness in the morning

If you go to a cosmetologist with the problem of facial swelling, he will most likely recommend you a lymphatic drainage massage and a visit to the sauna.

But to get a massage with special cups, you don’t have to go to a specialist. Massage cups can be purchased here. By the way, they can be used in any zone. They not only help in the fight against edema, but also get rid of cellulite, wrinkles and make the body contours clearer.

Video instructions for those who want to do everything right.

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Where to begin?

If you are experiencing swelling on your face, start with the following measures:

  • Ventilate the room. Oxygen helps improve appearance.
  • Water will help. Add some lemon juice to cool water. All this needs to be drunk.
  • Massage your face. The movements should be tapping.

After this, you can begin emergency measures.

If your face swells in the morning - what to do, folk remedies

Woke up, your face is swollen, but you urgently need to run errands? Simple but effective ways can help you.

Parsley and sour cream mask

Turn 3-4 sprigs of parsley into a paste and mix with a tablespoon of sour cream.

Wash your face with cold water, apply the mask to swollen areas of the face, and rinse after 15-20 minutes.

Potato mask

Grate half a peeled potato, mix with 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 teaspoon of buckwheat flour (you can use rice or wheat flour).

This mask can also be applied to swollen areas (even the area under the eyes). After 15-20 minutes, wash off.

Tea compress

Cool the tea bags in the refrigerator and apply to the swollen areas.

Homemade compress

Soak cotton pads with a natural homemade composition. For example, mint infusion. If you care about the environment, then buy reusable discs. They can be used several times, and when they become unusable, you can safely throw them away. They are biodegradable and will not harm our planet.

"Emergency" mask


  • cornflower flowers (can be bought at the pharmacy) – a teaspoon,
  • chamomile flowers - teaspoon,
  • linden blossom - teaspoon,
  • large leaf green tea - teaspoon,
  • mint - one sprig,
  • water - glass.

Cooking method:

  • Place the medicinal plants and tea in a small enamel bowl.
  • Boil water, pour in the herbal mixture.
  • Place in a water bath and boil for at least a quarter of an hour.
  • Cool, strain and use.

Dip the patches into the resulting liquid, squeeze lightly and place under the eyes. Relax and lie down with your eyes closed for 5–10 minutes. Remove the patches and go to the mirror - you will notice how fresh your look is. The herbal decoction can be used the next day for the same procedure or drunk as regular tea - it tastes quite pleasant. The only thing is that drinking this drink during pregnancy is not recommended.

Tips and tricks for preventing edema

To prevent swelling, you need to take care of your health every day.

  • Try to eat right and avoid foods that retain fluid.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Do a facial massage. The Guasha Heart massager is very helpful in preventing edema. It improves blood circulation, relaxes muscles and speeds up the elimination of toxins. Beauty 365 has a good option. They also have an amber massager. He does his job just as well.

  • Play sports. An active lifestyle helps you stay healthy and full of energy.
  • Get enough sleep! Good sleep has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.
  • Use high-quality night cosmetics that are specially selected for your skin type.
  • Breathing exercises stimulate lymph flow through the work of the diaphragm.
  • Visit a sauna or bathhouse. This is simply the best thing we can do for our lymphatic system.

At the “Flourish” marathon there is a whole block that is dedicated to cleansing the body and lymph separately. The most effective but gentle methods that are suitable for everyone and are absolutely safe. And cleansing is necessary for those who suffer from edema (and not only). Also in the marathon: Comprehensive work on rejuvenation, healing and transformation of the entire body - from hair to fingertips. Within a week of the marathon you will notice great changes.

Composition and benefits

Scientists have proven that the most effective remedy for bags under the eyes is ointments for hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Their composition perfectly relieves swelling and bruising under the eyes, making the face more attractive.

1) Curiosin.

This ointment for bags under the eyes helps relieve swelling, bruising, and is effective for acne, improving the overall appearance of the face. The gel based on zinc hyaluronate is quickly absorbed. It must be applied twice a day. If a person is hypersensitive, it may cause redness or slight tingling.

An excellent remedy for eliminating swelling and bruises under the eyes. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces capillary permeability, as a result of which the fluid is absorbed and new fluid stops flowing. Apply twice a day, rubbing in circular movements. The ointment makes swelling less pronounced and relaxes the smooth muscles in the facial area.

3) Solcoseryl.

This ointment is often used to relieve swelling and bruises under the eyes, against bedsores - it performs regenerative functions. The drug is made from cattle blood extract. To prevent swelling from appearing, it is necessary to apply Solcoseryl to the skin in a thin layer, preferably at night. You can use it two to three times a week, not more often.

This homeopathic remedy can also help relieve puffiness under the eyes. The drug has an anti-edematous, immunocorrective effect.

5) Foretal.

Foretal ointment also has an anti-edematous effect. Made from urea. It is best to use it twice a day - morning and evening.

This is another remedy that will help solve the problem. Made with shark liver oil. The composition also includes vitamins, thyme, cocoa butter, phenylephrine. Used several times a day. Anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor. Has virtually no side effects.

7) Afulim.

If bags under your eyes bother you, apply this ointment for ten minutes, then rinse with water. Continue treatment for about a month. The composition includes herbal components, so there are practically no contraindications.

8) Hepatrombin.

This product contains heparin. The product has a regenerating, decongestant, anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the formation of blood clots and fluid stagnation. The ointment is applied with massaging movements several times a day. Do not use for pregnant or lactating women, for blood diseases, or hemorrhagic diathesis.

Plump lips look fashionable, rounded cheekbones look sexy, but bags under the eyes do not add beauty. They make the face visually older, highlight wrinkles and pigmentation.

Men face this problem as often as women. But with the help of cosmetic creams you can get rid of the bags or significantly reduce them.

How to apply masks correctly

A potato eye mask is applied to the lower eyelids and crow's feet. At the same time, place tampons soaked in potato juice or chamomile infusion on the upper eyelids. Leave the masks on for 20–30 minutes, then wash off with infusion of herbs (chamomile, string, sage).

When the skin is dry, lubricate it with cream after 10–15 minutes (at night, you can use extra virgin olive oil). If the mask is done in the morning, then you are allowed to leave the house no earlier than 30–40 minutes after the procedure.

Potato masks are usually made 1-2 times a week, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe.

Useful properties of potatoes for facial skin

  • Helps with pigmentation and acne marks.
  • Reduces inflammation on the skin.
  • Helps reduce swelling on the face.
  • Delays signs of aging by promoting cell renewal.
  • Contains antioxidants to protect your skin from environmental damage caused by pollution and sun exposure.
  • Actively moisturizes the skin and restores its elasticity.

All these properties make potatoes a must-have ingredient in your beauty routine.


Nastya, 28 years old. My sister and I love natural cosmetics. In the summer, at our parents’ dacha, we choose the ripe vegetable or fruit we like and make masks, lotions and creams from it. And in winter we use what is left after harvesting in the fall. Potatoes help us out every year. This is the best eyelid product. When I drink a lot of liquid at night, in the morning serious bags form under my eyes, I remove them within half an hour, making lotions from it, and then go to work with a fresh look.

Nina, 48 years old. I sometimes make potato masks. I really like that after using them the skin looks rested and refreshed. But I don’t think that using only them you can achieve great results, so I apply anti-aging cream to my face every day, and also thoroughly cleanse my skin of makeup in the evening. I look younger than my age, and my friends talk about it all the time. Potato masks probably also contribute to this.

Rimma Mikhailovna, 54 years old. I love my private house and garden plot. Why waste money on expensive cosmetics when you can make them yourself using ingredients from the garden. As a matter of principle, I don’t plant potatoes, the Colorado potato beetle, planting and harvesting take all my energy. That’s why I buy it in the store for homemade compresses and masks. But compared to other vegetables, it is inexpensive. I really liked the recipe for a potato mask against wrinkles. I read that to be effective, you need to do this mask regularly. I try to apply it to my face and décolleté every week. I began to notice that my old wrinkles had evened out somewhat, and my skin had brightened. There is nothing complicated in its preparation, but according to the recipe you must rest for half an hour after washing off the potato mixture. In the summer, I really appreciate this “time of beauty” and you can take a break from the garden and wake up rejuvenated.

Potatoes are a versatile vegetable that can be used for cosmetic purposes all year round. Masks made from it, when used regularly, eliminate most problems on the face. They can even out skin tone, cure acne, get rid of wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. Read about how tomatoes affect facial skin and reviews of tomato masks here. Find out how to make mummy cream and face toner from this article.

Recipes for masks with raw potatoes

The easiest way to reduce puffiness under the eyes is to wash and peel the tuber, cut 4 plates 1–2 mm thick from it, and apply them to the lower and upper eyelids for 15 minutes. To achieve a sustainable effect, the procedure is performed morning and evening for a week.

Another classic option for edema is a lotion made from grated potatoes. A medium tuber is grated, lightly squeezed, the pulp is wrapped in gauze napkins and applied under the eyes for 15 minutes.

Potatoes with cucumber

The mask whitens and relieves puffiness:

Potato juice with milk and oatmeal

The mask relieves swelling and irritation:

Potatoes with olive oil and parsley

The mask smooths out wrinkles, brightens dark skin under the eyes and relieves puffiness:

Potatoes with rice flour and milk

The mask whitens and effectively smoothes wrinkles (do no more than once every 7-10 days):

Potatoes with flaxseed flour and kefir

The mask brightens the skin under the eyes:

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