Facial rejuvenation after 50 years without surgery - effective methods and procedures

With age, the natural hydration of the skin, the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for its elasticity, decrease, and the production of hyaluronic acid decreases, thanks to which our skin remains elastic and beautiful. As a result of lack of hydration, the face loses volume, the skin begins to sag, becomes flabby and inelastic, wrinkles appear, and the facial contour ceases to be clearly defined. Biorevitalization is a modern cosmetological technique, the essence of which is the subcutaneous injection of a drug containing hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and antioxidants.

In our clinic in Moscow, you can undergo a course of procedures that restores skin hydrobalance, activates the production of collagen and elastin fibers, rejuvenates, and improves local immunity. The results are noticeable after the first visit to the cosmetologist.

The principle of operation of the biorevitalization method

The essence of the procedure is the subcutaneous injection of a rejuvenating cocktail, which includes:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • antioxidants.

The drug injected under the skin causes a stress effect, affecting soft tissues at the intracellular level. This reaction causes cells to more actively synthesize collagen and elastin fibers. As a result, the density of the skin increases, wrinkles, dryness and other age-related defects disappear.

Injections stop the process of skin aging, help tighten the shape of the face and get rid of a double chin without resorting to surgery. Biorevitalization is also prescribed to patients with acne and post-acne.

Our cosmetologists will help:

  • reduce the number of rashes,
  • level the microrelief,
  • get rid of deep wrinkles and age folds, eliminate age spots, scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • get rid of bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Effective drugs

Preparations from various manufacturers, in addition to hyaluronic acid itself, may contain a number of additional substances. For example, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, and painkillers. The most suitable drug for the procedure is selected by a cosmetologist based on the task assigned to him, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient: the condition of the problem area, age and other factors. Naturally, the price of facial biorevitalization largely depends on the chosen drug.

Filorga (France) is a well-proven remedy for improving the color and texture of the skin of the face and neck.

Juvederm Ultra (USA) is a product actively used in the perorbital area.

Also, other drugs have proven themselves well: Meso Wharton, Meso Xantin, Novacutan, Profhilio.

Pros and cons of biorevitalization

Hyaluronic acid administered subcutaneously is a natural component of the human body, so injections of the drug practically do not cause side effects and are safe, which is considered the main advantage of the method. Another significant advantage is the absence of a long rehabilitation period. Recovery after the procedure will take only 2–3 days, and the skin will not require special complex care. Biorevitalization can be carried out at any time of the year; other advantages of the procedure include:

  • relative painlessness during subcutaneous administration of the anti-aging composition;
  • high efficiency at an affordable cost of drugs;
  • minimal risk of side effects and complications;
  • no specific contraindications;
  • the use of drugs that are chemically close to natural metabolic components;
  • the possibility of carrying out the procedure at any age.

Disadvantage of the method: hyaluronic acid, having entered the process of intracellular metabolism, slowly begins to disintegrate and is excreted from the body naturally. Therefore, the course will have to be repeated again as soon as the effect after it begins to disappear.


An important advantage of the biorevitalization technique is the small number of contraindications to the procedure. The procedure cannot be done if you have hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid (determined using a test injection with an extremely low concentration of the drug). Also contraindications to the procedure are inflammatory processes in the intended area of ​​drug injection, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and age under 18 years.

Thus, the procedure can be done at almost any age and at any time of the year, which is also a significant advantage.

How is the procedure done?

The client sits comfortably in the cosmetologist’s office and relaxes. A specialist from our clinic performs make-up removal, cleanses the face of dirt and cosmetic residues with a special composition, then treats the affected area with an anesthetic gel. For guidance and accuracy of manipulations, markings are applied to the face.

Injection or hardware treatment

After the anesthetic takes effect, the doctor proceeds directly to the procedure. Using cosmetic syringes with ultra-thin needles, or a laser machine, he injects the composition into the skin in small doses, maintaining a certain distance between injections.

Applying a soothing mask

After the drug has been completely administered, a soothing and wound-healing mask is applied to the face, which will relieve inflammation and accelerate tissue regeneration.

Caring cosmetics for facial skin after 50 years

Nowadays, an entire industry is working to reduce the rate of aging, including facial skin. Below are the main cosmetics that should be used, as well as an approximate plan for their use:

  1. Don't forget to cleanse your face of makeup in the morning and evening. There are special care products in this direction, for example: micellar water or special lotions. Along the way, you can use natural antiseptics - chamomile, calendula or tea tree (with caution).
  2. Use rejuvenating and soothing masks (the more often, the better). Both store-bought masks with a regenerating effect (collagen masks) and homemade ones based on honey, fruits, vegetables or clay can be suitable for this. It is best to buy several masks with different components and test them on your skin (due to the individual characteristics of the body). Most women are suitable for hyaluronic masks.
  3. Use scrubs wisely - only delicate options, without damaging the skin. Young girls can afford more aggressive products, but your choice is the mildest possible (it is better to use soft scrubs more often than to get skin irritation).
  4. As mentioned earlier, use sunscreen cosmetics - SPF creams of at least 30 (preferably 40-50). Nowadays, many moisturizers are also SPF products.
  5. Moisturizing lip balm - especially in summer. Balm lipsticks are a great way to combine the beautiful with the healthy. Many lip balms also have SPF protection, which has a positive effect on the appearance of your lips. It is not necessary to use expensive products; hygienic lipsticks with herbal ingredients are also suitable.
  6. Products with lipids for the face - produce the necessary hormones and help in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K. The main purpose of such products is to provide a protective layer to the skin, as well as prevent diseases and increased sensitivity of the skin. Look for tonic or restorative creams, gels, and serums containing lipids. This is a mandatory step in skin care for older people.
  7. Because Most cosmetics are aimed at fighting aging - the list can be continued for a very long time. At 50 years of age and older, you should definitely contact a cosmetologist (or better yet, several) and draw up a daily care plan. Only systematic and proper skin care can significantly reduce the signs of aging. Even when traveling, an older woman should have the necessary (minimum) set of caring and moisturizing cosmetics (in stores there are special sets for different skin types).

What drugs are used?

For biorevitalization of the face, we use the anti-aging product Juvedrum Hydrate. The drug was developed by the cosmetic company Allegran (France-USA). It includes:

  • high molecular weight synthetic HA,
  • mannitol,
  • phosphate buffer pH 7.2.

The drug is maximally compatible with biological tissues and breaks down slowly, so the skin remains elastic and moisturized for a long time. Juvedrum Hydrate is recommended for women aged 25-35 years.

With a non-injection technique, the rejuvenating composition penetrates deep into the soft tissues using a laser or ultraphonophoresis device. No punctures are made on the skin. Exposure in this way does not cause tissue heating, does not injure and introduces a beneficial cocktail into cell membranes. A gel containing hyaluronic acid is applied to previously cleansed skin. The cosmetologist, using a special device equipped with a laser attachment, treats problem areas with smooth movements for 20 - 30 minutes. Low-intensity laser radiation delivers the drug to every cell, so the effect after the procedure appears instantly.

Biorevitalization of the face

The introduction of a drug based on hyaluronic acid can be recommended by a cosmetologist as a measure to prevent age-related changes in the skin of the face and neck, usually up to 35 years of age. In this case, 1-2 sessions may be recommended. After the age of 35, the procedure is recommended for medicinal purposes. The most lasting result is achieved after 5-6 sessions, carried out at intervals of several weeks.

Involves administering the drug using thin needles. During manual administration, there is a certain risk of incorrect dosage or incorrect injection. The advantage of the hardware injection method is higher accuracy, however, it is associated with a more aggressive effect on the skin. The most delicate areas of the face and neck, as a rule, require manual procedure and especially thin injection needles.

When is biorevitalization indicated?

Natural age-related changes are aggravated by an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, and excessive workload. In addition, the environmental situation in Moscow leaves much to be desired, which negatively affects the condition of the skin. A course of restorative procedures is recommended for women and men who experience:

  • dryness, thinning, dehydration, decreased skin density and elasticity;
  • expression and age wrinkles;
  • enlarged pores;
  • oily skin;
  • acne, acne;
  • pronounced vascular network;
  • gray, dull, sickly complexion;
  • scars, stretch marks, cicatrices;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • blurred oval face, shaved hair;
  • spasm of facial muscles caused by a deficiency of nutrients.

The technique is also useful for restoring skin after chemical peeling or laser resurfacing.

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite all the advantages, biorevitalization has a number of limitations. It cannot be performed if the patient has:

  • oncological diseases,
  • inflammatory processes,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • autoimmune pathologies,
  • acute infectious diseases,
  • epilepsy,
  • mental disorders,
  • skin damage in the treatment area,
  • moles and large age spots,
  • individual intolerance to the drug,
  • bleeding disorders.

Women during pregnancy and lactation should also postpone the procedure, since the effect of hyaluronic acid preparations on the fetus and the composition of breast milk has not been studied.

How long does the effect last?

The result of the procedure is noticeable after the first session:

  • deep hydration and rejuvenation of the skin;
  • increasing turgor, elasticity, firmness;
  • disappearance of fine wrinkles, age spots, bags and bruises under the eyes;
  • elimination of edema, rosacea mesh;
  • correction of facial oval;
  • narrowing of enlarged pores, normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • smoothing the microrelief, getting rid of scars, scars, stretch marks.

Immediately after biorevitalization, the skin of the face and hands looks smoother, softer and more toned. After 1-2 weeks, the injected hyaluronic acid undergoes natural biodegradation, but during this time the processes of synthesis of its own components of the intradermal matrix are activated, which ensures a lasting, prolonged effect of rejuvenation and healing of the skin. The results obtained from the biorevitalization course are consolidated in 6–8 months. The skin becomes much more elastic, a hydro reserve is created, which moisturizes and normalizes the dermis.

Sometimes after the first injections the face feels dry, especially if the procedures are carried out during the heating season, or there are bumps and papules. This is the norm. The symptoms will disappear in 1-3 days and the dryness will soon disappear. The cosmetologist, having assessed the skin condition, will offer an optimal schedule of visits to the clinic for the client. Most often, biorevitalization is performed in a course of 4-6 procedures with a two-week interval between them. Maintenance procedures are required between courses.

The main age-related problems faced by women aged 50 and older

Rapid aging is primarily caused by hormonal imbalance (also called menopause), as a result of which the production of female sex hormones is significantly reduced. Disruption of internal metabolism in the body (metabolic process) in turn significantly impairs blood circulation. These processes deteriorate not only the appearance of the skin, but also its health in general. This happens due to a rapid decrease in the amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements entering the skin cells. Skin elasticity, something all women strive for, is ensured by the production of elastin and collagen. After 50 years, the production of these elements decreases significantly - which leads to the appearance of loose skin.

The main problems of facial skin at 50 years old:

  1. Pigment spots are the result of a slowdown in metabolic processes. Liver disease, gastrointestinal tract, excessive ultraviolet radiation, hormonal disorders, disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system, vitamin deficiency - all these problems increase the number and size of pigment spots on the face and other parts of the body with age.
  2. Drooping (drooping) eyelids are folds that form from excess skin in certain places (in this case, in the eye area). The main reasons for the appearance of this defect are excessive overstrain of the temporal muscles, systematic lack of sleep, and impaired blood circulation (as a result of which excess fluid stagnates in the head area, which subsequently collects in the eyelid area).
  3. Peeling and dry skin of the face - even with an active and healthy lifestyle, this problem will overtake you as you age. This happens due to a lack of natural collagen production - the skin becomes thinner and easily deformed. Dryness is caused by an imbalance in the water balance in the body and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Pronounced nasolabial folds are a kind of indicator of a woman’s age (as a rule, their size directly depends on age). Folds appear when two grooves descend below the level of the wings of the nose towards the lips, hence the name.
  5. Thinning lips - appear as a result of erasing the contour of the lips (becoming less voluminous and clear). The main reasons for thin lips: a decrease in the level of female sex hormones, the face as a whole goes down with age, the facial muscles are tense for a long time, the lips decrease in size, and when the front teeth fall out, the entire nasolabial frame shifts.
  6. Age-related changes in the oval of the face - the main cause of which is wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity.

How to care for your skin after biorevitalization

After rejuvenating therapy, it is necessary to create gentle conditions for 2–3 days. To avoid complications, it is recommended to protect the treated areas from exposure to direct sunlight. Therefore, before going outside, you need to lubricate your face with sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat on your head. It is also advisable to protect your skin from sudden temperature changes and avoid visiting a solarium, bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool.

In the first days after biorevitalization, it is prohibited to apply decorative cosmetics to the face, perform scrubs, peelings and other aggressive traumatic procedures. There are restrictions on the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol abuse accelerates the removal of hyaluronic acid from tissues and reduces the effect of the procedure to nothing. During the recovery period, it is advisable to limit physical activity.

I want it and it hurts: a cosmetologist talks about whether it’s worth getting beauty injections

There are always many legends surrounding the topic of beauty injections. Do injections cause complications? Is it true that the face loses facial expressions? Is it addictive? We asked the most common questions on this topic to first-category cosmetologist Anna Serbenkova.

— How to choose the right doctor?

— In my opinion, the main selection criterion is the high qualifications of the doctor. You should ask what kind of education your doctor has received. Typically, all modern doctors post information on their websites or social networks. It is also very important that your ideas about beauty coincide with the doctor’s ideas.

Do I need to undergo any examinations before the procedure?

— Since most often a cosmetologist deals with normal physiological aging, additional tests are not needed for most procedures. They may be needed in case of a pathological process on the skin, such as acne, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea and others. As for the plasma therapy procedure, you need to undergo a general blood test and analysis for markers of hepatitis and HIV infection.

Is it possible to do beauty injections endlessly and when should you stop?

— Beauty injections should end when you get tired of being beautiful. Injections are made in order to introduce into the skin those nutrients and vitamins that are not produced in sufficient quantities with age and cannot penetrate from the cream. Such basic injection procedures can be done throughout your life, just as you can use face cream constantly.

— Tell us about the strangest requests from your patients?

— I had a patient who brought a photo of Tom Cruise and asked me to make him look as similar as possible. This is, of course, a mental disorder. There was also a married couple in which the wife wanted to attend the laser hair removal procedure for her partner’s intimate area.

— What problems do clients most often encounter?

— Most often these are age-related changes, wrinkles or poor skin condition, as well as the desire to correct the shape of the lips.

— Is it possible to enlarge your lips without anyone guessing?

- Of course you can. You can simply return to them that shape and elasticity that is simply lost over the years. With age, first of all, the contour of the lips disappears; it ceases to be clear. Because of this, lipstick smears and small wrinkles appear. This is very depressing for almost all women. The primary task of a cosmetologist is to restore this contour and give definition to the lips.

— How long does the effect of the procedures last?

- It depends on the specific procedure. When lip correction occurs, the effect lasts for about a year. The effect of correcting facial wrinkles on the forehead or around the eyes lasts up to 6 months.

Is it true that if you get stuck on the needle, it’s impossible to get off?

- It is not true. The drugs we use in cosmetology are not addictive. But there is a psychological dependence: a person gets used to looking good and continues to do injections. Sometimes the patient gets too carried away. They have to be stopped and explained that “it’s too much, it’s not healthy!”

What complications after beauty injections have you encountered in medical practice?

— Since I have been in the profession for more than 10 years, I have encountered quite a variety of complications. But, fortunately, these were minor and easily corrected situations. The most unpleasant complication is the drooping of the eyebrows after correction of facial wrinkles on the forehead with botulinum toxin. The problem is that botulinum toxin does not have a direct antidote and you have to wait until this effect goes away. Sometimes this undesirable effect persists for 1-2 months, which, of course, causes a lot of trouble for both the patient and the doctor.

In my practice, lumps in the lips also happened. For some reason, they did not disperse on time. But this can be easily fixed. Simply dissolving the hyaluronic acid is enough.

— Is it true that after injections a girl looks older?

- No. Otherwise, no one would give injections. It is a myth.

Do you think that common hyaluronic acid is harmless, since it is already found in our body?

— Yes, hyaluronic acid itself is harmless. But if we are talking about fillers based on hyaluronic acid, then they also contain stabilizing components that are not harmless. It is these substances that can provoke allergic reactions, swelling, etc. We need to know about them and choose the right medications for patients. Patients should first choose a doctor, not a drug. Because what suits your friend perfectly may not suit you at all.

— What are the most popular procedures among patients, in your opinion?

— One of my most popular procedures is lip correction. It is a correction, not an increase. As we age, our lips lose their clear contour and become flatter. At the same time, lips occupy a central place on the face and significantly influence the perception of the face as a whole. Therefore, to look younger and fresher, you need to return your lips to their original shape and volume.

Another leader among procedures is the correction of facial wrinkles with botulinum toxin. What is popularly called Botox. This is a very popular procedure, as it is quick, almost painless, and the effect lasts for six months.

— Does the face always swell after injections?

- No, not always. This usually only occurs in patients prone to edema.

— When should you start worrying if the swelling does not subside?

— You should always keep in touch with your doctor. I ask my patients to contact me if they have any questions or doubts, rather than read advice on the Internet.

— How to check a drug for quality?

— Injections must only be done at a medical center. At least in our country, medical centers are very strictly controlled; they purchase drugs only by bank transfer and only from official representatives of pharmaceutical companies. It's exactly the same as with medications. To buy an original and high-quality drug, you need to buy it in a pharmacy, and not on the Internet.

— Your youngest patient: what did she want to do and did you agree?

— In fact, young girls aged 12-14 years apply quite often. They are most often brought by mothers, and usually the problem is related to acne or post-acne.

— How do you understand that a girl already needs beauty injections?

- Quite simple. When your usual remedies stop helping: creams, masks. And you see that your skin no longer perceives them, you need to act using other methods. Here either injections or hardware cosmetology come to the rescue.

— Describe the portrait of your typical patient?

— The patients are so different that there is no typical portrait. There are wives of diplomats, and accountants, and poetesses. In most cases, patients still want to look natural. I don’t have patients who would like to change themselves somehow globally, for example, to have excessively high cheekbones or very pointed chins. For the most part, my patients are people who perceive themselves adequately and want to look fresher, but at the same time for their age.

The nuance is that not only patients choose a doctor, but also patients’ doctors. My beauty canons are natural beauty. I try in every possible way to simply slow down the aging process, but at the same time preserve as much as possible the individuality of each person’s face. This is probably why people rarely turn to me for any drastic changes.

There is an opinion that if you constantly give injections, your face will swell and require more and more of the drug. Because of this, it becomes spherical and facial expressions are lost. Is it true?

— The fact is that the drug is required not by the face, but by the person. If the doctor fails to stop such a patient in time, and for some reason the doctor follows the lead of this patient, introducing an ever-increasing dose of the drug, then, indeed, the result is disastrous. The face becomes spherical.

— What can be corrected with injections, besides lips? Is it possible to change a face beyond recognition?

- Of course, you can change your face beyond recognition, but rather, I would say, “disfigure your face beyond recognition.” With the help of injections, you can correct some facial features. For example, hide the hump of the nose, change the shape of the chin a little, make the cheekbones more pronounced. If a person has a healthy psyche, then he always wants to preserve his individuality. If a person wants to look like another person, then this is an unhealthy request.

— In most cases, the spouses or boyfriends of patients support their decision to use injection methods or are they still supporters of natural beauty?

— I myself am a supporter of natural beauty. The fact is that mesotherapy or biorevitalization is the same as putting cream on your face. Only this cream, unfortunately, no longer penetrates the skin. So we inject these nutrients. Filling wrinkles is the same natural correction. The volume that was lost with age is replenished.

The desire to look younger and fresh is most often supported by both husbands and young men. Of course, there are opponents of this, those who say: “No, not injections.” But this is more likely due to some stereotypes and negative background on social networks. Many people think that after injections everyone becomes a “fish”: lips, like on Instagram, no facial expressions, everything is unnatural. Therefore, sometimes husbands worry that this does not happen to their wives. Many people come together with their spouses for a consultation, together they discuss what will be done and how safe it is. I really love such couples. It’s wonderful when people support each other, and the husband is also concerned that his wife gets the procedure done with the best drug.

The funniest case in my practice was when a patient hid from her boyfriend that she was doing some kind of injection. Once she had the procedure done, and her boyfriend had to go on a business trip. When the patient returned home covered in papules, it turned out that he had stayed at home. The girl began to make excuses, saying that she went for cleaning, and these were traces of her. But in response, the young man said that this was not cleaning, but biorevitalization. “I did it myself, I know this procedure,” he said.

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