Breast augmentation: lipofilling or implants?

From this article you will learn:

  • What is myostimulation of body muscles
  • When is it necessary to perform myostimulation of body muscles?
  • What are the indications and contraindications for the body muscle myostimulation procedure?
  • When myostimulation of body muscles will be of no use

Myostimulation of body muscles is a physiotherapeutic procedure aimed at body correction by loading certain muscle groups. This technique was originally created to prevent muscle atrophy in weakened, unable to move patients. Further, the technology found application among astronauts, whose muscles lose their properties while they are outside the Earth. And today the procedure is available in almost all salons of the beauty industry.

Description of the procedure

For myostimulation, electrodes are applied to the so-called “Erb’s points” - motor points of projection of the point of penetration of the motor nerve into the muscle sheath.

Using cutaneous electrodes, an impulse is applied to the nerve endings, and the muscles begin to actively contract. As a result, muscle tone, strength and volume improve, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are activated, metabolism is normalized, and fat breakdown products are utilized. These factors together contribute to the process of reducing the volume of fat deposits and treating the manifestations of cellulite. However, it would be a mistake to call body myostimulation a weight loss procedure - it is intended primarily to restore and strengthen muscles .

Electromyostimulation allows you to reach muscles that are located very deeply and which are difficult to load under normal conditions - for example, the muscles of the inner thigh. Unfortunately, even with proper and regular use, stimulation does not solve all problems. The fact is that the thicker the layer of fat, the weaker the electrical impulse will be, and therefore the lower the effect of the workout.

Purpose of myostimulation (except weight loss)

  • Firstly, to improve muscle and skin tone. The most “grateful” areas in which results are visible almost immediately are the stomach, inner thighs, and arms (shoulder extensors). It works well to strengthen and “round” the gluteal muscles.
  • Secondly, for the treatment of cellulite. Myostimulation provides moderate mediated lipolysis and some lymphatic drainage. This is largely an auxiliary procedure. But it is precisely this that makes it possible to utilize in muscle work those dangerous products of fat breakdown that are formed during lipolysis.
  • Thirdly, to build muscle mass. The procedure is in demand by bodybuilders who have reached a certain “ceiling” in increasing muscle volume. And also quite thin girls who want to increase, if not their breasts, then at least the volume of the pectoral muscle.

What tasks does a figure correction specialist solve? Treatment of cellulite and obesity requires an integrated approach that combines different effects. This is reduction of fat folds (using numerous methods of lipolysis), absorbable procedures, lymphatic drainage, toning of muscles and skin.

Lipolysis is necessary both for the treatment of cellulite and local obesity. But before you try to break down “cellulite” fat using various methods, you need to think about how to dispose of lipolysis products. If this is not taken care of in advance, the resulting triglycerides will simply migrate to another place. It’s good if this place is adipose tissue. It is also possible that lipolysis products may be deposited, for example, in the form of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

How is recycling done? Through movement! It is in the “furnace” of the working muscle that free triglycerides are burned. When prescribing any type of lipolysis (needling lipolysis, mesotherapy, ionic mesotherapy, etc.) for body correction, we always include myostimulation and/or physical exercise.

Effect of myostimulation (how many centimeters will it take?)

Homemade muscle stimulants for weight loss are now being actively advertised. You see on TV screens how small battery-powered devices help people achieve impressive abdominal definition. In fact, a household muscle stimulator, especially one that runs on batteries and, therefore, has low power, can only help maintain the shape already gained. To truly correct figure flaws, it is necessary to use professional muscle stimulants in combination with other elements of the program: lipolysis, lymphatic drainage and some others.

The first or just a one-time myostimulation procedure almost always improves muscle tone. If you measure volumes before and after the procedure, there will definitely be a decrease of 1-3 cm, especially on the abdomen. This change indicates that the muscles are indeed weakened and need to be exercised. And also about their readiness to restore tone. But if you decide on a course of procedures, there is no need to make tempting calculations: “for one procedure - 2 cm, which means for 10 procedures - 20 cm.” After a single myostimulation procedure, the tone does not last long, real changes accumulate gradually, training and reorganization of muscle function occurs. A significant reduction in volume is the difference in waist size before the first and before the last procedure.

The results depend not only on the equipment and the correct implementation of the technique. Much depends on the state of health, the presence of excess weight and additional measures: diet, physical activity, additional procedures. On average, you can expect to lose 4-6 cm of weight. Myostimulation should be combined with other anti-cellulite methods: wraps, massage, compatible hardware techniques.

Instructions for conducting myostimulation (how to properly conduct electrical stimulation)

  1. Make sure there are no contraindications to electrical stimulation.
  2. Install the electrodes correctly (according to the diagram).
  3. Ensure tight contact between skin and electrodes.
  4. Antagonist muscle groups (eg, external and internal thigh muscles, abdominal muscles and buttocks) cannot be stimulated simultaneously. It is possible to install electrodes on antagonistic muscles at the same time only when the device has a group mode of operation.
  5. The procedure should not be prolonged beyond 30 minutes. Increasing the procedure time leads to too rapid adaptation and the effectiveness of the training decreases.
  6. To build muscle mass, it is advisable to eat protein foods (nuts, cottage cheese, special cocktails) immediately after the procedure.
  7. If you want to reduce body fat and cellulite, you should abstain from dense foods 1 hour before and 2 hours after the procedure. Juices and fruits are not contraindicated.

Detailed video (webinar recording) about myostimulation with wrap from N. Bakhovets, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Effect on the body

Electrical stimulation affects the body through pulses of different durations - from 0.5 to 300 ms, with a current strength of up to 5 mA (on the face), up to 100 mA (on the body) and a frequency of 10-150 Hz, which operate intermittently. Despite the fact that the patient does not move during the procedure, this effect is identical to the normal work of the muscles during their activity. The current passes through the tissue, excites the cells and stimulates the active work of the muscle, and during pauses it relaxes.

The current, thanks to this rhythm of work, does not irritate the skin under the electrodes and the epidermis is not damaged. When an electric current is applied to muscles or nerves, their bioactivity changes. The impulses provoke contraction of muscle fibers, which strengthens and activates them. If a muscle is overstrained, electrical stimulation relieves such tension well.

Electrical stimulation of the back muscles in the neurology clinic is performed on patients with an immobile or curved spine. It reduces pain, restores sensitivity, strengthens muscles. Procedures during the rehabilitation phase after spinal surgery help strengthen the back muscles.

Electrical stimulation of the muscles of the lower extremities allows you to restore the function of the following muscles:

  • biceps femoris muscle – restores flexion of the knee joint;
  • calf muscle – helps restore foot flexion function;
  • peronalis muscle – strengthens dorsiflexion and abduction of the foot;
  • rectus femoris muscle – improves leg extension at the knee joint.

Electrical stimulation of the thigh muscles helps actively fight osteoarthritis and helps recover after joint replacement surgery. Electrical stimulation of facial muscles accelerates oxygen utilization and reduces energy expenditure for contraction. After physical activity, lactic acid accumulates, and the current removes it from the muscles, relieving pain.

Electrical stimulation of the arm muscles restores the function of the following muscles:

  • deltoid - helps to resume shoulder abduction to the side, back and forward;
  • extensors of the hand and fingers – restores extension function;
  • triceps - improves extension of the arm at the elbow joint;
  • biceps – will help bend the arm at the elbow joint;
  • flexors of the hand and fingers – improves their flexion.

Myostimulation of various muscle groups

Most people associate electromyostimulation with “gymnastics for the lazy”: the muscles work while the body lies down. But thinking this way is a mistake, because natural movement and contractions under the influence of current are very different processes.

During ordinary physical activity of any kind, be it daily housework, running, gymnastics, fitness, aerobics - not all muscle fibers are involved in the work - this is not necessary. And during myostimulation, absolutely all excitable structures are involved: striated and smooth muscle cells, motor and sensory nerves. Nerve fibers transmit excitation “up” to the brain to controlled organs. The walls of large vessels react to myostimulation, reserve capillaries open, and the movement of intercellular fluid and lymph changes. Such a massive impact allows you to work out and prepare even very weak and lazy muscles for regular exercise. But to feel the effect of real weight loss, you need to give your muscles additional stress.

Myostimulation is an excellent, well-proven method of muscle recovery after injury and surgery. Myostimulation can make the smooth muscles of internal organs work (treatment of dyskinesias and atony of internal organs).

Myostimulation of abdominal muscles

A typical case: a girl comes to the salon and brings a belt from a wedding dress, which is 10 cm smaller than her current waist size. Almost crying, she asks for help to reduce her waist, since her husband constantly reproaches her with this very belt. Where will we make the waist? This question could be asked to most of our visitors, because there is often simply no waist. Loose skin and weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall (abs), especially in women who have given birth, are a big problem that is difficult to cope with even with time and great willpower. In this case, electrical stimulation gives good results. Literally after the first procedure you can feel the restoration of muscle tone. Typically, women immediately notice that the stomach is easier to retract and the abdominal wall begins to participate in breathing movements. And after three or four procedures, the number of centimeters begins to count. Measurements are carried out not daily, but once every 5 days.

Results after several procedures (abdominal muscles before and after)

Myostimulation of chest muscles

Breast skin care may include myostimulation, but this method should be used with extreme caution. In modern women, unfortunately, neoplasms, cysts and mastopathy quite often occur in the mammary glands. In this case, the use of electric current is contraindicated, and before carrying out any procedures, you must discuss them with your doctor. Stimulation of the pectoral muscles can slightly improve the shape of the breast, but do not be mistaken - the ideal shape and increase in the volume of the gland cannot be achieved with the help of myostimulation alone. Electrical stimulation of the pectoral muscles is a more rewarding task for men. With sufficient protein nutrition and patience, you can achieve good results.

Myostimulation of the muscles of the hips and legs

Those with too large hips and large butts suffer extremely. Most often, these are representatives of the so-called gynoid type of fat distribution (pear-type). Simply limiting your food intake or taking weight loss medications is not an option for them. Such women usually have a rather thin waist, narrow shoulders and modest-sized breasts, which are the first to lose weight and volume due to diets and physical activity. In this case, electrical stimulation is very effective for weight loss: the volume of the hips and the appearance of cellulite are reduced, while at the same time the upper body remains the same as it was. In most cases, electrical stimulation is alternated or combined with lipolysis and lymphatic drainage. The use of massage and wraps significantly speeds up the process of losing weight and shaping your figure.

It is possible to apply electrodes to the internal and external muscles of the thigh at the same time only if the device has a group (asynchronous) method of channel operation. Myostimulation can be used not only to increase the tone of flabby muscles or reduce the volume of fat deposits, but also to relax overtrained muscles.

Stimulation of the muscles of the shoulders and arms

The shoulder muscles, especially the back, often give away a woman's age, as do the neck and hands. The triceps muscle of the shoulder (triceps) quickly becomes flabby and is very difficult to respond to various physical influences. Even with the help of exercise equipment, it is difficult to restore her good tone, much less increase her weight. Electrical stimulation in this case gives good results. On the shoulder, as on the hip, it is undesirable to simultaneously stimulate the flexors and extensors (muscles of the anterior and posterior surfaces). This is only permissible with the group method of channel operation.

What myostimulation of body muscles cannot help with

Let us once again recall the principle of muscle myostimulation: electrodes are connected to the body, current is applied, after which electrical impulses travel through the nerves to the brain. This makes us feel like we are being pinched. The brain reacts to this sensation by giving the command to pull back (contract) the “pinched” muscle. As a result, you are lying on the couch, and your muscles are actively working. As we have already said, myostimulation is called gymnastics for the lazy, passive fitness.

Of course, such muscle work is similar to our natural movements, but it only seems. The reason is that during myostimulation, muscles and ligaments do not stretch, joints do not work, that is, this procedure cannot be a complete replacement for physical exercise. After all, the muscle contracted, but did not receive a load.

Is myostimulation really useless? Not at all. With this influence of current, nerve fibers transmit a signal to the brain, which activates the heart, increasing the permeability of blood vessels and opening reserve capillaries in the area of ​​influence. As a result, blood supply improves, that is, myostimulation of the body is quite capable of becoming a substitute for massage, relaxing tired, tense muscles. If you sit for a long time, it is useful to act in this way on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and lower back. For those who often walk in heels, a leg muscle massage would be an excellent solution.

In addition to the fact that due to electrical impulses, relaxation and pain relief from strained muscles occurs, at the same time, lymph is dispersed and swelling disappears. It is important that such training does not load the musculoskeletal system, preserving joints and minimizing the possibility of injury.

But we emphasize that this procedure does not require the expenditure of calories, because all the energy comes from the outside, roughly speaking, from an electrical outlet. This means there is no fat loss. Then why do people lose weight after myostimulation sessions? The effect is similar to that of a massage: body volumes are reduced due to the removal of swelling, and not the disappearance of the fat layer. In other words, during myostimulation, the muscles of the body contract, connecting the cells of neighboring tissues to metabolic processes, as a result of which excess fluid is removed from the subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Recently, more and more people want to undergo a course of myostimulation of body muscles. And there is nothing unusual or reprehensible in this: the desire to feel cheerful, to look always fresh, bright, irresistible is natural and understandable.

In addition, these days you no longer have to spend a lot of time on this or perform complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

There are two such centers in Moscow – near Timiryazevskaya metro station and Otradnoye metro station.


  1. Myostimulation of the body will make all muscles “work” and restore their lost tone.
  2. It will improve blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and metabolism - all this leads to a decrease in the volume of fat deposits.
  3. Myostimulation alone is not effective enough for weight loss; It can effectively fight cellulite and excess weight only together with other procedures.
  4. Myostimulation is not a substitute for physical activity.

More information about the rules for stimulating the abdomen, hips, buttocks and back can be found in our methodological manual and in the book on hardware body correction.

Indications and contraindications

Rehabilitation specialists at the Yusupov Hospital perform electrical stimulation for all conditions that are accompanied by paralysis or paresis of muscles, or traumatic nerve damage. Indications for electrical stimulation are:

  • spastic paralysis in multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, polyneuropathy and Guillain-Barré syndrome;
  • Sensitivity disorders due to radicular syndromes and various traumatic injuries;
  • central paresis and paralysis due to acute cerebrovascular accidents;
  • prolonged muscle adynamia, accompanied by their hypotrophy.

Electrical stimulation is not used as a monotherapy and is a complementary rehabilitation measure. It is effective for the back muscles in patients who are on bed rest for a long time. During the procedures, the back muscles restore their resistance to stress and their former strength.

There are many contraindications to electrical muscle stimulation:

  • acute period of ischemic damage to brain tissue, heart (stroke, myocardial infarction);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • febrile conditions, including sepsis;
  • skin diseases at the site of stimulation.

Electrical stimulation of a patient suffering from epilepsy is contraindicated due to the fact that the procedure can provoke a convulsive attack. In case of traumatic injuries to nerves, muscles and tendons, electrical stimulation can be performed a month after the time of suturing. Otherwise, due to the sharply increasing mechanical load during muscle contraction during the procedure, suture failure may develop. Electrical stimulation is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, because electrical stimulation can lead to an increase in uterine tone and cause premature termination of pregnancy.

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