Resurfacing of scars and stretch marks using fractional CO2 laser

A scar is the formation of connective tissue in the area of ​​wound healing. Scars, including those that remain after surgery, do not look aesthetically pleasing, and a person may feel discomfort due to the fact that there are scars on his body. However, with the help of modern medicine, this cosmetic defect can be eliminated.

Laser is used to remove postoperative scars. They are removed using laser resurfacing. The advantages of scar resurfacing include a minimal risk of complications. The maximum effect is achieved from this procedure.

What is a scar? What types of scars are there?

The following types of scars are distinguished:

Normotrophic scar

It does not rise above the surface of the skin, is practically invisible, and is formed during the normal healing ability of the tissue.

Atrophic scar

Flesh or whitish in color, slightly retracted into the skin. Usually occurs with minor damage. A type of atrophic scars are post-acne scars (scars after acne).


Rough, dense, rises above the surface of the skin. As a rule, it occurs with deep damage to the skin (burns, lacerations). They are often located in the neck, joints and other moving areas prone to permanent injury.

Keloid scar

It is a pathological growth of scar tissue, far beyond the boundaries of the primary scar, bluish or bright pink in color, dense and lumpy to the touch. Often accompanied by pain and itching. The exact cause of keloid has not been established. An important role is played by hereditary predisposition to keloidosis and the location of the injury (ears, sternum and pubic area, etc.).

What does the treatment result depend on?

The effectiveness of laser scar correction is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Skin tone. Melanin, a high molecular weight pigment, absorbs impulses, which can cause burns in patients with dark skin;
  2. Localization of the scar relative to the blood vessels. Sometimes, if there are disorders in the hematopoietic system (poor clotting), it is very difficult or even impossible to remove scars;
  3. The presence of viral, dermatological or other diseases. Often, laser scar removal causes exacerbation of dermatitis or herpetic eruptions associated with disturbances in the cellular immunity of the epidermis;
  4. General condition of a person. Laser exposure can have an unpredictable effect on a weakened body after a long illness or surgery.

Laser scar removal is performed on a completely healthy patient or in remission from a chronic disease. To prepare for the procedure, it is recommended to conduct a series of medical examinations, as well as general tests.

How does laser work in scar treatment?

Laser scar treatment is the only procedure that can reduce the depth of scars and eliminate them permanently.

The essence of laser scar treatment is to remove the top layers of skin along with scar tissue. At the same time, restoration processes in the treated areas are enhanced, new young collagen and elastin are synthesized, which leads to the formation of a normal structure of the dermis.

It should be noted that red fresh scars and keloid scars are not always indications for scar resurfacing. As a rule, you should wait until the inflammation subsides and the formation of scar tissue stops before performing the laser scar removal procedure. On average, this process takes up to six months.

Dermabrasion or laser resurfacing

This type of skin correction is the safest and most painless, because the effect on individual areas of the face or body occurs without contact, which minimizes the recovery period and also prevents the occurrence of any complications. This procedure is also called deep facial peeling, since the laser acts on the upper layers of the epidermis, renewing them, removing fine wrinkles and improving skin color.

Despite the fact that in the process of dermabrasion only intervention occurs in the outer layers of the skin, with the help of laser resurfacing of scars you can get rid of post-acne, permanent makeup and tattoos, enlarged pores, age spots, and also rejuvenate the skin of the face.

On average, the effect occurs after 5-7 procedures, however, in difficult cases, a specialist may prescribe additional sessions for you.

How to treat fresh scars?

To speed up healing and prevent the formation of rough scar tissue, conservative treatment of fresh scars and stretch marks should be carried out. This will allow you to get a neat, tight scar, sometimes almost invisible, which will significantly reduce the number of laser resurfacings. Excellent results are obtained by plasma therapy (plasmolifting), placentotherapy, mesotherapy with anti-inflammatory and defibrosing components in combination with methyl agents for the treatment of scar tissue.

Equipment used

Our clinic works with several types of lasers, which allows us to find an individual approach to the problem of each patient.

system with Lux1540 nozzle

– this is the “gold” standard in laser cosmetology. A non-ablative laser works in the deep layers of the skin without affecting the superficial ones. It starts the process of restoring collagen fibers, thanks to which the skin is restored from the inside.

Fractional laser SmartXide DOT CO2 from DEKA

works using fractional thermolysis technology. The ablation system removes scar tissue by pinpoint penetrating to a predetermined depth, thereby stimulating the onset of restoration processes. The rehabilitation period for patients after resurfacing with this laser is minimal; redness and peeling disappear within a few days.

Vascular laser VBeam

used to remove spider veins, and is also used to correct scars, while evening out skin tone and preventing the proliferation of connective tissue in hypertrophic rubles.

How is the laser scar resurfacing procedure performed?

Removing scars is most often a painless procedure. However, in some cases there is increased sensitivity of the skin to the laser. In such a situation, local anesthesia with an anesthetic cream is used. During the day, slight swelling and redness of the treated area may persist, and then small crusts will form, which will go away within a week.

After the procedure, you must avoid damaging the scar area for three days. This area should be protected from direct sunlight. To do this, use sunscreen. The cream is used for at least six weeks after the laser resurfacing procedure. The result of the procedure is long-lasting.


What are the benefits of laser scar removal?

  • The operation is very effective, as it makes it possible to completely remove the formation.
  • During the procedure there is no contact with the wound, which means there is no danger of infectious tissue infection
  • Scars of different sizes can be removed
  • It is possible to provide a targeted effect without affecting healthy tissue
  • The operation is bloodless (what is its main difference from surgical removal of a scar)
  • Since the effect of the erbium laser is very gentle, there is no hyperpigmentation after the procedure.
  • According to patient reviews, there is no serious pain during the operation.

How many treatments are needed to remove scars?

The number of procedures depends on the age, type and size of the scar. Normotrophic scars are most favorable for correction. Atrophic scars (for example, post-acne scars) can completely disappear either after one procedure or after a series of laser resurfacing, which is determined by the depth of the scars. Correction of large hypertrophic scars is complex and requires multiple resurfacings. The most difficult to correct are keloid scars; the question of the advisability of their resurfacing is decided individually, and, as a rule, is accompanied by drug therapy. After the first resurfacing, the scar is usually reduced by 20-30%.

Laser skin resurfacing: what is it?

Dermabrasion is a peeling procedure of the epidermis, as a result of which the dermis is partially removed. To implement the method, a laser is used, which activates collagen production. The penetration depth of the laser beam is 150 microns, which allows it to reach the basement membrane. As a result, the relief of the scar is smoothed out, leveling it out.

Types of grinding

Depending on which laser is used, there are several types of dermabrasion.

  1. Laser resurfacing is effective in getting rid of scars that form due to improper fusion of wound edges, injuries, and a tendency to develop keloid scars. In fact, the beam penetrates the connective tissue and completely destroys it, stimulating the active development and division of neighboring epidermal cells.
  2. Fractional resurfacing is carried out with an erbium or carbon dioxide laser. The latter is more gentle on the skin. If handled carelessly, the epidermis becomes very hot, which can lead to burns.
  3. Carbon dioxide laser is not comparable to scar camouflage, because, although it guarantees the most noticeable result, it can also lead to complications. And the rehabilitation period is particularly long and complex.
  4. Traditional laser resurfacing involves the beam penetrating deep into and destroying the affected layers of skin. The high efficiency of the method is accompanied by a long recovery period.
  5. Erbium laser provides a good lifting effect. The beam affects the affected areas of the epidermis, over which new cells are “pulled together.” Variable laser power allows you to change the depth of action of the beam.

Features of the procedure

Suitable for people of any age. It is necessary to ensure that there are no allergic reactions or skin diseases. To make the process more effective, it is recommended to pre-chemically peel the upper layers of the skin. The effectiveness also depends on the phototype. The darker the skin, the higher the likelihood of pigmentation developing. Bleaching is carried out in order to avoid possible negative consequences.

How is laser resurfacing performed?

When choosing between scar camouflage and laser resurfacing, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of its implementation. Preliminary preparation consists of applying an external anesthetic (gel, spray). If the case is complex, it may even be possible to use general anesthesia. After the laser works, the skin becomes light white, this indicates that the beam has penetrated the basement membrane. Next, the anesthetic is applied again and the laser is repeated until the affected layers are completely removed. The duration of the procedure depends on the area of ​​the affected area, the condition of the skin, its type and other individual characteristics of the patient.

Skin care after resurfacing

For several days after laser exposure, it is forbidden to touch the skin with your hands or apply cosmetics. At first, the area is covered with a sterile bandage. After a week, crusts form that cannot be torn off on your own. This is a natural process, after which the epidermis becomes covered with red spots, which completely disappear within 3-6 months. Depending on the type of sanding and the size of the area being treated, recovery can take from a couple of weeks to several months.

What approaches exist to the treatment of post-acne scars?

Marks, scars, acne scars are a very common problem, and many patients are interested in how to get rid of it.

To treat post-acne scars (acne scars), various types of peels are often used. However, compared to laser resurfacing, the patient requires many procedures with a long recovery period.

Hirudotherapy is an indispensable method of treating fresh scars. The enzymes contained in leech saliva have a pronounced absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect. With the help of hirudotherapy, a scar can be significantly reduced in size, transform a hypertrophic scar into a normotrophic one, speed up the healing process and prepare for laser removal of scars.

Prices for laser resurfacing of facial scars

Laser resurfacing Extra Rubin

Scar, scar 1 cm squareRUB 1,980
Scar, scar for 1 sq. cm (double grinding along the scar)RUB 2,100
Anesthesia (application) small zone500 rub
Anesthesia (application) large area1000 rub

Laser resurfacing TOP CO2

Scar, scar beyond 1 cm (sq.)RUB 1,650
Scar, scar for 1 sq. cm (double grinding along the scar)RUB 1,850
Anesthesia (application) small zone500 rub
Anesthesia (application) large area1,000 rub.


Scar, scar beyond 1 cm (sq.)RUB 1,550
Scar, scar for 1 cm (sq.) double grinding along the scarRUB 1,700
Anesthesia (application) small zone500 rub
Anesthesia (application) large area1,000 rub.

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