How the singer Adele lost weight, before and after photos, the secret of the singer Adele losing weight

Biography of singer Adele

Some people say that the world of show business is cruel and difficult. And these words are certainly not without meaning. However, sometimes in this world of deceit and intrigue there are truly fabulous stories. One of these is a creative biography of the British singer Adele.

The success of singer Adele surprised the whole world

Today she is known and loved on all continents, her voice is heard on the radio, and her photographs adorn the covers of authoritative music publications like the Rolling Stones. At the age of 19, she released her first album, which made her a star, and three years later, Adele's next album won several Grammys and went four times platinum in the UK. How a girl from North London reached such heights and changed the established rules of success in show business, read further on

What affects the voice? Does weight hinder or help singing?

Singing can be compared to sports, where vocal form largely depends on health, endurance and strength. Constitution and body weight are in no way related to the vocal capabilities of the vocalist, since the width of the diaphragm and lung volume do not depend on external dimensions. The flexibility of the voice depends on the skill of the singer and his ability to direct sounds into resonators - the oropharynx and the nasal cavity with its sinuses, which do not depend on the weight of the performer.

“The range of the voice and its timbre are directly related to the condition and training of the vocal apparatus as a whole, and not to the weight of the vocalist. In vocal pedagogy, the connection between constitutional characteristics can only be used to determine the type of voice (and even then presumably). For example, we can say that those with short vocal folds sing on high notes, while those with longer vocal folds sing on low notes,” explains otolaryngologist and medical phoniatrist Rima Sadretdinova .

As for weight loss, it does not directly affect the voice, but it does affect its support. In this case, the sound becomes less quality and powerful. The good news is that this is temporary. As soon as the body readjusts itself, everything returns to normal. After all, the vocalist is not only the singing head, but the whole organism as a whole. The performer needs time to get used to the “new” body and adjust the “voice settings”. This can be compared to moving to a smaller apartment, the arrangement of which requires a different approach.

“The common belief that obese vocalists sing with more volume and stretch out notes for a long time is a myth. Because the quality of the vocalist's sound depends on the quality of the pumped diaphragm. This is the muscle that separates the chest and abdomen and needs to be exercised. It can be trained by both a thin and an obese vocalist. A clear example of this: beautiful slender opera divas - Khibla Gerzmava, Anna Netrebko, Aida Garifullina.

What affects the pitch and timbre of the voice? The main factors are the length, thickness and tension of the vocal folds. The longer, thicker and less tense they are, the lower the voice sound and, conversely, the shorter, thinner and more tense the vocal folds are, the higher the voice sound. And the timbre of the voice directly depends on the anatomical structure of the resonators: the nasal cavity, the paranasal sinuses, the height of the palate,” explains ENT doctor and phoniatrist Eleonora Terekhova.

Childhood and family

The future star of the world music scene Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born on May 5, 1988 in Tottenham, an area in north London that is notorious for frequent riots and thriving organized crime. At least that's how things were in those years. Only emigrants from Arab countries and the poor lived in this part, and the family of the future singer belonged to the second category.

Childhood photo of Adele

Adele's parents, Penny Adkins and Mark Evans, met in 1987 in one of the city pubs. She was an 18-year-old art student, and he was an unemployed man in his early 20s. They began living together, and Penny soon became pregnant. Choosing between studying at the university and having a daughter, the woman chose the latter. Adele was born two weeks early. Soon after the birth, Mark asked Penny for her hand in marriage, but she refused, believing that she was still too young for marriage.

Adele's father (pictured) left when she was 3 years old

The father left the family when the girl was 9 months old. From him, the artist only had a stack of records by jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald, as well as her middle name, Blue, in honor of Mark’s favorite musical genre, the blues. For some time, Adele and her mother visited him, but when the girl was three years old, he disappeared from her daughter’s life for many years. Mark moved to Wales, where he started drinking and took virtually no part in raising his daughter: neither financially nor emotionally. In 1995, he found a new love, and Adele had a half-brother, Cameron. He is very similar to Adele both in appearance and character.

Singer Adele in childhood

Her father reappeared in Adele’s life when her success was talked about all over Britain. It was at this moment that interviews with the singer’s father appeared in a number of English-language media, to which she reacted very violently and ambiguously, Fr.

Singer Adele in childhood, youth and now

We are talking about a 2011 article in the British tabloid Daily Mail. The publication paid Macre Evans for personal details from Adele’s life, and he, experiencing financial need, easily agreed. Adele was outraged:

He left me and suddenly appears ten years later and claims that all the problems in my life are due to our bad relationship! Go to hell!

Since childhood, the closest people in Adele’s life were her mother and paternal grandfather. It was they who nurtured the girl’s desire to sing. To pay for her baby's singing lessons, Penny worked in three places: she was a massage therapist, a furniture assembler, and organized training courses for adults. Adele loved to sing and studied with her teacher almost every evening.

Adele and her mother

The grandfather replaced the girl's father, but in 1999 he died of intestinal cancer. After this, Adele and her mother moved to South London and rented a flat above a discount store with another neighbor.

The house where Adele spent her youth

Health status

From the very beginning of her creative career, the singer experienced health problems. Her main instrument, her voice, came under attack. Adele developed a complication after suffering from the flu, which was fraught with complete loss of speech. Thanks to the efforts of doctors, the artist returned to the stage. The performer had to stick to a diet, do frequent inhalations and special exercises.

On the advice of knowledgeable people, Adele turned to a doctor who lives in Boston and is well aware of the load that artists’ vocal apparatus endures. At Massachusetts General Hospital, the British woman underwent laser surgery on the ligaments affected by inflammation, after which her voice became higher and the previously noticeable hoarseness went away.

Une première sortie d'Adele et son fils!;)
L'occasion de découvrir pour la première fois le visage de son petit Angelo Posted by Hit Radio on Friday, June 28, 2013

Adele with her son
Later, in a conversation with a journalist, the singer told how the media inflated rumors about what happened. It was rumored that Adele had throat cancer and would not be able to sing at all. For Adkins herself, the forced silence gave her the opportunity to reflect on life and fame, which the artist perceived very painfully.

The British woman had to take another break in 2011. She developed lung disease associated with the infection. Due to Adele's illness, she had to cancel a number of concerts, a performance at the Mercury Awards and tours, causing promoters to lose about $1 million.

After the birth of her first child, Adele, who had previously been distinguished by her curvaceous figure (height 175 cm, weight 80 kg), gained weight, but the changes in appearance did not upset her. The singer claimed that plumpness was natural, and never tired of explaining to fans that she was not working as a top model, and therefore was not obliged to meet the imposed beauty standards.

In interviews, she more than once voiced the idea of ​​accepting herself and loving her body and figure, spoke categorically about diets, calling them pointless, and condemned a society that forces girls to sacrifice their comfort for the sake of fashion.

The greater the surprise of fans when the celebrity radically changed her appearance in 2015. The singer lost a lot of weight, before and after the diet she looked like two different people. Adele admitted that she still hates sports, but she started training and especially fell in love with barbell exercises.

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Adele with Rich Paul
She went on a strict vegetarian diet and stopped eating fatty, spicy and carbohydrate foods. The artist’s daily diet at that time included a portion of fruit salad, a cup of berries, a bowl of vegetable soup, and nuts. Now Adele continues to adhere to a healthy diet.

Adele is a passionate fan of tea, and after starting to eat healthy, she fell in love with smoothies. These drinks are present in every meal of the singer and also have a beneficial effect on metabolism. Fans saw the star's new appearance in the video for the song Hello, but they never received photos in a swimsuit illustrating the results of her hard work.

One can only envy Adele’s persistence in achieving beauty ideals: at the beginning of 2022, it became known that she had reduced her weight by another 45 kg.

First steps to success

Adele became interested in singing at the age of 4, imitating the voices of the Spice Girls. “In many ways they shaped me as an artist,” says the singer. The first public performance of the future British pop star was the performance of the song “Rise” from the repertoire of the singer Gabrielle as part of a school production. A little later she became interested in r'n'b and pop rock like the singer Pink

School photo of singer Adele

As a teenager, Adele began to admire jazz singer Etta James.

I heard it for the first time and froze. I just sat and listened. My mind and body were at her mercy.

Possessing a strong chest voice and a wide vocal range, the girl amazed everyone with her ability to sing beautifully, pulling out literally transcendental notes.
She was admired by friends and acquaintances, but she herself did not believe at all in the possibility of success - her figure was far from ideal (until 2008, the artist’s weight was 134 kg), and she never had wealthy sponsors. How Adele changed (2007 - 2017) And yet, after listening to the opinions of her loved ones, Adele went to audition at the famous London School of Performing Arts and Technology, where Amy Winehouse, Leona Lewis and many other English stars had previously studied. The audition turned out to be successful, and Adele began to study music with the best teachers in Britain. In 2006, the singer recorded several “demos”. The compositions turned out to be so successful that, without consulting her herself, Adele’s friends decided to post them on the MySpace social service page. The songs were noticed by prominent British producers from the record company XL Recordings. As the singer herself later admitted more than once, the call from the record label office was a pleasant surprise for her. “When I picked up the phone, I initially thought it was a joke,” she recalled.

In 2007, Adele signed a contract with XL Recording.

However, suddenly the dream come true turned out to be quite real. And after that, Adele’s long ascent to the heights of the European musical Olympus began. The singer's first single, “Hometown Glory,” was released in October 2007 and was released in a very limited edition. But a year later it was re-released, and the composition itself received a Grammy nomination.

Personal life of Adele

As we mentioned above, the album “21” is inspired by experiences after breaking up with a man.
But Adele, a rather private person, does not advertise the name of the “culprit”. Fans could only guess - who is this person who broke the heart of the people's favorite? At first, the handsome Slinky Sunbeam, the singer with whom Adele was credited with having an affair in 2008, came under suspicion. But the singer herself put an end to these rumors: “Those who say that don’t know anything about us and Slinky. He's not even my type."

Adele was credited with an affair with singer Slinky Sunbeam (pictured)

The candidates also included producer Mark Ronson, who worked on Adele's first album; comedian James Corden, a good friend of the singer; Klaxons frontman Jamie Reynolds. But all the guesses were in vain. Neither the powerful fan club, nor journalists, nor the paparazzi lifted the veil of secrecy over the name of the anonymous boyfriend. Fans of the singer dubbed him “Mr. 21.”

In 2011, Adele met true love. The artist’s chosen one was Simon Konecki, the owner of a large investment holding. Simon is 14 years older than Adele, but this fact did not interfere with the lovers. By the way, the song “Someone Like You” from the same album “21” is dedicated to him.

Adele and her husband Simon Konecki

On October 19, 2012, the couple had a son, who was named Angelo James. After the birth of the child, news about the supposedly impending wedding of the happy parents began to appear in the American and British press with enviable consistency. Finally, during a concert in 2022, Adele made an announcement about her marriage, after which the audience erupted in applause. In March, she and Simon secretly got married in Los Angeles, holding a ceremony in their own home.

Adele and Simon Konecki's son was born in 2012

Adele does not hide the fact that after the birth of her child she suffered from postpartum depression and was tormented by the thought that she had made the worst decision in her life when deciding to become a mother. But she managed to overcome this feeling, and for the sake of her son, Adele gave up bad habits - cigarettes and alcohol, which used to often keep her company.

In the spring of 2022, the couple purchased a mansion in the British town of East Grinstead, in addition to the singer's mansion in West Sussex, a house on Brighton beach, an apartment in London, a penthouse in New York, a beach bungalow in Malibu and two houses in Beverly Hills.

Adele's most luxurious home is a mansion in East Sussex

In September 2022, Adele announced that she was filing for divorce. Usually the singer does not comment on events in her personal life, but this time she made an exception. A source close to the family claimed that the crisis in the family began back in April. The reason for this is Adele’s popularity, which is not slowing down, as Simon had hoped, but vice versa. “It was hard for him to feel like he was in second place, and lately he hasn’t seen Adele at all,” the insider claimed. The former spouses remained friends and share custody of the child.

Singer Adele without makeup

The singer's fans were upset by the news, but at the same time, the changes in Adele's life gave hope for new creativity. After breaking up with Simon, Adele was caught having an affair with a black rapper from Tottenham nicknamed Skepta (real name Joseph Adenuga).

After the divorce, Adele was credited with having an affair with rapper Skepta

She and Adele are old friends, they were born in the same city and have kept in touch all these years. In early October 2022, the couple was spotted at the game show “Crystal Maze” in London. Skepta also broke up with his girlfriend shortly before. “Adele and Skepta have a close connection and they will definitely make a great couple,” the singer’s friends assure.

Adele supports the LGBT community. In June 2016, she gave a benefit concert in support of the victims of the gay club shooting in Orlando, Florida. In 2022, Adele was the MC at the wedding of her friend, TV presenter and gay man Alan Carr. The ceremony took place in the backyard of the singer's house.

Adele married her gay friends


Shortly after leaving school in Broughton, 2 of Adele's songs were published in the 4th edition of And the singer’s demo tape, given to a school friend several years earlier, appeared on the music resource MySpace. A famous producer came across the single of a performer with an unusual velvety voice. Less than a year later, 19-year-old Adele received her first award and went on a tour of the UK.

The fame of the “new Amy Winehouse” grew at lightning speed. In October 2007, Adele's debut hit Hometown Glory was released, which was soon recognized as the single of the week. And in December of this happy year, the performer signed a contract with a recording studio and released her second hit called Chasing Pavements. The song spent 4 weeks at the top of the UK charts.

At the very beginning of 2008, Adele’s debut album entitled “19” appeared. Just a few days later, it rocketed to the top of the charts. Within a month, half a million copies of the disc were sold, thus receiving platinum status.

In March 2008, the oldest American record label, Columbia Records, signed a contract with Adele. After this, the performer went on a tour of America and Canada. In 2010, the singer was nominated for a Grammy for best pop performance among women. This success came to Adele as a reward for the single Hometown Glory.

At the beginning of 2011, Adele released her second album in her homeland. Critics noted some shift towards country style. The history of the creation of some of the hits on the disc is interesting. Thus, the artist wrote the track Take It All after a quarrel with her chosen one, and the text of Rolling in the Deep was based on a phrase thrown by a young man towards his girlfriend. This single was at the top of the Billboard Hot 100 for almost 2 months. And the album, called “21,” was able to last 1.5 months in the charts of Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Austria and several other Western countries.

Adele performed the song Someone Like You at the annual British music awards ceremony, the Brit Awards. The single immediately reached number 1 on the UK charts.

A new victory awaited Adele in 2012. Her composition Set Fire to the Rain topped the “hot hundred” of the US national hit parade. A video made up by fans was distributed on the Internet, in which a performance with Set Fire To The Rain at a concert at the Albert Hall was combined with the melody of Brother Louie by Modern Talking.

In May of the same year, news appeared that the album “21” had sold out in the singer’s homeland in more than 4 million copies. In the same month, the performer, having received 12 awards in 20 nominations, became a triumphant Billboard Music Award.

Adele achieved her greatest success in 2012, receiving Oscar and Golden Globe awards. The British star earned both awards for his performance of the soundtrack to the next James Bond film. Somewhat later, the two awards were joined by a third - Grammy.

The film was released under the title “007: Skyfall Coordinates”; Adele recorded the track Skyfall of the same name for the film. The singer kept the work on the film's score a secret and first mentioned a “special project” in the fall of 2011, but shared only hints with the press and fans. The performer's participation in the creation of Bond music was officially confirmed on October 1, 2012, 4 days before the track's release.

For her services to promoting the country's culture and art, Adele was awarded the Order of the British Empire in 2014, which was presented to her by Prince Charles himself.

Fans of the singer have been waiting for 4 years for the release of the third album, which traditionally received a name corresponding to the author’s age at the time of the disc’s release - “25.” The album was released on November 20, 2015.

The presentation of the first long-awaited hit Hello took place in October of the same year. In January 2016, Adele added the single When We Were Young to her discography, and in May, Send My Love. The tracks belong to the already released album “25”. Then a video for the song Send My Love appeared.

The singer’s triumph continued in 2016. Adele won three out of four Brit Awards categories and also received a special award for global success. The following season, the artist won all 5 nominations for the prestigious Grammy music award. This victory made the British artist the first artist to win the Album of the Year, Song of the Year and Record of the Year awards twice.

Adele's creative biography develops according to a sine wave. Either she storms the ratings and charts several times a year, or disappears from the stage. Even without recording new compositions, the singer remains one of the highest paid in the UK, and Billboard included one of the best-selling performers in the world among the contenders for the title of “Artist of the Decade.”

At the same time, the singer decided to radically change her life: in 2019, she applied to close the music business. Fans immediately responded to the news by organizing a funny flash mob: in videos that spread on the Internet, flowers, toys, vehicles and other inanimate objects sang their favorite compositions. This is how Adele’s army of connoisseurs made it clear how upset she was by her departure from the stage.

In the fall of 2020, Adele in a new image mastered an unusual role for herself. The singer appeared on Saturday Night Live as a host and actress. During her first appearance on screen, the performer joked about her weight loss. The star reported that due to restrictions when crossing the border, she was only allowed to enter halfway.

During the show, Adele took part in a sketch about a girl who receives an unpleasant prediction from a clairvoyant for 2022. In addition, she played a cameo in a parody of the show “The Bachelor,” where she performed several of her songs. The star got another role in the scene of visiting her grandmother in compliance with all safety measures due to the pandemic.

Adele now

On May 5, 2022, the artist hinted that the release of a new album was just around the corner. “30 will be a drum and bass record to piss you off. Keep your nose up,” she wrote on Instagram on her 31st birthday. Considering Adele’s tradition of naming albums with numbers corresponding to her age at the time of working on new material, the music market regarded her words as such. She previously claimed that 25 would be the last album to be named after age. “I will simply call the next album “Adele,” the girl said in 2018 in the YouTube project “Carpool Karaoke.” Adele Live Full Concert 2022 Although the album was expected for Christmas 2022, it was released almost 2 years later - in November 2022. Adele did not betray herself and was again as frank as possible, inviting listeners to talk about motherhood, divorce and a broken heart. Adele – To Be Loved The singer wanted fans to listen to her album in the order she intended, because the entire record was conceived as a conversation with her 9-year-old son. Adele has asked music platform Spotify to make an exception for her album and disable the default shuffle for "30". And Spotify management not only met Adele halfway, but also extended the innovation to all artists.

"You've never had a woman like me"

At the beginning of autumn, billboards with the number “30” began to appear on landmarks in major cities, and the singer’s fans, who had missed the new material, quickly guessed that the mysterious posters on the Colosseum, the Eiffel Tower and Buckingham Palace would be followed by a quick announcement of a new work. On October 13, Adele finally published the release date of the album, thereby immediately canceling two of her previous statements: a couple of years ago, the artist said that she was temporarily leaving music, and before that she planned to no longer tie the names of her records to a certain period of life (as was already the case in case with the first three works - “19”, “21” and “25”). However, it is worth mentioning here that the performer jokingly promised her fans a drum and bass release, but, fortunately, she did not keep her promise - her latest record contains anything but a desire to understand the possibilities and trends of electronic music .

Photo: Christopher Polk/Getty Images for NARAS

“30” almost immediately became defined as a “divorce album,” and Adele herself did not deny that her breakup with businessman Simon Konecki became the main and, in general, quite obvious leitmotif of the release. True, these experiences were addressed not so much to Konecki himself, but to eight-year-old Angelo - in an interview with Vogue, the singer said that her son had accumulated many questions about his parents’ separation, and she hopes that in 10-20 years he will find all the answers in this entry.

I want to explain to him why I voluntarily decided to destroy his entire life in pursuit of my own happiness. Sometimes this made him very unhappy. This is a real wound for me and I don't know if it will ever heal

It is with her son that the main highlight of the album is connected - and we are not talking about the sincere, but quite typical Adele single Easy On Me, but about the six-minute message My Little Love that follows, in which the performer reverently talks about love for her child, while simultaneously groping for related with motherhood fears: loneliness, guilt and responsibility. The attractiveness of the composition is given by the sincerity with which Adele lists her weaknesses, and the recordings of her conversations with Angelo that emerge during the track, and the viscous arrangement, where, according to the artist herself, a sexy groove in the spirit of the 70s intersects with heavy strings. At first it may seem that this form would be more appropriate in the singer’s love ballads than in her most intimate song about her relationship with her son, but after the first minute the music and lyrics form an ideal and heartfelt combination.

To Be Loved has a similar mood - another full of melancholy, but at the same time elegant six-minute composition, which is also a kind of reminder to her son and herself that the singer still tried to preserve her old life, but the conclusions from these attempts turned out to be disappointing: “Be loved ones and to love at the highest level means losing everything that I cannot live without.” Moreover, To Be Loved seems to have become the most painful song both for listeners of the album and for Adele herself, who in an interview with Apple Music stated that she would never perform it live.

Attempts at self-analysis continue in the choral track I Drink Wine and in the uplifting Hold On, in which a professional choir is replaced by an amateur one: to record the composition, the artist gathered her friends, who sang lines about how important it is to stay afloat even in the most brutal periods of life . Moreover, if many of Adele’s fresh compositions are focused on the past and are built around a rethinking of old values, then in Hold On the performer finally looks forward, and does so with a degree of optimism that is not particularly characteristic of her.

A separate striking feature of “30” is the singer’s devotion to retro sound, which clearly appears in the Judy Garland-dedicated Strangers By Nature and in the festive-jazz Love Is A Game - due to the sound, such songs reduce the overall level of melodrama of the album, despite the fact that they Adele still continues to go through all her fears, worries and doubts. Against the backdrop of all of the above, the most faded works are also revealed, which come to an end without leaving an imprint - for example, Cry Your Heart Out or Can I Get it. Nevertheless, in terms of content they still do not deviate from the general concept of the release, which is largely built around an analysis of the new reality that the artist faced after her divorce. As for the complaints about the star’s reluctance to experiment with arrangements and bring them into at least some correspondence with modern pop models, Adele has a reasonable answer to this:

Why should I rethink my sound? No one else is repeating it - so why should I change anything?

It is curious that in her most mature release and filled with complex life issues, the performer still does not refrain from “roasting” her exes, so characteristic of her old hits: many of her most famous songs were dedicated to infidelity, betrayal and, as a result, a corrosive feeling of disappointment, and in “30” the star again settles scores with her ex-lover, albeit in only one song - Woman Like Me, which is in ninth place. “You never had a woman like me / It's so sad that a man like you can be so lazy,” she says in the track's chorus, while simultaneously accusing Konecki of being overconfident and unwilling to grow. Unfortunately, this message, mixed with feelings of resentment and anger, turns out to be an unnecessary cog in an otherwise confessional and deeply emotional album. In Woman Like Me, the artist seems to demand too much involvement from the listener, indicating the main advantage and at the same time the main drawback of her latest release - in places it is painfully difficult to listen to, since with the help of her hoarse and on this record more restrained than we are used to, Adele's voice consistently presses on all the sore spots and makes virtually no attempts to ease this process. But if you perceive all 12 tracks as a psychotherapy session, then you should move from song to song with the hope that catharsis will definitely come after mental torment.

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