Keti Topuria lost a lot of weight after breaking up with Guf

The singer regained her ideal figure in record time

Recently, the lead singer of the group A'Studio Keti Topuria gave birth to a son, Adam - the singer became a mother for the second time. For now, the star remains silent and apparently took a break from social networks to be with her family and relax. But the performer’s eldest daughter Olivia is growing up, so we decided to remember how Keti Topuria recovered after giving birth for the first time.

Brief biography of Keti Topuria

Keti Topuria is a Russian and Georgian singer, currently the lead singer of the popular music group “A’Studio”.
A common (and incorrect) spelling of the name in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet is Katie Topuria. Keti (full name Ketivan) was born in Tbilisi on September 9, 1986. Keti's mother, Natalya Topuria, is a chemical engineer by training. But the situation with Katie’s father is not easy. Keti's father is Andro Iraklevich Sanodze, an architect-builder by training. Andro Sanodze was repeatedly convicted of robbery, murder, possession and distribution of weapons and drugs. He died in prison in 2010, when Keti was 24 years old.

Since childhood, Katie has been interested in vocals and music. Since the age of twelve, Keti has won many awards and grand prix of international competitions. In 2003 she moved to Moscow and in 2005 became the vocalist of the successful and famous musical group “A'Studio”.

We have prepared a small dossier from which you can find out what height and weight Keti Topuria is, what the singer’s body measurements are, as well as some other interesting information. When preparing the biography of Keti Topuria, Wikipedia was used, but all other data was collected from other open sources on the network. The selection is expanding, you may also be interested in knowing the height and weight of Polina Gagarina or the height and weight of Ariana Grande.

Personal life

As soon as the singer crossed the threshold of the musical Olympus, all attention was focused on her. A girl with a model appearance and figure immediately won the hearts of millions of fans of the group

Domestic media attributed to her affairs with almost everyone she met, thereby offending Katie. According to the artist, more than anything else, she doesn’t like the fact that the yellow press is always writing some nonsense about her.

Looking at such a long-legged and beautiful girl, it’s hard to guess that for many years she had complexes about her appearance. Her parents' genes endowed her not only with beautiful facial features, but also with a very large Georgian nose, which the singer was so embarrassed about. She decided to have plastic surgery only a few years later, and then for the simple reason that her crooked nasal septum made it very difficult for her to breathe. Fans, of course, did not immediately believe this; they claim that the beauty simply does not want to admit that she went for plastic surgery because of the desire to correct her ugly nose.

For a long time, Katie Topuria could not get used to such increased attention to her person from the paparazzi. The girl, realizing that she will continue to be closely watched, does everything possible to hide her personal life from prying eyes.

In 2010, it became known that the singer began dating the famous oligarch Lev Geykhman. The young people met through mutual friends. It’s hard to believe, but as soon as the girl saw him, she immediately fell in love with him, the businessman also immediately noticed the girl and could not take his eyes off her all evening. At first, the lovers hid their relationship and never appeared together at social events, but tired of hiding forever, they decided to admit that they were in a romantic relationship.

Three years later, Leo makes a long-awaited proposal to his beloved. The wedding of two beautiful and famous personalities took place in the circle of close friends and relatives; for the group members it was very joyful and cheerful news.

In 2014, it became known that Ketevan was pregnant; the participants, having learned about this happy event, did everything possible so as not to burden their main vocalist and reduced the concert program. It is clear that the singer was very touched by this act on the part of her team. In 2015, a beautiful girl was born. The new parents were very happy with this gift of fate, but a year later there was a split in the family. At first, everyone thought that the separation was the fault of Keti, who at that time was cheating on her wife with the famous rap artist Guf.

However, this was gossip, which the girl publicly denied. However, the couple separated and, despite this, try to maintain friendly relations for the sake of their common child.

Plastic surgery ^

How Katie Topuria changed - photos before and after plastic surgery

Keti Topuria in childhood and now

Keti Topuria in her youth

Katie, like all stars, interests fans not only with her creativity, but also with her personal life, marital status and plastic surgery.

When annoying journalists began to ask her this question, she admitted without hesitation that she had two plastic surgeries. According to her, this decision was caused not by aesthetic, but purely physiological problems.

She needed to have her nasal septum corrected. She received the injury at the age of 12, after falling and hitting the asphalt. A broken nose and deviated septum made breathing difficult, so the doctors themselves advised her to undergo surgery. Due to medical errors, the operation was not particularly successful: breathing did not become free, and the tip of her nose began to droop.

Then the question arose about the need for a second operation, which caused horror in Ketevan, because she had been afraid of doctors since childhood. The second rhinoplasty was successful: breathing became free, her large nose became smaller, and the characteristic national hump disappeared.

After plastic surgery, Katie's appearance improved for the better. Perhaps Ketevan became the root cause of the popularity of rhinoplasty among girls in Georgia.

Topuria underwent rehabilitation after the operation in her native Tbilisi. The star denies other surgical interventions, claiming that at the moment she is happy with her face and body. But she says that if the need for plastic surgery arises, she will not hesitate to use the help of surgeons.


  • 2005 – “I’m flying away”
  • 2007 – «905»
  • 2007 – “XX”
  • 2007 – “Total”
  • 2010 – “Waves”
  • 2017 – “Forgive me, my love”

Keti Topuria is a beautiful and famous girl. Her talent and ability to look impeccable, regardless of the situation, are noted by fans and colleagues.

Keti Topuria's figure parameters:

  • Age:
    31 years (as of February 2018)
  • Height:
    170 cm
  • Weight:
    60 kg
  • Dimensions:
  • Foot size:

The girl manages to raise her daughter, shoot videos, record new songs and spend time with friends. Keti Topuria goes through life easily and confidently. 5 rules help her in this, which she strictly follows.

Photo: Instagram @keti_one_official

Rule #1

You need to close your mouth in time. This will not only help you maintain a slim figure, but will also make your life much easier. Topuria eats often, but little by little, and gets up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Katie advises to close your mouth in time

Rule #2

Menu based on proteins and fiber. The girl loves fresh vegetable and fruit salads, berries, baked lean fish and seafood. Dried fruits or nuts are used as a snack, but not sweets.

Slim figure thanks to a healthy diet

Rule #3

Fasting day once every two weeks. Katie drinks only clean water and low-fat kefir. According to the star, such a “shock” helps the body burn subcutaneous fat more intensively.

Don't forget about fasting days!

Rule #4

Regular massage. Topuria loves going to beauty salons. Anti-cellulite massage perfectly relaxes, relieves stress and fights excess weight.

Topuria prefers massage to relieve stress

Rule #5

Active life. The singer never sits still. She loves to walk with her daughter, travel, go to restaurants and nightclubs with friends. Katie believes that the more energy you use in a day, the less time you have left for depression and stress.

Move more and be active in life

Keti Topuria is a beautiful woman, a popular singer and a loyal friend. Her close circle says that the celebrity will always come to the rescue. Keep it up!

Katie Topuria, real name Ketevan, recently became the mother of a wonderful baby named Olivia. During pregnancy, she gained 10 kilograms of excess weight, but after a couple of months she pleased her fans with her excellent appearance.

Ketevan Topuria grew up and studied in Georgia until she was seventeen years old. From an early age she studied music and dancing. Afterwards I entered, but did not finish my studies at Tbilisi State University, psychology. Then she became the soloist of the group “A - Studio” and moved to Moscow. Due to the heavy workload, concerts, tours, the singer’s diet consisted of fast food (chips, burgers, potatoes in oil, etc.), soda. There was no time and no need to take care of my nutrition. Katie later got married and had a daughter in 2015. With her height of 168 cm, she weighed about 70 kilograms. With the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and lose weight, the star managed to achieve good results.

How Katie achieved her perfect figure

Katie Topuria did not go on strict diets, but changed her diet and eliminated unhealthy foods. The singer began to lose weight while feeding the baby with her milk. In order not to harm the baby and to help herself lose weight, she balanced her diet with healthy foods and got rid of sweets and buns from the kitchen. The diet included a lot of vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese and kefir, meat and fish. Since she has no time to play sports and this is generally not her option for physical activity, she decided to visit a massage therapist. These procedures helped fight cellulite and keep the whole body toned.

It is important to motivate yourself to achieve your goal. Instill that a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and sports are the key to a good mood and lightness. To restore good metabolism in the body, you need to drink a lot of water (1.5 - 2 liters), but not immediately, but spread out throughout the day

You can and should eat carbohydrate foods before lunch, protein foods after lunch, and at night (2-3 hours before bedtime) you can drink a glass of kefir or cottage cheese.

Avoid foods and drinks:

  • alcohol, energy drinks, carbonated drinks and even some juices;
  • flour products (pies, pizzas, hamburgers, shawarma and others);
  • confectionery products (sweets, chocolate, caramel, cakes, creams);
  • fried potatoes, pasta, dumplings;
  • chips, crackers, salted nuts and other unhealthy snacks.

Playing sports, fitness, swimming or any other physical activity will speed up the weight loss process. If you can't go to the gym, you can do it at home. The main thing is regularity and everything will work out.

Change in appearance

Plastic surgeries and procedures

Katie experimented with her appearance several times. At one time she wore a trendy bob and was a bright blonde. But such an image did not suit Caucasian roots at all. In one of the interviews, the girl herself admitted that her experiment was not successful.

First nose job

Having achieved popularity in 2005, she decided to have her nose fixed to her taste. But, it was not possible to solve the problem at once. The first centoplasty operation was unsuccessful, and the girl continued to suffer from breathing problems.

Secondary rhinoplasty

Katie was forced to look for a more professional surgeon. And she found Arthur Vladimirovich Rybakin, a famous star surgeon who works with Kristina Orbakaite, Alla Pugacheva, Renata Litvinova, Elena Vorobey, etc. As a result, the girl received a very high-quality nose, reducing its length and changing its shape. If you compare the photos before and after plastic surgery, this made her image more feminine and lighter. Today he inspires many people.

Beauty injections

Have there been any other operations? It should be noted that the singer actively uses fillers to maintain youth and beauty. Keti Topuria cannot be blamed for anything else. The eyelids are the same, the level of the eyebrows has not changed, as well as the oval of the face.

It is noticeable that a good cosmetologist works with the face, helping to maintain natural characteristics. It should be noted that the girl has perfect lips and facial contour.



According to the girl, she got her breasts from nature, and sports helps her maintain her slim figure. Previously, on the Internet they called her fat Katie Topuria. After losing weight, the star became noticeably prettier.

Her curvaceous figure has more than once sparked rumors about plastic surgery, but Katie says that she is completely satisfied with her breasts and lips and has no intention of undergoing surgery. But, compared to previous years, this part of the body has increased significantly. The singer commented on this by saying that she wears special underwear and wears outfits that emphasize her breasts. The girl prefers clothes with a deep neckline.


After the news of the girl’s pregnancy, many expected her to lose her shape again, but this did not happen. Katie continued to train and, moreover, her figure became better. Previously, after regular stress, lack of sleep, touring and proper nutrition, Topuria’s waist and hips left much to be desired.

However, fans doubt the veracity of the singer’s words and believe that after the birth of the baby, Ketevan gained a lot of extra pounds. It’s hard to get back in shape so quickly, perhaps she had liposuction, although there is no evidence. Katie claims that she lost weight due to diet and exercise. However, with the singer’s rapid and significant weight loss, her breasts did not decrease in size.

How does Katie take care of herself?

Singer Topuria has excellent hair - chic and shiny.
To keep them in this condition, she buys drugstore shampoos. After experimenting with blonde, the girl abandoned dyeing after a long recovery and hair growth. Katie began to take extra care of her skin. If earlier she had her own solarium at home, now she has completely given up sunbathing, which has a detrimental effect on the youth of her skin.

Her credo is healthy food and water. Skin creams are prepared for her by her personal cosmetologist according to a recipe developed specifically for Topuria.

Katie has a lot of outfits, perhaps we should try to find another singer like her, who has a huge number of things of different styles, from the most ordinary to the revealing ones. Not everything can be called a successful purchase, and the singer is aware of this. Fortunately, lately the images of Topuria are no longer shocking, but inspiring.

Katie burst into the world of show business. Undoubtedly, Topuria is very talented and has an interesting appearance that does not leave men indifferent. It wasn't always this way, now we know. At the beginning of her career, beauty was not so refined, but she managed to give it gloss and does not hide it. Today, the star constantly takes care of herself, eats right, and leads an active lifestyle. By her example, she showed that by correcting just one detail, you can bring the image to perfection.

Where does he live?

The singer does not deny that she does not imagine herself in the provinces. She is attracted by the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. I purchased housing in the area of ​​Art. m. "Dynamo", this is a spacious "Stalinka" building in Moscow with an area of ​​100 square meters. m.

After the purchase, the owner of the cozy studio apartment began major renovations. Professional designer Lela Kavtaradze, also Georgian, helped her. The stylish renovation is made in light and dark colors, and the design is based on a successful play of contrasts. Well-thought-out lighting visually increased the space of the apartment.

The highlight of the interior was the hanging chandeliers and original paintings on the walls. Not without a huge dressing room, where the singer stores numerous outfits. Baby Olivia's nursery is decorated in white colors.

The singer's personal life

Since Katie Topuria is a fairly famous singer and a beautiful woman whose parameters drive men crazy, her personal life is always under close attention. Therefore, there is a lot of speculation about how the singer’s relationships develop within the family and beyond.

This beauty has always had many fans. Among them are Russian football star Dmitry Sychev, former football player and now politician Kakha Kaladze, actor Igor Vernik and many others.

The singer herself did not single out any of her many fans, remaining affable and friendly with everyone. Therefore, all the novels that were attributed to her by journalists are simply natural in the world of show business. Ketevan hid her relationship with her future husband until the last moment, saying only that he was a successful businessman.

When the lovers decided to start a family, the secret was revealed by itself. The chosen one turned out to be Lev Geykhman. The wedding took place in 2013. When the singer announced that she was expecting a child, Katie Topuria’s husband was incredibly happy about it. And the group members tried to create comfortable conditions for their beloved soloist to work during the period when she was pregnant, reducing their performances to a minimum until the moment she was due to give birth. In the summer of 2015, in Los Angeles, the couple had a daughter, whom they decided to call the beautiful name Olivia.

The young dad surrounded his wife with attention and care. But when the time came for Katie to return to Moscow, he did not go with her, since the business, located in America, required constant attention

There were rumors that the couple decided to divorce. At first, the singer on her Instagram (by the way, she pays great attention to maintaining her page) denied this, but then explained that it is difficult to maintain a tender relationship while being at a great distance from each other.

But whatever the reason for the divorce, the former spouses managed to maintain good relations for the sake of their daughter.

When in 2016 they began to talk about the tender relationship between Katie Topuria and Guf, the young people said that they were connected exclusively by friendly relations. But after Katie's divorce, the couple began dating openly, in no hurry to take a more serious step. And perhaps they were right, because after some time it turned out that Dolmatov had cheated on the singer and, despite repentance, she had not yet forgiven him. Katie herself believes that this story is over, since they have different life rates. But who knows, maybe the feelings still remain.

So, in general, the singer is happy with her life, but her own appearance does not make her too happy. Katie doesn't like the shape of her nose; she thinks it's too big. Therefore, the singer had cosmetic surgery. However, the beauty says that plastic surgery was needed to correct a deviated nasal septum. At the insistence of the surgeons, the obstruction preventing her from breathing was removed.

Now the 32-year-old diva looks great. She trusts the beauty of her face and figure to professional cosmetologists and makeup artists. This can be seen from the photographs that periodically appear in the press.


The singer's real name is Ketevan. A girl was born on September 9, 1986 in Georgia, Tbilisi. The girl’s future profession came as a surprise to her relatives, because there were no creative people in the family. Ketevan's parents were technicians - engineers.

My father worked in the construction industry for a long time, my mother was a chemical engineer, and later quit her job, plunging headlong into raising her daughter. Ketevan remembers his childhood with gratitude. She was happy, built trusting relationships with both parents, and grew up in love.

The girl was never beaten or raised her voice. The singer recalls that for any offense she was expected to have a serious adult conversation with a reprimand. The father never allowed himself to shout at Ketevan; he considered his daughter a small person, raising her in strictness, but respecting the child’s opinion.

The girl's mother wanted a promising future for the child. She was involved in the comprehensive development of Ketevan, enrolling her in various circles. The girl went in for sports, dancing, and foreign languages ​​with tutors.

Katie in childhood and adolescence

A neighbor of the family, Topuria, worked as a vocal teacher. Hearing Ketevan’s voice, she persuaded her parents to send their young talent to a music school. At the age of 12, the girl went to an international vocal competition for the first time, where she took first place. The victory inspired her to further work, instilling in Ketevan’s heart a dream of a great vocal future.

No feeling of hunger

Katie has said more than once in her interviews that the most important thing in regaining her figure is to prevent hunger. It is enough to not eat once and the body may malfunction - it will remember that it is not being fed, the metabolism will slow down and extra pounds may begin to appear out of nowhere. Therefore, there should always be options for healthy snacks.

In social networks

The successful singer actively uses social networks to promote her own brand, Katie Topuria. The girl has 2.5 million followers on Instagram. Katie's perfect photos are impressive. The artist posts a ton of material to amuse her fans with the details of her life.

Topuria posts photographs of children, shares pictures of pregnancy, tender moments with her husband, and details of daily life. The girl advertises products, inviting subscribers to either enjoy a bar of high-quality chocolate or buy a handbag made of crocodile skin. The singer does not like long posts, so she captions each photo succinctly.

Currently, Katie is actively involved in raising her son Adam, while simultaneously running a clothing business. Concerts and music activities have taken a bit of a back seat due to the coronavirus pandemic. But the epidemic gave the singer an idea for a business. Topuria has released designer protective masks for sale.

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