Pregnancy and cosmetic procedures: to be or not to be?

The most magical stage in a woman’s life is the birth of a new life inside her. From the moment of conception until birth, mother and child are one. But throughout pregnancy, a woman remains a woman. Every expectant mother wants to look perfect in any situation. Sometimes, pregnant women express a desire to perform certain cosmetic procedures. But doctors do not always recommend that pregnant women resort to them.

Why is it best to avoid cosmetic procedures when pregnant?

  1. The main goal during pregnancy is the timely birth of a healthy baby. This is what should be in the foreground.
  2. It should be remembered that any outside intervention not agreed with the doctor is fraught with consequences for the health and development of the baby.
  3. Pregnancy lasts only nine months. For any age-related changes to occur in the body, this is too short a period of time. Therefore, you should not rush to visit a cosmetologist, massage therapist or solarium.
  4. In the process of bearing a child, the general hormonal background of the body is reconstructed. Therefore, the expectant mother always looks great.
  5. Almost all cosmetic procedures are strictly not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Main problems during pregnancy:

  • stretch marks;
  • hair loss;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • excessive weight gain.

Composition of the drug

Novacutan contains a complex of amino acids necessary for the body, which are built into low molecular weight hyaluronic acid in the laboratory. Thanks to their synergistic effect, they restore skin cells in the shortest possible time. Biorevitalizant activates natural rejuvenation processes.

The cost of a course of injections with Novacutan depends on the number of prescribed procedures. An experienced cosmetologist should select the optimal duration of the course after an individual appointment and examination of the patient. The line includes 2 variants of injection protectors – Sbio and Ybio. They differ in their purpose and indications for use.

What procedures are acceptable for women “waiting for a miracle”?

The most important problem during pregnancy is swelling and, as a result, cellulite.

Cellulite is a change in the structure of the subcutaneous fat layer that disrupts the original shape of the adipose tissue. The reason for its appearance is increased production of estrogen. This hormone is produced in order for the body to maintain pregnancy.

The most effective method of treating cellulite is lymphatic drainage.

Lymphatic drainage is one of the methods of physiotherapy, based on the removal of excess fluid and metabolic products from the space between cells. This procedure restores venous circulation and lymph flow, which is evenly distributed throughout the body.

It should be remembered that any cosmetic procedure must be agreed upon with the observing specialist. In the event that a doctor for some reason does not recommend performing procedures, this is due solely to safety considerations.

What is laser hair removal?

This method is based on selective photothermolysis, which consists of the interaction of radiation generated by a laser device and pigments found in the body. As a result of the transformation of radiation energy into heat, the hair along with its follicle is heated. This procedure leads to the destruction of the follicle and, in fact, to the complete cessation of hair growth.

Laser hair removal has both advantages and disadvantages. But is it safe during pregnancy?

What procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy?


The essence of the procedure is to saturate the skin with hyaluronic acid through injections. This procedure allows you to correct existing wrinkles and give elasticity to the skin. The procedure can also be performed to prevent skin aging.

Botox injections

Botox or botulinum toxin is a weak and highly processed botulism neurotoxin. Injections of this toxin allow you to correct the shape of your face and smooth out facial wrinkles without surgery. The main purpose of Botox injections is to prevent the formation of wrinkles. When Botox is administered intramuscularly, the muscle is temporarily paralyzed. This allows the skin above expression lines to smooth out.


This type of procedure has many positive effects on the human body. However, how the body of a pregnant woman will behave under the influence of such procedures is still unknown to science. Electrical procedures are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Insolation procedures

The attitude of doctors towards these procedures is two-sided. “D” is the main hormone that is produced by cells under the influence of sunlight. If there is a lack of this hormone in the body of a pregnant woman, diabetes or rickets may develop in the child.

Most often, a lack of the hormone is observed in residents of northern countries where there is little sun. Therefore, if the supervising doctor deems it necessary, he can prescribe a course of insolation procedures for the pregnant woman.

Laser cosmetic procedures

The effect of laser procedures on the body has not yet been studied. However, during test studies, some cell disturbances were noted. Based on this, during lactation and pregnancy, procedures using radio waves and lasers are completely excluded.

For any pregnant woman, the health of the child should come first. Doctors categorically do not recommend resorting to injection and hardware procedures during pregnancy. If the doctor nevertheless prescribes something (most often it is lymphatic drainage, massage or insolation), then there is really a need for it.

LPG facial massage is your path to beauty

Biorevitalization in questions and answers

After sun exposure, the problem of dehydration and dry skin comes to the fore. UV rays have a negative effect on skin cells - fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen. Hyaluronic acid is a natural skin moisturizer, and after active tanning its amount noticeably decreases. In the summer, a large number of patients go to the medical center to see a cosmetologist in order to moisturize the skin and restore its radiance. To improve skin turgor and color, biorevitalization is recommended. Before the procedure, an examination and consultation are required, during which the cosmetologist recommends the necessary drug and answers the patient’s questions. Below are the most pressing questions.

What is the difference between biorevitalization and mesotherapy?

Facial mesotherapy and biorevitalization are methods for correcting aesthetic skin imperfections using the injection of hyaluronic acid. The difference lies in the use of hyaluronic acid preparations of varying concentrations and molecular weights. For biorevitalization, preparations with a concentration of hyaluronic acid are used, usually from 1 to 3%. Papules after the procedure stay on the skin longer, the interval between procedures is usually 2 weeks, and the number of procedures is less. In mesotherapy preparations, the concentration of hyaluronic acid does not exceed 1%, therefore, to achieve an aesthetic result, a larger number of procedures are necessary with an interval of 1 week. The course of mesotherapy procedures is designed for 6-8 sessions, and the course of biorevitalization is on average 3-4 procedures.

At what age can the biorevitalization procedure be performed?

The procedure is performed only if there are indications for it. Considering the fact that the production of one’s own hyaluronic acid begins to decline from the age of 28 and the first signs of skin aging appear, biorevitalization is usually carried out after 30 years. But sometimes, to restore skin turgor, biorevitalization is performed in younger patients. A decrease in skin turgor occurs with excessive use of tanning, sudden weight loss, or after a long illness and prolonged stress.

Is it necessary to carry out a course or is one procedure enough?

A course of procedures is necessary to change the morphofunctional characteristics of the skin and achieve maximum aesthetic results. The course is usually 3-4 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks, maintenance - 1 procedure every 3-4 months. One-time procedures are carried out for preventive purposes before traveling to hot countries or after returning from active sun.

What complications can occur after biorevitalization?

Biorevitalization is a safe and predictable procedure. A carefully collected medical history and observance of intervals between procedures can avoid complications. Of the side effects, the most common are microhematomas, which can be avoided by not performing the procedure in the first 3-4 days of the menstrual cycle, while taking aspirin, citramone and other blood thinning drugs. Also, you should not do the procedure if the patient drank alcohol the day before.

How long does the effect last after biorevitalization and what does it depend on?

The duration of the effect most often depends on the patient’s age and lifestyle. Concomitant pathologies, uncontrolled tanning, stress, sudden weight loss, frequent air travel and time zone changes reduce the duration of the effect of the course of procedures. Also, the duration of the effect is affected by compliance with the intervals between procedures. If the procedures were irregular and isolated, the effect will quickly fade away.

Is it possible to remove nasolabial folds using biorevitalization?

Nasolabial folds can be removed only with stabilized hyaluronic acid. This procedure is called contour plastic surgery. Juvederm or Surgiderm are used to correct nasolabial folds. The Filorga laboratory presented new highly purified contouring preparations X-HA 3 and X HA Voluma with excellent plasticity.

A large number of positive reviews have been written about the drugs Ial-System 1.1 and Ial-System ACP. Is it possible to combine them in one procedure?

Yes, you can. Ial-System 1.1 is injected into atonic areas of the face papularly, and Ial-System ACP can be injected into seborrheic areas, because it reduces sebum secretion in the area of ​​static wrinkles, as well as in the area around the eyes, retreating 4-5 mm from the eyelash edge.

Which biorevitalization drug will give the greatest results in patients over 50 years of age?

You can determine which drug is right for you only after examination and medical history. The choice of drug is influenced by many factors, including the type of aging, concomitant diseases, allergy history, etc. Good results in patients over 50 years of age are achieved by a course of procedures with Meso Wharton Meso - Wharton P199 contains an analogue of an embryonic peptide that gives a signal to stem cells and restores the functioning of fibroblasts - cells that produce collagen and elastin.

How long after biorevitalization can photorejuvenation be done?

Photorejuvenation can be carried out no earlier than 7-14 days after biorevitalization. The duration of the intervals between procedures depends on the composition of the drug and the aesthetic condition of the patient’s skin.

Is it necessary to perform hyaluronic acid injections with anesthesia?

No, not at all necessary. It all depends on individual sensitivity and pain threshold. Many patients tolerate the procedure well and do not require pain relief. But, if you are doing the procedure for the first time and are afraid of injections, then it is better to apply anesthesia to the treated areas. Typically, Emla cream is used for anesthesia, which is applied under the film for 20 minutes.

Is the procedure carried out in the summer?

Yes, it is carried out. In summer, UV rays damage skin cells, it becomes dehydrated and loses turgor. In summer it is necessary to use sunscreen. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure earlier than 10 days after returning from active sun, and also to sunbathe in a solarium after the procedure for 7-10 days.

Are hyaluronic acid injections performed in the area around the eyes?

Yes, it is carried out. Currently, a cosmetologist’s arsenal includes a large number of drugs developed specifically for the area around the eyes. You can decide on the choice of drug after consultation and examination. Consultation at our medical center is free.

How long after giving birth can the procedure be done?

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes serious hormonal changes, which affect the beauty of the face.

Being in an interesting position, you probably noticed how your skin became pale, swollen or rough. The appearance of age spots, acne and other dermatological diseases is not uncommon in pregnant women.

Is it possible to do biorevitalization after childbirth? It will take about a year to restore women's health. If you are not breastfeeding, you can safely make an appointment with your cosmetologist.

Biorevitalization is indeed tolerated differently by everyone. But why is that?

How successful the procedure will be depends on several factors, including:

  • Qualification of a cosmetologist who gives injections. Bruises, swelling - all this, as a rule, is the work of a non-professional.
  • Misinformation from the client. Many people hide the peculiarities of their body’s functioning from cosmetologists, wanting to rejuvenate in the shortest possible period of time. But the doctor must find out about contraindications, otherwise the results can be very disastrous.

Many rely on information received from friends, according to which someone did biorevitalization while breastfeeding, and subsequently everything was fine with him (as well as with his child). But such reviews should be treated with caution, since everyone’s body is different.

Thus, before going to the OB clinic salon, you must definitely consult with specialists and, if possible, postpone the procedure to a later period. Moreover, in some cases there is no positive effect from the injections, and the young mother will only get stress in vain. Contour plastic surgery is also contraindicated during breastfeeding. Don't take risks and postpone the procedures.

Summing up

If the family practices pregnancy planning, this is an ideal option for the expectant mother and child. The woman first undergoes a medical examination, undergoes the necessary anti-aging procedures and learns from cosmetologists about alternative methods that are harmless to the baby.

But if you happen to get pregnant by accident and decide to give birth, then it is better to postpone all invasive procedures until later. The question of whether pregnant women can undergo biorevitalization cannot be answered categorically - no. In principle, the harm from it has not been proven. But no experienced doctor would risk taking on such responsibility.

Is the expectant mother ready to carry it? In most cases, women answer that no and are content with traditional methods of rejuvenation. Moreover, according to reviews from those who decided to undergo the procedure, it was quite unpleasant, always accompanied by a negative reaction from the body, and the result lasted less than usual. So is it worth the risk?

Alternative methods of rejuvenation for pregnant women

An alternative to the biorevitalization procedure during pregnancy is traditional medicine. It is known that collagen acts as an excellent moisturizer because, after being introduced into fatty tissue, it attracts water molecules. But you can moisturize the dermis in another way, for example, by applying masks and compresses.

Moisturizing mask recipe

The juice of an indoor aloe plant can improve water balance and improve skin regeneration. A similar effect is achieved due to the specific composition of the plant, which contains tannins.


  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. aloe;
  • 2 drops of vitamin A and E;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil.

Preparation and use:

  1. To obtain aloe juice, chop several leaves of the plant - you should get a paste. Wrap the aloe in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a water bath to 45 degrees.
  3. Combine natural honey, oil and juice.
  4. Enter vitamins that you can easily purchase at your local pharmacy.
  5. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the skin, especially to areas of peeling. It is allowed to distribute the pulp in the area of ​​the lower eyelid.
  6. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes.
  7. Rinse it off with warm water.

Attention! The effect of using such a mask on the face: the skin will be moisturized and expression lines will disappear. Do this mask at least once a week.

Moisturizing compress

A warm compress made from a decoction of rosehip and birch buds will provide an amazing rejuvenating effect. As you know, rose hips are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that will give the dermis a healthy appearance and form a protective barrier against the penetration of microbes. Birch buds are designed to retain moisture in the cells and establish regeneration of the epidermis.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 50 g rose hips;
  • 2 tbsp. l. birch earrings.

Preparation and use:

  1. Combine the main ingredients in a saucepan and fill them with the specified amount of water.
  2. Boil the healing mixture over medium heat for about 10–15 minutes.
  3. Let the broth brew for an hour.
  4. Warm the resulting liquid slightly before use. Dip a clean towel into the solution and apply it to your face for 5 minutes.

Also, as an alternative to biorevitalization, we would recommend that pregnant women sign up for facial massage sessions, but only in a trusted salon, which employs clean cosmetologists with a medical education diploma.

Thus, being in an interesting position, it is strictly prohibited to do injection biorevitalization. If you want to look beautiful, even while pregnant, you can try the hardware method of introducing collagen. Doctors warn that the effect of hyaluronic acid on the fetus has not been thoroughly studied. Should you risk your baby's health or not? You decide.

When is it possible

Doctors also prohibit biorevitalization during the recovery period. For a woman who is not breastfeeding, this is approximately six months after giving birth. If the baby grows up on mother's milk, nothing unnecessary should get into it, and stress is also not needed so that lactation does not decrease.

In this case, you will have to wait until feeding is completed; injections can only be given two months after weaning.

This period is necessary in order for the woman’s hormonal levels to stabilize, on which the result of biorevitalization largely depends. But during this period you can already do massages, hardware procedures, use rejuvenating creams and masks. Only deep chemical or laser peels are undesirable - they can provoke severe pigmentation.

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