Is it painful to remove papillomas with a laser and what could be the consequences?

What is papilloma, what are the reasons for its appearance and what are the treatment options?

8 clinics in Moscow since 1994 ☎ what you need to know about papilloma removal before choosing a clinic and other questions

Why is it better to remove papillomas at Rednor cosmetology centers?

have been working on the Russian market since 1994, during which time they have gained enormous experience and provided assistance to tens of thousands of patients. Our doctors are among the most experienced. By trusting us, you choose quality and safety.

At Rednor cosmetology centers you can use the following services:

  • Laser removal of moles and warts
  • Laser removal of papillomas
  • Laser removal of spider veins
  • Laser removal of scars and scars
  • Laser removal of stretch marks and stretch marks
  • Laser removal of keratosis

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm, expressed in the form of small skin growths on the skin. These growths may have a wide or thin base (pedunculated).

These growths can be single, or they can cover the surface of the skin quite densely.

Papillomas are localized on any areas of the skin and mucous membranes. Most often, papillomas are located on the face, but they can appear on any other area of ​​the skin, but the most favorite location for papillomas is the mucous membrane and genitals (in some cases, papillomas can appear inside the bladder).

What does papilloma look like?

We do not recommend making a diagnosis yourself, but to understand what papillomas look like, we show photos of papillomas. If what you see in the photo looks like what you observe in yourself, consult a doctor immediately. Below we will talk about the types of papillomas and their danger to the human body and methods of treating them.


Cauterization of one papilloma takes 1-3 minutes depending on the size. Before the session, the doctor examines the tumor and determines the optimal laser power. The procedure goes as follows:

  1. The patient wears dark glasses with light filters to protect the eyes from accidental radiation.
  2. The skin is treated with an antiseptic and an anesthetic ointment is applied for 15 minutes.
  3. The doctor points the laser tip at the tumor and evaporates it layer by layer.
  4. After therapy, the treated area of ​​skin is again disinfected and an adhesive plaster is applied.

A small papilloma is removed in one session. If the growths are large and located throughout the body, several procedures will be required. Laser removal of tumors in children is carried out according to a similar protocol.

Papillomas / FAST and SAFE removal of tumors with laser

Contraindications for the procedure

Which patients should refuse laser removal of papillomas? Contraindications include pregnancy, active herpes infection, breastfeeding, and a history of diseases such as diabetes, HIV and AIDS.

If the patient has just returned from a vacation on the seaside, the specialist will recommend postponing the procedure 3-4 weeks later - a fresh tan is a relative contraindication.

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Rehabilitation period

Recovery will be quick if you follow your doctor's recommendations. The next day after the session, remove the adhesive plaster and treat the wound with chlorhexidine or a saturated solution of potassium permanganate.

Repeat the procedure twice a day, and then apply any healing ointment to the skin.

Do not scratch or pick off the scab to avoid infection. It will go away on its own in 1-1.5 weeks. Try to wet your skin less often. Take a shower, not a bath. After bath procedures, gently pat your body dry with a towel. If the papilloma was on the face or eyelids, do not use cosmetics for 2 weeks.

During the rehabilitation period, avoid visiting the sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool. Do not shave the treated area, do not scrub with a washcloth, or use scrubs or other products with exfoliating particles. If the treatment was carried out in the summer, you should not sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium.

Try not to expose your skin to direct sunlight and apply cream with SPF 30-50 before going outside. Postpone physical activity to avoid causing excessive sweating. Avoid drinking alcohol.

After removal of papilloma from the genitals, it is not recommended to have sex until complete healing. Wash with intimate hygiene gel or mild baby soap. After the procedure, be sure to visit a gynecologist or urologist.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

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The period of complete healing of a papilloma wound takes from 7 to 14 days. At this time, the patient may notice the appearance of swelling or redness, which quickly disappears without the use of additional therapy. It is forbidden to rip off or lubricate with any substance the dense crust that has formed on top of the wound - it will fall off on its own.

Complete healing of the skin is observed after 28-30 days - at this point the trace of the procedure becomes completely invisible. Before this period, it is not recommended to visit the pool or sauna, and you should also avoid sunbathing.

Possible complications

Complications rarely occur after laser therapy. If the doctor sets excessive power and incorrectly calculates the time of exposure, the damaged area may swell and hurt. The wound begins to fester when infected due to poor hygiene during rehabilitation. Also, a consequence of the removal of large growths is the formation of keloid scars.

After the laser, papillomas may appear again in even greater numbers. This complication occurs due to the intensive phase of the virus, when cauterization of the growth without additional therapy is ineffective.

Pink spots remain at the site of the removed papilloma. They will fade after 4-5 days and completely disappear in a few months.

In what cases should you consult a doctor again?

When serous or purulent discharge, odor, redness, pain appear from the wound - such situations can occasionally occur within 7 days. You need to see a doctor about this. After the examination, the doctor will give recommendations for further care.

After the first month, when the scar has formed, it is most often normotrophic - neat and already similar to the color of the skin. But sometimes a trophic, hypertrophic or keloid scar can form. Such a scar can be corrected by a surgeon or contact a cosmetologist who can also help with this.

+7 (495) 255−50−11.

Comparison of laser removal with other methods

In addition to laser therapy, papillomas are cauterized with medications containing salicylic acid or cantharidin. After 2-3 days, the formation heals and disappears. When removing growths on the genitals, use Podofilox or Podophyllin. But this method is less effective and does not exclude relapse.

Surgical removal with a scalpel is also performed. Unlike laser, this method causes heavy bleeding. A scar may remain on the affected area of ​​skin. There is also a high risk of infection getting into the wound.

Papillomas are removed using cryodestruction. The doctor applies an applicator with liquid nitrogen to the tumor for a few seconds. The growth darkens and soon disappears. The procedure is painless, but it will not be possible to control the depth of the effect. Therefore, relapses often occur.

Radio wave surgery with the Surgitron device is comparable in effectiveness to laser therapy. It removes growths, leaves no marks on the body and minimally damages surrounding tissue.

Another effective method is treatment by electrocoagulation. The doctor acts on the papilloma with high-frequency electric current. During the session, you can adjust the degree of impact. Bleeding and infection of the wound are excluded. But, unlike a laser, the device injures the skin around the growth. After the procedure, pits sometimes remain.

When is it necessary to remove papilloma?

Benign skin tumors cannot always be removed; sometimes observation and regular examinations are sufficient. The most common indications for removal are the following:

  • papillomas located on visible parts of the body and causing psychological discomfort;
  • papillomas that are constantly injured by clothing, jewelry, and a comb;
  • neoplasms that increase in size, tend to spread, change size, shape and color;
  • papillomas located in the intimate area or soles;
  • if the tumor begins to hurt, itch or bleed.

Reviews about laser removal of papillomas

Reviews constantly appear on forums and websites of medical centers about the consequences of burning out papillomas with a laser. The effectiveness and speed of the procedure are noted. Due to anesthesia, the patients experienced virtually no pain, but there was a burning smell. In most cases, treatment helped get rid of the defect. There were no scars left, and the wounds healed quickly.

But almost everyone noted that laser therapy eliminates only an aesthetic defect. It will be useless without drug treatment for the virus.

Commentators often discuss whether it is better to remove papillomas - nitrogen or laser. Many are inclined towards the second method, because it helps the first time.

Laser removal of papillomas and scars on the face. Removal process, healing and results after 3 weeks

How to treat a wound?

As a rule, doctors recommend various antibacterial drugs enriched with a vitamin complex. The choice of medications depends on the characteristics of the procedure performed. It is understood that the doctor will monitor the patient’s condition until complete recovery.

The wound heals due to the formation of a scab from anesthetized tissue. There is no need to use potent topical preparations if the process proceeds without any peculiarities or pathology.

If there is an accumulation of purulent formations, then additional care of the operated area will be required. If everything is in order, and a crust has formed on the wound, it is lubricated with a solution of peroxide and furatsilin, then, after it has softened, it is removed, treating the resulting funnel. All these procedures are carried out in a clinical setting by medical staff.

How can a tumor be removed without leaving a trace on the skin?

All superficial neoplasms - papillomas, keratomas, etc., as well as small formations, are most often removed without scars or marks on the skin. After removal of large formations, traces of hypopigmentation or barely noticeable whitish scars may remain.

In any case, it is very important when removing! clearly assess the line separating the difference between the aesthetic result of the procedure and its effectiveness. This means that the wider and deeper the tumor is removed, the lower the likelihood of relapse. Conversely, minimal superficial removal is always an ideal cosmetic result, rapid epithelization, absence of a scar, but a high risk of developing recurrent neoplasm at this site. The experience of our doctors, mandatory diagnostics and the availability of a wide range of equipment allow our specialists to maintain a competent balance between removing the tumor in full and obtaining the best possible cosmetic result of the procedure.


Prices for removal of formations

Consultation with a dermato-oncologist surgeonFOR FREE
- for all education500 rub.
Skin mapping:
1-3 formations500 rub.
4-10 formations2,000 rub.
11-25 formations4,000 rub.
26-50 formations6,000 rub.
Histological examination:
Histology Dialab1,500 rub.
Histology Hemotest3,000 rub.
Revision of glasses by expert morphologist Prof. Mordovtseva V.V. 6,000 rub.
Local anesthesia:
- injection300 rub.
- cream300 rub.
Laser removal of 1 formation on the skin:
- up to 1 mm100 rub.
- up to 2 mm400 rub.
- up to 3 mm600 rub.
- up to 4 mm700 rub.
— up to 5 mm800 rub.
- up to 6 mm900 rub.
- up to 7 mm1,000 rub.
- up to 8 mm1,100 rub.
- up to 9 mm1,200 rub.
- up to 10 mm1,300 rub.
Laser removal of 1 formation on the skin of the eyelids, mucous membranes, plantar and periungual:
- up to 1 mm300 rub.
- up to 2 mm400 rub.
- up to 3 mm700 rub.
- up to 4 mm800 rub.
— up to 5 mm900 rub.
- up to 6 mm1,000 rub.
- up to 7 mm1,100 rub.
- up to 8 mm1,200 rub.
- up to 9 mm1,300 rub.
- up to 10 mm1,400 rub.
Chalazion removal7,000 rub.
Laser removal of 1 formation on the ciliary edge of the eyelids:
- up to 1 mm500 rub.
- up to 2 mm1,000 rub.
- up to 3 mm1,500 rub.
- up to 4 mm2,000 rub.
— up to 5 mm2,500 rub.
Excision of formations with suturing:
Excision of formations with 5 mm sutures on the body1,500 rub.
Excision of formations with sutures on the face M-zone (cheeks, forehead, chin, temple, scalp) - 5 mm2,500 rub.
Excision of formations with sutures on the face H-zone (nose, eyelids, lips, ears) - 5 mm5,000 rub.
Excision of formations with 5 mm sutures on the hands and feet2,500 rub.
Excision of formations using the Mohs method + cost of wound closure:30,000 rub.
on the face M-zone (cheeks, forehead, chin, temple, scalp) - 5 mm2,500 rub.
on the face H-zone (nose, eyelids, lips, ears) - 5 mm5,000 rub.
Removal of molluscum contagiosum in children under 10 years of age:
- for one education300 rub.
Laser correction of ingrown toenails (one side of the nail):
Laser correction with removal of the growth zone3,500 rub.
Resection of an ingrown nail without removing the growth zone1,900 rub.
Removing the thumbnail1,700 rub.
Removal of the nail on the 2nd to 5th finger1,000 rub.
Earlobe correction:
— After earrings (for 1 side)3,000-6,000 rub.
— Correction of the shape of the lobes, including tunnels (for 1 side)10,000 rub.
Excision of scars (per 1 cm incision):
Excision of scars on the body, 1 cm of scar3,000 rub.
Excision of scars on the face and neck, 1 cm of scar5,000 rub.
Correction of body scar with local tissues, 1 cm of scar5,000 rub.
Correction of face and neck scars with local tissues, 1 cm of scar10,000 rub.
Correction of retracted scars with Collost filler 7% - 1.5 ml13,000 rub.
Correction of retracted scars with Collost filler 15% - 1.5 ml18,000 rub.
Spherogel Lights 0.5 ml6,000 rub.
Spherogel Lights 1.0 ml11,000 rub.
Spherogel Medium 0.5 ml8,000 rub.
Spherogel Medium 1.0 ml15,000 rub.
Scar hormone therapy (Diprospan)1,300 rub.
Laser resurfacing CO2 1 cm22,000 rub.
Biopolymer removal40,000 rub.
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