How to choose a face cream: 7 criteria for the right choice

Under the influence of the environment, the skin loses nutrients and moisture, acquiring a grayish tint. The pores expand, dirt gets inside, and blackheads appear. Over time, elasticity is lost and wrinkles form.

The face, as a less protected part of the body, is more intensely exposed to this type of influence. Cosmetics are developed specifically to protect the skin, saturate it with nutrients and slow down the aging process. Read below on how to choose the right face cream.

Selection by purpose

Since skin problems are different, face creams are produced for different purposes - they solve a specific problem.

The main types of face creams are:

  • cleaning;
  • moisturizing;
  • anti-aging;
  • protective;
  • brightening;
  • from sunburn;
  • against acne.

Cleansing creams rid the skin of dead cells . They are made like a scrub, i.e. have a somewhat hard texture. Therefore, it is recommended to use these creams no more than twice a week . However, there are also those that have a soft structure and can be used every day.

Moisturizing creams saturate the skin with moisture , which is taken away by the negative influence of the environment. They should contain substances such as emollients and humectants . The former impart smoothness and elasticity, while the latter retain moisture in the skin.

Anti-aging creams are designed to slow down the aging process . This is possible thanks to retinol, which is considered a derivative of vitamin A, as well as peptides and a special protein – sirtuin, which can improve the structure of the skin. A good anti-aging cream contains all this.

Protective cosmetics are designed to protect facial skin from free radicals . The composition of these creams necessarily includes antioxidants, namely: nicotinamide and coenzyme Q10. The first of them also has an anti-inflammatory effect, and the second can reduce the signs of aging that have already appeared.

Lightening creams are needed to make age spots less noticeable that appear on the face and neck with age. Lightening occurs due to the action of hydroquinone, but the amount of this substance should not exceed 2%.

IMPORTANT! You should not use lightening creams that contain mercury - it is a toxic metal that is harmful to the skin.

Anti-tanning cosmetics protect the face from UV rays . This is possible thanks to SPF, a substance that absorbs UV radiation. A cream with a good degree of sun protection will contain SPF in an amount of at least 30 units.

against acne that contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. The first ingredient has a drying effect, and the second is an antibacterial agent.

Creams for atopic skin

The atopic type is very dry and reactive skin that can become red, itchy and cause a lot of trouble. When caring for this type of skin, it is important to maintain the lipid barrier and soothe it. This is best dealt with by emollients - thick oil-based creams that are applied to damp skin. Outside of exacerbations of atopic dermatitis, you can use products for dry or very dry skin.

Avene XeraCalm AD Lipid Replenishing Cream

Avene XeraCalm AD Lipid Replenishing Cream

Official price: $26 for 200 ml (≈ ₽1050-1500 online/offline)

The action of the cream is based on the I-modulia ingredient and Avène thermal water; special DEFI technology helps keep the cream sterile for the entire duration of use. Helps relieve itching, redness and inflammation in atopic dermatitis in children and adults, restores the lipid layer of the skin. Does not contain alcohol, fragrances, emulsifiers or preservatives.

Moisturizer Pyunkang Yul ATO Cream Blue Label

Moisturizer Pyunkang Yul ATO Cream Blue Label

Official price: $25 per ml (≈ ₽1300-1900 online/offline)

Korean cream with a light, quickly absorbing texture is developed on the basis of peptides, ceramides, Japanese honeysuckle and astragalus flower extract. It has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, restores the skin's protective barrier, maintains skin firmness and elasticity. Hyaluronic acid, shea and macadamia butters nourish and moisturize sensitive and irritated skin. Does not contain parabens, fragrances or mineral oils.

Lipid-restoring cream Uriage Xemose Cerat

Lipid-restoring cream Uriage Xemose Cerat

Official price: $30 for 400 ml (≈ ≈ ₽1200-1400 for 200 ml online/offline)

Thick, thick cream based on shea butter (25%), Uriage thermal water and Cerasterol-2F complex for the care of very dry and damaged skin. Deeply moisturizes and nourishes, relieves discomfort from tightness, microcracks, restores the lipid layer of the skin and microbiome. Suitable for intensive winter care.

Cream for hypersensitive skin Weleda Baby erma Weisse Malve

Cream for hypersensitive skin Weleda Baby Derma Weisse Malve

Official price: $14 for 50 ml (≈ ≈ ₽700-800 online/offline)

The cream moisturizes, softens and protects damaged skin, suitable for hypersensitive and children's skin. Contains lactose, marshmallow and violet extracts, coconut, almond and sesame oil. Dense but easily spreadable texture. Does not contain mineral oil, fragrances, preservatives or dyes.

Eucerin AtopiControl Cream

Eucerin AtopiControl Cream

Official price: $21 for 40 ml (≈ 800-1050₽ online/offline)

The cream formula combines a complex of fatty acids (based on primrose oil and grape seed), licorice root extract and decanediol. Non-greasy, quickly absorbed cream reduces itching, restores skin, and inhibits the penetration of bacteria into damaged skin. Does not contain fragrances.

By skin type

Human skin is divided into four main types: dry, oily, normal and combination. Each requires a different cosmetic effect, so when choosing a cream, this point must be taken into account.

And to understand what type of skin it is, you need to take a closer look at them all:

  1. People with dry skin are prone to flaking, and after washing they often feel tight. Elasticity is lost early and wrinkles appear. However, after using the cream, such people feel that the feeling of tightness goes away and the skin looks better. Such a cosmetic product must contain: elastin, hyaluronic acid and collagen - moisturizing substances.
  2. Oily skin is prone to acne, blackheads, shine and enlarged pores. This type is denser and stays smooth longer. In this case, creams should contain substances that restore skin balance - these are extracts of yarrow, chamomile and calendula. (Our article: How to choose a cream for oily skin?)
  3. Those with a normal type have an even complexion, do not feel tightness after washing and rarely encounter the problem of acne. Creams with a lot of vitamins are suitable for them.
  4. Combination skin combines the signs of the above types on different parts of the face: there may be flaking on the forehead, shine and black spots on the nose, etc. Products for this type contain both anti-inflammatory substances and moisturizers.

In addition, there are people with sensitive skin , which is characterized by an acute reaction to any changes within the body or in the environment. In this case, creams should be selected so as to reduce the sensitivity threshold.

The best face creams according to customer reviews

Among buyers there is also a rating of face creams. When compiling it, users take into account three main indicators:

  • Brand;
  • Price;
  • Quality.

Ratings and customer reviews enable a woman not to make a mistake when choosing a suitable facial care product and to pay attention to the shortcomings of manufacturers.


Janssen Cosmetics

Janssen Cosmetics face cream has a lifting effect. The product contains hyaluronic acid, avocado oil and vitamin E, which tone the skin and improve its color.

Thanks to the nutritional composition, a woman’s face looks beautiful and rested. The product is applied to the face at night, 2 hours before bedtime.

Olga, teacher:

I bought the cream based on reviews from friends and did not regret it. The first thing that attracted me was the presence of a convenient spoon for applying the product to the face. Secondly, despite the thick consistency, the cream is quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy or sticky marks. I recommend it to women with dry skin. After using it, the skin of the face was moisturized and a natural glow appeared.

Clinique smart

Clinique smart face cream is intended for daytime use. The product is able to maintain water balance in the skin, saturating it with nutrients. The product includes:

  • Whey protein;
  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Acetylhexapeptide-8.

How to use the cream: twice a day.

Arina, therapist:

After using Clinique cream, the skin smoothed out and became elastic. Thanks to hyaluronic acid, the skin is moisturized and looks natural. I am grateful to the manufacturer for this miracle product.

Nourishing creams


Mileo face cream contains violet extract and shea butter, which moisturize and soften the skin. A component such as panthenol soothes the skin and relieves irritation caused by a lack of sufficient moisture.

To obtain results, the product is used every day, especially in the cold season. The prebiotic included in the composition helps restore the microflora of the facial skin.

Maria, dentist:

I have very dry skin and I have been looking for a suitable cream for a long time. Mileo helped me deal with the problem. The first thing that attracted me to the cream was its convenient bottle with a dispenser. Its second advantage is its pleasant smell and delicate texture. I've been using it for over six months now and have never regretted the purchase. My skin became smooth and the feeling of dryness and tightness went away.

Clean line

Face cream Clean Line is intended for both normal and combination skin. The cosmetic product does not contain artificial ingredients. The main component is aloe.

Thanks to the constant use of the cream, the skin of the face becomes soft and well-groomed. The nutritional components of the product saturate it with the necessary amount of moisture and nourish it with useful elements.

Anna, dermatologist:

I have had skin problems for a long time. I constantly suffer from peeling and not a single cream suited me until I tried the products. This cream simply saved me. It absorbs well into the skin and does not have an unpleasant odor, which is important for me. I recommend it to all patients. I forgot about my skin problems a long time ago.

Anti-aging creams

Black Pearl

Ingredients included in the Black Pearl “Self-Rejuvenation” face cream:

  • Almond oil;
  • Vitamins E and C;
  • Shea Butter;
  • Amino acids;
  • Liquid collagen;
  • Hyaluronic acid.

The facial product slows down the aging process of the skin in women after 30 years of age and makes it more elastic and radiant. The main advantage of the Russian manufacturer is the low price of the cosmetic product with effective results.

Diana, makeup artist:

I love cosmetics from the Black Pearl brand. Night cream "Self-rejuvenation" made an impression on me. After using it, wrinkles on the face disappeared, and the skin became more toned and elastic.

Vichy Liftactiv

Anti-aging cream from Vichy was developed to correct age-related changes on the face. The cosmetic product contains thermal water, caffeine and adenosine, which:

  • Helps smooth out skin texture;
  • Smooth out wrinkles;
  • They highlight a woman’s natural beauty and give her skin radiance.

The cosmetic product also includes neohesperidin, which helps improve the protective functions of the skin and protects against the harmful effects of external factors (UV rays, frost, wind). Neohesperidin soothes the skin and improves appearance.

Elena, housewife:

I bought the cream on sale and realized that this was the best product I could choose. After a month of use, unwanted wrinkles disappeared, and the complexion became more radiant and healthy. I recommend it to all women who want their skin to look young and healthy.

Creams for problem skin

La Roche-Posay

La Roche-Posay face cream is designed for oily problem skin. The product helps get rid of blackheads and acne. The composition includes aluminum starch, which helps reduce sebum production. Glycerin moisturizes and nourishes the skin with essential elements.

Irina, lawyer:

The cream has an exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effect. I have problem skin and it’s difficult to find the right product for it. La Roche cream softened and moisturized the face, eliminating acne.


Garnier face cream has a calming effect. The product consists of 96% natural ingredients and rose water. With regular use, the skin of the face acquires a radiant hue and looks toned. The product is applied twice a day and can be used as a base for makeup.

Julia, sales consultant:

The cream suited me perfectly. Thanks to him, I forgot what dry skin was. The product is quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy stains or marks. I recommend it to all women with problem skin.

Universal creams


Nivea Creme face cream is suitable for any skin type. The composition of the cosmetic product includes:

  • Eucerite;
  • Panthenol;
  • Glycerol.

Thanks to its nourishing composition, the product moisturizes the skin and gently cares for dry areas. The cosmetic product contains no harmful substances (preservatives, parabens), so even children can use it.

Marina, dentist:

I have been using Nivea cream since I was a teenager. It has a very useful composition. After application, facial skin looks well-groomed and moisturized. Inexpensive and effective product, I recommend it!


Chanel universal face cream is suitable for normal to dry skin. The cosmetic product helps moisturize the skin and protects it from external irritants (wind, rain). Thick texture softens and smoothes the skin, replenishing water balance.

Olesya, teacher:

I use Chanel cream to moisturize my skin. It is also great as a makeup base. I noticed the effect of the product 2 weeks after use. The skin began to look better and healthier, and at the same time a natural glow appeared.

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Ekaterina Smirnova (dermatologist). Certified specialist with 20 years of experience. He is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of dermatological diseases, and removes tumors. Proficient in injection cosmetology techniques for the face and body.

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Selecting cream according to age

Human skin changes with age, and accordingly, it requires different care at different years of life . Therefore, cosmetics are also divided by age category: for young and for mature skin.

The first group includes not only young skin, but also teenage skin, which needs a product that can reduce the effects of hormonal changes. Such creams often also have a healing effect, since teenagers often have acne. Young people need cosmetics that keep their skin in good condition for as long as possible.

Typically, the composition of creams for this group includes salicylic acid, sea minerals, zinc, SPF, as well as substances that prevent the occurrence of acne scars.

The second group includes people over 30 years old, whose skin begins to lose not only moisture, but also elasticity, i.e. wrinkles appear. In this case, you need to select products that can maintain skin elasticity and saturate it with moisture. These are creams containing retinol, hyaluronic acid, AHA and BHA acids, NAD-dependent proteins sirtuins, vitamins A, C and E. We recommend reading about creams for the older age category in our article: Choosing a cream after 50 years.

ATTENTION! It is recommended to apply any face cream only to very thoroughly cleansed skin.

Choosing a cream depending on age

Face cream after 30 years

By the age of 30, a woman’s body begins to produce less hyaluronic acid, which delivers moisture to the cells of the epidermis, and the production of collagen, the main component responsible for skin elasticity, also decreases.

Having crossed the 30-year mark, women need to use face cream with hyaluronic acid, as well as products containing vitamin C. These substances penetrate deep into the epidermis, moisturizing the skin and helping to restore the natural activity of cells and normalize metabolic processes. Products (day creams) must also provide protection from sun rays, as evidenced by the presence of an SPF protective factor of a certain value. At this age, you should also add peelings with fruit acids, which help activate metabolic processes in the skin.

If the face is swollen, you should use creams with angioprotective action containing extracts of arnica and ginkgo biloba.

For washing, it is better to use thermal water saturated with selenium and zinc. The cream is applied to the skin twice a day: in the morning, after washing and in the evening a couple of hours before bedtime. The eyelid skin also needs nourishment 2 times a day. Be sure to add moisturizing masks to your care, which are used twice a week in the morning. Occasionally you should use lifting serums, which will help quickly give your face a fresh, rested look. But this should only be done before important events, when you need to look special.

DIY face cream

1. Melt 3 g of lanolin and 1 g of wax in a water bath, add 1 teaspoon each of peach seed oil and purified water. The composition is mixed and applied to cleansed skin. The product is prepared immediately before use and is used for dry skin.

2. Beat 3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil in a blender with 2 yolks, carefully stir in 200 g of sour cream and 50 g of lemon juice. Keep refrigerated. Can be used for oily skin, also applied to the area around the eyes.

If we talk about ready-made creams, consumers often choose creams such as “Estee Lauder Hydrationost”, “La Roche Posay Hydra phase”, “Youth Surge Clinique”, “Vichy Aqualia Thermal”, “Avene Eluage”, “Lumene Arctic Aqua”, “Belita Vitex whitening”, “Nivea Q10 plus”, “Health&Beauty”, “Chanel Sublimage”, “Natria NSP”, “Kora”.

Face cream after 40 years

After 40 years, a woman’s body experiences a number of natural changes that can be corrected through proper care, an active lifestyle and nutrition. Particular attention should be paid to choosing the right, effective cosmetics that actively restore the epidermis.

At this age, there is a thickening of collagen fibers (some of them stick together or disintegrate), the function of the sebaceous glands decreases, due to which the skin becomes dry, the thickness of the epidermis decreases, which causes the appearance of wrinkles, hormonal levels change, spider veins and persistent redness may appear.

At this age, you should use cosmetics richer in active ingredients, and also pay attention to creams and serums with the Botox effect, which allow you to weaken the excessive tone of the facial muscles for a certain time. Apply such products to the forehead and bridge of the nose, as well as to the nasolabial folds. The active component is hexapeptide-3 (adenoxine, argireline), which more naturally blocks neuromuscular contractions and also activates the production of elastin and collagen in the skin.

Another significant problem is the gradual “sliding” of the oval down. In this case, you must definitely use products with vitamins A and C, creams with liposomes and ginkgo biloba extract.

How to make cream at home?

1. Melt 50 g of beeswax in a water bath, add 100 g of olive oil and 50 g of coconut oil, mix gently and cool. Pour the mixture into a blender, add tocopherol solution (1 ampoule), 5 drops of orange essential oil and mix until smooth. The product smoothes out wrinkles well.

2. Melt 20 g of beeswax in a water bath, add 20 ml each of olive oil and shea butter. Add 15 ml of rose water and aloe juice, as well as 5 g of lecithin, to the cooled mixture. Whisk the mixture and use to moisturize your facial skin.

Among the ready-made series, you should pay attention to the products “Vichy Liftactiv Retinol HA”, “L`Oreal Derma Genesis”, “Plasan”, “Black Pearl after 46 years”, “Olay Regenerist”, “Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle”, “ Clarins Multi-regenerante Jour.

Face cream after 50 years

Skin care is mandatory at any age, and the older a woman gets, the more attention she should pay to choosing the right cosmetics. After 50 years, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, as a result of which the amount of estrogen decreases, which directly affects the reduction in collagen production. In addition, the body's protective functions are reduced and the skin is more easily exposed to the negative effects of external factors.

Creams for women who have crossed the 50-year mark contain AHA acids, vitamins E and A, collagen, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, adenozyme, glycerin, lanolin, peptides, ceramides, dimethicone and other components. All of them, once in contact with the skin, provide proper care and guarantee a reduction in the visual signs of aging.

As an option, we can suggest using cellular preparations - creams made on the basis of embryonic tissue. It is believed that the components inside saturate the skin with active substances and transport information about how it needs to function correctly.

Homemade face cream

1. Melt 100 g of butter in a water bath and mix with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add 200 g of honey and 50 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice. The mixture is cooled to room temperature and whipped until smooth. After this, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, as well as 1 ampoule of retinol. The composition is stored in the refrigerator.

2. In a blender, beat 100 ml of cream with egg yolk, 1 tablespoon each of honey and lemon juice, add 1 teaspoon of cognac. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator.

Among the ready-made creams, consumers are advised to pay attention to the following: “Vichy Lift Activ”, “Kanebo Sensai”, “Nivea Sun”, “Shiseido Benefiance”, “Chanel Complete Correction”, “Elemis Pro-Collagen Cleansing Balm”, “Mizon Marine Collagen” ", "Cora. Cream lifting", "Biocon. Cream lifting" and others.

Studying the composition of the cream

There are substances that cosmetics manufacturers can use as preservatives, but they are toxic to the human body. Especially for such a sensitive organ as the skin.

You should not purchase a cream that contains any of the items listed in the table.

Substance nameImpact on the body
Formaldehyde and its derivativesIt penetrates the skin and destroys it, sometimes even leading to cell mutation.
Parabens in amounts greater than 0.3%In addition to the fact that this substance can cause allergic dermatitis, it also provokes the development of cancer cells.
AlcoholDehydrates the skin, destroys its protective barrier, and can cause an increase in sebum production.
Mineral oilA petroleum product that clogs pores and provokes the development of prickly heat.

Glycerin in small quantities, lecithin, water, panthenol, emulsifiers, allantoin, caprylic triglyceride are considered harmless.

And it’s best if the cream contains more natural substances: herbal extracts, vitamins, natural oils and fruit enzymes, in which case the cream will be both effective and safe.

How to choose a quality face cream: what to look for when purchasing

There are some other things you should know:

  • A high price is not a guarantee of quality. There are a lot of products on the market with an average or even low price that will care for your skin no worse than expensive products;
  • If you decide to try a new manufacturer or line, first use a sampler and test the product for allergies on the crook of your elbow. This will save you from wasting money. If an allergy develops, it is easier to throw away the sample than a full jar;
  • Packaging with dispensers or tubes is much more economical than jars;
  • The expiration date is very important - be sure to check it before every purchase! You should not use cosmetics that have expired - you can seriously harm your skin and develop a serious allergy;
  • The consistency should be uniform (if we are talking about cream). It should not delaminate, there should be no oily films or liquids on the surface;
  • If the cream has too strong a smell or an unnaturally bright/dark color, it is better to discard it. This means that it either contains too many different fragrances and dyes, or they are too “chemical”. It’s great if the cream has a slight smell and a milky white color.

Which brand do you prefer?

The table shows face creams from different manufacturing countries in accordance with the ratings in the cosmetology industry.

1“Nutrition and hydration” from Natura SibericaHydrance Optimale by AveneQ10 plus from Nivea"Whitening cream" from Vitex
2"Hyaluronic cream" from Librederm"Sun protection" from La RochePosayKamille by Balea"Cream Peeling" from Tea Line
3“Cornflower + barberry” from “Clean Line”UV plus hp from ClarinsKarotin by Afrodita“Placental-collagen” from “Exclusivecosmetics”
4“Lifting care” from “Black Pearl”"Basic care. Moisturizing" from Garnier "Intense moisturizing" from NiveaAntiAge Expert from Vitex
5“Night cream care” from “Clean Line”Hydra phase Riche from La RochePosay“Quince” by Dr.HauschkaBOTOX LIKE SYSTEM from Belita
6"Freshness and radiance" from Planeta OrganicaAqualia Thermal from Vichy"Rose" by Dr.Hauschka"Complex BB Cream" from Markell
7“Olive” from “One Hundred Beauty Recipes”Eluage by Avene"Charge of energy" from NiveaCOMPLETE CARE by Markell
8“For correction of facial oval” from “Kora”"Liftactive Dermoresurs" from Vichy"Moisturizing" from Nonicare"Lifting" from "Eco-sapropel"
9"Rosa" from "Nevskaya Cosmetics""Derma Genesis" from Loreal"Rose Light" from Dr.HauschkaGolden Age from Belit
10"Chamomile and wheat germ" by Green MamaLiftactiv Retinol from VichyAqua Effect from Nivea"Regenerating" by Liv Delano

Composition of a cosmetic product

At its core, a cream is a carefully mixed homogeneous mass of a base, beneficial substances for the skin (active components) and auxiliary ingredients (technical details).


Respectable manufacturers use natural vegetable oils and their mixtures as a base; low-quality products are dominated by technical (mineral) oils obtained during the processing and use of petroleum products. The cream base is also a universal solvent for all other ingredients. It is better if the product is based on sesame or olive oil. Of no small importance is the uniformity of mass and particle size in the emulsion (this is what the consistency of a cream is called in chemistry). The more thoroughly the ingredients are crushed, the greater the likelihood that they will penetrate into the deep subcutaneous layers.

Important ingredients in terms of technical filling

The skin is a barrier to the external environment; it reliably protects against the influence of various factors (both unfavorable and beneficial substances of masks, creams). Therefore, the primary task for manufacturers is to find a way to pass this barrier, how to direct all the necessary substances into the deep subcutaneous layers so that they realize their function there. Cosmetologists come to the aid of synthetic substances that facilitate the process - technical elements. They increase the effectiveness of the cream and promote the penetration of these active components into the skin tissue.

Only 10-30 percent of the beneficial substances from products applied to the skin can reach its deep layers and improve the condition of the face. If you deprive the cream of synthetic impurities, then 1-5% of the active components will reach the goal.

It is not possible to choose a good face cream without such ingredients. Absolutely all cosmetic products contain:

  • emulsifiers and stabilizers (responsible for maintaining the consistency of the product and preventing separation of the mass);
  • preservatives (prevent natural ingredients from spoiling);
  • thickeners (used to give the product a creamy structure, since natural vegetable oils are quite liquid);
  • flavorings (designed to deodorize a cosmetic product and increase its aesthetic properties);
  • dyes, etc.

Almost all of the listed components are produced synthetically, are not at all beneficial for the skin, but are indispensable in creams. The harmful effects of such substances have not been proven, but it is better to have as few of them as possible.

Active components

The content of substances of this group in the product determines the cosmetic effect of its use. The best cream (in terms of composition) should contain at least 4-5 names of natural extracts, extracts, oils, esters or other non-synthetically produced components. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to choose products with the presence of overseas plants (ginkgo biloba, jojoba, passion fruit, etc.). Plants of the usual climate have a similar effect: sea buckthorn, dill, cucumber, chamomile, calendula, etc.

Vitamins and microelements are added as active components, if they are included in the composition - this is another plus in favor of the product. The following substances may be present in specialized facial skin care creams:

  • ceramides (naturally occurring fats that help retain moisture);
  • antioxidants (relieve cells of free radicals);
  • azelaic acid (provides a whitening effect).

Pseudoactive components

The cream may contain, at first glance, quite useful substances - coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, collagen and the like. When they are present in the epidermis, a wrinkle smoothing effect and an antioxidant effect are actually observed. However, there is one big but: such ingredients are not absorbed into the skin:

  • Vitamin C decomposes in air even before application to the face;
  • Coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid and collagen have molecules that are too large to cross the skin barrier, etc.

Selection by frequency of use

In this category, creams are divided depending on the frequency of use: those that are used every day, those that need to be used as a course, and those that are required only periodically.

The first category includes night, day creams and products for the skin around the eyes.

Daytime products are distinguished by their light texture, protective functions and rapid absorption. Night ones are denser in consistency, with a predominance of regenerating properties and greater biological activity.

IMPORTANT! After waking up, you need to cleanse your face of any remaining night cream before applying your day cream. This is done so that the pores do not become dirty.

The cream for the skin around the eyes must have a texture that is lighter than that of day or night products. In no case should the composition contain petroleum products, and it is good if there are vitamins, collagen and herbal extracts.

The course uses anti-wrinkle creams, anti-acne products, as well as various types of moisturizing serums. Their impact is designed for a certain period of time and often has a cumulative effect.

Periodic creams include those that are required seasonally. The effect on the skin is different at different times of the year, which means that care should be different. In summer, for example, you will need products with SPF to protect your skin from solar activity. In winter you will need protection from frost and cold.

Cream for sensitive skin

Those with sensitive skin need to select care carefully, paying attention to the composition of the products. Alcohol, essential oils, acids and other aggressive components can cause irritation and redness. Therefore, it is worth choosing a very delicate cleansing and soothing care that reduces redness, rashes and can ease the skin’s increased reaction to wind, temperature changes and irritation.

Pai Instant Calm Chamomile & Rosehip Calming Day Cream

Pai Instant Calm Chamomile & Rosehip Calming Day Cream

Official price: $60 for 50 ml (≈ ₽3500-4400 online/offline)

The cream soothes and slightly cools irritated skin thanks to the action of chamomile extract and rosehip seed oil. Matricin, chamazulene and a complex of fatty acids help restore damaged skin, reduce redness, and protect against environmental influences. It has a herbal aroma and can be tried if you have combination or oily skin. Does not contain alcohol, menthol, mint and eucalyptus.

IOPE Derma Repair Cica Soothing Cream and Gel Cream

IOPE Derma Repair Cica Soothing Cream and Gel Cream

Official price: $30 for 50 ml (≈ ₽3300-4200 online)

The combination of panthenol, Asian centella extract, cypress leaves and allantoin in the composition makes it possible to use the product for sensitive problem skin. For dry skin it is recommended to use cream, for oily skin - gel cream. Both products envelop, soothe, heal, strengthen the skin, and fight flaking. Do not contain parabens, dyes, fragrances, mineral oil, silicones, surfactants and other irritating components.

Valmont Soothing Cream

Valmont Soothing Cream

Official price: $150 for 50 ml (≈ ₽8500-12000 online/offline)

Melting cream with a citrus aroma is suitable for different types of sensitive skin. The cream contains water from Swiss thermal springs Lavery les Bains, which is rich in sulfur and quickly soothes irritated skin. Glycyrrhizic acid from licorice root extract reduces redness. Suitable for men as a shaving cream.

Regenerating cream Dr.Jart+ Cicapair Cream

Regenerating cream Dr.Jart+ Cicapair Cream

Official price: $48 for 50 ml (≈ ₽2900-5900 online/offline)

The Korean cream contains the patented microbiome complex Jartbiome and cicabond, centella asiatica extract and other herbs, shea butter, niacinamide, macadamia oil and beeswax. Relieves irritation and dryness, moisturizes, strengthens and heals facial skin, eliminates flaking. The cream has a dense texture, herbal aroma, suitable for day and night care, as well as in the winter or autumn-spring season.

Fluid with retinol Verso Day Cream SPF 30

Fluid with retinol Verso Day Cream SPF 30

Official price: $80 for 50 ml (≈ ₽5800-10800 online/offline)

A cream with retinol that you can try on sensitive skin. Verso's formula includes Retinol 8 Complex, which is several times more effective but less irritating to the skin than regular retinol. Ingredients include niacinamide, canola oil, tocopherol, turmeric extract and squalene. The cream moisturizes, evens out skin texture, smoothes wrinkles, and strengthens the skin's protective barrier. Contains sun protection, not suitable for pregnant women.

Price is also important

The cost of the finished product is influenced by the ingredients included in its composition and the method of production, so a relationship between price and quality arises. Based on the cost, face creams are divided into three niches - mass market, middle market and lux & professional. So this is the following:

  1. Mass market brings together cosmetics that are produced in large quantities and at a very affordable price. However, the quality of these products most often leaves much to be desired, since natural ingredients are not used, replacing them with synthetic raw materials. The fact is that the profit from such products mostly goes to advertising and packaging, only about 10% goes to production. But even among such creams you can find decent options, read about this in our article.
  2. Middle market is the so-called middle class: the price is significantly higher than the mass market, however, the composition of such face creams consists of 60 percent natural ingredients, is non-toxic, and preservatives are obtained from plant materials. But such products can only care for the skin at a maintenance level, without a deep impact.
  3. Lux & Professional is a niche that includes creams produced in very limited quantities and at a high price. The composition is 80% natural extracts, which are obtained from high quality raw materials using special technology. Creams in this niche are hypoallergenic and undergo strict quality control. They are able to solve most skin problems and effectively care for it.

ATTENTION! Since the quality of mass market niche cosmetics is quite low, they can cause dermatitis, skin dehydration, increased sebum production, swelling and ulcers.

How to choose a quality face cream: what to look for in the composition

The composition is the most important thing in a product. If you use cheap and low-quality components in the manufacturing process, at best there will be no effect, at worst - allergies and aggravation of the problem. What should a good cream contain:

  • The basis. It’s great if it’s natural oil: olive, jojoba, argan, almond, and so on. Avoid mineral oil - it is of low quality and harmful to the skin;
  • Active nutrients: vitamins, collagen, various acids and so on. They are the ones that bring great benefits to the skin;
  • Natural ingredients - the more, the better. If the cream is completely natural - ideal. But this does not mean that it may not cause allergies or may not be suitable for you. Be sure to check;
  • Preservatives and dyes. You shouldn't be afraid of the first one - they help extend the shelf life of the product, that's all. Another question is what preservatives the manufacturer decided to use: natural or chemical? There are also different dyes, but they do not bring any benefit, nor much harm (unless they are made from pure, low-quality chemicals).

Now you know how to choose a face cream - what to look for, what to look for and what to avoid. Choosing a good product is quite difficult, since you need to know a lot about yourself, manufacturers and compositions. However, it is definitely worth understanding this topic. The right face cream is the key to your beauty and youth!

Read reviews

Reviews about face creams can be found on a wide range of Internet sites, these are social networks, special review sites, so-called forums. women's topics, online stores and narrowly focused cosmetology forums.

It is best to look for a review on a cosmetology forum , where more than one practitioner can give a recommendation. Moreover, the choice of cream will most likely be well justified from a scientific point of view (i.e., the effect of the composition of the product on the skin, the quality of its production, etc.). Again, cosmetologists use many products in practice, so their experience is not only theoretical calculations, but also real observations of results .

Review sites, social networks and women's forums are more subjective options , since reviews on them are written by very different people, and many things may not be taken into account. For example, a certain cream will suit one woman perfectly, she will write a corresponding review in enthusiastic tones that this is a high-quality cream. Another, when using the same product, will not take into account her skin type, which needs something different: her review will be negative. Although they used the same remedy.

On the other hand, social networks and women's forums involve discussion. And mistakes, as in the example above, come to light when interlocutors compare results.

Again, reviews of cosmetic products can be written on a commercial basis as hidden advertising . This is often found in online stores and in social networks. We must remember that this review contains not only praise for the product, but also information about its disadvantages.

Types of creams (day or night)

Day cream is applied in the morning after cleansing and toning the skin. The texture of this product is lighter, since it is important that the composition is absorbed as quickly as possible. Day creams often act as a base for makeup, creating an even and smooth skin surface.

Night cream is applied before bedtime. First, you need to carefully remove your makeup, apply cleansing milk and toner. Only after this, night cream is applied, the texture of which is tighter and oilier. It is imperative to apply a nourishing night cream before bed, because during rest the skin is actively restored and the active components are absorbed much more efficiently.

The ideal face cream – what is it?

To answer this question and decide which face cream to use, we need to summarize everything said above. So, a cream that will be ideal or close to it:

  1. Selected according to skin type - moisturizes dry skin, reduces sebum production for oily skin, etc.
  2. Purchased taking into account age needs: for young people - toning and supporting, for teenagers - reducing the effects of hormonal changes, for people over 30 years old - caring and nourishing the skin with the necessary substances.
  3. Does not contain formaldehyde and its derivatives, alcohol, parabens more than 0.3%, mineral oil and other petroleum products. On the contrary, this cream contains more natural ingredients, and those produced chemically are harmless to the skin.
  4. Its manufacturing company has proven itself well in the cosmetology industry and is in the top ten, according to cosmetologists.
  5. The cream is selected in accordance with the time of year, depending on which different care is needed, specific individual problems (wrinkles, acne, etc.) and the daily needs of the skin.
  6. The price of this cream is not too low to cause concerns about quality, but it also does not break the budget.
  7. On the websites of professional cosmetologists, they speak positively about this product and recommend it for use; on social networks or women’s forums, the reviews are also, for the most part, good.

How to choose the right face cream: types

A good product should perform several functions: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. First of all, you must understand why you need the cream, what problem it should solve. Sometimes one cream can solve several problems.

  • Moisturizing - perfectly restores internal water balance. It is impaired if the skin is dry, flaky, rough to the touch, or even cracked. There is one important nuance: with prolonged use, the skin gets used to it and begins to produce less moisture;
  • Nourishing - provides the skin with beneficial substances. They stimulate the appearance of new cells, promote regeneration and stimulate metabolism. As a rule, a well-chosen face cream will not only nourish but also moisturize the skin. But often manufacturers separate these two properties and create separate products;
  • Cleansing - this can be not only a cream, but also a scrub/peeling. The latter contain abrasive (exfoliating) particles that remove dead skin cells. You should be very careful with them; if you overdo it (or the particles are too hard and large), you can damage or injure the skin;
  • Anti-aging - contains components that slow down the aging process of the skin. If you already have wrinkles, the cream will prevent them from becoming deeper and more noticeable. The effect is cumulative, that is, in a week of use you will not see the result. Unfortunately, no cream, even the most magical one, will completely get rid of wrinkles;
  • Sun protection - the name speaks for itself. These products contain components that reduce (or completely prevent) the harmful effects of the sun on the skin. You need to choose sunscreen for your face and body according to the degree of protection - SPF.


The cream is a homogeneous mass used for skin care and made by mixing several active and auxiliary ingredients.
Each facial preparation has its own purpose and individual composition. The basis of face cream is usually vegetable and mineral oils in which the active ingredients are dissolved. The emulsion must be homogeneous, and the inclusions in it must be small enough to be able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

In order to ensure long-term preservation of the product, manufacturers include in the composition:

  • preservatives;
  • stabilizers;
  • dyes;
  • thickeners;
  • fragrance.

When choosing creams, you should pay attention to the composition of the product. Vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, collagen and hyaluronic acid are not absorbed into the skin because their molecules are too large for this. However, formulations containing these components are expensive.

We solve problems

Excessive oiliness and acne

In this case, you need light oil-free products (without oils) and labeled noncomedogenic. Of course, they do not yet guarantee 100% relief from acne, but they reduce the risk of clogged pores and new breakouts. If you use medical anti-acne products, apply them under the cream.

Sebum-regulating, anti-inflammatory and gentle exfoliating components, such as lactic acid, are what you need. In winter, you can use a cream with stronger acids (salicylic, glycolic) and retinoids.

What to look for on the label

Acids, vitamin A (retinol), zinc, rosemary, sage, tea tree, sulfur, niacinamide (vitamin B3), chamomile, calendula, panthenol, allantoin.

Dryness and dehydration

For dry skin, look for rich textures with lots of oils and lipids. For dehydrated skin, focus on hydration.

What to look for on the label

  • Humectants: hyaluronic acid, algae, aloe vera, amino acids, sorbitol, xylitol, chitosan, squalane, urea, collagen, elastin, glycerin, saccharides, lactic and malic acids.
  • Lipids: cholesterol, ceramides, sphingolipids, sphingosine, lecithin.

Tired, dull skin

Your best friends are mild acids, vitamins and antioxidants. They will refresh the skin and give it radiance.

What to look for on the label

Lactic and malic acids, vitamins C, A, E, coenzyme Q10, green and red tea (rooibos).

Sensitive, allergic skin and rosacea

The simplest possible ingredients, soothing ingredients, lack of fragrances and dyes are what you need. Avoid large amounts of essential oils and strong preservatives.

Keep in mind that natural and organic creams are not always the best friends of an allergy sufferer. Allergies to natural components can occur just as easily as to chemical ones. Therefore, creams for sensitive skin and allergy sufferers often contain a lot of silicones and other neutral components. They may seem “empty” (not rich in active ingredients), but for allergy sufferers they are a necessity.

What to look for on the label

Soothing, anti-inflammatory components: aloe, panthenol, allantoin, bisabolol, chamomile, azulene, calendula, hyaluronic acid.

With rosacea, the main emphasis is on strengthening blood vessels. Massage and components to improve microcirculation and increase the tone of the vascular walls come to the rescue.

What to look for on the label

Anti-rosacea, strengthening blood vessels components: extracts of horse chestnut, grape leaves, blueberries, red tea (rooibos), gingko biloba, sweet clover, chamomile, cornflower, calendula, linden, grape seed oil, algae, aloe, bisabolol, panthenol, vitamins C, A , E.

The best night creams

Natura Siberica, night face cream “Care and restoration”

The power of Siberia benefits oily and combination skin. Sophora japonica extract protects the skin from free radicals, elastin and polypeptides nourish and deeply moisturize it, keeping it elastic and healthy, and bisabolol softens and reduces pores.

You may be interested in: We answer the reader’s question: is there a difference between night and day cream.

Levrana, night face cream “Blueberry”

The multilamellar emulsion is as close as possible to the structure of the upper layer of the skin, which means that the cream is more effective than many of its “colleagues”. You sleep - it works: moisturizes and nourishes, cleanses and increases the elasticity of capillaries, retains water and active components, prevents inflammation.

Ole Henriksen, Transform Goodnight Glow Retin-ALT night cream

Slow down aging with cream from Ole Henriksen. At night, while you regain strength in your sleep, it restores the skin: exfoliates the upper stratum corneum, acts on wrinkles and age spots.

Darphin, Ideal Resource Revitalizing Cream

Three facts insist on purchasing this cream: natural composition, multidirectional action and soft texture. Simply apply it to a cleansed face at night and wake up to clean, fresh, hydrated and silky skin. Magic, and that's all!

Lancome, night cream Génifique

If creams could study at universities, then this “comrade” would graduate from the “tower” with honors. The fact is that it has the power to stimulate the activity of genes responsible for night recovery. At the same time, Génifique increases the skin's resistance to external factors. Ideal for those who constantly do not get enough sleep.

The best day creams

Lumene, Klassikko cream

The cream, delivered straight from Finland, energizes you with freshness and vigor after the first use! Still would! Contains Arctic spring water and northern cotton. It is not surprising that with regular use, the skin becomes nourished, soft, hydrated and radiant.

Glamglow, Moisturetrip Omega-Rich Moisturizer Cream

Consider this lightweight cream a vacation package for your skin. Inca inchi oil will soothe it and reduce visible redness, chaga mushroom will protect against blue rays (yes, the same one that comes from TV, computer and phone screens), antioxidants will improve skin color, and hyaluronic acid will moisturize. Everything is on point!

Caudalie, Vinoperfect radiance day cream

The cooling gel melts onto the skin, simultaneously moisturizing it and without leaving a greasy feeling. The cream is ideal for women who want an even complexion and radiant skin without pigmentation.

InstaNatural, day cream with collagen

Wrinkles, come out! Anti-aging cream with vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, argan oil and peony extract tightens the skin, visually reduces pores and hides imperfections.

Derma E, moisturizing day cream

An ideal product for those who use only vegan eco-products without soy, gluten and GMOs. A rich day cream that revitalizes even the driest skin without feeling heavy. Thanks for this to green tea, vitamin C, A and E in the composition.


The use of face creams is an integral part of the skin care process. They help retain moisture in tissues, deliver nutrients to the deep layers of the skin, slow down the aging process and relieve all sorts of inflammatory problems. However, they must be applied and selected correctly. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention not only to the principle of action and purpose of the cream, but also to the age group and composition. The quality and effectiveness of the product may depend on this. It is best to make your choice after consulting a cosmetologist and dermatologist.

The best creams for normal skin

Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream, SPF 30

Do you think caring for normal skin means washing your face after sleep and applying SPF? You are wrong! To maintain it in this condition, you need to prevent moisture loss, and this can be achieved with Ultra Facial Cream. Squalane and antarcticine make the skin silky smooth and protect against damage at low temperatures. By the way, this particular hero is the best-selling face cream from Kiehl's in the world.

SkinCeuticals Moisturizing Repair Treatment

Cosmetologists like to recommend a nourishing and restorative cream after laser and chemical peels. A complex of seven natural extracts and lipid substances nourishes the skin and maintains hydration throughout the day. Ideal for cold and dry climates, indispensable in mountainous areas.

Each age has its own composition

You can’t use one single product your entire life. It should change and meet the needs of the skin at a given time. The cosmetics industry has simplified this problem by releasing several lines of products designed for different ages. But you should not blindly trust the manufacturers - always read the label, select the product solely based on its composition.

Withering processes begin after 25 years. The body stops growing, the mechanisms of recovery and intensive cell renewal slow down. At 35, the aging processes are gaining momentum, they are still practically not manifested externally, but it is necessary to wage a thorough fight against them from the inside. The skin is still smooth and attractive, but hormonal changes will "fix" its appearance over time.

At the age of 45+, fading becomes a clear problem, the oval of the face falls, the cheeks shift, the contours seem to blur. The process is intensified by rapidly changing hormonal levels. It's time to use the heavy artillery - products with an anti-age effect.

The purpose of face cream, the difference between night and day cream, how often it needs to be changed. All this in the video below:

How to find the golden mean

Which face cream to choose so that it is truly beneficial for the skin, is highly effective and is not full of chemical impurities? The secret lies in the composition of the product. The closer to the beginning of the list a component is, the greater its share in the emulsion. Universal rules for choosing face cream:

  • natural ingredients should be in the first half of the list;
  • the composition should contain 3-5 components of natural origin;
  • the number of chemical names in the list should be minimal;
  • the cream must be suitable for your skin type;
  • Do not buy a cream that does not have ingredients on the label.

Remember that professional cream acts quickly due to the high content of chemical components that enhance its effect. To do this, you need to choose the right manufacturer and type of cream that suits your skin. The effect of the natural remedy appears only a month or two after the start of regular use. Do not judge the cream after the first application (except for the feeling of obvious discomfort, an allergic reaction or rash) - the ingredients must work from the inside. The products have virtually no effect on already formed skin cells, and it takes time for the skin to renew itself.

This thematic video will help you make the right choice:

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