Beauty without “pumping”: celebrities with thin lips

The standard of beauty is a temporary phenomenon. Fashionistas of different eras gained weight, lost weight, plucked their eyebrows, shaved the hair at their temples and tightened their waists into tight corsets. The past decade has been marked by a widespread craze for plump lips. Those who have this part of the face naturally voluminous enjoyed being on trend. Ladies whose lips looked thinner were distressed and called on the almighty cosmetologists and plastic surgeons for help. In pursuit of instant recognition from those around them, the young ladies completely forgot about their own individuality. Both ordinary women and popular celebrities have been guilty of this. But in the world of stars there are ladies who remember that even without lip surgery you can remain happy and attractive.

Gwyneth Paltrow

The Hollywood star was never distinguished by her bright, attractive beauty, but throughout her life she retained the features given by nature. Paltrow has a calm appearance with gray eyes and thin lips, which she has never enlarged. And which fit perfectly into her intelligent and discreet beauty.

Surgical methods of correction

The most effective method of correcting thin or small lips (lips) is plastic surgery - cheiloplasty. There are several options for this intervention, and the surgeons of our clinic choose the most preferable type depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. All these types of operations can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Microsurgical interventions. This includes, for example, contouring by introducing hyaluronic acid fillers. Another microsurgical method is lipofilling, the essence of which is to transfer adipose tissue taken from other areas of the patient’s body to a new location. In both cases, as in the second, the thin upper and lower lips are given the missing volume and a more attractive shape thanks to microinjections of filler.
  2. Plastic correction. This group of techniques already refers to full-fledged surgical interventions. Typically, our specialists use either YV-plasty or plastic surgery “Paris”. Both of these procedures help to plump the skin and give it a heart-shaped contour with well-defined boundaries. If the upper lip is smaller and thinner than the lower lip, SM plastic surgeons use a technique called “Bulhorn” - it is aimed primarily at correcting the shape and volume of a small and narrow upper lip. Such operations are performed under general anesthesia and take about 1 hour.
  3. Implant installation. Silicone implants can be inserted into soft tissues, which optically increase the volume. Such implants are made to order, which gives the most natural and aesthetic effect.

Jennifer Aniston

Unlike her rival Angelina Jolie, whose lips are considered the ideal of female sensuality, the main feature of Aniston's appearance throughout her career was her hair. More precisely, at first it was a flirty haircut in the style of Rachel from Friends, and then perfectly straight hair with a long stepped haircut. The actress never corrected her thin lips - she simply did not need such “beauty”.

Makeup options for thin lips

There are as many makeup options for thin lips as there are owners of such lips in the world. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the main styles of such makeup.


  • Moisturize and soften the skin with a scrub, balm or hygienic lipstick. Wait until they are completely absorbed.
  • Even out the tone with the base.
  • Draw a relief, graceful outline with a salmon-pink pencil, protruding a couple of mm beyond the edges, from the center to the corners.
  • Shade the outline.
  • Draw the corners with a dark pink pencil and leave it like that.
  • Apply soft pink lipstick with a brush or fingertips, without extending beyond the drawn contour, starting from the middle.
  • Blot with a napkin. Apply 1 more layer of lipstick and touch again with a napkin. To make your makeup last longer, you can add a little powder after the first layer.
  • Place a drop of transparent gloss with maximum shimmer effect in the center of the lips.

Video: How to enlarge thin lips


  • Draw an outline with a flesh pencil, stepping back 2 mm from the natural edge.
  • Shade.
  • Draw the corners with a salmon pencil.
  • Light brown - draw the center and shade. This move will add volume and expressiveness.
  • Apply several layers of flesh-colored lipstick, blotting each layer with a napkin.
  • The salmon unobtrusive shine should lie exactly in the center.

Video: Makeup for thin lips

Evening (from Marilyn Monroe)

  • Apply a softening balm. It should be completely absorbed. You can help this with a light massage.
  • Next, add a thin layer of foundation and powder.
  • Move 2 mm away from the natural contour and draw relief lines. The shade of the pencil is cinnabar (one tone lighter than the lipstick).
  • Shade the entire surface of the lips with vertical lines using a pencil of the same color. Move from the corners to the center.
  • Apply scarlet lipstick with a brush. Blot with a napkin. Powder.
  • Doing 3 layers in this way will significantly increase the volume of your thin lips.
  • Place a drop of transparent gloss in the middle and blend it towards the corners.

Kristen Stewart

Kristen instantly became a teenage idol around the world when she woke up famous after the premiere of the first Twilight. Despite this, on all the red carpets she defiantly refused feminine images and, moreover, never showed weakness for cosmetic procedures such as lip augmentation.

Emma Watson

Emma Watson,
Activist Emma Watson, who advocates for gender equality, encourages everyone to love themselves as they are. Therefore, the celebrity does not plan to turn to plastic surgeons to correct her appearance. These “flaws” according to modern “beauty standards” do not prevent Emma from getting the best roles and being considered one of the most attractive actresses.

Diane Kruger

According to the old stereotype, German women are not distinguished by the striking beauty that Slavic or Latin women can boast of. German Diane Kruger has a sophisticated appearance with harmonious facial features, beautiful gray eyes and ash-platinum blonde. Plump lips would make such beauty vulgar.

Rooney Mara

Source: @rooneyymara
The actress has sophisticated features, and the gothic style suits her perfectly: dark lipstick, black outfits and discreet makeup. Rooney often gets unusual roles that are in perfect harmony with her type. Many are delighted with her after her role in the film “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” We imagine that with fuller lips, Rooney would look like other girls and lose her edge. There are pictures of her on the Internet with her lips enlarged in Photoshop - a completely different person.

Ruth Wilson

After the release of The Lovers, viewers were perplexed by the non-trivial appearance of the English actress with thin “duck” lips, which, they believed, were the result of unsuccessful cosmetic surgery. But if you look at the actress’s early photos, you can be convinced that these are natural abilities, and there were no operations.

Royal style

The wife of Crown Prince William was born into an ordinary family. Her long stay at the English court left its mark on her appearance and demeanor in public. Duchess Kate has developed excellent taste, which helps her highlight her strengths and cleverly hide her flaws.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

Mira Sorvino

Star of the 90s, Oscar winner, once the muse of Quentin Tarantino, today Mira Sorvino is a happy wife and mother of four children. She starred in films of a completely different level, and it is unknown how the actress would change if she remained in the camp of A-list stars. But, apparently, Mira is quite happy with her appearance, as is her husband, who is 15 years younger.

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Kate Middleton

The Duchess of Cambridge is often accused of insufficient grooming, out-of-date makeup, and early aging, because with her capabilities she could look much better. Kate’s thin lips, of course, do not bother anyone, because this is one of the features that emphasizes the discreet aristocratic nature of her character.

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Corners down

People with such a curve in the mouth line are generally closed and do not strive to communicate. In most cases, they have psychological problems associated with their own dissatisfaction. Since negative experiences in life cannot be avoided, they leave an imprint on such people in the form of drooping corners of the mouth. Also, such individuals are characterized by inflated self-esteem and egocentrism. When you see a man of this type, you get the impression of his poor health. A woman with such corners of her lips turns out to be persistent, hardworking and diligent in her work.

Focus on communication

When communicating, you need to pay attention to the person’s facial expressions. Based on the statements of physiognomy, the lips of an unemotional person move slightly. If during communication there is a feeling that a person’s face is completely moving, then this indicates a hot-tempered emotional personality.

It is quite simple to identify an individual with a sense of superiority and self-confidence. When talking with such a person, you can notice how he curls his lips. Such people have a bad character.

You can judge a person’s emotionality by the line of their lips closing. A straight line indicates calmness, and a wavy line with a developed nasolabial fold indicates excessive temperament.

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