Clinic "Pulse" in Arkhangelsk: services, reviews, official website

The plastic surgery clinic in Arkhangelsk puts the preservation of the individuality of the patient at the forefront. For more than twenty-seven years, the medical center has been accepting patients and providing services at the highest level. Representative offices of the Pulse clinic have been opened in Arkhangelsk, as well as in Vologda and Cherepovets. The center is also a base for practice for students of the Medical University of Arkhangelsk. Final year students have the opportunity to attend operations performed by highly professional specialists.

Plastic surgery services provided

The clinic provides a wide range of services. Among them are:

  • breast enlargement;
  • breast reduction.

For breast augmentation, specialists use exclusively the highest quality American-made implants. Breast lifting is also possible in the operating room; in professional language, such an intervention is called mastopexy.

A visit to the clinic begins with a consultation with a specialist, during which the doctor learns the patient’s wishes and also conducts an examination. When a positive decision about surgery is made, preparation for plastic surgery occurs. Breast reduction or enlargement surgery takes on average no more than three to four hours. After the operation, patients remain under medical supervision for a short time. Also, after discharge, doctors continue to monitor the process of the rehabilitation period. According to experts, the final result is achieved a year after plastic surgery.

In addition, the clinic provides a wide range of facial plastic surgery services, namely:

  • forehead lift;
  • otoplasty or ear correction;
  • correction of eyebrow position;
  • blepharoplasty;
  • nose correction or in other words rhinoplasty;
  • rejuvenating procedure SMAS-lifting.

Experts recommend simultaneously performing both SMAS lifting and removal of excess fat deposits under the chin, if any. The effect of the procedures lasts up to fifteen years.

Facial plastic surgery allows patients not only to improve aesthetic proportions, but also to get rid of complexes, improve their personal lives, climb the career ladder, and not experience inconvenience in various life circumstances.

About company

Today, in search of a recipe for eternal beauty and youth, we are increasingly thinking about plastic surgery. The Pulse Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology Clinic considers its main task to be the preservation of the patient’s individuality, where nature is not the enemy, but the main assistant. You can talk a lot about the specifics and technologies of the Pulse plastic clinic, but there is nothing more important and interesting than the impressions of the clinic’s patients themselves.

Is giving your patients a feeling of happiness for twenty-seven years, changing their lives for the better, listening to kind words addressed to you - the lot of the chosen few? Perhaps, if we add to this professionalism, love for our work and sincere attention to our patients...

How it all began Much of what exists in modern Russia began in the 90s of the last century. In January 1990, a department of medical cosmetology was established at the second dental clinic, which included departments of therapeutic and surgical cosmetology. But already in 1999, the young doctors of the department decided to work independently. “There were several reasons,” the chief physician of the clinic, Viktor Kozlov, shares his memories. “Decisions, like in any Soviet institution, were made slowly, but everything around was changing very quickly, there was no time left for thinking. We were young and ambitious. What gave us confidence in our own abilities was the desire to prove to ourselves and others that we could become different—independent, work more and earn more.” This is how the first plastic surgery clinic in the region, “Pulse,” began operating.

Plastic surgery: whim or necessity? Here is what Viktor Nikolaevich thinks about this: “Plastic surgery has the power to help a person improve his appearance, correct congenital or acquired defects. Such changes will help someone save their family, someone to climb the career ladder, someone to get rid of their complexes. Seeing external changes, a person changes internally and experiences a huge amount of positive emotions.”

The most important secret Arkhangelsk is a small city, here, more than anywhere else, an impeccable reputation is important, which is not easy to earn and maintain. I dare to hope that our clinic has it. And its guarantee is the professionalism of the entire team. That's the whole secret: people and their competent work. The clinic is operated by such wonderful doctors as the head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the SSMU Alexander Uzbekovich Minkin, Alexey Robertovich Kalashnikov, cosmetologist Elena Nikolaevna Stepanova and cosmetologist Inga Valentinovna Terletskaya conduct consultations. Since its foundation, the clinic’s elder sister, Zoya Vladimirovna Buzhan, has been at the clinic and calls “Pulse” her home. In a word, all 16 people working in the clinic, their experience is the most important secret of which the chief physician, Viktor Kozlov, is proud.

Over the years of existence of the Pulse clinic, a friendly team has formed here. Each of the doctors is a high-class specialist. The head of the clinic considers fairness and respect to be the basis of working with people, so the doctors work here with pleasure.

Thanks to excellent specialists, the Pulse clinic is popular not only among Arkhangelsk residents. People come for operations from the region, as well as from Moscow, the near abroad, from Norway, the Baltic states, the USA, Israel, and Canada. Every year there are more and more clients. Nonresident patients are attracted by relatively low prices and qualified specialists. Representative offices of the clinic have already been opened in Vologda and Cherepovets.

The head of the clinic, Viktor Kozlov, plans to expand and open branches in other cities. And, of course, training a new generation of specialists. "Pulse" is already the clinical base of the Northern State Medical University. Students come to practice, and here they have a unique opportunity - to attend operations performed by famous doctors. When to go to an appointment The indication for a visit to a plastic surgeon is not age, but the changes that have occurred in your appearance and the presence of defects. Unfortunately, when choosing a clinic, many are guided only by the frequency of advertisements, and this is an unacceptable mistake. Before scheduling a visit to a doctor, make inquiries about him: find out what his work experience is, collect recommendations. Inquire about the license for services, doctors’ certificates, carefully read the contract and consents, explain all the questions you have with the doctor. Don’t be shy, because you are putting the most precious things in the hands of doctors - beauty and health.

Cosmetology services provided

In addition to plastic surgery, the Pulse clinic in Arkhangelsk also performs cosmetic procedures.

Procedures are performed on both the face and body. The range of services aimed at improving the aesthetic component of the face includes:

  • massage;
  • peeling;
  • mesotherapy;
  • removal of warts;
  • thread lifting;
  • moisturizing and cleansing masks;
  • shaping and tinting eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • mesothreads

Body treatments provided:

  • PDO threads;
  • carboxytherapy;
  • body peeling;
  • various types of massage;
  • wax depilation.

All procedures are performed under sterile conditions by highly professional specialists who have been working in the clinic for more than ten years. Very often, the organization pleases its patients with various promotions for cosmetic procedures. These could be discounts or gifts that include additional procedures.

Official site

The Pulse Clinic in Arkhangelsk has a convenient, functional website with good navigation and a clear interface.

The website lists all the services provided at the plastic surgery and cosmetology clinic, as well as a price list that anyone can view. In addition, anyone can ask a question of interest to which they could not find an answer. Experts answer questions.

A special section of the official website contains reviews from patients of the Pulse clinic in Arkhangelsk. However, it completely lacks information about the specialists working in the institution.

The official website of the organization is also available in a version for the visually impaired.

For many years, the Pulse Clinic has been a leader in the market for providing plastic surgery and cosmetology services in Arkhangelsk. Patients have been turning to trusted specialists again and again for many years. According to the director of the clinic, the most difficult thing in a small town is maintaining one’s own reputation at the proper level, but Pulse manages to do this.

Medical-surgical center "Pulse" Arkhangelsk

Please tell us about how you chose your profession.

In the army, back in the Olympic 1980s, he decided to become a doctor. Moreover, without hesitation and options. I was lucky to serve near Moscow in Khimki and in the medical unit as a medical instructor. I understood immediately, I don’t know which organ: skin, heart, liver, or maybe all at once, that I wanted to be a doctor! It is mine! Before me, no one in my family followed this path, but after me, a strong family movement with a medical focus was formed. I'm happy with this.

Please tell us about yourself as the chief physician.

I have already spoken about the beginning of the dynasty, now about the development in cosmetology and plastic surgery. Again, for the first time in the region, we were lucky to be at the origins of the organization of beauty medicine in the Arkhangelsk region. It was exactly thirty years ago in 1990. Margarita Kimovna Shepeleva and I started it all. As a leader, others can say about me, perhaps better than I can about myself. What is important to such a narrative is the fact that we have been working for thirty years, having gone through so much...!!! I try to be demanding but fair. I consider it important for me to correctly form an effective team, where professionalism is at the forefront. It helps in my work that I have gone through all the steps of the career ladder, so to speak: from orderly to manager. And now I am actively operating, which greatly helps to understand the essence of the clinic’s problems from the inside. I consider it obligatory for myself to attend all respected congresses, symposiums, webinars, i.e. where the necessary up-to-date information is available. Learn, comprehend new things by any available means.

Do you have a personal recipe for success? Tell us about it.

I believe that success is possible only when the goal is set correctly. Among several, it is necessary to correctly prioritize. Methods for achieving the goal must be thought out to the smallest detail. Consistency and perseverance are important to achieve success. Bring your plans to completion, don’t give up, be able to solve problems that arise, and if necessary, approach the solution differently. Getting the desired result is important. It is important to be aware of all the daily activities of the clinic. Give assistants the opportunity to do their work, not interfere with them, but control all responsible processes. To create the right working environment in the team, because we spend a lot of time in the clinic and should come here with pleasure. There are many more things that determine success, but these are the main ones.

What could you tell about yourself outside of your profession - interesting facts or actions?

I don’t know how to list them. A lot of everything. Sometimes I regret that I can’t try this, that, and that... For example, control a sailing yacht or learn to pilot an airplane. After all, you need to devote yourself to this, without being distracted by such a seemingly trifle as work. Kidding. I love my family and friends. I feel good being with them. What to do with it? It's easy to come up with. I love being with my Shibu Inu dog. This is my close friend who has been helping me move actively every day, without making allowances for the weather, systematically for 10 years. I really love to travel. There are many places where I have been, but even more places where I have not been. We need to catch up. Moreover, my favorite way is road travel. Leave your hometown on the edge of the earth and travel around half of Europe through Moscow and Belarus. It's nice to be an ordinary European without being tied to one hotel. My home, my fortress - my car is always with me. I love doing video shooting and film editing. Sometimes I ask myself: “Shouldn’t we take aim at William, you know, our Shakespeare?” But no. Early. We will limit ourselves to home videos, films and clips for friends and family. I love reading. But I catch myself that it’s becoming less and less frequent. Nowadays I get information more often from the Internet. I also like to cook, but depending on my mood and inspiration. Sometimes you watch a cooking video by Ilya Lazerson and feel the need to cook something like that. I love music. But yours. From that time. Modern too. But good in my opinion.

If you caught a goldfish, what three wishes would you make?

I don't think I'll be original in this answer. After all, the essence of a normal person is the same and the desires, accordingly. Therefore, health is of paramount importance. Health of family, loved ones and friends. And physical, and moral, and spiritual. Well, yours, too, here. The topic of health can be continued indefinitely, citing proverbs, sayings and other evidence. Therefore, briefly and clearly: health. The second wish is more difficult to come up with, but it is there. Since I have been doing my favorite job for thirty years, I created a clinic, I put a lot of effort into its work, I would like everything to continue and develop. Well, thirdly... It may be trivial, but this is the desire for peace in the whole world. This generalizing concept includes the health of my Russia: economic and political and, as a consequence, social. This concerns the world order throughout the entire earth. I’m just afraid that the fish will have problems with the execution. All this is not easy, especially on a large scale.

Let's imagine that you were able to use a time machine. What moment would you like to change in your life?

I would value time more. I would have been more active in developing the clinic; I would not have tried to do everything myself, attracting the potential of other people. But, again, everything has its time. The development of our clinic was quite rapid and successful once upon a time. We had to solve other problems and overcome other difficulties not related to organizational processes. It was a real struggle for survival and for the right to be. We solved them then. Now we have other tasks, we know what to do and we can handle it. Therefore, I think it would be difficult to radically change something in what is happening. Unless you take into account the presence of a certain sports almanac with results for the last thirty years, if you know what I mean. But this is a classic of the genre and from a completely different opera.

What question would you like to answer yourself, but you are never asked?

The question, although common, is significant. I’m sure almost everyone asks themselves this sooner or later: “The meaning of my life.”

Let's imagine that you were invited to a 15-minute audience with the President of the Russian Federation. What would you talk to him about during this time?

Well, of course, about near and dear ones. About medicine. Working for a long time in the profession, naturally, you have to meet and communicate a lot with colleagues, people who are well versed and understand medicine, including healthcare organizations. Thus, quite naturally, an understanding is formed of how we can help make medicine better. Not just to advise, I’m sure there are plenty of advisers, but at least to discuss. What if the president listened? This also applies to the training of specialists and the opportunity for non-state structures to participate more actively in the work.

Tell me, what is medicine for you? How do you perceive it?

For me, medicine is life. I spend most of my time at work. “Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening” - I didn’t say it, but it’s difficult to express it better. I remember, as a young surgeon, I could not wait for the morning to perform the next operation, which you endlessly rehearse and perform in your mind. Getting good results becomes a habit; you want more and more. And so every day, from year to year. Medicine is like that. Captivates and holds.

How do you see the prospects for domestic healthcare?

The prospects are good. The story of the pandemic, like a kind of litmus test, has identified weaknesses, of which, to be honest, there are many. This situation can also be considered as a bolt from a seemingly clear sky when a man begins to be baptized. Moreover, being baptized is quite active. And money was found, and attitudes towards medicine and doctors changed. The proverb that nothing is valued so cheaply or costs so much as health is just right. What about training? Every cloud has a silver lining, as they say. There are so many wonderful webinars that we were able to watch for free during difficult times for all of us. Special thanks to the organizers of everything that happens. The training has become very good. If you want to become a good doctor, welcome to the club, as they say. You can even become one of the best. It's just a matter of little things: be hardworking and persistent in your pursuit. And there are plenty of opportunities, not like thirty years ago. A good doctor is in demand, and managers even have to fight for him. Great motivation in the profession when you realize that you are valued and needed. So, we are going the right way, dear comrades. And the financing will improve. Who wants thunder to rumble endlessly?

What would be your first three decisions if you woke up tomorrow as the Minister of Health?

Let's start with the fact that I don't want to wake up as Minister of Health. The task of properly organizing medicine is not a medical problem, but rather a state problem. I can only add a comment on solving a big problem. 1. More actively attract private capital. Businesses are ready to invest in medicine. To do this, it is necessary to think over a fair system of interaction between private capital and public capital. If we define the rules of interaction and discuss the rights and responsibilities of private and public cooperation, I’m sure it will make sense. It can be argued that there is a so-called public-private partnership. Well? Great. You can consider this form as the beginning of a dialogue. The rest needs to be figured out. 2. Putting things in order in the legal area. 3. More actively discuss the possibility of participation of plastic surgery clinics in the compulsory medical insurance system.

What is a healthy lifestyle in your understanding and do you actually adhere to it?

In my understanding, this means eating right and moving a lot, right. Also avoid stress, negativity around you, strive to live for the benefit of yourself and those around you. I try to stick to all of this. It’s been 10 years since I quit smoking, I go for walks a lot. My Shibu Inu dog actively helps me with this. I do what I like to do. I travel a lot by car and have visited quite a few countries. An excellent reboot, and I discovered a lot of interesting things for myself. I will also include filming and editing of videos as positive things for myself. I try to eat as I should; it doesn’t always work out, but I try. But the most important thing is a job you love.

Let's move on to the medical institution that you run. What, from your point of view, is its key difference from others?

Having started working quite a long time ago, I understand how long and difficult a path I had to go through. Experience. This applies to both management and work in the operating room. Starting from small premises in the most beautiful place in Arkhangelsk on the banks of the Northern Dvina and focusing only on plastic surgery and cosmetology. But gradually we grew out of “our little pants” and today our clinic is a multidisciplinary medical institution, where in addition to plastic surgery and cosmetology there is gynecology, general surgery, ENT department, oncology, therapy, laboratory, X-ray room, anesthesiology and intensive care department. We, our medical institution, are the clinical base of the Northern State Medical University. Modern equipment, spacious premises, professional staff, good attitude towards the patient - this is our Pulse clinic today. What's the difference? This, as I said, is considerable experience, modern equipment and techniques, and affordable prices.

What historical moments had the greatest influence on the formation of the institution that you now lead?

The very birth of our child, that is, the clinic, became possible only thanks to those trends that arose back in the 90s, when we opened. At that time it was a government agency. Very soon there will be no great state, the leading role of the CPSU will sink into oblivion, difficult times await us all. We were the first private medical institution in the North; the history of plastic surgery and cosmetology in the Arkhangelsk region began with us. This took place on January 24, 1990. For me, this is the very historical moment we are talking about. Then there was perestroika, privatization and a lot of interesting things that we can talk about another time.

I would like to ask what new things have been introduced into the work of the institution during your work?

When all of the above began, I was at the origins of the creation of our clinic, first as the deputy chief physician for medical work, then, a little later, as the head and operating surgeon. Therefore, everything that exists today did not happen without my participation. But this is not the main thing. We have a wonderful team of like-minded people. These are people who have a sparkle in their eyes and a great desire to work and develop. These are young talented doctors with whom we work in unison, as they say. There are doctors with enormous experience, who have performed thousands of operations. These are respected people in our city and recognized authorities in the profession. Plus good equipment and premises... All this creates an atmosphere of confidence and a desire to move forward.

What indicators, from your point of view, most clearly characterize the medical institution that you manage?

First of all, the quality of medical care. I have something to compare with, so I can speak about it with confidence. There are more patients, and not only from our city and our country. Expanding the range of medical care, introducing new techniques, purchasing equipment... All indicators are growing. When speaking about methods, I mean not only medical ones, but also in the field of management. Previously, everything was fine with loyal patients, but now with the increase in the number of operations, this figure is also encouraging.

What diagnostic or treatment methods in your medical institution would you consider unique?

Nowadays, even meeting the standards of equipment for various profiles of medical care is not at all easy. The mere fact that we comply with and license new types of medical care, in my opinion, is not even bad. Having a license for laboratory diagnostics, we make sure to monitor and implement everything new and modern that appears. This applies to the work of all departments where we work.

What prospects do you see for the further development of the institution in modern conditions?

There is a truth, the evidence of which I have no doubt: “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” In my understanding, you must at least want to get something in order to achieve a result. And be persistent. At the present time, achieving results is both easier and more difficult. The work criteria are very strict. And it is right. But there is knowledge and experience that helps. And it helps a lot. There is an opportunity to gain new, invaluable knowledge. Therefore, there are undoubtedly prospects for development. Our clinic has grown from a small outpatient clinic with 10 employees. This is a multidisciplinary clinic capable of operating autonomously. The perspective is technology. We will develop advanced diagnostic and treatment methods. And we are successfully and persistently moving in this direction every day.

And at the end of our conversation, what would you like to wish the readers?

As a doctor, I can’t help but wish you good health. “Nothing in life is as expensive as illness and stupidity,” said the notorious Sigmund Freud. It's hard to disagree. Therefore, wisdom and health. I wish young people to believe in themselves. Find the main thing for which we live: work, loved ones, children... Set high standards for yourself and achieve results. Patience and perseverance. And, as I already said, I am for world peace. Good and peaceful skies.

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