Expert opinion: how to use concealer correctly

What do you need for facial makeup?

The list of cosmetics that are needed to create a flawless tone may look different. It all depends on the characteristics of your skin and personal preferences, but a complete list of products is described below.

A convenient product to add to your makeup bag. Find your perfect palette!

Take the test

  • Foundation , BB cream, CC cream or cushion
  • Primer
  • Concealer/corrector


  • Blush


  • Highlighter


  • Powder


Common mistakes in using concealer

Sculpting with concealer is done with brushes or sponges . When working with your fingers, the product will be rubbed into the skin, leaving only stains, rather than creating a play of light and shadow.

Many people mistakenly apply concealer before foundation. Concealer is applied exclusively after! When working with dry skin, the concealer will create unsightly spots and the product will not blend across the face.

Do you have both concealer and corrector in your makeup bag? We choose one of the two. By applying both, we create a multi-layered thick spot on the face. The flaw will not be disguised, but, on the contrary, will attract even more attention with its unnaturalness.

Liquid concealer tends to thicken. You should not apply thick concealer to your face; it should be diluted with moisturizer.

Do not cover up a pimple with concealer. In order to hide the blemish, you need to apply the concealer tightly to the pimple, and then use a thin flat brush to treat the skin around it with an additional small amount.

How to properly apply makeup on your face?

If you are starting to learn the rules of makeup from scratch, first of all figure out in what order to apply cosmetics. See our step-by-step photo instructions on how to apply makeup on your face!


Cleansing and moisturizing

Absolutely any make-up - daytime, evening, art make-up - needs to start with preparing the skin. Cleanse your face and apply moisturizer. To enhance its effect and tone the skin, do a light facial massage with your fingertips.



Makeup base

Distribute the primer - it will prepare the skin for applying makeup and prolong its durability. We talked about how to choose your ideal product in this material.




At this stage, apply your base foundation to your skin. It doesn't have to be foundation; choose the texture and shape that suits you best. Our simple test will help you understand the issue.




If you want your facial features to look more chiseled and expressive, get contouring. In evening makeup, “full” contouring using dark and light sculpting is appropriate, and for daytime or, for example, delicate wedding makeup, light sculpting is suitable, as in the photo below.



Concealer and corrector

Hide spotty skin imperfections - redness, pimples, scars - with a thick corrector, and apply a lighter concealer under your eyes. If you are planning a bright accent on your eyes, do your eye makeup first, and only after that apply concealer so that crumbling shadows and mascara do not spoil your tone.




Blush can be dry or cream - the latter provide a more natural result. But in any case, blend the product properly so that there are no bright streaks or spots left on your face.




Use highlighter if you want to add radiance to your face, giving it a fresher and more youthful appearance. Highlighter is appropriate for both daytime and evening makeup: it all depends on the intensity of application and texture of the product. In everyday makeup, you should not use a highlighter with large shimmer particles.




Use powder and/or setting spray to make your makeup last as long as possible.


We tell you more about the different stages of applying makeup, as well as how to even out your complexion, in our video tutorial.

How to apply concealer: techniques and techniques

How to apply concealer to your face will depend on the consistency and shape of the corrective product. So, how to correctly apply the corrector depending on the form in which it is dressed:

  • A solid corrector in the form of a stick or pencil is applied directly with the product itself and then only, as necessary, shaded with fingertips.

Photo from:

  • Liquid correctors, made in the form of an applicator, are applied and shaded with a special soft brush included in the kit.

Photo from website:

  • Liquid correctors in tubes are applied using fingers, brushes or beauty blenders.

Photo from website:

  • Creamy textures, if they are very dense, are applied with your fingers. Softer consistencies can be applied using the same brushes and beauty blender.

Photo from the site:

The choice of tool for applying corrector largely depends on individual preferences. But it’s still better to cover pinpoint problems using your fingers. Firstly, your fingers will help warm up the product, and it will lie more evenly, and secondly, by tapping the product with your fingertips, you will remove excess moisture from the corrective product.

How to apply foundation?

You need to use foundation after you have completed all the preparatory procedures - cleansed your face, applied moisturizer and primer.

  • To cleanse your face before makeup, it is better not to use micellar water. Don't forget that its main purpose is to remove dirt and makeup. And if the active components, micelles, remain on the skin, they will try to “attract” a fresh layer of foundation, so the product will be distributed unevenly.
  • Wait until the moisturizer is completely absorbed before applying primer. Otherwise, problems may arise when blending the foundation.


You can apply foundation in one of three ways.



Using a sponge, you can achieve a uniform, natural coverage, and also effectively hide all the boundaries of the applied product. It is best to distribute the foundation using patting movements with a slightly damp sponge to make blending even easier. This method, however, has two disadvantages - firstly, the sponge absorbs the foundation, and the consumption of the product increases. Secondly, the sponge requires special care.



The brush allows you to create a denser coverage, so this method is ideal for creating evening makeup or if you have problem skin.

  • You can use a flat or fluffy brush, it all depends on which one seems more convenient to you. But in any case, it should be made of artificial hair: unlike natural hair, it does not absorb liquid cream.
  • Do not squeeze foundation out of the tube directly onto your brush. First, apply a couple of drops to the back of your hand and wait until the cream warms up a little.
  • If you choose a round brush, the movements should also be circular. Using a flat brush, you need to apply the product in stripes.
  • Try not to put pressure on the hand so that the movements are light.

With your fingers


It is more difficult to distribute foundation evenly with your fingers than with a brush or sponge, but the product will be spent much more economically. Place several dots all over your face and spread over the skin using patting movements. At the end, make sure that you have worked on absolutely all areas and there are no stains left on the skin.


Learn more about how to apply foundation in different ways in the video tutorial below.

Skin care before applying foundation

Remember the axiom: foundation should always be applied to previously prepared skin. Skin cleansing, toning and moisturizing are daily rituals that should not be ignored. Makeup will always look more flattering on sleek skin.

If you have an active day ahead, during a hot or very cold season, you should not neglect the primer (base, base for foundation/eyeshadow/lipstick). It creates a protective barrier between the processes occurring on the skin and decorative cosmetics. In addition, the primer prevents the premature disappearance of foundation from the face and enhances the durability of makeup. Also, using a base, you can enhance the desired effect on the skin - add radiance or, conversely, give it even more matte.

How to apply concealer?


The main task of concealer is to hide dark circles under the eyes and other minor skin imperfections (but it also has other functions).

  • Like the foundation, the concealer has a nude shade. However, it has a denser texture, and the color should not be tone-on-tone, but slightly lighter than the natural color of the skin.
  • Apply concealer with a thin faux bristle brush, the applicator that comes with it, or directly from the stick. Blend with a foundation brush, damp sponge or fingers.
  • Please note that concealer should be applied on top of foundation, not under it.


Under the eyes, concealer should be applied in an inverted triangle shape, as shown in the diagram below.



Also use concealer to highlight those areas where sunlight usually falls first: the bridge of the nose, the central part of the forehead, and the chin. This will make your face visually fresher and healthier. Apply a little product to the area near the “wings” of the nose - as a rule, this is where the fine vascular network appears.



If necessary, apply concealer locally to other problem areas - areas where there are pimples, redness or age spots.


Beauty blogger Olya Red Autumn shows how to quickly hide skin imperfections using concealer.

A few important rules before applying foundation to your face

  1. When applying foundation with a brush, apply it from top to bottom. In this case, the fluff on the cheeks will be invisible.
  2. Foundation should be selected according to the season. In winter, it is better to use creamier products that will protect against temperature changes. On hot days, it is better to choose a light cream or powder.
  3. To give your skin a beautiful glow, you can add highlighter directly to the cream or apply it beforehand under your foundation.
  4. The foundation should be applied with a special brush with high density and thickness. It is also recommended to choose artificial pile. This way you can distribute the cream more evenly.
  5. Don't neglect your moisturizer, no matter how late you are for a meeting. If you don’t additionally nourish the skin, it will quickly begin to peel off, and foundation will only emphasize this more.
  6. Remember that foundation does not replace concealer. If you do not have any special skin problems, apply the product in a thin layer, and in areas of redness you can use a corrector.

The most favorite and, in my opinion, important point is the matching of the color of the face and neck. Often girls choose a foundation based on the principle: “Beautiful foundation color” or “Under a tan! I don’t want to be pale.” As a result, we get the “lollipop” effect - the face is one color, and the neck is another. It is important that everything is harmonious and whole. Believe me, a face that is two shades darker than the neck does not look rested and fresh. A fresher-looking face is half a tone lighter or tone on tone. And the desired tanning effect is easily achieved with the help of bronzers, blushes and highlighters.

How to apply highlighter?


Highlighter is a foundation that creates delicate “highlights” on the face and thereby provides the effect of skin as if illuminated from within.

  • The texture of the highlighter can be creamy, dry or liquid.
  • It is recommended to distribute cream and liquid highlighter with your fingertips or a small artificial brush, and dry highlighter with a flat natural brush.
  • The highlighter may contain small shining particles - shimmer. This product is best used in evening makeup. But a highlighter with a delicate satin glow will also come in handy when creating a daytime look.

Advice! If you have oily skin, you shouldn't buy a highlighter with noticeable glitter; it may look like oily glitter on your skin.

  • For a detailed beauty dossier dedicated to highlighter, follow this link.

As a rule, highlighter is applied to those areas that need to be highlighted, “highlighted”. Here are the main ones.




Blend the highlighter along your cheekbones to enhance your features. It is in this area that the largest amount of highlighter should be concentrated.


Above and below the eyebrow


To balance your makeup, apply highlighter above and below your brow bone. Among other things, this trick will help visually make your eyebrows more neat and sophisticated.


bridge of the nose


Also apply highlighter along the bridge of your nose to visually narrow it. But don't add highlighter to the tip unless you want to visually shorten your nose.


Above the lip


A classic trick from professional makeup artists that will help make your lips look voluminous and sensual. Just add a drop of highlighter to the area above your upper lip.


Inner corners of the eyes

Place light translucent “highlights” near your tear ducts to refresh your eyes, and with it your entire look.


The method of applying highlighter directly depends on its texture. Learn more about each in this video tutorial.

Why foundation is not recommended to be applied under the eyes

Clients are often surprised when I explain why they shouldn’t apply foundation around their eyes. Concealers are used for this. And it's not just that there is a difference in the texture density of these two products. In addition, there is also a difference in color nuances. For example, most often the Slavic type is characterized by slight redness on the face, but at the same time the body color has a slight olive undertone. Thus, when you choose a foundation with an olive or neutral (a mixture of warm and cool) undertones, your skin color will be evened out. Concealers, on the contrary, should be chosen with a slight pink tint - all because the area around the eyes has a slightly bluish tint. And due to this game with shades, color dissonance is perfectly evened out.

How to apply blush correctly?

The rules for using foundation and concealer are relevant for any girl. But when it comes to blush, you should start from the shape of your face - it will tell you exactly where to apply it.

For oval (long) faces


Apply blush along the top line of your cheekbones, blending towards your temples. This way you will focus attention on your cheekbones - and distract it from the rounded lower part of your face.

For a round face


If you have a round face, you probably want to make your prominent cheeks look a little smaller. This is very easy to do with blush. First, apply them to the “apples” of your cheeks - to do this, smile and remember where the most protruding part is located. Next, blend the blush, trying to “move” the pigment under the cheekbones.

For a square face


Your task is to soften your facial features. Using circular motions, apply blush directly to the apples of your cheeks to shift the focus to that part of your face.

For a triangular face


To distract attention from an angular jaw, shift the focus of your makeup to the central part of your face. Distribute blush along the upper line of the cheekbones, and add highlighter here.

Advice! A tint can be a successful alternative to regular dry blush: the product provides the most natural result.

The best concealers for the face

Catrice Liquid Camouflage

The bestseller from the CATRICE brand is perhaps the best concealer for masking inflammation and other skin imperfections. The thick texture provides dense and even coverage, can be blended even with your fingers and will definitely appeal to fans of a matte finish. But the main feature of this product is its waterproof formula. Now you can not be afraid of rain and snow and be confident in your makeup!

ART-VISAGE, Miracle Touch

Let’s say “bye-bye” to dark circles, redness and fine vascular networks! The reflective particles in Miracle Touch help diffuse light and hide all imperfections. The concealer has a delicate texture that lays down in a thin layer and allows the skin to breathe. And it’s time to write legends about the composition: natural oils, minerals and antibacterial components - and all this in a small jar.

Maybelline New York, The Eraser Eye

A favorite among many, The Eraser Eye is one of the best concealers for dark circles under the eyes. It contains goji berries and haloxyl (a substance that lightens dark circles) to care for delicate skin and improve its condition. A convenient applicator with a sponge allows you to carefully apply the product to your face and mask any imperfections.

Clinique Airbrush Concealer

Do you want your skin to glow? Then this concealer is for you! Its reflective particles will improve your complexion, help make wrinkles less noticeable and disguise skin redness. Use Airbrush Concealer as a highlighter: apply it to the corners of your eyes and brow bones - ready to go to the party!

Estee Lauder, Double Wear

Double Wear concealer feels comfortable on the skin and does not dry it out, all thanks to its creamy texture that provides a coverage that is resistant to touch and moisture. Meet makeup that is flawless from morning to evening! The formula contains minerals and caring components that soften the epidermis and give it a delicate glow. Each shade of the palette easily adapts to the natural complexion, merging with it and providing flawless coverage.

Now let's move on to practice! A professional makeup artist will tell you and show you how to apply concealer to your skin and achieve the desired effect.

How to use face concealer?

Contouring is perhaps the most difficult part of creating the perfect complexion. As with blush, a lot depends on your face shape: you can learn about sculpting options for your face type here. But if we talk about the basic rule, it sounds like this: highlight everything you want to highlight, darken everything you want to hide. In any case, the sculpting scheme will contain the following steps.



The light corrector should be applied to the same areas as the highlighter. These products are interchangeable, and many beauty brands, when creating contouring palettes, include a highlighter instead of a light corrector. You can also replace concealer with a light corrector without shimmer - and vice versa.




Apply the dark sculpting product under the cheekbones and along the sides of the lower jaw. This will help make your cheekbones more prominent and your jaw more refined.


Also apply a dark sculptor along the edges of the bridge of the nose and do not forget to apply blush so that the makeup ends up harmonious.


The most important part of the sculpting process is shading. First, blend the light concealer with a sponge or brush, and then move on to the dark one so as not to get the effect of a dirty face. Make sure you blend all the edges perfectly.


The visual process of applying the sculptor is in the video of makeup artist Yulia Sizykh.

Sculpting. Tips for proper makeup

Concealer helps create a beautiful facial contour and bring its proportions closer to ideal. In this case, the concealer performs the functions of a corrective agent and a highlighter.

Using several shades of concealer allows you to advantageously highlight the desired accents on the face, darken and outline the cheekbones, add depth to the look, sharpen and narrow the nose.

Tips for correct application:

  1. When it comes to contouring, don't be afraid to experiment. There is no universal contouring technique. Only through trial and error will you find the best makeup option for yourself.
  2. To draw cheekbones, you need to draw in your cheeks and apply a dark concealer along the natural visual line from the temple to the chin.
  3. To sculpt the nose, a dark shade is applied along its sides and wings, a light shade creates a pointed, neat tip.
  4. Light concealer should also be applied to areas of the face that naturally reflect light: the forehead, bridge of the nose, tip of the nose, upper cheekbones, area around the eyes and brow ridges. How not to make a mistake with a zone? Illuminate your face with a lamp or phone flashlight; you will need to work on the lightest areas.

How to apply makeup with a concealer palette?

If a regular concealer is intended to correct minor skin imperfections, then a palette of colored concealers or color correctors (both names are found) is intended to disguise specific problems. For example, age spots, reddish or yellowish complexion, acne marks. Color correction works by having one shade literally neutralize another.

Typically, a palette of colored concealers includes several primary colors.

  • The violet color neutralizes yellowness, therefore it is effective in the fight against age spots and dull, yellowish complexions.
  • The yellow color “overlays” purple and blue, doing an excellent job of treating spider veins, bruises and acne marks.
  • Pink or peach concealer helps disguise dark circles under the eyes.
  • Green concealer ideally hides skin redness and pimples.

Beauty blogger Lena Sevelenium tells more about how to properly use a palette of colored concealers (correctors).

Types of concealers

Concealers vary in texture, shape and color. Most often we choose from these types:

  • pencil;
  • liquid;
  • cream;
  • stick.

Concealer sticks are convenient for correcting minor imperfections on the face without creating a thick layer of “plaster.” Where signs of fatigue and other skin imperfections are visible, blend the product with a brush. The shape of the concealer allows you to put it in any handbag to update your makeup throughout the day. And this beauty product is a real salvation for those who do not use foundation in everyday life.

Liquid concealers are convenient for working in delicate areas of the face (near the wings of the nose, around the eyes and lips) and hiding redness, small wrinkles, and dark circles. The light texture glides on naturally and does not allow the product to clog into pores. The “finish” can be matte or satin.

Cream concealers (or concealers in a “puck”) have a thicker and drier consistency than liquid ones. Best for hiding yellow or blue under-eyes, but can accentuate fine lines and wrinkles. Makeup artists advise applying this product with your fingers, after warming it up - this way the product becomes more flexible.

Concealer sticks are shaped like lipstick and have a creamy texture. They hide any redness, age spots, freckles and small scars. You can apply the product to spots or cover larger areas with it. The sticks are also great for natural facial contouring.

Concealer stick

Max Factor, Master touch

This concealer stick concealer is essential for creating a radiant, even complexion. It has an airy texture and a sponge-shaped applicator, which helps to apply the product evenly and blend quickly and conveniently. The concealer's formula contains light-reflecting particles that allow it to seamlessly blend into the skin.

Liquid concealer

MAC, Studio Fix 24-Hour Smooth Wear Concealer

One of the most long lasting facial concealers! It will mask inflammation, dark circles under the eyes and will last on the skin for 24 hours - enough to go to work and drop by for a party afterwards. With MAC concealer, your skin will look smooth and your tone will be even and matte. Airy texture, absence of oils and the ability to adjust the coverage from medium to dense - isn’t this a fairy tale?

Cream concealer

Vivienne Sabo, Bonjour Beaute

Bonjour Beaute creamy facial concealer is a great budget find for masking skin imperfections. The consistency is plastic, so it is distributed evenly and does not get caught in wrinkles. You can apply concealer under your eyes (to lighten bruises) or use it to spot correct blemishes. And the composition... it won our heart! It contains caring components and antioxidants that moisturize delicate facial skin and protect it from premature aging.

Concealer stick

Physicians Formula, Gentle Cover

After applying this creamy concealer under your eyes, you will immediately appreciate its high coverage. It will hide bruises, but will remain invisible on the face. It boasts a plastic texture that is easy and quick to apply and does not dry out. The formula is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic, so the product is suitable for even the most sensitive skin.

The best liquid concealers

Concealer NARS

This cult-favorite concealer is flying off the shelves for its ability to brighten and conceal dark circles without looking heavy. Bonus: It comes in over 20 shades.

Liquid concealer Diorskin Forever Undercover

Striking the perfect balance between a hydrating formula with a matte finish, this luxurious formula won't settle into fine lines and doesn't need setting with powder.

Maybelline Eraster Liquid Concealer

Beauty bloggers have been using this drugstore concealer for highlight and contour for years, but we especially love how the formula doesn't crease or settle into fine lines on mature skin.

LA Girl Concealer.

One of the best-selling concealers in recent years has been this $5 tube from a brand called LA Girl. Beauty bloggers can't get enough of the formula as it can also be used for flawless highlighting and contouring.

How to hide dark circles under the eyes? The best tips from makeup artists

Our favorite makeup artists on how to apply concealer to hide dark circles without emphasizing wrinkles.

Do I need to prepare my eyelids before applying concealer?

Elena Igradi, makeup artist and our columnist: Yes, it’s better to moisturize them. But the oils and other ingredients contained in the cream can prevent the concealer from setting on the skin. It will roll or float. To prevent this from happening, firstly, apply just a little cream. Often, the amount that is squeezed out from one press of the dispenser is a lot. Secondly, make sure that the care is completely absorbed: the skin is moisturized, but there is no cream on the surface of the skin. If there is even a little bit left, blot the area under your eyes with a napkin or sponge. The same goes for patches: apply concealer only after the serum has been completely absorbed.

Where to apply concealer?

Yuri Stolyarov, leading makeup artist at Maybelline NY : Do not apply concealer to the entire lower eyelid. Place a mirror in front of you and look at the area under your eyes. Where are the shadows and blues? Do you see the dark hollow? Where does it begin and end? Most likely, it starts near the inner corner of the eye and ends at the level of the pupil (but it varies, it’s individual). Apply concealer only where you see shadows and blues.

Take a closer look: under the eyelash edge there is a slight swelling, a kind of roller. No blue shows through. Therefore, do not get close to the eyelash edge, otherwise the look will become painful. If concealer does get there, wipe off the excess with a cotton swab.

Elena Motinova, international makeup artist at Estee Lauder : Yes, applying concealer to the entire lower eyelid is a common mistake. First of all, it should be applied near the bridge of the nose - there is an area of ​​greatest darkness.

There are no dark circles near the outer corner of the eye, but there are expression wrinkles. There is no need to apply concealer there. The exception is a small dark spot near the outer corner (not everyone has it, but some have it). Disguise it precisely so that Pierrot doesn't look sad.

How and with what to apply concealer?

Elena Igradi: Let's start with what not to do: put dots under the eyes and smear the concealer left and right. You will not be able to apply it evenly, and it will emphasize the texture of the skin and facial folds.

Concealers with a creamy texture (washers, sticks) are best applied with your fingers. The warmth of the skin makes them more flexible. Liquid ones require less heating; they can be applied with a brush (or also with your fingers).

How to apply concealer with your fingers?

Elena Igradi: Apply concealer to the center of your fingertip. Distribute it by clapping the two fingertips of your right and left hands - as if you were applauding. A thin, uniform layer will remain on them. Using the same patting movements, apply concealer under your eyes.

Yuri Stolyarov : The touch should be the lightest, as if you were afraid to touch the skin under your eyes.

Elena Motinova : The main thing is not to shade or smear. This way you transfer concealer from the area where it is needed to where it is not particularly needed. As a result, dark circles become visible.

How to apply concealer with a brush?

Elena Motinova : A fluffy barrel brush (not flat) is best. It will simultaneously shade the boundaries while applying.

Apply concealer to your hand and take a small amount onto your brush. Starting from the area near the bridge of the nose, distribute the product with patting movements, pressing in.

If you overdid it and the layer turned out to be too dense/visible, take a damp sponge and remove the excess using blotting movements.

Examples of brushes that are suitable for applying concealer:

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Posted by Annbeautystore (@annbeautystore)

Do I need to set my concealer with powder?

Elena Igradi: Depends on what concealer you use. There are two types: some are not fixed to the skin and remain mobile even after they dry. They quickly slide into facial sweetness and wrinkles. Therefore, they must be fixed with a thin layer of loose powder.

  • BB-corrector Double Wear, Estee Lauder
  • Concealer Miracle Touch, “Art-Visage”
  • Concealer Active Light, Pupa

Another type of concealer is fixative. They grip and have a strong adhesion to the surface of the skin. They can be powdered only if you have oily eyelid skin and the concealer floats. In other cases it is not necessary.

  • Matte Soft Matte Complete Concealer, Nars
  • Synchro Skin Self-Refreshing Concealer, Shiseido
  • Everlasting Concealer, Clarins
  • Long-lasting concealer Power Fabric, Armani Beauty
  • Long-lasting corrector Studio Fix 24-Hour Smooth Wear Concealer, MAC

Concealers with light coverage and light reflection are usually the first type (need to be powdered). Matte and stable - to the second (powder is not necessary). But to check which one you have, take a test. Place a spot on the skin of your wrist. After 3 minutes, run your fingertip over it (lightly, without pressing). If the concealer immediately goes to the side, it needs to be powdered. The one that is fixed will hardly budge: you can smear it, but it will take time.

  • What powder is best to set concealer?

Elena Igradi: Crumbly. Transparent or tinted - to enhance camouflage. Look for the most pigmented powders from mineral cosmetics manufacturers. They are usually called loose foundations, Mineral Foundation.

Era Minerals Full Cover Concealer

What color should concealer be?

Elena Motinova : It should match your skin tone, or be a little yellower. Yellow pigment neutralizes blue.

  • How to choose a concealer to match your skin color?

Eduardo Ferreira , International Art Director, Bobbi Brown : Apply concealer to the outer corner of the eye. Blend it with your finger, and if the shade blends with the overall tone of your face, it’s yours.

  • Sometimes it is advised to take a concealer half a tone lighter than your skin color. Is that really better?

Elena Igradi: If you have severe dark circles under your eyes, you shouldn’t highlight this area. Dark circles are slightly visible through the concealer layer. If it is light, you get a gray spot under the eyes. You don’t look fresher; on the contrary, you look tired and painful. Many people make this mistake, so I repeat: if the circles are dark, take a concealer that matches your skin color or yellower.

Exception: when the skin is fair and dull, and when trying to choose a tone-on-tone concealer, you are faced with the fact that it is too yellow or too pink for you. Then, yes, try a lighter shade.

Which is better - reflective or matte?

Olga Fox, make-up artist: If the skin of the eyelids is oily, or, in addition to dark circles, there are bags - matte. In other cases, I am for light reflection.

How to hide very dark circles under the eyes?

Anna Kartashova, makeup artist and creator of the Annbeauty brand: It happens that no matter what concealer you take, dark circles show through. And if you still manage to hide them (by layering, powdering, or a highly pigmented product), other problems immediately arise: the concealer is visible, it rolls off, floats, and dries out. If this sounds like you, then you need a color corrector.

Conceal very pronounced circles in two stages: apply a thin layer of color corrector (it will “extinguish”, neutralize the color of the bruise) plus a thin layer of concealer matching the color of the skin.

  • Which color corrector is right for me?

Elena Motinova : If the circles are blue-violet, a yellow, salmon or peach corrector should be suitable. If brown, brown-blue – light pink. Feel free to try different options in the store - you will understand which color works best.

  • Estee Lauder Double Wear color correctors have been discontinued, but they have a revealing palette
  • Pink
  • Peach
  • Yellow
  • Ultra HD Underpainting Color Correcting Palette, Make Up For Ever
  • Under Eye Brightening Corrector, Becca

How to apply concealer if you have bags under your eyes?

Elena Igradi: The presence of bags under the eyes means that the skin is thin, flabby, most likely wrinkled. To prevent the concealer from emphasizing the texture of the skin, the layer should be super thin. If the coverage is not enough, it is better to do two layers than one dense one.

A highly pigmented liquid concealer with a matte finish is best (a reflective one will visually add volume). For example – Shiseido Synchro Skin Self-Refreshing Concealer.

Synchro Skin Self-Refreshing Concealer, Shiseido

If, on the contrary, there are depressions under the eyes - nasolacrimal grooves - can they be somehow corrected?

Elena Motinova : Add a drop of liquid highlighter (without obvious glitter) to the shining concealer; it will reflect light and visually “stretch out” the sunken area. Fix with a thin layer of loose powder - this will remove excess glare and smooth out the skin texture.

Double Wear Radiant Concealer, Estee Lauder

Why does concealer slide into wrinkles, and how to avoid it?

Elena Igradi: Possible reasons:

  • You applied a lot of moisturizer and didn't get wet.
  • The concealer layer is too thick.
  • You applied it near the outer corners of the eyes, where there are a lot of expression lines.
  • Didn't fix it with powder.

Which concealers are the least likely to crease into creases and wrinkles?

Elena Igradi: BB and CC creams for eyelids. They are absorbed, and there is no coating left on the surface of the skin that could form wrinkles. But such things have a minus - very light covering power.

Eye cream CC Eye, Erborian

Is it possible to apply concealer thickly but unnoticeably?

Elena Igradi: Not at all noticeable - no. Imagine: to hide something, you need a fence. If the fence is transparent and you can't see it, it doesn't work :)

What should you apply first: concealer or foundation?

Photo: what to apply first, concealer or foundation?

Before you start creating the perfect look, you need to decide whether to apply concealer or foundation first. Using your makeup in the right order really does give you balanced coverage that looks natural and sheer.

So what should you apply first, concealer or foundation? Most experts agree that foundation should be used first. It is applied to certain areas to hide skin imperfections or narrow facial features. Only professionals who know how to work well with any product use concealer under foundation.

Photo: what to apply foundation or concealer first

How to correct imperfections under the eyes

To remove circles under the eyes, you need to apply the product in two strokes to the area under the eyes, converging at the lowest point, cover the area inside and blend.

To disguise bags under the eyes, you will need two products: a light shade and a slightly darker one. A dark shade is applied to the protruding area, and a light concealer is used to fill the depression under the bag, thereby visually evening out the volume. After applying foundation, the bags will become almost invisible.

Concealer effect

Concealer is a cosmetic product designed to disguise dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes. Its properties are similar to foundation, but have a denser texture and are designed specifically for use in the eye area.

A corrective pencil will give your face a fresh, rested look, hide signs of fatigue, and also hide cosmetic defects:

  • dark spots;
  • bruises;
  • pimples;
  • wrinkles;
  • freckles
  • moles;
  • redness;
  • spider veins;
  • enlarged pores;
  • post-acne.

Correct application of the corrector and careful shading will even out your skin tone and transform your appearance. However, not all women know how to use it correctly: most often it is applied precisely to problem areas under the eyes, without taking into account the shade and texture. In this case, the exact opposite effect is obtained.

Concealer is not used to retouch prominent defects, such as scars: it can lighten them and, as a result, will only emphasize them.

Features of applying concealers of different formats



Most often, concealer in this format is produced with a soft “plush” applicator. It’s just better to distribute it either with a sponge or with your fingertips, as if driving the product into the skin. This way it will be invisible on the skin - by the way, it is the liquid concealer that blends best, quickly absorbing into the skin.




Such concealers are thicker, more saturated in texture and therefore successfully help those with dry skin, softening it. You just need to use them in smaller quantities than liquid concealers. And shading in this case should be more thorough.


Stick, pencil

The creamy texture is the same as in the jar. But the compressed format allows you to obtain a more durable and reliable coating that reliably masks imperfections. However, again, you will have to pay a lot of attention to shading so that the product does not roll into the folds of the skin. Such concealers include, for example, the multifunctional concealer “Instant Eraser”.



This format is suitable for girls with oily skin. However, it is not recommended to apply it under the eyes in large quantities - a thin layer of film would be optimal, otherwise the product may emphasize folds and wrinkles. By the way, dry concealer is also available in a convenient pencil format.


Where to apply concealer

Makeup artists have determined how to apply concealer to the face to adjust its volume, based on the basic properties of colors. Dark shades reduce volume, light shades increase volume. To contour your face, you will need two shades of concealer: white or light beige and dark.

  1. A light tone is applied to the lower and middle part of the forehead, above the “Cupid’s arch”, on the chin, bridge of the nose, under the eyes, under the eyebrows.
  2. Dark is used to highlight the hairline, temples, and sides of the bridge of the nose.
  3. It is recommended to highlight the cheekbones with a purple shade.
  4. If you are wearing clothes with a low neckline, you need to apply concealer to your neck and chest to smooth out the transition.

The transitions need to be shaded, and then use powder to cover the concealer.

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