Motus AX Moveo - alexandrite laser for hair removal, characteristics, reviews, benefits

Laser characteristics

Before purchasing a device, experts recommend studying its main characteristics. They are presented in the list below:

  • device type - alexandrite;
  • power - 62 W;
  • wavelength - 755 nm;
  • light spot size - from 5 to 20 mm;
  • cooling method - contact;
  • resource - 20 million flashes;
  • purpose - removal of unwanted hair, scars and age spots on the skin;
  • display - touch;
  • device weight - 90 kg;
  • manufacturer - Italy;
  • Warranty period - 1 year.


Motus AX Moveo is a medical device, so it is used only by doctors with the appropriate education and diploma.


Rejuvenation using this method is carried out in the most delicate areas. Cosmetologists recommend DOT to get rid of:

  • postoperative and post-burn scars;
  • pigmentation on the hands and face;
  • withering of the dermis;
  • stretch marks;
  • wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • crow's feet around the eyes.

It is impossible to achieve the desired result in one procedure, although some improvement is still noticeable; in the end, it may take from two to eight sessions. After this, the skin will become, as before, radiant and healthy. As reviews show, photos before and after DOT rejuvenation are very different in appearance. The face ceases to be sad, gloomy and tired.

About laser technology

The operating principle of the Motus AX Moveo alexandrite laser involves selective photothermolysis. That is, melanin absorbs light energy, heats up, and then the hair follicle is destroyed. Thanks to the built-in cooling system (up to 15 degrees), the procedure is as comfortable and safe as possible.

The device is adjusted to the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin and hair in a matter of seconds. It can be used in both medical and cosmetology institutions, including private licensed beauty salons. Energy supply is controlled by pressing a button or operating a foot switch. The device is equipped with 9 nozzles with different light spot sizes - from 5, 7, 10, 15... and up to 20 mm inclusive. But safety glasses need to be purchased separately.

Pros and cons of the device

Like any cosmetology/medical equipment, the device has a number of pros and cons. So, the obvious advantages:

  • No pain or discomfort during procedures.
  • High efficiency and quick results.
  • Versatility. The device can be used on different parts of the body, regardless of hair type (fine and light or hard and dark) and skin color.
  • Multifunctionality. Motus AX Moveo is suitable not only for hair removal, but also for removing scars and age spots.
  • The presence of a sapphire tip. This provides reliable skin protection from overheating and accidental burns.
  • Minimal discomfort during hair removal in the bikini area.
  • Convenient and intuitive interface.
  • Free training and marketing support from the manufacturer.

Result: in 6-8 procedures you can completely get rid of unwanted vegetation. But, for safety reasons, a sufficient amount of time should pass between sessions. The effect lasts for several years.

There were also some downsides:

  • High cost of equipment. The device can be afforded by cosmetologists working with VIP clients.
  • In some places (especially in the armpits and bikini area) slight discomfort may be felt.

In addition, the specialist must have a medical education and an appropriate license.

The essence of the procedure

The procedure is also called fractional skin resurfacing using a laser machine. The principle of operation of this method is that the laser beam is divided into tiny beams 1.6 mm thick. As a result, an original mesh is formed. It has a very gentle effect on the surface of the skin. Around the tiny lesions there is healthy tissue. The rays penetrate into the depths of the dermis at regular intervals, thanks to which the following processes are activated:

  • collagen production;
  • metabolism;
  • regeneration.

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This leads to the fact that recovery begins to occur in healthy areas. According to reviews, DOT rejuvenation gives results after just one session. Each procedure is strictly individual, it is determined by:

  • existing problems;
  • personal characteristics of the client;
  • volume of work;
  • type of dermis.

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Instructions for use

At the first visit to a cosmetologist, the doctor talks with the patient and clarifies whether there are any contraindications to laser hair removal (a certificate from a therapist may be required). The specialist draws up a schedule for the procedures and then the following happens:

  1. A few days before the session, the client shaves the hair in the area of ​​intended treatment, avoids UV radiation and does not use care or cleansing cosmetics.
  2. The patient arrives at the appointed time and takes a horizontal position.
  3. The specialist cleans the surface of the body and applies a layer of oil or gel (for better glide of the nozzle). The procedure takes from 5 to 45 minutes.
  4. The cosmetologist cleanses the skin once again (this time from remnants of vegetation and traces of oil/gel).

The next session is scheduled after 1.5 months.


Hair grows back between sessions. If necessary, they can be shaved, but in the future this will increase the number of procedures.

A recovery period is not required, and the next day you can sunbathe without harm to your health.


The effect is noticeable after the first procedure: hair becomes significantly smaller (or disappears completely), and the skin looks smooth, toned and elastic. But in order to consolidate the result and no longer be bothered by excess hair, you need to undergo at least 5-6 sessions of laser hair removal.

Each time the effect becomes more and more noticeable. The cosmetologist prescribes the number of procedures for each individual (depending on the location of the problem area, as well as the color and thickness of the hairs).


The use of the device is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for various types of skin damage (open or non-healing wounds, scratches, etc.);
  • if there are pimples and ulcers in the treatment area;
  • in case of infectious diseases;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for cancer;
  • with varicose veins;
  • in the presence of warts, large moles and age spots in the treatment area;
  • in case of blood clotting disorders;
  • in case of epilepsy and mental disorders (only after the permission of the attending physician);
  • for cardiovascular diseases;
  • in childhood and adolescence (up to 18 years).


To make sure there are no contraindications, you must undergo a preliminary examination at a local clinic.

Patient reviews

Here are a couple of reviews from patients who have completed several sessions or a full course of hair removal:

Tatyana, Taganrog:

I completed a course of hair removal in the armpits and bikini area (10 procedures in total). I'm happy with the result, my hair doesn't grow anymore. But there are 2 significant drawbacks: high price and lack of effect after 2-3 sessions. The device is called Motus AX Moveo.

Irina, Omsk:

I had epilation on my legs before going to the seaside. No contraindications were found, everything was done quickly and smoothly, the hair practically did not grow (and the sessions were last year). During the procedures, I felt a slight tingling sensation on the skin and for 24 hours red spots remained on my legs, like after mosquito bites. Otherwise, everything is fine.

Advantages of the method

This method combines a deep thermal effect and evaporation of the upper epidermal layers with a small water content. During the procedure, an adapted CO2 laser at least polishes the skin of the face, at most it tightens it.

Reviews of DOT laser rejuvenation are exclusively described as a completely safe and gentle procedure that helps eliminate cosmetic defects. It is possible to control the number of destroyed microzones, which alternate with uninvolved microzones, as well as the depth of the targeted impact of the ablative fractional laser on the skin. The procedure is controlled by a unique scanner, which has various modes, thanks to which you can:

  • change the area being treated;
  • adjust the pulse duration;
  • avoid superimposing one microtrauma on another with the formation of overlap areas.

The presence of different modes helps to maintain a certain density of microscopic zones without gaps, constant focusing and laser radiation power when it penetrates the dermis. According to reviews, with DOT rejuvenation, only 20% of the treated surface is damaged, so the restoration of cells and the entire skin area, the formation of fresh collagen and elastin fibers occur easily and quickly.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Employees of cosmetology centers also leave reviews about the Motus AX Moveo laser:

Alexander cosmetologist, St. Petersburg

This is a very expensive device, although it pays for itself within 2-3 years. We have regular VIP clients (10-12 people), as well as their friends and relatives, to whom we offer hair removal only with this laser. They are delighted with the result and are willing to pay for quality. Other visitors are looking for cheaper options, so the Motus AX Moveo is not relevant here.

Anastasia cosmetologist, Stavropol

We have such a device in our salon, and I myself underwent hair removal using it. The effect is impressive, but the procedures are expensive. Therefore, the device sits idle most of the time. There are people interested, but not as often as we would like (at best, a couple of people every 1-2 months). If things continue like this, management will sell the equipment. It's a pity…

Fractional laser rejuvenation (DOT - non-surgical facelift)

Before my next trip to the cosmetologist, I decided to find time and write a review about such a widely advertised “panacea” procedure - dermal optical thermolysis (DOT) rejuvenation. I’ll say right away that I did 4 Fraxel procedures - on a device from the Italian manufacturer DEKA. Moreover, 3 of them were for DOT thermolysis, and I paid the last 9.5 thousand hard-earned rubles for a new procedure - DOT_rejuvenation (laser RADIO WAVE optical thermolysis). So my review will be useful for those who are looking for information about Dota .. and about the relatively new DROT rejuvenation procedure.

So, about me. 25 years, of which the last 10 years have been severe inflammation, oily skin, as a result of numerous post-acne - atrophic scars that prevent me from living with my “ugly” appearance and which I so want to get rid of.

After remission, my choice fell on a local clinic, which about a year ago offered DOT rejuvenation (read: getting rid of all existing skin problems such as wrinkles, pigmentation, uneven complexion, post-acne, and oh my God! scars) for 6.5 thousand rubles for the cheeks and 12 for the whole face. Since the problem is only on my cheeks, I went to do the procedure on them) The doctor took a photograph of me before the first procedure - she said that everything would be fine) - she smeared anesthetic ointment on her cheeks - 40 minutes under the film (to numb everything) - and off we went. The procedure was painful, I wasn’t scared. The smell of burnt skin - whoever did it will understand - is not pleasant, they move the nozzle over the face, you hear the sound of a working laser and smell YOUR scorched skin) if even the first time, I thought that there was no life left on me places...and skin...that everything has been removed. This is wrong ! a beam of controlled depth - the parameters are set at the start - you can make it so that there is not even a crust (like a re fine laser, it is very weak), or you can burn everything to the point of bloody dew. If the doctor is not a murderous maniac, then initially he makes an adequate depth of penetration of the beam, and everything will be fine. For those who are going to do it for sure, I can recommend asking to do it on more powerful parameters, the chances of success are greater. But what is considered success? But not about that. I'm ready to move everything if it works. After the procedure, the skin turns red; when you go home, it swells within a day. It swells a lot! Attention! That the scars are NOT visible... there is absolutely a tumor and a small brown crust on the skin that gradually disappears. I remember how happy I was - the swelling, if my memory serves me right, lasted for about 3-4 days the first time - and my face was smooth!! I ran to the mirror - yes, there were no scars visible! God, what a feeling it is - that everything has passed, only a person who has suffered can understand this. So, a red swollen face - no unpleasant sensations (for me) a fine mesh on the face, after the crust has gone off (this is about 4-6 days, no more, and this time will be reduced. for the first time the face was very red... on the third, 5 days passed and there was practically no redness). The operating principle of the DECA laser is a small network of laser pulses that should stimulate the production of your own collagen and “burn” all skin imperfections. So, apart from the mesh, which did not cause me any inconvenience personally, and a small tumor, there were no undesirable consequences. Absolutely smooth face.

A week later, everything returned to its place. The redness of the demarcation line (the difference between the skin where it was done and where it was not done __) remained, and the scars returned to their place.

I repeated it 2 more times at intervals of half a year. There is no effect. The tumor, the apparent cure - it all disappears. In a week, someone says in a month.

I just wanted to warn girls, young people suffering from the same problem, looking for a solution - that Fraxel will not get rid of scars. As they say on the Internet, only grinding under anesthesia, up to the very papillary layer of the dermis, may help, I haven’t done it. To be honest, I’m afraid to do it because anesthesia doesn’t impress me. So, neither peelings (I did TCA a couple of times, nothing at all, it greatly provokes inflammation) nor Fraxel will help. Moreover, it is very expensive. To be fair, I will say that there is an effect of renewed skin - my pores are not wide, I don’t know how it works - but it doesn’t work on scars on the cheeks... just a peeling effect after a tumor)) I don’t know how to say it. That's all.

If you still cling to this opportunity to get rid of scars (if there are any, especially deep ones), you think that it will definitely help you, there is only one piece of advice - do it at the maximum parameters that your doctor will allow you, take care of your skin accordingly as the doctor says after the procedure. Perhaps without trying, you won't be convinced.

My resume is like a procedure for removing scars - rating 1. So widely advertise something that cannot help get rid of scars... and be so cruelly disappointed.

Ps It turned out to be a lot of text, next time, or in the next topic, I’ll write about DROT rejuvenation... I did it out of desperation (nothing else will help anyway), again, widespread advertising of a completely new procedure. And from the desire to do at least something to get rid of scars...

Please do not judge strictly, this is my first review. If you have any questions, write and I will answer.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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