Adventures of Bigfoot: hair removal experience with alexandrite laser Candela Gentlelase Pro

Alexandrite hair removal is a method of contactless removal of unwanted hair using laser beam energy with a wavelength of 755 nm.

The Alexandrite laser affects cells with the dark pigment melanin, which is found in the hair, hair follicles and skin. The energy created by the laser beam is absorbed by the hair follicle, after which it is heated and destroyed. Laser treatment not only helps remove hair, but also significantly slows down its growth, since under the thermal influence of the laser, the capillaries that nourish the hair are sealed.

Areas where hair removal is performed with an alexandrite laser

  • facial hair removal - forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, sideburns, cheekbones, upper lip, chin, cervical-chin angle, neck and ears;
  • hair removal of the arms - forearm, elbows, hands, wrists and fingers;
  • epilation of armpits;
  • chest hair removal for men;
  • epilation of the back – area of ​​the shoulder blades, sacrum and lower back;
  • belly hair removal;
  • epilation of buttocks;
  • bikini hair removal – hair removal along the underwear line / intergluteal area, groin area and inner thighs;
  • hair removal of legs - thighs, legs, knees;

Hair removal with alexandrite laser
Full face (cheeks, sideburns, upper lip) not including the cervical-chin angleRUB 4,700 RUB 2,300
Zygomatic region in men2200 RUR 1100 RUR
Full face for men5600 RUR 2800 RUR
Face + sculpture of the cheekbone contours of the beardRUB 6,500 RUB 3,250
Full face + cervical-chin angle (men)RUB 6,900 RUB 3,450
Cheeks and sideburnsRUB 3,100 RUB 1,550
Bucky1700 RUR 850 RUR
Between the eyebrows900 RUR 450 RUR
Forehead1000 rubles 500 rubles
Neck (back surface) in men1800 rub 900 rub
Neck (posterior)1500 RUR 750 RUR
Neck and cervical-mental angle (anterior surface)1500 RUR 750 RUR
Ears1000 rubles 500 rubles
Stomach3800 RUR 1900 RUR
Abdomen and flank areasRUB 4,700 RUB 2,350
Upper lip1500 RUR 750 RUR
Chin1200 rub 600 rub
Linea alba1200 rub 600 rub
Armpits (both)RUB 2,700 RUB 1,350
Chest area (neckline)RUB 4,200 RUB 2,100
Chest area (men)RUB 7,600 RUB 3,800
Areolas (both)1400 rub 700 rub
Lumbar (one third of the back)RUB 4,700 RUB 2,350
Full backRUB 14,600 RUB 7,300
Full hands (one hand)RUB 6,600 RUB 3,300
Arms from hand to elbow (one arm)RUB 3,400 RUB 1,700
Arms from elbow to shoulder (One arm)RUB 3,600 RUB 1,800
Fingers (women) (one foot)550 RUR 275 RUR
Fingers (men) (one foot)650 RUR 325 RUR
Toes (women) (one foot)450 RUR 225 RUR
Toes (men) (one foot)550 RUR 275 RUR
Bikini zone "Classic"RUB 3,800 RUB 1,900
Bikini zone "Deep"RUB 4,900 RUB 2,450
Bikini zone "Full"RUB 6,900 RUB 3,450
Men's intimate hair removalRUB 6,700 RUB 3,350
Intergluteal space (men)RUB 2,800 RUB 1,400
Thigh (one thigh) of a womanRUB 4,600 RUB 2,300
Thigh (one) menRUB 4,800 RUB 2,400
Shin (one shin) (including knees)RUB 3,300 RUB 1,650
Gluteal region (one side) of a womanRUB 2,300 RUB 1,150
Gluteal region (one side) menRUB 2,600 RUB 1,300
Intergluteal region (women)RUB 2,300 RUB 1,150
Trimer treatment before hair removal (small area: face, neck or hands, etc.)1000 rub
Trimer treatment before hair removal (large area: lower leg, thigh, back, or arms, etc.)2100 rub.


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Benefits of laser hair removal

  • Low level of pain during hair removal compared to other technologies
  • Fast and comfortable procedure for the client
  • Absence of ingrown hairs, as well as treatment of existing ingrown hairs
  • Maximum targeted effect on the hair follicle
  • Does not violate the integrity of the skin
  • Performing the procedure by qualified specialists eliminates the appearance of burns, scars and cicatrices.
  • Laser hair removal can be performed on any area of ​​the face and body

Indications for alexandrite hair removal

The main indication for hair removal using an alexandrite laser is the patient’s desire to get rid of hair. Thus, in most cases, patients turn to this procedure to solve aesthetic problems. However, alexandrite hair removal also allows you to solve a number of medical problems that entail not only the psychological discomfort of the patient:

  • Excessive growth of dark, long and coarse hair in women (hirsutism);
  • increased hair growth (hypertrichosis);
  • ingrowth of the free edge of the hair into the skin.

Reviews about alexandrite laser

Evgeniya 33 years old, Moscow

I decided to write about my visit to the salon and the service received there. In general, I tried laser hair removal for the first time ten years ago (if not more). Back then, the area to be epilated was measured with a ruler and the cost was calculated based on one square centimeter. Then I didn’t feel any special effect - it seemed as if my hair had simply been shaved off with a laser. Now this procedure has changed a little - the cost is calculated based on the area being epilated or on the number of outbreaks. It's different in every salon. I always pay in total for the zones. The laser hair removal procedure itself is not a ticklish procedure. But personally, I’m ready to endure the pain for a month and forget about the razor, because it causes particular irritation to my skin. Below I publish a photo of the module itself, which is used for hair removal, the chair and glasses that were used to put me on.

This is the laser hair removal device itself - the Lazest alexandrite laser. On it, the doctor sets basic parameters, such as power, spot size, etc.

So, as I already said, the laser hair removal procedure is a procedure that can be painful. It all depends on the epilation area, the distance of the cooling unit hose and the power. The more power, the better the effect, but also the more options to feel the pain. Therefore, you should not do the procedure before your period, because at this time the pain threshold decreases and the procedure is more painful. It especially hurts in places like a deep bikini. In this place, to smooth out the pain, I use EMLA anesthetic cream. It is applied about an hour before the procedure at home or in the salon and the body is covered with film. You can ask your doctor to use Lidocoine. It works much better than Emla. In general, during the procedure it is better to focus on the cooling unit, this will help you endure the pain. An important point is that the skin should not be tanned. You should also not sunbathe for the next two weeks after the procedure to avoid pigmentation and burns! After the procedure, be sure to use sunscreen with a high degree of protection. If the skin is slightly dark, the doctor will do test flashes on a small area of ​​the skin and look at the skin's reaction.

The next point is that between procedures you should not pull out hairs or perform any hair removal. It is necessary to use a razor, or better yet, a depilator, since with a depilator the hair will not be restored as much as with a razor, because depilators dissolve the hair, and a razor cuts it at a certain angle. If you break this rule, your hair will be completely restored and there will be no result from hair removal. After laser hair removal, hair does not fall out immediately, but gradually. Minimum - a week if the hair is thin. If you're fat - two. This happens to me on my shins - when the old hair has not yet fallen out and stumps stick out, and in some places new fluff is already emerging. On my hands, I don’t even notice how they fall out on their own. After the procedure, it takes some time for the red dots to go away. Even after a week, dry “scratches” may remain - marks that resemble small scratches. One day ELOKOM cream helped me a lot. I had the procedure done just before the New Year and already

I was ready to give up the open dress, but this cream performed a real miracle! The main thing is to apply it immediately (!) after the procedure. And as standard products after hair removal - cream “Rescuer” or “Panthenol”. But they don’t help that well, and “scratches” still appear. But in terms of action, I didn’t notice any difference between them. By the way, the hair on my arms is thick, and therefore the power is set to high, for greater efficiency.

Milena 21 years old, Moscow

The fight against unwanted hair on the face and body began when I was at most 15 years old. And I honestly admit that I envy women who have not encountered such a problem.:) My hairy areas are my arms, legs and face. If you can simply shave your arms and legs or apply depilatory cream, then I don’t think this is appropriate on the face. At first I solved this problem with hydrogen peroxide. That is, she simply bleached the hair above her lip. But you must admit, thick, even if white, fluff has never made anyone look good. For the last year and a half, I have been removing my mustache using laser hair removal. I have resorted to laser and photo hair removal before, but I was extremely disappointed that there was simply no result from it, even the slightest. In the first case, I had the feeling that my hair was simply cut off with a laser, it was prickly and came off quite quickly, and in the second case, the hair was not even cut off, after quite painful outbreaks, nothing changed on my face, the hair remained in its place, it did not fall out neither in a week, nor in a month... This time I went to have laser hair removal because of an acquaintance, so to speak. My best friend visited the clinic on Korolenko, had an ultrasound there, and saw an advertisement for a laser in their clinic. I did 3 procedures and am very satisfied. She did exactly what I needed, in the upper lip area. The result was obvious - the mustache was really gone! This became an incentive to put hydrogen peroxide aside and make an appointment. Many who decide to undergo laser hair removal expect that after doing a dozen procedures, the problem of unnecessary vegetation will become a thing of the past, but this is not so... This procedure must be done regularly for several years in order for it to be of any use. Over time, there will be less and less hair and it will become thinner and less noticeable. This is the advantage of laser hair removal over shaving, tweezing, waxing and electric epilator. Hair removal is also different - alexandrite, diode and even neodymium (for dark skin). I already knew that laser hair removal also has its disadvantages: Firstly, it is a rather painful procedure. You won't be able to relax on it. The skin burns very much from the laser shots, and it is especially painful near the nose and lips. Secondly, not all hair can be removed. If the hair is very light, then the laser simply will not work on it. Thirdly, laser hair removal cannot be done if the skin is tanned, because there is a high risk of burns and after the procedure, again, you cannot sunbathe due to the risk of skin pigmentation. And fourthly, of course, the price... You have to pay for the beauty and smoothness of the skin.

At the Alexlaser salon, at least the problem of pain has been solved. There is a cooling system with air, not gel, and there is no pain or discomfort from the gel on the body. Dear girls, if you are doing hair removal in the summer, then for at least 2 weeks after the procedure we apply a cream with spf 30, or better yet 50, to this area. The facial hair removal procedure itself takes a maximum of 5 minutes, if we are talking about hair removal above the upper lip. Before the procedure, the powder and foundation are removed, special glasses are put on and off you go :) A couple of hours after hair removal I had redness from the laser flashes.

The main result is no hair. Over the course of a couple of weeks they will grow back and fall out. At first, the cycle from the procedure itself to hair regrowth was 3 weeks, after half a year it is already 1.5 months. I really hope that sooner or later my mustache will leave me forever! Despite the minor disadvantages, I recommend the procedure and will continue to do it myself.

Yuldus 46 years old, Moscow

I made an appointment at a salon near my home to finally try laser hair removal on alexandrite. The main thing is to check whether the salon has a medical license, so that later there are no problems with possible burns or other troubles. I learned a few important things about hair removal itself. Laser hair removal affects the pigment, and therefore the laser does not work on gray and blond hair, and diode hair removal also leaves burns on tanned hair. That is why you should not bleach your hair before the procedure and sunbathe. The ideal option for alexandrite laser hair removal is black hair and white skin. ) From my own experience I can say that after 3-4 procedures your hair will not disappear, all this information is just a publicity stunt. BUT with regular laser hair removal procedures you can really achieve good success. I want to say that I am dark by nature, and accordingly, my excess hair is dark. After about a year of regular procedures, I completely got rid of hair on my legs. And this is not the only zone in which I achieved real results, most likely because I did it more often than other zones. Bikini hair growth has also slowed down noticeably. The hair on my upper lip has completely disappeared. After the first procedures, the hair grew quite quickly, and it seemed to me that this whole procedure was a waste of time and money. But I didn’t stop because I didn’t have much of a choice. As a result, over time, the fluff became thinner, softer, and then reduced to a few hairs. And I even went to remove this hair with a laser. I never pulled them out, I just trimmed them with nail scissors. I did hair removal less often. As a result, there are none now. But even so, the doctor sometimes goes over this place. By the way, I did the procedure on my face in the summer - there were no burns or spots, and there was no redness anymore. A couple of times a year I do limbs (arms, legs) and a bikini with armpits: once before the summer, when the skin has not yet tanned, the second time before the New Year, when the tan has completely subsided from the skin. By the way, it is better to do laser hair removal when the hair is just starting to come out, i.e. in the active growth phase, i.e., do not wait for it to recover. The effect will be better. I did this on my face, and now there is no hair there. And the result is noticeable on a bikini. Girls, if the doctor said that you need to come back in 5 weeks, then that means 5 weeks. Not 6-7 and not 4, but 5 weeks. And another important piece of advice I want to give is to only go to one doctor. It will indicate your pain threshold and other parameters of the procedure. A little about the salon. The equipment, like the salon itself, is new. They have a License, which finally convinced me to visit them. I don’t understand those who go to a hairdresser, salarium and hair removal in one place. I have a permanent doctor - Candidate of Medical Sciences. Learned a lot about facial skin care. I do peelings, but that's a completely different story.

Olya Roches 27 years old, Moscow

My problem since I was young has been dense vegetation! In my area where I live there are a lot of different beauty salons that do laser hair removal, and there are even some who do it at home. I clearly decided for myself that I WILL NOT do laser hair removal in a beauty salon! Only where there is a medical license. I found the website - in principle, everything was arranged according to the prices, and the first thing I asked about the license, they told me there was one (naturally, I didn’t take his word for it and upon arrival at the center asked to show it :)). I made an appointment at a time convenient for me and arrived at the address. Really a medical center, really with a license, and my acquaintance with this wonderful laser “named” Alexandrite began! Girls, this is just an incredibly modern laser, which is aimed directly at the bulb, and not at the skin, unlike the diode laser, which all salons are filled with. There was no pain at all, no discomfort or other repulsive factors either. The session lasted 40 minutes, but it seemed to me that it was literally an instant)) The result was really NOTICED after the first procedure, I made an appointment immediately, I will go next week. I highly, highly recommend the alexandrite laser! Don’t look at what you can find cheaper on a diode, these pennies in the price difference are not worth it!

Thanks to the Alexalazer staff! Good luck and prosperity and see you soon!))

Maria 23 years old, Moscow

The best laser I have ever encountered! Laser hair removal on it is so effective and comfortable that it’s hard to believe! I have a sad experience with a diode laser - I developed a wild allergy to the gel that is used to cover the skin before hair removal. And the feeling is disgusting, like an ultrasound! And on alexandrite everything is somehow “adult”, without these snot. Another undoubted and huge advantage of laser hair removal using an alexandrite laser is speed! Compared to a diode laser, it is at least a third faster, and in some areas even 2 times faster. It is clear that a lot still depends on the doctor who does it, but at AlexLaser the doctor is fast and careful!

Konstantin I. 35 years old, Moscow

My beard, my sadness! I constantly suffer because of my beard, or rather some semblance of this name. The hair grows very poorly, I’ll even say it differently, the hair grows very well, quickly, long, but not over the entire surface of the beard. The dream of all my youth to be a bearded man, to go to a barbershop and ride a bike was already behind me, and it was necessary to solve the problem so as not to walk around with a razor in my pocket, in case you don’t get home today. Oddly enough, one friend, by the way, a bearded man, knowing my problem with a “goat beard,” advised me to go for laser hair removal. He does this procedure between the eyebrows and armpits. There is a huge variation in prices, the main thing is to choose where there is an alexandrite laser, otherwise it will be more painful, but this is painless. I searched the Internet for Alexandrite laser and found this site. The prices were more than satisfactory, because... when I was looking, I saw that they were absolutely exorbitant and suspiciously cheap. I came first for reconnaissance, but after consultation I decided to do it right away. There were 3 procedures in total and now I am Brad Pitt)) I was surprised that they did it so well, such prices, and so few reviews. I came home after the last procedure and thought, screw it, I’m not going to write, I’m wasting my time. Then my conscience got to me and I decided to write =))

Julia 25 years old, Moscow

The Alexandrite laser is one of the best devices for people like me. My skin is light, but the hairs growing on it are very dark, almost black. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the elimination of unwanted problems and side effects is guaranteed, but for this you need to contact an experienced specialist. Only with the correct settings of the laser device can you count on comfort and a decent result, which consists in removing hair without negatively affecting the skin. Having turned to a good specialist, I was even able to refuse anesthesia. A correctly configured laser acted very gently, thanks to which I was able to remove my hair quickly and without pain. Six months after the procedure, my hair does not grow, only about 5 hairs appeared, but they are very thin and do not interfere at all.

Tatyana, 30 years old, Moscow

I decided to have hair removal after a hormonal imbalance, which I was able to eliminate. However, black and coarse hairs remained on my body. After I contacted the center for hair removal using an alexandrite laser, the result was truly worthy. I was able to quickly achieve a result that suited me to the fullest. In addition, I noted that it was painless, because the laser device was always adjusted specifically taking into account my physiological characteristics. I was convinced that it is possible to remove unwanted hairs without pain. I only have 2-3 hairs left and they don't bother me. In addition, after the procedures there was not even the slightest skin irritation. I am very pleased with the result achieved. In addition, now the hair does not grow, and the body pleases with its beauty.

Angelina, 32 years old, Moscow

I, like every woman, dream of a smooth and beautiful body. However, this is not as easy to achieve as we would like. It is for this reason that I carefully studied hair removal techniques and even consulted a professional. As a result, I was able to quickly and successfully eliminate the existing problem associated with the pathological growth of dark red and very coarse hair on my body, which has an impeccable snow-white color. The Alexandrite laser has precise settings, so it can be used even in these specific situations. By following all the master’s recommendations, I was able to avoid even the slightest redness on the treated areas of the body. In addition, precise settings of the laser device made it possible to carry out the procedure without pain. Now my hair doesn’t grow, and my body pleases me with its impeccability.

Marina, 29 years old, Moscow

The hair on my body grows back quickly. I used to have to shave often, but it only made the initial situation worse. After shaving, there may be small cuts and severe inflammation. It is for this reason that I decided to try hair removal, although initially I was afraid of the consequences. I chose a technique based on the use of an alexandrite laser. If the procedures were carried out correctly and all the recommendations of the master were taken into account, it was possible to quickly and even without pain remove the existing hairs. In addition, inflammation after hair removal and ingrown hairs were prevented. I was very pleased. In addition, the beauty of the body pleasantly pleased me, because dark, coarse hairs are a thing of the past. Now, after a full course, the hair does not grow.

How does alexandrite hair removal work?

First, the doctor cleanses the skin in the treatment area(s) and adjusts the power of the device (depending on the area of ​​the face/body). If hair removal is carried out in close proximity to the eyes, the patient wears safety glasses. Modern alexandrite lasers are equipped with a cryogenic cooling system. This means that during treatment the device sprays a gas that blocks pain and protects the skin from burns and microtraumas. The patient only feels warmth and a slight tingling sensation, therefore, as a rule, no anesthetic gels/creams are used during the procedure. At the final stage of the procedure, a soothing cream is applied to the treated areas of the skin.

Comfort of epilation.

The laser cooling system, cooling gels - all these “gadgets” were initially introduced by the developers not at all for the patient’s comfort.

The main task of cooling systems is to allow the laser to operate at maximum power, transfer the maximum amount of energy to the “target” and not harm the surrounding skin.

By cooling the skin a moment before the laser flash, some of the laser energy will be used to heat the epidermis, thus avoiding burns. And the hair itself (which has a denser structure) practically does not cool and immediately absorbs heat from the laser.

And secondarily, cooling is needed for the patient’s comfort.

Note that both alexandrite and diode devices can cause pain. But according to patient reviews, diode lasers are still a little more painful, especially if you compare a simple diode device using gel with alexandrite with cryogenic cooling.

The methods by which manufacturers try to achieve the desired cooling effect in laser systems are different.

Skin cooling

The diode laser is a contact laser (in 90% of cases) , that is, the attachment with the lens is in direct contact with the epidermis.

For better transmission of beam energy to the hair root during hair removal with this type of laser, a gel is used. It is believed that it also helps to cool the surface of the skin, but the gel heats up from the skin after 10 minutes and does not cool anything!

Also, to obtain a cooling effect, the lens of the attachment itself is made of sapphire glass, which also has a lower temperature relative to the air and body. In practice, intensive cooling does not work, because the glass heats up like the gel. In addition, the gel applied to the skin must be wiped off with napkins or washed off after the procedure, which causes inconvenience for some patients.

The latest generation of uses so-called dynamic cooling. During the laser flash, a special substance – cryogen (cooling gas) – is injected onto the surface of the skin. The desired area of ​​skin is cooled, which allows the cosmetologist to work at the required parameters without fear of burning the patient’s skin.

There are air-cooled models, they are less efficient.

Cooling and shaving hair

Since the diode laser is a contact laser, its lens is pressed directly against the skin, and if there is hair on the surface, the laser will heat it up too - possibly causing a microburn. That is why the hair must be shaved before hair removal with a diode laser to avoid microburns on the skin, and also to ensure that the laser energy is not spent on “burning” the hair above the skin, but is directed directly to the root.

It is not necessary to shave hair with alexandrite devices, although it is advisable - the attachment does not press it to the skin, it burns during the procedure, and the laser energy is enough to destroy the hair follicle.

The power of the device and the presence of a cooling system play an important role in choosing the type of laser. But no matter how good the device is, it is important how experienced the cosmetologist will do the hair removal.

A survey of our patients showed that hair removal with diode lasers (with all gels and lenses) is more painful than with alexandrite lasers with a cooling system. And due to technical features, the number of procedures to achieve the desired “hair-free” effect with a diode laser is higher!

Rehabilitation period after alexandrite hair removal

Hair removal with an alexandrite laser does not involve complex restoration measures. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to follow a number of recommendations. In particular, between sessions it is prohibited to carry out traumatic procedures and additional hair removal measures (shaving, sugaring, waxing, etc.). In the first few days, you should avoid visiting a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, or open reservoirs; in addition, it is recommended to postpone taking a hot shower. For several weeks after the procedure, you should not visit the solarium or take natural sunbathing.

What lasers are used to provide services?

There are different types of equipment, and the result of the procedure is influenced by a number of parameters. First of all, it is the type of laser. Let's look at what options exist.

  • Neodymium. In this case, the tip head is made of neodymium crystal, and the wavelength is 1064 nm. Such radiation is absorbed not by melanin, but by hemoglobin, therefore, the laser is used primarily to remove vascular defects. Sometimes such equipment is also used to get rid of excess vegetation: the beam coagulates the vessels feeding the hair follicle, destroying it. However, the procedure is accompanied by pain and is ineffective compared to other hair removal methods, so it is not popular;
  • Diode. The standard wavelength is 810 nm. The method is well suited for removing thick dark hair. They fall out within two weeks after the session, so you won’t be able to achieve instant smooth skin. Nevertheless, the technique is quite popular;
  • Alexandrite. This is the “gold standard” of laser hair removal - the most effective method available. The wavelength is 755 nm. The beam is perfectly absorbed by melanin, so removing vegetation - even thin and weakly pigmented hairs - takes a minimum of time. Thanks to the cooling tip, discomfort during the procedure is eliminated. Due to its effectiveness and painlessness, alexandrite hair removal is very popular;
  • Ruby. This is an outdated variety, which, however, is still used in some salons. “Ruby” hair removal is painful and not very effective. The tip head is made of artificial gemstone, and the wavelength is 694 nm. The radiation is well absorbed not only by the hairs, but also by the skin, which can get burned as a result of the treatment. In addition, the session takes a long time due to the rare light pulses.

Neodymium and ruby ​​lasers are rarely used to destroy hair. But diode and alexandrite are the main competitors on the market.

Which one is better? To understand this, you need to evaluate such a parameter as power.

Let us remind you, just in case, that laser hair removal, like other hardware procedures, should be performed in specialized clinics. There are several reasons for this: only in clinics are qualified specialists with higher medical education at your service, high hygienic standards and modern expensive equipment that ordinary salons simply cannot afford.

Contraindications to alexandrite hair removal

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • sunburn received less than 2 weeks before the procedure;
  • excessively tanned skin;
  • varicose veins in the hair removal area;
  • decompensated forms of diabetes;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • epilepsy;
  • systemic skin diseases;
  • oncology;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the treatment area;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • acute cardiovascular diseases.

Dynamic hair removal Moveo

To understand the effectiveness of Moveo technology, let’s take a closer look at the hair removal process.

The technology is based on the principle of thermal selectivity. The hairs are able to accumulate laser pulses (energy), while the dermis quickly releases heat. This difference allows you to choose such an interval between individual flashes so that the hair maintains a high temperature and the skin has time to cool down. In this case, the radiation energy accumulates in the hairs, destroying the hair follicles, but the skin is not damaged.

During the procedure, the cosmetologist constantly moves the tip over the skin, rather than holding it at a certain distance, as with traditional treatment. Thus, the effect on each hair is intermittent. In order for the energy density (fluence) of the radiation to be sufficient to obtain the effect, the power of the equipment must be at least 5000-6000 W.

A - diode laser 800/810 nm; Only the hair follicles of thicker hair are destroyed; diffuse overheating of the skin. B — “Moveo” technology destroys hair follicles of thick and thin hair; there is no area of ​​perifollicular damage; there is no diffuse overheating of the skin.

It is important to choose the right duration and amount of energy for each pulse. It should not exceed the thermal relaxation time (TTR) of the hair, otherwise, even at the moment of the impulse, heat will transfer from the hair shaft to the surrounding tissues.

Meanwhile, the epidermis, deprived of the ability to accumulate radiation, does not heat up to critical levels - thanks to this, the risk of burns is completely eliminated, and the procedure becomes pleasant and relaxing.

Laser hair removal Moveo (Moveo)

If with conventional laser hair removal slight discomfort is possible, to eliminate which application anesthesia is sometimes used, then with Moveo hair removal there is no discomfort at all. Even the most sensitive girls can safely refuse pain relief.

Another advantage of dynamic hair removal is efficiency. Alexandrite hair removal takes little time, and with the use of Moveo technology, unnecessary vegetation is destroyed even faster than the classical method. During the course, you can safely go out into the sun and visit the beach; this technology is suitable for any photo type. Recently, "advanced" expensive diode lasers are almost as good as alexandrite lasers, and the cost of procedures using such equipment is higher than using standard diode units. But such lasers are not widely used due to their high cost. However, high-power lasers with alexandrite head and 755 nm wavelength are not inferior to the leadership position, especially when using Moveo technology. This is the best option for fast, effective and completely painless hair removal, regardless of skin color.

Comparison of different types of laser hair removal:

Characteristics / LaserDiodeAlexandriteMoveo
Dark hair removalYesYesYes
Blonde Hair RemovalYesNoYes
Skin phototypesI - IIII and IIAll phototypes
Method of influenceContactContactlessContact, dynamic
A tanContraindicatedContraindicatedAllowed
Required hair lengthShave the day before the procedure2-3 mmShave the day before the procedure
Efficiency10% follicle, hair loss within two weeks20-50% follicle, instant result, follicle loss within 2 weeks20-50% follicle, follicle loss within 20 days
WavelengthUp to 810 nm755 nm755 nm
Cooling systemMissing or sapphire crystalAir, water coolingSapphire tip
Necessity of anesthesiaTopical anesthesia is desirableFor the treatment of sensitive areas, topical anesthesia is desirable.Not required
Number of sessions6-126-106-9
Device costFrom 450 thousand rubles.From 4.5 million rubles.From 7.5 million rubles.
Restrictions after hair removalThermal procedures, tanningThermal procedures, tanningThermal treatments

This material describes what technologies are available today and which of them are most effective. You can independently evaluate the benefits of laser hair removal, including dynamic hair removal using Moveo technology, by visiting a medical clinic that provides such services.

If you have any questions, write them in the comments, I will be happy to answer them.

The effect of alexandrite hair removal

The number of hairs is noticeably reduced after each procedure. Hair removal using an alexandrite laser is one of the most effective methods for removing unwanted hair. The full effect of hair removal with an alexandrite laser lasts up to 10 years. After this period, only individual hairs appear; the vegetation is not restored in full. As an additional effect of skin treatment with an alexandrite laser, stimulation of the production of elastin and collagen, destruction of blackheads and age spots are noted.

Equipment Features

The Alexandrite laser is so called because of its main element used as an emitter - the mineral alexandrite. The first laser hair removal device with this artificially grown stone enriched with chromium appeared in 1997 in the USA. And to this day, the world leader in the production of alexandrite laser systems remains a company from the USA - Candela.

The latest generation equipment is equipped with a memory function for laser settings. They are programmed to suit the skin and hair characteristics of a specific client. A powerful optical quantum generator emits a beam with a wavelength of 700-820 nm. The light flux is sufficient to destroy the required cells without affecting neighboring tissues. The duration of the infrared radiation pulse is 2-30 ms.

The frequency of light emission from the alexandrite laser is 5 Hz. The laser beam hits the skin, passing through a micro-nozzle with a diameter of 12-18 mm. Using 1 flash, you can treat an area of ​​skin up to 2 square meters. see. Because of this, depilation time is significantly reduced.

How wavelength affects efficiency

The longer the wavelength, the deeper the beam penetrates into the tissue. This means that the target for the diode laser is melanin and hemoglobin. And the target for alexandrite is only melanin. The depth of the hair varies—some hair grows superficially, some grows deeply.

  • The diode laser allows epilation of pigmented hair (all phototypes) and removal of vascular pathologies. The 808 nm wavelength is absorbed less, but penetrates deeper and removes hair that has not even grown to the surface of the skin. That is, the client does not see them yet, but they are there and the laser will remove them.
  • Alexandrite is capable of removing hair from patients of phototype 1-2 and benign pigment formations. Penetrates better, but does not notice deep-lying hair and cannot remove it.
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